COURSE OUTLINE COURSE NAME: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR COURSE CODE: MBMK6008 Programme Academic Session Semester Credits No of Sessions Prerequisite MBA 2023-24 IV 3 45 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Programme educational objectives (PEOs): PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 Graduate will grow personally and professionally to be successful in dynamic business environment globally. Graduate will lead with creative, analytical and entrepreneurial skills to help organizations achieve a competitive advantage. Graduate will contribute as socially and ethically responsible citizen or the sustainable development of environment and society at large. Programme Outcomes (POs): PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems. Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making. Ability to develop Value based Leadership. Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business. Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment. Ability to conduct investigation of complex problems using modern tools and techniques. Apply the various forms of business communication, supported by effective use of appropriate technology, logical reasoning, articulation of ideas. Apply innovative ideas and knowledge of business project management principles as an entrepreneur/team member/ team leader to develop and manage projects in multidisciplinary environments. Course Overview This course aims at enabling students to understand the various aspects of consumer behaviour, the external and internal factors that influence consumer behaviour and to apply this understanding to develop marketing strategy. The course aims to implore consumer insight – by understanding of the needs and wants which exist as conscious thought and the deeper, sub-conscious motives that drive human behaviour at an implicit level. The course is developed around a model of human cognition consisting of sequential mental processing steps (e.g., awareness, interpretation, attitude, etc.) that intervene between the marketing mix (input) and purchase behaviour (output). Based on the conceptual framework, the course covers the major topics of consumer behaviour using a mix of large cases, mini-cases, experiential exercises and lectures to advance these concepts. Course Objectives To apprise students with the basic tenets of Consumer Behavior along-with the factors influencing it as well as the practical application so as to formulate successful strategies in the competitive business eco-system Course Outcomes CO1 Explain the concepts and techniques of consumer behavior that drive the buying decision. (K2) CO2 Analyze the psychological dimensions of consumer behavior and apply to formulate effective marketing strategies. (K4) CO3 Develop effective communication programs to persuade consumer to buy specific product. (K6) CO4 Evaluate the influence of motivation, perception, family, social class and cultural aspects on consumer buying behavior for designing suitable marketing programs. (K5) CO5 Apply consumer behaviour models and related research in order to actuate enablers influencing consumer purchasing patterns. (K3) CO-PO Matrix CO/PO CO1 PO1 3 PO2 PO3 1 CO2 2 3 2 CO3 2 2 2 2 2 CO4 PO4 1 PO5 2 PO6 PO7 1 PO8 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 CO5 3 2 2 2 2 2 Unit-1: Introduction to Consumer Behaviour 9 lecture hours Introduction to Consumer Behaviour, technology driven consumer behaviour, the Changing Patterns of Consumer Behaviour, consumer value, satisfaction and retention, Consumer decision making, Dimensions of Consumerism, Organisational Buying Behaviour, Use of Market Segmentation in Consumer Behaviour, behavioural targeting, perceptual mapping and positioning, repositioning. CASE STUDY: A case study on consumer buying behaviour towards selected FMCG products- IJSRM Unit-2: Consumer Psychology 9 lecture hours Consumer motivation and personality, the dynamics of motivation, nature and theory of personality, personality traits and consumer behaviour, product and brand personification, consumer perception, consumer learning, consumer attitude formation and change CASE STUDY: Kellogg's Indian Consumer Experience – Marketing management Indian cases, Pearson Unit-3: Communication and Consumer Behaviour 8 lecture hours Persuading consumers, communication process, designing persuasive messages, measures of message effectiveness, print and broadcast advertising to social and mobile media, reference group and word of mouth. CASE STUDY: Customer Value – Explored, Created, Communicated & Delivered related to India’s ecommerce market – Marketing management Indian cases, Pearson Influence of advertising on consumer buying behaviour: case study of forever living cosmetics products - Researchgate Unit-4: Determinants of Consumer Behaviour 9 lecture hours Individual Determinants: Motivation; Attention, Perception and Consumer Imagery; Learning and Memory; Personality and Self Concept; Consumer Attitudes – Formation and Change; Consumer Values and Lifestyles External Determinants: Family social standing, family lifecycle, social class and consumer behaviour, cultural influence on consumer behaviour, cross cultural consumer behaviour. CASE STUDY: Consumer Behaviour-Its Wide Facets and Deep Implications – Marketing management Indian cases, Pearson Determinants of personal factors in influencing the buying behavior of consumers in sales promotion: a case of fashion industry Unit-5: Consumer Decision Making and Consumer Research 10 lecture hours Consumer decision making models, diffusion and adoption of innovation, Dimensions of Consumer Research, process of consumer research, ethics and social responsibility CASE STUDY: Baron-Rewriting Indian Consumer Electronic Goods Marketing: Shaking the Market (ICMR) Adoption of Innovation- EV : Economics times Prescribed Text Book Schiffman, L. G., & Kanuk, L. L. (2009). Consumer Behaviour. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. 2. Solomon, M., Russell-Bennett, R., & Previte, J. (2012). Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. 1. Reference Books Majumdar, R. (2010). Consumer behaviour: Insights from Indian market. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2. Ramesh, K. (2008). Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behaviour, The Indian Context. Pearson Education India. 3. Posavac, S. S. (2015). Cracking the Code: Leveraging Consumer Psychology to Drive Profitability: Leveraging Consumer Psychology to Drive Profitability. Routledge. 4. Kumar, S. R. (2017). Consumer behaviour: the Indian context (Concepts and Cases). Pearson Education India. 1. FULL CASES to be pasted here: , Haldiram’s Getting the 4Ps Right.pdf (Module 1) Kellogg's Indian Fair and Lovely Consumer Experience.pdf Creating Demand.pdf (Module 2) Customer Value – Explored.pdf The_role_of_social_m INFLUENCE OF edia_marketing_in_consumer_beh.pdf ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR CASE STUDY OF FOREVER LIVING COSMETICS PRO (Module 3) Customer Consumer Determinants of Loyalty.pdf Behaviour Its Wide Facets and Deep Implications.pdf personal factors in influencing the buying behavior of consumers in sales promotion a case of fashion industry.pdf (Module 4) Adoption of ICMR India- Baron InnovationElectric vehicle.pdf (Indian Consumer Electronic Goods MarketingShaking the Market).pdf (Module 5) CB- 9 Case Studies.pdf