53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers

53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
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Secret Sauce to Answering the 53 Most Common
Interview Questions
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Imagine you have a complete list of the most common job interview questions.
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No matter what the question, you already have the perfect answer prepared.
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You would ace the interview.
Or would you?
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Well the answer is no. Following scripted answer would be a mistake.
There are no ‘one size ts all’ answers.
But if you understand the motivation behind the questions and practice your own answers
then you will be far more successful.
So rather than just giving you a list of common interview questions and recommended
answers I prefer to go one better.
I am going to show you how you can answer any question no matter how oddball, awkward
or tricky by following the techniques illustrated in my examples.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
The examples given are some of the most commonly asked questions, which makes sense
as no doubt many of them will be asked at your interview. I have also added some more
unusual questions to keep you on your toes.
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Remember the way the questions are answered is actually far more important than the
answer you give.
Let me show you what I mean.
Tell Me About Yourself?
This question is almost always asked at an interview. Used as an icebreaker and also
for the interviewer to form their rst impression of you. Have an answer prepared but
don’t make it sound as if you are reading a script.
The interviewer does not want to hear your life story. They don’t care about how many
brothers and sisters you have or what your gold sh ate for breakfast. Stick to relevant
facts such as your work and education history. Highlight your skills and experience that
4.5 / 5 make you a good t for the job. Also talk about any ongoing education and training you
are taking or plan to take.
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this well and you can shine. Ramble on like an idiot and you will crash and
What is your greatest weakness?
This can be a di cult question if not handled with care. Don’t make the mistake of
saying that you don’t have any weaknesses, you won’t be believed. Also don’t come o
with the old chestnut of ‘I have a tendency to work too hard’, again a tough one to
swallow and looks as if you are swerving the question.
Far better to give a small work related aw such as you nd delegating a struggle
which has on occasion led to taking on more than you can handle. Take this question as
a golden opportunity to turn weakness into strength. Here’s one example.
After recognising you were struggling with delegating you took a course in time
management and productivity. The course taught you the skills you need to delegate.
Since taking the course you have led a number of team projects that were extremely
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
What would your last employer say is your greatest
Now this is a tricky one.
Be careful not to list of multiple weaknesses or say things like ‘my biggest weakness is
. . .’ as this infers there are also others. In addition avoid using absolutes such as it is or
they said as this sounds as if you do indeed have this weakness.
Here is an example of what you should avoid saying.
My last employer said my biggest weakness is a lack of tolerance towards people on
my team that are not performing as well as they I think they should.
It is far better to answer like this.
If I had to think of one then it would probably be the fact I sometimes expect others
to be able to work at the same level and skill as I do and forget they often have not
had the same level of training or experience.
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What is your greatest strength?
Now here’s a chance to blow your own trumpet. Seize it with both hands and tell the
interviewer a few of your strengths, remember though the interviewer is looking for
work related strengths.
If your biggest strength is that you can t 12 hot dogs in your mouth at once or lick your
own elbow then keep these to yourself. Impressive but probably not what the
interviewer is looking for.
Instead list o a few attributes such as good motivator, work well under pressure,
excellent communicator and possess strong IT skills. Don’t invent any that aren’t true
and be prepared to give examples. Try something like this.
I have a background in running a successful sales team which has given me strong
communication and organisational skills. In addition I have the ability to meet
deadlines and targets and have excellent leadership and motivational skills.
What would your last employer say is your greatest
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Treat this as a golden opportunity to show how well thought of you are at work. Don’t
go OTT but feel free to quote your work colleagues and previous boss. Talk about your
positive attributes only. Try something like . . .
John Smith always delegated time sensitive tasks to me as he said that he knew he
could rely on me to complete them on time.
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Another good example . . .
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If we ever needed to call a client for further details I was always asked to make the
call as my colleagues always said my communication skills were excellent.
What do you know about us?
Do some homework before your interview. Most businesses have websites, check out
their ‘About Page’ and also look at their main services or products.
Who are the main players at the company? Have they been in the news lately? Are they
running any type of advertising campaign?
This is a chance for you to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Seize this easy win
with both hands and show you are interested in them as a business.
Try working yourself into the narrative.
I saw that you are currently advertising your new ‘blue widgets’ which is excellent. At
my current job we just nished an online advertising campaign for ‘purple widgets’
which are very similar. My recent experience will be a great asset and I feel sure I
would make an easy transition into your team.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Who are our biggest competitors?
If you recognise who their biggest competitors are then you show you understand
them. You also show you understand the industry and what they are all about.
Take advantage of this question and dig a little deeper by explaining how you think
they are di erent from the competition. Highlight their strengths and their competitor’s
Bonus points if you can show them how you can t right in and use your skills to play to
their strengths.
I believe one of your biggest strengths is that you are well known for your excellent
customer service. Something competitor X is failing at. I have a strong background in
customer services and will have no problem tting in with a culture that makes this is
a priority.
