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Design Interface Cheatsheet for Web UI Development

What is a design interface?
Design interface are the way that elements such as UI
components are positions for different parts of the website,
similar to a wireframe. You can change their position and
layout to create common interfaces such as headers, heroes,
sections and footers in many different ways.
How to use a design interface?
By Enhance UI
You can copy the design interface layout to your own web
page, and then code or update the colors, images and text to
represent the product or service you provide. This makes the
This cheatsheet is a compilation of design interfaces that
design process quick and easy without having to consider
can be used for creating a user interface for a website or
layout options.
1. Headers
Combine a logo, navigation menu and contact info to create a header
contact inform...
navigation menu
navigation menu
navigation menu
Traditional Header
Centered Header
Empty Header
Left side logo with a navigation bar that spans
Logo is center aligned, allowing half the nav-
Less is more, by hiding the menu, we have no
across, with contact information on the top right.
menu to be on both the left and right sides.
distractions and more focus on the content.
2. Heroes
Your hero appears after the header, is loud and proud, declaring who or what they are and what they do
Hero Text One
Hero Text Three
Hero Text Two
A small hero description no more
than a line or two
call to action
A brief example where the user can try
the service out.
call to action
try now
Traditional Hero
Video Hero
Product Demo Hero
A title, description and image introduce a
Full screen video works to introduce the product
Let users try a demo example of the service
product or service, with a bright call to action
or service, requiring only a title or call to action
straight away, helping them get a clear vision of
button, or secondary to provide more info.
to act as the conversion.
how it works.
3. Sections
Your hero appears after the header, is loud and proud, declaring who or what they are and what they do
Section A
The first section stars with a title and description on the left hand side, and an
image on the right hand side that provides context for the section. It ’s simple and
easy to execute.
Most sites use this effective type of section design.
Alternating Sections
As the name suggests, alternating sections is a simple way to display the body
of your website repetitively while keeping the look dynamic. This type of interface design is used to often display features for a produce or
service on a website, as often many features might exist.
Section B
Be careful to to overuse the alternating sections too often, as any more than 3-5
The second section is a mirror of the first, however the image starts the section,
using this type of section.
and the text for the header and description alternates to the other side. This
allows it to feel dynamic while similar to the previous section.
can cause the user to tune out. Instead adapt different section designs after
Mobile Example
Desktop Example
Column Sections
Section A
Section B
Section C
Sections can be seperated by
columns that help to quickly
showcase more features on a
single screen viewing.
Each section should have a
A column section is useful to
be placed near the start of the
page, or near the bottom
before a footer.
A good image and title is used
to showcase the feature, with
a short description.
Having varied sizes such as
Create a column section
showcasing features, services
or products for your site.
single line for the title, and a
similar length for it’s short
two lines for the title may
cause it to look aloof.
When trying to showcase many sevices, it’s useful to break them down
into smaller form, where you have sub-sections with images and short
descriptions of what they are.
This is a small subsection that has a brief
about a service or feature.
Sub-Section 3
This is a small subsection that has a brief
about a service or feature.
Section A
Mobiles should have less text
that is straight to the point.
Features are a good place to use column
sections, where the image could be a preview of
the feature or an icon that represents it.
For a mobile view, this section can collapse and
be easily scrollable.
Section B
Text can be left align but
sometimes also centered.
Grid Sections
Section A
Sub-Section 1
The column section interface shows 3-6 items in
a single row. It can be used with an image, title
and description.
Sub-Section 2
This is a small subsection that has a brief
about a service or feature.
Sub-Section 4
A grid section allows you to showcase many services and features. It can be a
grid of 2x2, o 4x4, or 2x4 etc.
Such a grid is useful however it will mean less information is showcased. Ideally
a small image, title and one line description is enough.
Similar to column sections, these grids can collapse for the mobile version to a
single column making for easier reading.
This is a small subsection that has a brief
about a service or feature.
4. Footers
Your hero appears after the header, is loud and proud, declaring who or what they are and what they do
Company Name
A small company description
no more than a line or two
contact button
Sub-menu 1
Sub-menu 2
1 Address Street 12345
1300 300 300 Phone
Contact Us
Company Name
A small company description no more than a line or two
Support Line
Contact Us
Copyright Information
Copyright Information
Traditional Footer
Centered Footer
Simple footers include company details on the left, with contact information,
and a repeat of the menu on the right two columns to help in case a user
missed the information they were looking for.
When dealing with a smaller website, a centered footer which has less menu
items can be used. It offers the basic menu from the navigation once more
but without all the extra information such as contact details.
