1-kurs akademik litsey va kollejlar uchun umum ta‘lim darslik 250 soatning 100 soatiga mo‘ljallangan birinchi o‘quv-uslubiy qollanma majmuasiga ANNOTATSIYA Mazkur o‘quv uslubiy qo‘llanma majmuasi (keying o’rinlarda majmua) o‘z ichiga barcha akademik litsey va kasb-hunar ta’limining turli yo‘nalishlaridagi B1, B1+ darajaning birinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun mo‘ljallangan o‘quv-uslubiy qo’llanma majmuasi(keygi majmua) hisoblanadi. O’zR Prezidentining 2012 yil 10 dekabr PQ-1875 sonli qarori va O’R VMning 2013 yil 8 may 124 - sonli qarorida tasdiqlangan “Uzluksiz ta’limda chet tillarni o‘rganishning Davlat ta’lim standartlari”, O‘MKHT tizimi B1, B1+ darajalari chet tillari uchun yaratilgan o‘quv dasturi asosidagi ilk o‘quv–uslubiy majmuadir. Aynan shu qarorga asoslanib, O’MKHT tizimidagi barcha o‘quvchilar haqiqiy ma’nodagi chet tilida erkin muloqot qila oladigan, barkamol yosh mutaxassis sifatida kamol topadi. Chunki bu jarayonda u nafaqat til o‘rganadi, balki u o‘z bilimi va kasbi borasidagi bilimlarini chet tilida mukammallashtirib boradi. Natijada chet tilida u o‘z mutaxassisiligi haqida gapira oladi, globallashgan hozirgi zamonda shu mutaxassislik borasida ish olib borayotgan hamkasblari bilan xat yozisha oladi, o‘z bilimini oshirib borish uchun kerakli turli manbalardan chet tilida mustaqil, qadr-qimmatini, o‘zligini anglagan, har tomonlama to‘g‘ri kamol topayotgan inson sifatida foydalana oladi. Bu esa hozirgi sanoat, iqtisod, ta’lim, fan va ilmning globallashuv davriga yoshlarimiz to‘g‘ri tayyorlanayotganlaridan dalolat beradi. Ushbu majmua CEFR tizimida B1, B1+ darajalari ingliz tiliga mo‘ljallangan va o‘z ichiga “O‘quvchilar kitobi (Student’s Book)”, “O‘quvchilarning ishchi kitobi (Work Book), “O‘qituvchilar uchun qo‘llanma (Teacher’s Book)”, eshitish uchun audio material va o‘qituvchilar qo‘llanmasiga qo‘shimcha namunaviy dars jarayonlari yoritilgan video disklardan iborat. Bundan tashqari, har bir dars o‘qituvchi va o‘quvchi tomonidan eshitish ko‘nikmasi, malakasi (keyingi o‘rinlarda ko‘nikma) qobiliyatini rivojlantirishdan, ya’ni, xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishning eng asosiy tamoyillariga asoslangan holda - eshitishdan oldingi, eshitish vaqti va eshitishdan keyingi maxsus mashqlar asosida boshlangan. Xuddi shunday tarzda gapirish, o’qish va yozish mashqlari shakllantirilgan. Bunday ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish uchun darsdan darsga oddiylikdan mukammallikga intilish mexanizmiga amal qilingan. O‘qituvchi dars jarayonida yangi - “darsni kommunikativ holda tashkil etish va o‘quvchi dars markazida” metodik yondashuviga amal qilishi shart. O‘quvchini joriy baholash tizimi, asosan o‘quvchining ishchi kitobidagi ishi va ijodiy taqdimotlari asosida baholanadi. Oraliq va yakuniy baholash xalqaro standart talablariga mos o‘tkazilishi talab qilinadi, shunda DTS tomonidan O‘MKHT tizimi bitiruvchisiga qo‘yilgan talab - kamida B1 daraja (IELTS-5)ga erishiladi. Tilga yo‘naltirilgan akademik litseylarda B1+ (IELTS 5.5-6) darajasini har bir darsni mukammalroq o‘tkazilishi hisiobiga erishiladi. Xuddi shunday, O‘MKHT tizimiga kelgan o‘quvchilarning ko‘nikmalari har xilligi, maktab bosqichida turli boshqa xorijiy tillarni o‘rganganligi va 3 yil 250 soat ichida qanday qilib, ta’lim tizimidan B1 yoki B1+ darajasi bilan o‘qishni tugatish mumkinligi mexanizmi ushbu majmuada ko‘rsatilgan. Ushbu majmua oldingi qo‘llanmalardan ustunligi, unda o‘quvchilarning haqiqiy hayoti, yoshini va CEFRning eng asosiy mag‘zi “O‘quvchi har bir darsdan keyin nima qila olishni o‘rgandi (Can do)? - degan savolga javob bera olishi hisobga olingan. Kelajakda, ushbu majmua yordamida har bir sohada haqiqiy mutaxassislikga yo‘naltirilgan darsliklar majmuasi yaratilishiga mualliflar ishonch bildirishadi. Chunki, ushbu majmuadagi har bir darsda o‘quvchilar va o‘qituvchilarning birgalikda o‘z mutaxassisliklari doirasida kengroq bilim va tajribalarga erishib borilishi nazarda tutilgan. Ushbu majmuani sizning qo’lingizga yetkazish va undan foydalanish imkoniyati tug’ilishiga mualliflarga yo’l ochib bergan hurmatli Prezidentimizning 1875-sonli qarorini amalga oshirilish jarayonida O‘MKHT tizimi uchun DTS, O‘quv dasturi va nihoyat, ushbu majmua yaratilishida har doim o‘z maslahati bilan hamnafaslikda ishlagan Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi vaziri B.Yu. Khodievga, avval O‘MKHT markazi direktori, hozirda O‘RPrezidenti maslahatchisi J.G. Ismoilovga, O‘MKHT Markazi direktori U.Z. Salimovga, avval Oliy Ta’lim vazirining o‘rinbosari, hozirda O‘ZDJTU rektori Sh.Sh. Kayumovga, O‘MKHT ishchi guruhi a’zolari R.Rustamov, N.Chinniqulov, G,Fyodorova, A.Avliyoqulovlarga va O‘zDJTU, O’zMU, TDPU, SamChTI, TXVU bir guruh o‘qituvchilari va UzTEA a‘zolarining xolisona taqrizlariga mualliflar guruhi o‘z minnatdorchiliklarini bildiradilar. Majmua ba’zi kamchiliklardan holi bo‘lmasligi tabiiy. Chunki ushbu darslik majmua qisqa vaqtda respublikada xalqaro darajada yaratilayotgan ilk chet tili o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanmasidir. Shuning uchun ushbu majmua borasidagi savollar, fikr va mulohazalarni FL@markaz.uz adresiga yuborsangiz, savollaringizga javob olishga va keyingi bosqichdagi o‘quv-uslubiy majmualarni yaratilishida amaliy yordam sifatida xizmat qilishiga ishonch bildiramiz. Hurmat ila mualliflar guruhi. Content Unit 1. What’s your speciality. 2. Time management. 3. Independent learning. 4. Filling in forms. Lesson Vocabulary Listening 1. Introduction to the speciality. P. Job and work vocabulary p. “My future profession” 4 pupils tell about their dream jobs. p. 2. Job interview. P. Job interview vocabulary p. Dialogue. Two friends’ talk about job interview. p. 3. Job etiquette. P. Workplace etiquette vocabulary. p. Dialogue. Mother and daughter’s conversation about job etiquette. p. 1. When? How? Where? P. . Time management vocabulary. p. Dialogue. Two friends’ talk about time management. p. 2. Ten timesaving suggestions. P. Time collocations. p. Interview. A man and a woman talk about a busy working day. p. 3. Priority organiser. P. Most important people, events or things. p. Song: “To everything there is a season” by “The Byrds” p. 1. Benefits, challenges and risks of independent learning. P. Educational vocabulary and definitions. p. Nargiza Azizova shares her secrets in achieving success. p. 2. Types of learning. P. Educational vocabulary and definitions. p. An English teacher tells about types of learning. 3. Basics of e-learning. IT vocabulary Dialogue: Two friends talks about IT skills. 1. Formal and informal texts. Abbreviations. Formal and informal conversations. 2. When and Formal writing words. Interview: Nodira tells about herself. Making a noun form using participles. A list of tips for filling an application form. how to fill in forms. 3. Filling in application forms. 2 Grammar Reading Speaking Writing To be going to p. “Jobs for teenagers.” p. “What do you want to be? Why?”, “What do you think about part time jobs” p. “3 the most popular and least popular jobs among teenagers for each.” p. Should. p. “Job interview rules.” p. Role play. Interview each other. p. Writing about interview. p. Have to. p. “Workplace Etiquette.” p. Discussion. Role play. p. “Job etiquette rules for your future job”. p. Preposition of time: at, on, in. p. “Try Easy Time Management Tips.” p. • Discussion benefits of the time management . • Discussion time management tips. p. “How would you follow time management in your future profession?” p. Will. p. “How to save time?!” • Talking about an own schedule. • Discussion how to save time. Making a list of own time saving tips. Should. Story. • Giving feedback to the story. Writing about most important things in a future profession (duties, dress codes, relationships, behaviours….) Adverbs – always, sometimes, usually never, rarely hardly and seldom. “Improve your study habits.” • Talking about advantages and disadvantages of traditional education. • Discussion of independent learning. “Four suggestions for managing your study time successfully.” Relative Clauses. “What’s your learning style?” • Discussion: Types of learners. “What is my learning style?”. There is /There are. Text about IT skills. • Discussion: advantages and disadvantages of working online. • Talking about apps. “Advantages of the most popular apps.” Linking words. Formal and informal letters. • Discussion: Why and when do we need to write letters? Writing a text message to a friend (in texting language). Prepositions. Text: Madina’s personal information. • Giving questions and answering. Writing CV. -ed, -ing adjectives. Text: “Apply for a job”. The most important tips of filling in an application form. Creating own application form, and giving it to a partner to fill in. 3 Content Unit 5. Study skills 6. Teambuilding 7. Portfolio 8. Identifying your skills Lesson Vocabulary Listening 1. Nine views of intelligence. Job and work vocabulary. p. “My future profession” 4 pupils tell about their dream jobs. p. 2. Six conditions of learning. Language learning. Dialogue. Two friends talks about their study. 3. What type of learner are you? Learners’ study methods. Students talk about their way of learning. 1. Study with others. Ways of learning. Song “Together”. 2. Doing group work. Group work vocabulary. Interview: Ulugbek Jalilov tells championship. 3. Being an effective group member. Group making vocabulary. Useful suggestions of working in groups. 1. Effective diary keeping. Phrases with definitions. Nigina’s holiday plans. 2. Portfolio requirements. Portfolio development. What is the purpose of portfolio? 3. Checking and updating the portfolio. Word map. People talking about a portfolio. 1. Monitoring skills development. Developing skills. People talking about their skills in jobs. 2. Skills and qualities you have now. Skills and abilities. Conversation between to pupils about skills. 3. Personal profilies. Details we need to fill in a personal profile. Mansur’s application form. 4 Grammar Reading Speaking Writing Present Simple Tense. Test. Talking about each type of intelligence. Writing a information about a close friend’s intelligence. To be expressions. Text: How did I learn English? Discussion: the things you did to learn English. “How I leart English?”. Gerund. Text: Learning styles. Group work: making posters about three learning types. Learning styles that are important for your future job. Every/all. Text: Organising a Study group. • Comprehensive questions. Making the table about advantages and disadvantages of working in a group. Present Perfect tense. Text: The Davis Cup. • Discussion: team and group work. Tips of making a good team Orders and instructions Text: How to be an effective tem leader? • Discussion: Matching the paragraphs with titles Favourite team and team learders. Present Continuous Tense. Text: Online diary (blogs). • Discussion: who writes and what is written in online blogs. Group project: designing a diary. Countable and uncountable nouns. Two students’ experiences from their reflective journals. • Discussion: what are the similarities in student’s experiences. 5 things that you can write in your reflective journal. Infinitive Gerund. A good experience on keeping a portfolio. • Giving feedback from one’s own portfolio . Filling and matching the words. Need. Ways to develop skills. • Discussion about types of skills. Writing a plan to develop skills for a job. Prefexes. All about Sardor. Discussion about the text. strongest personal skills and qualities. Adverbs of modifying. Samples from people’s personal profiles. Discussion; most important questions about personal profile. Making notes and organising ideas. 5 Content Unit 9. Report and case studies 10. Skills for success 11. Resume. Portfolio 12. Preparation for final exam Lesson Vocabulary Listening 1. Identifying and selecting relevant information. Case studies vocabulary and definition. Conversation between Kamila and Dilshod. 2. Reporting and notes. Completing the table. Interview for a magazine survey. 3. Case study. Case study vocabulary and definitions. Three teenagers talking about their problems. 1. Emphases on action. Antonyms with extracurriculum activities. Different pupils talking about their extra class. 2. Problem solving. Filling the gaps and matching with pictures. How rubbish affects to our life. 3. Achieving desire outcome. Making a map of success. Some facts about Bill Gates. 1. What is expected from you? Filling the gaps and matching with pictures. Conversation between a school leaver and 1st year student. 2. Self- evaluation. Finding synonyms. Durdona and Nodir’s problem in university life. 3. Developing in portfolio. Sorting out the words into the part of speech. Dialogue:Two friends’ talk about portfolio. p. 1. Evaluating achievement. Evaluative achievement vocabulary. Pupil talks about own view of life. 2. Planning for Azamat talks about his dreams. future. Evaluative achievement vocabulary. 3. Personal development. Personal development vocabulary. Job as human resources coordinator. 6 Grammar Reading Speaking Writing Past simple tense. Informal job search networking. Role play: Creating an advertisement on finding a job. Finding job adverbs from sources. Reported questions. Notes and messages. Discussion about why people write notes and massages. Leaving a message to a friend. wish. Problem solution. Discussion: what would you do…..? “Job etiquette rules for your future job”. p. Much/many. Text: Ann;s story. Creating a problem situation and its solution. Making a list of activities that you do after classes. Possessive noun. Choosing a title. Work in pairs: find some solution to avoid the traffic jam in a city. Completing the table. Types of questions. Text: what makes people successful? Discussion: how money is important to you? Completing the table describing the partner’s goals. Must/ mustn’t, have to / don’t have to. Text: Knowledge and wealth. Discussion: why knowledge is better than wealth? Making a list of advantages and disadvantages of being wealthy. Adjectives and prepositions. Article: Guesses about your life. Discussion: what changes happened in your character and what did you achieve as a learner? Why you gave more and less importance to achieve in the questionnaire. Will and be going to. Text about achieving a goal and developing portfolio. Work in pairs: what do you think about developing portfolio? Why do you need it? The most important things in developing potrfolio. Adjectives. Text: Are you an effective learner? • Discuss in group: what do you need to learn something and how? Which steps have you reached today? Difficulties and problems in studying. Adverbs. Some elements of your life. Comparing partner’s answer: what are the disadvantages of making plan for your future in advance? Doing the multiple choice. wish. Finding a suitable title to the text. Discussion: what kind of achievement have you gain in the last year? Making a questions according to the text. 7 Unit 1. What is your spec Unit 1. What is your speciality? Lesson 1. Introduction to the speciality Starter: Work in pairs. Match pictures a-c with 1-5. 1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e 1. What do they have in common? Sort out the words into the following parts of speech. vocabulary speciality bring up eager noble proper science must take care recover patient catch a cold have a fever important make a choice legal noun adjective verb phrasal verb adverb ciality? T.1. 2. Listen and match the names with the jobs. Find someone who wants to be … 1 2 3 4 a doctor a teacher an interpreter a lawyer Kamila Temur Dilnoza Sevara 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. educated, surgeon, make a right choice, legal, takes care, language, bring up, education Kamilla To teach and to _________ _________ children is the most important and noble thing I’m eager to get the proper __________ . Dilnoza My grandfather works as a __________ at hospital. After each operation he __________ __________ of patients until they are recovered. Temur It is very important for everybody to__________ __________ __________ __________ of profession. A lawyer gives you pieces of advice on__________ problems or gives reasons for defending people in court. Sevara Today English is the __________ of the world. English is a must for every __________ person. 4. Listen again and check your answers. 5. Discuss with your partner: What do you want to be? Why? 9 Unit 1. What is your spec USe to be going to 1. a) Fill in the. 1. 2. 3. 4. • To talk about a planned future action: I’m going to see my parents on Saturday. • To talk about something in the future which we can see as a result of something happening now: Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. It’s 8.30! You’re going to miss the Kamilla is going to be __________. Dilnoza is going to be___________. Temur __________ a lawyer. Sevara __________ an interpreter. b) make up sentence. 5. Kamila / to get the proper education. 6. Dilnoza/ to take care of patients. 7. Temur/ to give advice. 8. Sevara/ to help people. train! 2. Look at Temur’s diary. Write what he is going to do this week. e.g. Temur is going to visit a museum on Monday. 3. Make your own diary for a week. 4. Ask your partner to tell about your plans for the week. Ancient professions still in existence: doctor priest jeweller weapons dealer artist tailor architect and builder accountants and bankers authors musicians part-time jobs for teenagers: babysitting barista retail clerk pet-grooming food service tutoring sports instructor movie, theatre 10 ciality? 1. Look at the photos. Answer the questions. a. What are these people doing? b. Are they enjoying their work? How do you know? c. Which jobs are popular in Uzbekistan for people of your age? 2. Read the text. Jobs for teenagers About half of 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs. In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later. They must have at least two weeks’ holiday from school each year when they don’t work at all. Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 and 17-year-olds, it is £ 3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour. 3. Match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the meanings below. 1. looking after children while the parents are out. 2. get (money) for working. 3. jobs that you do for a few hours a week. 4. the smallest amount of money you can get for working by law. 5. can’t 6. delivering newspapers to people’s homes. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 4. Read the text. Decide if the sentenses are true or false. Why? 1. Babysitters work after 7 p.m. 2. Part –time jobs are popular with teenagers. 3. Minimum wage for 16-year-olds is £ 5.52. 4. Teenagers don’t do part-time jobs after school. 5. 15 hours in total can young people work during a school week. 6. There is no minimum wage for teenagers under 16. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 5. Work in pairs. What do you think about part-time jobs? Use the following phrases to say if you agree or disagree. I agree (with you) / I don’t agree (with you), that’s a good point, that’s true, I don’t think that’s true. 6. Write 3 the most popular and least popular jobs among teenagers for each. 11 Unit 1. What is your spec Lesson 2. Job interview Starter: Look at the picture and guess the situation: Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about? match sentences a-h with pictures 1-8 to describe each step of the interview process. a. Call the employer. b. Ask your friends to check your CV (Curriculum Vitae). c. Go for an interview. d. Visit the employer to fill in your application. e. Wait for few days. f. Write a CV. g. Send your application, CV. h. Follow up the application and confirm it was received. 1._________________ 2._______________ 3._____________ 4.____________ 5._________________ 6._______________ 7._____________ 8.____________ 1. Match the words with their definitions: a. taking work seriously and doing it well b. a person who asks the questions during an interview c. a summary of education and employment experience d. a person who works for a company or another person e. having a neat and tidy appearance f. a person who answers the questions during the interview g. a written form of asking for a job h. a person or company which pays for a person to work i. money which an employer pays an employee every month j. knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity k. having a duty to see that something is done 1. CV (n) 2. application (n) 3. smart (adj) 4. employer (n) 5. employee (n) 6. interviewer (n) 7. responsible (adj) 8. hardworking (adj) 9. interviewee (n) 10. experience (n) 11. salary (n) 12 ciality? T.2. 2. Listen and choose the correct answer. 1. Zafar wants to be a …………… a. pilot b. driver c. shop assistant d. doctor c. satisfied with d. surprised at 4. mansur doesn’t think that Zafar will get the job because …………… a. he didn’t know anything about job interviews. b. the salary wasn’t good. c. Zafar didn’t fill in the application form. d. Zafar didn’t want it. 2. Zafar puts on a …….. . a. black T-shirt and white shorts b. black T-shirt and black shorts c. white shirt and black trousers d. suit 5. Zafar and mansur are …………….. . a. an employer and an employee. b. father and son c. friends d. neighbours 3. mansur was ………. ……. Zafar’s answers. a. excited at b. angry at 3. Each sentence is wrong. Rewrite them correctly. 7. Zafar wore his suit. _________________________________ 1. Zafar went shopping. Zafar went for a job interview. 2. Mansur went for the job interview too. _________________________________ 8. I think the employer wants to hire Zafar as a shop assistant. _________________________________ 3. Zafar had read the job advertisement in a newspaper. _________________________________ 4. Mansur wants to be a shop assistant. _________________________________ 5. Zafar had a lot of work experience. _________________________________ 6. Zafar asked for morning work hours. _________________________________ 4. Role play. Interview each other in pairs. 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What are you good at? 4. What is your major weakness? 5. What are your future plans? 5. Write about your interviewee. For example: I interviewed Laziza. She is 21 years old and lives in Tashkent. She is responsible and hard-working. She said she always studies hard and does her homework. She is good at computers and knows how to use Microsoft Excel. Her weakness: she is very talkative. In the future she wants to study for Master’s degree. She plans to start her own business selling clothes. 13 Unit 1. What is your spec Use: 1. Give advice using should or shouldn’t and the following mixed up words. • To give advice: Should You should come to the interview in good time. You should/shouldn’t ... • Asking for advice: Should I wear my black suit? 1. the interviewer / call /earlier. e.g. You should call the interviewer earlier. Negative form. You should not come to the interview in shorts. (You shouldn’t come to the interview in shorts.) 2. hardworking/ be /responsible. 3. during /the questions/ the interview/fully/ answer. 4. be/the interview/late. 5. clothes/wear/casual. 2. Tomorrow your friend is going to a job interview. Read your friend’s statements and give him your advice a. People are always leaving this company, so I’ll say they need somebody. You should not say that. You should say it’s a good company to work for. b. I don’t have any practice. But I’m a fast learner. I’ll learn in a month or so. _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ c. I’ll say that I can’t wake up early. So I can’t be on time, I will be late if they give me a morning time.______________________________________________________________________ d. I’ll say that I think a shop assistant is a really easy job and the salary is also good. __________________________________________________________________________ e. I’m going to put on my best T-shirt and shorts; I look nice in my trainers. __________________________________________________________________________ f. I’m not going to fill in an application form. __________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 seconds can make or break an interview. Make a good impression by dressing professionally and giving a firm handshake. Look straight at the interviewer‛s eyes, and smile! 14 ciality? 1. Look at the pictures and choose the most important things for a job interview. a. b. f. g. c. d. h. e. i. j. 2. Read the text. Choose the best heading for the text. • Job interview questions. • Job interview tips for teens. • Job interview examples. _____________________________________ You should follow these rules: Bring the followings with you to the interview: • Job application. (Maybe you should send it in advance) • Work document (In some countries, you need work document if you are under 16 or 18) • Reference letter (Neighbours and teachers can write a character reference for teens.) • CV • Note paper and a pen. be polite. You should show your good manners while interviewing. Shake your interviewer’s hand if he/ she offers. Don’t sit until you are invited to. Do not use slang or swear. Be polite and positive. know Your Schedule. You should know what days and hours you can work. The employer will ask about it. The more time you are available, the easier it is for the employer to set a work schedule. be on Time. You should arrive at the interview a few minutes early. If you are not sure where to go, get directions ahead of time. go on Your Own. If your parents take you to the interview, don’t take them into the interview room with you. Go by yourself. You should speak for yourself and connect with the interviewer, without others’ assistance. Send a Thank You Note. You should take a few minutes to thank the person who interviewed you. If you have an e-mail address, send an e-mail a thank you note; otherwise send a paper note thanking the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. dress code. You should choose suitable clothes for the position you are interviewing for. If you’re not sure what to wear ask an adult family member or your teacher. 3. Role play. You are going for a job interview. Choose a partner to work with. Use sample questions: Interviewer • What is your work experience? • What did you study at school? • What languages can you speak? • What salary do you expect? Interviewee • What are the working hours? • Is there a chance for promotion? • When will I find out the result? 15 Unit 1. What is your spec Lesson 3. Job etiquette. Starter: What do these signs mean? 1. _______________________________ 2._______________________________ 3._______________________________ 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. 4._______________________________ 5._______________________________ 6._______________________________ 1. Work in pairs. give your ideas using a cluster below: Examples: Don’t take others’ things without asking. Don’t ask about co-worker’s salary. Respect your colleague’s ideas, …. 16 6. ciality? T.3. 1. Zilola has just started her job as a receptionist at the grand Orzu hotel. She is very excited about her new job. She is asking advice from her mother who works at an agency. Listen to the dialogue and compare your ideas about work etiquette with the dialogue. 2. Write the top 5 important rules of workplace etiquette according to the conversation. Example: Make sure your clothes are neat and tidy. 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. If your work begins at 9.00 a.m. it is OK to come to work any time between 8.45 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. false 2. Jeans and T-shirs are examples of “business casual” clothing. 3. You have to use “Thank you” and “Please”. 4. It is not rude to ask other colleagues how much salary they get. 5. You should always respect your boss and other superiors. 