APPENDIX 1 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES The following section provides very rough cost estimates for a wide variety of process equipment. It must be remembered in using these charts that there is no such thing as an exact, definite, fixed price for any piece of equipment of a given size or capacity. As with buying merchandise, clothing or a car there are many styles, quality differences, optional features and designs to meet specific needs or services. Presumably charts could be made for each of these variations, but the nuinber would be large and confusing, and for many preliminary estimates the engineer would not know exactly what he wanted at that stage of the design, so only average, representative equipment should be more useful. Again, a range of prices could be shown, but usually a single line is more practical, keeping in mind that the price could quite normally vary considerably depending upon the exact design requirements and the company policy on quality, maintenance, and so on. With these generalities in mind, the following charts have been taken from a number of sources. Most are from cost estimating articles or books, although some are from recent vendor quotations. In case only a single source was available, that reference has been noted. However, often many sources were available and a somewhat biased consensus of opinion curve was selected. In this case the sources were not noted except for inclusion in the reference list at the end of the appendix. In case different variables were used as the sizing parameter, the most logical one in the author's opinion was selected. All costs were factored to an early 1987 basis, or a chemical engineering index number of 320. When equations were available for the cost relationship they were listed beneath the charts, and when straight line functions existed for the costs on log-log paper a sizing exponent was given: cost size 2 = size 2)SiZe cost size 1 ( -.-size 1 exponent In a number of references various authors have estimated the fraction of the purchased equipment cost that it takes to install the equipment. This generally included freight and shipping costs, foundations, mounting, and simple electric and piping connections, such as switch gear, starters, flange connections, and so on. Unfortunately these numbers often varied widely, so the range and average are both listed when available: 255 256 APPENDIX 1 installed cost = purchase price x installation factor A similar number that also includes all of the adjacent minor equipment and connections is sometimes listed in the literature (principally by Guthrie 1975 and Ulrich 1984) covering the cost of purchase and installation of the major equipment as well as all of the supporting equipment around each major unit. This is called the module factor, and when available is also listed under the charts as the range given by different authors and the average value. cost of the installed module = purchase price x module factor As a final item under the equipment cost graphs, often a simple factor can be used to estimate the cost of some other material, pressure, size, or other variable for the equipment, than is shown on the graph. For instance, the cost of a stainless steel agitated tank is 1.7 times the cost of a mild steel tank (which is shown on the chart). These factors have also been listed when available, and again, sometimes as a consensus of different authors' estimates . Activated Carbon Mild steel construction, including instruments and controls 80 . ;;; Ii o u 10 , ,, I 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 Weight of carbon. 1,000 lb. Equations: Cost = 15.200 + 1, 100WC O.4 81 for We > 250. < 10,000 lb. Cost ~ 76,200 + O.422Wc 1.2 for We > 10.000, < 200 ,000 lb . We == we ight of activated carbon, Ib, 200 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 257 Agiwtors Dual [urbine blades; mild steel; 30- 45 rpm, motor, gear reduction, shaft Propeller; mi ld .teel, single blade 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 a;;; 0 40 Ii0 u 20 10 8 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 BOO 1000 Size, HP Size exponent : Turbine : > 30 4-30 <4 Propeller: 3- 100 1- 3 Factors for: Installation factor : HP 0.68 HP 0.56 HP 0.23 HP 0.51 HP 0.42 Range Turbine Propel ler Module factor 1.20- 40 1. 12- 32 2.0 Average 1.32 1.22 Turbine: Single blade 56-100 rpm 125- 230 rpm 316 stainless ~ Average 0.75- 0.85 0.57- 0.70 0.37- 0.51 1.23- 1.87 0.82 0.66 0.47 1.47 Propeller : Stainless steel 1.19 With seal Ifor closed tank) 1.32 258 APPENDIX 1 Agitated TankS' Jacketed , ogitated, m i ld steel lOOO ~ _ 800 ~ 20 40 60 80 tOO _ __ 200 400 600 tOOO 2000 4000 6000 10000 20000 Size, gal Size exponent Module factor 0.53 2.5 Instal lation factor : Open tank low pressure Autoclave Material factors : Range Avg . Stain Ie.. steel 1.41 - 66 1.30 · 57 1.50 · 70 1.58 1.44 1.60 GI... l ined 1.2·2.2, .",) . = 1.7 1.2 - 2.0, ."') . • 1.6 • See Reactors EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 259 Air Cond itioning Compressor, motor, controls, condenser. refrigerant 1000 800 1-- ' - 1600 1-- - I- 400 I ~-- 1- - I: 1·-'-'-;" 200 ~ iii 100 B 80 0 60 40 1=-:- ..- .::-----_ -'c--- - , ,- - 20 1- ./ 10 8 1 10 -I120 40 Refr igeration, tons · Size exponent 0.73 Installalion. Module factor 1.38- 53 avg. 1.46 'One ton = 12,000 Btu . 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 260 APPENDIX 1 Blenders Mi ld steel construction o 8, iii 20 40 60 60100 200 600 BOO 1000 400 Capacity, ftl (Approximately HP X 0.125) Size exponent.s: Ribbon, double arm, sigma, twin shell 0.60 Double cone 0.42 Material factor: 304 stain Ie" steel 1.6 Installation factor 1. 30 Modu Ie factor: H,DDon Sigma 2.0 2.B Double arm, cone, twin shell 2.2 2000 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 261 Blowers 30-in, water (- 1 psi) to 30 psi; cast iron. with motor 1000 800 600 400 200 100 SO 60 0 8~ in 40 is u 20 10 8 6 1 100 200 400 600 800 1000 4000 2000 6000 10000 20000 40000 60000 100000 Blower capacity , cfm Si2e exponent : 30 psi 10 psi <3 psi 0,52 0,79 Insta llat ion factor : Range : Average : Material Tactors : 1.35- 56 1.42 var iable Modu le factor : Rotary 2.2 Centrifugal 2,5 Fiberglass Sta in less $1.t:!el 2.5 to 4; avg. - 2.6 2.6 262 APPENDIX 1 .. Boilers 10000 8000 6000 --ii- 4000 : 2000 --- 100 80 .. ~ 0" ::.. 40 20 g <Ii 0 I: 1--· -- 10 - 1000 800 600 '00 g ;;; ~ 200 U 100 8 80 u 60 .0 .".. ;" -r 1 I 20 8 10 1000 Size exponents; Package boilers 5 - 1,000 HP 0.65 6 - 600· 10' Iblhr 0.77 Field .rected 0.82 'One HP - 33.5000 Btu 40 20 60 80 100 10 200 10000 Steam generated, Ib/ hr (large I Installalion factor ; 1.21 - 82 ''1 . 1.53 Module factor : Package 1.8 Field erected 1.8 - 2.0 aVQ _ 1.9 '00 600 1000 100000 Prl!'$$Ure factor : Large package 400 ps; 500 p.; Field eree~ed l000p.; 3000p.; 1000000 Coal fired 1.31 1.74 1.35 1.58 Large package 1.6 1 Field erected 1.36 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 263 Boilers, Waste Heat 1000 800 600 400 200 0 8. ;;; 100 S <.> 80 60 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 200 Flue gas flow rate, 1,000 sclm Size exponent 0.75 I nstallation factor : 1.40- 82 a.g . 1.67 Modu le factor 1.81 Factors: High- temperature operation Finned tubes Alloy- clad tube. M@chanical ash remova l 1.2 1.5 3.0 1.8 Radiat ion section 2.0 264 APPENDIX 1 Build ing' Office type with air cond itioning. restrooms. plaster Or equivalent walls, insulation, modest architectural features 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 8 0. ;;; 40 B u 20 10 6 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 10000 40000 60000 Floor space, ftl lincl. all floors) Size exponent O.S Factors: Warehouse 0.25 Laboratory 1.5 Manufacturing bldg. 0.5 100000 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES Centrifuges Solid- bowl, screen-bowl, pusher types, 316 stainless steel 400 200 100 o o 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Capacity, t/hr Material factors: Installation factor : Range 1.20-2.02 allY . 1.54 Module factor: 2.0 Carbon steel Monel Nickel Hastalloy C 0.68 1.35 1.7 2.6 65 265 266 APPENDIX 1 Chimneys, Stacks Carbon steel, lined, insulated , with foundations Itall); No lining Ishon) ~ 80 , iii 3' 7.0 28 6.5 26 6.0 24 5.5 2.2 5.0 20 4.5 18 4.0 16 3.5 14 3.0 12 2.5 10 2.0 8 1.5 6 1.0 .5 20 300 400 40 60 Size exponent, Tall 1.63 Installation factor : 1.20-28 aV\j. 1.24 Height, tt o 500 (T . 11) 600 700 IlOO 60 (Soon) 100 120 140 Material factor, Shon Factors for: Brick lined Concrete 2.3 3.8 O iameter(~'p.55 I shon) 54 i nJ Acid resistant. Fiberglass 1.3 ~ 0 :§ §, '"tf 0 U EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 267 Classifier, Rake or Spiral Mild steel construction 10000 8000 .- ,•... r- 1:-:-: 1- ' - 6000 f- :-'" 4000 ";:- :'.-'-"C ' .. ' §:~ ~~ 2000 ~:--= =~ '-- _. .. , ~ 1000 .... .. , .. 800 , 600 80 . ;;; c=.. _.. 400 :;;' 0 U - :..; 200 !=;::::-:::. 100 80 60 40 20 I==: , 1- - r-- ~ I~': I~ F-.;.c ~ :::-:- 1- - - 10 I r- ,-- I·- ... ,.:: .... '-- I:-=:::j-.... _+ . 1-:- I . . :;' f. " "- 1'" 1-' ~.. . :~ 1- 1-- 8 10 20 40 60 80100 200 _:" I ~ 400 Solids handling capacity, t/h r Size exponent 1.32 Installation factor 1.63-2.61 avg.2. 12 Module faclor 2.3 600 800 1000 268 APPENDIX 1 Columns, Dls1i llation. Absorption Towers, etc. Mild steel construction , 0- 50 psi , vertical .c .8 ~"" c: .6 E '8" .4 '0 0 0 D. .2 Vl is u o iam eter•ft 10 10' 20 r 10' S ize exponent 10' - 1as Ib 0.78 Instal lation cost: 1.29- 2.03 avg. 1.72 Modu le factor Vertical 4.16 Horizontal 3.05 10' Weight,lb Pr.ssure factors (vertical) Material factors Carbon steel Stainless 304 Stainle" 316 Monel 400 Titanium Carpenter 20 CB- 3 Nic ~el 200 Inconel600 Incolcy 825 Ot her factors 1.0 1.7 2.1 3.6 7.7 3.2 5.4 3.6 3.7 Horizontal vessel 0.6 Pressu re p 50 10· 0 .44 or see chart psi 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1.00 1.25 1.55 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.00 3.25 psi 800 3.80 4.00 900 4.20 1,000 1,500 5.40 2,000 6.50 3,000 8.75 4,000 11.25 5,000 13.75 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 269 Column Trays Mild steel 100 80 60 40 8 20 '" ~ 10 Co 8 t B u 6 8 10 20 40 Column diameter, ft Instaliation factor 1.20 Number factor: 25 20 15 10 5 1 1.05 1.25 1.50 2.30 3.0 rray type factor; Turbo grid I,tamped) 0,8 1,0 Grid, plate, ",ive Trough , valve 1,2 Material factor: Ijrass 304 ,tainless 316 stainless 347 stainless Incone l Monel 1.2 1.5 1.9 2. 1 3.3 7.7 270 APPENDIX 1 Column Packing 90 80 70 60 50 40 '".I:' U. ~ u 30 Size, in. Material Factors; size exponents Material Berl saddles Porcelain Pall ring 55 Polypropylene Size exponent - 1.16 - 0.64 - 0.95 Ratio for other material 1.24 Stoneware 0.30 Carbon steel Material I nterlox $Odd Ie. Porcelai n Polypropylene Rasch ig rings Porcelain Size exponent - 0.4 ...{J.95 - 0.5 Ratio for other material 0.94 Stoneware 6. 11 2.35 Stainless steel Carbon Mild steel Stoneware 1.5B 0.78 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES Compressors, Medlum ~ Low 271 Pressure 800 600 400 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 Capacity. ",11m in Size exponents: Straight lobe SI id i ng van. Helical screw Rec ip rocating (air) Installation factor : 0.51 0.79 0.87 0.34 1.3C>-87 ; OV9. 1.49 Modu le factor : 2.2- 3.1 ; avg. 2.6 Factors: Straight lobe: Pressure (fo )0'. 6000 10000 272 APPENDIX 1 Compressors, High-Capacity and/or Pressure 1,000 psi; electric mOt.or dr i ~e. gear reducer, steel 10000 8000 I cf- -_ .... , 6000 F 4000 1= . - -- [._ . .. . '; :. . .. r~ i== ". I···· -: b:·~· I--::: . .. F==~· .~ :.: 2000 " , "' 1000 800 , " I 1' - ' " 600 ~ I I I ,, B I I , " 1:-:" ~ = t' " 400 ~~~ . (fl u ~ . : 200 ~ r---- 1===1100 b I " 80 .. 60 , I , , " 40 120 1- ' - I- •. , 1-10 10 ... ::.:: 1'::' , 20 ~o 60 80 100 , 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 HOrSepower Size exponent 0,80 Equation : (I sothermal compression ) HP ~ O.0044P,Q, In P,/P, P, ;; inlet pressure, psi P2 ..,.. outlet pressure, psi 0 1 • inlet flow rate, cf m Installation factor : 1.30-87; avg, 1.49 Modu le factor : 2, 15-3. 1; avg. 2,6 Factors: 1.13 1.4 1 Turbi n. drive Gas engine p ( P ) 0.1' ressure 1000 Stai nless steel Nick le alloy 2.5 5, 0 6000 10000 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 273 Conveyors M ild steel construction 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 80 . 40 iii 0 '-' 20 10 6 8 10 20 40 60 200 80 100 400 600 800 1000 Length, ft Sile exponent : Screw conveyor Belt conveyor Bucket elevator. rol l Pneumat ic conveyor Vibrating Size faclors: 0.7B 0.76 0.5 0 .37 1.0 Installation factor : Range 1.40-2.15 avg . 1.72 Modu Ie factors : Screw . pneumat ic. ro ll 2.2 Belt, bucket, vibrat ing 2.4 dian:eter) 1.2 Screw conveyor ( 9 10 . width) D.6 Belt conveyor ( "i6Tr1.""" Bucket elevator ( bucket wd . X hI. ) 0 .37 6 X 4 • 24 in.2 . (diameter) 0 .55 Pneumatic conveyor Rol l (2~:~) --nn.- 0 .55; 4 in. spacing X 0.B4 )0.51 . . (width Vibrating 36Tii": 274 APPENDIX 1 Coolers, Quenchers Mild steel construction; Cascade cooler . 2 in. dia meter pipe - 1000 800 600 (; c- 400 - ~~~~' '=---'t:,= ;'; ~ 'iii c ~ 200 ~ ~ E .J:J .:'1 "~ 9; ,-- 7"''- : 100 ~~, ,,=-,- ~:::c: ==-- ~ ~: ' ':: ~ I I I I I I 40 II a ;;; 1i 20 :::Q~" ':~ 0 I 0 i "0 8 '" j , I 10 '0 6 .. I ~~ , " ,- 1'- I ~-;;;':co;;;;= II ~ in II ,3 -~.:....,- 1 I i -e "~ )faY cham_be r 60 8, 'I _. , 80 c - - 1-- ~ , , ; 0; '5 F~ =.. ,~ '-' I" I- 8 1 10 20 40 60 80 100 = "c. I~~.: ,:"-- 200 1:= 1- = f= 400 600 800 1000 Heat transfer surface, h ' Icascade cooler) In,et flow rate, 1,000 elm (quencher, spray chamber) Duct diameter, i n, (dilution air port) I nstallation factor: Equations: 1.40-1,85; o.g. 1.62 Module Factor: Spray chamber, quencher 2.7 Spray chamber: 5(358 X M scI + 65,000) Quencher 51 335 X M scI + 12,200) Factors: Cascade cooler ( pipe d i~meter)O.6 2 In, EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 275 Cooling Tower 15" F range, 10" F approach, 82" F weI bulb 1000 800 600 400 200 ~ V> 100 1; 80 0 60 40 20 10 ., .2 .6 .8 1 4 6 8 10 40 20 60 80 100 Capacity, 1,000 gpm 0.79 Size exponent Wet bulb temperature Ins-tallation factor 1.20 "F Factor Approach , .e.," F Factor Module lac tor 68 70 0.65 0 .68 0.72 0.77 0.82 0 .87 0 .93 1.00 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 1.60 1.20 1.00 0.85 0.65 0.50 0.40 Factors; 1.70 t "F Range: e"""'i"5""' 57 72 74 76 78 80 82 276 APPENDIX 1 Crystallizers Mild steel constructi on 800 600 80. 400 Vi 1i 0 u 200 100 80 60 40 20 10 1 8 10 20 40 60 80100 Capacity, tons per hour Size exponent : Cooling, evaporative Growth, forced circulation, OTB Vapor recompression ·Courtesv of Swenson, Installation factor: 0.68 0 .63 0.75 1.30-2.03, avg. 1.80 Modu le factor: 2.4- 2.9, avg. 2.6 Material factors: Stain less steel Copper alloy Nickel alloy Titanium 2.1 1.3 2.6 6.0 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 277 Dryers Mild steel construction 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 80 . 40 y; 5 u 20 10 8 6 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 10000 Peripheral area, ft 2 (rotary dryer) Volume, ft3 Wuid bed, spray dryer) + 10 Size exponents: Rotary dryer Fluid bed Spray dryer Installat ion facto r: 0.45 0.48 0.29 1.25-96; avg. 1.64 Modu le factor: Rotary Fluid, spray 2.3 2.7 20000 40000 60000 Factors: Rotary to: Roto- Louvre Vacuum shelf Ishelf area) 1.25 0.35 Materials:: Nickle alloy 3.7 8rick -lined. stai nless ;teel 2.2 100000 278 APPENDIX 1 Ducts Wall t hickness 1/ 8 in. 1000 800 600 i--== r:= -= ~~' 400 10::~ 200 :~: - ... 100 80 r-;c 60 0 0 C( 40 ;; .; 0 U 20 1= 1-----. 10 6 ~ I :': 1-'--1· ··: 11-- 1.::.=::1-- -·- f- f--I -. ~~ 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 t 000 Duct Diameter. In. Size exponent : 1.08 Installation factor: 1.45 Equations: Si ft Mi ld 'S1eel (- 2.22 + 1.66D ) (- 6.43 + 5.84D ) Stai nless Water cooled (79 + 6.78D) Factors: Mi ld steel: (wall thickness/ 1/8 in.)o.•• Stai nless: (wall t hick ness/1 / 8 in.) 1.0 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 279 Oust Collectors M ild steel const f'" ' jC iOFl 1000 800 600 400 --1- -.~'" 1-- 1- >" I- I -1- j--j- ,.' - ~ ~ I~·-~ .,-,. 200 I==1.,.-7'" I·- 100 ;~ ~,~ , 1=-:·· f.::- Ic.: I 80 60 80_ 40 1=-= f"--- v; -u ~~::-1 ~ (; 20 10 8 m !.~ F:':: I- i=: ~ -- I - - ~o"~';" -(j~ ~- . ~-- F== ~. p;. 0'..,. 1::":: I- ,. ," '--- ~ 1= I~ V- ~.: 1--:- --" ... I- 1- · 8 10 20 40 60 80100 -"- ---- 200 :"~ ,~ .c.C .._ .:: . _ ... - 400 600 800 1000 Ga, Flow Rate, 1,000 clm I nstallation factor : 1.76- 2.00; ""9. 1.90 Material factors for Module factors ; Electrost.atic precipitators 2.3 Bag f ilters Venturi scrubber Cyclone. mul t iclone 2,2 2.5 3.0 venturi , cyclone scrubbers : High temperat ure with membrane. bric~ lining 304 Stainless 316L Stainle.. 316L Slainiess, clad Monel Monel clad Titanium 1.6 1,8 2,1 1.9 3.0 2.7 3.2 280 APPENDIX 1 Evaporalors ' Single effect; sta in less steel 40 60 60 100 Installation factor: Si~e exponents: Forced circu lation Falling film, long, s~on tube 200 400 600 800 1000 Heat exchange area, ft2 0.7 0.53 • Also, see Cyrstall izers Material factors: 1.5-2.50; avg. 2.09 Module factor : Forced circulation Falling Film 2000 2.9 2.3 Mild steel Copper alloy Nickle alloy Titanium 0.44 0.57 1.22 2.93 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 281 Fans Mi ld steel; motor, starter; 311 in. H, Oap 1000 800 1----1 600 :._ ... 1- 1== 400 1'-- " - 1- -:.:: . 200 1100 60 1--- III 60 8 1=',' ;;; ,-.-: ° . 40 -- 0:'" t;;' 0 u 20 1--10 ~ =, 1 1 8 20 10 40 60 60 100 200 Flow Rate, 1,000 elm Installation factor ; Range : 1.30- 2.05; a.g·. 1.61 Module lactor: 2.2 Factors: t.P) 0 .3 Pressu re: (3.5 Fiberglass: 1.8 Stainless steel : 2.5 400 800 800 1000 282 APPENDIX 1 Filters Stainless steel 1000 8. V> o u 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 6000 10000 Filter area, ft ' Size exponents: Installation factor : Rotary vacuum drum, leaf Vacuum table. tilt ing pan, belt Pressure leaf, plate Be frame 0.39 0.5 0.61 1.19-2.21 ; a"9. 1.69 Modu Ie factor: Rotary table, belt , tilt ing pan 1.4 - 2.8; a"9 . 2.4 Others 2 .8 Factors : Rotary drum; belt/ screw or string discharge 1.22 2.' 7 -3 .38 General/ paper pu lp Mild steel/stainle.. steel 0 .69 Vacuum table mild steel/55 0.48 Vacuum filter auxilliaries (vac . pump . receivers. etc ." Often - 50%of filter cost EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 283 Flares Mi ld steel , High Btu· , with accessories 800 ;;; t: o u 2000 4000 6000 10000 20000 40000 60000 100000 200000 400000 600000 1000000 Waste gas flaw rate, Ib/h r Size exponents : Elevatoo Ground I nstal lation factor 'H igh Factors: 0.59 0.39 1.45 = 1,000; low = 60 Btul ft' Ground : Low/ High· Btu, 0.3 Elevatoo : Low/ High ' Btu, O.S Corrosive 2.0 Guyoo ( 100 ft.). selt- supporting (xel • .,tOO) 1.3- 1.B 284 APPENDIX 1 Furnaces Mild Sleel tubes 10000 8000 800 8q ;;; 8 200 100 80 60 Type Bo)( Furnace 40 20 10 6 1 8 10 20 40 Factor - -(psi I 1.0 1.09 1.34 1.24 1.34 60 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 80 100 Pressure Factors 500 1000 2000 1.04 1.12 1.26 1.06 1.15 1.32 1.08 1.22 1.42 200 400 T-ansterred, MM Btu/ hr In,,", ll.tion f.ctor: Size ex.ponents: Hershott Box Cyli ndrical 0.48 0.70 0.78 1.30- 71; a"9. 1.52 Module factor: 2.1 Material factors: Cy, indric.', vertical tubes: 1.74 Stainless Sleel Chrome/ moly 1.44 with Dowtherm 1.33 Hershott diameter: 6-19 It 10/61° 55 > 19 10/61°·65 600 800 1000 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 285 GeneratOr, Electric Power 8000 6000 ---- h = I' 4000 I-==-- - 1-·-"- r- ' 800 _ _ _.. 600 --- --1- , --- 100 80 1_, 60 40 20 1- - I-~ F -'::- __ 1_ .. - ." ::. 1=:=-- ... I...c.... _-: I-:r 10 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 10000 20000 40000 60000 Electric generat ing capacity. KW Instal lation factor : Size exponents : Diesel driye Turbine driye 0.71 0.76 2.22- 2.39 ayg . 2.31 Modu le factor 2.5 Factors: Gas/diesel engine Coal /oil, gas (turbinel 1.81 1.29 100000 286 APPENDIX 1 Heat Exchangers; Shell and Tube, Double Pipe, A ir Cooled Mild steel construction; Shell and tube f loat ing head 150 psig pressure, 3/4 X 1 in. square pitch, 16 ft tubes 1000 == I·;; 800 F 1·-+- i- 600 400 = 200 F r.:- , ~ .; , , I 100 F " 60 g , " ~~f~ ~\~.,~ 80 ~S~ , , 40 0. Vi of 0 0 20 f::--p:: ',oel ' , , I 10 8 ,'A,,"<j 6 " , I , ", ;:;i1 .....-.:. Pressure factor Pressure, psi Kettle U Tube Air cooled , floating head 1_-=... DO~,b~~" p ipe , , .1 .2 .6 400 1.17 1.08 1.06 1.0 1.0 600 1.185 1. 10 1.08 800 1.20 1. I 2 1.10 8 10 1000 2000 1.23 1.45' 1 1.15 1.35 : 1.13 1. 35 ~ 1. 10 , 1.0 , " .8 200 1. 16 1. 06 1.05 20 1.1 =1'_/ ~I~r 40 60 80 100 Heat Excha ~e Are. (outside). 1,000 1t 2 ; Double pipe, 10 It ' Si ze exponen t Other factors: Shell & tube, Double pipe 0.68 A ir cooled 039 Installat ion factor 1.23-2.10, avg. 1.61 Modu le factor Shell & tube Double pipe Air coo led 3.2 1.8 2.2 Exchanger type Shell & lube 10; Kettle rebo iler U-Iube Fixed tube sheet 2.35 1.85 1.79 Shell & lube malerial faClor a + (a/1 0m· Shel l Tube CS SS CS SS SS monel monel monel CS Ti CS moly moly CS Ti Ti moly Adm iralty a b 1.75 2.70 2.1 3.3 5.2 9.6 1.40 1.61 1.08 0.13 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.16 0.06 0.05 0.16 O.OS EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 287 Heat Exchangers: Spiral. Plate and Frame 304 stainless steel; no insu lation 100 60 : : :-:c:c 1-= 60 . ;:=. 40 20 1);' 0 0 [":: r-- 10 ,:"f~e: . ::...' 1=-:.;- 80. ;;; :::'=1:" :..'">. I' ' 0' I _- I I C----- I-- .. - -:c: . ..--. 1 10 I.::: .;:: I 40 20 60 60 100 200 400 6008001000 2000 4000 6000 Heat transfer area, ft2 Size exponent : Plate & frame 0.78 Equations : Spira l plate : S · 660Ao." Pla te & frame : S ~ l00AOJ8 I nstallatio n Factor: Plate & fra me : Mild steel Sta inle.. 1. 70 1. 53 Materi al Factor: Mild steel 316 stainless Nickel Titanium 0.43 1.1 1.2 2.6 10000 288 APPENDIX 1 Incinerators Mild steel construction 10000 o 8. II> ~. 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 SOO 1000 Heal input, 1()" Btu/ hr Size exponents: Rotary ki ln Hearth Catalyt ic Direc t flame Module factor 2.2 Factors: 0.48 Corfosive material 0.75 316 stainless Monel Nickel 0.64 0.39 Toxic waste 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.3 3.5 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 289 Insulation 2 in. th ickness for pipe • - 00 ' , BO 1- - •.• f-- OIl 40 20 , 1+ teork iV~ls) , f-'-- 101----- g 4 " I..:: 1- , - 1.1 .2 .4 ,6 .8 1 8 10 Pipe size. in.; InS(J lation th ickness. in. (ves.sels) Insulation thickness factors for pipe: 3 in. 1% in. 1 in. % in. 1.5 0.7 0.55 0.4 20 40 60 BO 100 290 APPENDIX 1 Ion Exchange' Mild steel construction; 465 ppm removed 1000 aoo aoo 400 200 100 80 60 8 40 0. ;;; tf 0 u 20 10 8 6 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 10000 Water trea ted, gpm Size exponent: 0.97 Module factor 2.0 .. See water treati ng. Installation factor; , .58-65, a.g. 1.62 Factor , A) Ions removed ( _ 0.5 1 465 (- 35 ppm typical for boi ler makeup) (- ~20 ppm typical for cooling tower makeup) EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 291 Mills ; Hammer, Jaw, Gyratory, Roll Crushers 1000 800 I- t-- 'r 600 400 ~- 1::-:: ..;:::--= 200 [. 