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are you leaving your current job?
you would not be sat in the hot seat if they were not interested in hiring you.
Having said that they want to know you will to stay with them for more than a couple of
The key to answering questions like this is to always stay positive. Here is a good
example answer.
I had an excellent time at my current employers and I will be sad to leave. I am ready
for a job with more responsibility and more of a challenge. My current employer does
not have the career opportunities I am looking for.
Never bad mouth your past employer. No one wants to hire a backstabber or a moaner.
Here is an example of a bad answer.
I hate my current job and can’t wait to leave. I am sick of the o ce politics and the
unreasonable expectations of my boss. I think they are unprofessional and to be
honest would not be surprised if they went bust. I am jumping ship now before it’s too
Remember the interviewer is looking for someone who can t in with the rest of their
team and is going to be someone they can work with. I would rather work with the
person who gave the rst answer, how about you?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Can you explain this gap in your resume?
Now if you have a gap in paid employment in your resume you must be ready to
explain why. There are lots of reasons for a break in your resume ranging from taking
time o to travel, look after sick relative or running your own business.
The most important thing is you must explain the gap in a positive manner even if you
were red. Let me give you a few of examples.
I had year out from work and decided to ful ll my goal of travelling around the world
while I was single. I took the opportunity to experience other cultures and to help me
better understand people from other walks of life.
Sadly the company I worked for let me go due to my bad time keeping. I completely
understand why they had to let me go and I learned a valuable lesson. They gave me
an otherwise excellent reference and after three months I was lucky enough to get a
second chance at my current employers. I now arrive at work thirty minutes early
each day as not only do I make sure I am never late but the thirty minutes helps me
get organised before we open for business.
I started my own business which I ran successfully during this period. I decided that it
was time to wind the business up due to saturated market. I learned a lot while
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running my own business and do not regret it one bit. However having a young family
forced me to seek the security of a full time job.
What are your career ambitions?
If you are asked this question then you need to focus on achievable goals and how you
are already working towards them. An ideal situation would be to involve the company
you are interviewing for in your career ambitions.
Here are a couple of examples.
My current position as part of the marketing team at ABC Company has given me a
good foundation of knowledge and experience. I have taken courses in online and
o ine marketing and really enjoyed working with email marketing. Working within
your email marketing team will play to my strengths. I hope to prove myself within
your organisation, learn from your team and bring my own ideas. I hope one day to
run my own email marketing team once I have built up the experience and a proven
track record.
Or this . . .
Working in sales and then customer relations I built up my people skills and now
head up my own team at ABC Company. Due to the localised nature of my current
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
employer I have with regret decided the time is right to develop my career in a more
senior role with customer relations. I have just completed a training course in con ict
resolution and will start a night class in psychology next month. To enable me to
achieve my career ambitions and utilise the skills I am developing I feel I need to
work for a multinational company with opportunities for career development such as
Do you work better alone or as part of a team?
Not a trick question and I guess there is no right and wrong answer but in an ideal
situation I would like to think anyone I was considering hiring was not a one trick pony.
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I recommend your answer be something along these lines.
I enjoy the challenge of working independently and reaching the prede ned targets. I
can easily work under my own steam and do not need constant supervision. But to be
fair I also really enjoy working as part of a team. Working with others brings out the
best in the entire group. I feel we can all use our strengths and help out as a group
where any weaknesses develop. I also thrive and the joint sense of accountability and
letting the rest of the team down is just not an option. So I guess my answer would
have to be neither, I work well under either circumstance and actually prefer to
alternate between the two.
How would you describe your work ethic?
No need to go OTT with this one but still a good chance for you to impress the
interviewer with your answer. Try and include bene ts to the company such as desire
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
to reach targets, hardworking, punctual, polite or optimistic. Use speci c examples as
this shows your answer is sincere. For example.
I enjoy my work and enjoy it even more when it is done e ciently. I get a sense of
achievement when I have a good day at work. At my last job I used to arrive to work
20 minutes early each day and spend this time checking my schedule and
completing a to-do list. This meant when I started work I hit the ground running and
by the end of the day after checking o my to-do list items I had a real sense of
achievement. I also believe this is one of the biggest factors in consistently achieving
the company’s sales targets.
Tell me why you think you are suited to this job?
Now remember that your answer should be why you will be suited to the job and not
why the job is suited to you.
Bonus points if you can manage to weave in a few examples of how your skills and
experience make you a good t for the job.
Double bonus points if you manage to also include a bene t to the company in your
4.5 / 5 example. For instance.
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I think that I would be an excellent t in your customer support team. I have excellent
communication skills and I have worked in customer support for over four years with
my current employer. Additionally I have a keen interest in your blue widget and am
actually a customer myself. I believe this gives me an insight into the di culties your
customers may encounter using your product as I have been there myself.