6. If your boss or co-worker criticizes, you have to listen to the comments with an open mind. 4. Complete the table. Discuss the situations with your friends. behaviour I agree I’m always late. It’s not such a big problem. My work is informal: it’s OK to chew a gum. I don’t get angry when somebody points out my mistake. I take a couple of paper towels from the office supply closet, rather than stop to buy them from the shop on the way home. Babysitting is an easy job, so I can make personal phone calls while I’m working. 17 I disagree Unit 1. What is your spec Use: 1. Complete the following sentences with have to/has to or don’t/doesn’t have to: HAVE TO • positive: have to is almost the same as must. It implies that you don’t have a choice. Examples: John has to go to work everyday. I have to do my homework. (If I don’t, I will be in trouble.) • Negative: don’t have to means that there isn’t any obligation at all, there is no need to do it. don’t have to is different from shouldn’t and mustn’t. Example: e.g. You have to come to work on time, even 10 minutes early. a) Zilola has just started her job as a receptionist at the Grand Orzu Hotel. She _________ follow job etiquette. b) Zilola ________________ worry about her new job if she follows job etiquette. c) You _____________ respect your colleagues. d) You _____________ wear a tie if your job is informal. e) You _______ be polite, kind and hardworking. 2. Complete the table using these activities. I don’t have to get up early at the weekend. (I can stay in bed as long as I want.) • Question: Example: do you have to …? (Is it necessary for you ….?) Do you have to wear a uniform? • In spoken British English you can also use have got to and haven’t got to. examples: Pamela is a waitress. She’s got to work at weekends. Have I got to do it right now? I haven’t got to take my sister to school, my parents do it. I have to … come to the lesson on time, get up at 6 o’clock at weekends, visit Net Club after lessons, to know the timetable, wear a tie, switch off the mobile-phone during the lesson, to be active. I don’t have to … come to the lesson on time. 3. Write 5 things you have to do and you don’t have to do at your future work. I have to……… 1. be punctual. 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ I don’t have to……… 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ Body language is the movement or position of our body. We use them to show other people what we are thinking about and how we are feeling. It‛s impossible to know all of the different cultural differences in body language. Excellent. Keep quiet. I don‛t know. 18 I don‛t want to have a talk. OK. ciality? 1. In small groups, discuss how the quotations below relate to job etiquette. “Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” Clarence Thomas “Be respectful and be respected.” Common saying “Your clothes speak so loudly, I can’t hear you.” Anonymous 2. Aziza is starting her new job at an agency. She is facing some problems. Read about each problem and give Aziza some advice. Job etiquette 1. Aziza is getting dressed for her job at the Travel Agency. When she visited the company previously, she noticed many employees wore jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. Aziza wants to make a good impression and wants to fit in with her co-workers. How should she dress? 2. When Aziza arrives at the Agency, she approaches a very busy receptionist. She introduces herself and says she is here for the first day job. The busy receptionist has no idea what Aziza is talking about and doesn’t pay attention to her. What should Aziza do? 3. Finally, Aziza meets her boss, who keeps her engaged in a variety of tasks. Suddenly, her boss is called into a meeting. After an hour, Aziza has completed the tasks on her list. She is bored and not sure what to do next. What would you advise Aziza to do? 4. Aziza finds herself in the cafeteria with some employees of the company who are close to Aziza’s age. They are gossiping about one of their colleagues, who she’s noticed can be very demanding. What should Aziza do? 5. A recent college graduate who works at the agency is very friendly with Aziza. She is very helpful. Aziza wants to thank her at the end of the day, but she is nowhere to be found. Aziza remembers her first name, but She has forgotten her last name. What should she do? 3. Role play. Imagine that your friend has some problems at his or her workplace. Can you solve his/her problems using job etiquette rules? 4. Write about what job etiquette rules are necessary for your future job. (about 60 words) Do you have to follow all etiquette rules for your future job? Why?/Why not? 19 Unit 2. Time managemen UNIT 2. TIME MANAGEMENT. Lesson 1. When? How? Where? Starter: Look at the statements. Сan you add your own statements about time? You can’t save time. You can’t borrow time. ________________. ________________. ________________. ________________. You can only do two things with help of time: Use it or _______ it. 1. Match the words with the definitions according to their colour to find the right meaning. to do things very well and quickly without wasting time, time or date that you have to complete something, something that is to be done, planned, list of things that you have to do something written or noticed to be done, timing of activities, improvement, something good to receive, additional time, different tasks at the same time, make more modern 20 nt T.4 2. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions: 1. Who is organized and efficient? 2. Who has problems with time management? 3. How did Surayyo learn about time management? 4. Does Surayyo think the recommendations will help Kamilla? 5. Why does Surayyo keep a to do list? 6. Did Kamilla like Surayyo’s suggestions? 7. What does Kamilla need to do with time management? 3. Fill in the gaps. 1. Surayyo is always _f_ i_ _ _ _ t and organized. 2. Kamilla didn’t know about _ _m_ _ _ _ a_ _ _ e_ _ . 3. Surayyo keeps a _o d_ _ _ _ t. 4. Kamilla doesn’t do anything by a _e_ _ _ i_ _ . 5. R_ _ _ n _ _ _ s help us to remember appointments. 4. Work in small groups. Discuss and make a list of benefits of time management. 5. Read the statements below. Do you agree? Why/ Why not? There will never be enough time to get everything done. But there will always be enough time to get the most importang things done. 21 Unit 2. Time managemen Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. I always get up _____ 7 o’clock_____ weekdays and _____ 9 o’clock _____the weekends. 2. Both my little brother and I were born ____ the same month. His birthday is _____10th of April and I was born _____ 30th. 3. _____the moment we are practising prepositions of time. 4. In England it often rains _____spring. 5. My father is a doctor and he sometimes works _____ night. 6. Our neighbours moved in the next door_____ 1998. 7. My grandma started learning English_____ the age of 40. 8. _____the people gone by didn’t travel so much. James proposed to Linda _____ sunset. It was_____Sunday. Use: prepOSITIONS OF TIme: IN, ON, AT Use AT to show an exact time: • two o’clock • midnight / noon • the moment, etc. Use ON with • days of the week • dates Use IN with • parts of the day • months • years • long periods, duration compare: -Peter wants the meeting to start exactly on time. -You should come to the meeting in time (early). 2. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of time. my day It was one of my usual days. I got up __ 7 o’clock __ the morning, washed, dressed and had breakfast __ 7.30. Then I went to my office. There I worked with the documents till 1 o’clock __ the afternoon. Then I had lunch __ 1.30. After that I looked at my diary and saw that I had an important meeting with my companions __ 3 p.m. in the cafe __ Monday afternoon. I was short of time. I was in a hurry and forgot to take some important documents with me. I was forced to return to my office. As you could guess I was late. It was awful! I came to the cafe? __ 20 minutes. Luckily my companions were still there. I apologized for my being late and explained what had happened. Then we discussed some questions about the company. It was a hard day. • If you could drive to the sun at a speed of 88.5 km/h it would take around 193 years. • An average person falls asleep in 7 minutes. • An average person will spend 25 years asleep. • Einstein slept 10 hours a night. 22 nt 1. Look at these two students’ photos. What differences can you see between them? 2. Read the text. Are you… Stressed? Disorganised? Getting poor results? Try Easy Time Management Tips Many people mistakenly believe that time management is about doing more tasks and activities in a day. Time management is actually to do important things. It’s also about learning to do things efficiently. Here’s how: 1. Focus. Write the important things in your life. At home, attach it to your refrigerator. At work, stick it on your computer monitor. 2. Write it down. If you’re working on a task and suddenly you remember to do something write it down in the notebook. 3. keep a daily to-do list. Write down the most important 12 things you need to do tomorrow. 4. make a daily schedule. You’ll be more efficient. Look at tomorrow’s appointments and meetings. Mark those beginnings to the end times in your calendar. Then review your to-do list and schedule time for your to-do’s. Remember, only schedule 70% of your day. The other 30% will be filled with interruptions and emergencies. 5. multi-task the details. Cook dinner while returning phone calls. File while watching TV. Check your e-mail while listening to voice mail messages. 6. Organize your surroundings. The Wall Street Journal reported that the average executive you can spend an hour per day looking for misplaced papers. You’ll save time if you don’t have to look for your notes. 7. Analyze everything you do for the next week. Try to find a quicker, more efficient way to do things. Work with a friend or co-worker shortly to come up with ideas. 8. read it better. Learn to skim information. Carry reading material with you wherever you go. Consider taking a speed reading course. Don’t forget “A” students aren’t the smartest in class … But they usually have great time management skills and self discipline. Follow the time management rules and enjoy benefits: efficient successful healthy 3. Discuss time management tips. Which ones are better than the others? 4. Choose one of them and write about 60 words: a. How would you follow time management in your future profession? b. Describe the most efficient and organised student in your class. Give reasons. 23 Unit 2. Time managemen Lesson 2. Ten time-saving suggestions Starter: Read the quotations below. Discuss in groups. He that is not handsome at 20, nor strong at 30, nor rich at 40, nor wise at 50, will never be handsome, strong, rich or wise. George Herbert It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. Henry Ford (1863-1947) industrialist It‛s funny how day by day, nothing changes. But when you look back, everything is different. 1. Learn common collocations with the word time. Try to guess the meaning. spend time I spend a lot of time studying English. waste time Stop wasting time playing computer games and get to work! save time Shopping online saves my time because I don’t have to wait in line at the store. free/spare time In my free time, I enjoy reading, painting, and cooking. have time I’d like to take violin lessons, but I don’t have enough time. kill time / pass the time Let’s bring some magazines to help pass the time on the train ride. on time It’s important to come on time for a job interview. just in time Hi, Henry! Have a seat – you got here just in time for dinner. have a hard/rough time I’m having a hard time solving this math problem. Could you help me? it’s about time It’s about time they fixed the air conditioner in my classroom! It’s been broken for three years! Sorry, I can’t talk at the moment – I’m a bit pressed for time. Can I call you back later? run out of time I ran out of time before I finished the test, so I didn’t answer the last five questions. 24 nt T. 5 1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. often usually leave busy around groceries spends early time takes Woman: So, what’s your usual day like? You always seem so (1)________. man: Well, I (2)___________ get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00 a.m. Woman: Why do you get up so early? man: Well, I have to (3)________ home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o’clock . It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. Woman: And what time do you get to work? man: Uh, my bus (4)________ about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office. Woman: That’s nice. And what time do you get off work? man: Uh, (5)________ 5:00 o’clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so. Woman: So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you create it at home? man: Well, my wife and I (6)________ watch TV or talk until 10:00 o’clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the (7)___________ hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by one or two. Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.? man: Well, yeah, but it’s important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have to set aside (8)_________ for family and yourself. Woman: I agree. man: But I think my wife has the toughest job. She (9)__________ her whole day taking care of our family ... taking the kids to school, working in the garden, buying (10)____________, taking the kids to piano lessons ... [Wow!] That’s a full-time job, but she enjoys what she does. Woman: Well, it sounds you’re a busy, but lucky man. man: I think so too. Listen and check. 3. Choose the best answer: 1. The man gets up at ... A. 5:00 a.m. B. 6:00 a.m. C. 7:00 a.m. 2. he gets to work at ... A. 7:00 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 9:00 a.m. 3. At around 6:30 p.m. he and his family ... A. read books together. B. play games. C. eat dinner. 4. After the kids go to bed the man and his wife... A. watch TV. B. clean the house. C. listen to music. 5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife? A. She has to take their children to school. B. She helps the kids with their homework. C. She goes shopping for food 4. Discuss your own typical schedule for a weekday and a weekend. What activities do you usually do with your family and friends? 25 Unit 2. Time managemen 1. Rearrange the words to make sentences. 1. call /later/ probably/will/he/you e.g. He will probably call you later. 2. think/I/job/will/get/the/you. 3. I/ come/ twenty /in /back/ minutes/ will. 4. they /will /I’m /the/ exam/ sure/ pass. 5. year/ will/ be /my /father/ next/ 50. 2. Complete the sentences with your own ideas using will. 1. Let’s have a break. e.g. I’ll have some coffee. 2. This dress is perfect. ________________________ 3. OK. See you this evening. ________________________ 4. Thank you for your invitation. ________________________ 5. These bags seem to be heavy. ________________________ Use: WILL We use ‘will’ at the moment we make a new decision or plan. The thought has just come into our head. • Bye. I’ll phone you when I get there. • I’ll answer that. • I’ll go. • I won’t tell him. I promise. We can use ‘will’ to talk about future events we believe to be certain. • The sun will rise over there tomorrow morning. • Next year, I’ll be 50. • That plane will be late. It always is. • There won’t be any snow. I’m certain. It’s too warm. • There won’t be any snow. I’m certain. It’s too warm. Often we add ‘perhaps’, ‘maybe’, ‘probably’, ‘possibly’ to make the belief less certain. • I’ll probably come back later. • He’ll possibly find out when he sees Jenny. • Maybe it will be OK. • Perhaps we’ll meet again some day. We often use ‘will’ with ‘I think’ or ‘I hope’. • I think I’ll go to bed now. • I think she’ll do well in the job. • I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. • I hope you won’t make too much noise. 3. Match sentences 1-10 with a-j. 1. The weather forecast isn’t very good. 2. He is coming to the party. 3. I’ll put it in today’s post, but 4. He is a best player. 5. I asked him to do it, but 6. There are lots of people at the check in. 7. I told him at 10 o’clock, but 8. That’s far. 9. Hurry up or 10. We are having a party on Friday. a. you will not be ready when they arrive. b. I’m sure he’ll forget. c. The plane will be full. d. It will rain later. e. I’m sure he will be late. f. I’m sure he will win the competition. g. John will be forty. h. They will not pay that price! i. You won’t get it until Thursday. j. You’ll see him then. The world‛s most accurate clock, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado, measures vibrations of a single atom of mercury. In a billion years it will not lose one second. 26 nt 1. Write numbers next to the pictures and put them in order. 2. Check you answers by reading the following text. How to save time?! Take a shower or a bath at night, instead of the morning. That way, you can save time. 1. Start deciding the night before what to wear the next day. Leave everything you normally need to get ready in the morning (out and ready). Also, decide how you will have your hair. 2. Set up the coffee or tea machine; decide on tomorrow’s breakfast. 3. If you take a lunch or snack with you to work or elsewhere – prepare and pack it the night before. You will make wiser (healthier, tastier, cheaper) choices preparing in advance. 4. pack your work/school bag the night before. If running errands, have your bag ready with shopping lists, library books, borrowed videos, etc 5. brush your teeth (every morning). 6. get dressed and ready to go. Make your bed and you’re done in this room. 7. eat breakfast and then maybe do some exercises. It will wake up your mind for school/work and get your blood pumping. 4. Discuss with your partner. 3. Add your own two tips. 1. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 27 – – Have you ever tried to save your time? Why/Why not? How important will it be to save time in your future profession? Unit 2. Time managemen Lesson 3. Priority organiser Starter: How often do you use a daily organiser? What are the advantages? 1. Make a list of the most important people, events or things in your life according to priority. people family _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Things _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 28 events _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ nt 1. What words are described by pictures a-f? a__________ b._________ c. _________ 2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from exercise 1. To everything There is a (by The Byrds) Turn! Turn! Turn! To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a ____ __________ turn, turn, turn A _______ to be born, a A _______to plant, a A _______ to kill, a A weep _______ to _______to die _______ to reap _______ to heal _______,a _______ to e._____ f.________ ________ together to gather To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a And a heaven _______to every purpose under heaven And a d._________ _________ turn, turn, turn ________to every purpose under A ________of war, a _______ of peace A hate _______ of A __________ you may embrace A ________to refrain from embracing _______a _______ of To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a ________ turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a And a A _______ turn, turn, turn _______for every purpose under heaven _______to build up, a to break down A _______to dance, a time to mourn A ________to cast away A lose _______to A ______to rend, a A _____ to ______, a ______ to ______to sew ______, a _____ to hate ________of peace, I swear it’s not too late! _______ A time 3. Listen to the song and check. 29 Unit 2. Time managemen Complete the sentences with should, must/ mustn’t. 1. I think you ________ know about priority organizer. It’s good for your future plans. 2. Students ________ behave well when they’re in class. 3. If you drive a car, you ________ stop at marked crossings. 4. I think waiters _________ try to be pleasant with customers. 5. Some workers _______ wear hard hats because their jobs are considered dangerous. 6. If you feel sick, you _______ stay at home. It’s better for you. 7. Police officers ______ wear a uniform. Use: ObLIgATIONS: – Should- giving advice vs. must/mustn’t-strong obligation I think you should study hard to achieve success. We must respect elder people. – must-strong obligation. It’s personal. It involves the speaker’s opinion vs. have to-strong obligation. It’s external: law, rules…. You must give back my dictionary. I need it tomorrow. You have to follow the instructions before doing something. – mustn’t-strong prohibition vs. don’t have to-it’s not necessary You mustn’t smoke You don’t have to copy this rule if you know it. must and have to mustn’t and don’t have to 8. I ______ do my homework. My teacher always checks if we have done the exercises. 9. You ______ listen to the song of this lesson. It’s very meaningful. 10. We _______ organize our portfolio. At the end of the term it will be marked. 11. I _______ study hard. I want to pass the exam. 12. In Uzbekistan, children _______ go to vocational colleges or academic lyceums after finishing school. 13. You _______ phone your parents every day, when you are abroad. 14. You ________ accept things from strangers! 15. When you go into a clothes shop, you _______ buy anything. You can just browse. 16. You _______ offend your friend or colleague. 17. Children _______ think about their future profession seriously. 18. Children ________ play computer games all day. 19. We ________ get up very early at the weekends. The symbol of Tashkent – a high tower, in which there are big chimes. It was erected in 1947 and began working on April 30 of that year. There is an amazing story about Twin Clock Towers that I.A. Ayzenshteyn, a watchmaker and resident of Tashkent, brought the tower clock mechanism from Germany after World War II as a trophy. This clock hung on the tower of the City Hall in the city Allenstein in East Prussia. The City Hall was destroyed but the mechanism of the clock remained. Aizenshtein had the idea to build the clock tower in Tashkent. The idea was accepted by the City Administration. In 2009 the second tower was erected, an exact copy of the first one. 30 nt 1. Read the quotation and discuss it in groups. 2. Read the story and choose a suitable title. A professor stood before his class with some things on the table in front of him. When the class began, silently he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and continued to fill it with small rocks. Then he asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students answered with an unanimous, “Yes.” “Now,” said the professor, “I want you to know that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children. The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.” “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party. Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” 4. Write about what will be important in your future profession (about duties, relationships, dress codes, behaviours…..). 3. Answer the following questions. 1. What are the meanings of the words – jar, rock, pebble and sand in the text? 2. How do you feel about the story? 3. What are the differences between a classmate and a colleague? e.g. I think the relationship between people is very important in my future profession. I’ll be in contact with a lot of people every day. I’m going to be a flight attendant. A dress code is also very important in my future profession. I have to make a good impression on my passengers by wearing neat and tidy uniforms. 31 Unit 3. Independent learn UNIT 3. INDEPENDENT LEARNING. Lesson 1. Benefits, challenges and risks of independent learning Starter: Discuss with your group. a) Look at the pictures and find the differences between the way of studying. – Which way of studying is more useful? Why? – Why is an individual learning becoming popular? Match the definitions with the words in the box. regard (v) risk (n) challenge (n) contribute (v) scholarship (n) (be) ashamed (adj) feedback (n) 1. a grant or payment made to support a student’s education. 2. respect 3. the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen 4. help achieve or provide something: 5. a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength 6. information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task 7. embarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations 32 ning T.7 2. Read the questions. Listen and tick the correct answers. a) Who won the scholarship? The president. b) Where does she study? At college. c) What kind of learning does she prefer? Independent learning. d) What kind of risks are there in learning? Ignoring feedback, using all spare time for study. e) What are the advantages of independent learning? We can choose the subject ourselves and have control over time spent studying. 3. Listen again and complete the table. Benefits having control over study time challenges managing time risks wasting time 4. Work in pairs. Make a list of advantages of traditional study. compare your list with independent learning. e.g. I think that it’s fun to study together. I’m sure that ... . I agree that ... . Perhaps ... . 33 Unit 3. Independent learn 1. Put the following adverbs of frequency in the correct order. Use: Adverb Adverbs such as always, sometimes, usually(positive meaning) never,rarely hardly and seldom(negative meaning) are adverbs of frequency because they describe how frequently the action occurs. Adverbs of frequency are put directly before the main verb. If ‘be’ is the main verb and there is no auxiliary verb, adverbs of frequency are put behind ‘be’. Is there an auxiliary verb, however, adverbs of frequency are put before ‘be’. 1. Students play football on Sundays. (sometimes) → __________________ 2. … be ashamed of asking for help . (never) → __________________ 3. We have fish for dinner. (seldom) → __________________ 4. She will rarely go to the cinema. (rarely) → __________________ subject auxiliary/be adverb I He We doesn’t are often always usually I have never object, place or time go swimming in the evenings. play tennis. here in summer. been abroad. main verb 5. Nargiza gets up before seven. (usually) → __________________ 6. Our teachers are ready for helping. (always) → __________________ 7. Nargiza watches TV. (hardly / ever) → __________________ 2. Give your opinion to the rules of using adverbs of frequency. e.g. to plan time carefully I usually plan my time carefully. 1. to find a good place to study. 2. to follow the schedule. 3. to concentrate on the subject. 4. to read newspapers. 5. to make a list what to do. 6. to set aside enough time for hobbies. Speaking tip: You can use these expressions when you are giving an opinion about what you see: I think… I don‛t think… Perhaps… I‛m sure… Maybe… Reading tip: If you don‛t understand a word, use the words around it to decide what kind of word it is. For example, is it the name of a thing or is it an adjective? Writing tip: When you have finished a piece of writing, ask your partner to read your text and say if he/she can make it more clear and accurate. WE ARE INDEPENDENT LEARNERS 34 ning 1. Read Jim Rohn’s words. can you give any examples from your experience? 2. Read the text Improve your study habits. Throughout history, almost all of the world’s smartest people have been largely self-taught. Leonardo de Vinci was the greatest painter, engineer, and genius of his time; he invented the helicopter, airplane, tank, and scuba-gear; and his only education was a few years at an art academy. Benjamin Franklin dropped out of school when he was ten, going on to invent several musical instruments, discover electricity, and help found the United States. There are several benefits to independent study which you might consider. pLAN your time carefully. When you plan a trip, one of the first things you must do is to make a list of things to take. If you don’t, you are almost certain to leave something important at home. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. Then make a schedule of your time. Decide on a good, regular time for studying. Of course, studying shouldn’t occupy all your free time. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment, hobbies, and maybe just relaxation. FINd a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space and free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or TV! If you can’t find such a place at home, go to the library where you can study. When you sit down to work, concentrate on the subject! STUdY regularly. When you get home, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. Remember really listening in class means less work later. Read any related material in your textbook. 4. Answer the questions. 3. Choose the best answer. • Who invented the scuba-gear? • Who invented several musical instruments? • What should you do while you are planning your week? • What is a good place to study? • How can you study regularly? The text is about … • being famous and popular. • improving study habits. • following the schedule. • concentrating on the subject. 5. Discuss with your partner. Think of tips for improving study skills. Have a conversation with your partner. Do you agree with your partner’s tips? Why?/Why not?v 6. Write four suggestions for managing your study time successfully (about 60 words). e.g. I think you have to keep a time to do list. Maybe it is better if you … . 35 Unit 3. Independent learn Lesson 2. Types of learning Starter: Look at the pictures. Work in pairs and answers the questions: a) how can you describe these pictures? b) What do you know about types of learning? 1. Match words 1-10 with their definitions a-i: 1. hands–on (adj) a) a new person 2. skim (v) b) a person’s education, experience 3. background (n) c) to do with hearing 4. visual (adj) d) private teaching 5. associate (v) e) quickly look for the main points in a text 6. auditory (adj) f) link two things together 7. tutoring (n) g) used in seeing 8. kinesthetic (tactile) (adj) h) touching or moving 9. freshman (n) i) practical work 36 ning T.8. 2. Listen and answer the questions: 1. What is Kamilla’s job? 2. How many types of learning are used here? 3. What are they? 4. Give short definitions for each one. 3. Listen again. Decide whether these sentences are true or false. e.g. Kamilla is a teacher at the university. a) Kinesthetic learning is just reading the notes for learning. b) Visual learning helps you to understand and connect the learning material. c) Audio learning is listening for learning. d) Kamilla is a teacher trainer. e) She has a laboratory. f) She is a freshman. g) She is in the lab now. true _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 4. Discuss with your partner. Which picture shows what type of learner it is? A B 37 C Unit 3. Independent learn 1. Underline the correct answer. If you think both are correct, choose both. e.g. Football is a game which/ who many people play. 1. Kinesthetic is one of the style which/ - many people usually use. 2. University is a place that/where Kamilla works. 3. The people who/ - learn by seeing are visual. 4. Auditory is the style -/that learners learn by hearing. 5. A freshmen is a person who/ that studies at the first year. 6. Kamilla says that/- she has all types of learning. Use: Defining Relative Clauses • We use relative clauses to give essential information: about the person, thing, place or time. The sentences do not usually make sense without the relative clauses. Alisher Navoi was a poet who wrote the”Khamsa”. • We use who and that for people, which and that for things, whose for possessions, where for places, and when for times. – Iroda Tulaganova is the tennis player who/that helps the future of tennis in Uzbekistan. – That’s the sport which/that I play. – That’s the player whose name is top of the list. – Uzbekistan is the place where she was born. – Sunday is the day when I play tennis. 2. Complete the sentences with who, that, which, whose, where and when where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The friends ……………. I made in school live near my house. You’re the teacher …………. classes I like the most. Aziz is the person …………. has helped me the most. This is the town …………… I lived when I was eight. Autumn is the time of the year ………….. the leaves fall off the trees. This is the unit …………. I like most. • Some people can draw from memory and make pictures almost as good as a photograph. • Some people can listen to a piece of music and then play it ‘by ear‛. • Your senses can help you remember things. Music or smells that were around when you were learning can help you remember things later when you hear or smell the same thing again. 38 ning 1. Look at the pictures. What style is closest to you? Kinesthetic 2. Read the text and fill in the gaps. There are three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual, kinesthetic. Most people learn best through a combination of three types of learning style, but everybody is different. 1. ______________ would rather listen to explanations then to read them. reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. 2. _______________ learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration or reading. For this kind of person it’s easy to look at charts, and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation. 3. _______________ process information best through a “hands-on” experience. Actually doing an activity can be easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. But most people use a combination of three learning style, they usually have clear preference for one. Knowing and understanding the types of learning style is important for students of any age. It is useful for students to understand their type of learning style early on so that homework and learning may become easier and less stressful in future. 3. Replace the highlighted words with suitable words from the box. act, mixture, repeating, concentrate, presentation, fancy 4. Write about your learning style using the questions below. What learning style do you have? How do you know? Why do you think so? Give an example of a time when you realised you learned best this way. Can you give an example when you didn’t learn because it was not your learning style? (Write about 60 words.) 39 Unit 3. Independent learn Lesson 3. Basics of e-learning. Starter. Work in groups. Answer the following questions: a) how often do you use the Internet? b) What do you know about e-learning? c) Are you an e-learner? Why?/ Why not? 1. match photos a-h with words 1–8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. screen web-cam printer laptop mouse hard drive speakers USB port 2. Match the words with their meanings: 1. a chance for progress tutor 2. additional class extra lesson 3. a teacher of a small group of students assignment 4. task or homework opportunity 5. handing over delivery 40 ning T. 9. 3. Listen to the conversation. a) Where are the boys talking? _________________________ b) Answer the questions: 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________ 1. Where did the classmates meet? 2. What are they talking about? 3. How does Otabek improve his knowledge? 4. What kind of learner is Otabek? 5. What is Farukh’s learning style? 4. Listen again and tick correct answers. e.g.: The classmates met in the metro. 1) Otabek attends English courses. 2) Farukh works after classes. 3) Otabek gets the materials from the Internet. 4) Video-links and web-cams help to learn at a distance. 5) Farukh is preparing for university with a tutor. 6) Otabek is a waiter. 5. Discuss these questions with your partner. 1. Do you use the Internet every day 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working online? 41 Unit 3. Independent learn Use: 1.Choose the correct answer. There is /There are • e.g. There is/ are five people in my family. 1. There is/are a lot of information about study on the Internet. 2. Look! There is/are a photograph of my group mate on Face book. 3. Excuse me, is/are there a net-club near here? 4. There is/are good opportunity to talk with my favorite singer! 5. How many students is/are there in your group? 6. What’s wrong? Is/Are there anything wrong with my web camera. We use there with words like a lot of, many, much, more, enough and with numbers. There were a lot of problems to discuss. There’s too much noise in here • We often use there when we mention something for the first time. There’s a new one-way traffic system in the town centre. It’s very confusing. 2. Write sentences. Use there is / there are. 1. (days/ February ) There are 28 or29 days in February. 2. (thirty two teeth/ in a mouth) 3. (tasty roll/ on the plate) 4. (delivery service/ in this supermarket) 5. (garden/ my house) - In the 19th century a teacher in England had a good idea. Instead of teaching students in a classroom, he taught each student at the students‛ home. This is the start of what would lead to “correspondence courses”. Student and teacher communicated by post. It was distance learning. - In the 1990s, the Internet provided a new form of distance learning where teacher and students communicated over the Internet. We call it e-learning. 42 ning 1. Work with your partner. What language learning web-sites do you know? 2. Read the text and choose a title. E-learning (or e-learning) is full of materials that can be delivered on a CD-ROM or DVD, over a local area network or on the Internet. It includes distance or on-line. The major advantage to students is its easy access in a setting free from time and place. The material is media-rich; there are multimedia forms as audio and video. The learner can assess the progress. There are many advantages of online and computer-based learning compared to traditional face-to-face courses and lectures: • Class work can be scheduled around work and family. • Students do not have to spend time travelling. • Students may have the option to select materials suitable to their level of knowledge and interest. • Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and an Internet connection. • Students successfully completing online or computer-based courses, take responsibility for their learning. But there are a few disadvantages as well. • Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind. • Without the routine of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines. • Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates. • Instructors may not always understand when students are struggling or need help. • There is a slow Internet connection. 3. Use an on-line monolingual dictionary and find the definitions of the underlined words. e.g: assess – to estimate responsibility ___________________ motivation ___________________ routine ___________________ isolated ___________________ 4. What of these apps do you know? - Which of them do you use? - Why? 5. Write about the advantages of the most popular apps you know. What 3 apps do you use most? Why and when do you use them? (Write about 60 words.) 43 UNIT 4. FILLING IN FORMS Lesson 1. Formal and informal texts Starter: a) Discuss with your partner. 1. What are the differences between formal and informal writing. 2. What way do you use most? Why? b) Look at the words below. Which ones are from formal letters, and which are from informal letters? Formal letters are letters to people like head teachers or bank managers. Informal letters are to your family or friends Yours faithfully We are having a lovely time at the seaside. dear Ahmed See you soon. Dear, Fatima. The weather is wet. Yours sincerely Dear Sir It is Auntie Jasmine’s birthday tomorrow. I would like to remind you that your car is due for service. Aunt Sara sent me 3 birthday cards last week. I’m writing about your bank account. Dear madam. 1. What abbreviations do you know like this in texting language? c or © – copyright (©1949) e.g. – for example ed. – editor,edited,edition etc. (et cetera) – an so on mrs. – referring to a married woman mmes. – Plural of Mrs mr. – Mister messrs. – Plural of Mister dr. – doctor Idk – I Don’t Know WbU – What About You? Idc – I Don’t Care WdYmbT – What Do You Mean By That? Jk – Just Kidding UOk – Are You OK? Tbh – To Be Honest Omg – Oh My God! LOL – Laughing Out Loud NVm – Never Mind cUL8r – See You Later dW – Dear Wife dS – Dear Son dd – Dear Daughter dh – Dear Husband db – Dear Brother bTW – By the Way Wb – Welcome Back Np – No Problem pLZ – Please TYVm – Thank You Very Much ASAp – as soon as possible 44 T. 10 2. Listen to the following information and find out which statements belong to formal and informal conversation. 3. Fill in the gaps: ………..…. is left at work. Don’t bring it out when you are having informal conve rsation ……. …. ……. with co-workers. It awkward comic relief is important conversation. Usually drinks or meals joking around is not a good sign. formal convers However, a …….. …….. is ation w o rk o ut always good when situations get lim it a tions to serious when it doesn’t need to be. With this type of conversation there are always ways to meet and greet others, try hard not to step over the line that could make a situation tense or ……... ……………. is when you go out with your friends and have fun. Depending on how close you are with that casual conversation can go so far. Keep it clean if you need to but usually there are no …………. Don’t bring your …….. with you when you are with friends. Keep these conversations at work. In this way you will show your true selves and you may actually be great to have a friend. k d chec n a n e 4. List . rs answe your 5. W me rite an ssa inf ge to y ormal our s par hort tne r. 45 Unit 4. Filling in forms 1. Link the following sentences with appropriate linking words. Use : Linking words e.g.: When you are in the office use formal language, especially in front of the boss. 1. This conversation is left at work. Don’t bring it out when you are having drinks or meals with coworkers. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ • Linking words are used to join similar and contrasting ideas. • And, also, as well serve to join similar ideas • But, however, although, on the other hand join contrasting ideas 2. Usually joking around is not a good sign. A comic relief is always good when situations get too serious when it doesn’t need to be. ________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3. Keep it clean if you need to. Usually there are no limitations. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4. Formal speech is more accurate. Informal speech is the opposite. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 5. I saw someone applying their make-up.They were driving! _______________________________________ _______________________________________ • Whereas, especially, then, so, because are the rest of linking words. 2. Try to make the same structured sentences using linking words: e.g.: Formal speech is used indoor, while informal one outdoor. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ IELTS Academic Writing. It has two writing tasks of 150 words and 250 words. In task 1 candidates are asked to describe some visual information (graph/ table/chart/diagram), and to present the description in their own words. They need to write 150 words in about 20 minutes. In Task 2 candidates are presented with a point of view or argument or problem. They need to write 250 words in about 40 minutes.) 46 1. Discuss with your partner. a) Why and when do we need to write letters? b) What type of letter do you usually write? 2. Find the differences between two letters: Read the following letter from one friend to another. Then, read a similar but more formal letter. Fill each space with one of the formal expressions you see in the table below. In each space in the second letter, write the number that corresponds to the correct phrase. 1. Later, I was otherwise engaged. 2. I hope this will be possible at the next available opportunity. 3. I hope you can understand my difficulties. 4. I hope the dinner went well for all concerned. 5. a relative arrived unexpectedly. 6. I regret not being able. 7. Please accept my sincerest apologies. 8. was twice engaged. 9. introduce me to Ms. Phoenix. 10. Dear Mr. Jones. 11. Sincerely 12. I look forward to hearing from you soon Hi Darren, Sorry I wasn’t able to get to your house warming party last Friday. I was really looking forward to it and I was all ready to leave the house when my aunt from Ireland arrived at the house for a surprise visit!! She was only in town for the one evening before she went to my brother’s house so I had to stay with her. I’m really sorry Dazza. I tried to telephone you but your line was busy the two times when I telephoned. Then I was out with my aunt in town and didn’t have the chance to ring again. I hope you understand. I know you wanted to get me to meet that girl, Yvonne, who you work with. Oh well, next time maybe! My evening was really boring...if that makes you feel any better. See you soon Regards Nicholas. ______, _________to get to your business dinner last Friday. I was really looking forward to it and I was all ready to leave the house when ______. She was only in town for the one evening before she went to my brother’s house so I had to stay with her. _____. I tried to telephone you but your line _____when I called. ______ and didn›t have the chance to ring again. _______. I know you wanted to ____ who you work with. ____. _____. _____ ______. Nicholas 3. Write a text message to a friend (in texting language) asking for a help. 47 Unit 4. Filling in forms Lesson 2. When and how to fill in forms Starter: Have you ever filled in forms? If yes, share your experience. Match columns. A b c How old are you? abdullaeva@mail.uz Name Where are you from? Tashkent Medical College Age What’s your surname? English, Russian Surname What’s your e-mail address? Tashkent Home What’s your name? Biology and Chemistry Languages What languages do you speak? 17 Subject What college/lyceum do you go to? Abdullaeva e-mail address What’s your favourite subject? Madina College/ Lyceum 1. Find and match definitions of the following words and phrases: 1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) a. duty 2. qualification b. can be trusted to work well 3. personal qualities c. certificates or diplomas you need to get a job in a particular 4. work experience 5. reference d. good points about a person 6. reliable e. knowledge or skill gained in a particular job or activity 7. responsibility f. a written list of personal details, education, job somebody 8. challenge 9. sociable profession has had g. Get on easily with people h. information given by someone about you when you are applying for a job i. Something new and difficult which needs great efforts 48 T. 11. 2. Listen to Nodira’s interview and decide whether the sentences are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nodira lives in Samarkand. false. She is a nurse. _______________ She studied nursing. _______________ She doesn’t have work experience. _______________ She is sociable and hardworking. _______________ She has been working at a private hospital since January 2013._______________ 3. Complete the conversation between Nodira and the interviewer using the words in the box: – – – – – a nurse, Russian, in Tashkent, work experience, 2010, English, qualifications, 2008, college, sociable – – – – Where do you live? In Tashkent. Have you been to university? No, I haven’t. I have been to__________. I went to Tashkent Medical College from __________ to__________. – – – – – – – – – What subjects did you study there? Nursing. Do you speak any languages? Yes, I do. I speak __________ and __________ fluently. Do you have you _______________ __________? Yes, I do. What work did you do? I worked as ____________________ at Academic Lyceum N2 under World Languages University. What are you doing now? I’m working as a nurse at a private hospital. How long have you been working there? Since March 2013. What __________ do you have? I’m __________ and hardworking. 4. Listen to the tape again and check your answers. 5. Role play. Work in pairs, take turns interviewing each other and take notes. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your address? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 49 What experience do you have? What are your personal qualities? What do you do in your free time? What did you study at college/lyceum? Who can give you a reference? What are your future plans? What are your interests? Unit 4. Filling in forms Use: Prepositions prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs). On ■days of the week ■on Monday ___________________________________ in ■months / seasons ■time of day ■year prepositions – Time At ■for night ■for weekend ■a certain point of time (when?) prepositions – place (position and direction) In ■room, building, street, town, country ■book, paper etc. ■car, taxi 1. Put correct prepositions from the box. from, under, at, of, to, at, in , on Where do you live? – ……..Tashkent. – Have you been …….. University? – No, I haven’t. I have been ……… college. I went ……..Tashkent Medical College from 2008 to 2010. – What subjects did you study there? – Nursing. I worked as a nurse ……… Academic Lyceum N2 ……… World Languages University – What are you doing now? – I’m working as a nurse …….. private hospital. – How long have you been working there? – Since March 2013. – What qualifications do you have? Dress in appropriate attire when asking for applications and when turning them in. 50 1. Discuss in a group. a. What is the most important information about a person. b. Have you ever filled the CV forms. When? 2. Read the text about Madina. I am Madina Abdullaeva. I live in 47 Navoi Street in Tashkent. I’m 20 years old. My date of birth is 10 January 1993. My e-mail address is abdullaeva@mail.uz and my mobile number is +998 90 174 15 42. I finished Tashkent Vocational College of Tourism and Business in 2012. I’ve just finished a six-month training course in management and now I have a Certificate in Management. My IT skills are excellent and I can speak and write both English and Russian well. I had a summer job as a receptionist at the Grand Mir Hotel in Tashkent working with the general manager, Mr. Azim Kadirov who has agreed to give me a reference. I’m hardworking, sociable and get on easily with people. I’m not afraid of responsibility or challenges and I’m a quick worker as well as being a reliable person. I like walking and reading books in my free time. 3. Complete Madina’s CV using text. 1. Surname Abdullayeva _____________________ 2. Given name(s) ________________________________ 3. Address ________________________________ 4. Tel: ________________________________ 5. Mobile: ________________________________ 6. E-mail ________________________________ 7. Date of birth ________________________________ 8. Education ________________________________ 9. Qualification ________________________________ 10. Work experience ________________________________ 11. Personal qualities ________________________________ 12. Reference ________________________________ 13. Interests ________________________________ 4. According to the sample, now comple the table about yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Surname Given name(s) Address Tel: Mobile: E-mail Date of birth Education Qualification Work experience Personal qualities Reference Interests ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 51 Unit 4. Filling in forms Lesson 3. Filling in application forms Starter: Work in pair: 1. What kind of forms are they? 2. Have you ever filled the forms? 3. What difficulties do you have while filling the form? 1. Make a noun form using these words: e.g.: desired-desire 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) desiredaddressedemployeducateworkinterestedlocate- 52 T.12 2. Think about the job application details and write as many as possible: e.g.: first name, surname, address………….. Listen to the list of tips for filling in application form and put them in order according to their importance: e.g.: name, address, e-mail. 3. Listen again and check your answers. 4. Work in pairs. perform a job interview where you have to present your application form. Use these questions below: – What is your name, address, telephone number, e-mail? – Could you please tell me about your dream job? – Did you fill in application form? – How much salary do you expect to get? – Could you briefly tell me about your previous job? – What about your educational background? – Do you have some other specific skills? – Why did you choose our company? 5. Try to fill in application form: 53 Unit 4. Filling in forms 1. Which of the following adjectives express positive and negative meanings: amazed amused annoyed bored Use: ‘-ed’ adjectives • Adjectives that end in -ed are used to describe how people feel: – He was surprised to find that he had been upgraded to first class. – I was confused by the findings of the report. – She felt tired after working hard all day. • Adjectives that end in -ing are used to describe things and situations: Compare these example sentences to the ones above: – Being upgraded to first class is surprising. – The findings of this report are confusing. – Working hard all day is tiring. amazing amusing annoying boring 2. Complete the sentences below using the correct adjective: 1. What is your __________ salary? interested desired 2. Do you have special skills _______________ to your job? related relating 3. Why are you _____________ in this job? interesting interested 4. I think that some working days are _______________. depressing depressed 5. She’s _______________ of doing the same thing every day. bored boring 6. It was the most _______ application form I have ever filled in. satisfying satisfied 3. What are they saying? Put in these words: depressing, exciting, exhausted, fascinating, interested. e.g: This is a depressing place. 1. I’m absolutely ………….. 2. I’m ………. in astronomy. 3. chess is a ……… game. 4. This is really …………! There are many ways when you are asked to fill in a form. Applying for a passport. Applying for a driving license. Applying to join a library or club. Applying for a job . 54 1. Answer the following questions: – What is the job application? – What are you asked when you apply for a job? – What are job application details? 2. Read the following text about job application and fill the gaps using the words in box: impressions suggestions resume accurate job application When you apply for a job you are asked to complete an employment application. You may be asked to complete a _____1.___ even if you have already sent a___2_____ and cover letter. That way, the employer has a record of your personal and employment history. It’s important for your job applications to be complete, correct (no errors) and____3___. Here is the information you will need to complete an application for employment and tips and ____4______for writing applications that make a great__5_____. Regardless of whether you complete an online job application or apply in-person, make sure you have all information you need ready before you apply for a job. Job Application Form details: Personal Information: •Name •Address •City, State. •Phone Number • Ability to Work abroad •Felony convictions •If under age, working paper certificate Employment Information: •Names, addresses, phone numbers of previous employers •Supervisor’s name •Dates of employment •Salary •Reason for Leaving Education: •Schools/Colleges Attended •Major •Degree/Diploma •Graduation Dates(s) Position Applied For Information: •Title of the job you are applying for •Hours/days available to work •When you can start work 3. Discuss the most important tips of filling in an application form. 4. Create your own application form and give it to your partner to fill in. 55 UNIT 5. STUDY SKILLS Lesson 1. Nine views of intelligence Starter: Discuss the following in groups: Look at the picture. Discuss with your partner: – What are intelligence tests? – What types of intelligence tests do you know? – Do you know your IQ? 1. Match the columns 1–9 with a–i. Types of intelligence 1. Naturalistic 2. Linguistic 3. Logical-mathematical 4. Existential 5. Interpersonal 6. Intra-personal 7. Bodily-kinesthetic 8. Musical 9. Spatial the definitions a. to understand and communicate with others. b. to understand questions about meaning of life. c. to control objects and use a variety of physical skills. d. to differentiate living things like plants, animals. e. to think in words. f. of being good at rhythm and tone. g. to understand the human condition. h. to have good imagination and artistic skills. i. to calculate, to work with mathematical operations. 