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Liver & Pancreas Diseases Test

Diseases of the liver and pancreas
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Ми зберегли електронну адресу користувача (ad.biswas.st@kmu.edu.ua), який
надіслав відповідь за допомогою цієї форми.
At the autopcy of a man of 49 years old, who entered the hospital with a
picture of hepatotropic intoxication and suddenly died, the liver was enlarged,
flabby, yellow-brown; on the surface of the cut of the liver and the blade of the
knife are visible drops of fat. Microscopically: the hepatocytes of the
periphery of the actual hepatic particles contain a lot of small droplets that
overlap the cytoplasm and shifted the nucleus to the periphery. Which
process most likely takes place in the liver?
Gaucher disease
Thea-Saks disease
Fatty liver dystrophy
Norman-Land disease
Niemann-Pick disease
A patient 59 years old for a long time suffered from chronic alcoholism. In the *…/1
study of the liver biopsy, an exacerbation of chronic alcoholic hepatitis was
diagnosed. When macroscopic examination of the liver is yellow, a dense
consistency, the edge of it is exacerbated, the surface of the liver is hilly, on
the section of the liver with a plurality of small nodes. What disease can you
think of?
Acute hepatitis
Liver cancer
Subacute dystrophy of the liver
Chronic hepatitis
A patient suffering from chronic viral hepatitis died of acute posthemorrhagic *…/1
anemia, which arose on the background of bleeding from varicose veins of the
esophagus. At the intersection of the liver is sharply reduced in size, dense
consistency, the surface of a small-tyberous. The microscopic pattern is
homogeneous - a thin-walled connective tissue network and small false lobes.
What morphogenetic type of cirrhosis takes place?
Post-necrotic cirrhosis
Viral cirrhosis
Portal cirrhosis
Biliary cirrhosis
Mixed cirrhosis
In a patient suffering from chronic alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver,
profuse bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus developed, resulting in
death. The autopsy of the liver is reduced in size, dense, yellowish color.
When histological examination of the liver in hepatocytes, there are large
optically empty vacuoles, which contain a substance colored in black with the
application of osmic acid. Optically vacuous hepatocyte vacuoles are:
Hydroponic dystrophy
Alcohol hyaline (Mallory bodies)
Large-droplets fatty dystrophy
Hyaline includs
Pseudovakuoles of cytoplasm
Hepatitys dystrophy, necrosis, sclerosis with a violation of the beam and limb *…/1
structure, with the formation of particles of the wrong structure and nodes regenerates, have been found in the liver of the punсture biopsy. Choose the
most correct diagnosis.
Acute hepatitis
Progressive massive necrosis of the liver
Chronic hepatitis
Chronic hepatosis
Ma2102o, Adipta Biswas
In the patient 67 years, who continued to suffer from gall-stone disease with
signs of cholangitis, cirrhosis of the liver has developed. Which of the
following types of cirrhosis does he relate to?
Toxic and toxic-allergic
Patient 46 years with rheumatic heart disease (stenosis of the left
atrioventricular hole) - shortness of breath with slight physical activity,
palpitation, cyanosis of the lips, swelling in the lungs, swelling of the lower
extremities. What histological changes will be characteristic of the liver?
Hydropathic hepatocyte dystrophy in the center of the lobules, necrosis on the
Fatty dystrophy of hepatocytes in the center of the lobules, necrosis on the periphery
Hepatocyte necrosis in the center of the lobules, hydroponic dystrophy on the
Hepatocyte necrosis in the center of the lobules, fatty dystrophy on the periphery
Hepatocyte necrosis in the center of the lobes, hyaline-droplet dystrophy on the
In the microscopic examination of the liver, venous plethora of the center of
the lobes, dystrophy and hepatocyte atrophy in the foci of venous congestion,
fatty dystrophy of hepatocytes along the periphery of the lobe with the
presence of connective tissue growth in places of hepatocyte atrophy were
detected. What is the pathological process?
Biliary cirrhosis of the liver
Nutmeg liver with precyrotic phenomena
Toxic liver dystrophy
Fatty hepatosis
In the liver a rounded formation with a diameter of 0.5 cm was found.
Microscopically represented by necrotic masses in the center, surrounded by
plasma, lymphoid cells and blood vessels, with vasculitis. What diagnosis
should be made on the basis of microscopy data?
Abscess of the liver
Solitary fibrosus of the liver
Liver cancer
Solitary leproma of the liver
Solitary adenoma of the liver
In the patient, ascites, twice enlarged spleen, varicose veins of the esophagus *…/1
and rectum have been detected. At the histological examination of the liver
biopsy, micronodular cirrhosis was detected. Which complication cirrhosis of
the liver?
Hepato-splenomegaly syndrome
Syndrome of portal hypertension
Hepatic and cellular insufficiency
Heart failure
A patient of the infectious diseases department complained of weakness, lack *…/1
of appetite, fever up to 38C. On the 7th day - a sharp pain in the right subfamily
and yellowing of the skin. Microscopy of liver biopsy: irregularities of the ray
structure, hepatocytes - hydroponic and balloon dystrophy, in some
hepatocytes - necrosis, bodies of the Councilman`s, on the periphery of the
lobes - an increased number of multicellular hepatocytes. What is the most
likely form of viral hepatitis?
Cyclic, icteric
Цю форму створено в домені Київський медичний університет. Повідомити про порушення