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Arthropod Traits & Crustacea Worksheet: Crayfish Anatomy

Unit 4C: Phylum Arthropoda
Day 1- General Arthropod Traits & Subphylum Crustacea
What traits do all
Arthropods Share?
Name ____________________
1. Arthropod means “jointed foot”
2. Paired jointed appendages
3. Segmented bodies
4. ____________________________________- body regions have specific
a. Head- sensory/feeding (antennae, eyes, mouthparts)
b. Thorax- locomotion (walking legs, wings)
c. Abdomen- visceral organs
5. Exoskeleton
a. Support & protection
b. Prevents ______________________________
c. Two layers:
____________________- lipoprotein on outside; resists water loss
____________________- chitin on inside; tough, leathery protein
6. Grow by shedding exoskeleton- ___________________ (molting)
7. ______________________ nervous system
8. ______________________ circulatory system
9. Complete digestive system with mouth and anus
What are some examples
of crustaceans?
We will focus our studies on crayfish.
1. _____________________________- fused head and chest region. Covered by
Body Regions
hard carapace. Pointy protrusion at anterior end is called a rostrum.
2. _____________________________- has some swimming appendages and
visceral organs. In some becomes muscular tail.
1st _____________________________________________- long; sense, feed, taste
2nd ____________________________________________- short; sense, feed, taste
3rd ____________________________________________- chewing & grinding
4th-6th _________________________________- small, hair-like; food handling &
7th-8th ______________________________________- larger than maxillae; food handling
Paired Appendages
9th ______________________________- “claws”; food capture and defense
10th-13th ___________________________- walking legs for movement
 ____________________________- hair-like swimmerets may help with
swimming; First 2 pairs at junction of thorax & abdomen are used to determine
gender & for sexual reproduction
 ____________________________- tail-like structure at end of abdomen where
anus is located.
 ____________________________- 2 flipper-like structures on either side of
telson; aid in steering & swimming
1. Scavengers & predators- eat other invertebrates, some plants
2. ___________________________________- enlarged part of stomach in
cephalothorax; contains tooth-like structures (gastric teeth) for grinding food.
3. ___________________________________- large yellow gland in cephalothorax
that secretes digestive enzymes into stomach
4. ___________________________________- embedded in muscular abdomen/tail
5. ________________________
1. _________________ circulatory system
2. Have _________________ with short blood vessels
1. _____________________- feathery structures on either side of cephalothorax
directly under carapace
2. ______________________- push water over gills while resting.
3. ______________________- push water over gills while moving.
1. ________________________- kidney-like organs located behind antennae.
2. ________________________- ammonia liquid waste released through this pore
in front of head.
1. ______________________________- fused trilobed brain in head.
2. ______________________________- runs along belly with small ganglia masses.
3. ______________________________- attached to movable stalks; may see fuzzy
4. ________________________- hair-like structures on mouth & antennae; can
detect food & pheromones.
1. __________________________
2. Mating occurs after females molt in fall.
3. Male inseminates female using 2 stiff anterior pleopods.
4. In the spring, as the female passes eggs out of her body, they become fertilized.
5. Eggs attach to the hair-like pleopods on abdomen where they stay until hatching.
1. Part of the ______________________________________
2. Control animal populations
3. Major source of _____________ for many regions of the world’s human
4. ________________________________ (rolly polly)