56 T.13. 2. Listen to the people talking about their way of learning and their jobs. Put a tick against the right type of intelligence. Akmal Lola diyora Jurabek Shirin murod 1. Naturalistic 2. Linguistic 3. Logical-mathematical 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Existential Interpersonal Intra-personal Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Spatial 3. Discuss the following questions in class. Fill in the table for your class given by your teacher. Find out what type of intelligence your classmates have. 4. According to the table describe the intelligence types of your class. (Write about 40-50 words.) What is the most common type of intelligence in your class? Does it surprise you? How many types of intelligence are there in your class? Is there a difference between boys and girls? 57 Unit 5. Study skills 1. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in an appropriate form. help, hear, work. USe: PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do. • I play tennis. • She does not play tennis. • does he play tennis? We use present simple for stating facts: • Lisa spends her free time in the nature • Does she spend her free time in the nature? • She does not spend her time in the nature. face, report, spend, a) Akmal works as a detective. b) Lola _______her free time in the nature. c) Diyora _________people to solve their problems. d) Jurabek _________music all over himself. e) Murod _______death several times a day. f) Shirin _________the news to all over the world. 2. Read and match the sentences with pictures. A statement can go with several pictures. 1. They are nurses. 2. 3. She is a journalist. he is a shop assistant. 4. She is an interpreter. a) … (work) in a hospital. e.g. 1. Nurses work in a hospital. b) … (wear) a uniform. c) … (help) people. d) … (sell) things. e) … (help) sick people. f) … (work) at the United Nations. g) … (work) in a newspaper office. h) … (look) after money. Fun facts about animal intelligence. • Pigs are often as smart as dogs. • Dogs get jealous when you give something to eat to one of them leaving others with nothing. • Dolphins use culture to learn as we do. • Crows remember faces of people. 58 1. Discuss the following questions in pairs. − − Is there any measure to intelligence? Do you suppose IQ tests can show your intelligence percentage? 2. Do the following test to check your intelligence. 5. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? Don’t know 1 2 3 1. What relation is your niece’s brother to you? Don’t know Cousin Nephew Uncle 6. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How many minutes would the pills last?? Don’t know 20 40 60 90 2. How many birthdays does the average man have? Don’t know 1 10 65 75 7. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left? Don’t know 1 3 5 8 9 3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? Don’t know 1 2 3 9 12 8. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? Don’t know 1 3 6 9 12 4. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? Don’t know 25 50 70 90 3. Give examples for each type of intelligence that’s connected to your future profession. 59 Unit 5. Study skills Lesson 2. Six conditions of learning “I see and I forget. I hear and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius Starter: 1. Work in groups and answer the questions. a) What do you think of Confucius’ statement? b) What way did you use to learn English? c) How much reading do you do every week? d) How much listening do you do every day? e) Will you change your learning way after this? pictures hearing Real english the context watching movies seeing LANgUAge LeArNINg reading books magazines, journals with subtitles in speech Doing the real thing talking to friends. role-plays participating in discussions chatting on social networks 60 Hearing words debates listening to music T.14. 2. Look at the following words and match their synonyms. Actually Kind of In my opinion Plenty of Spare With pleasure I think Many, much Truly Similar to I’d love to Free 3. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences. Jakhongir: Hi Lola, how are you doing? How are your _________? Lola: Hi Jack, I’m doing ________. What about you? My studies are going well too. Jakhongir: Oh, nice to hear it. Actually I’m doing well too but there are some _________ with my studies. Lola: Really? What kind of problems do you have? Can I help you? Jakhongir: I’ve got an exam soon, but in my _____________ I’m not ready. I got a very low score in last semester’s exam. Lola: Why you didn’t prepare well for it this _________. I think you had a plenty of time, right? Jakhongir: Yes I had but as you know I work and study at the ____________ time. That’s why I couldn’t find spare time for revision. Lola: Yes, yes I know about it. What subject is the exam in? Jakhongir: It’s in ____________. Lola: Ok, it’s no problem for me. I will help you with pleasure. Jakhongir: Thanks, you __________ my life. 4. Listen again and check your answers. 5. Discuss in class. 1. Is it better to study in a group or individually? 2. How do you think students should study? Give examples. 3. What conditions are best for learning languages? 61 Unit 5. Study skills 1. Look at the pictures. Write down how they are feeling. He is ... . 1 happy 2_______ Fixed expressions with «To be». These expressions are always used with the verb to be. to be happy to be late to be sad to be bored to be surprised 3______ 4_______ to be angry to be hungry to be interested in to be tired to be glad 5______ 6_______ 7_____ 8______ 2. Role play. How do you feel in these situations? a) You see a friend you have not met for a long time. b) You have worked 5 hours without any break. c) You have had no breakfast and no lunch. d) You have been listening to a boring lecture for an hour. • In English the word that is used most of all is “I”. • The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. • “Underground” is the only word in English that begins and ends with the letters “und”. 62 1. Discuss in small groups. a) b) c) d) When did you begin learning English? What kind of ways did you use to remember new words? What techniques of learning English do you know? What was difficult for you to learn? How did I learn English? My name is Mansur. I live in Tashkent and Uzbek is my native language. I am a mathematician, but I like learning English too. I learned English very well and now I want to share my experience with other people. I had my first contact with English when I was six. My dad inspired me to listen to The Beatles. I listened to them every day for the next seven years. In the beginning I could understand nothing of what they were singing. But soon I started to understand every word, especially the ones which appeared in the titles. So The Beatles were my first motivation. Today, I can understand The Beatles very clearly. When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. I read them in Uzbek. The books were all American. I could not read the original versions because I did not know English so well. Somehow I felt that in English the books will be even more interesting and reading will be more exciting. I finally decided that I wanted to read books in English. I learned every new English word that I met. I found that reading is much more exciting in English. Now I study Mathematics. Most of the books in my math Institute’s library are in English. I discovered that my knowledge of English is very important for my learning Mathematics. 2. Mark statements True or False. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mansur is an architect. He began learning English when he was six. He began learning by reading books. The first English songs he heard were by The Beatles. He began reading English books when he was 13. He wanted to read books in the original language. He discovered that his English is useful for mathematics too. Fasle ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 3. Discuss with your partner the things you did to learn English. 1. 2. 3. 4. Did you attend a special course? If yes, was it helpful for you? Did you do a lot of homework? Do you think it’s helpful to learn a language through songs? Does reading books in the original language help? If yes, have you ever read any? 4. Write a paragraph for a magazine of about 60 words with the title ‘How I Learn English’. 63 Unit 5. Study skills Lesson 3. What type of learner are you? Starter: discuss in small groups: – What methods do you prefer to use for learning something? – Do you like moving around/touching things/reading aloud while learning? – Do you feel like having a rest while you are studying a lot? 1. Match the words 1–5 with their definitions a–e. 1. hands-on learning a) acting the dialogues, situations 2. rewrite b) help 3. role-play c) becoming skilful by doing 4. memorize d) write again 5. aid e) remember 64 2. You have bought a new piece of technological equipment and you are unsure how it works. What do you do? do you … 1. read the instructions before starting? 2. have a go at putting the equipment together and using it? 3. research how the equipment works? (visual type) (kinesthetic) (auditory) T.15. 3. Listen to the students talking about how they learn and decide whether the statements are True or False. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Diagrams, pictures help Sevara to learn easily. Sevara should write down things several times to remember them best. Dildora learns best while she moves around during the lesson, having little breaks. Dildora prefers listening to the news on the radio than reading it on the newspaper. Laylo cannot sit too long during the lessons. Laylo can remember things when she see touches them. 4. Answer the questions. • What do you think your learning style is? Why? • How can kinesthetic learners learn things best? • What methods would you use if you were a visual type? 5. Make a survey in class. Find out who are visual, kinesthetic or auditory types of learners. Name 1 Visual type Auditory type Kinesthetic type 65 Name 2 Name 3 Unit 5. Study skills 1. Put the verbs in the correct form. Use: Talking about people doing things The -ing form of a verb (gerund) can be used after these verbs to talk about people doing things: • Start • Prefer • Enjoy • Like • Stop • Finish • Keep He keeps talking when he is bored. Lily prefers listening to the news on the radio. Dildora enjoys learning using pictures. a) Auditory type people prefer listening to the speech and they can memorize it best. b) Stephanie should keep___________(write) the things several times to remember them. c) Dildora likes ___________(touch) things and____________(move) around in the class. d) To remember scientific lectures Lily should start_____________(read) them aloud. e) Stephanie enjoys ______________(read) the news on a newspaper. 2. Look at the pictures. Using the words in the box write down what you like and do not like doing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I like … I don’t like … dancing, riding a bicycle, walking the dog, playing computer games, reading comics, cleaning the house, playing basketball, shopping at the supermarket, walking the dog. • Some lucky people have a ‘photographic memory‛. They can remember the whole page of information, numbers or even the order of cards in a pack of playing cards just by looking at them once! • Most of us have to work really hard to remember, but some people, like actors, are really good at remembering. • Some people can draw from memory and make pictures almost as good as a photograph. 66 1. Look and match the pictures. 1. 2. 3. b. TACTILE/ a. VISUAL KINESTHETIC c. AUDITORY 2. Read the text Learning Styles Auditory Learners Remember stories better if they hear them than if they read them, can follow spoken instruction better than written ones, and say every word in their head as they read silently. Auditory Learners can try the following study tips: • Record lectures and listen to them several times • Join a study group • Read and repeat important points out loud. Visual Learners Learn best from reading, like to see things written out, and picture things in their heads to remember them. Visual Learners can try the following study tips: • Watch the instructor and take notes during the lecture. • Organise, rewrite, and highlight notes. • Visualise words or facts that need to be memorised. Tactile/kinesthetic Learners Enjoy hands-on learning, are good at puzzles and mazes, and can often put things together without instructions. Tactile/kinesthetic Learners can try the following study tips: • Make lists or write things out several times. • Use computers and hands-on study aids. • Learn by doing and practising, or by roleplaying. 3. Read the statements and define the learning style. Put V – for visual, A – for auditory, K – for kinesthetic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Can remember best about a subject by listening to a lecture. Requires explanations of diagrams, graphs, or visual directions. Can easily understand and follow directions on a map. Iearns to spell better by repeating words out loud. Can remember best by writing things down several times. Follows oral directions better than written ones. Feels very comfortable touching others, hugging, handshaking. Good at working and solving jigsaw puzzles and mazes Play with coins or keys in his/her pocket. 4. Make three groups. Each group takes one of the three learning styles and makes a list of things that type of learner does. Make posters and present it to the other groups. 5. Write two paragraphs (about 60 words) about what kind of learning styles are important for your future job. In the first paragraph write about the styles that are important and give reasons. In the second paragraph write about the styles that are not important and give reasons. 67 UNIT 6. TEAM-BUILDING Lesson 1. Study with others Starter: Work with your partner. Look at these photos and answer the questions. 1) Why do people study together? 2) What do people have in common when they study together? 3) Do the results of the project depend on each member? 1. Match words 1-9 with definitions a-i. 1) together 2) champion 3) limitations 4) voice 5) different 6) dream(s) 7) figure out 8) fun a) a person who has defeated all others in a competition b) something you wish for; what you see when you are asleep c) to do something with someone or a group of people d) the natural and distinctive tone of the speech sounds e) think about and then understand something f) a source of enjoyment, amusement g) something that stops someone/something getting better or bigger h) not the same 68 T. 16. 2. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Together, together, together, 1______________ Together, together, come on let’s have some fun Together, we’re there for each other every time Together, together come on let’s do this right Here and now it’s time for celebration To finally figure it out That all our dreams have no 2_______________ That’s what it’s all about Everyone is special in their own way We make each other 3______________ We’re not the same We’re 4 _______________ in a good way Together’s where we belong Chorus: We’re all in this 5_____________ Once we know That we are We’re all stars And we see that We’re all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in 6_______ Make our dreams come true Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on let’s have some 7 _______ Together, were there for each other every time Together, together come on let’s do this right We’re all here And speaking out in one 8___________ We’re going to rock the house The party’s on now everybody make some noise Come on scream and shout We’ve arrived because we 9__________ together Stuck one and all 3. Discuss with your partner. What is the song about? a) This song is about students’ problems. b) This song is about students’ friendship. c) This song is about students’ exams. – Can you give a title to this song? – Why do you think your title is the best? 69 Unit 6. Team-building Complete the following sentences. Use: every/all every +singular noun (every house /every country. e.g: Every summer we have a holiday by the sea. 1. All/Every child needs love. 2. I have written to all/every my friends. 3. I have written to all/every friend I have. 4. My all/every family members work in education. 5. Not all/every birds can sing. 6. All/Every person made his or her own travel arrangements. 7. I see her all/every few days. 8. There is a meeting all/every six weeks. 9. I have cleaned all/every the rooms except the bathroom. 10. You don’t see tigers all/every day. Use singular verb (is /was / has) after every. Every country has a national flag. Compare every and all: Every student in the class passed the examination. All the students in the class passed the examination. Every All day /morning /night /summer Every day = on all days He watches TV every evening. All day = the complete day from beginning to end. The weather was bad yesterday .It rained all day. 2. Fill in the gaps with every or all. 1. She goes to school every day of the week. 2. You say it .................... time I see you. 3. It rained .................... day on Monday. 4. Last summer the weather was beautiful ...................... the time. 5. He called me ....................... day last week. 6. When did you leave the library today? I hope you weren’t there .................... morning. • School history in Uzbekistan. • Islam has combined religion and education for centuries, offering learning activities in mosques, and later in the Madrassa. The teaching offered in the Madrassa was the first public school system that was under the control of the Caliph. That was a complex including a mosque, a hospital, a madrassa, and a public kitchen and eating area. Free meals and healthcare were offered through the system, as well as occasional accommodation. 70 2. Work in small groups. Look at this picture and read all the words in the box. Circle all words which are suitable for group work. well- ex. well-formed, frustration duty, waste of time, stress, project, member slackers, schedule, time, plan, meeting 3. Read the text. a head, share, people, but you want to have enough so that if one member can’t make it, you can still carry on. • Choose people who will be committed to the group. Avoid slackers. • If possible, choose one person to head the study group or make arrangements to share/rotate duties. • Set meeting times that fit everyone’s schedule. • Decide how long each study group meeting will run and set a starting and ending time. • Create a plan at the beginning of each meeting. This will keep your study group focused. Organizing a Study group Study groups can take on many different forms. You can organize a study group with students from your class or you might also try participating in an online or virtual study group. A well-formed study group can ease the stress of homework and class projects, but a poorly-formed group can quickly become a frustration and a waste of time. Here are some tips that can help you get the most out of your study group: • Make sure that the size of your study group is appropriate. You don’t want to have too many Answer the questions. c) Is it interesting to study in a group? Why?/ Why not? d) Why should you avoid slackers? e) Do you like these team building tips? Why?/Why not? a) What do you need for team building? b) Is it important to choose a leader of the group? Why? 4. Work in pairs. Complete the table. Write advantages and disadvantages of working in a group. Advantages Disadvantages interesting too much noise 71 Unit 6. Team-building Lesson 2. Doing groupwork Starter: Work in small groups. 1. Look at these photos and answer the questions. – What do you see in the photos? – What are the differences between them? 1. Work in pairs. Read the words and find the correct synonyms. 1) amicable a) team 2) group b) help 3) support c) gift 4) result d) union 5) award e) members 6) federation f) effect 7) participants g) friendly 72 T. 17. 2. Complete the sentences using words from the box. championship friendly team against reporter the Davis Cup participants 1) I am a reporter from National Radio № 1 _________________________________ . 2) The Davis Cup Asia/Oceania Group 1 tennis ______________________________ . 3) First of all let me tell you a little information about __________________________ . 4) Each country’s tennis players work all together as a ________________________ . 5) Only men can be ____________ in this contest ___________________________ . 6) Our tennis team played ___________ Australia ____________________________ . 7) Uzbekistan has a strong and ____________ team __________________________ . 3. Listen and check your answers. 4. Discuss with your partner. 1) What is the Davis Cup? 2) Where was this championship held? 3) Which Uzbek players’ names were mentioned? 4) Which country played against Uzbekistan? 73 Unit 6. Team-building Use: 1. Correct the sentences. preSeNT perFecT TeNSe. • The Present Perfect has several uses, but… • In all cases it shows a connection between the past and now. • You can use the present perfect to describe completed actions that have taken place in time ‘up to up’. I’ve done a lot of my silly things in my life. • Here are some time expressions which describe time ‘up to now’: today, this week, recently, never, over the years. I haven’t seen any good films recently. Structure: • Subject + have/has +verb (past participle form) e.g.: I (play) with Farruh Dustov today. Unfortunately I (lose) the game. I have played with Farruh Dustov today. Unfortunately I have lost the game. a) This year our group (is) strong enough, and we (beat) Australian players. b) Recently I (start) my tennis trainings again. c) I already (go) to the Wimbledon championship as a player. d) My team (achieve) all goals this year. e) My friends (get) high scores in double match. 2. Make sentences in Present Perfect. Use words in brackets. 1) (You/ever/work/in a teams?) Have you ever worked in a team? 2) (I/play/in a football team/recently)_____________________________________________________ 3) (I/read/an article/about/command game/ today)__________________________________________ 4) (She/dance/in a flesh mob/ already) __________________________________________________ 5) (We/just/do/the task all together) _____________________________________________________ 3. Work in a group of four. 1) Write down three true sentences and one false sentence to describe what you have done today. 2) Ask each other these questions: What have you done today? 3) Guess which of your partner's answer is false. e. g: I have read a book “War and Peace” today. (false ) – I have learnt a poem The team of cooks from the USA baked the biggest meat and potato pie in the world. The weight of this giant pie was approximately 2 tonnes! Can you imagine?! They used 399 kilos of meat, 351 kilos of potatoes, 50 kilos of carrots, 45 kilos of onions and 32 kilos of butter. 74 1. Look at the pictures. Discuss in groups. a) Have you ever played tennis? b) What do you know about tennis teams? c) Have you ever been to tennis championships like the Tashkent Open or the Challenger Tournament in our country? 2. Read the text. A. The davis cup is the first international team event in men’s tennis. It is organised by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), and it is held each year between teams from all countries. The championship was first played between Great Britain and the United States. The most successful countries are the United States and Australia . b. The tournament was started in 1899 by four members of the Harvard University Tennis Team. One of the four Harvard players, Dwight F. Davis, created a tournament structure, and ordered a silver award. He paid about $1000 for it. c. The Davis Cup has the following structures: 1) It is a team game. Tennis players represent their own country. All players play for the team, not just for themselves. 2) The success of each team depends on scores. A team which wins three matches out of five becomes the winner. 3) The main difference is that a trainer can give advice, and make suggestions. It is very important to the team. 3. Work in pairs. Match paragraphs A-C with titles 1–3. 1. The history of the Davis Cup Championship 2. The Davis Cup Tennis Championship 4. Discuss in small groups: 1) Is the Davis Cup a single game or a team game? Why do you think so? 2) What does a team need for a good result? 3) Can all people work in a team or group? 4) Is it easy to work in a team/group? Why? /Why not? 5) Do you know jobs where people can work in a team/ group? 75 3. The Rules of the Davis Cup 5. Write 3 tips of your own to make a good team. Write about 60 words. Give reasons for your choices. Unit 6. Team-building Lesson 3. Being an effective group member Starter: Discuss with your group. Work in a group of four. Look at these pictures and discuss the following questions: a) b) c) d) What requirements are needed for being an effective group member? Is it important to be an effective group member? Why? Who is a leader for you? Name someone who is a good leader. What kind of person can be a leader? 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Sort out the words into the following parts of speech. vocabulary supervisor consider fellow suggestion paraphrasing isolate value probing nod request confusion noun verb proposals 76 T.18 2. Listen to the different people from a trading company. They have a lot of experience of working in groups. They will give you useful suggestions about how to work in a group. Listen to them carefully and put ticks. Find someone who is talking about …….. 1 getting involved 2 listening actively 3 communication 4 supporting group member’s ideas Sayyora erkin gulnara 3. Complete the sentences using words from the box. merchandiser, supervisor, sales manager, teammates, fellow, someone, members staff manager, a) Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. b) Take the time to help your ____________, no matter what the request. c) If you have a problem with _____________in your group, talk to him about it. d) I am a _____________ of the Uzbek Travel Company. e) I am a _________________ of the UzGazOil Company. f) I am a ____________ of the Uzbek Pharmaceutical Company. g) I am a __________________ in the Biggest Food Company of Uzbekistan. h) Help your _____________, no matter what the request. check with your partner. 4. Talk about this topic. Do you agree? Why/Why not? Give examples and reasons for your answer. 77 Alisher Unit 6. Team-building 1. What would you say in these situations? Use: Orders and instructions • It will always sound like the speaker is bossing someone around. • Orders and instructions don’t leave room for questions or discussions, even if the sentence has a polite tone. • Use the root form of the verb to create ‘the imperative.’ Do not use rude words! Open the window. Do your homework. e.g.: - What did you say? I can’t hear you. Please turn the radio off for a minute. 1) You want your group members to take an active part in team work. You say: ____ __________________________________ 2) You are in class doing a task but your classmates are making a lot of noise. You cannot concentrate. You say: __________ _________________________________. 3) You want to organize your team and want to give some instructions to your friends. You say:____________________ _________________________________ . 4) You are giving instructions to your friend but you are not sure that he understands you. You say: _______________________________ . 2. Match words a-e with words 1-5. a) Don’t refuse b) Always be c) Turn on the lights d) Bring your dictionaries e) Don’t forget 1) for English classes. 2) to bring the CDs. 3) any suggestions. They may be useful. 