2202 A ADVPCED ACROF LONDMICS-AssiGNNENT2 SHRADHA SONDAR LyBota(ounhrics &vas e t u AYout s o t ISe Pi wpsuwe Aqualim - a-b+e)- s OHR T+cY+62-Pc b a v n Krat nhral onle of coumkry odopts on ophsna roke O t o polt (0MR), noR han u u isa dano-nd Rru lsa gahve t t E i donges duuto owiu 0n (ng ove) dannomo lSO auwe & it sais to IS 1 150 EO bislo) To weoe Tmoueo teu's o / p 9ap Yon Yo e whe fontun ools tomtahov 7 presious MUakon pE/T°to its PCo 1ot en 0 tarqukedate n - Ru CB B i s poimt o rtduus t o i & R s usiu haue 2 r o s a) mlad5on rehums hotargat to v) b b p gop is edeea Yo Thwtore nd R pgop is tuaked fo-a vey norE &is qpiely desed l w Ruis mo *mi fant impaut On HPCTo) PT Ta lov 1 PCo ADo AP pe yoo{ Duto kamgahve damnomd seode, Ru 1S uwe l f n SotoS o e in TesponkA to tes f lonk, lousvs r alng uiRl MPTO) & mOves fan o tor tu op gsp moues fom fsom AD uwe i l k E Kus iie u a9igisont b/pgop ankrou u a n orus ce T& Y@5 Atp Rwui's it ui renain gtale w h a n Caumhb nuuaes is l a h o n jaroet at t L ivem p gap &daude to tolurate higawmlakom rate, for whan Ra CB roises Ru ntakon tavqu ke P PCR lyharos n Ploto PCi to Ru A D dwe *Hs igko0 ds fmm Abo-AD) h 11 / PC 1S w e doent i s is (onponanh dork im wda a torgat lahon vaatu Tu PCo MP woudl nct Rift be a u of rakana D) ADD o 6 ie,othae i pe ded. Tws (T T)=O Hanu e hoe somL 0/p gop L hami7al int Tate but hgatmahnm. The givt in 1R ahm au A= wawl of puwc duttE GDP lous a u l of raio & acceuvainq. B Pur dalyt wikn GDP oko taHe. ateu b A e Cou ipeiem ung song ollt-G DP - a o be Co e uwive ading to a i s e M R pma ouicit T u , for Mu d a t sDPaioto Teran statla (-i) P -i le 1 P=g-i)A . A=o PPimonydujut w P> (g-i)A x>O Kn 0- po mt m dalst d s t G DP »oho dult DY roJo ooutd qoo w m -y /o'pgop1e wtfarged Risuallba ItYegves monatay mh Ris (mimuus dabt 6DP roho uooud be s t a t . f A= O, Run R Jhun dut 6DP-r o Dis a wika nallA in roi pemes t uo di ho fuHr gau JDebt -GDP atio. Thuws touwnnA actelirales dul to wgu dibt bejd restDd d , S)(owmy A e A o o w d Goo pt a n d o n a l from u a FP t ouhput - fiulanpl o divua a Poiy con o p Jop tovgekRL o/p gop uo op =o t alou m fanchonal fomu, m noto f°s(ak hun hitps aduveful nploy a v t fo*gahs Ra op 9*p Run q wil P-Cg-i) it com n o t , kalpinq adie HagnuH Rudt- TOio, rde choma indubt raso upR hsc balo-ns h veaostalili2 ahio o nMon9P H,Rarate oftowst/i isonzrid to dat roaho tarquRrq. Knu n an k e H ekeo nieiu oppend Fo wvumt daltaio fe) dabt- G Pf-*oto i's ijnq, inteust rat? can be wtdto stabiiza Ru dhbrako. Tw y wmg I w g A=o. T t a d stoke GR = & rahra GR -otn g* EGN R a sconOy is xpewenung 9owmg uhployhmmt. n Kau Solou modl we dohk howe am nves nt n Ruy S T lus warradt adual 6R = qw rou ate/qw 9 h i