1-- - 1--' , 100 I • ,- _. ,- I-:7 ,,,:1-' ~ r- " 80 -, 60 8 0. " ~ .'c'. 40 1:::::-: , ': (I) :;f 0 0 20 r~ 17:-:-- 1--- p =--- ~::.-i, , ~- I 1- II: ,"- 1-- ,, "- 10 1 I~~- ~~; P= iii! -----1-" '--- I:::. - -1--- - ' - l- 8 10 20 60 40 80 100 200 Mill capacity, t/hr Modu Ie factor: Hammer 0 1hers I nstallation factor : 2,8 2,1 1.30- 2.15, avg, 1.83 400 600 800 1000 292 APPENDIX 1 Mil ls: Ball, Rod, Pebble (Wet), Jet, Rubbish Reduct ion ratio 34 (i.e., - 1/ 2 in. - 65 mesh; 3/4 in. - 45 mesh ) Grinding capacity, t/ hr Size exponent Shredder 0.53 Mills; installed 0.62 purchased 0.70 Installation factor: 1.30 - 2. 15; avg. 1.83 Modu lar factor: 1.8 - 2.B; avg. 2.3 Factors: Ball, etc. mill, Size reduction ( R ed~~t ion ) 1.3 Dry/ wet = 1.25 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES Motors Drives / Electric : totally enclosed, fan cooled ITE FC) 100 80 c-' - f - - -7" --- 60 40 20 293 1000 -- _._ ! :'. I::~ ll' ~ t::-:-:-:-- :A" h fPc I- :-rtl"-'_I__ f---'- 100 10 f-.-•• £0 ~0 ~ I~: E "lii ! .,E := 1-'':'' ::::;; 80 , ~ 8 _\;;~ 0. .. u; u; ;:;~~ :\e' " . 1l =--= ~ -:0~ u 0 U 10 0.8 0.6 0 .' 0 .2 0.1 - ...;..~~ _. == := -: :::.: .::: := 1-: -- 1- .. ,--1- · 1- :Smal~ motors, varable 'sp~ ~- 1 8 10 100 Size exponent : Electric motors, small 0.86 Gas turbine, engine 0 .76 Steam turbi ne 0.41 20 '0 jrive, 60 80 100 400 600 800 1000 T urbine s. engin es, large m otors. HP 200' Variable -- f- . -- - - I , 2000 4000 6000 10000 speed drives : Rat io 1.5 to 5/ 1 6/ 1 Module facto r: Electric 2.0 ( 1.5 on fans, pumps, compressors) Gasoline 2.0 Gas, steam turbines 3,5 Factor 1.0 1.08 Factors : Electric motors Speed, 1800 rpm 3600 1200 900 Construction : TE FC Explosion proof Drip proof 1.0 1.04 1.6 2.6 1.0 1.2 0.74 294 APPENDIX 1 Pipe, Pipelines Mild steel BOO :'j;:~~ . 200 ~;~.::§ --:-:-0 ~ .. .:::... --1- 100 -_. '-: .-. 1- " - "c. ii: 10 -, - - - 1"- .. _. =:=' =, =:b: ...:.~, -:--~- -= C.::: -'.~+' . '1 ' j ,._-- ·f/'- -_. ,---8 to 20 40 60 80 100 200 Pipe size, in , S i~e exponent : Pipel ines 0.99 Factors : 304 stai n less, schedule lOS Bar. pipe Traced, insulated Fittings Val ves ' 1" ::-..:I~:-· I " 2 .05 3.4 18 94 400 600 800 1000 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 295 Presses: Roll, Screw Mild steel construction '0 20 40 60 80 '00 200 Capacity, tlh r I nstallation factor: 2.05 Module factor: 2.4 Material factors : Stainless steel Nickle alloy 1.5 1.9 400 800 800'000 296 APPENDIX 1 Pumps. Centrifugal Cast iron, horizontal, includes mOlor, coupling, base :; u 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Flow X pressure , gpm X psi X 1,000 { approximatel '~ HP I Factors: Size exponent Installation Module factor Cast steel 316 sta in less Copper alloy Nickel alloy Titanium Conven· tiona l In-l ine 1.30 1.5 1.4 1.27 1.75 1.3 1.6 2.0 1.3 3.6 5.7 Ax ial Flow Mix ed Flow 0.79 1.58 2.05 0.79 1.32 1.70 Pressure factor : In-line Conventional to 150 psi 150500 psi 5001000 psi 1.00 1.0 1,48 1.62 1.92 2.12 Factors: Conventional : APS/ AVS = 1.6 In-l ine: vertical/ horizontal . 0.89 Mixed , ax ial flow : vertical / hori zontal · 1.12 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 297 Pumps, Miscellaneous Mild steel construction 100 80 60 0 0 u; c0o 40 .~ :s '5 .~ 20 .s= u ",' Iii> '"c: 10 '0 ~ ~ C) a 4 ~ en Ii 8 1 20 40 60 80 100 200 Flow X pressure, gpm X psi X 1,000 (approx imately HP) 1 General installation factor: Factors Size eXpOnent Installation Module factor Cast iron Cast steel Stain less Nickel alloy 0-150 psi 150-500 500-1000 Rec iprocating Turbine 0.59 0.47 3.3 1.0 1.8 2.4 5.0 1.0 1.32 1.53 1.38 1.80 Chemical In jection 0.52 1.58 2.83 1.0 1.25 1.95 1.0 1.37 1.79 1.25 - 2.40; avg, 1.74 400 600 800 1000 Other size e)(ponents: Diaphragm Rotary Gear Sump .43 .52 .75 .15 Factors: Reciprocat ing: .:l.P 11,000 - 5,000)/(0 - 1,000) ~ 3.8 Sump: 3600/ 1800 rpm ~ 1.2 120011800 in. • 1.5 Chem ica l injection: Fixedl variable speed · 1.67 298 APPENDIX 1 Pressure Vessels' Mild steel construction 1000 10000 800 8000 600 6000 400 aOOO 200 2000 100 :; 8q 1000 80 800 60 600 40 400 0. ;;; :;;' 0 U ~ 8 U; 20 200 '0 100 8 80 6 60 40 20 6 1000 4000 6000 8 10 20 10000 20000 40 40000 60000 Vessel weight, Ib Size exponent: 15 psi (gal) 0.64 ·See columns for pressure and material correction factors. 60 80 100 100000 200 400 200000 400000 10 600 800 1000 1000000 g EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES Reactors 304 stain I... steel; jacketed; no agitation 80 70 60 50 §. '" 40 B u 30 20 10 0 6 0 9 10 11 12 Reactor volume. 1.000 gal Module factors: Stainl... Gla .. lined Mild steel I nstallation factor : 1.8 2. 1 2.3 OSee agitated tank~ 1.40 - 2.10; ""9.1.70 Material factors: 316 stain Ie.. Gla .. lined Lead lined Mild steel 1.2 .8 .7 .6 299 300 APPENDIX 1 Refrigerat ion 40 00 F temperature 0 8. :i> :s u 200 100 80 60 40 40 60 BO 100 200 400 600 800 1000 4000 2000 6000 10000 Refrigeration, tons· Size exponent 0.69 'One ton · 12,000 Btu In stallation, Module factor 1.38- 53; avg. 1.46 Evaporat ive temperature factor's: +20F o - 20 - 40 1.5 1.9 2.4 3.5 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 301 Screens, V ibrating Mi ld steel, single deck 100 80 60 40 ZO § '";;; 10 0 U 6 8 10 20 60 40 80 100 zoc 400 600 800 1000 Screen area, ft2 Size exponent: 0.75 I nstallation factor ; 1.45- 2.27; avg. Module factor : 2.8 Factors: 1.85 Double deck Stainless steel Nickel alloy 1.6 1.25 1.8 302 APPENDIX 1 Size Enlargement Mild steel construction 100 BO 60 40 20 8q ;;; 10 1;; 0 U 1 .1 .2 .4 .6 6 .B 8 10 20 40 60 80100 Capacity , l/ hr Factors Size exponent Pug mill Pellet mill Pelletizing rolls 0 .15 0.12 0.58 Installation factor : 2.05 Module factor Stainle.. steel Nickel alloy Disk, Pug mill extruder drum granulator ---u1.2 1.4 Screw/ pug mill extruder Disk /drum granu lator fa 1.1 1.3 5.6 0.68 Others ~ 1.2 1.4 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES i_ - - 303 Tanks Mild steel construction unless otherwise noted 1000 800 1- ' 1-- 600 400 200 100 rT- Ii .. ·- 1= 80 60 8.(ii B u 40 20 1-•• - , , 1- ~ ~. ~ I~ : ~ ... 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 _ _ .c - -.- ::::: ... 200 Ie;' -= 400 1:- .600 800 1000 Tank capacity. 1,000 gal Size Modu le exponent factor Small cone top large cone top 0.51 0.51 Horizontal, pressure 0 .72 1.6 1.9 2.08 Spher. 0.62 1.87 Fiberglass 0.71 0.71 Small storage Factors: Pressure factor 200 250 psi 1.18 1.38 100 50 75 [ij8 1-:19 125 200 US f39" f53 Rubber lined Lead lined Stainless Floating roof; large, field eretted 1.5 1.6 2.0 1.8 Ins'tallation factor : 1.20 - 2.30. avg. 1.88 304 APPENDIX 1 Tanks, (Smal l) 304 sta inless steel l00 _ _ _ _ _ ~ oo O. ;;> <> U .1 .2 .4 .6 ,8 10 20 40 Capacity. 1,000 g.1 Size exponent Dished head. 50 psi Flanged. dished head Cone toP. bottom, legs FI.t toP. bottom 0.68 0.48 0.57 0.93 Factor 316/ 304 st.i n less steel 1.39 60 80 100 EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES Thickeners, Clarifiers Rake mechanism , concrete tank, drive 8000 o o o. ;;;; Ii 8 40 20 20 ~_1I 10 ~ 10 40 Size exponent : 1.03 Installation factor : 1.63 -2.61; avg . 2.12 Module factor: 3.0 60 80100 200 400 600 800 1000 Diameter. ft Tank factor : Concretel steel 0 .7 for units under 40 It diameter 305 306 APPENDIX 1 Vacuum Equipment M ild steel or cast iron 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 60 8q (I) :;;' 0 u Ejector Factors 1 surface condenser 2 surface condensers 1 barometric conde nser 2 barometric condensers 1 stage 2 stages 3 stages 4 stages 5 stages Cast iron Caroon steel Stainless steel Hastelloy Nick le alloy ., .4 20 8 '0 Capacity factor , equiv. air hr/ vacuum, mm mercury; 40 1 .6 2.3 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.8 2.1 2.5 4.0 1.0 1.3 2.0 3.0 2.2 60 80100 Water throughput , 1,000 gpm (barometric condensers) Size exponents: Vacuum pumps 0.75 Steam iet ejectors 0.42 Barometric condensers 0.67 Installat ion factor 1. 12 Module factor 2.2 REFERENCES Allen , D. H., and R. C. Page. 1975. Revised techniques for predesign cost estimating. Chemical Engineering (March). Alonso, J. R. F . 1971. Estimating the costs of gas cleaning plants. Chemical Engineering. Axtell, Oliver, and James M. Robertson. 1986. Economic Evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Beckman, James, ed. 1986. Series Design of Equipment. Vol. 1, Plant Design and Cost Estimating. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York. EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATES 307 Bennett, Richard D. 1987. Evaporator, crystallizer costs. Swenson Process Equipment Inc., 15700 Lathrop Ave., Harvey, IL 60426; 1988, Matching Crystallizer to Material, Chemical Engineering (May 23): 118-127. Blecker, H. G., H. S. Epstein, and T. M. Nichols. 1974. Wastewater Equipment. Chemical Engineering (Oct.). Chase, D. J. 1970. Plant costs vs. capacity. Chemical Engineering (April). Chemical Engineering, compo & ed. 1979 and 1984. Modern Cost Engineering: Methods and Data. 2 vols. McGraw-Hili, New York. Chemical Engineering, compo & ed. 1979. Process Technology and Flowsheets. McGraw-Hili, New York. Clark F. D., and S. P. Terni. 1972. Thick wall pressure vessels. Chemical Engineering (April). Corripio, A. B., K. S. Chrien, and L. B. Evans. 1982. Estimate cost of heat exchangers and storage tanks via correlations. Chemical Engineering (Feb.): 125-127. Desai, M. B. 1981. Preliminary cost estimating of process plants. Chemical Engineering (July 27). Epstein, L. D. 1971. Costs of standard vertical storage tanks and reactors. Chemical Engineering (July 13):141-142. Fang, C. S. 1980. The cost of shredding municipal solid waste. Chemical Engineering (April 21):151-152. Guthrie, Kenneth M. 1974. Process Plant Estimating, Evaluation, and Control. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA. Hall, R. S., J. Mately, and K. J. McNaughton 1982. Current costs of process equipment. Chemical Engineering (April 5). Happel, J., and D. G. Jordan. 1975. Chemical Process Economics. Marcel-Dekker, New York; 219-231. Herkimer, Herbert. 1958. Cost Manual for Piping and Mechanical Construction. Chemical Publishing, New York. Hoerner, G. M. 1976. Nomograph updates process equipment costs. Chemical Engineering (May). Holland, F. A., F. A. Watson, and J. K. Wilkinson. 1974. How to estimate capital costs. Chemical Engineering (April). Huff, G. A. 1976. Selecting a vacuum producer. Chemical Engineering (March). Kharbanda, O. P. 1979. Process Plant and Equipment Cost Estimation. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA. Klumpar, L. V., and S. T. Stavsky. 1985. Updated cost factors: process equipment. Chemical Engineering (July 22):73-77. - . 1985. Commodity materials. Chemical Engineering (Aug. 19):76-77. - . 1985. Installation labor. Chemical Engineering (Sept. 16):85-87. Koenig, A. R. 1980. Choosing economic insulation thickness. Chemical Engineering (Sept. 8). Kumana, Jimmy D. 1984. Cost update on specialty heat exchangers. Chemical Engineering (June 25): 169. Lindamood, D. M. 1985. Most economical thickness, hot-pipe insulation. Chemical Engineering (April 1):96. Meyer, W. S. and D. L. Kime. 1976. Cost estimation for turbine agitators. Chemical Engineering (Sept.). Miller, J. S. and W. A. Kapella. 1977. Installed cost of a distillation column. Chemical Engineering (April). Moselle, Gary, ed. 1979. National Construction Estimator. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA. Mulet, A., A. B. Corripio, and L. B. Evans. 1981. Estimating costs of distillation and absorption towers via correlations. Chemical Engineering (Dec. 28):77-82. - . 1984. Pressure vessels. Chemical Engineering (Oct. 5). Patrascu, Anghel. 1978. Construction Cost Engineering. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA. 308 APPENDIX 1 Peters, M. S., and K. D. Timmerhaus. 1980. Plant Design and Economics/or Chemical Engineers. McGraw-Hili, New York. Pikulik, A., and H. E. Diaz. 1977. Cost estimating for major process equipment. Chemical Engineering (Oct. 10): 107-122. Purohit, G. P. 1985. Cost of double-pipe and multitube heat exchangers. Chemical Engineering (March 4):92-96. (April 1):85-86. Sommerville, R. F. 1970. Estimating mill costs at low production rates. Chemical Engineering. - . 1972. New method gives accurate estimate of distillation cost. Chemical Engineering (May). Swearingen, Judson S., and John E. Ferguson. 1983. Optimized power recovery from waste heat. Chemical Engineering Progress 79 (Aug):66-70. Ulrich, G. D. 1983. A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Valle-Riestra, F. J. 1983. Project Evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries. McGraw-Hili, New York. Vatavuk, William M., and Robert B. Neveril. (1980-1983). Air pollution control systems (Parts 1-16). Chemical Engineering (Oct.-May). -.1980. Pollutant capture hoods. Chemical Engineering (Dec. 1):111-115. - . 1984. Practical emmissions control. Chemical Engineering (April 2):97-99. - . 1984. Gaseous emmissions control. Chemical Engineering (April 30):95-98. Vogel, G. A., and E. J. Martin 1983. Estimating capital costs of facility components. Chemical Engineering 90 (24) (Nov. 28):87-90. - . 1984. Operating costs. Chemical Engineering (Jan. 9):97-100. - . 1984. Incinerator costs. Chemical Engineering (Feb. 6): 121-122. APPENDIX 2 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS The following charts indicate the complete cost of plants to produce various chemicals in differing tonnages. The information has been assembled primarily from four sources: (1) curves on 54 plants published by Guthrie (1974), (2) curves on 18 plants published by Chemical Engineering (1973/1974), (3) 33 nomographs, and about 140 single plant size-cost data notations by Kharbanda (1979), and (4) several hundred recent plant construction notices in Chemical Engineering's Construction Alert. The first three sources are quite old, with most of the information gathered from the mid-60s through the early 70s. The last source was data from 1980 through 1987. Each source was inftationcorrected to 1987 (CE Index of 320) by means of the Chemical Engineering (CE) Index. The first two references were probably quite authoratative when published, and represented contractor prices for that plant alone, plus the necessary raw material and product storage. The infrastructure for a "grass roots" plant, or even for minor utility and other required nonplant facilities was not included. The later two sources, on the other hand, are basically press-release information stating what the complete facility cost. This might include land, site development, and/or any of the infrastructure required to make the plant function. Costs would thus be higher, and the assembled data would be much more scattered because of each location's different requirements. Both factors, the early data's age, and the most recent data's complete cost basis, tend to limit the accuracy of the plots. When considerable data were available, high, low and average lines were shown. Presumably the high values represent more infrastructure requirements. When only one data point (i.e., one plant cost at one size) was available, the capacity versus cost line was drawn with a slope of 0.64, the average size-cost exponent of Guthrie's 54 plants. Normally it should be expected that the costs shown in these plots should be roughly correct, and perhaps on the high side. However, some of the data from the first three references appear to be very low, so caution should be used with all of the charts. They may be useful as a guide, but not too much confidence should be placed in their accuracy. The basis for the costs should be considered as a reasonably high value for the plant alone, plus storage, and the CE Index 320. 309 310 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, A 60 20 8o g 0,10 ;;;; :;;' 8 o u 8 10 20 40 60 60100 Capacity, tid Size exponent Acetic acid Acetone Acetylene Acetaldehyde Raw material 0.59 0.55 0.65 0.41 Methanol Propylene Hydrocarbons Ethylene 200 400 600 600 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 311 Plant Costs, A 200 100 0 0 °~f o. '" ~~ 0 u 10 6 8 10 60 20 60100 200 Plan t capacity, tid S ize exponent Acryl ic fi ber Acrylonitrile Alky l benzene (linear) Aromatic,s Acryl ic acid " Assumed Raw material 1.02 0.60 1.07 0.40 0.64" Acrylon itrile Acetylene, hydrogen cyanide 400 600 600 1000 312 APPENDIX 2 Planl COSIS, A 60 40 8o 20 ~ ~ 10 ~ 8 .. c 0:: I 10 20 40 60 80100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, tid Raw material Size exponent" Allyl chloride Acetic anhyd ride Adipic acid An iline Alylales, detergent , All assumed 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 Propylene, C1 2 ; Dich loropropane Acetic acid Cyclohexa nol Benzene; nit ric, 5ulfu ric acids COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, Aluminum Chemical. 1000 800 600 400 200 tOO 80 10 20 40 60 200 80 100 400 Plant capacity, tid Raw materials Siz e exponen ts Alumina Alumina, sintered • Assumed Aluminum Aluminum sulfate 0.54 0.64' 1.0 0.64' Bauxite Alumina Alumina Bauxite, H2 S0 4 600 800 1000 313 314 APPENDIX 2 Pla nt Costs, Ammonium CompOunds 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 0 0 0 g 60 40 '"a 0 " iii 20 0:: 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 Plant capacity, tId Size exponents Ammonia Ammoni um nitrate Ammoni um sulfate Ammonium phosphale Ammonium perchlorate Ammonium bicarbonate • Assumed 0.58 0,65 0,67 0,64' 0,64' 0,64' Raw material (process) Gas, air Ammo nia; Iprilled) Ammonia. sulfuric acid, (crystalized ) Ammonia, phosphoric acid , (granulatedl Ammonia, CI2 Ammonia, CO, 6000 10000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 315 Planl COSIS, B 80 60 40 8 20 o· ~ ;;; t; 8 . c 0:: I to I 20 40 60 80100 400 200 600 800 1000 Planl capacity, tid Size exponent Butad iene Butanol Butanol Benzene Benzoic acid Bjsphenol A Butanol Butane, iso Benzene, toluene, xy lene Raw malerial Iprocess) 0.63 0.48 0.69 0.73 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' Butane; butylene Factors for benzene process: Propylene Butylene Toluene, H2 lDetol) Toluene Acelone; phenol Elhanol Butan e, pentane DOIOI 1. 0 Litol Pyrotol 1.42 1.48 Reformate (extraction) • Assumed 316 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, C 100 80 8 60 0. 40 g ;;; 10 t 10 1 20 40 60 80 100 200 40 0 600 800 1000 Plant capacity , tId lor cement, 10 bbl/d) Raw materia l (process' Size exponent Carbon black Chlorine Caprolactum Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Carbon d isu lfide Cement Cyanoacetate Ch loroacet ic acid , mono • Assumed 0.S7 0.47 0.52 0 .49 0.48 0.64' 10 0.64' 0.64' Aromatic oi ls; gas N.CI brine lelectrolysis)I Caust ic soda by ·product; 1.07 Ib/ lb C1 2 ) Cyc/, NH , IAmmonium sulfate by-product; 1.7E Ibll b caprolactum ) Benzene, H2, CI 2 IPerchlorethylene by-product ; 1.33 Ib/lb CCI, ) COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 317 Pla nt Costs, C 1000 800 I-- 1-' . 1-- 1 - 600 F== 400 ,·-I-=- I~=- 200 ... 100 8 ci 0 O. I - 80 0 , ~. 80 , ~: 40 in 8 ~ 20 0:: 10 6 1= 1-- --=.. 1 8 10 60 40 20 80 100 200 Pl ant capacity, tlhr Siz e ex ponentCitric acid Carboxymethyl cellula,. Cellu lose ace late Cumene Cyclohexanone/clyclohexanol Ch lo roprene monomer .. All size ex ponents assumed 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 Raw mater ial (process) (Submerged fermentation) Cell ulose Cell ulose Benzene, propyle ne Benzene, H2 Butad iene, CI2 Factor for chloroprene raw materiaL Acetylene 1.57 400 600 800 1000 318 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, D 600 P!3nl capacity. Size exponent DMT Diphenyl amine Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid DDT Detergent alkalate Detergent al ka late Diethanol amine Dimethyl terephthalate Dioctyl phthalate Dimersol Dimersol, ethylene ' Assumed lid Raw materia l 0.51 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64 0.64 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64 Oiphenyl methane d iisocyanate 0.64· Grassroo ts plants Pllenol Ch loral , Chlorobenzene Propylene tetramer. benzene n- paraffin Ethy lene oxide. ammonia p- xylene , methanol Phthalic anhydride D imerization COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs. E 8 °~i o. ;;; § 40 60 eo 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 Plant capacity. t Id Size exponent Ethane 0.65 Ethylene 0.85 E thy Iene ox ide 0.80 0.64· Ethyl benzene 0.64· Ethyl chloride Ethylene d ichloride 0.64· Ethylene glycol 0.59 • Assumed Raw material Petroleum Gas:, naptha, gas oil, etc. Ethylene Ethylene. benzene Ethylene. HCI Ethylene. CI, Ethylene ox ide Raw material factors for Ethylene (1350 tid; SI68 MM) Ethane 1.0 Propane 1.10 Naptha 1.48 Gas oil 2.76 (produces 0.59 t propylenel t ethylene) 319 320 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs. E 60 40 § 20 ~ ;;; 10 1;;'" 8 li 8 6 ~ _ _II c.:;: I-1 1 -- [.::: 1:::: B 10 20 40 60 SO 100 Plant capacity. tid -Assumed Size exponent· Epichlorhydrin Ethyl ether Ethyl hexanol Ethyl diamine Raw material 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 Al lyl ch loride Propylene. synthesis gas Acetaldehyde Ethylene dichloride 200 400 600 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, Ethanol l Fermentation), Methanol ~ u E . n: 6 10 20 Ethanol plant capacity, MM gallvr Methanol , 100,000 t/vr Raw materials (process) Size exponents Methanol Ethanol 0.78 0.90 > 10 MM gal/ vr 1.0 to 10 MM gal/yr Methane, CO , H2 (Fermentat ion) 321 322 APPENDIX 2 Plant Co,ts, F 100 SO 60 I~ 40 " 0 8 20 0" 8, ;;; :;;' 8 ~ , , , 10 8 0:: I- - ,:.'-'..: I:::I-·F 1-:-..:::1::: -' i-+ 1 - .-. 8 10 20 40 riO 80 100 200 400 Plant capacity, tid Si.~e eXpOnent 0.55 0.66 Fatty alcohol 0.64' 0.64' Fluorocarbon 0.64' Ferric chloride Fructose, crystalline 0.64 0.64 Fructose, syrup Formaldehyde ~Assumed Raw materials Hydrocarbons, aqueous Methanol Coconut oil Carbon tetrachloride, H F Ferrous chloride, CI 2 600 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, G Pla nt capacity, tId Raw materiaI Size exponent Glycol Glycerine .. Assumed 0.79 0.64' Ethylene, CI , A l lyl alcohol, epichlomydrin 323 324 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, Gases 100 V 80 § 8 D. 1- 1- .- -f--:;:; = 60 - I 40 ~~ ~ 20 1-=0· 0:: I=-~ o .-= 8 f-- - - I - 6 II r=:::::I--. I-I-:' -6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 I - 1- .. 1- 1·- . 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity : argOn 1,000 sefh; SNG, 1,000,000 sefd; hydrogen. oxygen, tid; LNG , 1,000 tid Si2e exponent Argon Oxygen Hydrogen LNG SNG Garbon dioxide Raw material, process 0.89 0.59 0.65 0.68 0.75 0.72 Air, liquified Air. liquified Methane; partial ox idation; reform ing Tea Iarc process Coal Factors for SNG feedstock Coal Crude oil Medium, heavy gas oil, Naptha, kerosene, light gas oil 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.3 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 325 Plant Costs, Liquid Air, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen 8o g '" 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, tid Size exponent Carbon dioxide, liqu id Ox.ygen , liquid A ir. nitrogen, liqu id Argon , hydrogen, liquid 0.72 0.37 0.66 0.66 (esl.l 2000 4000 6000 10000 326 APPENDIX 2 Pla nl Costs, H o 60 o o 0' ~ 40 in , ,, 10 8 6 f------- I::::·-1::-I 8 I 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 Plant capacily, tid Raw materials Size exponent Hydrochloric acid Hydrofluoric acid Hexamethylene tetram ine Hydrogen peroxide "Assumed Hydrogen cyanide 0.69 0.72 0_64' 0.73 0.70 Sail, H2 SO, INa, SO, by- prod U cl I CaF" H,S0 4 Methanol, ammonia lsopropy lene alcohol, 0, Propa ne, ammonia 600 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 327 Plant Costs. I III 1--· I-- .