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ROTC & AFP Legal Basis in the Philippines

Commonwealth Act No.1 (1935)
- Was implemented by President Manuel L Quezon through Executive Order No.
207 requiring compulsory military training for all college students.
3 Components of the National Service Program (1980)
- It was amended in 1980 by National Service Law and offered three (3)
components of the National Service Program: Military Service (MS), Civil Welfare
Service (CWS), and Law Enforcement Service (LES). Only the Military Service
was prepared to be implemented by the concerned agency for the colleges and
RA 7077 (1991)
- Otherwise known as the AFP Reservist Act was enforced prescribing for a 2-year
ROTC Program as a requirement for graduation to all tertiary level students.
Expanded ROTC Program (1994)
- A tripartite committee was formed among DND, CHED & DILG representatives
modifying the 2-year ROTC program into an expanded ROTC program which
provided for a mandatory military training for the first curriculum year and an
option to pursue either MS, CWS or LES on the second year.
National Service Training Program Act (2002)
- On January 23, 2002, RA 9163 also known as the National Service Training
Program Act of 2001 was passed by Congress, signed by President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo and was promulgated on 23 March 2002.
The National Service Training Program (NSTP)
Republic Act 9163 which is also known as the National Service Training Program Act of
2001 is a program that consists of three (3) components: Reserve Officers Training
Corps (ROTC), Literacy Training Service (LTS) and Civic Welfare Training Service
(CTWS). Any of these components can be selected and should be completed for a
period of one (1) year or two (2) semesters. ROTC Units in all colleges and universities
in the Philippines that are organized by the DMST are under the supervision of the
NSTP school administration and Department of National Defense.
The Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST)
All activated ROTC units and the Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST)
shall be restructured to suit the requirements of the new ROTC Program. The ROTC
Commandant as Head of DMST of the school is entitled to defined responsibilities and
sanctions under the policies of the institution. The DMST shall be treated as a
department established and maintained by the school or university under the National
Service Training Program Office or its equivalent. At the same time, it shall serve as the
office of the Commandant of the ROTC unit established and maintained by the Army
Reserve Command (ARESCOM) through the Regional Community Defense Groups
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
ROTC aims to provide military education and training for students to mobilize them for
national defense preparedness. Its specific objectives include preparation for college
students for service in the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of an
emergency and their training to become reservists and potential commissioned officers
of the AFP.
The ROTC Program Objectives
A. To prepare the college students for possible service in the defense establishment
in the event of emergency;
B. To train and develop the ROTC cadets as future enlisted reservist for the
Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the Philippines;
C. To inculcate in the youth the spirit of patriotism and nationalism;
D. To develop and promote the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social
well-being of the youth;
E. To train and develop the youth as potential community leaders; and
F. To develop civic consciousness and good citizenship among the youth.
The following are the legal basis of the AFP Organization:
A. Constitution – The defense of the State is the AFP’s primary duty. All citizens,
as required by law, are mandated to render military service.
B. Commonwealth Act No.1 – otherwise known as the National Defense Act which
was approved on 21 December 1935.
C. Executive Order No. 11 – issued by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon on 11 January
1936 that affected the organization of Headquarters, Philippine Army, as a
regular component of the AFP.
D. Commonwealth Act No. 88 – approved by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon on 26
January 1936 that provided for the creation of the state police force, which
nationalized the police force into a separate organization. The constabulary was
relieved of its national police power and remained as an integral part of the
Philippine army.
E. Commonwealth Act no. 343 – approved on 23 June 1938 and implemented by
Executive Order no 15 issued the same day which affected the separation of the
Philippine Constabulary from the Philippine Army.
AFP MISSION: “To defend the Republic of the Philippines, safeguards its national
security, and to assist government agencies in the socio-economic development of the
PRESIDENT – As the Commander-in-Chief of the AFP, he exercises strategic direction
of the AFP through the Secretary of National Defense (SND). He likewise exercises
command of the AFP through the Chief of Staff, AFP.
SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE – serves as the Civilian Adviser of the
President on matters concerning defense and security of the state. He is tasked with the
duty of supervising the national defense program of the country and has executive
supervision over the AFP.
CHIEF OF STAFF, AFP – is the highest military officer of the AFP, commands the AFP,
principal military adviser of the President, and executes the President’s command
functions. Through him, the President issues orders to all AFP Commanders
A. The Commander in Chief exercises command and control over AFP through the
Chief of Staff, AFP (CSAFP).
B. Directly under the CSAFP are six (6) are commands, namely Northern Luzon
Command (NOLCOM), Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM), Central
Command (CENTCOM), Western Command (WESCOM), Eastern Mindanao
Command (EASTMINCOM), and Western Mindanao Command
C. The three (3) Major Service commands (PHILIPPINE ARMY, NAVY AND
AIRFORCE) are likewise under the CSAFP, to provide administrative and
logistical support to and supervision of their respective elements under
operational control of the Area Commands.