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Swimmer Feedback System Design

Msc. Student: Qamar Burhan
Step1: Some Key Questions
What is my paper about?
Real-time swimmer’s feedback system using smart infrared optical
wireless sensor.
What methods/techniques did I use to
perform my study?
Underwater IrDA link with wrist-mounted accelerometer for stroke
What or who was the subject of my
Design and implementation
What did I find?
Information transmitted was the time duration of one complete stroke.
Step2: Identify Keywords
One-sentence answer
Title keywords/phrases
Real-time swimmer’s feedback system using smart
infrared optical wireless sensor.
• Real-time
• Swimmer’s feedback
• Infrared optical wireless sensor
Underwater IrDA link with wrist-mounted
accelerometer for stroke feedback.
• Underwater
• IrDA link
• Stroke feedback
Design and implementation
• Design
• Implementation
Information transmitted was the time duration of one • Time duration
complete stroke.
• One complete stroke
Step3: Title writing using keywords
◦ I have made a design and implementation of
real – time underwater hardware of
swimmer’s feedback to compute the duration
time for stroke rate while swimming for one
complete stroke using IrDA link based on
infrared optical wireless sensor.
◦ Words = 38.
Title keywords/phrases
• Real-time
• Swimmer’s feedback
• Infrared optical wireless sensor
• Underwater
• IrDA link
• Stroke feedback
• Design
• Implementation
• Time duration
• One complete stroke
Step4: Create a working research
paper title
◦ I have made a design and implementation of real – time underwater
hardware of swimmer’s feedback to compute the duration time for
stroke rate while swimming for one complete stroke using IrDA
link based on infrared optical wireless sensor.
◦ “Design and implementation real – time underwater of swimmer’s
feedback duration time for stroke rate for one complete stroke using
IrDA link based on infrared optical wireless sensor.” Words = 27.
Step5: Remove any nonessential
◦ Design and implementation real – time underwater of swimmer’s
feedback duration time for stroke rate for one complete stroke using
IrDA link based on infrared optical wireless sensor.
◦ Design real – time swimmer’s feedback stroke rate using IrDA link
based on infrared optical wireless sensor. (words = 16)
APSMART of abstract
◦ Solution: An IrDA link based on a serial infrared transceiver has been designed
swimmer’s and implemented for real-time feedback.
◦ Methodology: A wrist-mounted accelerometer provided stroke information to the
transmitter. The signal was detected using a photodiode detector. Both the transmitter
and receiver units measured 27 × 19 mm. Propagation experiments in air and under
water were performed in a glass tank (91 × 39 × 45 cm) to validate the system. The
maximum link length in air was 2 m and in still water 70 cm. In water with bubbles,
the range reduced to 50 wrist cm. This distance is sufficient for –head
communications during swimming.
◦ Conclusion: The information transmitted was the time duration of one complete
stroke, which was updated every stroke and presented to the swimmer using an RGB
LED mounted on the goggles. The hard ware, software and implementation methods
for the IrDA system are described.
Abstract rephrasing
Maintaining a consistent stroke rate is crucial for optimizing swimming performance
and efficiency. Due to Lack of a convenient and waterproof system for real-time
feedback during swimming. By using an IrDA link based on a serial infrared transceiver
has been designed and implemented for real - time swimmer's feedback. A wrist
mounted accelerator provided stroke information to the transmitter and the signal was
detected using a photodiode. The information transmitted was the time duration of one
complete stroke and updated every stroke then presented to swimmer by an RGB LED
mounted on the goggles. Both transmitter and receiver units measured 27x19 mm,
propagation experiments in air and underwater were performed in glass tank (91x39x45
cm) to validate the system. The maximum link length in air was 2 m and in still water 70
cm, in water with bubbles, the range reduced to 50 cm. this distance is sufficient for
wrist - hand communication during swimming. This can lead to better and improved
swimming performance.
APSMART of abstract
◦ (1) Maintaining a consistent stroke rate is crucial for optimizing swimming performance
and efficiency.(2) Due to Lack of a convenient and waterproof system for real-time
feedback during swimming.(3) By using an IrDA link based on a serial infrared
transceiver has been designed and implemented for real - time swimmer's feedback.(4) A
wrist mounted accelerator provided stroke information to the transmitter and the signal
was detected using a photodiode. The information transmitted was the time duration of
one complete stroke and updated every stroke then presented to swimmer by an RGB
LED mounted on the goggles.(5) Both transmitter and receiver units measured 27x19
mm, propagation experiments in air and underwater were performed in glass tank
(91x39x45 cm) to validate the system. The maximum link length in air was 2 m and in
still water 70 cm, in water with bubbles, the range reduced to 50 cm. this distance is
sufficient for wrist - hand communication during swimming.(6) This can lead to better
and improved swimming performance.
5. Results
6. Takeaway or
5 Keywords
◦ Keywords__ IrDA link, Stroke rate, Real - Time monitoring,
Underwater communication.
Thank you