Microeconomics 214 / Mikro ekonomie 214 Tutorial 5 / Tutoriaal 5 This tutorial is provided on SunLearn with the answers due to the public holiday next week and that the tut for certain students falls on the public holiday. / Die tutoriaal word op SunLearn geplaas met die antwoorde weens die publieke vakansiedag volgende week en die feit dat sekere studente se tutperiode op die vakansiedag val. 1. Suppose production processes X and Y give rise to the following marginal and average cost curves: / Gestel produksieprosesse X en Y gee aanleiding tot die volgende marginale en gemiddelde kostekurwes: MCX = 18QX π΄ππΆπ = 24 ππ + 9ππ MCY = 6QY π΄ππΆπ = 360 ππ + 3ππ where the subscripts denote production processes X and Y respectively. / waar die onderskrifte produksieprosesse X en Y impliseer. What is the cheapest way to produce 48 units of output? / Wat is die goedkoopste metode om 48 eenhede uitset te produseer? 2. Rassie Erasmus Ltd is the only supplier of miniature world cups to the South African rugby supporters. The demand curve for these world cups is given by P = 180 – Q. The marginal cost of producing a world cup is constant at R30 per cup. / Rassie Erasmus Bpk is die enigste verskaffer van minuatuur wêreldbekers aan die SuidAfrikaanse rugby ondersteuners. Die vraagkurwe vir hierdie wêreldbekers word gegee deur P = 180 – Q. Die marginale koste om beker te produseer is konstant teen R30 per beker. What is the profit-maximising quantity, price and total revenue earned by Rassie Erasmus Ltd? / Wat is die winsmaksimerende hoeveelheid, prys en totale inkome verdien deur Rassie Erasmus Bpk? 3. If the market demand curve facing Bertrand duopolists is given by P = 88 – 2Q, and each has a constant marginal cost of R40/unit, what will the equilibrium price and quantity for each firm be? / Indien die markvraagkurwe wat Bertrand duopoliste konfronteer gegee word deur P = 88 – 2Q, en elkeen ’n konstante marginale koste van R40/eenheid het, wat is die ewewigsprys en –hoeveelheid vir elke firma? 4. If the market demand facing two Cournot duopolists is given by P = 128 – 4Q, and each has a constant marginal cost of R80 per unit, what will be the equilibrium price and quantity for each firm? / Indien die markvraagkurwe wat twee Cournot duopoliste konfronteer gegee word deur P = 128 – 4Q, en elke firma ‘n konstante marginale koste van R80 per eenheid het, wat sal die ewewigsprys en ewewigshoeveelheid van elke firma wees? 5. Carlos Grootmeneer Ltd is a firm in the tennis racket industry and it act as the dominant price leader in the industry. The market demand is given by PM = 800 – Q. The combined supply by the smaller firms is PS = 400 + Q. The marginal cost curve of Grootbek Ltd is given by MCDOM = 198 + 2Q. What will be the price in this industry, what quantity will be traded in this market and how is that quantity split up between Grootbek Ltd and the smaller firms? / Carlos Grootmeneer Bpk is ‘n firma in die tennisraket -bedryf en tree op as die dominante prysleier in hierdie industrie. Die markvraagkurwe word gegee deur PM = 800 – Q. Die gekombineerde aanbod van die kleiner firmas word gegee as PS = 400 + Q. Die marginale koste van Grootbek Bpk is MCDOM = 198 + 2Q. Wat sal die prys in hierdie industrie wees, hoeveel eenhede sal in die mark verhandel word en hoe sal hierdie hoeveelheid tussen Grootbek Bpk en die Kleiner firmas verdeel word? MEMO Vraag 1 Cheapest where MCX = 18QX = MCY = 6QY Gegee QX + QY = 48; so QY = 48 - QX Therefore 18QX = 6(48 – QX) = 288 – 6QX So QX = 12 QY = 48 -12 = 36 ATCX = (24/12) + 9(12) = 110 ; ATCY = (360/36) + 3(36) = 118 TCX = 110 x 12 = 1 320 TCY = 118 x 36 = 4 248 TC = 5 568 Question 2 P = 180 – Q and MC = 30 So MR = 180 – 2Q Eq: 180 – 2Q = 30 So Q = 75 P = 180 – 75 = 105 TR = 105 x 75 = 7 875 Vraag 3 P↓ to P = MC So 88 – 2Q = 40 Q = 24 Both firms Q = 24 en P = 40 Question 4 P = 128 – 4Q, MC = R80 P1 = (128 – 4Q2) – 4Q1 TR1 = (128 – 4Q2)Q1 – 4Q12 MR1 = 128 - 4Q2 – 8Q1 = 80 = MC Q1* = 6 - ½Q2 ; so Q2* = 6 - ½Q1 Eq: Q1* = 6 - ½Q2 = Q2* = 6 - ½Q1 So 3/2Q1 = 6; Q1 = 4 Also Q2 = 4 P = 128 – 4(4 + 4) = 96 Vraag 5 Market: PM = 800 – Q; so Q = 800 - P Small Firms: PSF = 4mm00 + Q; Q = P - 400 Where PM = 800 – Q = PSF = 400 + Q Q = 200 and P = 600 Where SupplySF =0 is Q = 400 QDOM = QM – QSF = 800 – P – (P – 400) = 1 200 – 2P So PDOM = [(1200-Q)/2] = 600 - ½Q MRDOM = 600 - Q Eq for dominanr firm: MR = MC 600 – Q = 198 + 2Q QDOM = 134 PDOM = 600 - ½(134) = 533 PSF: 533 = 400 + Q = 133 QTOTAL = 135 + 133 = 267