What would be your dream job?
Be careful if you are asked this question, when you reply don’t be too speci c. Let me
explain why.
If you try and say your dream job is the job you are applying for then unless the job is
astronaut or football player you are going to come o as insincere.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
If you say your dream job is to work as social media marketer but the job you are
applying for is totally unrelated such as a nursery nurse manager then you will make
the interviewer worry about your commitment to the job you are applying for.
If you say you want to be a pop star or actor, then you run the risk of being seen as a
So what should you say?
The best answer involves being just a little vague and linking the job you are applying
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for with your dream job by showing they use similar skills. Here’s how.
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I enjoy working with people and would love to one day be sales manager. I would be
able to work with a team and also speak to customers each day.
In the example above the job you are applying for is a sales operative. Showing you
want to continue working with people and that you have ambition to progress to sales
manager tells the interviewer that you are following a career path and not just trying to
get a job.
Tell me about any ideas you had that were implemented
and what happened?
The important word here is implemented. These are ideas that actually happened.
Focus on what worked and what you and the company learned from the experience.
Of course you want to focus any bene ts the company received. Tell the story of how
you got the idea; how you pitched it to the company and of course remember to
modestly show your part in implementing the idea.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Have you applied for any other jobs?
Now feel free to show you are actively looking for a job. Don’t be afraid to demonstrate
that you are completely serious about a career move and that you aren't putting all
your eggs in one basket with this interview.
It’s up to you if you decide to be speci c where you have also applied. Don’t feel you
have an obligation to spill your guts as you can always say something along these
I have applied for a number of positions within customer services and sales. I feel this
is where my strengths lie and wish to actively pursue my career working with people
and utilising my communication skills.
This shows you are serious about job in this eld.
You could even go on to say that you are anticipating many o ers after the positive
interviews you have been to so far. However you are very keen to hear back from this
interview as it is one of the jobs at the top of your list.
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experience do you have in this eld?
you need to do here is tie up your experience with the job you are applying for.
Additionally give examples of how you believe this experience will directly relate to the
job you are applying for and how this will be of bene t to the company.
Now if you have no relevant experience in this eld what you need to do is highlight
experience that you do have in a similar eld or a skill that you have that can be
translated to the position you are applying for. Again the focus should be on the
bene ts you will bring to the company.
Here are a couple of examples.
My experience working with penguins at my rst job at the zoo has given me rsthand knowledge of their diet and care requirements. I think working with your
penguins will be an easy transition and I look forward to sharing my experience and
learning from your own team at your zoo.
Although never having worked with penguins before I have worked with various other
animals such as lions, elephants and also seals in my current position. I understand
what it takes to work with wild animals and am used to planning and preparing meals
that meet strict dietary requirements. I look forward to the challenge of working with
your penguins and will enjoy sharing my experience and learning from your own
team at your zoo.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
If you were doing the hiring for this job what would you look
for in a candidate?
The best thing to do here is to talk about some of the qualities that you possess that
are also a good match for the job you are applying for.
So if you are applying for a job in customer services and you have experience in the
industry and have taken courses in con ict resolution and communication you would
say something like this.
I would want somebody that ideally has experience in the industry, has strong
communication skills and has the ability to deal with irate customers.
Have you ever had a problem with a past supervisor or
Now if you have ever had blazing rows or real serious issues with a past supervisor my
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advice is to not mention them. Instead choose an example of a minor disagreement or
misunderstanding and use this.
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you need to show is that despite a minor con ict you found a way to work within
the structure of the company and t in as a productive member of the workforce.
Show that you know how to take instructions and that you are happy to work with any
supervisor. Any minor issues you had were worked through and show what you learned
from the whole experience. You could try something along these lines.
I once had an issue with my immediate supervisor who I thought at the time was not
being clear with his instructions. I would complete a task given to me only to be told
that I had not completed it to their satisfaction. After sitting down together we came
up with an easy system which xed this issue of poor communication. After giving me
a task and explaining what was required I would then repeat back exactly what I
thought was required and also outline my steps for completing the task. This helped
with the communication both ways. This is a skill I have since used with di erent
supervisors and also as a supervisor myself.
Bonus points here if you can show an issue you had that you tackled by improving your
skills. Using the example of poor communication you could explain how you bought a
book on communication and one on task management. Both helped you nd a solution
to the minor issue you were having with your supervisor.
If you won the lottery would you retire?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
This will show if your career is in fact just a series of jobs that have provided you with
an income or if your career also actually means something else other than just an
income. To be fair as long as you qualify your answer in the right way there is no right
and wrong answer.
Let me show you a couple of di erent ways of answering this.
If I won the lottery then yes, absolutely I would retire. As much as enjoy my career I
would rather spend the rest of my life doing the things I enjoy most with my family
than spending it at work.