=~'- .. c_:.:..;... .:~: a 10 40 20 60 80 100 200 Plant capacity. tId Size exponent Isoprene I soprapano I Isobutvlene lsooctanol Impact modifiers Impact modifiers for Methylmethacrylate• Assumed butadiene- sty rene Raw material (process ) 0.49 0.73 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' Propy lene. methano l. O 2 Propylene I liquid extraction) Heptane ..... 400 600 600 t 000 328 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, L, M tOOO 800 600 400 200 100 80 g q ;;; 60 40 \3 [ij ii: 20 10 6 8 10 20 40 60 60100 200 Plant capacity, tId Raw material Size exponent "Assumed Lithium carbonate Maleic anhydride Melamine Methyl chloride Methyl ethyl ketone Methyl isobutyl ketone Mercaptobe nl O th iazole Methyl methacrylate Monochloroacetic acid 0.64" 0.48 0.64" 0.64" 0.64" 0.64 0.64' 0.64 " 0.64' Spodumene are Benzene Urea, ammonia Methanol An iline Acetone, HCN Acet ic acid. CI , 400 600 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 329 Plant Costs, M 80 20 8q '"::: 8 ~ n: 8 20 10 40 60 80 100 200 400 Plant capacity, ti d Size exponent ~ Raw material Monosodium methyl arsonate 0 .64 Magnesium oxide Magnesium hydrox ide Methyl tertiary butyl ether Methyl amine 0 .64 0 .6 4 0 .64 0 .64 Methanol - see page for ethano l . Assumed (coproduct sod ium cocodylate - herbicides) Seawater ; brine Seawater; brine (calcined) (coproduct , O.67 t dimethyl formam ide) 600 800 1000 330 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs. N -DB 800 600 400 200 - 100 I..• -. 80 8 o 8o~ 60 40 VJ 6 8 iii 20 ii: 10 6 1 1--- , ... I.. · 1- 11 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 Plant capacity . tid Size exponent Ni'tric acid Naplhol B Nylon 616 r.. in Nylon fi lament N itrophosphale ·A .... med 0.59 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' N itro compounds, organic 0.64' Raw material Ammon ia Napthalene Ad ipic acid Dimethyl formam ide Phosphate ore. NH0 3 4 00 600 BOO 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Planl Costs, a 800 600 400 200 . c 0:: 40 60 80,00 200 400 Plant capacity, tid Size exponent Oxo alcohols Olelins, alpha Olefins, linear, higher -Assumed 0.74 0.64' 0.64' 600 800' 000 Raw materials Olelins, CO, H2 Hydrocarbons; wax 331 332 APPENDIX 2 Plant Com. P 20 ~ 1= 80 6 8. 10 8 6 <ii S " ~ ii: 1= 6 10 40 20 60 80 100 Plant capacity. tid Si2e exponentParaffins Pentach lorophe nol Pentaerythritol Perchloroethyle ne Phosgene Propylene ox ide 'Assumed Raw material 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 Kerosene Phenol. CI, Formaldehyde; acetaldehyde CI2 or HC I Propyle ne. CI, 200 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 333 Plant Costs, P 100 BO 40 8a 8' q ;;; § ~ i[ 20 10 8 6 2 6 8 10 20 40 60 BO 100 200 400 Plant capacity, tid Size exponent Protein. single cell Para xylene Phenol Phosphoric acid Phosphorus Phtalic anhydride · Assumed Potassium sulfate Raw material (process) 0.64' 0.61 0.68 0.72 0.56 1.06 0.72 0.64' (Crystallizalioni Benzene; loluene Cumene Phosphate rock, H,SO. Phosphate rock, electricity, coke Napthalene; o-xylene Potassium chloride, H 2 S0 4 BOO 800 1000 334 APPENDIX 2 Plant COsts, Polymers BO 0 8 0' 8. Vi ::;u ~. ~ <i: 10 1 8 10 40 20 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, tid Size exponent Polyethelene Polypropylene Poly.inyl chloride IPVC) Polypropylene Polybutadiene, synthetic rubber Poly isoprene Polystyrene Polyester; staple Raw materia I 0.65 0.02 0.82 0.74 0.64' 0.€4· 0.53 0.64' Factors: Ethylene Propylene Ethylene, CI Gas, naptha, gas oil Vinyl chloride monomer 0.82 X PVC Butadiene Isoprene Styrene Dimethyl forma mid.; polyester • Assumed COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 335 Plant Costs, Polyme" 800 ._ 600 1- 400 200 1- ' 100 80 § 60 :; 20 ii: 10 8 6 4 r-2 1- 1 ,--8 10 20 - 40 Plant capacity tid • All size exponents assumed at 0.64. 60 60 100 200 400 6008001000 336 APPENDIX 2 Pla nt Costs. Polymers 1000 800 200 20 Plant capacity. tid • All size exponents assumed at 0 .64 . except Polycarbonate 0.79 400 GOO 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, S (Organic) 1-100 ' § 60 ' , g ;;; 10 I 1-- r:::::r::;- I-· I~ ~I~ i--';" 8 10 20 40 60 60100 200 400 600 800 1000 Pla nt capacity, tId Size exponent Styrene 0.56 0.64' Sorbitol 0.64 ' Sulfonated and sulfated surfactants and detergents 'Assumed Raw materials Benzene, ethylene, steam Corn syrup 337 338 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs. S (I no,,),n ic) ,~ " '" Ala' ~~~ 'C'. , 10 ;<,0; " ~a,e' 13 ~~~~!E . ~~~ <$'~<l , , 'tlr ~<;: ~;~~ ~ .. ~<~ , , , -:-CO' t;,~ ~'~,~04!j:: , ~~;~ '),c_'It'· " ,c,,,;I": >~~~ 1'·- 1-'. 1= I'" 2 1 . , 8 10 , 40 20 - I -- , 60 80 100 200 I:: 1- 400 Plant capacity. tid Raw material. (process) Size exponent Su lfur Su lfuric acid Soda ash INa,CO,) Sodium bicarbonate Sodium metal Sulfuric acid Sodium sulfate Sodium hypophosphate Sodium ch lorate ' Assumed 0.71 0.56 0.74 0.65 0.64' 0.64' 0.64' 0.64 ' 0.64' H 2 S - cont.a ining gas Sulfur NaCI . CO, (So lvey ) Soda ash or NaOH; CO , NaCl, electricitv Gypsum Brine 600 800 1000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, T 1000 1-- 600 -- 1-' 400 200 100 80 ~ 60 § g" q 40 <J) ~ a::~ 20 10 _ .._ - 8 : I::;: Plan t capacity tid Raw materials: Size exponent Terephthalic acid Tetraethyllead Titanium diox ide • Assumed Toluene diisocyanate Thiourea diox ide 0.64' 0.64 ' 0.64' 0.89 0.64 0.64 p· xylene Toluene; benzene Ethy l chloride, Pb, N. Rutile ore, H2S0 4 PhoSljene 339 340 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs, I J. V, X 8o 80. CI) § 1_ 10 20 40 60 200 80100 400 600 8001000 Plant capacity, tid Raw materials (process) Size exponent Urea Uranium oxide Uranium hexa fluori de Viny l acetate Vinyl chloride o-xylene p-xylene • Assu med 0.64 0.64' 0.64' 0.65 0.88 0.64' 0.64' Ammon ia, CO 2 U ranium ore Uraniu m ore. fluorine Ethylene Ethylene, CI2 .o,t HCI M ixed xylenes (fractionation ) Mixed xylenes !fractionation I COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 341 PI.nt COS". Met.,s. C.rbon <> 60 8 8q ;;; ~' 13 i" Ii: 10 8 to 60 80 100 40 20 Plant capacity. tid of metal produced Size exponents 0.64-1 ,0 avg. 1.0 Carbon fibers 0 .85 200 400 600 BOO 1000 342 APPENDIX 2 Plant Costs. Minerals -.. 1000 800 --=- -- 600 400 i==-' L-c 200 ' .... ~::Z' =- ." 1" ' 1"- 100 80 8 °8' o. 40 ;;; ~~ u ~ , 1..- .. ,. 60 F 20 ii: f-C-- 10 8 ~ :.:.::: 1-10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity. tId Size exponents: Assumed to be 0.64 2000 =.... 4000 ····1:: 16000 10000 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS - . 343 Plant Costs. Natural Gas Purification 1000 800 = = 600 400 1= 200 i---- ... 1--- 1--"" I.:: I::: =, 100 80 0 60 0 0 0. 40 .. 20 8 ;;; ~f u ;: - iL I 10 8 , = 1 l== 1 - :,~ ~~ ~~~~'~ , :.G ~~.~ , C..~~: :.G' 1-- 1' ''' 8 10 40 20 60 Plant capacity, M scfd Size exponents Gas treating alone 0.75 Gas treating with liquids fract ionation 0.75 Sour gas treating with sulfur recovery and liquids fractionation 0.84 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 344 APPENDIX 2 Petroleum Plant Costs, Complete Plants 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 0 8 0" 8. 60 40 Vi .: ::;u ~ 20 0: 10 6 8 10 20 40 100 Pla nt capacity , 1,000 bbl /d o r 1,000.000 scfd gas Size exponent Complete refinery Gas processi ng Wax plant Lube plant Grease plant , Assumed Re-refined oil Raw materials 0.86 0.52 0.64' 0.59 0.64' 0.64' Recovery of " Iight.nd," Reclaimed motor oil COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Petroleum Plant Costs, Cracking 80 60 40 I-==r= I-~ ·I-;~· I:: I - 1._ =: _. H 4 8 '0 20 40 Plant capaci ty, 1,000 bbl /d Size exponent Ortho flo w; general ; air li ft TCC Hydro cracking; flu id catalytic crack ing IFC;;) Vi,breaking Thermal 0.49 0 .~ 3 0.54 0.65 60 80 345 346 APPENDIX 2 Pelroleum Plant Costs, Coking, Extraction, Etc. 200 100 80 § 8' 0 . 60 40 ;;; ~ i a: 20 10 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 Plant capacity, 1,000 bbl/d Operation Size exponent "Assumed Cok ing, delayed Cok ing, fluid bed Aromatics extract ion Residium supercritical extraction Naptha recovery Residium desu lfurization Absorption 0.42 0.64 0.640.64 0.64" 0.64" 0.64- Thermal cracking; coke production Thermal cracking; coke prOduction Uquid extraction of aromatics High pressure, temperation extraction Distillation, desu lfurization, etc. Hvdrogenation COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Petroleum Pla nt Costs, Sulfur Removal; Extraction 20 10 a 8 D ~. '":;; 0 " i ii: 2 1 1 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 Plant capacity, 1,000 bbl/ d Operation Size exponent Desulfurizing Hydrotreating 0.64 0.57 0.78 Propane deasphalting 0.61 0.47 0.66 Sweetening Gas oil desulfurization Extraction Propane dewaxing Solvent dewax ing Hydrogen treating of lube oils, naptha Treatment of gasoline to remove mercaptans, sulfides Hydrogen treatment of gas oils Propane liquid ext.raction of vacuum distilled crudes Propane addition, filtration, stripping of diesel, etc. oils Solvent extraction of lube oils 347 348 APPENDIX 2 Petroleum Plant Costs, Gasoline Production, Distllation 8 8' D, 60 40 ;;; :;;' 0 " ~ 20 0: 10 8 10 20 40 60 80100 200 400 600 600 1000 Plant capacity, 1,000 bbl/ d Size exponent A lkylation, low A lkylation, high Distillation, vacuum Distillation, atmospheric Isomerization Polymerization Reforming. Disti llation Operation 0.63 0.49 0.73 0.87 0.64 0.61 0.63 Med ium weight unsat. hydrocarbons to gasoline Crude oil fractionation Hydrogenation to upgrade pentane, hexane, etc. Conversion of olefinic streams into higher octane Dehydrogenation of paraffins, etc. into cycle compounds Genera l dist illation COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant Costs, Power from Refuse, Co--generation 8 .~ ~. 8 .. c 0:: 6 8 10 20 40 60 Plant capacity, MW Size exponent 0.15 BO 100 200 400 600 800 1000 349 350 APPENDIX 2 Water (Drinkingl Preparat ion Plants i- ' 1--' ..• -~ :::.:::: I·e 2000 1, ,- •.• . 1000 800 600 8o . - 400 U; il u 200 . .. 100 1- 80 80 1- 40 1= I~"- 20 1-'" 1-:' 1--' 10 .1 1 - - 1- ._.2 .4 .6 .8 6 8 Water production, 1.000 gpm Size exponents Desali nation 0.89 Standard treatment 0.65 Pumping. clarification 0.74 · Standard treatment: floculation. clarification. fil tration. chlorination . • 'See Desalination graph 10 ' 20 40 60 80 100 COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS Plant costs, Desalination tOO 80 80 8· q 60 40 V> ti 8 .,c 20 0:: to 8 6 8 to Plant capacity. million gal pure water/day Size exponent Mult istage flash dist illation , electrodialysis, reverse osmosis Vert ical tube evaporators 0 .89 0 .82 351 352 APPENDIX 2 Wastewater or Sewage Treatment Secondary sewag<l processing: fi ltration, activated sludge .2 .1 .1 .2 .4 .6 .8 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 Treatment capacity, 1,000 gpm Factors fo r sewage treatment Size exponent Carbon adsorptio n, sewage treatme nt Reverse osmosis Demineral ization 0.64 0.79 0.65 Primary : 0.33 (filtration alone) Tertiary : 2.0 (secondary plus chemica l t re.tment of filtrate) REFERENCES Chemical Engineering, ed. and compo 1973-1974. Sources and Production Economics of Chemical Products. McGraw-Hill , New York: 121-180. Chemical Engineering, ed . and compo 1980-1988. Construction Alert. McGraw-Hill, New York. COMPLETE PLANT COST ESTIMATING CHARTS 353 Guthrie, Kenneth M. 1974. Process Plant Estimating, Evaluation, and Control. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA: 125-180,334-353,369-371. Guthrie, Kenneth M. 1970. Capital and operating costs for 54 chemical processes. Chemical Engineering (June 15): 140-156. Kharbanda, O. P. 1979. Process Plant and Equipment Cost Estimation. Craftsman Book Co., Solana Beach, CA. Process Economics International. 1979-1980. Vol. 1 (2). APPENDIX 3 MANUFACTURING COST DATA PRESENTED There are far less data in the literature on manufacturing cost than on the other components of cost estimating, primarily because it is a more complex and site, process, or company-specific cost. Some data do exist, however, and they are presented in the following pages. Most of the data are quite old, and difficult to easily update, although an attempt has been made to convert data to early 1987, or CE Index 320 values. Section 1 presents manufacturing cost versus plant capacity curves of Guthrie (1974), with the percent breakdown into major cost components when available by Kharbanda (1979). The original Guthrie data were probably quite accurate as a first, general approximation, but they are old, and may have suffered badly by attempts to extrapolate them to the present time. The percent breakdown tables were undoubtedly based upon one single plant or process and location, and may be far from typical. Both sets of data at best should only be used for order-of-magnitude or "ballpark" estimates. Section 2 gives some detailed manufacturing raw material and utility estimates from Chemical Engineering (197311974), which also probably were quite accurate when published. The processes may have changed considerably since that time, but at least these values should still be useful for conservative first approximations. Section 3 provides more of the percent breakdowns of Kharbanda (1979), but now with the single plant size operating cost also estimated. In Section 4 Kharbanda has tabulated (or calculated) the raw materials and utilities required for many processes. As noted previously, the accuracy is probably very poor, but in many cases provides initial rough estimates that are better than nothing, and in other cases it is useful to doublecheck the figures quoted by vendors or others. METHODS OF USE Since each of the four sections of data overlap each other, are from different authors, and present limited lists of chemicals, each must be separately examined to make a manufacturing cost estimate. For example, ammonia is found in three of the four section's figures and tables. In cases such as this the data may not be consistent and you will have to make your best guess as to which to use and not use. This will complicate your study, but often there is some component of the information you know or feel more confident of, and this will aid in your selection. For instance, you may have heard that the average U.S. ammonia plant now uses 32 million Btu of fuel per ton of ammonia, and that the 354 MANUFACTURING COST 355 newest plants consume less than 25 million. This can allow you to somewhat adjust and evaluate the data from the three sections. In other cases, merely knowing the current competitive selling price can allow you to adjust this data somewhat, assuming that the present manufacturers must make at least some profit on the product. This concept can lead you to further examine various alternative raw materials, processes, and producers, to see where the competitive advantages exist, which may influence and assist in your cost estimates and recommendations. SECTION 1. MANUFACTURING COST VS. PLANT CAPACITY (1); PERCENT COST BREAKDOWN (3) Manufacturing Cost, A Acrylonitrile 600 400 Acetone Acetic acid Acetylene Ammonia Ammonium nitrate Ammonium SUlfate 40 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 400 600 800 Plant capacity, tid Plant capacity, tid Acrylonitrile 85 Acetone 70 70 Acetic acid 70 140 Acetylene 50 Ammonia 1000 Ammonium nitrate 700 Manu fact uring cost, % Raw Utiliti .., materials Depreciation ~ Raw materials 37 74 46 6 6 24 46 45 17 20 10 25 Propy lene, NH3 84 51 32 15 36 77 50 15 22 40 14 8 Isopropanol; vapor ; liquid Acetaldehyde, ethanol Methanol Hydrocarbon, Methane@S1.25/MM btu Ammonia 356 APPENDIX 3 Manufacturing Cost, B, C, E : Chlorine 1 , I 8 10 40 20 60 80100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, tid Manufacturing cost, % Butanol Ethylene ox ide Carbon black Cyclohe"ane Butene Ethylene Ethanol Plant capacity, tid 70 85 85 110 140 140 280 825 280 Raw Utilities. materials Depreciation labor Raw materials (processl 68 48 68 27 92 32 25 9 33 18 50 5 54 45 44 24 Ethanol Ethyle ne. (SOl Ethylene, IShe11) Oil 13 57 23 19 20 23 3 14 30 43 19 Benzene, H:z Butane Ethane; naptha Propane; naptha Ethylene MANUFACTURING COST 357 Manufacturing Cost, F, G, H, I, M 8000 IiOOO 4000 2000 1000 HYdrogen perox ide HYdrofluoric acid 800 c c 600 Ii 400 S 8 Isoprene Glycol Methanol CI> .~ .'l ~ ~ 200 c :!E FormaldehYde f100 HydrOchloric acid 80 60 40 20 10 6 a 20 10 40 60 400 200 80100 600 6001000 Plant capacity, tid Manulacturing cost, % Pla nt ca~i!y, tid Isoprene Methanol Glycol Formaldehyde 140 140 200 110 140 Raw materials 42 50 22 90 59 Utilities De2reciation labor l 44 25 44 4 23 14 25 34 6 18 Raw materials Propylene Methanol Methane Ethylene oxide Methanol 358 APPENDIX 3 Manufacluring Com, N, 0, P 1000 ~ 800 0 .t: '">;;,' 600 "co 400 0 .!: :; ~ "5~ 200 i 100 , Plant capacilY, lId Manufacturing cost. % Polyvinyl ch loride Phenol Phlhalic anhydr ide p-xylene Propylene Nitric acid Planl Raw capacily, lId materials 70 59 140 140 40 40 70 70 300 43 33 38 53 34 77 53 Utili ties, Depreciation labor 24 17 35 35 50 41 50 13 36 22 32 12 6 16 10 11 Raw malerial, (p rocess) Vinylchloride: (suspe nsion : emu lsion) (Modified Rasch ig) Cumene o- xylene Fluid bed: naDhthalene (Fractionation) Propane Ammon ia MANUFACTURING COST 359 Manufacturing Costs, S, U, V 600 _ 400 c: 200 ...~ § ~ 100 o§ . 11 "; c: :::E 80 - 60 40 ;u/furic"acid 20 10 1 2 4 6 8 20 10 40 60 80100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, tid Manufacturing cost, Raw Plant capacity, tid materials Styrene Sulfur U rea Vinyl acetate Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride Vinyl chloride 140 150 68 0 70 70 140 140 70 49 80 71 300 66 % Utilities, Depreciation labor Raw materials 14 59 19 21 42 10 15 Ethyl benzene H, S - rich gas 1S 41 15 Ammon ia, CO 2 10 14 Ethylene Acetylene, HCI Ethylene, Cl z 9 9 Acetic acid, acetylene Manufacturing Costs, Petroleum Pla nts 6 Coking • .2 .1 1 8 10 20 40 60 80100 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, 1000 bbl/day Manufacturing Costs, Petroleum Plants .1 1 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 Plant capacity, 1000 bbl/day MANUFACTURING COST 361 Operating Cost, Wastewater Treatment I i i 2 ~ ;;; Ii o go .8 .~ .6 u .. o • .--1 c. .4 .2 .1 1 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Plant capacity, mill ion gallday Curve : Primary . secondary treatment , sludge handl ing, chlorinat ion Factors Sand filtration Activated carbon Electrodialysis 0.27 0.62 1.08 Manufacturing Costs SECTION 2. PRODUCT DETAILED REQUIREMENTS PER TON OF I. Acetaldehyde 225 tId (75,000 t/yr) (Hydrocarbon Process 1967) One Stage (Oxygen) Raw materials: Ethylene Oxygen (99 .5%), scf Air, scf HCl (as 20 0 Be acid), lb Catalyst, $ Utilities: Electricity , KW hr Steam (150 psig) , M lb 1,3401b 9,460 30 2.75 45 2.4 Two Stages (Air) 1,3401b 54 ,000 80 2.75 270 2.4 362 APPENDIX 3 One Stage (Oxygen) Process Water, M gal Demineralized water, gal Cooling tower water, M gal Labor, operators/ shift 2. Ammonia (2) 1.7 120 48 3 t04 Natural Gas Raw materials: Gas, process and fuel, MMBtu Catalyst and chemicals, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Makeup water, M gal Labor, operators/shift 3. Benzene (Houdry Hydrodealkation Processes) (2) Raw materials: Detol Cyclohexane, napthenes Hydrogen, M scf 11.4 0.47 Catalyst, $ Clay, Ib 0.54 Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 49 Fuel, MM Btu; consumed 2.26 produced 10.0 net + 7.74 Steam, Ib; consumed 88 produced net 88 Boiler feed water, gal Cooling water, M gal 4.05 4. Butadiene (Shell ACN Process) (2) Raw materials: Butane Acetonitrile, Ib Other chemicals, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Steam (600 psig, 600°F), Ib Refrigeration (@ 40°F), Btu Process water, gal. Cooling water (30°F rise), M gal Labor, operators/shift By-products, per ton Butadiene Butylene, ton 1.335; Light ends, Ib 11 Heavy ends, Ib 89 7.2 48 3-4 Naphtha 32.6 1.13 32.7 1.23 15 2.9 5 26.6 3.0 5 Pyrotol Approx 98.5% yields 22.6 0.63 0.82 47.2 3.0 25.0 + 21.8 1,940 1,810 -130 0.72 10.43 98.6% yield 0.296 0.44 72 6,460 71,160 11.8 31.4 1.5 Two Stages (Air) Litol 4.9 0.32 0.36 41 3.36 4.9 + 1.54 300 1,074 + 774 3.91 6.86 MANUFACTURING COST 363 5. Caprolactum (Stamicarbon Process); 38,500 tlyr plant (2) Raw materials: Cyclohexane, Ib Hydrogen (>95%; 100% basis), Ib Ammonia,lb Aqua ammonia (20% on 100% NH3 basis), Ib Oleum (100% H2S04 basis), Ib Sodium hydroxide, Ib Benzene,lb Tolulene, Ib Phosphoric acid Catalysts, $ 2,120 192 632 962 2,720 200 28 16 10 15.10 Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Fuel (75 % furnance efficiency), MM Btu 440 psig Steam, Ib; 184 56 Refrigeration (6°C), M Btu Boiler feedwater, gal (95°C) Process water, gal Cooling water, gal 376 1.7 14,380 3,340 7,260 126 295 760 42,400 By-products: 1.75 12 28 Ammonium sulfate, tIt Hydrogen (40% H2 ), Ib/t Hydrogen (95% H2 ), Ib/t 6. Chlorine (Hooker Diaphragm Process) (2) Raw materials: Salt, tons Misc. chemicals, materials, $ Diaphragm asbestos, Ib HCI,lb H 2 S04 ,lb 3.52 0.12 0.2 10 12 Utilities: Electricity, kW hr: to cells other Steam, Ib: evaporation other Labor/plant capacity, tId Supervision Operators, man hours Cell rebuilding, man hours Maintenance, man hours 2,980 250 5,460 700 200 500 One man per shift 0.52 0.22 0.03 0.016 0.32 0.17 By-products: Caustic Soda, tIt Hydrogen, Ib/ton 2.14 56.32 900 0.18 0.016 0.12 364 APPENDIX 3 7. Cyclohexane (IFP Liquid Phase Hydrogenation Process) (2) Raw materials: 1,870 Benzene,lb 130 Hydrogen, Ib 11 Catalyst, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 8 Steam (300 psig), Ib 370 230 Boiler feed water, gal 4,000 Cooling water (lO°C rise), gal By-products: 620 Fuel gas, Ib 1,900 Steam (65 psig), Ib 8. Cyclohexanol (Stamicarbon Process) Raw materials: Cyclohexane, Ib Caustic soda, Ib Catalysts, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Steam, Ibs: 454 psig 56 psig Refrigeration (O°C), M Btu Process water, gal Cooling water, (8°C rise), M gal (2) 2,200 180 1.56 200 7,300 700 66 101 101 9. Ethylene (propylene) (Lummus Naphta Pyrolysis Process) (2) Raw materials: High Severity; ethane recycle Medium range naptha, tons (117-308 of; 73 ° API) Catalysts, chemicals, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Fuel, MM Btu Boiler feed water, gal Cooling water, M gal (25°F rise) Labor: Operators, foremen/shift Maintenance material, % of capital By-products, Ib/ton ethylene: Propylene Butadiene Buty lenes/butanes Hydrogen Methane rich gas (21,630 Btu/lb) Ethane