Uploaded by Annie Katz

Talmud #2

תורה שבכתב"- A closed compilation
<br>- Nothing can be added to it
<br>-Another term for Tanakh"
תורה שבעל פה"An open compilation
- Rabbis continue to add to it as more things come
- All Rabbinic writings about topics related to
Tanakh"-Another term for שבכתב תורה
<br>- Stands for “תורה,” ""נביאים,“and “כתובים ) “Torah,
Prophets, and Writings)"
מקרא" Another term for תורה שבכתב and תנ""ך "
מחלוקתA dispute, disagreement, or argument
תנו רבן"“Our Rabbis taught”
- Term that introduces a ברייתא"
ברייתא"- A text written by the תנאים that is included in the
גמרא, but was not included in the משנה"
תנאים"The generation of Rabbis who lived from approximately
70-200 C.E. They wrote the משנה and all texts known as
אמוראים"The generation of Rabbis who lived from approximately
200-550 C.E. They wrote the גמרא"
משנה"A compilation written by the תנאים that includes both
הלכה) law) as well as some אגדה) stories). It is the
foundational text of Rabbinic literature"
גמרא"A compilation of texts written by the אמוראים that
expounds on the משנה"
- Permissible to be used ritually"
- Not permissible to be used ritually."
עד/עדותWitness / bear witness / testimony 
בית דין"Court
- Rabbinic court"
- Number of people"
פלוני"“John Doe”
- “so-and-so” – a term used to describe an
unknown person or an example of a person"
- An individual"
מרובין )רוב("Many
- The majority"
הלכהJewish law
סומךSupport / rely on
_2 _ אלא_ 1 _אין“1” relies on “2” (replace with “only”)
לשם שמים"for ""the sake of Heaven"""
בר פלוגתא"""Sparring partner""/ ""study-buddy"""
Top of page: פד ע''א, השוכר את הפועלים, פרק שביעי, בבא מציעא (right to left)"1) עמוד - page<br>2) דף - folio<br>3) שם הפרק - name of chapter<br>4) chapter #<br>5) מסכת (tractate)"
"<span style=""color: rgb(40, 43, 49); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">Aramaic to Hebrew conversions <br></span>יה——<div>נא——</div><div>——ד</div><div>קא</div><div>הוה</div><div>ת</div>"1) ו——<br>2) ——א<br>3) ——ש<br>4) ——ing<br>5) היה<br>6) ש