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honest answer that is in no way negative but puts the emphasis of the positive
attribute on enjoying life with those you love. Who can argue with that?
You could also go the other way and say something like this.
My career means a lot more than just providing an income for myself and family. No
amount of money would ever stop me working. I actually get a great deal of
satisfaction and dare I say it pleasure from my career.
A very positive and pro career answer that is di cult to argue with even though many
would think you crazy.
What decisions do you nd the most di cult to make?
Your answer here will show the interviewer how you have handled di cult situations in
the past. Admitting you found something di cult is not a problem in the slightest. Just
show how you are combatting your di culty of making similar decisions.
Use this question to your advantage by describing an actual event that led to a di cult
decision and how you solved the problem. Here is a good example answer.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Working with di cult customers and knowing when to ask for help. I once had an
irate customer who decided it was okay to shout and scream and shower me with
profanities the minute I answered the phone. I found it di cult to decide when the
right time to pass him over to my supervisor was. After seeking further training within
the company I learned that I should pass this type of call over straight away.
What you did last year to improve yourself?
This question is an invitation for you to show exactly how ambitious, self-motivated and
capable you really are.
Now some examples might include in-house or external training courses that you have
taken in direct relation to your current job.
You can also talk about any online training courses or books you have read. Feel free to
talk about other classes you might have taken that are not directly related to work such
as improving your social and communication skills, learning to drive or even keeping t
or losing weight.
Remember to show that you want to improve yourself, learn new skills and take
4.5 / 5 advantage of any training available to you even if they are outside of work hours.
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What made you choose this as a career?
Ideally you answer will be that this was a path you decided on way back when you
were in school, through college and further education. If you are like most of us though
it’s probably best to stick to the truth.
If you started your working life with a career path in mind and then sidestepped into
something else then it’s fair to say this is not unusual.
What you need to explain to the interviewer is why you chose to do this and how this
has been a good move for you. Here is an example.
I started work after leaving college and began my career in customer services. I
learned a lot about communication and con ict resolution but to be honest I disliked
working exclusively over the phone and wanted more personal interaction. A position
within the same company became available in their sales team which involved face
to face meetings. I made the move over to sales and have not looked back since. The
skills I learned in the customer services translated easily to the sale team and I really
enjoyed and also developed a air for sales.
Chances are your story is one the person who is interviewing has not only heard before
but has actually lived themselves.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Show you career choices in a positive way as the last thing you want is to come across
as if you just drifted into the job and you have no real career goals in mind.
What are your ultimate career goals?
4.5 / 5 The most important thing you need to do is show you have a career plan and goals.
Ideally you can show the job you are applying for ts nicely within your chosen career
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Your ultimate career goals should be achievable and also related to the job you are
applying for. Avoid giving the impression that this job is just a stepping stone or even
worse a stop gap.
You need the person interviewing you to be comfortable with you being a good t for
the job, their company and that they will not be sat interviewing for your position again
in the immediate future.
I started work after leaving college and began my career in customer services. I
learned a lot about communication and con ict resolution but to be honest I disliked
working exclusively over the phone and wanted more personal interaction. A position
within the same company became available in their sales team which involved face
to face meetings. I made the move over to sales and have not looked back since. The
skills I learned in the customer services translated easily to the sale team and I really
enjoyed and also developed a air for sales.
What motivates you in the workplace?
When asked about what motivates you at work stay away from salary, bonuses and any
other type of nancial reward.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
A better answer would be to talk about recognition, sense of achievement, job
satisfaction and seeing the results of your work related to the growth and success of
the company.
Remember the interviewer is interested in what motivates you that will also help the
company. An answer along these lines is what they are looking for.
Seeing the success of my team and how my own e orts have directly contributed to
the growth of the company is one of my main motivations at work. I also thrive on
challenges, meeting my targets and the sense of job satisfaction I receive as a
Would you be happy to work overtime if required?
Tell the truth and avoid issues later. To be fair they probably want to hear a yes. A good
answer might be . . .
I expect most jobs will at some time need employees to pitch in and do a little
overtime when the need arises. I have no problem with this and as long as I am asked
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in advance. My schedule is exible enough to incorporate some overtime when
     required.
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This way you are showing willingness to work towards the goals of the team even if it
means sacri cing some of your free time. In addition you are still protecting yourself
from last minute ‘can you stay behind for an hour after work . . .’ requests.
Would you rather be liked or feared?
Now there is no right or wrong answer to this question. But what you say will give an
insight to what makes you tick.
Depending on the role you are applying for very much alters the reply you should give.
Be careful here as to some extent this is a bit of a loaded question.
A safe answer is to say that what you would prefer is that you have the respect of your
colleagues and that you hope that they would also like you.