Benzene 5.95 1.55 34 26 96 70 8 2 991 272 251 92 956 401 Moderate severity; no recycle 8 1.55 34 26 96 70 8 2 1,454 356 669 77 1,014 400 358 MANUFACTURING COST High Severity; ethane recycle Toluene C g aromatics Cs - 400°F + gasoline 400°F + fuel oil (17,100 Btu/lb) 199 105 404 280 10. Fonnaldehyde (Reichhold Fonnox Process) (2) (per ton at 35 % solution) Raw Materials: Methanol, gal 130 2.2 NaOH,lb Catalyst, Ib 0.08 Ion exchange resin, fe 0.0002 Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 78.5 Steam, startup (168 hr/yr), M Ib (150 psig) 300 Fuel, startup (168 hr/yr), MBtu 26.88 Process feedwaterj gal 238 Boiler feedwater, gal 94 22.2 Cooling water, M gal: 85°F 60°F 3.72 Instrument air, scf 300 Labor: Operator/shift Supervisor/shift 1 3 Laboratory, hr/wk Maintenance: % of capital 3 By-product: Steam Ib/ton 150 psig 820 11. Liquefied natural gas (TEALARC Process) 1 MMM scfd (2) Chemicals: 0.154 Monoethanol amine, lb 0.0006 Antifoamant, lb 0.0112 Caustic soda, lb Hydrazinc, lb 0.0052 0.0020 Tri sodium phosphate, lb 0.0024 Morpholine, lb 0.0084 Chlorohydric acid, lb 0.56 Chlorine, lb (assumes seawater cooling) Molecular sieves, lb 0.016 Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 29 Fuel, lb (13% of feed) 260 Steam, M lb 4.1 Cooling Water, M gal 36.4 Labor: 40 Operators, technicians, engineers/3 shifts 50 Maintenance/3 shifts Moderate severity; no recycle 280 115 1,104 174 365 366 APPENDIX 3 12. Methanol (lCI/Kellogg Process) (2) Raw materials: Natural gas, MM Btu Catalyst, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Fuel, net, MM Btu Boiler feed water, gal Cooling water circulation, M gal Labor: operators/shift Maintenance: % of capital By-product: steam, Ib 13. Phenol (2) Raw materials: Cumene,lb Hydrogen, Ib NaOH, Na2C03, H2S04 , Ib Catalyst, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Fuel, MM Btu Steam, M Ib (450 psig) Cooling water, M gal (30°F rise) Labor, operators/shift others 27 1.40 4.8 5.14 297 44 4 3.5 271 HerculesBPCI PhenolAcetone 2,700 0.80 24 0.84 228 0.38 10.6 65 4 Hooker Benzene,lb HCI,lb NaOH,lb Catalyst, $ Scrubber oil, Ib 1,855 60 40 5.81 16 182 6.6 19.5 74 5 2/day shift I supervisor/shift Maintenance, % of capital 2 By-products: Acetone, Ib/ton 630 Hydrocarbons, Ib (18,500 Btu/lb) 220 14. Soda ash (Na2CO,; Diamond Shamrock Solvey Process) 550 tid (2) Raw materials: 3,060-3,200 Salt (NaCI; brine), Ib 2,080-2,800 Limestone (CaCO,), Ib Ammonia,lb 4-5 0.6-1.2 Sodium sulfide, Ibs of S 160-240 Coke, Ib (2.2 MM Btu/ton Na2C03) Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 54-134 Fuel, MM Btu (oil or gas) 7.2 Treated water, gal 240 30 (once through) Cooling water, M gal Cooling water, makeup if recycled, Mgol 4.4 Labor, operating man hr/ton 0.6 0.6 maintenance. MANUFACTURING COST Supplies: operating, $ maintenance, $ 15. Sodium bicarbonate 150 tid (2) Raw materials: Caustic soda, Ib Natural gas, scf Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Steam, Ib (15 psig) Process water, 85°C, gal Cooling water, M gal (20 ° F rise) Compressed air, 100 psig, scf Labor, operators/shift Maintenance, % of capital 0.21 1.05 965 5,360 42 69 290 12.9 590 2 3.5 16. Synthetic natural gas (CRG/Kellogg Naphtha Reforming Process) (2) Material per MM scf of SNG (993 Btu/scf) Raw materials: Naphtha, M Ib (20,263 Btu/lb; Dist. 365°F 47.95 Chemicals, $ 8.44 63.70 Catalysts, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr 850 4.22 Fuel, M Ib (20,263 Btu/lb) Boiler feedwater make up, M gal 4.7 Cooling tower circulation, M gal (25°F rise) 9.6 Cooling tower makeup, gal 380 17. Styrene (Monsanto/Lummus Process) 900 tid (2) Raw materials: Ethylene, Ib Benzene,lb Catalysts, chemicals, $ Utilities: Electricity, kW hr Fuel, MM Btu Steam, M Ib: 200 psig 75 psig Cooling water, M gal Labor, operators/shift supervisors (total) Maintenance, % of capital By-products: Toluene, Ib/ton AICI) (22 % solution), Ib/ton Steam condensate, gal 18. Sulfuric acid (Monsanto Contact Process) (2) Raw material: Sulfur, Ib 620 1,680 4.4 76 4.32 4.8 2.7 26.1 3 2 2-3 126 28 863 674 367 368 APPENDIX 3 Utilities: Process water, gal Boiler feedwater, gal Cooling water, circulation (25 ° F rise), M gal Power, Kwh (steam turbine) Labor, operators/shift Maintenance, % of capital By-product: Steam, M Ib (225 psig) 60 324 7 9 5 1.7 19. Urea (Stamicarbon CO 2 -Stripping Process; producing prills) (2) Raw Materials: Biuret 0.7-0.8% Ammonia, Ib 1140 1510 Carbon dioxide, Ib Utilities: 109 Electricity, kW hr Steam, M Ib (368 psig) 2 11.5 Cooling water, M gal (l5°C rise) Labor: operators, supervisors/shift 3 Maintenance, % of capital 3 By-product: Steam, Ib (60 psig) 300 0.2-0.25% 1140 1510 127 2.2 11.5 4 3 700 Cumene Cyclohexononecyclohexanol Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2. 4) DDT Benzoic acid Bisphenol A Caprolactam Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Carboxy methyl cellulose Cellulose acetate Chloroprene monomer Acetic anhydride Acyrlic staple Adipic acid Allyl chloride Aniline Benzene Acetaldehyde Chemical SECTION 3. Mfg· Cost. Cilb 25 25 29 175 38 43 32 14.5 14.5 37 42 62 14 21 83 81 60 80 17 40 78 57 Plant Capacity. tid 70 70 70 30 180 40 55 350 140 7 30 110 140 30 7 70 65 65 220 140 15 30 53 62 34 28 80 68 36 22 63 51 42 53 45 72 78 28 79 47 65 44 72 55 % as Raw Material 33 24 53 62 10 18 26 29 12 9 26 9 34 25 38 17 39 23 31 40 32 33 % as Depreciation SINGLE PLANT SIZE: PERCENT COST BREAKDOWN (3) Cellulose. acidic acid Butadiene Acetylene Benzene. propylene Cyclohexane Phenol Chloral. chloro benzene 26 13 10 10 14 14 14 II 39 14 18 18 15 22 Process or Raw Material Ethylene Ethanol Acetic acid Dimethyl fonnamide Cyclohexanol Propylene Nitrobenzene Naphtha Toluene Toluene Acetone. phenol Cyclohexane Methane. S Propane. CI 2 Cellulose 16 16 13 46 12 19 10 18 % as Utilities. Labor > Z Co) 01 CD -I CJ) 0 0 C) c: J:I Z -I 0 > ." c: 3: 27 57 14 23 23 78 II 22 40 35 60 60 55 55 140 55 55 20 230 110 35 35 55 55 Diethanolamine Dimethyl terephthalate Diocty I phthalate Epichlorhydrin Ethyl benzene Ethyl hexanol Ethylene diamine Ethylene dichloride Ethylene glycol Fatty alcohol Fluorocarbon Glycerine Hexamethylene tetramine Hydrogen cyanide Iso octanol Isobuty lene Isopropanol Maleic anhydride Melamine 37 33 29 21 14 37 33 25 32 23 56 70 175 18 70 Detergent alky late 7 30 55 40 70 35 28 Cilb Chemical Plant Capacity, tid 43 19 45 30 40 43 47 89 82 78 88 90 82 68 46 84 78 73 45 80 83 63 48 % as Raw Material 17 38 24 56 44 38 33 6 8 14 6 4 12 20 27 35 40 43 31 14 16 19 20 10 5 8 6 6 6 12 27 16 20 9 II 7 8 3 9 20 % as Utilities, Labor II II 12 14 28 32 % as Depreciation Methanol, NH3 Propane, NH3 Heptane Butane Propylene Benzene Urea, NH3 Phthalic anhydride Allyl chloride, CI 2 Ethylene, benzene Propylene, synthesis gas Acetaldehyde Ethylene dichloride, NH3 Ethylene, CI 2 Ethylene oxide Coconut oil, glycerine Carbon tetrachloride, HF Epichlorhydrin Allyl alcohol Propylene, benzene n-Paraffin Ethylene oxide,. NH3 p-xylene, methanol Principal Raw Material w X Z C m "a "a ,. ~ w 73 73 320 17 22 37 47 19 37 32 32 38 23 53 98 15 110 30 420 70 7 14 40 35 30 55 70 140 15 70 55 28 85 Olefins, alpha Paraffins, n Pentachlorophenol Pentaerythritol Perchloroethy lene Phosgene Polyester staple Polystyrene Propylene oxide Rubber (synthetic) Sorbitol Terephthalic acid (fibre) Tetraethyl lead Toluene disocyanate o-xylene 67 11 34 37 52 50 26 64 32 0 22 18 49 18 29 29 69 66 21 52 52 34 29 30 15 14 22 35 73 82 41 51 58 60 17 11 25 21 19 15 30 67 71 28 67 60 75 17 41 30 55 30 57 83 7 Monochloro acetic acid Naphthol, beta Nylon 6/6 resin Nylon filament Mercaptobenzo thiazole Methy I chloride Methyl methacrylate 16 50 10 9 16 30 30 19 39 13 10 12 4 37 14 16 18 47 Ethyl chloride, Pb, Na Phosgene Super fractionation Naphthalene Adipic acid Dimethyl formamide solution Wax Kerosene Phenol, HCI Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde Propane, Cl l Carbon monoxide, Ci l Dimethyl formamide solution. Styrene Propylene, Cl l Isoprene Com syrup p-xylene Methanol, HCI Acetone, HCN, methanol Acetic acid, Ci l 21 10 12 Aniline 13 Co) ........ III -I 0 "0 Z -I C :xl 0 :roo "'1'1 :roo Z C iii: 372 APPENDIX 3 SECTION 4. RAW MATERIAL AND UTILITY REQUIREMENT (3) Acetaldehyde Acetic Acid :j: Acetic Anhydride Acetone Acetylene Acrylate, Ethyl Acrylate, Methyl Acrylonitrile Adipic Acid :j: :j: :j: :j: Amine, Amyl Amines, Methyl (Mixed) Alkyl Aryl Sulfonate Aluminium Chloride Aluminium Sulphate Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Nitrate Aniline Aspirin Barium Carbonate :j: :j: Ethylene 0.67 Oxygen 0.29* CW 0.3* DW 0.003* SeLl 1.3 S(H) 0.3 E 0.21 Ethanol 1.15 [Fonnaldehyde 1.1 Methanol 0.65 Solvents 0.4 Acetone 0.13] Butane 5.53L A 2.5* Acetaldehyde 1.1 Manganous Acetate 0.003 A 0.23* Methanol 0.53 CO 0.47 Catalyst(s) Butane 0.97 A 3.8* [Other acids, alcohols and ketones] Acetaldehyde 1.2 Catalyst 0.001 Diluent 1.7 A Acetic Acid 1.35 Catalyst(s) Isopropyl Alcohol 1.2 Calcium Carbide (85%) 3.5 W 29 Natural Gas 8.2* S(H) 29 CW 0.1 * PW 0.8L E 0.16 Solvent 0.003 [Tar 0.18 Fuel Gas 11.2*] Natural Gas 5.9* Oxygen (95%) 5.4 Solvent 0.003 E 1.7 SeLl 5.0 CW 0.03* (Partial Oxidation) [10. * Off Gas C Black 0.03 Acetylene Polymers 0.005] Acetylene 0.26 Ethanol 0.46 CO 0.06 Ni Carbonyl 0.09 HCIO.18 Propylene 0.4 Oxygen 0.48 Ethanol 0.46 Catalyst(s) Acrylonitrile 0.53 Ethanol 0.46 W 0.18 Sulphuric acid(s) ,6-Propiolactone 0.84 Methanol 0.37 Catalyst(s) Propylene 1.18 Ammonia 0.48 A 6.1 * Catalyst(s) Cyclohexane feed (95%) 0.8 Nitric Acid (100%), no recycle 1.0 Air 0.6 Cu, CO Naphthenate and Am. Metavandate(s) Mixed Amyl Chlorides 1.25 Ammonia 0.2 Caustic Soda, solid 0.49 Ethanol(s) Methanol 1.5 Ammonia 0.43 Dodecane 0.4 Benzene 0.13 22% Oleum 0.45 NaOH (S. G. 1.21) 0.65 L Alum. Chloride 0.01 Alum. Scrap 0.25 Chlorine 0.88 (17% Alum. Oxide) Bauxite (55% Al,O,) 0.34 Sulf. Acid (80%) 0.57 Black ash (70% BaS) 0.007 Flake Glue(s) Natural Gas 0.8* Catalyst, Shift 0.15, Synthesis 0.25 Caustic 0.004 Monoethanolamine 0.15 Fuel Gas for driving Compo 6.1 m. kcal. E 0.12 W 0.025* Amm. Sulphate 1.3 Sod. Chloride 1.25 Ammonia 0.22 Nitric Acid (100%) 0.82 E 0.055 W 0.008* S 1.8 Nitrobenzene 1.4 Iron borings 1.6 HCl (30%) 0.13 Chlorobenzene 1.35 Amm. Sulphate 3.7 Cuprous Oxide 0.18 Nitrobenzene 1.35 Hydrogen 0.08* Copper Carbonate 0.007 Salicyclic Acid 0.77 Acetic Anhydride 0.62 [Acetic Acid 0.35] Black Ash (65 % BaS) 1.8 Carbon Dioxide 0.22 Black Ash (65% BaS) 1.3 Soda Ash (58% Na,O) 0.54 [Sod. Sulphide, 60% 0.65] MANUFACTURING COST Benzene Benzoic Acid Benzyl Chloride Bisphenol-A Boric Acid Bromine Butadiene Butyl Acetate Butyl Alcohol Calcium Chloride Calcium Phosphate Caprolactam Carbon Black Carbon Disulphide Carbon Tetrachloride Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Cellulose Acetate Chlorine :j: :j: Chloracetic Acid Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chromic Acid :j: Citric Acid Copper Sulphate Cresol Cumene Cyclohexane Cyclohexanone :j: :j: 373 Naphtha 0.88 B Diethylene Glycol 0.02 Clay 0.1 Catalyst 0.oo3 [Toluene 0.18 B Xylene 0.18 B Raffinate 0.44 B] Toluene 1.23 Hydrogen 0.03 Clay 0.oo2 [Paraffin HC 0.24] Light Oil 1.98 L Sulphuric Acid (96%) 0.01 Sod. Hydroxide 0.02 Toluene 0.93 Air 1.72* Catalyst(s) Benzotrichloride 1.78 PW 1.25 Catalyst 0.013 Phthalic Anhydride 1.43 Catalyst 0.013 Toluene 0.78 Chlorine 0.64 Phenol 0.88 Acetone 0.27 HCI, Lime, Methyl Mercaptan( s) Borax 1.8 Sulphuric Acid (S. G. 1.84) 0.63 Brine (1.000 PPM Bromine) 1,0oo Chlorine 0.55 S-(V) Butylene 1.3 n-Butane 1.93 (Houdry) n-Butanol 0.71 Acetic Acid, Glacial 0.55 Sulphuric Acid (96%) 0.oo3 Molasses SAL W. 0.08 Nutrients 0.004 [Acetone 0.33 Ethanol 0.05 C0 2H 2] Butyraldehyde 1.03 Hydrogen 0.33* Catalyst(s) Brine or Liquor (9% CaCI 2 ) 8.5 Phosphate Rock (70 BPL) 0.6 Sulphuric Acid 0.35 Cyclohexanone 0.9 Ammonia 1.5 CO 2 0.5 S 0.7 20% Oleum 104 Catalyst(s) A (V) Oil 1.4-2.8 L or Natural Gas 5.3-7.0* A 25-38* Methane 0.35* Sulphur 0.9 Carbon Disulphide 0.55 Chlorine 1.15 Cellulose 0.58 Monochloroacetic Acid 0.3 Caustic Soda 0.25 Water 004 Cellulose 0.7 Acetic Anhydride 2.0 Acetic Acid 3.3 Sulphuric Acid 0.1 [Acetic Acid 5.0] Salt 1.8 Sod. Carbo 0.03 Sulphuric Acid 0.01 S 11.4 E 3.3 R 1.0 Graphite 0.oo5 [Sod. Hydrox. 1.13 Hydrogen 0.32*] Potassium Chloride 2.1 Nitric Acid 1.8 Oxygen 0.22 [Potassium Nitrate 2.85] Hydrogen Chloride 1.0 Oxygen 0.23 Acetic Acid 0.69 Chlorine 0.8 Benzene 0.95 Chlorine 0.9 Iron Tuming(s) Chlorine 1. 8 Methane O. 19* Sod. Dichromate Dihydrate 1.5 Sulphuric Acid (S. G. 1.84) 1.3 Molasses 4.0 Nutrients 0.01 Sulphuric Acid (95 %) 0.7 Lime 0.5 Copper 0.26 Sulphuric Acid (100%) 004 Middle Oil (V) Caustic Soda (50%) 0.8 Sulphuric Acid (loo%) 0.9 Benzene 0.8 Propylene 004 Phosphoric Acid (Solid)(s) Benzene 0.9 Hydrogen 0.07 Catalyst(s) Cyclohexane 1.0 Air (V) Metaboric Acid 0.005 Zinc Oxide 0.001 374 APPENDIX 3 Decyl Alcohols Dibutyl Phthalate Dichlorodifluoromethane Dodecy Ibenzene Epichlorohydrin Ethanolamines Ethyl Ether Ethyl Acetate Ethyl Alcohol (per L) Ethyl Benzene Ethyl Chloride Ethylene Diamine Ethylene Dibromide Ethylene Dichloride Ethylene Glycol Ethylene Diamine Monoethyl ether Ethylene Oxide Ethyl (2-) Hexyl Alcohol Ferrous Sulphate Formaldehyde (37%) Glycerine Hexamethylene Diamene Hexamethylene Tetramine Hydrazine Hydrochloric Acid (31.5 %) :j: Phenol 1.0 Hydrogen 0.07 Catalyst(s) C9 Olefin 1.15 Synth Gas 0.4* Hydrogen 0.14* Co. Ni Catalyst(s) Phthalic Anhydride 0.6 Butyl Alcohol 0.7 Sulphuric Acid (96%) 0.01 Carbon Tetrachloride 1.6 HF 0.4 Antimony Pentachloride(s) Benzene 0.5 Dodecene 0.9 Alum-Chloride or HF Catalyst(s) Propy lene 0.8 Chlorine 2.4 Caustic Soda 1.2 (75% Mono, 21 % Di and 4% Tri-) Ethylene Oxide 0.8 Ammonia 0.3 Ethanol (95%) 1.4 Sulphuric Acid (96%) 0.02 Ethanol (95%) 0.6 Acetic Acid (100%) 0.7 Sulphuric Acid (96%) 0.04 Ethylene (97 %) 0.5 Phosphoric Acid(s) Sod. Hydroxide(s) Ethylene 0.5 Sulphuric Acid 0.07 Sod. Hydroxide 0.02 W 0.24 S 2.4 E 0.005 Fuel 186 kcal Molasses 2.4 L Sulphuric Acid (79%) 0.02 Amm. Sulphate 0.0002 S 6 PW IOL CW 42 L E. 0.03 Benzene 0.7 Ethylene 0.27 CW 17 PW 0.7 E 0.02 Fuel 9.5 kcal Ethylene 0.49 HCI 0.63 Alum. Chloride(s) Ethanol 0.75 HCI 0.6 Catalyst(s) Ethylene Dichloride 1.65 Ammonia 0.57 NaOH-for neutralisation Ethylene .015 Bromine 0.86 Ethylene 0.32 Chlorine 0.8 Ethylene Dibromide(s) Ethylene 0.9 Air 9.5 Silver Catalyst(s) Ethylene Oxide 0.57 Ethanol 0.6 Catalyst(s) Ethylene l.l A 13.1 Ag 0.5 mg. E 1.9 S 0.1 W 0.2* Propylene (92+%) 0.74 Synth. Gas (99%) 0.96 Cocarbonyl(s) Butyldehyde Butyaldehyde 1.3 Hydrogen 0.36* Ni Catalyst 0.0001 Pickling Liquor 2.5 Scrap Iron 0.08 Methanol 0.47 Air 0.8* Spent Lye (5% Glyc.) 22 Sod. Hydrox. 0.1 Ferric Chloride 0.06 Al. Sulph. 0.01 Act. C 0.003 S 4.0 E 0.01 [Salt 2.2] Propylene 0.63 Chlorine 2.0 Sod. Hydrox. 0.045 Hydrated Lime 0.045 Propylene 0.93 Oxygen 0.23 Isopropanol 1.1 Hyd. Perox. (100%) 0.49 Adiponitrile 1.0 Ammonia 0.05 Hydrogen 0.08 Catalyst 0.0008 Formaldehyde (37%) 3.6 Ammonia (100%) 0.55 Ammonia 1.33 Sod. Hypochlorite 3.3 Glue(s) Salt 0.5 Sulphuric Acid (100%) 0.48 or Niter Cake 1.3 Coal 0.4 [Salt Cake 0.63 OR 1.42] Chlorine 0.32 Hydrogen 0.01 MANUFACTURING COST Hydrofluoric Acid Hydrogen (Per*) 99.9% 97% Hydrogen Peroxide (70%) 25% 25% Isopropyl Alcohol 91 % Lead, Tetraethyl Lead, Tetramethyl Litharge Maleic Anhydride Melamine Methyl Alcohol Methyl Chloride + Methyl Ethyl Ketone Methy I Isobuty 1-Ketone Methyl Methacrylate + Methy I Parathion + + Nitric Acid (100%) Nitrobenzene p-Nonylphenol Oxygen (90%) Pentaerithritol Perchlorethy lene Phenol Phosgene Phosphoric Acid (100%) + 375 Fluorspar (98% CaF2 ) 2.25 Sulphuric Acid (100%) 2.85 S 1.75 E 0.22 R (-10°C) 360 kcal Fuel 2,300 kcal PW 0.01* CW 0.12* Propane 0.37 L OR Natural Gas 0.25 S 5.8 Fuel 3,200 kcal CW 90 L F 0.03 Fuel 0.36 Oxygen (95%) 0.36 E 0.07 150 kg-h Coke 0.68 S 7.2 CW 0.27 E 0.11 Ammonia 0.025 Sulphuric Acid 0.03 PW 1.15L E. 7.1 S 8.4 Platinum (YS) Oxygen 0.17* Hydrogen 0.18* W 0.75L Pd, Solvent, Ethylanthraquinone-Iosses only Isopropanol 0.5 Oxygen 0.2* [Acetone 0.46] Propylene 0.9 Sulphuric Acid (85%) 0.13 Mineral oillosses only Sodium 0.33 Lead 0.64 Ethyl Chloride 0.8 Catalyst 0.03 Ferric Chloride Sod. Thio Sulphite(s) Mg turnings 0.18 Methyl Chloride 0.75 Lead 0.78 Pig Lead 0.95 A (Y) Benzene 1.34 A 19* Urea 3.1 Ammonia 0.46 Carbon Dioxide 0.03 Catalyst 0.008 Act. C. 0.002 CW 0.65* Carbon Monoxide 1.17* Hydrogen 2.35* Chlorine 1.4 Methane 0.45* Methanol 0.7 HCI, 0.8 Alumina Gel(s) Butyl Alcohol (Sec-) 1.18 Acetone 1.16 Hydrogen 0.23* Acid, Alkali, Catalyst(s) Acetone 0.58 HCN 0.27 Methanol 0.32 Sulphuric Acid (98%) 0.98 Phosphorous Pentasulphide 0.42 Methanol 0.24 Chlorine 0.27 p.nitrophenol 0.53 Ammonia 0.29 Pt 0.00025 mg A 3.6* W 0.13* E 0.39 [Steam 1.0] Benzene 0.65 Mixed Acid (Sulphuric 0.72, Nitric 0.53, Water 0.11) Sod. Carbo 0.01 Phenol 0.62 Nonene 0.45 Catalyst(s) A 3.9* S (H) 1.67 CW 4.2L E 410 kwh Formaldehyde (37%) 3.2 Acetaldehyde 0.38 Alkali (50%) 1.05 Acid (as formic) 0.6 Ethylene Dichloride 1.2 Chlorine 0.64 Oxygen 0.39 Catalyst(s) [Trichloroethylene 0.8] Propane 0.2 Chlorine 2.5 [HCI 1.35] Acetylene 0.19 Chlorine 1.5 Lime (hydrate) 0.45 Catalyst(s) Cumene 1.38 A 1.4* Sulphuric Acid, Sod. Hydrox.(s) Benzene 1.00 Sulphuric Acid (96%) 1.75 Caustic Soda 1.70 S 2.0 E 0.09 Chlorobenzene 1.25 Caustic Soda 1.37 HCI (as 100%) 0.5 Toluene 1.25 A 1.06* Catalyst(s) Co 0.23* Chlorine 0.72 C (Active) 0.0005 Phos. Rock (70 BPL) 2.5 Sand (Silica) 1.0 Coke Breeze 0.44 C Electrode 0.01 A 4.1 * E 4.5 W 40* [Slag 2.3] 376 APPENDIX 3 (75% H 3P04 ) Phosphorus Phosphorous Oxychloride Phosphorous Pentasulphide Phosphorous Trichloride Phthalic Anhydride Potassium Chloride (99 %) (60% K2O) (97%) Potassium Hydroxide :j: Potassium Permanganate :j: Potassium Pyrophosphate Propylene Glycol Propylene Oxide :j: :j: Sodium Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Carbonate (58% Na20) :j: :j: Sodium Chlorate Sodium Chloride (99.8 %) Sodium Chromate Sodium Hydroxide (99%) Sodium Phosphate Sodium Silicate (40 ° Be) Sodium Sulphate :j: Phosphorus 0.32 A 4.1 * S.W-(V) Phos. Rock (70 BPL) 1.8 Sulphuric Acid (94%) 1.7 W 0.06* S 1.35* E 3.0 Rock 12.0 Sand (Silica) 2.2 Coke 1.3 C Electrode 0.03 E 14.3 Phosp. Trichloride 0.54 Phosp. Pentoxide 0.20 Chlorine 0.28 Phosphorus (White) 0.30 Sulphur 0.76 Phosphorus 0.24 Chlorine 0.82 Naphthalene (78°) 1.25 A 26* o-Xylene 0.98 A 25* Sylvinite ore 2.5 W 167* S 1.25 E 0.55 (crystalization) Sylvinite 1.15 Flotation Reagent 0.0005 (flotation) Saturated Lake Brine 20.6 Pot. Chloride 1.46 Pot. Carbonate 0.025 Sulphuric Acid (SG 1.84) 0.1 S 7.13 E 2.0 [Chlorine 0.63 Hydrogen 0.02] Manganese Dioxide 0.55 (0.79-70% ore) Pot. Hydroxide (100%) 0.36 Caustic Potash (100%) 0.68 Phosphoric Acid (100%) 0.60 Propylene Oxide 0.76 Water 0.24 Propylene (100% Basis) 0.94 Chlorinie 1.6 Lime (100% CaO) 1.1 Propylene 0.78 Isobutane 2.16 Oxygen 0.90 Sod. Chloride 3.15 Calcium Chloride 0.006 E 16.5 Sod. Carbonate 0.69 Carbon Dioxide 0.30 Salt 1.5 Limestone 1.2 Coke 1.0 Coal 0.45, Solvey process; CW 0.07* Ammonia (Make-up) 0.003 Carbon Dioxide 0.35* Sod. Sulphide 0.002 Trona Ore 1.5 Natural soda ash Saturated Searles Lake Brine 21.5 Salt 0.57 HCl (100%) 0.014 Sod. Dichromate 0.0005 Barium Chloride 0.0007 Graphite 0.001 E 5.6 Saturated Brine (26.3% NaCl) 3.8 Soda Ash (58%) 0.004 Caustic Soda (50%) 0.4 S (Triple Effect Evap.) 1.25 Per 1.6 kg. Sod. Chromo Decahydrate OR 1.0 kg. Sod. Dichrom. Dihydrate Chromite Ore (50% Cr203) 1.1 Limestone 1.5 Soda Ash 0.8 Sulphuric Acid (S.G. 1.84) 0.5 Fuel Oil 0.54 L S 3.0 E 0.55 [Anhy. Sod. Sulphate 0.5] Salt 1.5 Sod. Carbo (58%) 0.03 Sulphuric Acid (S.G. 1.84) 0.1 SlOE 2.75 R 0.9 [Chlorine 0.89 Hydrogen 0.28*] Phosphoric Acid (45% P20 S ) 0.44 Sod. Carbo (58% Na20) 0.30 Sod. Hydrox. (76% Na20) 0.12 Sod. Carbo (Dense, 58%) 0.16 Sand 0.29 Gas (250 kcal) 0.02* W 0.67 L E 0.Q2 Natural Brine (10% Sulphate) 10 NaCI (V) Natural Gas 0.16* Salt 0.84 Sulphuric Acid (100%) 0.75 Coal 0.6 [HCl 31.5% 1.58] MANUFACTURING COST Sodium Thiosulphate :j: Sorbitol (85 %) Styrene Sulphur Sulphuric Acid Terephthalic Acid (Dimethyl Terephthalate) Titanium Dioxide (98 %) Toluene Toluene Diisocyanate Trichloroethane (I, 1, 1) Trichloroethylene Tricresyl Phosphate Urea (60% Solid, 40% Liquid) Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride Xylene (95%) Zinc Oxide :j: :j: 377 (Pentahydrate) Soda Ash 0.43 Sulphur Dioxide 0,26 Sulphur 0.13 Dextrose 0.95 Hydrogen 0.16* Ni Catalyst 0.0001 Ac. C 0.001 Resin (V) Benzene 0.87 Ethylene 0.32 Al Chloride 0.01 Ethyl Chloride(s) Hydrogen Sulphide (100%) 1.18 Air 1.88* Sulphur 0.34 W 16.7 L S (from W. H. Boiler) 0.1 E 0.006 A 7.8* (CONTACT) p-Xylene 0.68 A (V) Acetic Acid Catalyst(s) Terephthalic Acid (Tech.) 0.87 Methanol 0.34 p-Xylene 0.67 Methanol 0.40 A (V) Catalyst(s) Ilmenite (50% TiO z) 2.25 Sulphuric Acid (S.G. 1.84) 4.5 Caustic Soda(s) [Ferrous Sulphate, Sulphuric Acid] Rutile (95% TiO z) 1.13 Chlorine 0.15 Coke 0.25 Oxygen 0.45 Naphtha, Sulphuric Acid, Caustic Soda MEK-(V) depending on feedstock. 4-Tolydiamine 0.88 Phosgene 1.4 Solvent(s) Inert Gas (V) Vinyl Chloride 0.47 Chlorine 0.53 Ferric Chloride(s) Vinylidene Chloride 0.73 HCI 0.27 Ferric Chloride(s) Ethane 0.39 Chlorine 2 [HCI 1.1 Ethylene 0.07] Acetylene 0.22 Chlorine 1.2 Catalyst(s) Cresol 1.0 Phosphorous Oxychloride 0.49 Ammonia 2.0 Carbon Dioxide 0.9 Ethylene 0.35 Acetic Acid 0.7 Pd. Catalyst(s) Acetylene 0.33 Acetic Acid 0.7 Ethy lene Dichloride 1.65 Acetylene 0.44 HCI (Anhyd.) 0.60 Mercuric Chloride 0.0001 Mixed Xylenes (15.8% p-) 18.0 R-make up only [Mixed 0- and m- 16.9] Zinc Metal (Spelter) 0.87 Coal (Anthracite) 0.65 Franklinite Ore (20% ZnO) 5.3 Coal 4.0 E 0.4 Zinc Sulphide (100%) 1.3 Coke 0.85 Fluxes (V) NOTES: 1. Each Line - Different Process. Raw materials indicative of Process 2. All Numbers - Kg. per Kg. of product, except * (Cu.m.(STP), B = Bbl, L = Litre, OR = as noted. 3. :j: = Theoretical. [ I = Byproducts. m = million. s = small. V = Variable. 4. UTILITIES A = Air. CW = Cooling Water. DW = Demineralised. PW = Process. SeLl = Steam (Low Press). S(H) Steam (High Press). E = Electricity. Kwh. R = Refrigeration. 378 APPENDIX 3 SECTION 5. Dust Collectors, Flares; Typical Operating Costs Electrostatic High Voltage Low Voltage Flares Liquid Filter. Scrubbing Fabric Centrifugal Direct Afterburner Catalytic Afterburner Assume: Fan efficiency. 60 %; Pump efficiency. 50 % Operating power, HP/actual cfm Low efficiency 0.00019 Med. efficiency 0.00026 High efficiency 0.00034 0.000015 0.000030 0.000040 0.0013 0.0035 0.015 Maintenance cost, $/actual cfm 0.01 Low 0.02 Typical High 0.03 0.005 0.014 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 Liquid consumption, $/(1,000 gal) (hr) Low Typical High Pressure drop, in. H 2 0 Low Typical High 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.005 0.015 0.025 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.20 0.35 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.00023 0.00057 0.00014 0.00028 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.1 0.5 1.0 Fuel costs, $/(actual cfm) (hr) (50 % excess air) With heat exchanger Without heat exchanger 2.0 5.0 8.0 0.5 3.0 4.0 Source: Alonso 1970. Excerpted by permission of Chemical Engineering. Copyright 1971. McGraw-Hili. NY. REFERENCES 1. Guthrie, Kenneth M. 1974. Process Plant Estimating. Evaluation. and Control. Craftsman Book Co., Solano Beach, CA. Hydrycarbon Process. 