So lous Modul, nmu petet b s huhon ommq facos e pam I E ) capito a labow a e . putety ubs hutaue ham = okam g -n k <t, (gRof K <GRofTus Hu's remk fou im RalK/Lraholaboupiu a K/LY /les fal n numdu labow ts nous being9 Sor be d duto follumq pnus, i s puad ho poduu p& taMa Lomplotmamt js vestore d. U In HHayyodmodsl, ngidth oe fauo pri us is as consant lauma w is am absema of R Subsihitautiu'ty Rus maring O/p K Toso Axed Givn YuK Axed) fSm fo eploy m hu lakowt, (apital tyoy 9 f aoeired. M,fM 4E capitalreq ired aL ot be to Or gnouR &fure n r a t plomant oiu Ru plommt fwRuu mreoujmg fm, omt su w i k vemuut L-Rmbsti taiu'hy is vestored, 1t shu goLmg ummpleumsmt pramdw to RuT : ( ) 1F r e i i in Whan o i K ts beinq Ax pamdud,T iusi ons adu 9toppeol. Duto Ru xpekohon being disraged, twu is (ostomt stabilihy d T goodsmkt A mbve away fm to Ru a uiusahdm R u moning t o k o n a y St oahoM a fealhwu of 4A Amomy : h tmg ummy RBIs mnutoypotuyin 2o 15 a) wmdu odns dn bared n if t was it hod to mautain om 4-B: inHakon targuhng ogumtA of inMakon rake romgt: u s kunenanm ldas A c t U u IS i o d i 1E oas in ps u . baddiv vake w n t over 61. for 3pevjoas, it uoudd be tonxniduuda faiuru Tus, f RBls oolfov t*'s was ihdihy a s a m d i t e r e s tr o a k e - y m lnm Iwshuunnk. LH ouw e w e i P K u m iapal Ain ingrote = irenl wwould 7main untgmged. n a Icak umuMomgod) Op wl ounnanqol s vemt ma ramki ion faiu. fndng RBl >adnusi, tum 0/p wnt i . Com ownn nnpk n pvovenimta rates amt ve dnud e bouyuar ofinMakm foygug bung 201 u d s 4R total (0nehon pat om, tastes e pptean asave cvomaud Uowm.dd ismus a beng faud uk duhuemuy loyKuns, Ran looe ing of t u Di is in efethve. RBl m'aetduRreroi &* to Ram, op mignt be datj uemt du f a t Kat loms aanot eima dan amd. T i s o u d ke d u l t penw she fuwu xptctakoms, veutina in alostu IS a e ga c o paut n R duaging 0p Givam ku ower boumod of a o atso, below u ' c O o fal, tomaimtain fiu ermpl otmamt, nmmal n i ubil hove ho foL belouo zimo lu oRu aiwn d NKFousOrR m H a mph m of om upuward Sloping piips wnweind' ak ng peiive elalkanb/uwMof atonou adivih uihy e inaon ate Bulgivem qobaiz2ahon, ukan Hut PCo is PMat-u is o i h o n t dahon- post globauzakon ouu lak out cesty loIk cxud, n CBhesto it if ACon O c d chivihy »ose, uwa gs (oudE n i e » Rs o i t ob inHalkon & raisa labout (SI5 y d d u ung yreuutin tifaung ofPo/pe no giihat impaut uoill k i s a s 1e On R imlotoM Tate. e) hnal kr 2o bcira MP iaion to xg i y t l roma ondtmic it lest in nytjve, wham Rwois no umwraiu ui ion raring of KB: Te udibiu h uudusiu y t epo ade dspite CP) intlakm o-gut lul 9ivem HL RrotR ddEss for las owl, wem i roiet wik hugn imt Oes m O p P w i l eoml nugakiv pedranonss alupt a n daud huy R