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Concurrent HTTP Requests in
Golang: Best Practices and
Rafet Topcu · Follow
Published in Insider Engineering · 10 min read · Jan 3
In the realm of Golang, sending HTTP requests concurrently is a vital skill
for optimizing web applications. This article explores various methods to
achieve this, from basic goroutines to advanced techniques involving
channels and sync.WaitGroup. We’ll delve into best practices for
performance and error handling in concurrent environments, equipping
you with strategies to enhance the speed and reliability of your Go
applications. Let’s dive into the world of concurrent HTTP requests in
Basic Approach Using Goroutines
When it comes to implementing concurrency in Golang, the most
straightforward approach is using goroutines. These are the building
blocks of concurrency in Go, offering a simple yet powerful way to execute
functions concurrently.
Getting Started with Goroutines
To start a goroutine, simply prefix a function call with the
This launches the function as a goroutine, allowing the main program to
continue running independently. It's like starting a task and moving on
without waiting for it to finish.
For instance, consider a scenario where you’re sending an HTTP request. Access the best member-only stories.
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Normally, you’d call a function likeDistraction-free
, and
your program would
wait until this function is complete.
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go sendRequest("http://example.com")
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Handling Multiple Requests
Imagine you have a list of URLs, and you need to send an HTTP request to
each. Without goroutines, your program would send these requests one
after the other, which is time-consuming. With goroutines, you can send
them all at almost the same time:
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://another.com", ...}
for _, url := range urls {
go sendRequest(url)
This loop starts a new goroutine for each URL, drastically reducing the
time your program takes to send all the requests.
Approaches to Concurrent HTTP Requests
In this section, we’ll delve into various methods to handle HTTP requests
concurrently in Go. Each approach has its unique characteristics, and
understanding these can help you choose the right method for your
specific needs.
I’m going to use our insrequester package, our open-source requester, to handle
the HTTP requests that I mentioned in this article; you can check it out.
Basic Goroutines
The simplest way to send HTTP requests concurrently in Go is by using
goroutines. Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by the Go
runtime. Here’s a basic example:
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
for _, url := range urls {
go requester.Get(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint: url})
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Wait for goroutines to finish
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This method is straightforward but lacks control over goroutines once
they are launched. You can’t get the return value of the Get method in this
way. You need to sleep for approximately some time to wait for all the
goroutines. Even if you call sleep, you may still not be sure that they are
To improve upon basic goroutines,
can be used for better
synchronization. It waits for a collection of goroutines to finish executing:
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
for _, url := range urls {
go requester.Get(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint: url})
wg.Wait() // Wait for all goroutines to complete
This ensures that the main function waits for all the HTTP requests to
Channels are a powerful feature in Go for communication between
goroutines. They can be used to collect data from multiple HTTP requests:
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
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urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
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ch := make(chan string, len(urls))
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for _, url := range urls {
go func() {
res, _ := requester.Get(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint:
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ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", url, res.StatusCode)
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for range urls {
response := <-ch
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Channels not only synchronize goroutines but also facilitate the passing of
data between them.
Worker Pools
A worker pool is a pattern where a fixed number of workers (goroutines)
are created to handle a variable number of tasks. This helps in limiting the
number of concurrent HTTP requests, thereby preventing resource
Here’s how you can implement a worker pool in Go:
type Job struct {
URL string
func worker(requester *insrequester.Request, jobs <-chan Job, results chan<- *http.R
for job := range jobs {
res, _ := requester.Get(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint: job.URL})
results <- res
func main() {
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
numWorkers := 2 // Define the number of workers in the pool
jobs := make(chan Job, len(urls))
results := make(chan *http.Response, len(urls))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Start workers
for w := 0; w < numWorkers; w++ {
go worker(requester, jobs, results, &wg)
// Sending jobs to the worker pool
for _, url := range urls {
jobs <- Job{URL: url}
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// Collecting results
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i :=
0; i < len(urls); i++ {
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Using a worker pool allows you to manage a large number of concurrent
HTTP requests efficiently. It’s a scalable solution that can be adjusted
based on the workload and system capacity, thereby optimizing resource
utilization and improving overall performance.
Limiting Goroutines with Channels
This method uses channels to create a semaphore-like mechanism to limit
the number of concurrent goroutines. It’s effective in scenarios where you
need to throttle HTTP requests to avoid overwhelming the server or
hitting rate limits.
Here’s how you can implement it:
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
maxConcurrency := 2 // Limit the number of concurrent requests
limiter := make(chan struct{}, maxConcurrency)
for _, url := range urls {
limiter <- struct{}{} // Acquire a token. Waits here for token releases from the
go func(url string) {
defer func() { <-limiter }() // Release the token
requester.Post(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint: url})
// Wait for all goroutines to complete
for i := 0; i < cap(limiter); i++ {
limiter <- struct{}{}
The use of deferring in this context is crucial. If you place the <-limiter
statement after the Post method and the Post method triggers panic or a similar
exception, the <-limiter line will not be executed. This can lead to infinite waits,
as the semaphore token is never released, ultimately resulting in timeout issues.
