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Legal Ethics Course Syllabus: Problem Areas in Law

College of Law
(LAW 1801-2)
2 Semester, SY 2023-2024
Atty. Virgilio M. San Diego Jr., LL.M.
I. PRELIMINARY. Attendance and Grading System.
A. Developments in Legal Ethics (New Code of Responsibility and Accountability [CPRA])
(a) From Code of Professional Responsibility (June 21, 1988) to CPRA (April 11, 2023)
Definition of Ethics
Lawyer’s Oath
(b) Applicability of CPRA - A Congressman is subject to the same general laws – People
v. Jalosjos, 324 SCRA 689 [February 3, 2000]
(c) “Law is a profession and not a trade” – landmark case: Director of Religious Affairs
v. Bayot, 74 Phil 579 [March 20, 1944]
(d) “Practice of Law is not a right but a privilege” – Bongalonta v. Castillo (240 SCRA
310), January 20, 1995
(e) Judicial Integrity Board [A.M. No. 18-01-05-SC] in relation to Judicial Bar Council
[P.D. No. 828, November 18, 1975])
(1) Basic Concepts on Admission to Practice
(a) Supreme Court’s Administrative Supervision and Control over Members of the
Philippine Bar:
i. Supreme Court: Art VIII, Sec. 5 (5), 1987 Constitution – compare with 1935/1973
SECTION 5. The Supreme Court
shall have the following powers:
(5) Promulgate rules concerning the
protection and enforcement of
practice, and procedure in all courts,
the admission to the practice of
law, the Integrated Bar, and legal
assistance to the underprivileged.
Such rules shall provide a simplified
and inexpensive procedure for the
speedy disposition of cases, shall be
uniform for all courts of the same
grade, and shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights.
Rules of procedure of special courts
and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain
effective unless disapproved by the
Supreme Court.
Article 10
Article 8
Sec 5(5)
(5) Promulgate rules concerning
pleading, practice, and procedure
in all courts, the admission to the
practice of law, and the integration
of the Bar, which, however, may be
repealed, altered, or supplemented
by the Batasang Pambansa. Such
rules shall provide a simplified and
inexpensive procedure for the speedy
disposition of cases, shall be uniform
for all courts of the same grade, and
shall not diminish, increase, or modify
substantive rights.
SEC. 13. The Supreme Court shall have
the power to promulgate rules concerning
pleading, practice, and procedure in all
courts, and the admission to the practice of
law. Said rules shall be uniform for all
courts of the same grade and shall not
diminish, increase, or modify substantive
rights. The existing laws on pleading,
practice, and procedure are hereby
repealed as statues, and are declared
Rules of Courts, subject to the power of the
Supreme Court to alter and modify the
same. The National Assembly shall have
the power to repeal, alter, or supplement
the rules concerning pleading, practice,
and procedure, and the admission to the
practice of law in the Philippines.
ii. Congress: Art. VIII, Sec. 2, 1987 Constitution
In re Cunanan, 94 Phil. 534 (1954)
Congress encroach on SC’s power when it passed the Bar Flunker’s Act/
In re: Almacen, February 18, 1970
In the Matter of the Integration of the Bar of the Philippines, Supreme
Court Resolution dated January 9, 1973
Pimentel v. Legal Education Board, G.R. No. 230642, September 10, 2019
(Academic Freedom; PHILSAT)
(b) Requisites for Admission to the Practice of Law
Must be citizen of the Philippines
-Citizenship – In re Bosque, G.R. No. 666, January 14, 1902 (1 Phil 88); Re:
application for Admission to the Philippine Bar Vicente D. Ching, 316 SCRA 1
[October 1, 1999]
At least 21 years of age
Of good moral character (a continuing requirement)
1. In the Matter of the Disqualification of Bar Examinee Haron S. Meling in the
2002 Bar Examinations, B.M. No. 1154, June 8, 2004
2. In re Al C. Agrosino, B.M. No. 712, July 13, 1995
3. The Promising Mr. Agrosino,
4. Consolidated cases of Villareal vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 151258,
People vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 154954, Dizon vs. People, G.R. No. 155101,
and Villa vs. Escalona, G.R. Nos. 178057 and 178080, February 1, 2012
5. Grande v. Atty. De Silva, AC No. 4838, July 29, 2003
6. Tapucar v. Tapucar, AC No. 4148, July 30, 1998
7. Villanueva v. Sta. Ana, 245 SCRA 707 [July 11, 1995]
8. Cordova v. Cordova, 179 SCRA 680 (November 29, 1989)
A resident of the Philippines
- Exceptions: (1) United States citizens who, before July 4, 1946, were licensed
to practice before Philippine courts are able to continue such practice; and
(2) Philippine citizens who were “enrolled attorneys in good standing in the
Supreme Court of the United States or in any circuit court of appeals or
district court therein, or in the highest court of any State or Territory of the
United States”, having practiced at least five years in any of said court prior
to July 4, 1946, could be admitted without examination, even if they
completed their legal studies overseas.
