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CT Brain Image Synthesis via CycleGAN: MRI to CT Conversion

2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
CT Brain Image Synthesization from MRI Brain
Images Using CycleGAN
Kazuki Takamiya
Yutaro Iwamoto
Masahiro Nonaka
Yen-Wei Chen
2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) | 978-1-6654-9130-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCE56470.2023.10043572
Graduate School of Information Faculty of Information and Kansai Medical University Graduate School of Information
Science and Engineering
Osaka, Japan
Communication Engineering
Science and Engineering
Ritsumeikan University
Osaka Electro-Communication nonakamasa65@gmail.com
Ritsumeikan University
Shiga, Japan
Shiga, Japan
Osaka, Japan
Abstract—Medical images from multiple modalities are essential for diagnosis and effective treatment of various diseases.
However, obtaining these images separately is a time and cost
consuming task for both patients and physicians. Whereas CT
scanning also increases the radiation exposure for patients.
Therefore, generating CT scans from radiation-free MR images
is a very desirable task. Synthesized brain CT scans are useful
for obtaining cranial information that is difficult to obtain from
MR imaging but gives crucial information for brain surgery
and treatment. In this study, we propose a deep learning-based
method to synthesize CT image from MR image. We present
a cycle GAN-based method to synthesize CT brain image from
MR brain image. We also propose a novel normalization method
called as range-of-interest (ROI) normalization to emphasize the
tissue and bone regions. Using this method, the synthesized CT
image can be treated in the same way as the actual CT image.
Additionally, we evaluate the impact of intensity normalization
using three different intensity normalizations for synthesizing
MR-CT images, which is an important image preprocessing
step. Our proposed ROI normalization for CT images and
max-min normalization for MR images generate the highestquality synthetic image results, with Mean Absolute Error at
approximately 94.60 HU of the produced 3D volume of CT
Index Terms—MR image, CT image, image synthesization,
cycle GAN, max-min normalization, z-score normalization, ROI
normalization, brain image, cranium
Medical images are essential for the diagnosis and treatment
of various diseases. For example, computed tomography (CT)
provides detailed anatomic information of bones and other
structures, but CT images are insufficient for contrast of soft
tissues. On the other hand, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
provides high contrast of soft tissues, but with less anatomic
information. These CT and MRI images have different complementary information, which is crucial for diagnosis. Due
to their complementary information, combining multi-modal
medical images such as CT and MR images assists in better
diagnosis and treatment. Usually, MRI images are used as
primary modality in the diagnosis of brain diseases. However,
the identification of the anatomical information also requires
form CT image.
Separately obtaining multi-modal medical images is a timeconsuming and costly task. Whereas CT scanning technology
increases the radiation exposure to the human body. Therefore,
in medical applications, it is a desirable task to generate CT
images from MR images.
In recent years, deep learning has been widely applied for
medical imaging for several tasks. Specifically, methods based
on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved a
great success and attracted a lot of attention in the field of
cross-modality medical image synthesization [1]. Emami et
al. [2] generated CT images from T1-weighted MR images
using a GAN learning scheme with a ResNet network as a generator. Their proposed architecture achieved better results than
conventional CNN models. Wolterink et al. [3] also showed
that CT brain images can be synthesized from unaligned and
unpaired MR brain images using Cycle GAN [4].
Inspired by these work [2], [3], here, we introduce a cycle
GAN-based method to synthesize CT brain image from MR
brain image. We use paired MR images and CT images to
train a GAN model (cycle GAN) for synthesizing CT images
from MR images. We can generate corresponding CT images
from MR images (input) using the trained GAN model (cycle
GAN), and we can obtain the cranium information from the
generated CT image. Further, since there is substantial intensity variations between the MR images obtained from different
acquisition devices . Intensity normalization is an important
image preprocessing step in MR-CT image synthesization.
Though several intensity normalization methods (i.e., z-score
normalization, max-min normalization) have been used in MRCT synthesization [2], [3], at present, the selection and
determination of the optimal intensity normalization method
is still a challenging task. In addition to z-score normalization
and max-min normalization, in this study, we propose a
new normalization method called as range-of-interest (ROI)
normalization to emphasize the tissue and bone regions of
CT images. We analyze and access effects of these three
different intensity normalizations on MR-CT synthesis accuracy. According to both objective and subjective evaluation,
our proposed ROI normalization for CT images and max-min
normalization for MR images yield better synthesis results.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women. Downloaded on October 27,2023 at 05:34:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
978-1-6654-9130-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Cycle consistency loss
LY X (GY X , DX , Y, X) = Ey∼pdata (y) [log(1 − DX (GY X (y))]
Real MR
!!" #$ %&
Generated CT
!%& #$ !"