Newsletter Signup
Sign up to the newsletter, we promise not to spam you
email address
Contact Form
full name
email address
Did you not find your answer,
submit this form
Bonus: Contact Form & Newsletter
Add a contact form and newsletter in the footer
sections to help users better navigate.
Often fif someone reaches the end of the pages,
they will be likely to want more information.
Enhance UI
Design for Developers
Learn the fundementals of web design, which will help you create
better looking websites, user interfaces and experiences. Doing so
has an impact on your work, freelancing, which leads to earning more
money and a better job.
Website: https://enhanceui.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adrian_twarog
Youtube: https://youtube.com/adriantwarog
I hope you enjoyed this cheatsheet, check out the full edition of
Enhance UI book, Design for Developers which will go into detail
about design, ui, ux and much more!
5. Cards
Containers that hold information
Heading Three
A small description about the
content no more than a line or two
Heading One
Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean
commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
Cum sociis natoque penatibu
call to action
A small description about the content no
more than a line or two
call to action
Traditional Card
A title, description and image to introduce a
product or a service, with a bright call to action
button, usually left align.
Clickable Card
Button can be omitted, and the whole card can
be clickable instead.
Mobile Card
Layout of the card can be adjusted to fit
different viewport sizes. On mobile or list view
this format is the most common.
6. Sidebars
Vertical navigation menu
Company Logo
User Name
User Name
Traditional Sidebar
Vertical navigation menu with company logo and
user information. Usually sitting on the left side
of the viewport.
User Sidebar
Usually used on social media. You can add the
user photo and name instead of the company
logo to make the sidebar hold the user
Collapsed sidebar
This layout is usually used to allow the user to
get more space on the viewport for he main
content, useful on smaller screens.
7. Carousel
Show collections of items
Traditional Carousel
Items, navigation controls and dot indicators that display the number of
items in the carousel, with the current item highlighted. The dots can also
be used to navigate.
Scaled Carousel
Another option, without the dot indicators, and fade in/out effect that
highlights the selected item. This makes use of visual hirerchy to create a
focal point on the main, selected image.
8. Navigation Bar
Links to sections or pages in the website
Traditional navigation bar
Link with the name of the different sections/pages. The name of the selected section is highlighted
with color to indicate the user’s location at the moment.
nderlined navigation bar
Similar to the traditional navigation bar, with another type of highlighting. In this case the current
section is accentuated with a color line.
on navigation bar
Commonly used in mobile layouts, but it can be used in web design as well. You can add the
name of the section below if you want too.
9. Testimonials
People’s opinion about experience with the product
Full Name
ho is this person
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Aenean commodo ligula eget
dolor. Aenean massa. Cum
sociis natoque penatibu
Traditional testimonial layout
Card with photo and user’s information. Full name is mandatory, and if you
have additional information abou how this person is (like his job) you can
add it too. Comments, opinions and everything the user wrtote goes
Full Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Aenean commodo ligula
eget dolor. Aenean massa.
Cum sociis natoque
Overlapping image testimonial
Similar to the traditional testimonial but there is an overlap between the
user image and the testimonial card.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec
pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis
pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
-- Uho
is this
Testimonial without image and with watermark quote
You can ommit the image if you want. A good alternative to this is adding a watermark image like a quote, so the card does not look too plain. Don’t
forget to add the name of the user below, so it can be identified somehow.
10. Login
Credentials required to authenticate a user
Sign In
Sign In
Login with image
Login without image
Login form with user and password inputs, and a link to restore password
in case the user’s forgot it. You can add an image related to the application
or the company to have a more personalized look, this can be next to the
form or as a background image.
If you don’t want to add an image to the login, consider to wrap it inside a
container and adding some contrast between the wrapper and the
background, so that it won’t look so plain.
11. Stats
Display the statistics you want the user to know
Delivering our services
around the world
Delivering our services around the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget
dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque
Simple stats
Stats with image
If you don’t want to add an image to the login, consider to wrap it inside a
container and adding some contrast between the wrapper and the
background, so that it won’t look so plain.
Login form with user and password inputs, and a link to restore password
in case the user’s forgot it. You can add an image related to the application
or the company to have a more personalized look, this can be next to the
form or as a background image.
12. FAQs
A section with the most frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Is cereal soup?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo
ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibu
Frequently Asked
Is cereal soup?
If you can't find the answers
you're looking for, contact us!
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit.
What's the best type of cheese?
If you don’t want to add an image to the login, consider to wrap it inside a
container and adding some contrast between the wrapper and the
background, so that it won’t look so plain.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit.
What's the best type of cheese?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Accordion FAQs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit.
FAQs with supporting text
Login form with user and password inputs, and a link to restore password
in case the user’s forgot it. You can add an image related to the application
or the company to have a more personalized look, this can be next to the
form or as a background image.