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Limiting Goroutines with Semaphore
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The sync/semaphore package offers a clean and efficient way to limit the
number of goroutines running concurrently. This approach is particularly
useful when you want to manage resource allocation more systematically.
requester := insrequester.NewRequester().Load()
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org", "http://example.net"}
maxConcurrency := int64(2) // Set the maximum number of concurrent requests
sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(maxConcurrency)
ctx := context.Background()
for _, url := range urls {
// Acquire a semaphore weight before starting a goroutine
if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to acquire semaphore: %v\n", err)
go func(url string) {
defer sem.Release(1) // Release the semaphore weight on completion
res, _ := requester.Get(insrequester.RequestEntity{Endpoint: url})
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", url, res.StatusCode)
// Wait for all goroutines to release their semaphore weights
if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, maxConcurrency); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to acquire semaphore while waiting: %v\n", err)
This approach, using the semaphore package, offers a more structured
and readable way of handling concurrency compared to manually
managing channels. It’s particularly beneficial when dealing with complex
synchronization requirements or when you need more granular control
over the concurrency levels.
So, What is the Best Way?
After exploring various approaches to handling concurrent HTTP requests
in Go, the question arises: What is the best way to do it? The answer, as
often is the case in software engineering, depends on the specific
requirements and constraints of your application. Let’s consider the key
factors to determine the most suitable approach:
Assessing Your Needs
Scale of Requests: If you’re dealing with a high volume of requests, a
worker pool or semaphore-based approach provides better control
over resource usage.
Error Handling: If robust error handling is crucial, using channels or
the semaphore package can offer more structured error management.
Rate Limiting: For applications that need to respect rate limits,
limiting goroutines with channels or the semaphore package can be
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The semaphore package, on the other hand, provides a more
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Error Handling
Error handling in goroutines is a tricky topic due to the nature of
concurrent execution in Go. Since goroutines run independently,
managing and propagating errors can be challenging but is crucial for
building robust applications. Below are some strategies to effectively
handle errors in concurrent Go programs:
Centralized Error Channel
One common approach is to use a centralized error channel through
which all goroutines can send their errors. The main goroutine can then
listen to this channel and take appropriate action.
func worker(errChan chan<- error) {
// Perform task
if err := doTask(); err != nil {
errChan <- err // Send any errors to the error channel
func main() {
errChan := make(chan error, 1) // Buffered channel for errors
go worker(errChan)
if err := <-errChan; err != nil {
// Handle error
log.Printf("Error occurred: %v", err)
Or you can listen to the errChan in a different goroutine.
func worker(errChan chan<- error, job Job) {
// Perform task
if err := doTask(job); err != nil {
errChan <- err // Send any errors to the error channel
func listenErrors(done chan struct{}, errChan <-chan error) {
for {
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select {
case err := <-errChan:
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// Handle error
case <-done:
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func main() {
errChan := make(chan error, 1000) // Channel for errors
done := make(chan struct{})
// Channel to signal goroutine to stop
go listenErrors(done, errChan)
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for _, job := range jobs {
go worker(errChan, job)
// wait for all goroutines to complete somehow
done <- struct{}{} // Signal goroutine to stop listening for errors
Error Group
package provides a convenient way to
group multiple goroutines and handle any errors they produce. An
ensures that once an error occurs in any goroutine, all
subsequent operations are canceled.
import "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup"
func main() {
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
urls := []string{"http://example.com", "http://example.org"}
for _, url := range urls {
// Launch a goroutine for each URL
g.Go(func() error {
// Replace with actual HTTP request logic
_, err := fetchURL(ctx, url)
return err
// Wait for all requests to complete
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error occurred: %v", err)
This approach simplifies error handling, especially when dealing with a
large number of goroutines.
Wrapping Goroutines
Another strategy is to wrap each goroutine in a function that handles its
errors. This encapsulation can include recovery from panics or other error
management logic.
func work() error {
// Do some work
return err
func main() {
go func() {
err := work()
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Wait for the work to be done somehow
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In summary,
the choice of error-handling
strategy in Go’s concurrent
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programming depends on the specific requirements and context of your Join the Partner Program and earn for
application. Whether it’s through centralized error channels, dedicated
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error-handling goroutines, the use of error groups, or wrapping
goroutines in error-managing functions, each method offers its own set of
benefits and trade-offs.
In conclusion, this article has explored various approaches to sending
HTTP requests concurrently in Golang, a crucial skill for optimizing web
applications. We’ve discussed basic goroutines, sync.WaitGroup, channels,
worker pools, and methods for limiting goroutines. Each approach has its
unique characteristics and can be chosen based on specific application
Furthermore, the article has highlighted the importance of error handling
in concurrent Go programs. Managing errors in a concurrent environment
can be challenging but is essential for building robust applications.
Strategies such as using centralized error channels, the errgroup package,
or wrapping goroutines with error handling logic have been discussed to
help developers effectively handle errors.
Ultimately, the choice of the best approach for handling concurrent HTTP
requests in Go depends on factors like the scale of requests, error
handling requirements, rate limiting, and overall complexity and
maintainability of the code. Developers should carefully consider these
factors when implementing concurrent features in their applications.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact me on LinkedIn or comment below.
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