TUGAS INDIVIDU CONTENT MARKETING FOR YOUR BRAND BUILDING PUTU HANDIKA PERMANA PUTRA (220050225) handikapermanaputra03@gmail.com Buatlah tugas membuat content marketing bisnis (jika Anda entrepreneurs/pengusaha) atau brand perusahaan (jika Anda seorang professional). Konten bisa berupa produk atau company profile (brand). Buatlah konten marketing seperti ketentuan dibawah ini: Defining your target persona: kriteria demographics yang dipilih, interest dan behavior yang tujukan, dan key touchpoints untuk menjangkau mereka, Memilih tema konten Mendesain konten marketing + membuat caption konten Untuk mendesain konten marketing Anda tidak perlu menggunakan adobe illustrator (AI) atau photoshop, bisa menggunakan powerpoint atau microsoft word. Boleh menggunakan AI atau photoshop jika Anda sudah familiar dengan software ini. JAWAB GYM SHARK Gymshark is a fitness clothing brand that offer a range of gym clothes and workout clothes for women and men. “We're Gymshark. We exist to unite the conditioning* community.” It's not our goals that unite us, but the things we do to achieve them. Because although our training grounds and end goals might be different, sweat is our sport. And we're a team of individuals who know that to go further, we go together. *Conditioning is everything we do today to prepare for tomorrow. 1. Target persona (kriteria Demographics) Demographics : 1. Age : 18 - 30 years old 2. Gender : male & female 3. marital Status : Married, not married 4. Occupation : Athletes, Fitness enthusias 5. Socio-economic : middle socio-economic 2. Interest dan behavior, Key touchpoints Interest and Behaviors : Personalities : Active Hobbies : Sport, Fitness, Gym, Yoga, Tech savviness : Fitness influencer Life goals : Healthy Key touchpoints : Media touchpoints : Photo, Video motivation, Influencer marketing, brand community Channel touchpoints : Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Brand community, Fitness influencer 3. Tema konten (Inspire and educate) 4. Buat konten + buat caption konten Caption : Be Stronger than Your Excuses #Gymshark