Reconstruct MR
+ Ex∼pdata (x) [log(DX (x)] ,
Lcyc (GXY , GY X ) = Ex∼pdata (x) [kGY X (GXY (x)) − x)k1 ]
+ Ey∼pdata (y) [kGXY (GY X (y)) − yk1 ] .
!%& #$ !"
Generated MR
!!" #$ %&
In (1) – (4), X and Y represent MR and CT images,
respectively. GXY and GY X represent the generators from MR
to CT and CT to MR. DX and DY indicate the discriminators
for MR and CT images, respectively. λ is a wight hyperparameter.
Real CT
Cycle consistency loss
Real CT
Reconstruct CT
B. Intensity Normalization
Real MR
Fig. 1. CycleGAN for synthesis of CT images from MR images. (a) Forward
cycle; (b) backward cycle.
The Mean Absolute Error of the estimated 3D volume of
CT images is about 94.60 HU.
A. Cycle GAN
Cycle GAN is a method of image generation with domain
translation. Cycle GAN does not require pairwise datasets
during network training. A cycle of training is followed by
the cycle GAN approach. Cycle GAN translates an image from
a domain “A” (i.e., MR) into a domain “B” (i.e., CT) during
training, and then it transfers the generated image from domain
“B” (i.e., CT) to the original given domain “A” (MR).
Although we trained the model using paired CT and MR
images, we are not able to achieve perfect registration to align
the images. Therefore, we employ cycle GAN to generate CT
images from MR images. Figure. 1 depicts the cycle GAN
employed in our CT image synthesization process. Both the
forward and backward cycles are shown in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b).
The Cycle GAN framework includes two generators and
discriminators: MR to CT (GM RtoCT , DCT ) and CT to MR
(GCT toM R , DM R ). The generators consist of an encoder and
decoder style feature extractor network with residual blocks
like skip connections to transmit the input data to subsequent
layers [4].
The loss functions of cycle GAN are shown in (1) – (4):
L(GXY , GY X , DX , DY ) = LXY (GXY , DY , X, Y )
+ LY X (GY X , DX , Y, X)
+ λLcyc (GXY , GY X ).
Intensity normalization of medical images is an important
preprocessing step in medical image synthesization. Recently,
several intensity normalization methods have been used in
MR-CT synthesization [2], [3], but at present, it is not easy
to determine what type of intensity normalization is optimal
for medical image synthesization. In this study, we investigate
and evaluate synthesis accuracy using three different intensity
normalizations (i.e., z-score normalization, max-min normalization. In addition, we formulate a novel range-of-interest
(ROI) normalization ).
1) Z-score normalization: At first, we have investigated
intensity normalization method is z-score normalization, which
has been widely used for MR image normalization. The
normalization scheme is illustrate in (5).
x0 =
LXY (GXY , DY , X, Y ) = Ex∼pdata (x) [log(1 − DY (GXY (x))]
+ Ey∼pdata (y) [log(DY (y)] ,
x − mean
where the image intensities before and after normalization
are represented by x and x0 , respectively. The mean and
standard deviation of original (raw) image are denoted by
mean and std (before normalization).
2) Max-min normalization: The second method is max-min
normalization. In the max-min normalization, the intensity is
normalized to a range of [a, b], with as shown in (6).
x0 =
x − min
(b − a) ∗
+ a,
max − min
where min and max are minimum and maximum intensity
values of the raw image (before normalization), a and b are
the lower limit and upper limit of the normalized image (after
normalization), We set [a, b] to [−1, 1] in this research.
3) Range-of-interest (ROI) normalization: The third
method is our newly proposed range-of-interest normalization,
which can be considered as an improved version of max-min
normalization. We only focus on a specific range [LL, U L],
where LL and U L are lower limit and upper limit of
the range-of-interest (ROI). The intensity of the ROI is
normalized to a range of [a, b] using (7).
x0 =
x − LL
+ a.
(b − a) ∗
U L − LL
In this study, ROI normalization is only used for CT image.
The range-of-interest [LL, U L] is set as [−600, 1800] HU.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women. Downloaded on October 27,2023 at 05:34:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
~ax, sag, cor⾯を添えて~
CT image
MR image
MR images
CT images
(a) Original.
(a) Sample 1
(b) Z-score.
(b) Sample 2
(c) Max-min.
Fig. 2. Two typical sample pairs of CT and MR images from the private
datasets for the experiments. The left figure shows the CT image, and the
right figure shows the MR image.
Note that if the intensity of the raw image is lower than
LL = −600 or higher than U L = 1800, the intensity will
be set as LL or U L.
We conduct experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of
our proposed CycleGAN framework for 3D CT brain image
synthesis from MR images. We investigate different intensity
normalizations to validate our approach.
We also evaluate the impact of intensity normalization for
MR-CT synthesizations, which is an important image preprocessing step. Three different intensity normalization methods
(i.e., z-score normalization, max-min normalization, and ROI
normalization) are used for evaluation.