4) punctual. It shows your best characteristics. 5) please. I can hardly see this task. “Hot or Not?” Facebook was invented by a Harvard computer science student Mark Zuckerberg, along with classmates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The origins to the name hints as to the history of Facebook, however, the website was originally and briefly called Facemash. Mark Zuckerberg was a second year student, when he wrote the software for the Facemash website. Perhaps, it was Zuckerberg's sophomoric sense of humor that led him to create the site as a type of "hot or not" game for Harvard students, where website visitors could compare two student photos side-by-side and let viewers decide who was "hot" and who was "not". Mark Zuckerberg put his computer science skills to good use by hacking into Harvard's security network and where he copied the student ID images used by the dormitories and used them to populate his Facemash website. 78 1. Work in a group of three. Look at these photos and answer the questions. a) What do you see in these photos? b) What are they doing? c) Can a woman be a leader? Why? /Why not? 2. Read this text and match words in the box a–l with their synonyms 1–12. a) chat 3 b) advice ___ c) perfect ___ d) giving ____ e) think over ____ f ) group mates _____ g) underline ____ h) participant _____ i) group ____ j) reduction ____ k) feedback _____ l) debate____ How to be an effective team leader? 8) members can improve. You don’t have to give them all of the solutions, instead guide the group by sharing your knowledge and experience. A. Don’t stop your group’s ideas. Avoid phrases like “Yeah, but…” or “We’ve already tried that”. 1) Consider each and every idea that your 2) group members produce, and support them to 3) communicate on a regular basis. If you’re overly critical of ideas or immediately stop the ideas of others, your group will doubt about sharing anything. After all, for every twenty ordinary 4) suggestions, there’s bound to be at least one 5) excellent idea. c. Be enthusiastic and your group mates will catch this positive mood. If you’re excited about your group’s project, it’s likely they’ll feel a reason to be also. As a leader, your 9) team members look you for direction. If you notice that the group’s motivation and output levels are in a 10) collapse, this is your wake-up call! Have a meeting to 11) discuss what needs to be changed, and really listen to what your team has to say. If you think they may have a difficult time admitting this, get them to write their 12) comments on paper instead. It’s important to stay in tune with your group. You may be surprised by what they have to say – it could be a dramatically different perspective from your own. b. If you’re 6) providing feedback, be sure to communicate the bad and the good. It’s always hard to hear criticism, but if you 7) highlight the good things too it makes taking the bad a little easier. Also, provide clear suggestions on how your team 3. Work in pairs and match paragraphs A–C with titles 1–3. 1. Try to be positive. 2. provide constructive criticism. 3. Value your group’s ideas. 4. Write about your favorite team and team leaders. Write about 60 words. Give reasons. What team do you support? Why? Who is your favourite team leader? Why? 79 UNIT 7. PORTFOLIO Lesson 1. Effective diary keeping Starter: a) Look at these diaries and find out whom these diaries belong to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. diary for kids diary for girls diary for boys diary for cooks diary for office managers b) Discuss with your partner. • Have you ever kept a diary or a journal? If yes, when did you start keeping it? • Do you like writing? • Do you know anybody who keeps a diary? 1. Match columns and write down the definitions of the phrases. 1 go 2 travel 3 collect 4 pack 5 illicit 6 see 7 personal 8 explosive 9 conduct 10 on-line the tickets the doctor the bags on holiday a project agent diary thoughts profile growth 80 Definitions traveling T.19. 2. Read Nigina’s diary for the next week. Listen to her and answer the following question: Why is she excited? 3. Listen to Nigina again and complete the sentences. 1. On Monday she’s _____________ her ________ from the travel agent. monday collect tickets from travel agent 2. On Tuesday she’s meeting Alisher and Charos after __________ and they’re going ___________________. Tuesday Meet Alisher and Charos after work go shopping Wednesday 11.00 a.m. see the doctor Have lunch with mum 3. On Wednesday she’s seeing the ___________________ at 11 o’clock, then she’s ______________ lunch with her mother. Thursday leave work early pack bags 4. On Thursday she’s ___________________ work early and she’s ______________ her bags. Friday 6:30 a.m. go by taxi to the airport meet Alisher and Charos 9.30 a.m. fly to Samarkand 5. On Friday at 6.30 in the morning she’s going by ____________ to the airport and she’s ______________ Alisher and Charos there. At 9.30 they’re _______________ to Samarkand. Saturday Sunday 4. Read the sentences about yesterday and ask a question about tomorrow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Yesterday Tomorrow I got up early. I went swimming. Are you getting up early I walked to work. tomorrow? I had lunch in my office. I left work late. I met a friend. We had dinner in a restaurant. 81 Unit 7. Portfolio 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Continuous. 1. When are you leaving? (leave) 2. Karen _____________________ her homework at the moment. (do) 3. How __________ you _____________________ to London tomorrow? (travel) 4. We _____________________ next Thursday. (go) 5. I can’t help you now, I________________ dinner. (cook) 6. Next weekend they _____________________ a new computer. (buy) 7. Stefan _____________________ his lunch. He’s very hungry! (eat) 8. I ____________________ this film. It’s very good. (enjoy) 9. We can’t play tennis, it _____________________ . (rain) 10. Look! Armando _____________________ green trousers. (wear) 11. Mustafa _____________________ his grandparents. 2. Write questions and answers about Jane’s plans for Sunday. Look at her diary notes on the right. e.g.: 1. where / go / Sunday? Where is Jane going on Sunday? She’s going to Oxford. 2. how / go Oxford? 3. who / meet? 4. where / meet them? 5. who / have lunch with? 6. where / have lunch? 7. when / go to the Mir. exhibition? 8. what / do / at 2.30? USe: The preSeNT cONTINUOUS TeNSe 1. The present continuous can express future plans/actions. I’m going to Mexico next week. She’s seeing the doctor on Wednesday. We’re leaving next Friday. 2. We often say when (this afternoon, tomorrow, on Saturday…) with present continuous. 8.30 drive to Oxford by car 9.30 meet David and Laura at the car park 10.00 ticket to see Mir. exhibition 1.00 lunch with Pamela at the Bombay restaurant 2.30 visit the sports bookshop, buy tennis book 4.00 go back to London to see film 10.00 phone Richard 3. What are they doing next week? Make a sentence. John Monday morning Sarah and Peter Next weekend Mediterranean sea / Visit Italy/ Spain / Morocco Tomorrow Paris / stay with her grandmother for a week You and your friends Tonight English test tomorrow Your parents Next week move to a new house next Saturday You Write your own sentence New-York Important meeting Nadia The first web page in an online-diary format is thought to be Claudio Pinhanez's "Open Diary", which was published at the MIT Media Lab website from 14 November 1994 until 1996. 82 1. In small groups discuss the questions: a) Have you ever read someone’s on-line diary? If yes, what was it about? b) List the advantages of keeping an on-line diary. Give examples. 2. Read the text. Online Diary (Blogs) An online diary is a personal diary or journal that is published on the World Wide Web (www) on a personal website or a diary-hosting website. In online diaries, people write about their day-to-day experiences, social commentaries, complaints, poems, prose, illicit thoughts and any content that might be found in a traditional paper diary or journal. They often allow readers to contribute through comments. Online diaries have existed since 1994. Today they are called blogs. Online diaries soon caught the attention of the media with the publication of the book 24 hours in Cyberspace (1996) which captured personal profiles of the people involved in early web pages. The earliest book-length scholarly discussion of online diaries is Philippe Lejeune’s Chercran, (“Dear Screen”, not yet translated to English). The formation of diary hosting websites such as Open Diary, Diary-X, Xanga, Femmunity and Live Journal caused an explosive growth of online diaries and journals. Today, interactive online diaries, online journals, personal blogs and group blogs are integrated into the daily lives of many teenagers and college students, with communications between friends playing out online. On-line diaries are easily readable by all their friends, enemies, and complete strangers. Personal opinions on experiences and hobbies are very common in the blog world. Blogs have given the opportunity for people to express their views to a mass audience. In October 2006, the History Matters campaign, a 2006 joint project by the major heritage organizations in England and Wales, conducted the One Day in History project, asking residents of the UK to write an online diary of what they did on 17 October 2006. The diaries were stored at the British Library from November. 3. Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. What do people usually write in their blogs? 2. Who can read personal on-line blogs? 3. Have you ever written in on-line blogs? If yes, what did you write about? 4. Small group project. Together with your peers design a diary. (If it is possible, on-line dairy page) Make a plan on how you are going to promote it and on what topics people can write there. 83 Unit 7. Portfolio Lesson 2. Portfolio requirements Starter: Answer the following questions: – Do you want to show your progress in English to your family? In what way? – Do you want to show what you can do in English to an employer? And how? – Do you need a “roadmap” to guide you in your learning? – What do you know about portfolio? 1. In pairs, find the definitions for the following words. compare with the whole group. to build up a suggestion to put through a mature enormous a measure to arrange to keep up confidence bustling Portfoilo Development Portfolio noun (plural portfolios) • a set of pieces of creative work intended to demonstrate a person’s ability to a potential employer: She had a portfolio of crayon portraits. • a varied set of photographs of a designer or actor intended to be shown to a potential employer: Entrants must not have done any professional modeling or have an existing portfolio Origin: Early 18th century: from Italian portafogli, from portare ‘carry’ + foglio ‘leaf’ (from Latin folium 84 T. 20 2. Make a list what you need for a portfolio. e.g.: Examples of Work Book you did (essays, projects, reports, applications or CV) 2. Compare with your partner. Add ideas that you did not mention to your list. 3. Listen and decide whether these statements are True or False. A portfolio has several uses: 1. It keeps the related documents together. ___________ 2. It never helps the process of reflection. ___________ 3. It is very helpful in the process of self-evaluation and personal development. __________ 4. It is not advisable to take it with you when you go to job interview. __________ 5. You can include in it various samples of work and information for later use, when you will apply for job or any study courses. 6. You should update your portfolio every month. ____________ 7. If it is not compulsory for your course do not keep it, as it is not helpful. __________ 4. Listen to the continuation of the tape and fill in the gaps. In your portfolio you should include: 1. Full_____________ list for each section. 2. _____________________ and profile sheets, planners and action plans. 3. A profile of vocational and ________________ skills you have developed. 4. An up-to-date list of courses and training. 5. ____________________ (exams, a copy of your driving license). 6. An up-to-date list of your work __________________ with dates, addresses of employers, brief job descriptions, main responsibilities, ___________ or qualities you demonstrated. 7. Your __________________ ___________. A career adviser can help you. 8. Your ideas about where you would like to be in seven years’ time and what you need to _____________ this goal. 9. Examples of your work and _________________. 10. Also you may include a copy of __________________certificate. 5. Make a list of items that you can put in your portfolio – those items which you already have developed and the list of items which you would like to develop for your future need. Compare with your partner and write down a five step action plan. Write about 50 words. 85 Unit 7. Portfolio 1. Change a lot of into much or many. 1. She wrote a lot of essays. many___________________ 2. We did a lot of homework. ____________________ 3. I have a lot of home tasks for today’s lesson. _____ 4. She has collected a lot of CDs. ________________ 5. We read a lot of articles about time management. 6. They have a lot of assignments. _______________ 7. You are doing a lot of interesting projects. _______ 8. They use a lot of chalk in class. _______________ Use: countable and uncountable nouns • A count noun is something we can count. It has a singular form and a plural form. ex: one book, three books; a leg, two legs; an apple, six apples; N.B. A singular count noun must have a Determiner . 2. Write C for countable and U for uncountable nouns. 1. paper.........___U___ 2. file……… 3. homework……… 4. home task……… 5. project ……… 6. report ……… 7. etiquette ........ 8. time management ......... 9. group work...... 10. team...... 3. Underline the most suitable word in each sentence. a) Different countries have different weather/weathers. b) All areas of the skin are in fact covered in tiny hair/hairs. c) We’ve looked at the menu and we’d all like chicken/chickens. d) Jack is a millionaire and owns a lot of business/businesses. e) Have you a copy of the complete work/works of Dante? f) None of the passengers had insured their baggage/baggages. g) Students must pass their paper/papers to the front . h) I’m afraid we can’t find cheap accommodation/accommodations for all of you. Personal records means to keep your own records to track your progress and achievements in ways that are meaningful to you and for your future employers. Your personal records could contain: • a reflective journal • a record with evidence of skills you have developed through life and work • a record with evidence of skills and qualities you have developed through extracurricular activities • certificates for courses you have taken. 86 1. Discuss with your partner. Answer the questions: • One of the things that you can include in your portfolio is personal reflective journal. Do you know anyone who keeps personal reflective journal? • Have you ever written down about your feelings or experiences? 2. Read two students’ experiences from their reflective journals. My Thursday as a student Dash the kids to the nursery. Dash into the labs for 10. Suddenly time changes. I am caught up in what I am doing – the project I am working on with two other people. I can spend hours mixing and measuring, comparing my findings with others’. We talk a lot about what we are doing, and why, and make suggestions on why our results are different. I always ask my lecturers if I am unsure – some are very helpful, but some are not. In the afternoon, I have one lecture. Recently, I have arranged it so I can go to drama club on Thursday nights. Jasur My first term – What do Jasur and Sasha write about? – Do they have any similarities? After the terrible time I had at school, I was very worried about what I might be putting myself through coming back to study as an adult. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to keep up. When I got my first few pieces of work back, the marks were not very good, and I felt I ought to leave. Luckily, I was talked out of leaving. I made an effort to meet other mature students and found many of them were having similar experiences to me. I had expected the study to be difficult. What I had not expected was that other aspects of being a student could be just as hard. It took me ages to build up the confidence to eat in the canteen – it seemed so enormous and bustling. I used to rush away after lectures rather than talking to strangers. I have to say that there are many positive things about being a student. Now that I have got to know other people here, I look forward to coming to study. It is a wonderful opportunity – but you have to make it work for yourself. Sasha 3. Think of at least 5 things that you can write in your reflective journal. Choose one idea and write a paragraph that you will later include in your reflective journal. 87 Unit 7. Portfolio Lesson 3. Checking and updating the portfolio Starter: Match the pictures with the sentences. How I worked while making portfolio tasks: a. b. e. c. f. i j 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) I wrote this. I was creative. I asked questions. I listened. I read. It was hard and I tried. d. g h k 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) l I communicated. I worked with classmates. I used computers. I’m proud of my learning. I did this for art. I used my time well. 1. Find definitions of the following words using your dectiomary. 88 T.21. 2. Match the sentences with speakers: 1. Nargiza a) I still need to work on my writing and reading tasks. 2. Azima b) Students are pleased to observe their personal growth. c) A teacher and student work together as 3. Bobur partners to establish goals. d) You become more experienced with the 4. Shahlo process. 3. Listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps. By having a sense of ownership, students are involved in all the 1) ____________ making including the criteria. A teacher and student work together as 2) _____________ to establish goals. You become more 3) _______________ with the process. If you have been completing the reflective pieces as you 4) _____________ with this document, you have almost finished developing a 5) ___________ for use in your classroom. During this grading period, I enjoyed communicating and working 6) ___ ___________ the most because it was so interesting for us. I still need to work on my 7) _______________ and reading tasks. 4. Are these sentences true or false? 1. Portfolio help Students act as the authors and owners of their work. 2. There is one exact right way of making portfolio. 3. Only student works in portfolio. 4. Bobur enjoyed communicating and working in groups mostly. 5. One of the most important benefits of portfolio is raising students’ critical thinking. 5. Compare your portfolio with your partner and discuss the advantages and diasdvantages of it. 89 Unit 7. Portfolio 1. Choose the right alternative. There might be some cases where both alternatives are possible. 1. I tried to collect/collecting everything that need to be in portfolio. 2. Last year my friend had problems with comma usage. He tried reflecting/to reflect to his mistakes and now he makes few mistakes. 3. I tried to review/reviewing my portfolio time by time. 4. Remember to review/reviewing the whole unit in order to prepare for quiz. 5. I clearly remember to check/ checking your essay. But I can’t remember where I put it. 6. I remember to get/getting my parents’ opinions on my portfolio. It was real fun. Use: Infinitive or gerund • Some verbs can usually be followed by gerund or infinitive. But meaning differs. Try and remember are examples of these verbs. remember to do and remember doing • You remember to do something before you do it. remember to do something is the opposite of ‘forget to do something’. • Please remember to take notes .(=don’t forget to take notes) You remember doing something after you do it. I remember doing something=I did something and now I remember it. • I remember sharing my portfolio with my parents and my friends. Try to do and try doing Try to do= make an effort to do: I set goals and tried to achieve them. Try doing=’do something as an experiment or test: I am having problem with this topic. I tried searching in the internet, but couldn’t find anything interesting. 2. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to (infinitive). 1. I tried…………….. (download) that information a lot, but it was unsuccessful. 2. When you see Tom, remember……………….. (tell) him about the meeting. 3. A: You lent me a grammar book a few months ago. B: Did I? I don’t remember………………… (lend) you any book. 4. I always try……………… (be) first in doing exercises in English classes. 5. Remember………………. (hand) your projects in time. 6. When I had problems with spelling I tried………………… (do) a lot of spelling exercises. And it helped. There are digital portfolios. Sometimes they are called e-folios or web-folios. They hold much more content than traditional portfolios and present these materials in digital format. A digital portfolio means that students can save their work to a disk, a CD, or a web page. 90 1. Work with your partner. Before reading the text answer the following questions. a) What did you learn from your portfolio? b) How did you learn from your portfolio? 2. Read the text and pay attention to the tips of Mukhlisa’s teacher. A good experience on keeping a portfolio Hello! My name is Mukhlisa. Now I am in my second year. Last year I had a good experience on keeping a portfolio. I learned a lot about myself as a learner. Actually it is very joyful and interesting to have a portfolio. It is like a mirror of your knowledge where you can see how you are growing during the year. Time by time you become more knowledgeable. But you need to know and work on your every weakness to become a good learner. Some tips that my teacher provided helped me a lot. Now I want to share them with you. First, I tried to collect everything that need to be in portfolio starting from my tests and quizzes, writings, readings to audiotapes, photographs etc. Second, I tried to be selective. It means I didn’t simply collect things but tried to select only valuable ones. Third, I set learning goals for myself and tried to achieve them. Forth, I gave feedbacks for myself using some questions and answering them. Fifth, I reviewed my portfolio time by time. And the last, I remember sharing my portfolio with my parents and my friends. It was real fun and really useful when I got their opinions on the items of my portfolio. I hope that you will find these tips useful for you and you will enjoy keeping portfolios. 3. Fill the gaps with a missing tip from the text. Tip 1 Collect everything. Tip 2 ______________________ Tip 3 ______________________ Tip 4 Use self-reflection tools. Tip 5 ______________________ Tip 6 Share with your parents and friends. 4. Match underlined words in the text with the following definitions. 1. very important 2. a weak point 3. to get smth. 4. giving smb.’s opinion 5. clever 5. Choose something from your portfolio and give feedback to yourself. Use the following phrases. This was about…. I noticed that…. The important part for me was…. A thought that I liked and enjoyed…. Key words for me were…. An idea that got my interest…. 91 Unit 8.Identifying your skil UNIT 8. IDENTIFYING YOUR SKILLS Lesson 1. Monitoring skills development Starter: Work in pairs. Discuss this question: What are your own ideas about what a ‘skill’ is and how skills are developed? Look at these pictures and try to find what kind of skills they refer to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Match the words with definitions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) analyse (v) require (v) customer (n) research (n) communicate (v) investigation (n) plan (v) decision (n) organise (v) a) b) c) d) e) f) a person who buys goods or a service to share information with others by speaking to decide how to do something in future to study or examine something in detail to make arrangements to something to happen a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities g) to need or make necessary h) the act or process of examining a crime, problem especially to discover the truth i) a detailed study of a subject 92 T. 22 1. Listen to the people talking about their skills in their jobs and try to find this particular job. bANk mANAger pOLIce OFFIcer LAWYer Speaker 1.____________________ Speaker 2.____________________ TeAcher Speaker 3.____________________ Speaker 4.____________________ 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. to deal with investigators evidence essential complaint to be good at 1. People in this job obviously need to be good at teaching, instructing and making presentation. 2. People in this job need good communication and listening skills ……………..……. clients. 3. These people need good writing and communication skills to work with the public, write reports and present ……………. in court. 4. LEADERSHIP is an ……………. quality in this job. 5. They must be good …………………………… to be able to research the market, 6. This job requires good WRITING skills , for example when drafting a letter to reply to the …………….. of a customer. 4. Listen again and check your answers. 5. Discuss with your partner: What kind of skills do you need to have in your future profession ? Why? 93 Unit 8.Identifying your skil 1. Open the brackets and complete the sentences. Use: Need • Active forms with passive meaning The active-ing for after need has a passive meaning. The bicycle needs oiling. (= The bicycle needs to be oiled.) The windows need cleaning (= The windows need to be cleaned.) • We cannot use the passive – ing form here. NOT The bicycle needs being oiled. I need to clean my shoes. (This means that I must clean my shoes, I have to clean them.) My shoes need cleaning. (This means that my shoes need to be cleaned.) • Negative form: I don’t need to clean my shoes. 1. I was very tired. I need (to have) a rest for a while. 2. She cannot look after herself. She needs (to look) after. 3. The reasons need (to analyse). 4. The windows are dirty. They need (to clean). 5. I don’t have good communication skill. I need (to improve) it. 2. Make a dialogue with your partner using the situation in the box. Use need. Situation #1 A classmate of your wants to pass IELTS exam but he/she is nervous about the oral interview. Give advice. Verb suggestions: need, advise, avoid, finish, practice, remember. Situation #2 Give advice on (a) losing weight and (b) gaining confidence to make a good impression on people (for example ”boss”). Verb suggestions: avoid, postpone, suggest, need, offer, want, plan What are the most important skills that employers want? *Good oral speech *Confidence in teamwork *Problem solving. *Self–motivation 94 *Good writing skills *Planning and organizing *Time management *To be able to speak and understand other languages. To appreciate of other cultures. lls 1. Look at the photos. Discuss with your partner. Answer the question. Why do we need skills? Skills – the key getting a job. 2. Read the text and fill in the debating or in seminars. Working as a receptionist in a vacation job or being student radio presenter table with given suggestions. Ways to develop skills. Do you want to develop your skills? Exactly what skills do you want to? After giving answers to these questions you need to find the ways to develop your particular skill. Tips you are given below help you to find your way. You could also use these as evidence in an application for a job to show you had these skills. For example, if you want to improve your writing skills, try to write essays, dissertations, and project reports, articles for the student newspaper or a report for a course placement. However, for speaking skills you can join a college drama group, take part in public speaking or Skills also help for developing your speaking skills. But if you are shy and don’t like new environment, you must try to work part-time while studying or changing courses quickly, because you need adaptability skill. Changing people around helps you to gain this skill. Now you’re saying that you are not shy but always passive. Don’t worry, in this case you don’t have leadership skills. You can improve this skill by leading a group project, captaining a sports team or being a group representative in any events. It is not easy to be a leader or to be a good speaker, but if you try hard you can gain any skill you want to have. Ways to develop Writing Speaking Adaptability Leadership 3. Discuss these questions in groups. 