SA"oli思 緊潔琳XI鳳 ‖脳 潜累… "2 Economlcs of Paklstan Paper:Bc̲407 ″OTE′ ハ "b″ prary FryF 9 es 。.s,■ ″9″ es″ Ons ca″ y eq ● ● ● 000● ● ● 00● ● ● ● ● │100● : Ro‖ No.… ..¨ ....¨ ¨¨ : ヽ .........● ●●●●●●●●●: Time:3 Hrs, Mark9:loo a′ ma s, what do you mean by vicious circre of poverty? How can it be broken li".l pakistan? in developing countries 9. like No. 2-lilhat is capitat fomation? what are its sources? suggest merhods to 9. improve Q. No.3 Describe various foms of Economic planning. De.scribe major desired objectives of economic planning. Q. xo. a-f ilcuss- thc significance of industial sector for pakistan. whet are the . causes of industial backwardness of pakisan? Q. No 5 what role can traniport and cdmm'nicauon sector pray in sociar and economic deveiopment of pakistan. Q. No. 6 Describe'the irle of commercial Banks and.gtate Bankofpakistan in eooiomic dev. elopment of pakislan. Q. No, f !h1t,ae the strurcps of:ooiridituies of proviuoial gorrepments in it*istanf 'Fi0veme 'ridhuads Q. No. 8 Writehote on any one of the following: a Advantages and disadv;;;;, "iiriiie. for Pakistan. b. !a11ei ofpersistent deficit in Balance ofpayment of Pakistan. it rr* UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB PART― II Aノ 14 Examination:― Bo Com. SutteCt:Economics of Pakistan PAPER:BC‐ 407 ● ・ ・・ ° ・ ° ・・ ・ ●●●●● :Roll No.".."" ● 。 .● ......。 0● ● 00o● 1 2 Why is Education s.ector irnportant? What can be done to improve the situation ln Pakistan? ldentify the main factors responsible for the agricultural backwardness of pakistan. How far availability of cheap credit can help to resolve these problems of agricultural sector? What is Economic Planning? What are lts obJectives? Discuss Pakistan's economic planning briefly. What are Pakistan's major imports? Suggest measures to substitute the imports with local production. what steps have been taken bythe Government of pakistan to develop the use of information technology? Why is it important? critically Examine the lmportance of Motorway projects in the Economy of pakistan. Pakistan's External Debt problem Natural Resources in pakistan 000● : ●●● ・● TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs. MAX.MARKS:100 Descrlbe the politicaland administrative obstacles to Pakistan's economic development. i. ii, . 0● ●●● ・ ●●●●●● Note: Attempt any FlvE questions. Allquestions carry equal marks. Write short notes on the following ●●● UNⅣ ERSITY OF TⅡ E PUNJAB PART _ aa II SI2OI4 Examination:- B. Com. Subject: Economics of Pakistan PAPER: BC-407 NorE: Attempt any FIVE a a a aa a aa a ao a a a a aa a a a a a aa oa aa 3 Rott No. ........ oa a aa aa aaaaa a aaoaaalre TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs. MAX. MARKS: 100 questions. All questions corry equal marks. {: What are pre-requisites of Economic Development? Discuss briefly? (20) Q.2: Discuss the importance of natural resources in the development of a (20) Q. country? Briefly examine the main natural resources of pakistan? Q. 3: what are the causes of agricultural backwardness of pakistan? what (20) measures do you suggest to develop agriculture sector? Gl.4: Describe the importance of lndustrial sector of pakistan? Discuss the (20) steps taken by the govt. to develop private sector? Q. 5: Discuss in detail various measures which Pakistan needs to take to boost (20) its exports? I Q. 6r "Means of transport and communication are the vital for economic (20) development"? Briefl y discuss? Gt.7: Define Economic Planning? why it is needed for higher rate of economic (20) development? Q. 8: : alol Write short notes on the following: (a) Foreign Direct lnvestment (b) Energy crises in Pakistan (10, 10) ハヽ ゝ UNⅣ ERSITY OF TⅡ E PUNJAB PART - II N2OI5 Examination:- B. Com, SubieCt:Economics of Pakistan ヽ ●●●●●● … … ●●●●● .● an1: FIW questions. All ● ● ● ● ●・● queslions carry equal marks. compare in brief the characterisiic of a deveroping country with that of a (zo) developed country? Q.2: Capital formation is basis of economic development of any country? Discuss with reference to pakistan? (20) Q.3: Give merits and demerits of agricultural mechanization in pakastan? 20 Q.4: What are the merits and demerits of privatization of pakistan.s industrial sector? (20) Q.5: What are the Pakistan's major products in manufacturing sector? Suggest measures to increase our exports in international market? (20) "Means of transport and communication are vital for economic development". Briefl y discuss? (20) What is meant by economic planning? Discuss its objectives and briefly review the economic planning in past? (20) Q.6: Q.7= Q.8: Write short notes on the following: (a) Foreign Direct lnvestment (FDl) (b) Energy crisis in pakistan │. ...