What was the most rewarding part of your last job?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Choose an aspect of your last job that you found rewarding that matches a key part of
the job you are applying for. For a job as shop assistant you might say something like
In my last job in customer services I found it really rewarding to help solve a problem
customers were having by just using my skills as a communicator. I am pleased that
this job will utilise my skills in communication and problem solving when dealing with
customers in the shop.
Don’t talk about a rewarding aspect of a past job if it is just not going to happen in the
new job.
For instance you really enjoyed working with penguins at you summer job at the zoo.
But working as a sales assistant in a busy retail outlet you are probably not going to get
the chance to show o your penguin whispering skills.
What was your least rewarding part?
Make sure the least rewarding part of your last job is not a big part of the one you are
4.5 / 5
applying for now. Bonus points here for showing that although you found a part of your
last job unrewarding you found a way to power through anyway. You could try
Veri ed something like this.
To be honest I must admit that I did not enjoy dealing with the mountains of emails I
seemed to get each day in my last job. I ended up learning a technique called ‘inbox
zero’ which taught me to deal with my emails far more e ciently. It not only stopped
the feeling of dread every time I had to open up my emails but also made my day far
more productive.
Another good way to deal with this question is to try and turn the negative aspect of
your last job into a positive for your new job. This method is extremely successful.
I did not enjoy working exclusively within the con nes of an o ce at my last job.
Working both in the o ce and also on the road is an exciting prospect for me. Being
able to work like this enables me to utilise my sales skills to their full potential.
Also when explaining what you did not nd rewarding always end with a positive and
mention what you do nd rewarding.
I did not enjoy this; I much prefer to do this instead.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Have you ever had to bend the rules to achieve something?
You are being asked this question as your answer will very much show your character,
honesty and integrity. Your answer should be a big fat no.
Explain that you have no problem thinking laterally or trying to nd an alternative way
to achieve your immediate goal. But breaking the rules is not on the agenda as this is
dishonest and shows a lack of integrity.
You would much rather seek the advice of colleagues and management if you needed
help than risk the reputation of the company by not abiding by the rules and
Trust me when I say that they are not looking for somebody who will go to any lengths
and take risks to achieve their goals. The last thing they want is an unpredictable
employee who potentially could bring a law suit, prosecution or scandal to the
4.5 / 5
How would you describe the best job you ever had?
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easy way to give a good answer here is to match the best job you ever had with the
job you are applying for. Look for a connection hard enough and you will nd it. Here is
example that illustrates how you can connect even the most unlikely of jobs.
If you really enjoyed working with penguins in your summer job at the zoo and you are
applying for a job in sales you might nd this di cult. But actually it’s not hard in the
slightest. Try something like this.
The best job I ever had was my time working with penguins at my summer job at the
zoo. Yes, I enjoyed working with the penguins but I think what made the job so special
to me was working with the public. I loved teaching them about the penguins and
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
talking them through the books and sponsorship deals we had on o er. I received a
commission on the sales I generated and found by talking to people about
something I was passionate about that the sales almost generated themselves.
In reality the best job you ever had is far more likely to have a stronger connection with
the job you are applying for today.
So just explain what you liked about your best job and tie this up with your skills and
experience that you will bring to your new job.
Why weren't you promoted at your last job?
Handle this question with care. You must be careful to give a balanced answer that
does not portray either yourself or your last employer in a negative manner.
You can’t blame your own shortcomings and you de nitely can’t blame your last
employer. So what should you say? Try something like this.
I will always be grateful to my last employer for my time with them. I genuinely
enjoyed working there. However due to the lack of opportunities to develop my
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career within their organisation due to the localised nature of their business I have
     made the tough decision to develop my career at a larger organisation. My current
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employers have been very understanding and support my decision and have said I
will always have a job with them should I ever need one.
By speaking fondly about them and citing an aspect out of their control (small local
company) you avoid being negative about them. After all would you want to hire
someone that with badmouth you in the future?
What are you passionate about?
Talk about things you are passionate about in a positive way rather than the negative.
Tray and answer along these lines.
I am very passionate about self-improvement, further education and health and
tness. I think everyone should do their best to make the most of themselves and be
the best that they can be.
Avoid answers like the one below.
I hate seeing people waste their life away. Surely they could get o their behinds and
try and improve themselves and their lives.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Let’s face it nobody likes a complainer even when we might agree with them.
What challenges would you look forward to in this job?
Talk about challenges where you can utilise your skills and experience to overcome
them. Give speci c examples of how you have tackled challenges in the past and how
you succeeded including the bene cial e ects it had to the company.
Here is a good example.
I am looking forward to the challenge of boosting sales gures by using my existing
skills, experience and contacts within your target market. In my previous position I
increased sales by 23% within a three month period by leveraging my contacts within
the industry.
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What do you do to keep yourself organised and productive?
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might be surprised to hear that most people have no system whatsoever when it
to their personal organisation and productivity.
It probably won’t be a shock for you to hear that employers are looking to hire people
that are organised and productive.
So . . .