No charges involving moral turpitude have been filed against the candidate or are
pending in any court in the Philippines- Teves v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 180363, April 18, 2009
- Lawyer as Detention Prisoner – Oca v. Ladaga, AM No. P-99-1287, January
24, 2000
- Embido v. Pe, A.C. No. 6732, 22 October 2013
- Garcia v. Sesbreno, A.C. No. 7973 and A.C. No. 10457, February 3, 2015
Completion of all courses leading to a degree of Bachelor laws or its equivalent
– In re investigation of Angel Parazo for alleged leakage, December 3, 1948
Bar Matter No. 1153 amending provisions of Secs. 5 and 6 of Rule 138 of the
Rules of Court now allowing foreign law school graduates to take bar exam
provided they comply with the following:
1. Completion of all courses leading to a degree of Bachelor laws or its
2. Recognition or accreditation of the law school by proper authority
3. Completion of all fourth year subjects in a program of a law school duly
accredited by the Government; and
4. Proof of completing a separate bachelor’s degree.
(Re: Letter of Atty. Estelito Mendoza proposing reforms in the bar examinations
through amendments to Rule 138 of the Rules of Court; BM No 1153; March 29,
(c) The Revised Lawyer’s Oath
(2) Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (A.M. No. 22-09-01-SC)
A. Canon 1 – Independence; Merit-Based Practice – Section 2
- De Guzman v. De Dios 350 SCRA 320 [January 26, 2001]
- Millare v. Montero, 246 SCRA 1 [July 13, 1995]
- Lee v. Abastillas, 234 SCRA 29 [July 11, 1994]
- Rural Bank of Silay, Inc. v. Pilla, 350 SCRA 138 [January 24, 2001]
B. Canon 2 – Propriety
(1) Proper Conduct; Dignified Conduct – Sections 1 and 2
- De Los Reyes v. Aznar, 179 SCRA 653 [November 28, 1999]
- People vs. Tuanda, A.C. No. 3360, January 30, 1990
- Tan vs. Sabandal, B.M. No. 44, February 24, 1992
- Fernandez vs. Grecia, 223 SCRA 425 (1993)
- Pimentel vs. Llorente, 339 SCRA 154 (2000)
- Freeman vs. Reyes, A.C. No. 6246, November 15, 2011
- Dizon v. de Taza, A.C. No. 7676, 10 June 2014
- Vasco-Tamaray v. Daquis, A.C. No. 10868, January 26, 2016
- Atty. Bonifacio Barandon Jr. v. Atty. Edwin Z. Ferrer Sr., A.C. 5768, March
26, 2010
(2) Use of Dignified, Gender-Fair, and Child- and Culturally-Sensitive Language –
Section 4
- R.A. 11313, or the “Safe Spaces Act”
- A.M.No. 21-11-25-SC (Re: Proposed Rules on the Use of Gender-Fair
Language in the Judiciary and Gender-Fair Courtroom Etiquette)
- A.M. No. 21-06-20-SC (Re: Disturbing Social Media Posts of Lawyers/Law
Professors, April 11, 2023)
Section 5. Lawyer’s duty and discretion in procedure and strategy:
- Atty. Ramon Reyes v. Atty. Victoriano T. Chiong Jr., A.C. No. 5148, July 1,
(3) Duty to correct false or inaccurate statements and information made in relation to an
application for admission to the bar – Section 11
(4) Duty to report dishonest, deceitful, or misleading conduct- Section 12
(5) Duty to disclose relationship or connection – Section 20
(6) Duty not to mislead the court, tribunal or other government agency on the existence
or content of any document, argument, evidence, law, or other legal authority, or
pass of as one’s own the ideas or words of another – Section 8
(7) Duty not to solicit or advertise one’s legal service – Section 17
-Rule 2.03, CPR
-Rule 138, ROC – Sec. 27
-Rule 2.04, CPR
-In re Tagorda, 53 Phil 37 (1929)
-Ulep v. Legal Clinic, B.M. No. 553, June 17, 1993
-Linsangan v. Tolentino, A.C. No. 6672, September 4, 2009
-Villatuya v. Tabalingcos, A.C. No. 6622, July 10, 2012
(8) Duty not to use any forum or medium to comment or publicize opinion pertaining
to a pending proceeding – Sub-Judice Rule; Section 19
(9) Duty not to give gifts and donations to any court, tribunal or other government
agency-Section 21
Duty not to institute multiple cases; Forum Shopping; Section 23
- Chemphil Export & Import Corporation v. C.A., 251 SCRA 257 [December
12, 1995]
- Tan v. C.A., 199 SCRA 212 [July 15, 1991]
Duty not to encroach or interfere in another lawyer’s engagement – Section
-Rule 8.02, CPR
- Camacho vs. Pangulayan, 328 SCRA 631 (2000)
- Binay-an v. Addog, A.C. No. 10449, 28 July 2014 (case involves IPs)
