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BUSINESS POLICY – 16204 Schedule Summary Spring 2024 4.10pm - 5.25pm

Section: 16204 Monday, Wednesday,
4:10pm-5:25pm; In-Person Class.
PARTICIPATION (Individual) 10%
CASE ANALYSES (Individual) 20%
QUIZZES (Individual) 30%
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024
1. CLASS PARTICIPATION (10%) Individual
Class participation is based on being prepared for class and provides a voluntary
meaningful engagement to the learning experience. There will be pop questions in
our class discussion you should be prepared to respond. The professor may present
current news for discussion. If this is a virtual class, please ensure your cameras and
audios functions are working on your chosen device. Also, check the strength of
your bandwidth especially if you have a wireless connection. Participation grades
will be applied at the end of our class.
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024
WRITTEN Case Analysis - 10% X 2
Please select only (2) CASES prior to Class Discussion and submit for grading
according to the syllabus assignment detail. (Example. On Class Discussion 1,
students have the choice to submit (1) case analysis “Emirates Airlines” or submit
case analysis “General Motors” prior to Class Discussion 2.
02/22/2024 (Emirates Airline) – Class Discussion-1
03/12/2024 (General Motors) – Class Discussion-2
03/21/2024 (McDonald’s) – Class Discussion-3
04/11/2024 (Heineken) – Class Discussion-4
05/02/2024 (Johnson & Johnson) – Class Discussion-5
Prior to Class Discussions submit a Written Case Analyses via Blackboard. Review
syllabus for assignment details. Case assignment should be submitted through
Blackboard not before prior case. Example. If you would like to submit General
Motors wait until the Emirates case discussion is complete.
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024
3. CLASS QUIZZES (30%) Individual
All Quizzes are mixed with multiple choice questions and open-ended responses.
Quizzes are hosted in blackboard and will be proctored in class.
Quiz-1 (10%)
03/14/2024. Class Quiz-1 represents 10% of your class grade and will be composed
of (9) Multiple Choice Questions (1) Open Question based on the class textbook
DMEL Chapters 1, 2, and 3; Emirates Airline Case. Quiz administered in class.
Quiz-2 (10%)
04/04/2024. Class Quiz-2 represents 10% of your class grade and will be composed
of (9) Multiple Choice Questions (1) Open Question based on the class textbook
DMEL Chapters 5, 6 and 7; McDonalds Case. Quiz administered in class.
Quiz-3 (10%)
05/09/2024. Class Quiz-3 represents 10% of your class grade and will be composed
of (9) Multiple Choice Questions (1) Open Question based on the class textbook
DMEL Chapters 9, 10 and 11; Johnson & Johnson Case. Quiz administered in class.
The quizzes will be open in backboard during class time. Once the quiz begins the
time clock will be set for 30 minutes. Although the quizzes are online academic
integrity is required while taking the quiz is proctored. This means to avoid
plagiarism that is an act of presenting another person's ideas as your own. We at
Baruch College expect that all students will be practicing the Academic Honesty
School Policy.
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024
Research Guides for BPL5100. https://guides.newman.baruch.cuny.edu/industry
Company Selection
Company Selection: Publicly Traded Company. Team selection of a
company from a list of companies provided for the team project
will be posted to BB on or around September 6, 2023
Company Progress Report-1 (2%)
Write a 1-2 paragraph to describe the background of the company, such
as company’s leadership, size, mission, products, and locations.
Company Progress Report-2 (2%)
Fill out the external environment progress report to identify factors
that affect your company success and or industry.
Company Progress Report-3 (2%)
Fill out the internal environment progress report to identify factors
that affect your company success and or industry.
Company Progress Report-4 (2%)
Fill out the strategy progress report to identify factors
that affect your company success and or industry.
Company Progress Report-5 (2%)
Submit an outline of your final Company Analytical Report
Company Final Oral Presentation (15%)
Oral Presentation: The company final analytical report to be presented, as external
consultants to a board of directors or the C-level suite of the company. You should
05/14/2024 imagine that you have been tasked with reviewing the current corporate strategies
05/16/2024 and performance of the organization and identifying a problem or will likely be
05/23/2024 confronted in the near future.
Company Final Analytical Report (15%)
05/25/2024 Final report is a comprehensive written document that presents introduces
the company, conduct evaluation and assessment using applied principles.
Also, identifying a problem and providing a solution that can increase the
organizational strategy and profitability. More details review syllabus
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024
Professor Richards, BPL5100, Spring 2024