By making sure you can talk about your system you can immediately separate yourself
from the unorganised, less productive majority.
An easy win so don’t squander it.
Show you have a routine, a system and a way to track your progress. Explain you are
prepared to alter your routine to improve your organisation and productivity if
The main thing is to show you are even thinking about it. Here is a simple example
To ensure I am organised at work each day I like to arrive at work about twenty
minutes early and review my to-do list and schedule for the day. This way I am better
prepared for the day. I am also able to reschedule my workload if unforeseen urgent
additional work is required.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
How would you want to improve yourself in the next 12
The only wrong kind of answer you can give here is having no plans whatsoever. You
might be planning to learn how to swallow swords, eat re or something more run of
the mill such as learning a new language. As long as you plan to do something to
improve yourself you will be ne.
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Ideally the kind of answer you give will show you plan to improve skills that will make
Veri ed you a more valuable employee. An answer like this would be ideal.
I will be learning to speak Spanish at night school and also taking online courses in
how to e ectively use social media as part of my job in sales. I also have plans to
improve my physical tness levels by joining an exercise class.
So who would you hire?
The person who sits at home watching TV never trying to improve themselves?
Or the person who takes it upon themselves to do everything they can to look after
their health and perform at peak performance at work. Whilst also learning skills that
will bene t the company in their own time and at their own expense?
Not a tough choice really.
What salary are you looking to attain?
Be careful here. No doubt you want the best possible salary you can achieve. Equally
your potential employer wants to pay as little as they have to. Don’t tip your hand and
give a gure unless you have to. Here is a good solid answer.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Rather than talk about salary at this stage I am more interested in what the position
can do for my career.
If pushed for a gure then go for it. Let them know what you are hoping to attain. Try to
give them a range rather than an exact gure. Try something like this . . .
Depending on bene ts, holidays etc. I am looking for something in the range of xamount and x-amount.
What goals other than career related do you have?
Your interviewer wants to hear that you are the type of person that actually has some
goals. Your answer will also give an insight into you as a person and what you nd most
My advice here is to give an answer that shows you are responsible, hardworking and
intelligent with the desire to make the most of your life. Nobody wants to hire someone
with no direction and happy to drift through life with no real purpose or goals.
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You could try an answer like this.
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I wish to continue with my goal of one day publishing my own book. To do this I need
to complete the writing course I am currently taking. Additionally I have made great
progress with my own weight loss and tness and I wish to continue with my exercise
regime. I also want to set a date to get married and start a family.
An answer like this shows you have ambition, enjoy further education, you take care of
your health and you have a stable home life that you wish to preserve.
What mistakes have you made in the past?
Now the key here is to admit to a mistake that you have made that was not actually a
huge mistake after all and was not even that recent. For example.
About four or ve years ago when I worked as an o ce junior at ABC Company and I
made the mistake of not preparing for team meetings properly in advance. This
meant that our team leader had to go over things more than once for my bene t
which really should not have been necessary. In any event after holding up two such
meetings I was asked to stay behind after the meeting and was told politely but rmly
that I need to be more prepared in the future. I took this to heart and decided then
and there that I would be the most prepared member of the team at all meetings in
the future. I am pleased to say that soon after my team leader actually used me as an
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
example of how to be prepared for meetings. This valuable lesson is something I
have used in all aspects of my life and I am pleased to say being prepared has made
a huge and positive impact.
This is how you turn a mistake into a triumph and seriously impress the interviewer.
How do you work under pressure?
Now of course the answer you will give here is that you cope well under pressure and
you even thrive on it. It’s important to show that you understand that you should not
become overloaded.
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Understanding when to say no, when to ask for help and how to prioritise are all skills
you need to show you have. Here is a good example.
I actually enjoy working under pressure as I feel I perform at my best when
challenged. I cope well because I feel I have a rm understanding of how to prioritise
my work and know which tasks to work on myself and which to look for help with.
How good are you at delegating a task?
You need to show that you understand when to delegate and when to do a task
yourself. You also want to show that you are not afraid of mucking in. Nobody wants to
hire a slacker.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Delegation in itself is a valuable skill; show you understand this with an answer like this.
Yes, I am excellent at delegation. I know when to pass a task on to someone and
when to handle it myself. I also understand that it is vital to give clear instructions and
expectations when passing a task to someone else to complete. Failure to do this
invariably results in having to do the task again. I am more than happy to get my
happy to get my hands dirty and am prepared to do any task I ask others to do
myself. However I also recognise that sometimes my time is best spent elsewhere.
What is your favourite website?
You can tell a lot about somebody by the books they read and the same is equally true
for the websites they use.
Here is a chance to show o a little. If you enjoy using Facebook then this is ne just
remember to explain that you enjoy being social and talking to people rather than
wasting away the day playing games.