-Antonio A. Alcantara v. Atty. Mariano Pefianco, A.C. No. 5398, December 3, 2002
- Rosalie Dallong-Galicinao v. Atty. Virgil R. Castro, A.C. No. 6396, October 25,
-Maximino Noble III v. Atty. Orlando O. Ailes, A.C. No. 10628, July 1, 2015
Responsible Use of Social Media
- A.M. No. 21-06-20-SC (Re: Disturbing Social Media Posts of Lawyers/Law
Professors, April 11, 2023)
C. CANON III – Fidelity
(1) Definition of the Practice of Law – Section 1
- Cayetano v. Monsod, G.R. No. 1762-78, June 22, 2010
- Paguia v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 1762-78, June 22, 2010
- Ulep v. The Legal Clinic, Bar Matter No. 553, June 17, 1993
(2) Definition of Lawyer-Client Relationship – Section 3
Nature of office of the attorney – Significance of “officer of the court;” role
in the administration of justice; relate with need to regulate the profession
- Valencia v. Cabanting, A.C. No. 1302, 1391 and 1543, April 26, 1991.
- Tajan v. Cusi, G.R. No. 28899, May 30, 1974
When attorney-client relationship established
-Junio v. Grupo (Admin. Case No. 5020 [December 18, 2001])
(3) Conflict of Interest – Sections 13-22
- Rosacia v. Bulalacao, 248 SCRA 664 [October2, 1995]1
- Buted v. Hernando, 203 SCRA 1 [October 17, 1991]2
(4) Limited Legal Services – Sections 35-40
(5) Responsibility of a Solo Practitioner – Canon II, Section 25
(6) Responsibility of a Law Firm – Canon II, Section 26
-B.R. Sebastian Enterprises, Inc. v. C.A., 206 SCRA 28 [February 7, 1992]3
(7) Responsibility of a Government Lawyer and those in the Prosecution Service –
Canon II, Secs. 28-29
In general
- Republic Act No. 6713, Sec. 4 (1989)
- Collantes vs. Romeron, A.C. No. 3056, August 16, 1991
- Ali v. Bubong, A.C. No. 4018, March 8, 2005
Duty of prosecutors
-Rule 6.01, CPR
-People vs. Pineda, G.R. No. 26222, July 21, 1967
Duty not to use public position for private interest
- Rule 6.02, CPR
- Misamin vs. San Juan, A.C. No. 1418, August 31, 1976
- Vitriolo vs. Dasig, A.C. No. 4984, April 1, 2003
- Huyssen v. Gutierrez, A.C. No. 6707, March 24, 2006
- Ramos vs. Imbang, A.C. No. 6788, August 23, 2007
Duty not to accept employment after government service
-Rule 6.03, CPR
- Rep. Act No. 6713, Sec. 7 (b)
- Query of Atty. Karen M. Silverio, A.M. No. 08-6-352-RTC, August 19,
- Rep. Act No. 3019, Sec. 3 (d)
- PNB vs. Cedo, A.C. No. 3701, March 28, 1995
- PCGG vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 151809-12, April 12, 2005
Prohibitions/restrictions on government lawyers
- Philippine Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 13 – President, VP, members of the
A lawyer violates his oath when he accepts to be the counsel of a corporation and later represents its employees
in another case
A lawyer represents conflicting interests when, in behalf of one client, it is his duty to contend for that which duty
to another client requires him to oppose
Death of the senior partner in a law firm did not extinguish the lawyer-client relationship
- Philippine Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 13 & 14 - Congress
- Philippine Constitution, Art. IX (A), Sec. 2 – Constitutional Commissions
- Philippine Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 8, paragraph 2 – Ombudsman
- ROC Rule 138, Sec. 35
- New Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 4, Sec. 11
- RA 7160, Sec. 90 (a), (b)
- RA 6713, Sec. 7 (b) (2)
- Limited practice rule on government lawyers
(i) Conditions set forth in Section 136, Rule XII of the 2017 Omnibus Rules
on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (Revised July 2018),
as contained in CSC Resolution No. 18006921 promulgated on 03 July 2018;
(ii) Conflict of official functions; (iv) Not during office hours;(v) One year
- People v. Villanueva, G.R. No. L-19450, May 27, 1965
- Ramos v. Imbang, A.C. No. 6788, August 23, 2007
- Catu v. Rellosa, A.C. No. 5738, February 19, 2008
- Office of the Court Administrator v. Ladaga, A.M. No. P-99-1287, January
26, 2001
(8) Responsibility of a Paralegal – Canon II, Secs. 34-35
(9) Responsibility of Lawyers in the Academe – Canon II, Sec. 32
- Anonymous Complaint vs. Atty. Co-Untian, Jr. [April 10, 2019]
(10) Responsibility of Law Firms; Supervisory and Supervised Lawyers – Canon III, Secs.