1. How many skills mentioned above? Do you find it useful for yourself? 2. Do you have any other suggestions for the improvement of the skills above? 3. What kind of skills do you need in your job? Do you have these skills? 4. Write your plan to develop your skills for your job. Skills I have _________________ _________________ _________________ Skills I want to develop _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 95 What I want to do for this ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Unit 8.Identifying your skil Lesson 2. Skills and qualities you have now Starter: a) Look at the picture and guess the situation: What skills are they showing? b) Complete the sentences. * a personal skill is……. * a personal quality skill is …… * Why are the personal skills and qualities important? And to whom? 1. Divide these words into skills or abilities. confident, reading a map, communication, punctual, mental arithmetic, leadership, friendly, imaginative, planning own work, team worker, responsible, singing, designing, adaptable, hard-working, reliable. Skills Abilities __communication_ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _____singing_____ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 96 lls T.24 2. Listen to the conversation and write the qualities Sevara mentioned about Laylo. Laylo __________ __________ __________ 3. Listen and check your answers. 4. Discuss these questions with your partners. 1. Why did Sevara call Laylo irresponsible? 2. Did Laylo have a reason? Did she tell about it to Sevara? 3. Why did they praise Sevara and what did they say about her? 5. Divide the following adjectives into positive and negative. punctual, impatient, responsible, mean, funny, serious, enthusiastic, bright, reliable, honest, unreliable,irresponsible,unfriendly,unable,dishonest,impatient,disagree. positive punctual ___________ ___________ Negative unable ___________ ___________ 6. Answer the questions below. – Have ever been in this kind of situation which Sevara had? – Did you have to replace anybody? 97 Unit 8.Identifying your skil 1. Add a prefix to a word in the first statement in order to make an opposite word to complete the responses. e.g: That man’s locking the door. No he isn’t.He’s unlocking it. 1. He’s quite mature for his age. I don’t agree. I think he’s…………… 2. I think she’s reliable.No she isn’t. She’s very ……………….. 3. Is she wrapping that parcel? No she’s……………….it. 4. Is his handwriting legible? No, I find it quite ………………. 5. Does her father approve of Jasur? No, I’m sure he’s …………….. 6. Do you think he’s honest? No I’m sure he is…………………. 7. Is it convenient to have a chat? No.sorry. It’s a bit …………………now. 8. Can I replace the vase I broke? I’m afraid not – it’s……………… USe: preFIxeS With the negative meaning Prefixes un-, in-, il-, ir-, and dis – are often used to give adjectives (and some verbs and nouns) a negative meaning. Here are common examples: happy – unhappy like (v) – dislike possible – impossible, legal – illegal (=against the law) correct – incorrect, regular – irregular (e.g. irregular verbs) Verb prefixes have two meanings: they can have a negative meaning, but they can also mean: “the opposite of an action” or “to reverse an action”. This meaning is used with certain verbs. example: (to) lock – unlock (to) pack – unpack 2. Make a text to the topic “Internet” using at least 10 adjectives with negative prefixes. 98% of reading is an auditory/listening task. Only 2% of reading is visual. Listening to a story and reading that same story will activate the exact same pathways in the brain. It‛s not where the sensory information comes from but, where it ends up in the brain. Our eyes act more like ears when we read. The main reason English is so difficult to speak, listen to and to read is because spoken English has an exceptional number of vowel sounds (phonemes). The ability to hear and identify individual sounds is what separates natural readers from struggling readers. Many weak readers face to spelling mistakes and most of their errors – not surprisingly – are with vowels. 98 lls Your skill set 1. Try to fill in your skill set. e.g.: Personality – talkative 2. Read about Sardor. He is talking about his new college and himself. My name is Sardor, I’m 17 years old. My hobbies are reading books, playing the guitar, listening to music and visiting different galleries. Since I started coming to this college, I have made only few friends because I’m not sociable. I have difficulties to get on with people, because I am very shy. So I found difficult to get on with my group-mates. My group-mate Jasur is very talkative, cheerful, responsive, goal-oriented, sociable, easy-going and interesting person with a good sense of humor. He is also intelligent and educated person. He is the first person who talked to me in this group. I really liked him and now we are best friends. Now I am trying to be able to work well both on my own initiative and as part of a team. I try to learn something new from every experience because I believe there is always room for selfimprovement both personally and professionally. Although my faults with my group-mates, I worked hard on my study. So I made a progress in my English. Because my group is an English group. I used to study in a different way, but here I learned other methods that helped me a lot. I really enjoy coming here because there are so many boys, and they are really clever and active. Most of teachers are funny and nice. 3.True or False? 4. Answer the questions. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 1. What kind of person is Sardor? 2. What was difficult for Sardor? 3. Have you ever been in situation like Sardor? 4. What did you do? 5. Can you give advice to Sardor to learn to get on with people easily and how to improve his communication skills? Sardor is very talkative and easy going boy. He changed his college. His friend is very shy. Sardor is trying to be an actor. He made progress on his maths. Jasur doesn’t like smiling. The teachers of Sardor are very rude and strict. 5. Write your four strongest personal skills and qualities and give examples of when you have used them i.e. justify your statements. 99 Unit 8.Identifying your skil Lesson 3. Personal profiles Starter: Look at the screen shot. Answer the questions. a) What is it? b) Where can we see it? c) Why do we use it? 1. What details do we need to fill in a personal profile? educational background personal profile 100 lls 2. Listen to Mansur and fill in this application form about him where possible. Nematov Otabekovich Name ____________________________________________________________ last first middle o male o female Current address ______________________________________________________ street Tashkent 100110 Uzbekistan ______________________________________________________ city region index/post code country +998712527752 +998712587243 Current phone________________________________________________________ day evening mobile cmartboy@gmail.com +998712527752 e-mail _____________________________ fax ______________________________ permanent address ___________________________________________________ street Check here __________________________________________________________ city region index/post code country if same as current +998989462861 permanent phone ______________________ 10 / _______ 01 1987 date of birth _____ / _________ day month 26 age ____ CA 2549459 Passport № ____________ year 3. Complete the application form about your partner. Name __________________________________________________________________ last first middle o male o female Current address ____________________________________________________________ street ____________________________________________________________ city region index/post code country Current phone______________________________________________________________ day evening mobile e-mail _____________________________ fax ____________________________________ permanent address __________________________________________________________ street Check here ________________________________________________________________ city region index/post code country if same as current permanent phone ______________________ date of birth _____ / _______ / _________ day month age _______ year 101 Passport № _______________ Unit 8.Identifying your skil Using modifying adverbs We use adverbs to make the meaning of adjectives stronger or weaker. Negative Ok positive 100 0 100 extremely very, rather fairly slightly incredibly pretty (inf.) quite a bit (inf.) fairly rather, very quite pretty(inf.) extremely incredibly 1. Change the underlined adverbs to make the first two sentences more positive and the last three sentences less negative. e.g.: 1. I thought they were very good. I thought they were incredibly good. 2. He’s been getting quite good marks in his exams. 3. Otabek said the flat was very small. 4. They said it was fairly boring. 5. The clothes were very expensive. 2. Rewrite the sentences to include the modifying adverb in brackets. e.g.: 1. I’m pessimistic. (slightly) I’m slightly pessimistic. 2. My best friend is confident (really) 3. I’m a student at a big school. (quite) 4. I find English difficult. (quite) 5. I’m sometimes shy. (a bit) Tips on Writing A Personal Profile • Weak profiles include every detail about a person. Select only relevant information. • Write about your positive qualities. • Use single adjectives to say positive things about yourself. For example, do not write “I am a person who is full of life and energy.” It is better to say, “I am a cheerful person.” • Write a strong headline. Be different from and everyone else. • Be realistic and factual in your goals in your CV. • Photos in a profile generate interest too. 102 lls 1. Discuss in pairs. What are the most important questions can you give as an example for personal profile? 2. Read two personal profiles? My Personal Profile My Personal Profile by Ozodbek My name is Ozodbek. I am from Tashkent. I am 17 years old. I am a second-year student at vocational college. I’ve got lots of hobbies and interests. I like playing chess and computer games with my friends. I also do a lot of sports, I particularly enjoy swimming and football. I’m also interested in photography. I’m quite an ambitious person. I want to go to university and then get a job in web design. I think I’m quite hard-working, too. I have probably got a few faults. I think I am slightly impatient and maybe a little intolerant too. by Sabina My name is Sabina. I’m 17 and I am a first-year student at university. I live with my parents and my brother Akmal. My hobbies are fashion and listening to music. I am not very keen on sport, but I sometimes play tennis. I’m not a very shy person. I’m quite confident and I prefer talking to other confident people. I think I’m kind and very loyal to my friends. 3. Answer the questions for each person. 1. How old are they? 2. Where do they study? 3. Which sports do they like? What other hobbies and interests do they have? 4. What personality adjectives do they use to describe themselves? 4. Make notes about yourself. Organise your ideas into three sections. Write a personal profile of 80–100 words for an Internet chat room. Call your profile “My personal profile.” Include: * an introduction with your name, hometown, age and brief information about your school (university or work place) and family; *information about hobbies, interests and sports; *a description of your personality. 103 UNIT 9. REPORT AND CASE STUDIES Lesson 1. Identifying and selecting relevant information Starter: a) Look quickly through the texts and choose one. cOcA-cOLA Syrup and extract For soda water and other carbonated beverages This “Intellectual Beverage” and Temperance Drink contains the valuable Tonic and Nerve Stimulant properties of the Coca plant and Cola (or Kola) nuts, and makes not only a delicious, exhilarating, refreshing and invigorating Beverage, (dispensed from the soda water fountain or in the other carbonated beverages), but a valuable Brain Tonic, and a cure for all nervous affections – SICK HEAD-ACHE, NEURALGIA, HYSTERIA, MELANCHOLY, etc. The peculiar flavor of COCA-COLA delights every palate; it is dispensed from the soda fountain in same manner as any of the fruit syrups. J.S. Pemberton. Chemist Solo proprietor, Atlanta, Ga. b) Discuss your choice with your partner. 1. How did you select it? 2. What things did you pay attention to while choosing? 3. What information was useful for you? 1. Match words 1–11 with their definition a–k. 1 tired a) the detailed study of something to find new facts 2 report b) to choose someone or something from a group 3 research c) to find something by chance 4 select d) right for a certain purpose, person, or situation 5 identify e) important and connected to what is needed 6 come across f) needing to rest or sleep 7 relevant g) the place in which people or animal live 8 influence h) needed 9 environment i) written document that gives information about a definite topic, situation or event 10 suitable j) an effect that a person or thing has on someone’s behavior or on the way something happens 11 necessary k) to recognize something and understand exactly what it is 104 T. 25 2. Listen to the conversation and say what problems Kamila and Dilshod had. Kamila’s problem: ______________________________________________________________ Dilshod’s problem:______________________________________________________________ 3. Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 2. Pay attention that NOT all words from exercise 2 are needed. dilshod’s: Hello. What’s the matter with you? You look 1__________. kamila’s: Our teacher gave us a project as homework. We had to write a 2_____________ about the influence of the environment on different animals. kamila’s: I started to look for information on the Internet. You know, I found so many different articles, 3 _____________ and texts about animals and it was so difficult to 4____________ a suitable one. It took me the whole day and night to choose the right information. dilshod’s: Poor you. I also had a problem with 5______________ necessary information a few days ago. dilshod’s: I also had to make a report, but my topic wasn’t easy to find. I hardly 6____________ 4 or 5 articles on this topic but only two of them were relevant to what I was searching for. kamila’s: I have an idea. Maybe we should go and ask our IT teacher how to select 7____________ information on the web. 4. Listen again and check your answers. 5. Discuss in pairs. a. Have you ever had any of their problems? Give examples. b. Imagine that your friends have the same problem. What would you advise them to do? 6. Discuss in small groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What information do you usually look for? Do you need information for study, hobby or anything else? How often do you look for information? How do you look for necessary information? Do you have any strategies of searching information? Where do you usually try to find information you need? What kind of internet searching engines do you use? Why do you use exactly this searching engine? Choose one group member to present your group’s findings to the whole class. 105 Unit 9. Report and case s 1. Look at exercise 2 and underline verbs in Past Simple. 2. All statements give wrong information. cOrrecT The SeNTeNceS. e.g.: Thomas Edison invented the telephone. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 1. Bill Gates produced the world’s first petroldriven car. 2. Alexander Fleming built the first vacuum cleaner. 3. Ian Wilmat discovered penicillin in 1828. 4. In 1981 James M. Spangler created Microsoft-DOS. 5. Karl Benz developed the idea of cloning in 1997. USe: past Simple Tense • The simple past is used to talk about activities or situations that happened in the past and we know when it happened. e.g.: yesterday, two days ago, in 1999, last month • Most simple past verbs are formed by adding -ed to a verb. e.g.: work-worked, help-helped... • Some verbs have irregular past forms. e.g.: see-saw, buy-bought... 3. In pairs, ask questions. When did you last…? e.g.: A: When did you last have a holiday? have a holiday? see a video? go shopping? lose something? B: Last August. A: Where did you go? B: To the mountains. write a letter? get a present? have dinner in a restaurant? There are many websites that could be relevant for any topic you may have to write about. However, it is not always easy to identify if the information is reliable. In general, it is best not to trust information you find on the WWW until you can understand who wrote it. Consider the following internet ‘domain names‛. Government .gov Commercial .com Education .edu Organisation .org Academic .ac Network .net 106 studies 1. In small groups discuss how and where you can find a job. What should you do to find it? editor wanted Editor needed to direct the publication of new software magazine. At least two years editorial experience needed. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30 p.m. some overtime required. Send your resume to: P.O. BOX 213, Fairview, IN. 46243. bank manager Town Bank is looking for a bank manager to head its downtown branch. Seeking individual with 5+ years experience. Working Hours: 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Excellent benefits, including attractive retirement plan. Contact newbank@gol.com for more information. eSL Instructors needed. Language Academy is hiring qualified candidates for its new intensive program. PT/FT positions available. MA in teaching English as a second language required, plus some foreign language ability. No more than 25 teaching hours per week. AM/PM shifts. Teachers with background in computer literacy preferred. Fax resume: 567–1243. 2. Read the text. Informal Job Search Networking Try job search networking, it really does work. At least 60% of all jobs are found by networking. Develop contacts – friends, family, neighbors, college graduates, people in associations – anyone who might help to get information and job leads. You can take a direct approach and ask for job leads or try a less formal approach and ask for information and advice. Contact everyone you know. You may be surprised by the people they know. Make yourself pick up the phone and call. You will have to make a lot of phone calls each day. The more phone calls you make the easier it will become. Email is a perfectly acceptable way to network as well. Keep your message short and to the point and be sure to check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you are attending a holiday gathering or any other type of party, it is appropriate to mention in casual conversation that you are looking for a job. Accept all the invitations you receive – you never know where or when you might meet someone who can help you! Find advice on how to search for a job with the help of networking. What advice did you find? Underline it. 3. Find synonyms to the words in bold with underlined words from the text. a. b. c. d. e. f. pick up She hurries to hold the baby as soon as it starts to cry. ________ I will tell her about it when I see her tomorrow. _________ They offered her a job and she said “Yes”. _________ As a writer she has a completely new attitude to the classic horror story. ________ I am trying to improve my English. _________ Is it Ok if I wait for you here? _________ 4. Role play. In pair create an advertisement on finding a job. 5. Find job adverts from any source (for example, from newspapers, the Internet, magazines, etc.) and bring them to class. 107 Unit 9. Report and case s Lesson 2. Reporting and notes Starter: Look at the pictures. What can you see? DAYS GONE BY 1. Discuss with your partner. a) Can you think of any books that have become films? Give examples. b) What are the good things about books/films? Give examples. Complete the table. Use dictionary if necessary. word seldom definition a sentence with it not often He seldom watches TV. adoption definitely character successful get shocked imagine 108 studies T.26. 2. Listen to a woman being interviewed for a magazine survey on reading, watching films and film adoptions of books. Listen and complete the notes. books vs. Film Survey Male Female comments month Reads one or two books a (a)_________________ At the moment reading a (b) ______________ book. Goes to cinema two or three a (c) ______________. (d)_______________goes to see film adoptions of books. Thinks that with books you know what the characters (e) ____________. The characters are almost like (f) ____________. Sometimes gets a shock watching films because characters (g) _________ to the way she imagined. 3. True or False? Listen again if necessary. 1. He asked her how often she bought books. 2. He wanted to know how often she read historical fiction. 3. He asked her what she was reading at that moment. 4. The man asked the women how often she went to the cinema. 5. He asked her if she had seen The Lords of the Rings films. 6. He asked her whether she preferred reading books or watching TV. False _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. Work in small groups. Choose the book you would like to read. Why? Give reasons. 109 Unit 9. Report and case s 1. Look at these questions and statements. Which are direct questions (DQ) and which are reported questions (RQ)? USe: repOrTed QUeSTIONS. We don’t use the auxiliary verb do in reported questions. “Do you like this newspaper?” → He asked me if I liked that newspaper. – There is no change in place of subject and verb in reported questions. “Where is he?” → They ask me where he is. – Reported questions are not real questions so they do not need question marks. – When there is no question word (what, who, how, why, etc.) we use if or whether. “Will you go to the party?” → They asked me if I would go to the party. 1. He asked what she was reading at the moment. _____________________________ 2. He wanted to know if she had seen The Lord of the Rings films. __________________ 3. How often do you go to the cinema? ____________________________________ 4. Have you seen The Lord of the Rings films? ____________________________________ 5. He asked her how often she went to the cinema. ______________________________ 6. What are you reading at the moment? ____________________________________ 7. Do you prefer reading books or watching TV? ________________________________ 8. He asked her whether she preferred reading books or watching TV __________________. 2. Put the words in the right order. 1. He asked /I/ reading/liked/if. 2. She wanted to know/before/we/the /whether/to/went /day /cinema/the. 3. Mother wondered/was/moment/he/if/TV /at /watching /that. 4. She asks/like/books/film/I /of/whether/adoptions. 5. I wonder/go /with /you /the /if /theatre/me/to/would? 6. He asked/book/finished/whether/reading /you/that? 3. Complete the sentences with a question word or if/whether. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 They asked the novelist __________ her favorite writer was. Ikrom asked Bobur __________ he wanted to do. Zukhra wanted to know __________ I had come by bus or by car. Zilola asked me __________ I wanted a coffee and I said yes. They asked me __________ I had brothers or sisters and I said no. My teacher asked me __________ I hadn’t been at school the day before. Karen’s mother asked her __________ she had had a good time. • In notes and messages it is normal to begin simply with the name of the person we are writing to. • We usually write short, direct sentences in messages. For example, we often use imperatives like Bring him some magazines, rather than Could you bring some magazines? We often use abbreviations like PS or asap to keep message short. 110 studies 1. Work in groups and discuss these questions. 1. Why do we write notes and messages? When and where do we write? 2. Do you often write them? Why/Why not? 3. Tell about the last message you wrote. 2. Read these three notes and messages. Write one sentence to explain the situation in each. Mum, My friend, Javohir, fell and hurt his knee playing basketball at school. The sports teacher took him to ST. Central Hospital I’ve gone to see him. Can you come and meet me there after work? Saida. P.S. Bring him some magazines ‘Basketball Giants’ or something. Javohir’s really bored! Rayhon Get well soon! I was really sorry to hear that you’re ill. I only found out yesterday when Maftuna told me. I know you don’t want any visits at the moment, so I’m sending their note and some chocolates. I hope you can eat them. Don’t worry about maths, physics, French, etc. I’ve taken notes for you and I’ll give them to you when I see you. Get well soon!!! Aziz I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your laptop but you weren’t here. I need it to write up a project at school. I’ve taken it to school but I promise I’ll look after it. You don’t mind, do you? After all, that’s what brothers are for! I’ll bring it bag asap. Dilafruz 3. Match abbreviations 1-6 with their meanings a-f. 1. PS 2. e.g. 3. NB 4. asap 5. i.e. 6. etc a. as soon as possible b. for example (Latin: exempli gratia) c. please pay special attention (Latin: Nota Bene) d. here is some additional information to my letter or note e. and other things of the same type f. that is, this is exactly what I mean (Latin: id est) 4. You’ve just gone to visit your friend at his home because he hasn’t been at college for two days. He’s just gone out to the chemist’s. You don’t have your mobile phone with you so you leave him a message. Include this information: • • • • Find out how he is. Find out what he has done in the last two days. Tell him what you’ve done at college. Tell him some news about one or two of your friends. 111 Unit 9. Report and case s Lesson 3. Case Study Starter: Look at the pictures. Match them with the problems. A B D С E 1. My car is making a funny noise. 2. I can’t wake up in the morning. 3. I’ve got exams next week. 4. My cat is ill. 5. I’ve had a terrible toothache for weeks. 6. I’m overweight. 1. Match phrases 1–6 with their definitions a–f. 1. pick on a. to change from being a child to being an adult 2. treat b. to have a good relationship with someone 3. grow up c. to often and unfairly criticise or be unkind to someone 4. peer pressure d. to do something, especially something that you should not do 5. get on with e. to deal with 6. get up to f. when people of the same age make you do something 112 F studies T.27. 2. Listen to three teenagers talking about their problems. Tell what problems they have. 1. Dilshod ________________________ 2. Mirzohid _______________________ 3. Dilnoza ________________________ 3. True, False or Don’t Know? 1. Dilshod gets on well with his parents. 2. Mirzohid doesn’t often have arguments with his parents. 3. Dilnoza’s parents have some rules about what clothes she can wear. 4. Mirzohid thinks that some teenagers do something because of peer pressure. 5. Dilshod thinks his parents should give him more independence. 6. Dilnoza’s parents let her do anything she wants to do. False _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 4. In pairs, discuss these questions. 1. In what way do Dilnoza’s brothers and sisters think their parents treat her differently from the way they treated them? 2. Why does Dilshod think his parents still treat him like a child? 3. Why does Dilnoza think her parents give her some independence? 