If you use websites such as Udemy or Lynda.com for further education then tell the
interviewer and go on to explain how these courses helped your personal and
4.5 / 5 professional development.
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If you enjoy sites such as Buzzfeed or Mashable then make sure you let the interviewer
Feedbackknow that you bene t from the latest news and information keeping you up to date
your interests and also work related topics.
The key with this question is to show you are enriching your mind and not wasting your
time. Show the positive qualities of your favourite website and the bene ts you receive.
What hobbies do you have?
When asked a question like this your interviewer is trying to nd out what sort of
person you are like outside of work. As always honesty is the best policy here. But if
you like partying, gambling and illegal drugs then keep this to yourself.
However if you enjoy going to the gym, further education and self-improvement then
feel free to spill your guts.
Your potential employer is not looking for someone who enjoys taking Mondays o to
recover from a drug fueled weekend bender. They are looking for someone who has
good health and tness and spends their own spare time improving their own skills.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Have you ever worked as part of a team?
Talk about an experience of working as part of team that worked well. One that helped
you as individual and also that made the team as a whole improve.
If you can also show how this directly bene ted the company then this will be music to
their ears.
Ideally include in your answer an example of how you have seen others fail, what you
have learned from their mistakes and how you would do it di erently.
Here is an example.
I worked with four other people to create a social media presence for the company I
currently work for. Working as a team helped with brainstorming ideas and
additionally meant we could divide the tasks to best utilise our individual skills. At the
time my biggest strength was the graphics and image sourcing. Working closely with
the person responsible for the messaging used we developed a mutual
understanding of what worked well together. The right image with the right text
made a huge di erence. The other two members of the team worked on the
scheduling of the updates and also dealt with answering and talking to the social
media followers. This was something they had a natural ability for and it also freed us
to concentrate on our part. I learned so much from the person responsible for the
messaging and I think he learned a lot about image and graphics. I also learned that
sometime it’s better to be ‘hands o ’ on tasks that I don’t excel at. Working in a
focused team gives you this luxury. To be fair working with this team was easy as the
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     company had already had a failed attempt at dealing with social media. Three people
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working individually on separate social media platforms all singing from completely
di erent hymn sheets. Easy to see where they went wrong in hindsight and a mistake
we were determined not to repeat.
How are you when working independently?
If you can show that you have the drive to work on a project individually without the
need to be micro managed then you are on the right track. Show what it taught you,
how it bene ted the company and ideally show how you could repeat it for the
company you are interviewing for.
Use phrases that show you really grasped the bull by the horns and how the task
became very important to you. Something you took real pride in.
Try an answer like this.
I worked on improving the retention rate of existing customers and generating the
potential for increased sales with our existing clients. The main area of success was
basically picking up the phone and asking them if everything was okay and if they
had anything they needed help with. Seems really simple but it worked a treat.
Engaging them in conversation often led to opportunities to talk about solutions we
had for their problems. Not only did we sell more products but we also formed a
bond with our customers which increased loyalty. This simple method became so
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
successful that I was tasked with training others within the team in my methods. It
very much became ‘my baby’ and is something they adopted company wide. I am
very proud of this fact.
What was the most recent book your read?
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allows you to give an insight into what makes you tick. Fiction or non- ction are
ne just be honest as I nd this will avoid embarrassment should your interviewer
share your ‘imagined’ taste in books. The last thing you want is a discussion on a book
you have never even opened.
If the last thing you read was a comic book or a top shelf magazine then perhaps you
might decide to not include this as part of your literary diet.
It is far better to discuss a recently read educational, self-improvement or even the
latest best-selling ction masterpiece.
If you don’t read books then rst of all can I say you should start as you missing out. But
how can you answer the question without telling lies or painting yourself as some sort
of illiterate slacker? Try something like this.
If I am honest I don’t enjoy reading books. I know this might seem as if I am limiting
myself but I actually prefer to digest new information via video, podcasts or on
quality blogs. I nd the information current and easier to digest.
What is more important to you, money or job satisfaction?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Now unless you are already lthy rich and have chosen to continue working then a
smart answer would go something like this.
Of course money is important as this is how we pay for what we want in life, however
happiness is far more important to me and part of this includes job satisfaction. In an
ideal world I would achieve both. I think the best way I can do this is to work really
hard and take pride in what I do. The nancial rewards of being successful at work
will happen. Working hard to provide a comfortable life for my family is the driving
force in what I do.
An answer like this appears sincere as you happily admit that money is a motivating
factor. By talking about working hard to achieve success and job satisfaction you also
show that you are willing to work hard for your nancial rewards.
Why do you want to work here?
This is a chance to show you are serious about this job. It’s not just a job you want . . . it’s
actually the job that you want.
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Show this by quickly covering how you align perfectly with the job and the company in
general. Do so with enthusiasm but be careful not come across too excitable.