│● ●●●●│● ● : 000● MAX.MARKS:100 NOTE: Attempt {: :RolI No...¨ TIDIEE ALLOWED:3 hrs. PAPER:BC‐ 407 Q. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● │・・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (10,10) ︶ . UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Ⅱ S/2015 Examination:‐ Bo Com. PART― PAPER:BC‑407 'j 1. 2. ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● 0● FIW questions. All questions carry equal marks. Define Economic Development and discuss the economic factors of economic development, What is meant by Human capital? What are the Problems of Human Capital Formation in an What are the main obstacles in the way of agricultural development of Pakistan? Provide some suggestions to improve the situation. 4. Differentiate,between Balance of Payments and balance of Trade. How can Pakistan improve the unfavorable b:alance of payments? 5. Why is developrrient of transport and communication irnportant? Uiscuss the role of Motorway ero.lectslln Econom ic Developm ent. 6. 7. Discuss What is economic planning and why is .:i 8. l … い Finance? : Write short notes on the following ', ' │ it important for developing countries? What are the Problems of Agricultural Finance? Suggest Remedies to Solve the Problem of Agricultural a, b. lndustrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP) Mineral resources of Pakistan . No.… … … … … … ..: LDC's like Pakistan? 3. ● : TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs. MAXo MARKS:100 SutteCt:Economics of Pakistan NOTE: Attempt any .● : :RoⅡ UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 000000● ●●●●●0● ●●000● ●● 0。 PART― Ⅱ A/2016 Examination:― B.Com. ド .● :Roll No。 . ......・ ¨ ・"・・" : ・ TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs. MAX.mRKS:100 Subject:Economics of Pakistan PAPER:BC‑407 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions caruy equal marks. Q. # l: Discuss economic, sociopolitical and administrative problems faced by the economy of Pakistan. Q. # 2: What are the Problems of Agricultural Finance? Suggest Remedies to Solve the Problem of Agricultural Finance? Q. # 3: What is cottage and small-scale industry? Describe the main problems faced by the small-scale industries in Pakistan. Q. # 4: How far import substitution policy (ISI) can improve the balance of trade in Pakistan? Give methods to substitute imports in order to save foreign exchange. Q. # 5: .' What is deficit financing? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages deficit financing with reference to Pakistan. Q. # 6: i Are we successful in marketing our industrial products in the international market? How can we improve the situation? Q.#7: Define unemployment and discuss reasons behind high rate Pakistan. Also suggest remedial measures to solve this problem. Q. # 8: Write Short Notes on the following: (i) (ii) グ of Natural Resources in Pakistan. Electricity Crisis in Pakistan. of unemplolTnent in UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB II 5/2016 Examination:- B. Com. PART _ FIW : aaaa aaaaa. 3 Rott No. aaat a a aaa a aa aaaa ....,. aaa oa a t a a a aaaaaa questions. AII questions carry equal marks. 1 Discuss the Social and Political Obstacles to Economic Development of LDC's' 2 What is meant by the Mechanization of Agriculture? Give sound arguments For and Against the Mechanization of Agriculture in Pakistan' 3 Discuss the causes of industrial backwardness in Pakistan? How can we improve the situation? 4 What are the causes of adverse Balance of Payment in Pakistan? Suggest measures to improve the BOP of Pakistan 5 Discuss the importance of Road Networks in a developing coui'itny like Pakistan. W'hat are major problems you can highlight in the road network development of Pakistan? 6 What is economic planning and why is it important for developing countries? 7 Does Terrorism influence Foreign direct investment and trade? What other factors influence trade and FDI? Write Short Notes on the following: i. ii. aa : Corruption and Economic Development Human Resources and economic development i t a a a' TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs. MAX. MARKS: 100 Subject: Economics of Pakistan PAPER: BC-407 NOTE: Attempt any oa UNIVERSITY OF TⅡ E PUNJAB PART - II N2OI7 aaa ooaaa aa al t a ol l a aaa t Itat Rotl No. ........ I la at ataaaotaooo Examination:- B. Com. a : tl FIW questions. All questions corry equal mflrk* Q1: Discr,rss economic and non-economic fhctors reducing development of Pakistan. the pace of econornic (20) Q2: What are the main soLuces of agricultural,credjt in Pakistan? Sr-rggest measures to improve the availability and usetulness of credit to the tarmers. (20) Q3: What is cottage and small-scale industr,v'7 Describe tl-re main problems faced by the srnall-scale industries in Pakistan. (20) Q4: Wliat are the merits and demerits of plivatization of Pakistan's indnstrial sector? (20) Q5: What steps have been taken by the Government of Pakistau to develop the use technology? Why is it important? cf (20) Q6: What do you know about SMEDA? What roles can this olganization play in the economic development of smalI scale industries? (20) Q7: Discuss exports. Q8: Write shot notes on the tbllowings: (i) Energy crises in Pakistan (ii) Pakistan's External Debt Problern in detail"various aa I o a' TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs. MAX. MARKS: 100 Subject: Economics of Pakistan PAPER: BC-407 NOTE: Attempt any aaatla measures which Pakistan needs to take to boost its (20) (10, 10) UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB PART― H:2nd Annual‐ 2017 Examination:Bo Com. : 膊 EE′ И′ ′ ι]7P′ αη Ff/È″ ιsガθ ・ :Roll No.… ..… ●● ● ●●0 ●●●● ●● ・ SutteCt:Economics of PaHstan PAPER:BC‐ 407 0● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0● 0● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● % … ……… " :° ●0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0 0 0 TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs。 MAXo MARKS:100 け たS・ 乱 z4″ α″ιsrlia s̀αFψ ι″″αJ″ ′ 1. What is the difference in Econornit Growth and Economic Development? Hovv can we measure Economic Development? 2. How are natural resOurces irnportant for the econonlic development of a deve10ping country? 3. What does Pakistan produce in the agriculturalsector?what are the exportsP 4. Agro‐ based industries can be key plavers in Pakistanis economic developMent,cornrnent. ′ 5. Tradc not Aid′ is a g00d s10gano What dO yoO think?Discuss with reference to Pakistan. 6.What are the Problems of RallwaysP Can these Problems by 5olved by the Pttvatization of Ra‖ ways?Give Your Argument For and Against the privatization of Railways 7. The burden of foreign ald causes huge burdeh On the economy of Pakistan. How does it affect our budgё t? 8. Write Short notes on the following : a) Pakistan's Agricultural Marketing b) Large Scale lndustries in Pakistan UNIVERSxTY O「 THE PUNJAB PART=Ⅱ :Annual‐ 2018 ExaminattOn:B.COm。 SutteCt:EcO■ Omics Of Pakistan ●0● ●●●●●●●●●●●o● ●●●●●● . :Roll No."......¨ ・ ・ ・ ・ … ・ TIME ALLOWED:3 hrs. PAPER:Bc̲407 NorE: Attempt .0● IIAX.MARKS:100 any FrvE qaestions. 1. Discuss in Detail the Role of capital Development of pakistan? Ail questions carry equar marks. Formation in the Economic 2. Describe what do you understand by the term human capital? How can we accumulate better human capital? 3. what is cooperative farming? ls it successful in pakistan? provide sorne suggestions to promote cooperative farming. 4. what are the important features of pakistan's industrial sector? How we boost exports with the herp of the industrialsector? can Discuss the main exports and main export destinations? Do we need to diversify? 6. Describe the Role of Transportation and communication in the Economic Development of pakistan? 7. ls ノ foreign debt good for pakistan? Discuss the associated advantages and disadvantages. 8. Write Short notes on the following a) Human Resources and economic development b) External Debt of pakistan : ︑ UNIVERSITY OF TⅡ E PUNJAB PART― II:2nd An■ ual‑2018 Examination:Bo COm. ヽ1:讃lBII】 :号 :サ FIW questions, Define Economic Development. Discuss only the economic factors that have slowed Pakistan's economic development 2. Discuss the problem of unemployment in Pakistan? Suggest policy measures to overcome the problem. 3. Why is it vital to have an appropriate agricultural price policy? Suggest some good policy measure in this regard. 4. What does Pakistan produce in the manufacturing sector? How can Pakistan properly market her manufactured products in the international few 5. Discuss the major features of Pakistan's trade policy during the last yea rs. 6. Should we build MotorwaYs in Pakistan? Why or why not? 7. Foreign Aid is a sugar-coated suicide pill Do you agree? 8. Write Short notes on the following 4 Terrorism and Economic Development Cooperative Farming 1 lJ卜::I191∵ :∵ :∵ :∵ :=:∵ :1。 1 All qaesfions carry equal mark' 1. a) b) ● 0,●・ ° ・ "● TIME ALLOWED:3 1rs。 ■1lCKI MARKS:100 iCS° fPaHstan NOTE: Attempt any ・"" f" ・ ・ 呵 UNTYERSITY OF TI{E PUNJAB Subject: Eeonomics of pakistan NorE: :"・ ° "・ ・ ・ is :・ :∵ 耐 ¬ er (20) (20) t" ・ ino;@"r",*, overcorne these problems. (20) Write the steps taken by the Goverillllent of Pakistan to prOmOte expOrts and reduce (20) Explaiお bllanfe Of payment and its t,pe,.POint Out the causes ofadし nt in Pa,kistan. Suggesi measures. 欧 山 nぬ e de ofPakiStan可 麟 a■ n訥 steps to improve its efficiency. write note any two of the followings: 6) Adverse effects of foreign aid tr) Watercrisis in pakistan c) Causes of inflation irr pakistan .. PTarks:loo 一 prouleniior:,n"rr ucar" … : さ rse balahce Of (20) Po (10+10) ︱﹁︱︱ Describe .曇 L ● All questiotts cnrry equol marl$. Explain agricult[re price poticy in prf,GiJ,i. Q4: ¨ :・ Time:3■ Ls. Explain Economic Development. How can we nreasure it? formation. Wf,y ¨ t取 1毀 :1■ ∵:∵ Paper:Bc̲407 A.ttempt any FTVE qaestions, ・ ・ 3 UNiVERSITY OF ttHE PUNJAB B.Com.Part… ‖ 2nd Annual Exalm‑2019 C 呻 Economics of Pakistan Paper: 8C407 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE guesfions. Ql: aaaaoaaaaooooaaattaaa a' ! Rott No................. : ao aaaaaotaaaaaaaooaaaoa Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: {00 All questions carry equal marks. Highlight economlc and non-economic obstacles to economic developrnent in {20} Pakistan. Q2: Explain the problems of low agriculture per hector in Paklstan. Find out its solutbn. (20} Q3: Describe large scale industrles in Pakistan, Discuss its role in the process of economic (20) development. Q4: Explaln SMEDA. Write down dlfferent steps taken by the government in Pakistan. Q5: Q6: What is balance of payment and balance of trad€? Why it is adverse ln Pakistan? Sug8est some remedies. Describe foreign aid. Point out its role in economlc development of Pakistan. {20} Q7: Explain inflatlon. What are its causes? Suggest its remedies. {20} Q8: Write short note anytwo of the followings: {10+10} a) Water crisis in Pakistan. b) Causes of poor performance of PlA. c) Sources of Agriculture credit in Pakistan. to upllft SMEDA {20} {20) UNiVERSiTY OF THE PUNJAB Associate Deqree in Commerce /B.Com. Part - ll Annual Exam Paper:BC407 Subject: Economics ot Pakistan - 2020 li:I,:lIIIIII.三 Time:3 Hrs Marks:100 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Ql: Define Economlc Dev€lopment. What are its pre-requisite for developing economy. (20) Q2: What is agriculture marketing? What are major problems of atriculture marketing in (20} Pakistan? Q3: Define small scale and cottage industries, what are their roles in Economic {20) Development with reference to Pakistan? Q4: Explaln energy crlsis in Pakistan. What are its causes and urhy energy crisis in (20) Paklstan ls not yet controlled? Q5 Explain CPEC. Highlight its advantages and limitatlons Q6: Elaborate Economic Planning. What are its type5? Hlghllght causes of ineffective with reference to Pakistan. (20) {20} planning in Paklstan. Q7: Discuss foreitn economic asslstance. What are lts types? ls it inevitable for economic {20) development of developlng countries? Q8: Write short note on the fo‖ owings. a)Role ofsMEDA b} PerfOrmance of Agriculture Devel● pment Bank of Pakistan. (10■ 10) UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Associate Degree in Commerce / B.Com' Part - ll 2nd Annual - 2020 & Annual - 2021 subject: Economics of Pakistan Paper: BC{07 NOTE: Attemptany FIVE guestions. All questions carry equal ma*s. (differcnt) Q. No.1 Define Economic Developm€ot, wbot ar€ the uncomrnon charactedstic.s of developing countries. Q. No.2 Whst is the significaace of agriorlh[al sector for Pakistan. whst ale the main obstacles in the way of agricultural development in Pakistan? Q. No. 3 Why Pakistan is not strowing a remarkable progress in industial 3e61or? Give your suggestions to overcome the sihration. Q. No.4 Describo tho importance of lluman Resources in Pakistan's perspective. Suggest measures to make tbps€ t€{xturccs morc useful? Q. No.S What are &e major imports ofPakistan? Give suggestions for substitrsion of these imports with local ptoducts Q. No.6 What are the problems of agricultural marketing in Pakisan? What measures havs beentakar byGovernnentto solve these problems? Q. No. 7 What is the ne€d aod importance of Economic Plaoning also discuss the mle of annual planning in the economic dwelopment ofPakisan. Q. No. S lYrianse on anyonoof thcfollowing:a CPEC -a game changerplan. HowPakisbn can get maximum benefit frorn it? b. Balance of Paymart and Balance of tadc ofPakistan.