4. What examples of ‘peer pressure’ does Mirzohid give? 5. Work in small groups. Role-play. Try to find a solution to the problem. Student A Your best friend has a secret problem and told you about it You promised not to tell everyone. You were sending your friend an e-mail about the problem, but accidentally you send it to the biggest gossiper in your group. You don’t want to tell your friend that it was you. Your friend knows something that you don’t want anyone to know. Student b You told your best friend about your secret problem. You told nobody else. Now everyone knows your secret. Your best friend would never tell because you know some very big secrets about him/her – how would they feel if you told? You think that the biggest gossiper in your group told everyone your secret, she couldn’t have known. 113 Unit 9. Report and case s 1. Complete the wishes in the second sentence. 1. My friends are on vacation, but I’m not. I wish _________________ with my friends. 2. I want to buy a new car, but I don’t have enough money. I wish _________________to buy a new car. 3. I can’t go out tonight because I have to do my homework. I wish_________________ do my homework. 4. I want to go on vacation, but I have to go to college. I wish_____________________ go to school. 5. I can’t remember the answer. I wish______________________. Use: I wish I wish is one of the ways to talk about unreal situations. After I wish the tense backshifts (Present changes to past, past changes to past perfect) FACT WISH I can’t do what I want. I have a problem I wish I could do what I wanted. I wish I didn’t have a problem Unreal conditionals In unreal conditionals after if the tense also backshifts. I’m the youngest → If I weren’t the youngest In the second clause of the sentence we use would. If I weren’t the youngest in the family they wouldn’t give me any independence. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct second conditional form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I ____________ (buy) a big yacht if I_____________ (win) a lot of money. 2. If I ____________ (have) a big yacht, I_____________ (sail) round the world. 3. I _____________ (visit) my friend in Australia if I____________ (have) enough money. 4. If I_____________ (visit) my friend in Australia, I_____________ (go) to the Great Barrier Reef. 5. If I ____________(travel) to the Great Barrier Reef, I ____________(see) lots of fish. Compared with teens who don‛t diet, teens who do: • are more unhappy with their weight; • tend to ‘feel fat‛ even if they are not; • have lower self-esteem; • feel less connected to their families and schools; and • feel less in control of their lives. 114 studies 1. Match the words with their definitions. pay attention cash desk fortune spoil neighbour a lot of money you are interested in something a person that lives near you a place where you things in a shop make something useless 2. Read the texts. problem situations 1. I was in the supermarket yesterday and I saw a boy who was taking things from the shelves and putting them straight into his bag. But I didn’t pay much attention to it and continued doing my shopping. When I came up to the cash desk to pay the boy was standing in front of me. I watched him pay only for one bar of chocolate and go out of the supermarket. 2. My friend put me in a really difficult situation. She wanted to buy a dress for a party and asked me if I liked it. I thought she wouldn’t buy it if she didn’t like. But she did. And she paid a fortune for it. When she put it on for the party I understood “No, orange isn’t her colour”. But it was too late. People started to laugh at her. 3. One day my friend went to the country and asked me to look after his dog. I knew that he had nobody else to ask about it and I agreed. But one day that dog spoiled my mother’s shoes and she said to take it away. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I gave it to my neighbour and decided not to tell my friend about it. But when my friend came back he found out that his dog was at my neighbour’s and got angry with me. 3. True or False? 1. Yesterday I saw a boy at the cinema. (text 1) 2. He paid for a bar of chocolate. (text 1) 3. The dress wasn’t expensive. (text 2) 4. People liked her dress. (text 2) 5. My friend asked to look after his cat. (text 3) 6. It spoiled my father’s coat. (text 3) False _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 4. Discuss in small groups. What would you do in each situation? Start with: If I were in this situation I would... 5. In your groups create a problem situation. Find solution to it. Role-play your situation. What kind problem is it? Have you had this problem before? What did you do? What would you advise? 115 Unit 10. Skills for success UNIT 10. SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Lesson 1. Emphases on action Starter: 1Work in pairs. Pictures are showing different extra-curriculum activities. Can you name the activities? 1. Write antonyms to the following words. active passive interesting useful improving communication skill showing ability friendly atmosphere confidence win competition health being leader 116 s. T. 28. 2. Listen to four people talking. What clubs or societies would they like to join. name activity cooking club Iroda Rustam Akbar Munisa 3. In pairs, discuss these questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Have you got a hobby? If yes, what is it? How long have you had this hobby? Is it an expensive hobby? Why do you like it? How much time do you spend on your hobby? Is it common hobby in Uzbekistan? Write down three other common hobbies in your country? 117 Unit 10. Skills for success 1. Complete the sentences with much, many and a lot of. 1. I have not got much news about new comer. 2. _______people in our country prefer to live in the city. 3. Do you have________ luggage? 4. ________people do not eat meat in India, and they feel themselves very healthy. 5. You need to do _________things to win this competition. 6. If you do not have__________ confidence it can be difficult to tell them truth. 7. Students in our club did ____________ to build friendly atmosphere. USe: much Much/many We use much before uncountable nouns usually in negative and interrogative sentences. I do not use much sugar in my biscuits. many We use many before countable nouns and mostly in negative and interrogative sentences. I do not have many friends in my new collage. A lot of is used before countable and uncountable nouns in positive sentences. I have a lot of information for you. There a lot of books in our library. 2. Choose the correct answer. 1. I have many/much opportunities to make many/much friends. 2. How many/ much students go to extra classes. 3. How much/many time do you spend for dancing? 4. I cannot afford to go to extra classes, because I haven’t got a lot of/much money. 5. You do not need much/many things to show your ability. 3. Create questions with how many and how much. 1. A: How much money does Akbar make. B: A lot. (Akbar makes a lot of money.) 2. A: How ________________________________ on a football team? B: Eleven. (There are eleven players on a football team.) 3. A: How ________________________________ to do tonight? B: Just a little. (I have just little homework to do tonight.) 4. A: How ________________________________ in the basket? B: A lot. (There are several apples in the basket) Volcanoes are openings in the Earth‛s surface. When they are active they can let ash, gas and hot magma escape in sometimes violent and spectacular eruptions. 118 s. 1. Write three things: – that people often play. – that people often collect. – three outdoor hobbies which include some physical exercises 2. Read Anna’s story. Most of our outside activities begin as things we do or join as a family. Five of the seven of us play violin, so we go to lessons as a family, and work on our collage work when it is not our turn to be working with the teacher. Music (violin, piano, and now trumpet) is more like another collage subject than an “outside activity”, and I can’t imagine my week without it. Gymnastics started in the same way – the local gym offered classes in the afternoon for homeschoolers, and all of us went to the gym together. I’m not a gymnast, but I enjoyed the company of other students, and the opportunity to work on my strength and balance. My younger sister is the only one who has continued these classes. She’s less social than I am, and likes to see how far she can push herself in gymnastics. I like team sports better. 3. Are these information about Ann a True or False? e.g.: Four of seven people play violin. False 1. 2. 3. 4. Music is more popular activity among students. She enjoys her gym class. Her sister stopped going in for 2 months ago. She likes drawing. 4. Make a list of activities that you do after your classes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Compare your activities with others. 119 Unit 10. Skills for success Lesson 2. Problem solving Starter: Work in groups. Look at the pictures and guess problems. Then try to find solutions for them. a b c d 1. Complete the sentences with the given words in the box and match them with pictures. 1. There is too much…………………… smoke 2. The rivers are very polluted. throw 3. The roads are always………………… polluted 4. The buses are always………………… air 5. We ……..a lot of rubbish rubbish 6. There is a lot of………….coming out from the factories the earth 7. Fume that cars exhaust spoil the…… jammed 8. We should protect …………….where we live. crowded 9. We need green………………… the environment 10. ………. is polluting. area 11. We need to……………..waste. save 12. Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth to…………… the water. recycle 120 s. T.29. 2. Listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true or false. 1. Rubbish from your home is put into large holes every week. 2. The land where rubbish is put can be used to grow food after some years, because it is not dangerous. 3. Rubbish does not start producing harmful substances to air and water. 4. People throw six billion containers of glass in two years. 5. Reproducing rubbish saves energy. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 3. Look at the photos and find the difference. How are people saving energy? Find 6 examples. 1_________________________________________________________________________ 2_________________________________________________________________________ 3_________________________________________________________________________ 4_________________________________________________________________________ 5_________________________________________________________________________ 6_________________________________________________________________________ How are people wasting energy? Find 6 examples. 1_________________________________________________________________________ 2_________________________________________________________________________ 3_________________________________________________________________________ 4_________________________________________________________________________ 5_________________________________________________________________________ 6_________________________________________________________________________ 121 Unit 10. Skills for success Use: possessive noun • An apostrophe (‘) and an –s are used with the nouns to show possessions. eg.: I know the student’s name. • Singular possessive noun: noun+ apostrophe(‘)+-s eg.: my baby’s name, a man,s name • A singular noun that ends in –s has two possible possessive forms. eg.: James’ or James’s • Plural possessive noun : noun+-s + apostrophe(‘) eg.: the students’ names • Irregular plural noun is a plural Singular noun+ apostrophe(‘)+-s Plural noun+ apostrophe(‘)+-s • Tom’s here. (not possessive. It’s construction) Tom’s brother is here. • Noun +of +noun (possessive) eg.: A friend of mine... 1. Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the noun in parentheses Smoke of a car pollutes 1. (car/ smoke) _____________ our nature. 2. (people) One of the ________responsibly is not to throw rubbish. 3. (city/center) There are a lot of traffic jam in the________________________ 4. (friend) If we throw rubbish, my ____________________father always punishes us. 5. (Urban areas/country) _____________ are developing day by day. 2. Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The size............... (of damaged area/damaged area’s) is increasing. ............................. (the colour of people/people’s colour) cannot be reason for insulting. The ...................... (number of rare animals/ rare animal’s number) is reducing. ............................. (My aunt’s son/ son of my aunt) suffered from traffic jam. ............................. (My friend’s house/ the house of my friend) is situated near the polluted river. 6. ............................. (The word’s pollution/ pollution of the world) is increasing. 7. Nobody knew....... (the cause of the traffic jam/ traffic jam’s cause). 3. Choose the appropriate answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cities’ rush hour/ rush hours of the city are getting increased day by day. Villages’/ live in the villages lives have always had difficulties. Pollution is changing people’s health/health of people Lack of water is reducing life expectancy in cities’ life. Transport system of different countries is making/lives of people’s lives more comfortable. Every single day, 70 million tons of carbon dioxide are released into our world‛s atmosphere. 122 s. 1. Complete the charts about traffic jam. Give three solutions to avoid the traffic jam in your city. TRAFFIC 2. Read the text and choose the best title. In many countries almost everyone drives a car. But this means terrible traffic jams and air pollution. Read this story and find out: Why doesn’t Singapore have a car problem? In many big Asian cities, such as Seoul, Taipei and Tokyo, there are many cars, trucks and buses in the streets. This has caused bad traffic jams that pollute the air. One large city, Singapore, is an exception. There are no traffic jams. Its air is fresh – free from pollution. This happy situation is not accident. It is a result of a government rules to fight air pollution and traffic jams. The government has simply made it very expensive to own and drive a car in Singapore. The program requires anyone who wants a car to buy a permit. In addition to the cost of owning a car, drivers in Singapore must pay to enter downtown on weekdays. And there is a big tax on gasoline. As good as this sound, it might not work in other places. Think about your city. How would everyone feel if it became too expensive to own and drive cars? There might be other problems. Would the public transportation system-buses and trains-be able to handle all of the people who used to drive their own cars? And are the buses and trains comfortable for everyone? Clearly, something must be done to change people’s lifestyles in the world’s large cities. Pollution from cars and trucks has already caused serious harm to the earth’s environment. Perhaps, Singapore has right answer after all. At the same time Uzbekistan is one of the developing countries, where transportation service is also developing. Like other Asian countries traffic jam also happens very often in rush hours and in order to solve such problems new roads are being built. We should develop solar and electronic cars. Then the problem of pollution will be solved. Other large cities should do what Singapore has done Other large cities should do what Singapore has done We should do what Singapore did, but step by step I understand the problem but I can’t just live without my car. What Singapore did is crazy. It is impossible to do it in our country. We should develop solar and electronic cars. Then the problem of pollution will be solved. 3. Share your ideas comparing with others. 4. Complete the table. What negative and positive influences are the problems linked to your job given above? Advantage disadvantage 123 Unit 10. Skills for success Lesson 3. Achieving desire outcome. Starter: In small groups describe the picture. What is an achievement for you? AcTION mOTIVATION AchIeVemeNT Make your own map of success and explain it. Success has different meanings for different people. How do you define success? Number the followings from 1 to 8. (1 is the most important and 8 the lowest). 1. _______ being in a happy marriage 2. _______ having a good job 3. _______ keeping a lot of close friends 4. _______ having much money 5. _______ having a nice family with good children 6. _______ owning rare and available things 7. _______ being very powerful 8. _______ being a famous person Discuss your opinions in small groups. 1. What are the eight things that help to be successful? Look at pictures 1-8 and find the words you are given the first letter of each word. Work, passion, push, ideas, focus, persuade, aim, good luck 1 2 3 4 5 1. W__________ 2. ____________ 6 3. L____________ 4. P____________ 7 5. A____________ 6. F____________ 8 7. persuade 8. P_______ 124 s. T.30 3. Listen to the tape. Are these sentences true or false? 1. 2. 3. 4. Bill Gates is the most successful person in the USA. He started his business with his friend. After finishing school he entered the Oxford University. The company didn’t exist anymore, because Bill Gates could not achieve what he wanted. 5. His key for success is being generous and hard working. Bill Gates 4. Discuss in pairs. 1. What is success? What are five ways that help a person to be successful? 2. Have you achieved any of your goals? Give examples. 3. In the world, many people think that success is money and fame. Do you agree or disagree? 4. Do you know the most successful people in your country? Give examples? 5. Do you know any successful people around the world in the field you have chosen? 6. Do you believe people must work hard to be successful? Why?/Why not? 7. Is being successful important for you? Why?/Why not? 8. What type of success do you think you might have in the future? How are you preparing for it? 125 Unit 10. Skills for success USe: 1. Choose the correct answer. Types of questions: general questions: we use to get general idea about situation. We use do/does/did/ have/has/had before the subject to make a question form of the sentence. 1. Do/ does people need motivation to success in his job? 2. Have/has you met anyone who succeed e.g.: Does he play football? Did he come to work yesterday? Have you lost your pen? great achievement? 3. What will/shall you do if your do not get Special questions: we use to have an idea about specific situation or manner. Wh-questions begin with a question word and follow the above rule. (question words: who, why, when, where, whom, how and etc.) Who is she? What did she do yesterday? When will she come? much money? 4. Do/have you got goals? 5. How many ways of achieving aim do/ does you know? 6. Do/ have you any achievement in your English classes? 7. Which of activities are/is important for you to be successful, motivation or action? 2. Fill in the gaps with do, are, is, will. 1. What the desired achievement of education? 2. ___________ you have enough passion to be successful? 3. ___________ you satisfied with your life style? 4. ___________ you feel yourself successful if you are a famous person? 5. What ______ you desire to get from your job? 3. Fill in the sentences with question words what, why, how, how long. 1. How people can make a success easily? 2. __________ do you do to be a successful person? 3. __________ should people work hard to achieve desires? 4. __________ do people need to be successful? In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time. – Anthony J. If people are trying to bring you DOWN, it only means that you are ABOVE them. 126 s. 1. Look at the pictures and find type of success. 2. Read the text. What makes people successful? Who do you think is the most successful? Who do you think is the least successful? In order to answer these questions, we first need to understand what success is. Everyone has a different definition. Many of us place great value on acting, on achievements, or on reaching various goals. Others see success with material goods. Others key for success by how much they can contribute to the well-being of their families, or to the community and society in general. There are many other definitions, but mostly success is connected with becoming rich, famous, and respected at work. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. Being successful could mean simply being satisfied with oneself and one’s career. For many people, a successful person is someone who feels that his or her work and life in general offer an exceptionally high degree of satisfactions. But how does one get from here to there? How does one reach this feeling of satisfaction with life and career? It seems that successful people do two things: • They use their natural abilities in their work. • They set career and life goals. In other words, successful people choose careers where they can use their natural abilities, or do what comes naturally to them. For example, successful teachers are people who know how to help people learn, and the best doctors are those who know how to listen to people. Successful people know where they are starting from, and what direction they want to give their lives and careers, even if it is something as simple and wonderful as raising a happy family. 3. Read the questions and circle your answer. Is money important to achieve success? There is no doubt that money is important to achieve desire. We need money to our comforts. But how money is important to you? 1-disagree strongly 2-disagree 3-not sure 4-agree 5-agree strongly 1. Rich people are more successful than poor people 2. I like to play games like lottery where I can win money 3. It is important to have a job that pays well then a job I enjoy 4. I often think about money 5. I grade my success by the amount of money I have 6. Spending money gives me a lot of pleasure 7. Achievement in life costs money. 8. I think it is ok to ask for money from friends and family 9. Money is important when choosing a partner. 10. When I get a present I am interested in its cost. 3. Work with a partner. You hope you will be successful in the future. Your partner will be a person who helps you achieve that goal. Complete the table describing your partner’s action. My goal is ... My partner would be ... 127 I would say ... UNIT 11. RESUME. PORTFOLIO Lesson 1. What is expected from you? Starter: a. Work in pairs. Read this information below and talk to your partner what these students are busy with after their studies. My name is Katie, and I guess I’m not your typical sportsperson. I like to read, write and watch arty films, but then again, there’s nothing I love more than cheerleading with my team. Hi All, I am 21 years old. I am not really what you could qualify as a self-talker, I`d rather let people make their own opinions about me. I love sports as a way to stay fit and to socialise. Roses are red, violet are blue. hey, I’m new. Bacon! I’m Novis, currently doing Masters in Law and passionate in sports like badminton and basketball. b. What do they have in common? 1. Complete the sentences with the given words in the box and match them with pictures. 1 2 3 4 1. You must be able to “stand on your own two feet’’ and be…… a. goals 2. You should have the ability to set………………… b. own 3. You have to be able to work on your……..a lot. c. friends 4. You’ll need to organise study sessions with……… d. independent 128 o. T. 31. 2. Listen to a talk between a school leaver and the 1st year student of a high school and write down the characteristics that graduates are expected to have as a high school student. Characteristics that you are expected to have: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. goals friends characteristic qualities x 2 secondary school challenging plans 1. Hi, I’m graduating a secondary school this year. 2. I don’t know what……………………….. I should have in order to study well at high school. 3. Don’t worry. Studying at high school isn’t so ……………………………… 4. You should have ability to set ……………..to improve your work. 5. You should have exact …………….and goals to improve your studies. 6. Are there any other qualities that I should have to………………….my knowledge? 7. Well, other ……………………….that you should have is self-motivation. 8. You’ll need to organise study sessions with……………………………….. 4. Discuss with your partner: Are these qualities above really necessary to have when you study at high school? Why?/Why not? 129 Unit 11. Resume. Portfolio 1. Give your friend some advice. Fill in the blanks with must/ mustn’t / don’t have to. e.g.: You must be careful during the exam. Otherwise you can’t be successful. Use: must/musn’t/have to/don’t have to. • Some modal verbs have the same meanings in the same context. I have to go. = I must go. • The negative forms have different meanings. I don’t have to go. (It’s not necessary) I mustn’t go. (It’s not allowed) • Some modal verbs have only small differences of meaning. I have to wear a suit and tie. (this is the rule) You must call me tomorrow (this is order) 1. You _________ be able to stay so “stand your own two feet” 2. You ________ inform my boss that you will be late to work. 3. You ________ wear school uniform on holidays. 4. You ________ make noise during the lesson. 5. You ________ be careful while you are 6. addressing your teacher. 7. You ________ get up early on Sunday 2. Write about school rules using must/mustn’t/don’t have to. must mustn’t 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________ don’t have to 8. _____________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________ Ability to organize your time. You need to keep track of time. You must: • Know when and where you should be for scheduled classes, events and exams. • Know when work has to be handed in • Keep to deadlines for handing in work 130 o. 1. Discuss with your partner. “kNOWLedge IS beTTer ThAN WeALTh”. 2. Read the text. knowledge and Wealth It is believed that once ten learned men approached Ali, and wanted to know how knowledge was better than wealth. They requested that each one of them be given a separate answer. Ali answered them as follows: 1. You have to guard your wealth, but knowledge guards you. Therefore, knowledge is better than wealth. 2. When knowledge is distributed it increases. When wealth is distributed it decreases. As such knowledge is better than wealth. 3. A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth. 4. A learned man because of his wider outlook is apt to be generous while a rich man because of his love for money is apt to be miserly. As such knowledge is better than wealth. 5. Knowledge cannot be stolen, while wealth is constantly exposed to the danger of being stolen. Accordingly knowledge is better than wealth. 6. With the lapse of time, knowledge gains in depth and dimensions. Hoarded coins get rusty, or cease to be legal tender. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth. 7. You can keep account of wealth because it is limited, but you cannot keep account of knowledge because it is boundless. That is why knowledge is better than wealth. 8. Knowledge illuminates the mind, while wealth is apt to blacken it. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth. 3. There are some antonyms in the text. Underline any you can find. 4. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of being wealthy. Compare your notes with your partner. 131 Unit 11. Resume. Portfolio Lesson 2. Self-evaluation. Starter: a) Look at the pictures and guess the situations. b) Discuss in pairs: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? 1. Match the expressions 1–8 with their synonyms a–h. 1. academic language 2. meeting deadlinesb. 3. adjust university life 4. sort out problems 5. handling challenges 6. have concerns 7. manage anxieties 8. starting at university a. solve the problems b. begin studying at university c. have problems d. cope with worries e. solve difficulties f. get used to university life g. managing to submit something on time h. formal language 132 o. T.32. 2. Listen and tick the problems Durdona and Nodir have. Find who has these problems: durdona Nodir 1. difficulty in understanding 2. academic language. 