1967.46 (11):135. Jenckes, L. C. 1970. How to estimate operating costs and depreciation. Chemical Engineering (Dec.). 2. Chemical Engineering, ed. and compo 1973-1974. Sources and Production Economics of Chemical Products. McGraw-Hill, New York; 121-180. 3. Kharbanda, O. P. 1979. Process Plant and Equipment Cost Estimation. Craftsman Book Co., Solano Beach, CA. Ohsol, E. O. 1971. Estimating marketing costs. Chemical Engineering (May). Smith and DiGregorio 1970. Chemical Engineering. APPENDIX 4 SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1. What are the principal reasons for an engineer to study economics? Answer: a. Many engineering decisions require an economic input to be the most practical and effective. b. In the course of most engineers' careers they will need to consider some, or even frequent, economic matters. c. Businesses are economic entities. Consequently, staff promotions are favored for those not only with ability, but also with an economic understanding. d. In one's personal life some skill with economics will greatly assist in budgeting, financial management, retirement security, etc. 1-2. Why not have one's supervisor orthe company's engineering or financial departments handle all of the economic problems? Answer: There are too many small or very preliminary economic problems where you need guidance. The expense, time, and authorization trouble would be too great for others to handle them. If such economic information is needed, you generally must obtain it yourself. 1-3. Do some branches of chemical engineering use economics much more frequently than others (Le., might it not be needed in some areas of work)? Answer: Basically, no. Perhaps in academic, governmental, or some other fields the economic demand will be less, but to do the best job possible, and to advance into management, all chemical engineering fields need a knowledge and practice of economics. 1-4. Does an engineer need to have an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree to advance into management, or handle economic assignments? Answer: Decidely no. It is generally true that management appreciates the MBA training, but usually less so than outstanding performance and a general economic knowledge (such as should be obtained from this text). With this background almost all companies will then send promising employees to economic and managerial courses for further training. 379 380 APPENDIX 4 CHAPTER 2. EQUIPMENT COST ESTIMATING 2-1. You are a production engineer in a chemical plant, and your boss asks you for a quick answer on how much a new rotary dryer of a certain size would cost. What do you tell him? Answer: a. If there is time you call a vendor and ask for an immediate, over-the-phone rough estimate. b. If there is not time, or you cannot get a vendor quotation, look up the information in Appendix I. Then be sure to tell your boss that it is a very rough estimate. c. Be sure to include the cost of transportation and/or installation (or even auxiliaries) if that is what your boss really wants. 2-2. You are a plant technical service engineer and feel that a certain high-maintenance centrifugal pump should be replaced with one of a different design or material of construction. You call the local representative of a well-known pump manufacturer for prices, knowing only the required flow rate (gpm) and pressure (feet of head). However, he won't tell you anything without being informed of the required NPSH, the pump speed, and the type of seal. What should you do? Answer: a. You might immediately call several more vendors. At least one or two will probably discuss the problem with you and give you advice and price quotations without this extra information. b. For your own education you probably should look up or inquire as to the importance of the requested information. NPSH is net positive suction head (i.e., is the pump suction "flooded" from an adjacent tank, have to lift from a sump, under vacuum, etc.?). The impellor speed helps determine cost, output head, abrasion wear, etc. The type of seal is quite critical in determining leakage, shaft wear, etc. Each of these factors can be important in determining the pump performance, and so should be considered. When you have quantified each point you can then recontact that vendor. 2-3. a. What is the cost of a 200-gpm, 80-ft (of water) head, cast iron centrifugal pump (with motor, coupling, and baseplate)? The CE Index is 350. b. What is its installed cost? c. Module cost? d. What is the purchase cost if it were 316 stainless steel? e. What if the SS pump operated at 400-psi suction pressure? f. What is the size exponent in this range? Answer: a. 80 ft of water is 80 ft head/2.307 ft water per psi (Appendix 5) = 34.68 psi. Therefore, 34.68 psi x 200 gpm = 6,935. Reading from the (Conventional, AVS) chart, $2,420 x 350/320 (CE Index) = $2,647 or rounded-off to $2,600. b. Installation factor = 1.3, so 1.3 x 2,647 = 3,440, or rounded-off to $3,400. c. Module factor = 3.5, so 3.5 x 2,647 = 9,264, or rounded-off, $9,300. SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 381 d. Stainless steel factor = 2.0, so 2,647 x 2.0 = 5,294, or rounded-off to $5,300. e. The 150-500 psi pressure factor is 1.62, so 5,294 x 1.62 = 8,576, or $8,600. f. Obtain the curve's slope from slightly smaller and larger pumps, psi X gpm 5,000 = $2,140; psi x gpm 10,000 = $2,800; log 2800 - log 2,140 log 10 - log 5 = 3.4472 - 3.3304 1.0000 - .6990 = 0.1168 = 0.39 0.301 2-4. a. What would be the cost of a mild steel rotary dryer, 6 ft diameter by 40 feet long? The CE Index is 350. b. Using the size exponent, what would be the cost of a 4 ft diameter by 30 ft long dryer? c. What would be the installed cost of the larger dryer? d. The module cost? e. What if it were a stainless roto-louver dryer? Answer: a. Peripheral area: 71"6 x 40 = 754 ft. 2 From the chart, $46,200. Correcting for a CE Index of 350: 46,200 350 x 320 = $50,531, or rounded-off to $50,500 b. Area = 71"4 x 30 = 377. The size exponent is 0.45 so 377)°·45 $50,531 (754 = 36,991, or $37,000 c. Installation factor (average) = 1.64: 50,531 x 1.64 = 82,869 or $82,900. d. Module factor 2.3, so 50,531 x 2.3 = 116,221, or $116,000. e. Roto-Iouvre factor 1.25; stainless factor 2.2, so 50,531 x 1.25 x 2.2 = $138,960 or $139,000. CHAPTER 3. PLANT COST ESTIMATES 3-1. You are an R&D engineer who has conceived of a "brilliant" new process idea. After making a very preliminary cost estimate for the concept, what accuracy do you tell your boss the estimate has? Answer: Use your best judgment of your knowledge and confidence factor over the range ±40-1oo%. Often it will be in the 50-70% range. 3-2. After an initial budget estimate by a contractor for a very large project, the contractor estimates a ±25% capital cost accuracy. What comment do you give your boss? Answer: The contractor's claimed accuracy may be true for a very well-defined and studied project, but it is probably low. Remind your boss of the recent 382 APPENDIX 4 average 31 % overrun for projects up to $500 million, and 82 % overrun for larger projects. Then discuss with him the environmental impact report, community relations, etc. checklist if these factors may be involved. 3-3. You work for the production department of an electronics firm and have been asked to design and estimate the capital (plant cost and total capital requirement) of a plant to treat an acidic and metal containing wastewater. Laboratory tests have shown that reaction with soda ash (Na2C03) is the most effective treatment, producing a water capable of being recycled and a reasonably small amount of sludge that can be hauled to a hazardous waste dump. You have drawn a flow sheet, made heat (not a factor) and material balances, and sized the equipment. The purchase price (from vendors) of all of the equipment, other than the 40 ft diameter, mild steel thickener and the 1 t/hr, 50 ft2 rotary vacuum filter and its auxilliaries is $90,000. A building is available to house the bags of soda ash, along with a forklift to transport it. There is adequate utility serviced land available to locate the plant. The CE Index is 350. Show your detailed capital estimates. Answer: First estimate the total purchase price of the plant equipment from Appendix I. Vendor price quotations $90,000 Thickener, 40 ft: chart $88,000 (for a concrete tank); 0.7 factor for steel; 0.7 x 350/ 320 = $67,375 67,000 Filter, rotary vacuum, 50 ft 2 chart $40,000 x 350/320 = 43,750 Filter auxilliaries (vacuum pump, liquid receivers, etc.), 50% Total purchased cost = 44,000 22,000 $223,000 Next determine the appropriate multipling factors from Table 3-4. Total equipment = $223,000 Piping Electrical Instrumentation Utilities Foundations, structure Insulation Painting, safety Yard Improvements Environmental Buildings Land Subtotal Construction, engineering Contractors fee 1.00 0.40 0.15 0.30 0.30 0.07 o 0.10 0.10 o o o 2.42 0.40 (16.5% of subtotal) 0.25 (10% of subtotal) SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER Contingency Total plant cost Off-site facilities Plant start-up Working capital Total capital required 383 0.25 (10% of subtotal) 3.32a x 223,000 = $740,000 o 10 10 1.20 x 740,000 = $888,000, or round off to $900,000 a. This total factor is low for a mixed processing plant, but it is appropriate for a rather small addition to an existing facility. 3-4. In plant cost estimating when do you use installation factors, module factors, 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 3-9. and direct equipment values from the charts? Answer: Use installation factors when dealing with equipment replacement installations, or when one or a limited number of pieces of simple equipment is involved. Module factors may be needed with plant additions or modifications when a major piece (or small groups) of equipment and all of its support equipment are required. Purchased equipment cost directly from the charts is used alone in all other cases. In plant cost estimating do you ever make subtotals of some of the cost? If so, why? Answer: Yes. It is easier to visualize and estimate the contractors' charges and the contingency based upon the total plant cost before these charges. For rapid estimating work no such subtotal should be taken, but to more accurately analyze (and estimate) the contractor charges and contingency on many projects a subtotal plant cost is highly desirable. When do you use a "Lang" or overall multiplier for plant cost estimating? Answer: Only for the simplest and most rapid and preliminary estimates. A detailed factor breakdown is almost always warranted. However, in all cases, your total factor should be checked against the normal overall (a Lang-type) factor. When do you use complete plant estimating charts? Answer: Whenever the desired estimate is the same or similar to the chemical production shown on one of the plant charts. Even though not too accurate, they are probably closer than you could estimate from any but the most knowledgeable and detailed flow diagram. Do "cost per ton of product" or "capital ratio" estimates have much value in plant cost estimating? Answer: Generally no, but with certain types of plants the factors are in surprisingly common use. Power plants are usually quoted as $/installed kW, some paper mills as $/ton of pulp, etc. When close in size to a known plant the numbers may be useful, but since most plant costs increase as some power of plant size (such as 0.64), these numbers are only of value over a limited size range. Are the "other components," or auxilliary costs of capital estimates always involved? Answer: In many cases of single equipment replacement or additions, and in simple plant modifications, no. However, on new facilities or modifications of 384 APPENDIX 4 any appreciable size, start-up costs and working capital must be considered. Offsite facilities, distribution facilities, R&D, etc. are generally very specific to any project. Sometimes there is no cost involvement, but just as often it can be modest to extensive. CHAPTER 4. MANUFACTURING COST 4-1. If a plant normally produces 100 tid of product, and the on-stream efficiency (OSE) or operating rate is 90 %, how many tons are produced per year? Answer: 100 tid x 365 d/yr x 90% OSE = 32,850 t/yr (or in more correct round numbers, 33,000 t/yr) 4-2. If your plant in Los Angeles wishes to purchase sulfuric acid, and the Chemical Marketing Reporter correctly states that 93 % H 2 S04 costs $20/ton, 100 % basis, FOB Arizona, tank car lots, what is the price delivered to your plant? Answer: You must first determine the "commodity" freight rate (a special, low freight rate that the railroad can establish for any commodity moved in large tonnages) for sulfuric acid. Either the smelter company or the railroad can tell you this rate. Let's say that it is $30/ton from the smelter to your plant. This makes the price: $20 (purchase price) 30 (freight) 0.93 +- = $52.26/ton of 100% H2 S04 or 20 x 0.93 + 30 = $48.60/ton of actual 93% H2S04 , delivered by rail (in 100-ton capacity cars) to your plant. 4-3. What would be the yearly electricity cost for a plant that had a total of 2,000 HP of installed motors? Assume as a first approximation that they are always running and drawing their full load amperage (this is usually a considerable exaggeration on both counts). Also assume that electricity costs $0.07/kW hr, and that there is a 90% OSE, with all motors off during the downtime (also an exaggeration) . Answer: 2,000 HP x 365 d/yr x 24 hid x 0.07 $/kW hr X 0.746 kW hr/HP (Appendix 5) X 0.90 OSE = $823,405/yr (or rounded-off to $823,000). 4-4. What would be the annual operating labor cost for a continuously operating plant that needed six operators per shift, and the average labor cost was $12.00/hr? Answer: a. If 5 shifts were employed, and each man were paid for 40 hr/wk: 6 men X 5 shifts X $12.00/hr X 40 hr/wk x 52 wk/yr = $748,800/yr (or roundedoff to $749,000/yr). b. If 4 shifts were employed, and as above it was assumed that they were paid (and working) during the plant downtime: 6 men x 4 shifts x 12.00/hr x 40 hr/wk x 52 wks = $599,040 for their normal hours. However, they need to work 365 x 24 = 4 shifts (52 weeks - 29 days normally off) hr/wk; average hr/wk = 45.76, or 5.76 hr/wk overtime at time and one-half pay: 6 men X 4 shifts x $12.00/hr x 1.5 overtime premium x 5.76 hr/wk OT x 52 = $129,393. The total pay is thus 599,040 + 129,393 = $728,433/yr (or rounded-off to $728,OOO/yr). Either answer (a). or (b). would be acceptable, just so that the basis was stated. SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 385 4-5. For the wastewater treating plant of Problem 3-3 estimate the manufacturing cost. There is a nearby facility to provide worker safety, and the supervisor and service staff can be shared. Your equipment sizing is based upon an anticipated 3 shift/day, 365 d/yr operation with a 90% on-stream efficiency (equivalent to 330 d/yr). There is adequate water storage capacity for the anticipated downtime. Your flow sheet shows a total of 80 HP motors (electricity costs $0.09/kW hr), and the skip loader will consume 1,000 gal/yr of diesel fuel, costing $0.80/gal (the diesel tank is all ready available). Tests indicate a coagulant consumption of 5 ppm of fluid in the thickener, and the coagulant will cost $8/lb. Assume that the equivalent sales value of the "product" is that of a capital or turnover ratio of 1.0. Bagged soda ash cost $131.00/ton (CMR 2-22-88), and freight is $19/ton. It will be mixed on a batch basis to fornl a 25% Na2C03 solution weighing 10 lb/gal and used at 3 gpm. Operating labor costs average $12.00/ hr. The wastewater enters at a rate of 100 gpm. Answer: First calculate the raw materials, utilities, and operating labor required. Raw materials: (7920 hrs/yr) 3 gpm x 10 x 0.25 a. Soda ash: 2000 x 330 x 24 x 60 = 1,782 t/yr; $150/ton = $267,3OO/yr 7920 x 5 b. Coagulant: (100 x 8.34 x 60 x --10---:6- 1,982 lb @ $8/lb $15,853/yr $283,200 Sub/total Utilities: a. Electricity: 80 x 0.746 x 7,920 x 0.09 b. Diesel: 1,000 x 0.80 = 42,500 800 $43,300 Sub/total Labor: Assume 2 men, 5 shifts 2 x 5 x 52 x 40 x 12 = Next calculate the factored manufacturing costs from Table 4-4 Labor related costs: Payroll overhead Supervisory, miscellaneous Laboratory charges Sub-total = $249,600 40% 10 10 60% = Capital related costs; ($740,000 plant cost + 74,000 start up Maintenance 6% Operating supplies 1.5 Environmental 1.5 10 Depreciation 4 Local taxes, insurance 3 Plant overhead 26.0% = Sub-total $149,800 = 814,000 capital cost) $211,800 386 APPENDIX 4 Sales related costs: (Assume capital ratio = I) Patents, royalties 0 Packaging 0 Distribution and sales o 10 Administration R&D 0.5 Sub-total 10.5 = Total Manufacturing Cost $86,200 $I,023,900/yr Total gal treated = 100 x 8.34 x 7920 x 60 = 3.963 . 10" gal or $2.58/1,000 gal treated CHAPTER 5. INTEREST CALCULATIONS; PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION 5-1. Using the capitalized cost procedure compare the merits of replacing an existing pump that costs $2,000, needs replacement every 5 years, and requires $300/yr in maintenance expense with a new one that costs $4,000 but would have a 10year life and only need $100/yr in maintenance. Assume a 10% simple, annual interest rate basis. Answer: Let's calculate this problem in two parts: (1) the capitalized cost based upon the purchase price alone, and then add (2) the present value of the maintenance cost calculated as an annuity. Present pump capitalized cost: $2,000 ((1 + 10~)! - 1) C.611O~ ~ = $2,000 = $2,000(1 + 1.638) 1) = $5,276 Present pump maintenance (present worth of annuity) $ 300 (1 + 0.1)5 - 1 0.1 (1 + 0.1)5 = ( 1.6105 - 1 ) $300 0.1 X 1.6105 = $1,137 Old pump total capitalize cost: $5,276 + $1,137 = $6,413 New pump capitalized cost $4, 000 ( 1+1)_ (1+1) (1 + 0.1)\0 - 1 - $4,000 2.5937 - 1 = $4,000(1 + 0.6275) = $6,510 New pump maintenance $1 00 (1 + 0.1)\0 - 1 0.1 (1 + 0.1)\0 = 1.5937 $100 0.25937 = $614 SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 387 New pump total capitalized cost: $6,510 + $614 = $7,124 The present pump is thus seen to be the most economical. However, at a lower interest rate they become more nearly equal, and if the value of leakage and downtime (if this is a factor) are considered, then the more expensive pump may actually be the better choice. 5-2. You work for a company which is considering building a new plant which would cost $10,000,000, including off-site installations and start-up expense. The working capital would be $1,000,000 and the depreciation $1,OOO,OOO/yr. Assume no salvage value. What would be the: a. ROI (return on investment)? b. Payback period? Answer: 1,000,000 after-tax profit a. ROI = ----------------------~-----------10,000,000 plant cost + 1,000,000 working capital ROI = 111 = 9.09% 10,000,000 plant cost b. Payback period = -------------'----'-----'---------------1,000,000 after-tax profit + 1,000,000 depreciation = 5 years CHAPTER 6. PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS; DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW 6-1. DCF Calculation (with charts). The same plant noted in Problem 5-2 is now expected to make $500,000 after-tax profit the first year, $600,000 the second, $800,000 the third, $900,000 the fourth, and $1,OOO,OOO/yr thereafter for its lO-year life. It should have a $500,000 salvage value. As a simplification still assume a $1 ,OOO,OOO/gr depreciation rate. Calculate its DCF by the charts. Answer: First prepare a calculation table, list the yearly cash flows, guess at an initial interest rate, and look up the discount factors. Then make trials until the present value of all cash flows is zero. Assume 11 % 1nterest Year Cash Flow 0 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-10 -11.0 MM 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 x 6 Table Discount Factor 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-1 and 0.9470 0.8483 0.7600 0.6808 0.664 x 0.7320 = 0.4714 x 12 Present Value -11 MM 1.421 1.357 1.368 1.294 5.657 Assume 12 % Interest Discount Factor 0.9423 0.8358 0.7413 0.6574 0.6188 x 0.7128 Present Value -11 MM 1.414 1.337 1.334 1.249 5.293 388 APPENDIX 4 Assume 12 % Interest Assume 11 % Interest Year Cash Flow Present Value Table Discount Factor Discount Factor 6-4 10 1.5 Total present value 6-1 = 0.499 0.596 0.3329 Extrapolate: PV ~ 11-12 % 0.596 - 0.079 0.079/0.517 = 0.15; DCF = 12.15 = 0.4411" x 12 0.3012 Present Value 0.452 0.079 0.517 a. If solved year-by-year (Table 6-2) 4-5 0.5831 5-6 0.5172 6-7 0.4588 7-8 0.4069 8-9 0.3609 9-10 0.3201 avg. = 0.4412 6-2. If the estimated total capital (including $1,000,000 working capital) for a project was $10,000,000, the after-tax profit constant at $500,000/yr, and the project life 10 years, what would be the DCF? use both Figure 6-1 and annuity-type calculations. Answer: a. Figure 6-1. The depreciation rate is $900,000, thus the cash flow is $1,4oo,000/yr. ColCn = 1011.4 = 7.14. Reading Figure 6-1, the DCF is about 6.5%. b. By annuity calculations the following equation must balance: Equation 5-13 PIC, or Figure 6-1 Co/Cn: 10 1.4 (1 + i(l i)" - 1 + i)n First assume i = 6%. (1 + 0.06)10 - 1 0.06 (1 + 0.06)10 1.7908 - 1 0.06 x 1.7908 -~--- 0.7908 0.10745 = --- = 7.36 Next assume i = 7%. (1.07)10 - 1 _ 1.9672 - 1 ---0.Q7 x (1.07)10 0.13770 = 7.02: Extrapolate between these two answers: Actual ColCn = 1011.4 = 7.14, so 7.36 - 7.02 = 0.34; 7.14 - 7.02 = 0.12; 0.12/0.34 = 0.35 or DCF = 6.65%. SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 389 6-3. lithe above problem were recalculated, but now also including the return of working capital at the end of year 10 (the realistic case), what would be the DCF value (use equations only)? Answer: The working capital's present value would be calculated as an instantaneous cash flow by means of Equation (6-2). Thus Cwc = 1,000,0001 (l + i)lO. Assume i = 7%, 1,000,000/(1.07)10 = $508,337; If i = 8%, Cwc = $463,200. The sum of the cash flows @ 7% (calculated in 6-2) was 0.96721 0.1377 x 1,400,000 = $9,833,600, making the total 508,300 + 9,833,600 = $10,341,900. This is more than the original $10,000,000 investment. Recalculating the yearly cash flows at 8 % gives (1 + 0.08)10 - 1 0.08 (l + 0.08)10 6.71 x $1,400,000 6-4. a. b. c. d. a. 1.0810 - 1 0.08 X 1.0810 = 1.1589 0.08 x 2.1589 ----- = $9,394,000; plus $463,200 = 6.71 $9,857,200 Extrapolating between these two interest rates: 10,341,900 - 9,857,200 = 484,700, or 341,900/484,700 = 0.71, so DCF = 7.71 %. Sensitivity analysis. You are studying a potential new process where the plant cost (including off-site equipment and start-up) is estimated to be $50 MM. The yearly manufacturing cost calculates to be: raw materials, $12 MM; utilities, $5 MM; operating labor and related costs, $5 MM; capital related costs, $13 MM (including depreciation); and sales related costs, $12 MM. Sales are hoped to be $60 MM/yr. Assume a lO-year project life and depreciation period; working capital at 20% ofthe manufacturing cost; 40% taxes, and no salvage value. Calculate the DCF. Determine the DCF at '/2 and 2 times the plant (production) size. Assume that all of the product can be sold, labor costs stay constant, all other costs change proportionally with plant capacity, and the capital size exponent is 0.6. Determine the DCF at 10% higher and 10% lower sales price (than case a). Determine the break-even production rate (for case a) and the rate at zero cash flow. Assume that only raw material and utility costs vary in proportion to the amount of sales. Answer: Manufacturing Cost Raw materials Utilities Labor related costs Capital related costs Sales related costs Total mfg. cost Gross profit: 60-47 Tax (40%) Cash Flow. $ MM Period $12MM 5 13 (26 of capital) ...!L (20% of sales) $47MM $13 MM 5.2 o 0-9 10 - $50 - 9.4 -59.4 plant cost working capital (20 % of $47MM) 12.8 cash flow 22.2 (12.8 + 9.4) C.F. DCF = 17.96% by a hand-held calculator (annual compound interest) 390 APPENDIX 4 a. Manufacturing Cost Net after-tax profit Cash How b. 2"6 = 1.516; Plant cost 7.8 12.8 MM Raw materials Utilities Labor related costs Capital related costs Sales related costs Total mfg. cost Sales Nonsales related operating cost Sales related Total mfg. cost Gross profit After-tax profit Cash How Working capital 10th year C.F. Total capital DCF CHAPTER 7. x 112 Plant size x 2 x 112 32.98 MM Gross profit $120 - 82.71 = 37.29 MM 22.37 After-tax profit 7.58 Depreciation 29.95 Cash How 16.54 Working capital 46.49 10th year C. F. Total Capital 92.33 DCF 30.57% $30 - 28.07 = 1.93MM 1.16 3.30 4.46 5.61 10.07 38.59 4.65% Plant size x 2 $75.79 or c. Sales Change Cash Flow. $ MM Period 24 10 5 19.71 24 82.71 6. 