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I have 10 years of experience in selling/making ‘blue widgets’ and XYZ company are
internationally known for ‘blue widgets’. Joining your company would enable me to
bring my experience and enthusiasm to a larger market and with my proven track
record I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for both myself and also the XYZ
Showing mutual bene t shows you are serious about the job whilst reminding them
you also have something to o er their business.
Would you be prepared to relocate if required?
This is not a trick question or a way of nding out if you will be completely loyal to the
company come what may. Being prepared to relocate is not something everyone is
able, or willing to do. This is ne.
Just answer the question honestly as in all likelihood the question is being asked
because they just want an honest answer. Chances are if it willingness to relocate was
a requirement then they would have mentioned it when advertising the job.
If the answer is no then try an answer along these lines.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
Due to family ties and my current accommodation I would not be able to relocate at
this time. I would not completely rule it out in the future.
Just give a straight answer and avoid embarrassment and problems further down the
What is your morning routine?
This is a question that will tell your interviewer how organised you are. Just showing
you have a morning routine is a huge step in the right direction. Morning routines show
you actually take the time to prepare and plan for the day ahead.
If you can also show that your preparation gets you ring on all cylinders and increases
your readiness for work both physically and mentally then you can o cially categorise
your answer as a slam dunk. Try something like this.
I like to start each morning with a quick shower to wake myself up and to spend ve
or ten minutes thinking about the day ahead. Many of my best ideas have been in the
shower. After dressing for work I like to drink a glass of water then prepare and eat
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my breakfast. I think it is really important to give myself the right fuel to see me
     through the day until lunch. When travelling to work I like to use my time on the train
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to go over my to-do list for the day ahead. This always helps to give me clarity for the
day ahead.
Why should we give you the job?
An amazing opportunity to completely tie yourself into the job you are applying for.
Talk about all the reasons that you are tailor made for this job. Include your skills,
quali cations and experience.
Additionally talk about what you can do for the company and the bene ts you will
bring to them if they hire you.
This is a golden opportunity to make you sound like the most irresistible match for the
What questions haven’t I asked you?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
An excellent chance to let the interviewer know about any skills or attributes they have
not already asked you about.
Here are two quick examples.
I was hoping you might ask me about my time working for ABC Company in customer
services. I know the job experience is not directly related to the HR position I am
applying for today but what I did learn was how to deal with unhappy customers and
ways to nd solutions to problems. I have used these skills ever since in a variety of
di erent ways and found them invaluable.
I thought you might ask me about my volunteer work with children. I run a youth club
where we go on excursions such as hiking, cycling and swimming. Organising these
day trips has helped with my communication skills and also because of the budget
constraints I have become rather adept at securing a discount.
Do you have any questions for me?
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I can almost guarantee that you will be asked this question. So I recommend you go to
the interview prepared. Unbelievably the most common answer when asked this
question is no. So you could say this is an easy way for you to stand out from the crowd
. . . but be careful.
Whatever you do make sure the questions are about how you will be able to bene t
the company rather than what’s in it for you. A couple of good examples would be.
Can you describe the challenges I might face learning your IT system? I ask this as if
possible I would like to prepare in advance.
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
How long do you think it will be before I am able to complete the induction and start
to make sales?
A common mistake often made is asking questions that to be fair are a little sel sh.
Here a couple of questions that you should not be asking.
When do we get paid?
How long do we get for lunch?
Think about what you can do for the company and not what the company can do for
you and you will be golden.
Using my Example Interview Questions and Answers to Land Your Dream Job
Remember whatever you do please don’t copy the answers above word for word. They are
examples given to illustrate the following important techniques you should be using in your
Always answer questions in a positive manner. Nobody likes a complainer or a moaner,
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  don’t
  be that person.
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try and show how your skills and experience are a good t for the job you are applying
and because of my experience in customer services and my ongoing training in
communication skills I believe I would be an excellent choice for your sales team.
You can even give a positive answer when you don’t have the relevant skills.
I have had limited face to face interaction with the public but I relish the challenge of
working as part of your sales team as I think I will bring a unique perspective as . . .
Always remember to ‘ask what you can do for the company and not what the company can
do for you’ and you will not go far wrong.
The company you are interviewing for are sel sh. They are only interested in what you can
do for them; they have little interest in what they can do for you.
Final Bonus Tip: If you can weave a story into your answers then do so as it is the best way
to help the interviewer remember you. Now don’t turn every single answer into a story of
your life, just now and again seize the opportunity when it’s given.
Out of the two candidates below who are you most likely to remember?
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53 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers
the guy who went to Japan for a year to improve his understanding of di erent cultures
and improve his language and communication skills
the guy who likes football, socialising and reading
Use each question you are asked to your advantage.
Give answers that will make a memorable impression on the interviewer.
Show you will be a huge asset to their company.
Follow these techniques and you will leave them no choice.
They will literally be begging you to accept their job o er.
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