Reina Moves: Heaven's Wrath Stance = D1+2 Heaven's Wrath Moves = DF4-2 Hold D-1+3, Sentai stance = F3 Sentai moves = Sentai-FF2-3 (if op mashes go into 1-1), Sentai-1+3/2+4 (untechable grab), Sentai-1+2 Neutral = FF2 10f Punish = 1-1-2 13f Punish = 2-2-1, DF1-2, electrics (F-N-DF2/DF3), F2-3, DF1+2 15f Punish = DF2 Strong Lows = F-DF4, DB2, DB4-1+2, SS4 Strong Mids = F-F3 (also heat engage), F4, DF1-1, D2 Strong Highs = 3-2 (counter hit launcher), UF1 Powercrush = B1+2 Rising = WR1 Ground Raise Kick = F1+2 String = 1-1-2-1+2-4-4(Replace 4-4 with 1+2 when against the wall), F-DF4-1-1+2, UF1-3-4,