2.5 5 8.57 6 28.07 -10% +10% $54MM $66MM 35 35 lQJL ill 45.8 8.2 4.92 9.92 9.16 19.08 59.16 11.94% 48.2 17.8 10.68 15.68 9.64 25.32 59.64 23.59% d. Let X = % of nonnal production (1) Break even (zero profit) Raw Sales Capital Sales MatI. Util. Related LaborRelated Value (12 + 5 + 12)X + 5 + 13 = 60X 31X = 18; X = 0.58, or break even = 58 % of rated capacity (2) Zero cash How (i.e. no depreciation or profit) 29 X + 13 = 6OX; 31X = 13; X = 0.42, or zero cash flow occurs at 42 % of rated capacity. ECONOMY OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 7-1. Based upon Table 7-4, in 1986 for the 18 listed chemical companies what was the: a. Percent that the average chemical plant was depreciated? b. Average debt-to-equity ratio? c. Average fraction of income spent on stock dividends? d. Average fraction of income spent on new capital additions? Answer: a. 50.0%. b. 33.2/66.8 = 49.7%. d. 7.6/5.5 = 138%. c. 44.6%. 7-2. Based upon Figures 7-3,7-4, and 7-6, what was the 1976-1986 average chemical industry: a. Return on equity? b. Return on sales? c. Operating rate (1983-1987)? SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 391 Answer: a. About 12%. b. About 5.5%. c. About 78 %. 7-3. What were some of the major factors resulting in declining profitability for the U. S. chemical industry over the past 20 years? Answer: a. Increasing foreign competition. b. Overcapacity caused by oil companies (and others) entering the market with large plants. c. Higher energy prices. d. Nonprogressive and high overhead management. e. Greatly reduced acceptance of new innovations. 7 -4. What are some of the factors that the U. S. chemical industry is pursuing in an attempt to increase profitability? Answer: a. Cost cutting with layoffs, lower overhead, and decentralization. b. Divestitures, acquisitions, and mergers. c. Strengthening existing production. d. Moving to higher value-added products. e. Increasing foreign trade and diversification. 7-5. What are some of the worrisome aspects of current CPI activities? Answer: a. With many companies there is much more attention to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures than there is to strengthening their basic production. b. Foreign competitors and financial groups are acquiring a large segment of the U. S. CPI. c. There is an overemphasis on value-added products and not enough capital spending on more economical basic commodities, new R&D developments and plant improvements. CHAPTER 8. ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETS 8-1. What is the difference between cash and accrual accounting? Answer: In cash accounting entries are only considered for income tax purposes when bills are actually paid and the funds from sales are received. When using the accrual basis debt is considered to have occurred (for tax purposes) when the obligation is incurred (the purchase made, etc.), and sales are credited when the shipment is made. 8-2. What is cost accounting? Answer: This is the name given to the accounting procedures that establish manufacturing or production costs. It usually implies their breakdown into a larger number of subaccounts, and the allocation of costs between various divisions, processes, and products. 8-3. On many operating statements costs such as sales, legal, accounting, R&D, etc. are shown as fixed (and not controllable) expenses. Why is this? 392 APPENDIX 4 Answer: For large companies the above items, and many more, are part of the corporate budget, and are distributed to the operating units as fixed costs for each year. The production plants may also have some of these charges on their budgets for their own specific use (such as R&D for that plant alone, in addition to its fixed share of the corporate R&D), and these then become controllable charges. For more decentralized divisions or small plants these same costs become entirely under the plant's jurisdiction, and thus are more discretionary. The tendancy for efficient management is to have more locally controllable costs, and a reduced corporate fixed "G&A" (general and administrative) charge. 8-4. Why is accurate cost allocation to individual products so important? Answer: Most plants produce a multiplicity of products, and there are numerous shared costs between them. When competition is severe (as it usually is), only with accurate cost allocation can the management know exactly where they stand on the profitability and pricing of each product. 8-5. What are some of the computer-assisted plant management tools that are currently available? Answer: The PMS, CIM, MRPII, etc., programs to assist with scheduling, inventory control, production efficiency, etc. in plant management. 8-6. What effect might the "just-in-time" inventory management system have in the CPI? Answer: For most chemical production it is difficult to operate with the minimum raw material inventory, and to depend upon prompt deliveries. When it can be done, however, it would assist profitability by decreasing inventory and working capital. In most cases, however, some customers use the "just-in-time" method, and this requires more CPI inventory to meet their needs. CHAPTER 9. CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORTS 9-1. On the balance sheet of Table 9-1 what is meant by: a. Other current assets? b. Other assets? c. Other current liabilities? Answer: a. Other current assets are usually investments of capital reserves that can be fairly quickly converted into cash, such as stock or bonds. b. Other assets include investments and intangibles, such as investments in land, real estate, other ventures, etc. that cannot be quickly sold. c. Other current liabilities covers all of the otherwise unlisted liabilities, such as monies owed to pension funds, bonuses, profit sharing, prefered stock, dividends, etc. It is usually a large number. 9-2. On the hypothetical income statement of Table 9-2, what was the 1986: a. Sales and G & A expense (as % of sales)? b. R&D expense (as % of sales)? c. Income tax percentage of income before taxes? d. By CPI standards is this a well-run company? Answer: SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 393 a. b. c. d. 120,000/800,000 = 15% 10,000/800,000 = 1.25 % 20,000/81,500 = 24.5% No. The G & A is high, R&D low, and the income tax payment relatively high for such a small company. 9-3. In examining the "Cash Flow" section of Table 9-1, and the "debt ratios," what conclusions can be reached concerning acquisitions and divestitures? Answer: The "other internal sources" figures for the source of funds, and "other applications" spending indicate an unusually high amount of selling company operations (source of funds) and purchasing others (application). At the same time the debt-to-equity ratio increased from about 0.5 to 0.6 over the period of this table. It again indicates acquisitions, since the capital expenditures were modest compared to cash flow and dividends. CHAPTER 10. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10-1. Why is defining the scope of work on a project so important? Answer: The scope of work first of all provides official management approval for the project and its detailed execution. It provides the basis for coordinating the activities of all of the company and outside staffs working on the project, and allows detailed instructions and schedules to be made for all of the work each group will perform. If adequately discussed, and formulated with each group's input and approval it provides the basis for a cooperative and successful project. 10-2. You are an engineer at a gas purification plant, and have been asked to be the project manager for the installation of a foam separator-sulfur melter at its Stredford sulfur-removal operation. A contractor has done all of the engineering, design, permitting, and procurement, but your company will do the installation with your own staff. a. Prepare a simple bar chart schedule for the installation, making your best guess of manpower, activity duration, and costs. Perform the job as rapidly as possible, allowing 2 weeks for tie-ins. The site is at present adequately prepared, and there is room for the new equipment. b. Prepare a budgeted expenditure curve based upon the information established in (a) above (do not include the contractor's cost, i.e., equipment, permits, engineering, etc.). c. Prepare a critical path bar chart and flow sheet layout for the project. What is the critical path? d. State how (c) above can be "crashed" to reduce the elapsed time by 20 %. Estimate the extra cost to do this. Did it change the critical path? e. Chart the labor requirement for (c) above, and then perform the maximum manpower leveling that will not raise costs or delay the project. Answer: First break the project into as many subdivision tasks as appears to be appropriate. (A limited number will be used in this book's answer to simplify the discussion.) Then estimate the sequence, time, manpower, and cost: 394 APPENDIX 4 a. Project Sub-Tasks Job 1. Site preperation, foundations 2. Yard paving, sumps, underground facilities 3. Set the equipment 4. Platforms 5. Install piping 6. Install electrical 7. Install instruments 8. Install insulation 9. Painting 10. Cleanup, lables, etc. 11. Testing, tie-in 1 mo 4 men 2 wk 2 men 2 wk 3 wk 1 mo 1 mo 2 wk 2 wk 3 wk 2 wk 2 wk 4 men 2 men 8 men 4 men 2 men 2 men 2 men 2 men 6 men Job 0-1 1-2 2-.3 2-4 3-5 3-6 6-7 3, 5-8 3-9 7,8-10 7,9, 10-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 110 , 100 :;: 90 III § 80 c: 70 Q. )( 60 co .r; ~ > 0 ~ a. 50 40 30 20 10 0 ,..... V I V ,...... / $12 M $13 M $15 M 3 6 4.5 24 12 3 3 4.5 3 9 1 If ~ Job Sequence Total 2 0-1 1-2 5 3 1.5 6 4 2 3 II 2 3 Time, Months 4 4 -- • •• 120 '0 Other ...- 0 Months Foundations Paving, etc. Set equipment Install: platforms piping electrical instruments insulation Painting Cleanup Tie-in b. Budgeted Expenditure Curve . . . Labor 2-3 9 6 3-4 3-5 30 3-6 16 6-7 4 2 5-8 5 4.5 3-9 9 7,8-10 1 4 3 12 7,9, 10-11 Total $115,000 $230,000 Plus overhead 100%: a. Project Bar Chart Time Schedule Sequence Cost Required Time Manpower SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 395 c. Critical Path (Bar) Chart 1 2 13 8 10 11 5 ~ l.e14 6- L-7 T r o .- .- 9 4 3 2 Months Critical Path (Flow Sheet) Chart Critical path 1,2,3,5,8,10,11. 4Y, mo = 18 wks d. 20% of 18 wk = 3.6 wk. Reduce job 1 by 2 wks, Estimated cost increase: about $1.5 M. Reduce jobs 2 and 10 by 0.3 weeks: Estimated cost $1.0M Reduce jobs 5 and 6 by 1 week; cost: 3.0 M; Total est. cost increase $5.5M (could be much more) No change in critical path e. Manpower Leveling 18 16 14 12 ""c: :>< ::; 10 .,c: 8 ;l: ::;: 6 4 , 5 @ 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 9 7 10 11 6 3 2 8 10 12 14 16 18 Elapsed time, Weeks Numbers =jobs; circled numbers =jobs moved to new times; shaded periods = men no longer working (moved to new times); dotted lines = new job periods 396 APPENDIX 4 10-3. What is a: a. PERT program? b. Decision tree analysis? Answer: a. A critical path program with statistical probabilities considered for the likelihood of each job duration. b. A form of sensitivity analysis in which all of the possible occurrences are charted to their ultimate conclusion, with present value or DCF calculations made on all of the possible possible variations. CHAPTER 11. PERSONAL INVESTING 11-1. You are a process engineer in a small but prosperous firm that is planning a new $10 million expansion to start one year from now, and take one year to complete. Present retained earnings plus the cash flow generated during this period will be adequate for the total financing. Your boss has asked you to outline a general investment strategy for your present funds and future cash flow to safely attempt to earn the maximum possible income until the money is needed. Please note the types of investments you recommend, and your reasons for these choices. Answer: Suggested investment strategy: a. Must have reasonable diversification, safety, and liquidity. b. One possible group of investments might be: (1) Maintain some cash (i.e., about $1 MM). This could be a money market account, but preferably short-term (30-90 day) commercial paper or CDs in a strong, sound bank. (2) If interest rates appear to be stable or declining, the majority of funds (i.e., about $7 MM) should be placed in a high yielding, no-load, utility stock market mutual fund with switching privileges. Interest rates must be watched carefully, and if they appear to have a possibility of rising, quickly switch to a money market fund. (3) Place the remaining funds in a high yielding, no-load, municipal (taxfree) bond fund, again with switching privileges so that it may be sold at any firm indication of a rise in interest rates. (4) Alternately to the above, with uncertain interest rates, and depending upon the economy, some investments may be placed in any or all of stocks, precious metals, overseas funds, etc. Your own company's stock might be a good investment. 11-2. a. You are single and earn $28,OOO/yr. How much of an IRA contribution may you deduct from your income taxes? b. You are married and your combined income is $49,500. How much may each person deduct from taxes for their IRA contribution? Answer: a. The single taxpayer may deduct $2,000/yr from his taxes if his income is less than $25,000, and zero if over $35,000. Thus, with $28,000 income the deduction may be 2,000 x (7,000/10,000) = $1,400. Of course, the SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR EACH CHAPTER 397 remaining $600 may be put into the IRA account with no (actually, deferred) taxes on earnings, but not deducted from that year's income for tax purposes. b. Married couples can each deduct $2,000 in IRA payments from their taxable income if their combined earnings do not exceed $40,000, and zero if over $50,000. The minimum deduction for married and single taxpayers is $200. Therefore, with $49,500 combined earnings, the calculation would indicate: $2,000 (500/10,000) = $100 deduction. However, the minimum deduction is $200, so this is the amount they may each utilize. 11-3. For a long-term investment in a utility stock paying originally 8% dividends, and with a dividend reinvestment program, does the stockholder have a poor investment when interest rates rise to 15 % Answer: No. The utility stock at that time will probably only be worth about 8/15 of its original value, but the number of dollars earned each quarter is fixed (actually growing through the quarterly dividend compounding), so with dividend reinvestment one receives more shares (lSfs) for each dividend. If the stockholder can wait until the stock value is back to its original price (or higher) before selling, he will have essentially received the always-current interest rate over the holding period, plus any increase in the dividend (many utilities increase it every year), and of course, the appreciation from compounding. CHAPTER 12. EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATIONS 12-1. How does the AIChE job referral service work? Answer: It is an electronic data base that attempts to match participating members' eduction and experience with the requirements of jobs that AIChE knows are or may become open. If job and applicant match up the member will be given the name of the appropriate contact at each company. The employer will also be given the applicant's name and address if he or she wishes. 12-2. Is a multipage, elaborate resume worthwhile? Answer: Generally no. If the resume is too pretentious it is usually a mark against the applicant. Perhaps an exception would be when applying for a managerial job, where more detail is generally needed. At that level, or with sales or other contact positions, the videotape resume is also becoming increasingly popular. It may well become commonplace for all professional positions in the coming years. 12-3. When applying for a position at an electronics (or other non-CPI) firm, what skills and areas of expertise might you list? Answer: Many industries, such as electronics, do some (or considerable) chemical handling and processing (electroplating, etching, cleaning, semiconductors, etc.) and miscellaneous fluid flow (piping systems, clean-rooms, etc.), heat transfer (cogeneration, heating, cooling, etc.), mass transfer (scrubbers, purification, etc.), computer process control, environmental control, and other chemical engineering operations. They may not recognize each of the areas as being within the ChE training area, but they have been increasingly hiring chemical engineers to help with their problems. 398 APPENDIX 4 12-4. Are interoffice memos really of much importance to an engineer's career? Answer: Yes, they are one of the means by which management several layers above your boss, or in other divisions, on occasion review your work. Good memos definitely stand out, and their authors are remembered. Often you will read older memos in the file to study a problem and develop a real appreciation and respect for certain authors. They may by then be in higher positions with your firm, or with other companies, and their old memos can make a very interesting bond between you when you meet. APPENDIX 5 CONVERSION FACTORS 399 ems. of mercury Inches of mercury Feet of water Kgs SQ. em Lbs. sQ lOch Tons sQ. It 76.0 2992 3390 10333 1470 1 058 Atmospheres Foot·lbs_.'sec Horse-power Kilowatts Watts 777.5 3.927xlO- 4 1075 2,928dO ~ 1296 002356 0.01757 1757 B.T.U.' min. B_T_U ,min B.T.U min B_T_U_,'mln liters Inches Meters Millimeters Atmosphere's Feet of water Kgs_/sq meter Lbs_ sq. It Lbs, sQ_ Inch Feet min Feet sec Kilometers hr Meters, min Mileslhr Miles 'min Feet sec sec Cubic leet Cubic Inches CubiC meters CubiC yards Gallons liters Pints tilq,) Quarts (lIQ.l 001 03937 001 10 0.01316 003281 0,036 06 0_02237 3728xlO-'; 1969 003281 3 531xlO 5 6 102xlO 2 Centiliters Centimeters Centimeters Centimeters Centimtrs. of Mercury Centlmtrs_olmercury Centlmtrs, of mercury Centlmtrs_ of mercury Centlmlrs_ofmercury Centimeters; second Centimeters second Centimeters/second Centimeters/second Centimeters 'second Centimeters/second Cms . .'sec.,'sec. Cubic centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters CubiC centimeters 2113dO- l I057xlO- l 10 ' U08xlO-li 2,642xlO...JI 10 • 04461 136,0 27 85 0 1934 Grams 001 Centigrams Square meters Kilogram-calories Foot-Ibs Horse-power-hrs Kilogram-meters Kliowatt·hrs British Thermal Units British Thermal Units Bntlsh Thermal Units British Thermal Units Bntlsh Thermal Units Centares (Centiaresl Gallons-Oil 42 02520 Barrels-Oil Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres To Obtain By Multiply Centimeters 'sec Feet'sec Kllometers/hr MelerS,'mm Mllesihr Cms, 'sec :sec Meters, sec. 'sec 0.5080 001667 0.01829 03048 0.01lJ6 3048 03048 Feet:min. Feet:mln Feet'mln. Feet/min Feet/min Feet 'sec. 'sec. Feer sec 'sec S T Units min Foot-pounds sec Horse-power Kg ·calorles 'min Kilowatts 8 T Units min Horse-power Kg -calOries min Kilowatts CubiC centimeters CubiC feet CubiC Inches CubiC meters CubiC Y3rds liters Pints (11q I Quarts (IIQ,) U S, Gallons Imperial gallons 1286x10-l ? 260x 10-5 7.717xlO-l 1,818xlO- J 1945xlO-l 1 356x1O-l 3785 01337 231 3.785xlO-l 4_95xlQ-J 3785 8 4 1 20095 083267 Foot-pounds; min. Foot-pounds mm Foot-pounds mm Foot-pounds min Foot·pounds min Filot-pounds sec. Foot-pounds sec Foot·pounds sec Foot-pounds sec Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons, Imperial Gallons, U.S 3030xlO-1 324lx1O-4 001667 3.766xlO-l 8ntishThermalUnits Horse·power·hrs Kilogram-calories Kilogram-meters Kllowatt-hrs 1.286xlo-l 5,050xlO- 7 3,24IdO-4 Foot-pounds Foot-pounds Foot·pounds Foot-pounds Foot·pounds Feet of water Feet of water Feet of water 01383 Atmospheres Inches of mercury Kgs 'sq, cm lbs, ;sq_ II lbs. sq, Inch 002950 08826 003048 6243 04335 Feet of water Feet of water Feet Feet Centimeters Inches Meters Yards 30.48 12 03048 1 ·3 To Obtain Feet Feet Feet By Fathoms I Multiply lbs Isq. fool 10' Kilowatt·hours Kilowatt-hours Kllowatt·hours Kilowatt-hours Kilowatt-hours 3671xlO I 1 341 8605 2,655xlO· 3415 14 34 10' 1.341 7376 SrltlshThermal Units Foot-Ibs Horse·power-hrs Kilogram-calories Kllogram·meters S, T Units min Foot-Ibs, min Foot-Ibs sec Horse-power Kg -calories min Watt, 5692 Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts 4.425xl04 Cms sec, sec Ft sec sec Meters sec sec Knot, Meters min Miles hr Fe~tlsec Centimeters sec Feet/min 2778 09113 02778 27.78 54.68 0.9113 05396 16.67 06214 liters Centimeters Feet MetErS Miles Yards Kms. hr.,sec. Kms hr sec Kms hr sec Kilometers hr. Kilometers, hr Kliometels'hr Kilometers, hr Kilometers hi Kiiometers'hr 10' 3281 10' 06214 1094 Kiloliters Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers 14_22 10' Kgs. sq. millimeter Kgs 'sq meter lbs foot Atmospheres Feet of water Inches of mercury lbs_ sQ loot lbs sq lOch 06720 09678 3281 28.96 2048 Kgs, 'sq. cm. Kgs 'sq_ cm Kgs_.'sq_ cm Kgs 'SQ_ cm Kgs :sQ_ cm Kgs. 