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Operating Systems Lab: Unix, Fork, Shell Scripting

School of Computer Science and Engineering
Winter Semester 2023-24
Course Code
Class Number
: CBS1006-Principles of Operating Systems
: VL2023240506381
Slot: L27+L28
Aim, Sample input, Output and results must be recorded (handwritten).
Coding and Output screenshot(With Reg No) must be included.(softcopy)
Prepare a document as instructed and upload (Final Version) in VTOP student's
log in on-time.
1. Verify and validate the set of unix commands that covers the system information, files,
directories, process, text processing and scripting. (Minimum 25 Commands)
2. Implement a thread using fork and other system calls to
• Display the parent and child process and their ID
• Show the Zomibe Process
• Print the Orphan Process
3. Structure a Shell script (I/O, decision making, looping) for the following,
Reversing the given number.
Perform the basic arithmetic operations using multi conditional statements.
Print the multiplication table using FOR or WHILE loop.