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ICT-LAB Lab Manual: Word 2016, Collaboration, Mail Merge

Lab Manual
Submitted by:
Roll no:
BS Software Engineering
Submitted To :
Sir Umar Anjum
Part 2: Microsoft Word 2016
Modify the structure and appearance of text
Apply paragraph formatting
Configure alignment. .
Configure vertical spacing
Configure indents
Sidebar: Configure paragraph borders and shading
Structure content manuall
yApply character formatting
Sidebar: Character formatting and case considerations
Create and modify lists 91
Sidebar: Format text as you type.
Apply built-in styles to text
Apply styles
Manage outline levels
Change the document theme
 Skills reviewPractice tasks
Collaborate on documents
Mark up documents
Insert comments
Track changes
Display and review document markup
Display markup
Review and respond to comments
Review and process tracked changes
Sidebar: Remember to check for errors
Compare and merge documents
Compare and combine separate copies of a document
Compare separate versions of a.
Control content changes
Restrict actions
Restrict access by using a password
Sidebar: Restrict access by using rights management
Coauthor documents
Skills review
Practice tasks.
Merge data with documents and labels
Understand the mail merge process
Start the mail merge process
Get started with letters
Get started with labels
 Get started with email
 Choose and refine the data source
 Select an existing data source
 Create a new data source
 Refine the data source records
 Sidebar: Refresh data. Insert merge fields
 Preview and complete the merge
 Create individual envelopes and labels
 Generate individual envelopes
 Generate individual mailing labels Skills review
Practice tasks.messages.
Home bar:
Insert bar:
Design bar:
Layout bar:
References bar:
Mailings bar:
Review bar:
View bar:
Paragraph line and page breaks:
Paragraph indents and spacing bar:
Paragraph on which we apply left or right alignment:
Left alignment of paragraph: In which whole paragraph
align to left side of document.
Right alignment of a paragraph: In which whole
paragraph aligns to right side of document sheet as
Center alignment of a paragraph:
In which whole paragraph aligns to center of the
document sheet.
Justified alignment of pragraph: It is very closely
same to left alignment but there is more spacing
between text of justify alignment as follows.
Paragraph and Line spacing:
As for Task;
First for default its based on spacing options are
controlled by the style text.
No paragraph spacing :
As before pargraph 0, after paragraph 0,line spacing 1;
Compact ;
Before paragraph 0 ,after paraghraph 4, line spacing 1;
Here’s a little bit paragraph spacing after a first
Before paragraph 0 , after paragraph 6 , line spacing
Here’s a difference of line spacing about 1.15
Open ;
Before paragraph 0 , after paragraph 10 , line spacing
Here’s paragraph difference after 1st paragraph
Before 0, after 6 ,line spacing 1.15
Before 0, after 8 , line spacing 2