'meter Dynes lbs Tons Ishortl Grams Lbs ,sq. inch Inches of mercury Kgs sq. em Ounces'sq. Inch To Obtain 980.665 2205 1.I02x10-3 10' 007355 0002540 0.5781 5.202 003613 I, Kilograms Kilograms Kilograms Kilograms Inches of water Inches of water Inches of water Inches of water Inches otwater Multiply 0.0584 007016 8.345 2,670xlO-'; CubiC f1,/sec 001602 27.68 01198 Pounds of water Pounds 01 water Pounds of water Pounds of water min. CubiC feet CubiC Inches Gallons 36735xlO- 4 4,1143xlO-" 37324xlO-4 Ounces Drams Grams Tons (short) Grams Pounds (troy) Ounces (troy) GrainS Pennyweights (troy) Ounces (troy) Grams Pounds (avolr,) Ounces (avoir.l Tons (long) Tons (short) Tons (metric) 5760 240 12 37324177 0822857 13 1657 14.5833 16 256 7000 00005 453 5924 121528 Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds (troy) Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pennyweights (troy) Pennyweights (troy) Pennyweights (troy) Pennyweights (troy) 4 1667xlO- l lbs_/sq, inch Grams/U_ S. gal Grams/lmp_ gal. lbs /mlilion gal 00625 Ounces sq. inch Parts million Parts'mJillon Parts million Grams Grams Ounces (troy) Pounds (troy) CubiC Inches liters 1805 002957 Ounces (fluid) Ounces (flUid) 24 155517 005 Grains Pennyweights (troy) Pounds (troy) Grams Ounces (avoir,) 480 20 008333 31 103481 109714 Qunces Ounces 2835xll}-1 Pounds Grams Grams Drams To Obtain Ounces, troy Ounces, troy Ounces, troy Ounces, troy Ounces, troy 2 790xl0-~ 16 437.5 00625 28349527 09115 B, Ounces (troy) Tons (long) Tons (metric) Ounces Ounces Ounces Ounces Ounces I Multiply ..,. U1 X C Z m "tI "tI l> c c Cublccms/sec. Gallons/sec liters/sec Lbs otwater/mm MillIOn gals/day Gallons 'min CubiC centimeters Cubic teet CubiC meters Cubic yards Gallons Liters P,nts{llq) Quarts (llq I Cubic centimeters CubiC feet Cubic Inches CubiC yards Gallons Liters P,nts(llqi Quarts (I,q I CubiC centimeters CubiC leet CubiC Inches CubiC meters Gallons Liters PmtsOlq) Quarts lliq) CubiC feet 'sec Gallons'sec Liters/sec. Grams Liters 2832xlO' 2992 472 0 01247 04720 62.43 0646317 448831 1639 003463 001732 10' 3531 61.023 1308 264.2 10' 2113 1057 7646xlOs 27 46.656 07646 2020 7646 1616 807.9 045 3.367 12.74 01 01 Cubic feet/minute Cubic feet/minute CubiC feet/mmute CubiC teet/mmute Cubic feet/second Cubic feet/second CubiC Inches Cubic Inches CubiC Inches CubiC Inches CubiC Inches CubiC Inches CubiC Inches Cubic Inches Cubic meters Cubic meters CubiC meters CubiC meters Cubic meters CubiC meters CubiC meters Cubic meters CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards CubiC yards Cubic yards I min. CubiC yards/mm Cub:c yards/min Decie;rams Deciliters Meters Minutes Radians Seconds Radians, sec Revolutions min Revolutions sec Grams Liters Meters Grams Ounces Grams 01 60 001745 3600 001745 01667 0.002778 10 10 10 27.34375 0.0625 I 771845 Decimeters Delrees (anile) Degrees (angle) Degrees (angle) Dee;rees/sec. Degrees/sec Degrees/sec Dekae;rams Oekaliters Dekameters Orams Drams Orams 5787xlO--4 1639xlO-1 2143x10-s 4329x10-l I 639xlO-J Cubic cms Cublcmches CubiC meters CubiC yards Gallons Liters Plnts(llq) Quarts Olq) 1728 002832 003704 748052 2832 59.84 Cubic feet Cubic feet Cubic feet CubiC feet Cubic feet CubiC feet CubiC feet CubiC leet Liters 100 100 Hectometers Centimeters Atmospheres Feet of water Kgs sq. cm. Lbs sqft Lbs'sq lOch Atmospheres 0.03342 1133 003453 7073 04912 0.002458 Inches of mercury Inches of mercury Inchesofmercurj Inches of mercury Inches of mercury Inches of water BfltlshThermalUnlls Foot·lbs K,logram·calones Kllogram·meters Kllowatt·hours 2540 07457 2737xlO l 6417 1 98x106 2547 Inches Horse-power·hours Horse·power·hours Horse·power-hour~ Horse·power·hour~ Horse-power-hours BTU hr Kilowatts B T. Unlts/mm. foot·lbs /mln foot·lbs/sec Horse·pwr (MetflC) Kg -calOries/min Kilowatts Walts Horse-power (boiler) 33.479 Horse·power (boiler) 9803 Watts 100 4244 33.000 550 1014 10)0 0)457 7457 Hectowatts Horse-power Horse·power Horse·power Horse·power Horse-power Horse·power Horse-power Meters Grams 100 Grains Igal. Pounds/lOOO gals Pounds/cubic foot Parts/million 58417 8.345 0.062427 1000 Grams/liter Grams/liter Grams/liter Grams,/iiter Hectoliters Pounds/cubic foot Pounds/cubic Inch 6243 003613 Grams/cu. cm. Grams/ Hectograms Pounds, Inch 2205xlO- 1 5WQxlO-l 14286 Grains/imp. gal. Grams/cm. 17.118 142.86 Grains/U.S. gal. Grains/U.S gal Dynes Grains Kilograms Milligrams Ounces Ounces (troy) Pounds Parts million 004167 2 0833x10 9807 1543 10' 10' 003527 0.03215 Parts million Lbs. million gal I 0.06480 Grains !troy) Grams (troy) Grains (troy) Grams (troy) Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Gralns(a,;Olr) Grams Pennyweights (troy) Ounces (troy) 6.0086 1 Tons water 24 hrs 006308 8.0208 Gallons water/min. Pounds of water Cublc/eet sec Liters sec Cu. It 'hr 83453 :: 228xlO-J Gallons water Gallons,min. Gallons'mln Gallons/mm 10- 1 1308xlO·] Length (ft I lumber Width (in.) x Thickness (in.) 1609xlO l Miles Miles Miles Miles Minutes (ane;le) Miner'slOches Miliiongals.·day 2909xlO- 4 15 154723 Radians Cublcft Cublcft sec Parts millIOn Centimeters Inches Milligrams'llter liters 10-J 01 003937 Milliliters Grams Millimeters Millimeters 10~ 10' Milliers Milligrams Centlmeters'sec Feet sec Kilorreters min Miles hr 2682 88 1609 60 Miles min. Mlles,mm Mlles:mln Milesimm Kilograms Centimeters sec feet mm feet sec Kilometers hr Knots Meters mm 44 70 88 1467 1609 08684 2682 Centimeters Feet Kilometers Yards Meters Feet min feet 'sec Kilometers hr Kilometers min Miles hr Miles min Ce'1tlmeters Fed Inches Kilometers Millimeters Yards Centimeters sec Fectimm fe!'!sec Kilometers hr Miles hr Board Feet Cublclt sec Gals, sec Cubic centimeters Cubic feet CubiC Inches CubiC meters CubiC yards Gallons Pints O,q) Quarts (I,q) Miles·hr. Mrles/hr M,les/hr Miles,hr Mlles,hr Mrles/hr 5280 1609 1760 IO~ 196 8 3281 3.6 006 2137 003728 Meters,sec. Meters 'sec Meters sec Meters sec Meters sec Meters sec Microns 100 3281 3937 10 ' 10' 1094 1657 3281 005468 006 003728 Meters Meters Meters Meters Meters Meters Meters min Meters mm Meters'mln Meters 'min Meters/min 12 5886x10-4 4403xlO- J 02642 2113 1057 10' 003531 6102 liters. min Liters min liters Liters liters Liters Llier:. liters liters liters 2000 32000 90718486 2430.56 089287 29166.66 0.90718 Watt·hours Watt hours Watt hours Watt hours Walt·hours Watt hours Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts 10-1 08605 3671 1.341xlO-l 3415 2655 lO-l 001434 1341xlO-1 0.05692 44 26 0.7376 Tons of water ,24 hrs. 83333 Tonsofwater,24hrs 016643 Tonsofwatef/24hrs 13349 Tons (short) Tonslshortl Tonslshortl Tons (short) Tonslshortl Tons (short) Tonslshort) lO' Tons !metric) Tons Imetflc) 2205 1016 2240 1.12000 I 18 I 5/9 Tons (long) Tons (long) Tons (long) Temp. ("e.) I 273 Temp jOC)' 17 78 Temp.('F) t 460 Temp n)-32 Sq. fUgaL min. 10141 101.47 22046 80208 BfltlshThermalUnlts Foot·pounds Horse·power·hours Kilogram-calories Kilogram-meters Kilowatt-hours B T. Units/min. foot·pounds/mln. foot·pounds/sec Horse·power Kg ·calorres/mln. Kilowatts Pounds water/hour Gallons/min Cu. ft /hr Pounds Ounces Kilograms Poundsltroy) Tons (tong) Ounces Itroy) Tons (metricl Kilograms Pounds Kilograms Pounds Tons (shortl Abs temp. (OC.) Temp. (Of.) Abs temp.("f.l Temp. (Oe.) Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Dverflowrate Ift/hr) 10128 129.54 QUintal, Argentine Qumtai. Brazil Qumtal.Castlle,Peru QUintal, Chile QUintal. MeXICO QUintal, MetriC I CubiC Inches 5775 Quarts UiQ.l 10143 CubiC mches 6720 Quarts (dry) Atmospheres feet of water Inches of mercury Kgs /sq. cm feet of water Kgs /sq. cm. Pounds/sq Inch 006804 2307 2036 007031 4883xlO·· 6945x10·- J 001602 Pounds'sQ.lnch Pounds sq Inch Pounds sq lOch Pounds sq lOch Pounds sQ. foot Pounds sqfoot Pounds sq tool Gra~s/cm. Kgs./meter 178.6 1488 Pounds foot Pound~'mch Grams/cublccm Kgs /cublc meter Lbs /cublc foot 1728 Grams/cublccm Kgs -,cubic meter Lbs/cublclnch 2768xlO' 27.68 5787xlO-' 0.01602 16.02 Pounds,cublc inch Pounds/cubic Inch Poundsicublcmch Pounds cubic foot PoundSlCublcfoot Pounds cubic foot » 0 ..."" en ::D 0 -t 0 ." Z (5 :II m < en Z 0 0 inch foot yard mile Units fluid ounce liquid pint liquid quart gallon milliliter liter cubic inch Units I meter I I I I I I I Square Inches I 16 32 128 0.0338147 33.8147 0.554113 Fluid ounces I 12 36 63,360 0.3937 39.37 Inches square inch I square foot 144 square yard 1,296 square mile 4,014,489,600 square centimeter 0.1549969 square meter 1549.9969 I centimeter I I I I I I I I I I Units Square Yards Units of Area 2 8 0.00211342 2.11342 0.0346320 0.0625 Liquid pints 5280 0.03280833 3.280833 0.0833333 Feet 0.03125 0.5 I 4 0.00105671 1.05671 0.0173160 Liquid Quarts Miles 0.0000157828 0.0001893939 0.000568182 I 0.000006213699 0.0006213699 0.000264178 0.264178 0.00432900 0.0078125 0.125 0.25 Gallons Units of Liquid Measure 0.0277778 0.333333 I 1760 0.010936111 1.0936111 Yards Square Miles Square Centimeters 29.5729 473.167 946.333 3785.332 I 1000 16.3867 Mil/ileters Liters 0.0163867 0.0295729 0.473167 0.946333 3.785332 0.001 2.540005 30.48006 91.44018 160,934.72 I 100 Centimeters 0.0000000002491 6.451626 0.0000000358701 929.0341 0.000000322831 8361.307 25,899,964,703 I I 0.00000000003861006 10,000 0.0000003861006 Units of Length 0.000771605 0.00694444 0.1111111 I I 9 27,878,400 3,097,600 0.001076387 0.0001195985 10.76387 1.195985 Square Feet 1.80469 28.875 57.75 231 0.0610250 61.0250 I Cubic Inches 0.02540005 0.3048006 0.9144018 1609.3472 0.01 Meters 0.0006451626 0.09290341 0.8361307 2,589,998 0.0001 Square Meters CII X Z 0 m 'tI 'tI ):0 .... 0 N INDEX AACE, American Association of Cost Engineers, 22-23 ABS resins. See Acrylonitrile. AMA: American Management Association, 190 APS, AVS pumps, 296 Absorbers, 268 Absorption, 346 Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS), 78 depreciation, 78, 82, 177-178 Accountability, 192 Accounting, 154-165 basis, 157 code of, 194-195 department, 154-155 functions, 156 labor, 50 period, 157 relationships, 161 Accounts payable, 155-156 receivable, 40, 155-156 Accrual, 71, 157. Accrued expenses, 179 income tax, 175 Accumulated depreciation, 178 retained earnings, 176 Accuracy of cost estimates equipment, IO-ll, 19 plants, 22-26 Acetaldehyde, 310, 361-362, 369, 372 Acetic acid, 310, 355, 372 anhydride, 312, 369, 372 Acetone, 310, 355, 372 Acetylene, 310, 355, 372 Acid rain, 127 test ratio, 183-184 Acquisitions, 135-141 value, 137 Acrylate, ethyl, methyl, 372 Acrylic acid, 3ll fiber, 3ll, 355, 372 Acrylonitrile, 3ll, 355, 372 -butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin 140-141, 145, 336 Activated carbon, 256, 336 Additives, 45, 143, 146 Adhesive polymer, 336 Adipic acid, 312, 369, 372 Adjustable rate loans, 212 Administrative director, manager, 50 expense, 52, 61-62 Adsorbers, 256, 352 Advanced materials, 144-146 Advancement path, 250 Aftertax profit, 79, 82, llO-ll5 Agitated tanks, 258 Agitators; propeller, turbine, 257 Air, 45, 47,325 conditioning, 47, 259 cooled heat exchanger, 286 instrument, 48 lift TCC cracking, 345 Alkyl aryl sulfonate, 372 benzene, 3ll chloride, 312, 369 Alkylates, detergent, 312 403 404 INDEX Alkylation, 348, 360 Alternate energy, 79 Alumina, 313, 342 Aluminum, 313, 341 chloride, 372 sulfate, 3 13, 372 American Stock Exchange, 218 Amine; amyl, methyl, 372 Ammonia, 34-35, 314, 354-355, 362, 372 Ammonium bicarbonate, 314 chloride, 372 nitrate, 314, 355, 372 perchlorate, 314 phosphate, 314 sulfate, 314, 355 Analytical costs, 52 labor, 50 Aniline, 312, 369, 372 Annual earnings, I 10-116 interest payments, 69-71, 83 production growth rate, 117, 122-124 profit margin, 116 reports, 173-188 sales, 110-113 Annuities, 72-74 present worth, 74 Application of funds, 177 Aramid fiber, 335 Argon, 324-325 Aromatics, 311 extraction, 346 Around-the-clock production, 49-51 Asphalt plant, 344 Aspirin, 372 Assessments (fees), 59 Asset accounting, 159 Assets, 158-159, 174-180 Atmospheric distillation, 348 Autoclaves, 258 Automatic sell order, 214 Auxiliary facilities, 38-40 Average operating rate, 44-45 Axial flow fan, 281 pump, 296 Backward curved vane fan, 281 Bag dust collector, 279, 378 Bags, bagging, 57 Balance sheet, 174-180 Balanced portfolio, 212-213 Ball mill, 292 Bank loans, 68, 184 Bar charts, graphs, 101, 197-199 Barium carbonate, 372 Barometric condenser, 306 Basic businesses, 99 chemicals, 112-113, 117 commodities, 142, 151 economic subjects, 3 Basis, accounting, 157 Batch processing, 31, 49, 165 Battery limits, 38 Bauxite, 342 Belt conveyor, 273 filter, 282 Benefits, 51 Bentonite, 342 Benzene, 315, 362, 369, 373 toluene, xylene, 315 Benzoic acid, 315, 369, 372 Benzyl chloride, 373 Berl saddles, 270 Beta distribution, 206 Biotechnology, 137, 144, 147-148 Bisphenol A, 315, 369, 372 Bisphenol digylcidyl ether (epoxy resin), 335 Blenders, 260 Blowers, 261 Blue chip stocks, 219 Boilers, 262 waste heat, 263 Bonds, 68, 159,230-231 Boneyard, 58 Bonuses, 51 Book charges, 163 value, 187 Boric acid, 48-49, 373 Borg-Warner, 140-141 Borrowed capital, 60, 68, 82, 102-104 Bottom line, 182 Box-type furnace, 284 Break-even point, 104-105 Bromine, 373 Bubble cap tray, 269 Bucket elevator, 273 INDEX Budgets, 154, 163-172, 210 control, 168-170 personal 170-171 preparation, 167-168 relationships, 161 Buildings, 29, 32, 39, 264 Bulk shipment, 57 Bullion, 231 Bureaucrats, 26, 132 Bureau of Mines, 76 Business and licensing fees, 59-60 Butadiene, 315, 362, 373 -acry lonitrile-styrene. See Acry lonitrile. -methyl methacrylate-styrene polymer, 335 -styrene latex, 336 Butane, 344, 356 iso, 315 Butanol, 315, 356, 373 Butyl acetate, 373 rubber, 335 Buyers guides, 47 CD. See Certificate of deposit CE Index. See Chemical engineering plant cost index CMR. Set( Chemical Marketing Reporter CPr. See Chemical process industry CPM. See Critical path method Cain Chemical, 135-136, 142 Calcium chloride, 373 phosphate, 373 California income tax, 77 Capital, 69 account, 155 budgets, 151 cost exponents, 11, 35, 255 costs, 8-43 gains, 77 ratio, 35-37 related costs, 52-57 spending, 114-115, 119 stock, 176, 179 Capitalized cost, 40, 74 Caprolactum, 316, 363, 369, 373 Carbon adsorption, 256, 352 black, 316, 356, 373 dioxide, 324-325 disulfide, 316, 369, 373 fiber, 341 tetrachloride, 316, 369, 373 Carboxy methyl cellulose, 317, 369, 373 Car load quantities, 46 Cascade cooler, 274 Cash, 41, 158, 211 basis, 157 flow, 81-83, 177 break even, 104 -to capital spending ratio, 187 on hand, 178 spending curve, 194, 196 Catalyst, 45 Catalytic flare, 378 incinerator, 288 Cellulose acetate, 317, 369, 373 Cement, 316, 342 Centrifugal blower, 261 compressor, 272 fan, 281 Centrifuges, 265 Certificate of deposit (CD), 97, 211 Chain of command, 192 Chemical assets, 110 costs, 46 engineering employment, 243-249 graduates, 247 plant cost index (CE Index), 13-16 exports, imports, 118-120 industry, 108 acquisitions, 135-141 employment, 248 injection pump, 297 Marketing Reporter (CMR), 46 operating profits, 110-117 plant cost estimates, 22-43 process industry (CPI), 197-108 productivity, 131 products, 122-124 sales, 135-141 stocks, 133 Chemists, 50 Chimneys, 266 Chloracetic acid, mono, 316, 373 Chlorine, 142,316,356,363,373 caustic, 139 405 406 INDEX Chlorobenzene, 373 Chlorofonn, 373 Chlorprene monomer, 317, 369 Chromic acid, 373 Citric acid, 317, 373 Clarifiers, 305 Classifiers, 267 Clerical labor, 50 Closed-end funds, 218 Cobalt, 341 Code of accounts, 194-195 Co-generation, 33, 349 Coke, petroleum, 342 Coking, 346, 360 Collateral, 67-68 Collectibles, 231, 233 Column packing, 270 trays, 269 Columns, 268 Commercial paper, 211, 219 Commissions, 218 Commodity chemicals, 141, 148 Common shares outstanding, 181 stock, 212-238 Company incurred capital costs, 27 Complete plant estimating charts, 34-35, 309353 Components in plant cost estimates, 27-34 Compound interest, 70-72 Compounded total capital, 70 Compressors high capacity and/or pressure, 12, 272 medium low pressure, 271 Computer, use in accounting, 155-156 cost estimating, 10 critical path program or PERT, 200, 206207 discounted cash flow calculation, 95, 100 maintenance control, 56 management control, 3, 164, 165 Cone roof tank, 303 Construction expense 27, 29, 33 projects, 25-26 supervision, 29, 33 Consumer goods, 245 Contingency, 29, 33 Continuous cash flow 83-94 interest, 70-72, 83 operation shift schedule, 49-51 Contract maintenance, 56 Contractor's cost estimate, 23-25 fee or profit, 29, 33 Control layer, 165 panel, 31 process, 57 Controllable costs, expenses, 44-45, 160-163 Controlling projects, 191, 193 Conversion factors, 399-402 Convertible debentures, 159, 231 Conveyors, 273 Coolers, 274 Cooling crystallizer, 276 towers, 275 Copper, 341 Copper sulfate, 373 Core business, 99 Cork insulation, 289 Corporate annual reports, 173-188 cash flow, 81-95 overhead, 45, 62-62, 163, 169 Corrosion resistance, 54 Cost accounting, 159-165 allocation, 163 centers, 151 conscience, 1-2, 8 control, 26, 194-197 cost estimates, of, 9, 25 debt, of, 97-98 estimates breakdown of components, 64, 355-359, 369-371 equipment, 8-21, 255-308 manufacturing, 44-60, 354-378 plants, 22-43, 309-353 estimating charts, 10-11,255-353 manufacturing cost, 51-58 plant, 26-33 software, 10 good, of, 181 INDEX money, interest, of, 67-68 overruns, escalation, 25-26 per ton of product, 35-37 plus contracts, 87, 128 sales, of, 52, 61-62, 180 standard, 163 Cracking, 345, 360 Craftsmen, 50, 56 Crash, stock market, 214, 216-217 Crashed time schedule, 205 Cresol, 373 Critical path, 200 Critical path method (CPM), 199-207 barchart, 200-201, 203-205 flow sheet, 200-202 Credit, 67, 210 cards, 210 union, 210 worthiness, 67 Crude oil distillation, 348 Crystallizers, 276 Cumene, 317, 369, 373 Current assets, 158, 175, 178 average inventory value, 167 liabilities, 175, 179 portion of long term debt, 175, 178 ratio, 182-183 Cutting costs, 129-132 Cyanocetates, 316 Cyclic economy, 213-214 Cyclohexane, 316, 356, 364, 373 Cyciohexanone/Cyciohexanol, 317, 364, 369, 373 Cyclone dust collector, 279, 378 Cylindrical-type furnace, 284 DCF. See Discounted cash flow DDT, 318, 369 DMT,318 Daily interest compounding, 70-71 Data presentation, 95-97 Deasphalting, 347, 360 Debentures, 68 Debit, 179 De-bottle necking, 45 Debt, 68, 82, 103, 159 as % debt plus equity, 176 ratio, 176 to equity ratio, 102, 176, 184-185 Decision trees, 99 Decyl alcohol, 374 Deferred charges, 178 taxes, 59, 177 Defining scope of work, 190, 192 Definitive cost estimate, 23-25 Delegating, 191-192 Demineralization, 352 Demineralized water, 48, 352, 361 Department of Commerce, 76 Depletion allowance, 79, 175 Depreciabk fixed assets, 175 Depreciated plant ratio, 114-115 Depreciation, 52, 58-60 Desalination, 350-351 Design capacity, 45 plant, 22, 27, 33 rate, 45 Desulfurization, 343, 346 Detailed cost estimate manufacturing, 44-51 plants, 23-25 economic presentation, 95-97 preliminary cost estimate, 23-25 Detergent alkylate, 318, 370 Developing countries 127, 129, 148 Development costs, 40 Dewaxing, 347, 360 Dialysis, 351 Diaphragm pump, 297 Dibutyl phthalate, 374 Dichlorodifluromethane, 374 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 318, 369 Diesel drive generator, 285 Diethanol amine, 318, 370 Differentiation, 142-143 Dilution air cooler, 274 Dimersol,318 Dimethyl terephthalate, 318, 370 Dioctyl phthalate, 318, 370 Diphenyl amine, 318 methane diisocyante, 318 Direct flame incinerator, 288 Directories of chemicals, 46-47 equipment, 8-9 407 408 INDEX Disability insurance, 45, 53 Discount broker, 230 factor, 72, 82-83 rate, 68 Discounted cash flow (DCF), 71, 81-106 for selected companies, industries, 125-126 minimum acceptable, 97-98 pseudo, 121, 125-126, 186-187 simplified calcination, 95-96 Discounts, sales, 75 Discrete compound interest, 70-72 Dished head tanks, 304 Disk granulator, 302 Dispatcher, 50 Distillation, 268, 348, 360 tower, 268 Distributed charges, 169 Distribution (product) expense, 52, 61-62 facilities, 39-40 Director; engineering, etc., 50 Diversification, 149-152, 212-213 Divestiture, 132, 134 Dividend, 159, 223-225 as % of net income, 114-115 Dodecylbenzene, 374 Dollar, value of, 214, 216 Donations, 45 Double arm cone blender, 260 declining balance depreciation, 59 pipe heat exchanger, 286 Dow Chemical Co., 125, 145-147 Dow Jones industrial average, 217, 224 Downsizing, 130 Downstream products, 149 Draft tube baffled crystallizer, 276 Drip-proof motor, 293 Drives, 293 Drum granulator, 302 Drums, 57 Dryers, 277 Du Pont, 55, 61, 125, 132, 136-137, 149 Ducts, 278 Dues, 45 Dummy activity, 200-204 Duration, job, 196-203 Dust collectors, 279, 378 ENR Index. See Engineering News Record. ESOP. See Employee. Earnings per share, 182 worker's average, 51 Economically sized plant, 100 Economics basic subjects, 3-5 common chemical engineering use, 2-5 cycles, 213-217 general, 1, 5 of the chemical industry, 107-153 presentations, 251-252 Ejectors, 306 Electric generators, 285 motors, 293 Electrical, capital cost 29-30 Electricity, operating cost of, 47-48 Electrodialysis, 35 I Electronic fund transfer, 70 Electrostatic dust collector, 279, 378 Elevated flare, 283 Employee relations, 50, 151 stock ownership plan (ESOP), 134-135 Employment, 51, 240-253 Energy efficiency, 24, 47, 121, 126 requirements, 47 saving equipment, 47 tax credit, 79 Enforcement, 126 Engineering capital expense, 29, 33 company or department, 4-5, 9, 23, 25, 244 facilities, capital cost, 40 operating expense, 50, 56 use of economics, 4 Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index, 13-16 Environmental capital cost, 29, 32 facilities, 38-39 impact report, 26 operating cost, 52, 57-58 regulations, 26, 38, 57 staff, 57 Environmentalists, 126 INDEX 409 Epichlorbydrin, 320, 370, 374 Epoxy resin, 335 Equipment cost estimating, 8-21 directories, 8-9 failure, 56 inflation indexes, 13-16 installation costs, 16-18, 28-30 life, 58 multiplying factors for cost estimates, 2734 sizing, 22 Equity Escalation, cost, 25, 26 Estimating accuracy, 10-11, 19 charts equipment 10-22, 255-308 manufacturing cost, 64-65, 354-378 plants, 34-35, 309-353 factors, 26-34, 51-58 Ethane, 319, 344 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol), 321, 356, 374 Ethanolamines, 374 Ethyl acetate, 374 benzene, 319, 370, 374 diamine, 320, 374 ether, 320, 374 hexanol, 320, 370 -2hexyl alcohol, 374 Ethylene, 319, 356, 364-365 diamine, 370 monoethyl ether, 374 dibromide, 374 dichloride, 319, 370, 374 glycol, 136, 319, 370, 374 oxide, 136, 319, 356, 374 -propylene rubber, 335 Evaporative crystallizer, 276 Evaporators, 280 Exact interest period, 69 Exchanges, stock, 218 Expansion, plant, 27, 38 Explosion-proof motor, 293 Exponents, size, 11, 35, 255 Exports, 120 Extraction, 268 Extruder, 302 Exxon, 132 FCC cracking. See Fluid. FIFO. See First in, first out inventory accounting. FOB (free on board), 46, 75 Factoring exponents, 11, 35 Factors manufacturing cost, 51-58 plant cost, 26-34 Falling film evaporator, 280 Fanny Mae bonds, 231 Fans, 281 Fatty alcohol, 322, 370 Feather-bedding, 132 Federal Reserve, 68 Fees, 59 Ferric chloride, 322 Ferrous sulfate, 374 Fiberglass insulation, 289 tank, 303 Fibers, 124,311,330-331,334,336,369, 371 Field erected boiler, 262 tank,303 Filters, 282, 378 Financial accounting, 160 analysis, 108-117 groups' LBO's, 134-135, 141 investment, 67 manager, 50 statements, 156, 158-159 Fire protection, 29, 32 Firm cost estimates, 10, 23-25 First in, first out inventory accounting (FIFO), 167 First in trust deed, 234 Five crew shift schedule, 49, 51 