TITLE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Simulation of RC Phase shift Oscillator and Hartley oscillator using PSpice. AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: To Design and Simulate RC Phase oscillator and Hartley Oscillator. Software tool used: PSpice Schematics Version 9.1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: RC Phase Shift Oscillator Note: Keep the initial conditions of any one of the capacitor IC = 1V. (In the capacitor attribute window). Transient Analysis: Print Step = 1ms Final Time = 10ms WAVEFORMS: TABULAR COLUMN: Design 1 Theoretical Frequency Practical Frequency RC Phase Shift Oscillator: Design 1: f = Frequency of Oscillations = 2 KHz T = 0.5ms f= 1 2π√6π πΆ = 0.065 π πΆ Design 2 Assume C = 0.1uF, R = 325β¦ and Rf = 29 x R = 9425β¦ (R = R1 in the circuit diagram) Voltage gain Av = RF / R1 = 29 Design 2: f = Frequency of Oscillations = 650 Hz T = 1.53ms f= 1 2π√6π πΆ = 0.065 π πΆ Assume C = 0.1uF, R = 1K and Rf = 29k (R = R1 in the circuit diagram) Voltage gain Av = Rf / R1 = 29 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Hartley Oscillator Note: Keep the initial conditions of both the inductors IC = 1 mA and for the capacitor IC = 1V (In the Inductor and capacitor attribute window). Transient Analysis: Print Step = 1ms Final Time = 10ms WAVEFORMS: 1.0V 0V -1.0V 3.468ms 3.500ms 3.550ms 3.600ms 3.650ms 3.700ms 3.750ms V(OUT_PUT) Time DESIGN: Frequency of oscillations f = 100 KHz f= 1 2π√πΏπΆ where L = L1 + L2 Let L1 = 100uH, L2 = 1000uH Then C = 2303pF TABULAR COLUMN: Theoretical Frequency (KHz) Practical Frequency (KHz) RESULT: Simulated RC Phase shift Oscillator and Hartley Oscillator using 741 Opamp, Design is verified and waveforms are noted. 3.800ms