(d) ROI (-600~1800HU)
Fig. 3. Examples of normalized MR and CT images. Original MR and CT
images(a), Normalized MR and CT images by z-score normalization (b); maxmin normalization(c) and ROI normalization(d).
shown in Fig. 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c), respectively. Note that
only CT image is normalized by ROI normalization method.
For MR and CT images, we have conducted 4 tests using
various combinations of normalizing techniques ((5) – (7)),
which are detailed in III-D.
C. Evolution measures
A. Data
We have used our private datasets for experiments, which
are collected in KANSAI Medical University, Japan. The
dataset contains 19 paired CT and MR brain images collected
from 18 subjects (patients).We use 15 pairs for training, 1 pair
for validation and 3 pairs for testing. Only MR images are used
as input during testing, and the corresponding CT images are
used as ground truth to assess the accuracy of the proposed
framework. Examples of the paired MR and CT images are
shown in the Fig. 2.
The reconstructed 3D CT volume and the actual CT volume
(ground truth) are compared using the Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) and Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) as metrics for
quantitative evaluation.
The MAE is shown (8) and the PSNR is shown in (9) and
M AE =
1 XN
|y(i) − y 0 (i)|,
B. Preprocessing
At first, rigid transformation is used to register the paired
CT and MR images. The slice image has been resized to 256×
256 pixels in size. Since the CycleGAN model we used is a
2D model, axial slices are used in the experiments. The 3D
volume of the CT image is reconstructed using the synthetic
axial CT slice images. All images are normalized. Examples of
normalized MR and CT images by z-score normalization ((5)),
max-min normalization ((6)), and ROI normalization ((7)) are
P SN R = 10 log10
M SE =
M AXimage
1 XN y(i) − y 0 (i) ,
where y and y 0 are original CT image (ground truth) and
synthesized CT image, respectively. N is the number of
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women. Downloaded on October 27,2023 at 05:34:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Example 1
Example 2
synthetic CT images visualized by volume rendering. Fig. 4(a)
shows the original CT images, Fig. 4(b) – Fig. 4(d) are the
synthesized CT images of experiments 2 – 4, respectively.
In experiment 1, we noticed that the CT picture cannot be
generated. Therefore, Fig. 4 does not show the visualization
results of experiment 1. The best synthesis result is obtained
by the proposed ROI normalization for CT images and maxmin normalization for MR images (experiment 4), as shown
in Fig. 4. The proposed ROI normalization on the synthetic
CT images (Fig. 4(d)) having a smooth cranium and some
information about a surgical wound. Our upcoming task will
be the synthesis of a precise surgical wound.
Synthesis of clear surgical wound will be our future work.
Example 3
(a) Original CT images; (200~1000HU).
(b) MR: z-score, CT: max-min; (200~800HU).
We proposed a cycle GAN-based method to synthesize the
CT brain image from the MR brain image. Three different
types of intensity normalizations—the z-score normalization,
the max-min normalization, and the our proposed range-ofinterest (ROI) normalization are used to assess the accuracy
of the synthesized images. According to both objective and
subjective evaluation, our proposed ROI normalization for
CT images and max-min normalization for MR images has
the best synthesis result. We also noticed that the proposed
method performs effectively on the public dataset CERMEPiDB-MRXFDG [5].
(c) MR: max-min, CT: max-min; (-100~400HU).
(d) MR: max-min, CT: ROI; (200~1000HU).
Fig. 4. The craniums of the three synthetic CT images visualized by
volume rendering, visualizing the range of the specified HU values. Results of
experiments 2 – 4 are shown in (b) – (d). The result in (d) has smooth cranium
reconstruction, but the surgical wound contained in (a) is not reconstructed.
D. Results
We have performed 4 experiments with different combination of normalization methods ((5) – (7)) for MR and CT
The experimental results are given in TABLE I.
296.95 ± 34.73
122.28 ± 7.24
148.12 ± 10.54
94.60 ± 1.47
As shown in TABLE I, the synthesis results with z-score
normalization are not good, especially for experiment 1 (when
both CT and MR images are normalized by z-score normalization). The max-min normalization for both MR and CT images
achieves the best PSNR, while the proposed ROI normalization
for CT and max-min normalization for MR images achieves
the best MAE score.
In addition to above objective evaluation, we also perform
subjective evaluation. Fig. 4 shows the craniums of the three
Authors would like to thank Dr. Rahul Jain for his kind
English proof. This work was supported in part by the Grant
in Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese Ministry for
Education, Science, Culture and Sports (MEXT) under the
Grant No. 20KK0234, No. 21H03470, and No. 20K21821
© Copyright CERMEP – Imagerie du vivant,
www.cermep.fr and Hospices Civils de Lyon. All rights
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