Fixed assets, 158, 175, 178 capital cost estimate, 10 costs, 44-45 interest rate, 159 payment schedule, 87 tube sheet heat exchanger, 286 Flanged head tanks, 304 Flares, 283, 378 Flash distillation, 351 Flat top tanks, 304 410 INDEX Floating head heat exchanger, 286 Flow of funds, 177, 180-182 Flowsheet, process, 22, 47 Fluid bed dryer, 277 catalytic cracking (FCC), 345 processing plant multiplying factor, 28-29 Fluorocarbon, 322, 370 Foamglass insulation, 289 Footnotes, 180-182 Forced circulation evaporator, crystallizer, 276, 280 Foreign acquisitions, control, 138, 141 government price control, 126-127 location cost factors, 41-42 production, 129, 147-149 sales, 120, 147-149 taxes, 78-79 trade, 147-149 Foreman, shift, 50 Fonnaldehyde, 322, 357, 365, 374 Fortune 500, 173 Four-crew shift schedule, 49-50 Franchise, 179 Freight allowance, 46-47 equalization, 46-47 expense, rate, 28-29, 47 Fringe benefits, 53 Fructose, 322 Fuel, 45 oil, 48 Functional steps, capital cost estimates, 35 Funds, mutual 218-229 Furnaces, 284 Future cash flow, 85-89, 92-93 G & A expense. See General and administrative expense Gas, 48, 128-129,343 engine, 293 generator, 285 oil desulfurization, 347 treating, 343 turbine, 293 Gasoline, 344, 348 Gear pump, 297 General and administrative (G & A) expense, 52,61-62, 162-163 General ledger 156-157 Generators, 285 Ginnie Mae bonds, 219, 222, 231 Global outlook, 147-149 Glycerine, 323, 370, 374 Glycol, 323, 357 Gold, 219, 226-227, 231-232 Golden handshake, 130 Gone public, 134 Goodwill, 179 Government bond funds, 219, 222-228, 231 regulations, 26, 57 relations, 26, 129 Graduates, chemical engineering, 245-247, 250 Graphical presentations, 11, 100 Grass roots plant, 27, 38, 309 Graveyard shift salary differential, 51 Grease plant, 344 Greenhouse effect, 127 Gross income, 76, 79 national product, 109 profits, 79-181 Ground flare, 283 Growth funds 221-222, 227 phase of economy, 214 prospects, specialties, 145-146 stocks, 219, 222, 226-227 type crystallizer, 276 Gyratory mill, 291 Hammer mill, 291 Hand-held calculator, 95 Hazardous materials insurance, 59-60 Hazardous wastes, 32, 36, 38-39, 57-58, 126 Health insurance, 53 Hearth incinerator, 288 Heat and material balance, 22, 47 Heat exchangers, 286-287 Heat or cooling load, 47 Hedging, 230 Helical screw compressor, 271 Helpers, 50 Hershoff furnace, 284 Hexamethylenediamene, 374 Hexamethyline tetramine, 326, 370, 374 High risk investment, 234-235 INDEX Higher value-added products, 143-147 Holiday pay, 53 Horizontal tank, 303 Horsepower, 20, 47 House purchase, 211-212 Hybrid accounting systems, 157 Hydrazine, 374 Hydrocarbon resins, 336 Hydrochloric acid, 326, 357, 374 Hydrocracking, 345, 360 Hydrofluoric acid, 326, 357, 375 Hydrogen, 324-325, 375 cyanide, 326, 370 peroxide, 326, 357, 375 Hydrotreating, 347 10M. See Interoffice memorandum. IRA. See Individual Retirement Account. IRR: Interest or Internal rate of return. See Discounted cash flow IRS. See Internal Revenue Service. Impact modifiers, 327 Imports, 120 Incinerators, 288 Income cash flow, 85-87 funds, 219, 222, 227-229 statements, 180-182 tax, 76-79 Indirect labor charges, 52-53 Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 72-73, 211,219,396 Industrial accounting, 159 chemicals, 107 production index, 109 Industries employing chemical engineers, 245 Industry statistics 107 -120 Inexpensive energy, 24, 47, 126 Informal presentations, 252 reports, 251 Inflation, 98, 213, 215, 217-218 cost indexes, 13-16 phase of economic cycle, 214 Infrastructure, 38-40 Initial budget, scope cost estimate, 23-25 investment program, 210-212 plant investment, 87-89 411 Injection pump, 297 In-line pump, 296 Innovation, 121, 138-139, 141, 150-151 Innovative marketing, 145-147, 150 Inorganic chemical production, 117, 122-123 Inspections, 57, 126 Installation costs, 16-18,28-30 factor, 16-18,30 Instantaneous cash flow, 83-85 event discount factors, 84-85 Instrument air, 48 Instrumentation, 29-31, 48, 195 Insulation, 29-30, 289 Insurance, 52, 59-60 Intangibles, 178-179 Interest calculations, 67-80 compound, 70-72 expense, 52, 68, 98, 103, 181 payments, 52, 59-60, 185 rate of return (lRR). See Discounted cash flow rates, 215-216 simple, 69-70 Interlox saddle, 270 Intermediate materials, 150 Internal rate of return (lRR). See Discounted cash flow Internal Revenue Service, 58, 77, 157-158 development, 121, 139, 141-142 International sales, 120, 147-149 Interoffice memorandum (10M), 251 Interview, 241, 243 Inventory, 41,75,166-167,178 budgeting, 166 of maintenance materials, 56 Investing, 209-239 Investment clubs, groups, 236-238 counselors, 238 credit, 78-79 plan, strategy, 212-218 types, 218-235 Ion exchange, 290, 352 Isobutylene, 327, 370 Isomerization, 348, 360 Isooctanol, 327, 370 Isoprene, 327, 357 Isopropanol, 327, 370, 375 412 INDEX Jaw crusher, 291 Jet mill, 292 Job hunting, 240-253 referral service, AIChE, 397 sheet, 196-197, 199,202 Jobs, chemical engineering, 243, 251 Journals, 155-157 Junk bonds, 68 Jurisdictional restrictions, 132 Just-in-time inventory, 41, 167 Kettle heat exchanger, 286 Knitting machines, 150 LBO. See Leveraged buy-outs. LIFO. See Last in, first out inventory accounting LNG. See Liquified natural gas Labor, 50 costs, 131, 163-164 productivity, 131 -related costs, 52-53 requirements, 47-51 Laboratory building, 29, 32, 264 staff, 50, 52 supplies, expenses, 52, 57 Land value, 29, 33, 88, 158, 178 Lang factor, 28-29 Largest chemical companies, 108, 110-112 Last in, first out (LIFO) inventory accounting, 167 Later period yearly discount factors, 92-93 Latexes (styrene-butadiene), 336 Laws, regulations, 26 Lead, 341 tetraethyl, tetramethyl, 375 Leave (sick, etc.) pay, 53 Ledgers, 157, 160 Legal expense, 61 problems, 151 staff, 50 Leverage, 60, 102-104 Leveraged buy-outs (LBO), 134-135 Liabilities, 158-159, 174-180 Liability insurance, 59-60 Licensing capital costs, 40 fees, 52, 57, 59 Life equipment, 58 insurance, 235 Liquidate, 130 Liquidity, 213, 219 Liquified natural gas, 324, 365 Litharge, 375 Lithium carbonate, 328 Load, mutual fund, 220, 221 Loans, 60, 67-68, 212 Long term debt, 175, 179 tube evaporator, 280 Low risk investments, 98 Lubricating oil plant, 344 Lump sum payment, 87 MBA. See Master of Business Administration M & S Cost Index. See Marshall & Swift equipment index Magnesia insulation, 289 Magnesium, 341 hydroxide, 329 oxide, 329 Maintenance contract, 56 expense, 52-57 experience, 54-56 hourly workers, 56 labor, 55-57 major, 44-45 material 41, 54, 56 monitoring, 56 preventative, 52 productivity, 56 salaried employees, 56 spending as % of new capital, 56 training, 56-57 Major equipment, 8-9 Maleic anhydride, 328, 370, 375 Management, 129, 141, 149, 151 functions, 191 plant, 164-165 principles, 189-193 Managerial accounting, 159-160 INDEX advancement path, 250 responsibilities, 189-193 Manning charts, 44, 50 Manpower leveling, 205-206 plant, 47-51 Manufacturer's cost quotations, 8-9 directories, 8-9 Manufacturing building, 264 cost estimates, 44-66, 354-378 Market research, 75-76 survey, 4 Marketable securities, 175, 178 Marketing, 129, 143, 148-150 Marshall & Swift (M & S) equipment index, 13, 16 Master of Business Administration (MBA), 5, 379 Material balance, 22, 46 Materials, 163-164 Mechanical vapor recompression crystallizer, evaporator, 276, 280 Meeting expenses, 45 Mega projects, cost overruns, 26 Melamine, 328, 370, 375 Membership expenses, 45 Memos, 251 Mercaptobenzo thiazole, 328, 371 Mergers, 135-141 Metal exchanges, 231 Methanol, 321, 357, 366, 375 Methyl amine, 329 chloride, 328, 372, 375 ethyl ketone, 328, 375 isobutyl ketone, 328, 375 methacrylate, 328, 371, 375 -butadine-styrene polymer, 335 parathion, 375 tertiary butyl ether, 329 Mica, 342 Mills, 291-292 Mineral resources, 79, 149, 178 Minimum acceptable DCF, 97-98 Mixed flow pump, 296 processing plant mUltiplying factor, 29 Mixer-settler, 48 Modernize plants, 27, 38 Modifications, plant, 38 Module factor, 18, 28, 256 Monochloroacetic acid, 328, 371 Monsanto, 61, 132, 150 Monsodium methyl arsonate, 329 Monthly interest compounding, 70 Mortgage, 212 Motivating, 191 Motors, 47,293 Multiclone dust collector, 279 Multinational company, 148 Multiple-skill craftsmen, 56 Multiplier, cost estimating, 28-34 Multi-stage flash distillation, 351 Municipal bonds, 216, 228-229, 231 Mutual funds, 218-227 market breakdown, 222 performance, 226-227 sales, 220 Naphtha, 346 Napthol, B, 330, 371 National debt, 214 Natural gas, 48, 128-129,343 resources, 127 Negative cash flow, 82 Net asset or share value, 218 income, 79-80, 110-115, 181 present worth or value, 72, 82 sales, 181 work diagrams, 199-207 worth, value, 72, 94,159, 170, 174 New technology, ventures, 138-139 New York stock exchange, 218 company investment, 234-235 Niches, 143 Nitric acid, 330, 358, 375 Nitro compounds, organic, 330 Nitrobenzene, 375 Nitrogen, 48, 325 Nitrophosphate, 330 No load funds, 220 Nodes, 200-203 Non-processing facilities, 36-40, 309 Nonylphenol, p, 375 Notes to financial statements, 180-182 413 414 INDEX Nuclear energy, power, 127-128 Number of shifts, 49-51 Nurse, 50 Nylon filament, 330, 371 Nylon 6/6 resin, 330, 371 OPEC oil cartel, 121, 126 OSE. See On stream efficiency Occidental Petroleum, 132, 137, 142 Office equipment, 32, 39 Off-site facilities, 27, 38-40 Oil drilling investment, 234 field chemicals, 144-146, 148 production, 79 Oil and gas employment, 245 companies, 121, 129-130 Oiefins, 136 alpha, 331, 371 linear, higher, 331 On-site facilities, 27 On stream efficiency (OSE), 44-45 Open-end funds, 218 Operating budget, 166 capital,40 costs, 44-66, 155, 354-378 labor, 47-52 profits, 180 rate, 44-45, 104, 118 statements, 181 steps for capital cost estimate, 35 supplies, 41, 52, 57 Operators, plant, 48 Order of magnitude cost estimate, 22-24 Ordinary interest period, 69 Organic chemicals, 117, 122-124 Organization charts, 192 Organizing, 191-192 Ortho xylene, 340, 371 Ortho-f1ow cracking, 345 Overhead costs, 61, 162-164 Overruns, cost, 25-26 Overseas tax rate, 78-79 Over-the-counter stock, 219 Overtime expense, 49, 51 Out-of-pocket expenditures, 180 loss, 104 Outside legal expense, 50 Oxo alcohols, 331 Oxygen, 324-325, 375 PERT. See Program Evaluation and Review Technique PVC. See Polyvinyl chloride. Package boiler, 262 Packaging expense, 52, 57, 75 Painting, 29, 32 Pall rings, 270 Paper pulp filter, 282 Par value, 179 Para xylene, 333, 340, 358 Paraffins, 332, 371 Parameter, equipment sizing, 11 Patent expense, 52, 57 Payout period, 80 Payroll overhead, taxes, 52-53 Pebble mill, 292 Pellet mill, 302 Pelletizing rolls, 302 Pension funds, 53 plans, 181,209 Pentachlorophenol, 332, 371 Pentaerythritol, 332, 371, 375 Perchlorethylene, 332, 371, 375 Performance chemicals, 145 Periodic cash flow, 85-87 interest, 69-70 Permits, 26, 32-33, 59 Personal budgets, 170-171 investing, 209-239 Petrochemicals, 62, 121, 148 Petroleum coke, 342 companies, 62-63, 121, 129-130 natural gas, 343-348, 360 plants, 344-348 Pharmaceutical, 137, 144 Phenol, 333, 358, 366, 375 Phosgene, 332, 371, 375 Phosphate ore, 342 Phosphoric acid, 333, 375 Phosphorus, 333, 376 oxychloride, 376 INDEX pentasulfide, 376 trichloride, 376 Phthalic anhydride, 333, 358, 376 Pipe, pipelines, 294 Piping, 29-30 Placement office, employment, 240 Planning, 190, 192 Plant life, 58 location, 38 management, 50, 61-62, 164-165, 244 modifications, expansions, 27, 38 operating costs, 44-66 operating statements, 160-163 technical service, use of economics, 4, 244 Plant cost estimates, 22-43, 309-353 components of, 27 procedure, 22 estimating charts, 34-35, 309-353 factors, 22, 26-34 inflation indexes, 13-16 Plastic products, 124 Plate and frame filter, 282 heat exchanger, 287 Platinum, 231, 233 Pneumatic conveyor, 273 Politicians, 26 Pollution abatement, 125-126 Poly butadiene, 334 Polycarbonate resins, 336 Polycrystalline silicon, 341 Polyester films, fibers, 334, 336, 371 Polyethylene, 334 Poly isoprene, 334 Polymerization, 348, 360 Polymers production, 124 Polypropylene, 334 Polystyrene, 334, 371 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 334, 358 Portable generator, 185 Portfolio, 213 Positive cash flow, 82 displacement pump, 297 Potash (potassium chloride), 126-127, 342, 376 415 Potassium hydroxide, 376 permanganate, 376 pyrophosphate, 376 sulfate, 333 Power generation, 285, 349 Preceding mode, 200-203 Precious metals, 214, 231-232 Preferred stock, 68, 159 Preliminary cost estimates, 9, 23-25 Prepayment, 178 Present worth, value, 71-72,82,94 Presentations, 252 Press release cost information, 309 Presses, 295 Pressure leaf filter, 282 vessels, 298 Pre-tax profits, 76, 181 Preventative maintenance, 53, 56 Price history, 76 of chemical stocks, 133 -to-earnings ratio (multiples), stocks, 225 Prime rate, 68 Principal, 69-75 Priorities in economic studies, 3, 5 Pro forma analysis, 95-97 Probability analysis, 99, 206 Problems, examples of economic, 6, 379-398 Process control, 57, 163-164 equipment, 8-21, 255-308 water, 50 Producers' price index, 109 Product distribution facilities, 39-40 managers, 76, 250 quality, specifications, 75-76 sales facilities, 39 sales value, 75-76, 117 Production index, 109, 117 planning, 164-165 rate, 104-105 workers, 47-51 Production department engineer's use of economics, 4, 20, 244 operating statement, 160, 162-163 Productivity, 131-132 Professional cost estimator, 9, 22-25 416 INDEX Profit, 76-79,110-115,181 center, 151 Profitability, 121, 125 analysis, 79-106 Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), 206-207 Project control cost estimate, 23-25 evaluation, 72-80, 105-106 Promissory notes, 179 Promotional path, 250 Propane, 344 deasphalting, dewaxing, 347, 360 Propeller agitator, 257 Propylene, 358, 364-365 glycol,376 oxide, 332, 371, 376 Protein, 333 Pseudo-DCF, 121, 125-126, 186-187 Public relations 45, 57, 151 Pug mill, 302 Pumps centrifugal, 296 miscellaneous, 297 Purchase order, 156 Purchased equipment cost, 8-11, 28-29 Purchasing, 33, 155-157 a house, 211-212 agents, 47, 50 Pusher-type centrifuge, 265 Pyrolysis furnace, 284 Quality control, 57 Quarterly interest compounding, 70-71 Quenchers, 274 Quick assets ration, 183-184 Quotations, manufacturers or vendors, equipment costs, 8-9 R&D. See Research and Development ROl. See Return on investment Radial fan, 281 Raiders, 129-130 Rake classifier, 267 Rank in chemical production, income, 110 in size, 112 Rapid depreciation, 59-60, 78 Rare earths, 341 Raschig rings, 270 Rate of return, 79-80, 112, 114-116, 185-186 as % of assets, 112, 114-115 as % of sales, 112, 116, 186 as % of stockholders' equity, 112, 116, 185 Rate-limiting equipment, 45 Ratio analyses, 182-187 Raw materials, 41, 45-47 cost, 46 Reactors, 258, 299 Real estate, 233-234 Receivables, 156, 158, 175, 178, 183 Recession, 214 Reciprocating compressor, 271-272 pump, 297 Reclaimed oil, 344 Recruiting, 240-241 Recycled water, 48 Refinery, 344 Reforming, 348, 360 Refrigeration, 48, 300 Refuse-to-energy, 349 Regular payments, annuity, 72 Regulatory problems, 26, 57-58 Reliability, equipment, 56 Remote locations, 41-42 Replacement equipment, 56 Reports, 251 annual, 173-188 Research and Development (R & D) (capital) costs, 40 engineers' use of economics, 4, 244 spending, 52, 61-63 Residium desulfurization, 346 supercritical extraction, 346 Resins, 336 Resume format, 241-242 Retained earnings, 176, 179-180 Retirement expense, 53 plans, 181,209 Return, 213 on equity, 185 on investment (ROI), 79-80, 185-186 on sales, 112, 116, 186 Reverse osmosis, 351-352 Ribbon blender, 260 Risk on investment, 213 INDEX on loans, 67-68 on projects, 26, 29, 33,97-98 Rod mill, 292 Roll conveyor, 273 mill, 291 press, 295 Rolled-over loans, 68 Rotary blower, 261 drum, leaf filter, 282 dryer, 277 kiln incinerator, 288 pump, 297 Rotating shifts, 49-51 Roto-Iouvre dryer, 277 Royalties, 40, 52, 57 Rubber, synthetic, 371 Rubbish shredder, 292 S & A expense. See Sales and administrative expenses S & P. See Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission SEP. See Simplified Employee Pension plan SDIC. See Savings Deposit Insurance Corporation SNG. See Synthetic natural gas Safety labor costs, 50, 53 security, 29, 32, 36, 50, 163 Salary, 51, 245 Sales and administrative expenses, 61 annual, 110-115 as % of assets, 110-111, 114-115 charges, 51, 61-62, 220 department, 4, 9, 250 engineers' use of ec~nomics, 4 journal,56 per employee, 114-115 projections, 76 related cost, 51, 67, 62 value, 75-76 Salvage value, 58 Savings Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC),211 Savings program, plan, 170, 210 417 Schedule, maintenance, 53-54 Scheduling, 190, 192, 197-199 Scope of work, 190, 192 Screen bow I centrifuge, 265 Screens, 301 Screw conveyor, 273 press, 295 Scrubber, 378 Second generation plants, 138 trust deed, 212 Secretaries, 50 Securities, 175, 178 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 174, 230 Segmentation, 142-143 Selling and administrative (S & A) costs, 61 Semiannual interest compounding, 70-71 Sensitivity analysis, 76, 99-102 Sequence, job, 196, 199-200 Service buildings, 39 Sewage treatment, 352 Shell and tube heat exchanger, 286 Shift differential, 51 schedule, 49-51 Shipping department, 50 Short term debt, 175, 179 securities, 175, 178 Short tube evaporators, 280 Sick leave pay, 53 Sieve tray, 269 Sigma blender, 260 Silicon, 341 Silver, 231-232 Simple interest, 69-70 Simplified DCF calculations, 95-96 Simplified Employee Pension plan (SEP IRA), 219 Siting, plant, 38 Sixth tenth factor, 11, 37 Size enlargement, 302 factoring exponent, 11, 255 Sizing equipment, 22 Slack time, 204-205 Sliding vane compressor, 271 pump, 297 418 INDEX Slurry pipeline, 294 Social Security, 53, 209 Soda ash (sodium carbonate), 20-21, 338, 366-367, 376 Sodium, 338, 376 bicarbonate, 338, 367, 376 chlorate, 338, 376 chloride, 376 chromate, 376 hydroxide, 376 phosphate, 376 silicate, 376 sulfate, 338, 376 thiosulphate, 377 Solid bowl centrifuge, 265 waste-to-energy, 349 Solids processing plant multiplying factor, 2829 Solvent dewaxing, 347, 360 extraction, 48, 268 Sorbitol, 337, 371, 377 Sour gas, 343 Specialty products, chemicals, 137, 143-147 Spending curvl;:, 87, 194-196 on pollution abatement, 125 R&D, 52, 61-63, 114-115, 121 Spherical tanks, 303 Spiral classifier, 267 plate heat exchanger, 287 Spray cooler, 274 dryer, 277 dust collector, 279, 378 Stacks, chimneys, 266 Staff reductions, 130, 132 Staffing, 50, 191-193 Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index (S & P), 223, 226 Standard costs, 163 Stanford Research Institute, 76 Start-up costs, 29, 41 time, 41 venture, 234-235 State subsidies, 126 Statistical evaluation, 99, 206 Steam cost, 47-48 jet ejectors, 306 turbine, 293 Steel industry 63, 118, 126, 139, 151 Stock, 212-238 options, 181 purchase plan, 235, 238 Stock Market, 214, 218, 223-224, 230 Stockholders, 173 equity, 112, 114-116, 159, 174-180 Stoichiometry, 46 Storage, product buildings, 32 expense, 50, 57 Straight line depreciation, 58-59, 82 lobe compressor, 271 Strengthened production, 142 Study cost estimates, 23-25 Styrene, 337, 359, 367, 377 -butadiene latex, 336 -methyl methacrylate-butadiene polymer, 335 Submarine pipeline, 294 Subnets, 203 Subordinate debentures, 68, 159 Sub-projects, 196-197 Subsidiary ledgers, 160 Subsidies, 126 Succeeding nodes, 200-203 Sulfonated surfactants, 337 Sulfur, 338, 359, 377 removal, 343, 347 Sulfuric acid, 46, 338, 367-368, 377 Sum of digits depreciation, 59 Sump pump, 297 Supercritical extraction, 346 Supervisory labor, 50, 52-53, 190 Supplies, 57 Sweetening, 347, 360 Swing shift pay differential, 51 Switching funds, 219 Synthetic chemicals, materials, 117, 124 fibers, 124,311,330-331,334,336,369, 371 natural gas (SNG), 324, 367 INDEX TCC cracking, 345 Table filter, 282 Tableting press, 302 Tank car quantities, 46 Tanks, 303 agitated, 258 small, stainless, 304 Task accomplishment, 193 Tasks, 196-197 Tax credits, 78-79 exempt bonds, 228, 231 law effects, 78, 213 loss canyover, 77 rates, 78 shelters, 235 Taxable gain, 178 income, 157 Taxes deferred, 59 federal, 76-79 foreign, 77-78 local, 52, 59 Team organization, 192-193 Technical improvements, 138-139, 142 innovations, 121, 138-139, 141, 150-151 sales, 4, 9, 50, 244, 250 service, 4, 62, 244 Telephone expense, 61 Ten (lO)K or Q report, 187 Terephtalic acid, 339, 371, 377 Tetraethyllead, 339, 371, 375 Thermal cracking, 345, 360 Thermoplastic rubber, 336 Thickener, 305 Thiourea dioxide, 339 Tie-ins, plant, 38 Tilting pan filter, 282 Time control methods, 197-207 overruns on construction projects, 26 reduction, CPM, 205 to make cost estimates, 9, 10 value of money, 67, 81 zero, 87-88, 90 Titanium dioxide, 339, 377 sponge, 341 419 Toluene, 315, 377 diisocyanate, 339, 371, 377 Top management, 141, 149, 151 Total capital requirement, 29, 38, 79, 87-90 plant cost, 29, 34, 80 Totally enclosed, fan cooled (TEFC) motors, 293 Toxic waste incinerator, 288 Toxics,38 Trade balance, 118, 120 magazines, 89 Training, maintenance, 56-57 Transportation expense, 45, 57 Travel expense, 45 Treasury bills, bonds, 215-216, 219, 228229, 231 Trial and error calculation, DCF, 82, 90 Trichloroethylene, 377 Tricresyl phosphate, 377 Triple effect forced circulation crystallizer, evaporator, 276, 280 Trough tray, 269 Tube-axial fan, 281 Turbine agitator, 257 drive, 293 generator, 285 pump, 297 Turbo blower, 261 grid tray, 269 Turnaround periods, maintenance, 44-45, 200 Turnover ratio, 35-37 Twin shell blender, 260 UNICA. See Uniform capitalization U-tube heat exchanger, 286 Unemployment, chemical engineers, 246 Uniform capitalization (UNICA), 167 one-year period discount factors, 88-89 Union Carbide, 150 Unions, 51, 151 Unit labor cost, 164 Uranium hexafluoride, 340 oxide, 340 Urea, 340, 359, 368, 377 420 INDEX Utilities, operating cost, 45, 47-48, 52, 127128 Utility equipment, 29, 32-33, 39 stocks, 219, 227, 229 Vacation pay, 53 Vacuum distillation, 348 equipment, 306 filter, 282 pump, 306 Value of the dollar, 216 Value-added products, 143-147 Valve trays, 269 Vapor recompression evaporator, crystallizer, 20-21, 276, 280 Variable costs, 44-45, 160-163 equipment sizing, 11-12 speed motor, 293 Variance analysis, 169-170 Vendor's cost quotation, 8-9 Ventures, new, 121, 138-139, 151,234-235 Venturi scrubber dust collector, 279 Vertical tube evaporators, 351 Very preliminary cost estimates, 23-24 Vibrating conveyor, 273 screen, 301 Vinyl acetate, 340, 359, 377 chloride, 137, 142,340,359,377 Virgin sulfuric acid, 46, 338, 368-368, 377 Visbreaking, 345, 360 Wage rate, operator, 51 Warehouse, 264 Waste heat boiler, 263 water treatment, 352, 361 Water cooled duct, 278 drinking, 350 process, other 33,47-48 treating, 350 Wax plant, 344 Welfare programs, 53 White knight, 130 Wildcat oil, gas wells, 151, 234 Work force leveling, 200, 205-206 Workers' average earnings, 51, 109 health and safety rules, 26 Working capital, 29, 40-41 Workman's compensation insurance, 53 Work-week, 49-51 World trade, 120, 147-149 Write-down, 178 Xylene-o, 315, 340, 371, 377 Xylene-p, 315, 340, 358, 377 Yard improvements, 29, 32 Yearly interest compounding, 69-70 Yield of funds, 228-229 stocks, 225 Zero time, 87-88, 90 Zinc, 341 Zinc oxide, 377