Design of a 32 – bit RISC – V Core (RV32I) NAVINKUMAR K – ECE - B 19EC1067 Overview 1. Quick Intro and Motivation 2. Proposed Microarchitecture and RV32I ISA 3. Features of the design 4. Design steps (System Verilog) 5. Simulation and Verification 6. Measuring the Performance 7. Adding more features and Superscalar Architecture Proposal 8. Conclusion Why do we need RISC – V Architecture? Developed at UC, Berkeley Open – source ISA One for all Incorporates lessons from previous decades of processor design Modular ISA Optional extensions for 64 – bit and even 128 – bit Flexible and no forced implementations Proposed Microarchitecture S L I G HT LY B AS ED ON MI PS 16 PROC ES S OR R E F EREN CES : C O M P U T E R O R G A N I Z AT I O N A N D D E S I G N T H E H A R D W A R E S O F T W A R E I N T E R FA C E [ R I S C - V E D I T I O N ] , D AV I D A . PAT T E R S O N , J O H N L . H E N N E S SY D I G I TA L D E S I G N A N D C O M P U T E R A R C H I T E C T U R E , R I S C - V E D I T I O N , 1 S T E D I T I O N , S A R A H L . H A R R I S , D AV I D H A R R I S Proposed Microarchitecture (diagram created using software) RV32I ISA Need this for decoder design! Types of Instructions Immediate Extender unit uses this table Features Based on RV32I Core Supports 27 instructions of the total 37 instructions Basic Integer Processing (Add/Sub, Logical, Shift Operations) Datapath – Controller Design 5 – stage Pipeline design Complete Hazard Handling (Data Hazards and Control Hazards) Modular and highly extensible Design Steps SYSTEM VERILOG USED AS THE HDL Load Word First lw x1, 2(x7) [x7 + 2] = x1 Store Word sw x1, 9(x5) x1 = [x5+9] R - type and x1, x2, x3 5 - stage Pipelined Datapath Control Unit (Split into two modules) Main Decoder Main Decoder Control Unit ALU Decoder •For determining the type of instruction ALU Decoder •Determines the operation to be performed by the ALU Hazard Handling Occurs when an instruction depends on the results of the previous instruction which is not yet completed. Data Hazard 1. Data Hazards 1. Forwarding 2. Stalling ( for load word ) 2. Control Hazards 1. Flushing Solution Stalling for load word hazard Since the result of load instr. not available till the end of Memory Access Stage, we stall the next instructions by cycle. Load word hazard When result appears in Write Back Stage, we forward it to the execution stage. Solution Control Hazards We flush the following two instructions whenever the branch is taken. Flush decode and execute stage. Design steps summary Implement Load Word Instruction first Then Store Word Instruction Modify datapath and decoder to include R - type Add branch and store instructions (MUX for PC) Debug and Verify Pipeline the data path and the controller Design Hazard Unit Debug and verify Simulation and Verification TOOLS USED: INTEL QUARTUS PRIME LITE, VS CODE Performance Measurement CRITICAL PATH, MAX. FREQUENCY, AVERAGE CPI Critical Path Performance Measurement Future Goals More Pipeline stages Implement superscalar architecture Cache memory Branch Predictor Thank You