(11) Responsibility of a Legal Clinic – Canon III Secs. 39-40
(12) Attorney’s Fees – Sec. 41
(13) Attorney’s Lien – Secs. 47, 53, and 54
(14) Prohibition on Lending and Borrowing; Exceptions – Sec. 52
(15) Prohibition Against Acquiring Interest in the Object of Litigation or Transaction –
Sec. 51; Civil Code, Article 1491
-Sevilla v. Salubre, 348 SCRA 592 [December 19, 2000]
(16) Termination of Engagement by the Lawyer – Sec. 53
(17) Termination of Engagement by the Client – Sec. 54
(18) Termination of Engagement upon Death – Sec. 55
Accounting and Turn-over of Funds and Properties upon Termination of
Engagement – Sec. 56
D. CANON IV- Competence and Diligence
(1) Duty to provide competent efficient, and conscientious legal service – Sec. 1
(2) Duty to diligently and seasonably act on any legal matter entrusted by the client –
Secs 3-6
(3) Duty to engage in lifelong learning – Sec. 8
MCLE: Bar Matter No. 850, amended by S.C. Resolution dated 17 February
2015, and amendment of Rule 7, Sec. 2 (a) effective 24 June 2015
Bar Matter No. 1922 dated June 3, 2008
- Letter of Atty. Rodrigo Cruz Lim to Justice Roberto Abad, G.R. No.
191837, July 20, 2013
- Rodriguez Manahan v. Flores, A.C. No. 8974, November 13, 2013
- Rivera-Pascual v. Spouses Lim, G.R. No. 191837
- Arnado vs. Atty. Adaza, A.C. No. 9834, August 26, 2015
E. CANON V- Equality
(1) Duty to make representation on the basis of non-discrimination- Sec. 1
(2) Duty to provide a higher standard of service to vulnerable persons and indigents –
Secs. 2-3
(3) Duty to provide the same standard of service – Sec.4
F. CANON VI- Accountability
(1) How instituted – Secs. 2 and 30
-Heirs of Pedro Alilano v. Atty. Roberto Examen, A.C. No. 10132, March 24, 2015
(2) Proceedings against a government lawyer – Sec. 6
(3) Proceedings against members of the judiciary – Sec. 2
(4) Preventive Suspension – Sec. 31
(5) Quantum and burden of proof – Sec. 32
(6) Executory nature of the decision or resolution – Sec. 43
(7) Sworn Statement after service of suspension – Sec. 45-46
(8) Judicial Clemency – Sections 47-51
(9) Prohibition against employment of disbarred or suspended lawyer – Sec. 52
(1) Independence, Integrity, Impartiality, Propriety, Equality, and Competence, and
- Alumbres v. Caoibes, AM. No. RTJ-99-1431 (January 23, 2002)
- Dacera, Jr. v. Dizon, 337 SCRA 144 (August 2, 2000)
- Report on the Judicial Audit Conducted in the RTC, Br. 68, Camiling, Tarlac, 305
SCRA 61 (March 19, 1999)
- Monterola v. Caoibes, A.M. No. RTJ-01-1620 (March 18, 2002)
-Ang Kek Chen v. Andrada, 318 SCRA 11 (November 16, 1999)
- Dionisio v. Escano, 302 SCRA 411 (February 1, 1999)
(2) Disqualification and Inhibition of Judicial Officers – Rule 137
(3) Discipline of Members, Officials, Employees and Personnel of the Judiciary under
Rule 140, further amended by A.M. No. 21-08-09-SC
- Marquez v. Clores-Ramos, 336 SCRA 122 (July 19, 2000)
(1) Judicial Affidavit (A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC; Effective January 1, 2013)
When to submit and contents
Application to criminal actions
Effect of Non-compliance with the Judicial Affidavit Rule
(2) Special Power of Attorney
(3) Petition for Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry (RA No. 9048 as amended by RA
(4) Extrajudicial Settlement (Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court)
(5) Petition for Issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus (Rule 102 of the Rules of Court)
(6) Petition for Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (Section 48, Rule 39 of the Rules of
(7) Motion for Execution of Judgment (Section 1, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court)