3. can’t meet the deadlines. 4. can’t adjust university life 5. can’t sort out problems 6. can’t handle the challenges 7. have some concerns 8. can’t manage anxieties 9. difficulty in starting at university 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box: have some concerns manage my anxieties handle the challenges starting at university adjust meet sort out 1. durdona: This year I entered university and I have some difficulties in starting at university. 2. I’m really worried about my studies and can’t __________________________________. 3. I ______________________________________ in understanding some subjects. 4. Nodir: I can’t ______________________ and not able to ________________________ some of my problems. 5. One of my problems is I can’t ________________________________ the university life. 6. It’s really difficult to ___________________________________________ the deadlines. Listen again and check your answers. 4. Discuss with your partner: – Do you have the same problems? If yes, give examples. – How can you handle these problems? Give examples. 133 Unit 11. Resume. Portfolio Use: adjectives and prepositions. Explanations. Some adjectives require prepositions. Excited, right, sorry about e.g: We were all excited about the match. Bad, good at e.g: I’m good at english. Famous, late, ready for e.g: You were late for school yesterday. Different from e.g: I’m different from my sister. Interested in e.g: We are interested in english. Afraid, tired, frightened, full of e.g: She is afraid of dogs. Keen on e.g: I’m not very keen on fried food. Married to e.g: Ellen is married to Jack. Angry/annoyed, Pleased, bored with e.g: We are bored with this film. be careful! many adjectives have different meanings with different prepositions. 1. Underline the correct word. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Brazil is famous for/in its beautiful beaches. I’m not very good for/at maths. Kate is afraid of/for mice. Kate is afraid of/for mice. My teacher was very pleased with/to me. Helen was very excited for/about her prize. Peter isn’t very keen on/for playing golf. My town is famous for/with its soap factory. Why are you so angry for/with me? Is your brother interested in/to football? 2. Write one word in each space. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Are you ready for bed yet? It’s very late. Stop shouting! Why are you………..with me? Joe’s school bag is …………..of dirty pieces of paper. I’m……….of doing the same old things every day. Diana is …………..at physics and always gets top marks. Paola has decided to get married………the boy next door. You were…………about my wallet. It was on my desk, as you said. Lots of people I know are…………of the dark. I’m not very …………on Chinese food. Clive is really ……….with his new bike. He says it’s great. By the help of self – evaluation you can manage your worries about learning. For example, focus on planning your own activities rather than worrying about how well other students are doing. Some people play psychological games, saying that they do not work and can write essays overnight. Very few people can really do this; it is certainly not expected of you, and it is not a sensible way to study. 134 o. 1. Imagine that you have already finished your lyceum/college. Discuss these questions with your partner: 1. What can you say about changes that happened in your character? 2. What did you achieve as a learner? 2. Read the article. guess about your future Our imaginations are very powerful. Just try not to think about something, such as whether you left the cooker on, and you quickly discover how easy it is for your imagination to see your home burnt to the ground! If you give your imagination any leads it will act on them. You can see this power of the imagination in many ways to help your study. Try using the following questionnaire to consider what you achieved at college/lyceum. You may then find that your thoughts about different activities in college/lyceum start to change as your imagination goes to work. You may also like to come back to this at different times in the future, to see whether your thinking about what really counts for you has changed. Now from your chair in the future rate the following activities in their order of importance to you. ___I made good friends; ___I made full use of college (lyceum) facilities; ___I developed new interests; ___I learned to work better with other people; ___I learned to express myself better; ___I really enjoyed myself; ___I developed my creativity; ___I took care of my health; ___I learned to manage myself as an adult; ___I learned to be a well doing student; ___I learned to balance family friendship and studying. Now think of how you could use best your time in the college/lyceum. 3. Find a general word from the underlined words from the text for each line: 1. question, answer, rating……........... 2. computer lab, library, other resources……… 3. friends, help, trust, sharing………….. 4. energy, strength, powerful…………… 5. imagination, fresh thoughts, new things……… ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 4. Explain your rating why you gave more and less importance to the activities in the questionnaire. 135 Unit 11. Resume. Portfolio Lesson 3. Developing portfolio. Starter: a) Look at these photos 1–3 and match the sentences a–c. a) These files are all portfolios. They help us to set goals and see what we have achieved. b) This is my bookshelf where I keep my portfolio; I’ll hand in this for my tutor to mark. c) I develop my portfolio on my laptop and keep it there, because it’s comfortable. 1) 2) 3) b) Make true sentences about yourself. Use these prompts: 1. I have already given…….. 2. I have never developed ………. 3. I have heard……… 1. Find definitions of the following words. Sort out the words into the following parts of speech: vocabulary 1. purpose noun adjective 2. portfolio 3. academic 4. difference 5. require 6. collection 7. hand in 8. related to 9. tomorrow 10. development 11. diverse 12. early 136 verb phrasal verb adverb o. T.33 2. Listen to a talk between two students and tick the purposes of the portfolio that are mentioned. The uses of portfolio are: 1. You can take it to job interviews. 2. You can sell it if anyone needs. 3. It keeps related documents together. 4. You can evaluate yourself. 5. You can see your personal development. 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. that difference Shahlo: Nargiza: Shahlo: Nargiza: Shahlo: Nargiza: Shahlo: Nargiza: doing monitor collection academic file developing require diverse personal several Hi, Nargiza. How are you doing? What are you busy with these days? Hi, Shahlo. I’m doing well, thanks. I’m busy with ___________portfolio. Portfolio? What is __________? A portfolio is a __________in which you bring together _________ materials on a theme. A _________ portfolio, for example, is a __________ of key materials related to your own development. And there is ____________ portfolio, too. Academic? What is the ______________? Academic portfolios are different from personal ones. Some programmes __________ you to hand in portfolios for tutors to ……………….or mark. What’s the purpose of portfolio? A portfolio has ____________uses. etc. Listen again and check your answers. 4. Discuss with your partner: 1. What is portfolio? 2. What types of portfolio did you learn? 3. What are the uses of portfolio? 137 Unit 11. Resume. Portfolio USe: Will and be going to problems: It is difficult to decide when to use will and when to use going to. • Plan: – Do you want to go to the cinema this evening? – No, I’m going to do lots of work this evening. • Intention: – Are you going to play basketball tonight? – No, I don’t think so. • Promise: – You haven’t done your homework. Where is it? – I will do lots of work this evening. • Formal prediction: Here’s the weather forecast; tomorrow it will rain in the afternoon. • Prediction from clues: – What do you think about the weather? – It’s going to rain this afternoon. • Refusing: – Will you wash the floor? – No, I won’t! You made it dirty! 1. Open the brackets and complete the sentences with suitable forms of verbs: 1. A: Why are you holding your portfolio? B: I (hand in) ____________to my teacher. 2. A: I don’t know how to develop my portfolio B: I (explain) ___________ you if you want 3. Temur: It is so hot in here! Dilnoza: I (turn) ____________ the air-conditioning on. 4. I think my teacher (check) ___________ my portfolio tomorrow. 5. After I graduate, I (attend) ________ medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life. 6. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people. B: That man at the service counter (help) ____________ you. 7. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) ____________ down to the beach and go swimming. 8. Each portfolio you submit (contain)___________ explanations ... 9. A:How are you (design )________ your portfolio? B: I don’t know. Ihave not idea yet? A: I (give) __________you mine to look through. A Portfolio can hold relevant examples and information for when you need them, such as when applying for work placements, work or other courses. You can up-to-date list of courses and training, certificates (exams, a copy of your driving licence), etc. 138 o. 1. Look at the photo. Discuss these questions with your partner: a) Who are they? b) What are they doing? c) How can we develop portfolio? 2. Read the text. When you have achieved a goal, or taken a significant step towards a goal give yourself credit for what you have done. You should give yourself a reward, approprite to the significance of your achievement. It’s useful to record it what happened and use it as an example of what you can achieve when you focus your energies. When applying for jobs or to build personal motivation, use your records to find examples of different kinds of achievement. Some study centers require you to submit portfolios to instructors to grade. When submitting you should include what is required, choose good examples rather than filing everything. Indicate exactly where tutors can find each piece of evidence to support points you make in your portfolio, highlight the evidence in the file. Remove or edit material that identifies other people by name or gives personal details. You should number all pages and support content page. 3. True or False? 1. When submitting you can dump everything in the file. _______ 2. You should annotate the evidence in the file. ______________ 3. You don’t have to number all pages. _____________________ 4. Discuss in pairs. What do you think about developing portfolio? Give examples. Why do you need it? 5. Write about 60 words the most important things in developing portfolio. What are they? Give examples. When and why do you need them? 139 UNIT 12. PREPARATION FOR FINAL EXAM Lesson 1. Evaluating achievement Starter: Give examples of the achievements in your life to your partner. 1. Match words 1-10 with their definitions a-i. 1. gift 2. ability 3. to set goals 4. wonderful 5. second chance 6. motivation 7. reason 8. evaluation 9. to be satisfied with 10. goal a. talent b. purpose c. excellent d. another opportunity e. to be successful f. encouragement g. cause h. present i. assessment j. to feel comfort 2. Look at the picture and describe it. And how can she evaluate her dreams? 140 nal exam T.34 3. Listen and discuss with your partner. – – – – What about is this text? What kind of advice do you give the author to be happier? Can he evaluate his achievements or he has got some mistakes in his life? Share your opinion with your peer. 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. To my mind, life is a gift that is wonderful. I believe that each of us goes through a journey in life to learn lessons. Once those lessons are learned, which will take more different ______, one would move onto the next level of living. I believe that the _____I am here, the reason that people exist, is to give and receive Divine love. I have set many _______ for myself that reflect why I am here and the reason I exist. This view of life started about three years ago. I woke up shivering, lying on the floor of my apartment with only a smaller throw blanket covering me. “I am still alive” I thought to myself and my _______. I went to the bathroom and washed some water on my face and just stared at myself in the mirror. The night before I wrote in my journal: That was the first day of my newer _____. I was nineteen years old when I was given the gift of a second chance at life. I see things differently now. Because I am famous and I have all condition to live well. I am _______with my life. 5. Look at the pie chart and discuss with your partner. What kind of achievements do you want to reach? Give reasons. To buy 1. 1. to buy a cara car. 5. Partnership 5. partnership 2. to travel to the abroad 2. To travel to the abroad 4. children's 4. Children’s achievements achievements 3. to buy a summer house 3. To buy a summer house e.g.: I want to buy a car because it saves my time.inssssummerhouse 6. What kind of achievements have you reached in your life till today? Write from your experience. 141 Unit 12. Preparation for fin 1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives 1. long 2. expensive 3. wonderful 4. difficult 5. intelligent 6. close 7. popula 8. safe 9. important 10. famous 11. weak 12. tasty 13. different 14. delicious longer ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ longest ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Use: Adjectives • Adjectives has three degrees. positive comparitive superlative short shorter Shortest difficult more difficult most difficult • One-syllable adjectives usually form their comparative and superlative with -er and -est small smaller smallest • Some two-syllable adjectives, especially ending -y, -ow, -le, -er can form their comparative and superlative with -er and -est: happy happier happiest shallow shallower shallowest noble nobler noblest clever cleverer cleverest 2. Use the prompts below to make sentences as in the example. 1. Have you read Aziz’s new lifestyle? It’s exciting, isn’t it? Yes, it is the most exciting lifestyle I’ve ever read. 2. Have you read about wonderful life? It is amazing. ________________________________________________ 3. Have you read his achievements? it is good, isn’t it? ________________________________________________ 4. Is he satisfied with his achievements? It is surprising, isn’t it? ________________________________________________ 5. Have you heard Aziz’s new apartment? It is bad, isn’t it? ________________________________________________ A ten-year study, tracking more than 25,000 students, shows that music-making improves test scores. Regardless of socioeconomic background, music-making students get higher marks in standardized tests than those who had no music involvement. The test scores studied were not only standardized tests, such as the SAT, but also in reading proficiency exams. Source: Dr. James Catterall, UCLA, 1997 142 nal exam 1. Discuss in groups. – What do you need to learn something? How? – Which steps have you reached today? and suggestions your teacher might make about 2. Read the text. This “question your work? and answer” test may help you spot 7. Do you keep a record of the “language” where you may start to improve (terminology) used in each subject, especially if your study skills. Just answer YES that subject is science? or NO. 8. Do you use the library, internet or other learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Are you an effective learner? 9. Do you plan, make a rough copy of, and check your homework or assignment before copying it out neatly? Do you voluntarily revise a subject even if exams or tests are not due for some time? If you are having problems with a subject, do you talk it over with your teacher as soon as you can? Do you do complete your homework or assignment in advance of its deadline? Do you have a place at home where you can study without being distracted? Do you take notice and act upon the comments 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. “YES” TO AT LEAST TEN QUESTIONS: You are well on your way to becoming an effective learner. Go ahead! LESS THAN TEN “YES” ANSWERS?: No problem – Be very, follow your parents’ and teachers’ advice, and you, too, can be an effective learner! 143 aids regularly to help with your studies? Have you always kept your exercise books or folders in good order and up to date? Can you easily spot the main points of a topic when reading a text book and make extra notes from them? Do you plan your use of time by writing down what you have to do and by when? Do you know ways of improving your memory when revising? Do you plan ahead for tests or examinations? Are you able to forget about schoolwork once you have finished studying? 4. Write about the difficulties and problems in your study life. What have you studied? How long have you studied? Did you have difficulties while studying? What were they? How did you solve them? Who helped you? Unit 12. Preparation for fin Lesson 2. Planning for future Starter: Look at the picture and say what is your plan and how to plan your future? 1. Read the phrases below. How can they be related to your future? • • • • • • to be a doctor or president to build modern house slowly to enter to the University to study there well to work hard to reach plans fast 144 nal exam T.35. 2. Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps. My name is Azamat. I have a lot of ________. When I was a kid my dream is to be a ______. I was teen I want to be a _______. It is interesting to note that, sometimes I want to be a ________. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be a _______. Now, I almost finish my studies in ________. I will obtain Bachelor of Science Information. After I graduate, I want to work in one of the biggest oil company such as Chevron. I want to be the ______ manager or manager at least. I prefer working because it gives me chance to work over there plus they will pay me higher than work in the office. I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple man like me. 3. Listen again and find out if the statements true, false or not given. • • • • • • • When he was adult, he wanted to be a pilot. When he was kids he wanted to be a manager. Nowadays he is a doctor. He likes his job very much. He has graduated from his university. He works big company. He works at a big company. 4. Discuss in pairs. – What is your future plan? – How can you imagine yours/your partner’s future after 20 years? 5. Ask yourself these 3 questions and be honest: 1. Am I fulfilled and happy the majority of the time? 2. Do I clearly know what I really want in my life? 3. Do I know how I am going to get what I really want in my life? 145 Unit 12. Preparation for fin Use: Adverbs (quickly/carefully etc.) tell us about a verb. An adverb tells us how somebody does something or how something happens: • Tom drove carefully along the narrow road. (not ‘drove careful’) • We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily. (not ‘raining heavy’) • Please speak quietly. (not ‘speak quiet’) • I was disappointed that I did so badly in the exam. (not ‘did so bad’) • Why do you never take me seriously? • She speaks English perfectly. Verb + object + adverb 1. Chose in the right word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The driver of the car was seriously injured. (serious/seriously) The driver of the car had injuried. (serious/seriously) I think you behaved very ... . (selfish/selfishly) Rose is ... upset about losing her job. (terrible/ terribly) There was a ... change in the weather. (sudden/ suddenly) Everybody at the party was ... dressed. (colourful/ colourfully) 2. Complete each sentence using the word from the list. Use an adjective or an adverb where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. careful(ly) nervous(ly) financial(ly) happy/happily continuous(ly) quick(ly) complete(ly) perfect(ly) special(ly) fluent(ly) Our holiday was too short. The time passed very quickly. Tom doesn't take risks when he's planning for future . He's always ... . Azamat works... . He never seems to stop. Alice and Stan are very ... married. Monica's English is very ... although she makes quite a lot of mistakes. I cooked this meal ... for you, so I hope you like it. Everything was very quiet. There was ... silence. He tried to achieve dreams and they fitted me... . Do you usually feel ... before dreaming? I'd like to buy a car but it's ... impossible for me at the moment. 146 nal exam 1. Read the elements of your Life Plan which are the most suitable for you and why? Your motto in your life __________________________________________________________ Your Ideal Life ________________________________________________________________ Your Loves: What You Really Like Doing ___________________________________________ Your abilities that you can do in real life ____________________________________________ Your responsibilities ___________________________________________________________ 2. Read the text and decide which answer A, B and C best fits each space. All of this is just the beginning of my (1) ____. After I work for 4 or 5 years, I will have a lot of money by that time, I will quit my job and start a (2)______. I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have another business such as office or (3)______and anything that have a good (4)_____. By that way I will make more money comparing than I work in the company. After I run my business, I am going to marry a beautiful woman. I will start to make a family and (5)______ to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl according to my light (6)_____. I will live in a big house which has a garden outside or maybe a pool where my children can play inside my yard because, if my children play outside, it will be a little risky. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. 1. A) dreams B) world C) money 2. A) doctor B) business C) big house 3. A) house B) start C) restaurant 4. A) knowledge B) prospect C) girl 5. A) run B) business C) planned 6. A) goals B) steps C) planned 3. Answer the question and compare with your partner’s answer. What are the disadvantages of making plan for your future in advance? 147 Unit 12. Preparation for fin Lesson 3. Personal development Starter: What is your opinion about pictures below? 1. What kind of differences below among words, give definitions. Candidate Psychometric Individual 148 nal exam T.36. 2. Listen to the information. Complete the flowchart below from 1 to 6. 3. Listen again and try to find the same idea with your personal development. Share with your partner. 4. Discuss with your partner. What are the personal development and the benefits of personal development? 149 Unit 12. Preparation for fin USe: Verb to wish We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew/I wish you were etc.). We use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it to be and we want to change it: • I wish I knew Paul’s phone number. (=I don’t know it and I regret this) • Do you ever wish you could fly? (you can’t fly) 1. Write sentences beginning with I wish ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I don’t know many people. (and I’m lonely) I wish I knew more people. I don’t have a key (and I need one). Ann isn’t here (and I need to see her). It’s cold (and I hate cold weather). I live in a big city (and I don’t like it). I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to). I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed). 2. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I wish Sarah would be here now. WRONG: I wish Sarah were here now. I wish you would listen to me. I wish I have more money. I wish it wouldn’t be so cold today. I wish the weather would change. I wish you wouldn’t complain all the time. I wish everything wouldn’t so expensive. 3. What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish ? would ? 1. It’s raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say: I wish it would stop raining. 2. You’re waiting for John. He’s late and you’re getting impatient. You say (to yourself): I wish... 3. You can hear a baby crying and your are trying to study. You say:? 4. You’re looking for a job – so far without success. Nobody will give you a job. You say: I wish somebody... 5. Brain has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he need some new clothes. You say (to Brain):? • “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. • “I haven‛t failed I‛ve just found 10,000 ways that will not work”. Thomas Edison 150 nal exam 1. Can you give your opinion to the quote below? 2. Find the true version. Personal development is: a. type of development activity b. the process of improving habits c. improving one’s lifestyle d. the type of undertaken e. the type of practice. 3. Read two texts and put below a suitable title. *** Direct of my plan *** My goal 1. This paper seeks to prepare a personal development plan in my objective to become a leader in an organization. I wish I would anals the targeted job . I will have to make an action plan on how to correct my mistakes and to improve on my weaknesses to take advantage of my job that I want to have and quality of a person that I want to happen as a result. 2. The goal of this plan is to be able to possess the values of organizational skills and ability to do activities across company function. It further requires having demonstrated ability to work well under pressure to meet critical deadlines, having the ability to adapt to changing priorities and problem solving skills. I wish I would realised development. 4. Make up 5 questions to the text. 5. Discuss in a group. What kind of achievments have you gain last year? 151 tape script T. 1. MY FUTURE PROFESSION Speaker 1. Hi! I’m Kamila. I am going to become a teacher. My future speciality is English. I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood. To teach and bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. Speaker 2. My name is Dilnoza. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession. My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather works as a surgeon at hospital. I have been at the hospital several times and spent some time watching him working. His main task is to operate on people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered. My grandfather can also help if anybody catches a cold or has a fever. I want to become a doctor as well. Speaker 3. Hello! I’m Sevara. I want to become an interpreter. To my mind this is an interesting profession. I want to help different people to understand each other. Today English is the language of the world. It is the language of communication, science, business and culture. I can not imagine my future life without English. English is a must for every educated person. I am sure it will help me in my life. Speaker 4. Hi! I’m Temur. It is very important for everybody to make a right choice of profession. I changed my plans several times about what I want to be. I have decided that I want to be a lawyer. A lawyer gives you pieces of advice on legal problems or gives reasons for defending people in court. Today a good lawyer is in great demand in our country. T. 2. Job interview Mansur: Hi, Zafar! How did the job interview go? Zafar: Excellent! I’m sure I’m going to be a shop assistant. Mansur: Congratulations! What questions did they ask? Zafar: They asked how I had heard about the job. If I had seen the advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet. Mansur: And what was your answer? Zafar: I said no, my friend told me. There were always people leaving, so they must need somebody. Mansur: What?! You shouldn’t give an answer like that. OK. What happened next? Zafar: Then, they asked if I had any experience. I said No, but I’m a fast learner. I’ll learn in a month or so. Mansur: I don’t believe it! What else? Zafar: Let me think. They asked what hours I could work. Mansur: And you…..? Zafar: I said that I can’t wake up early. So I couldn’t be on time, I would only be late if they give me mornings. And…. In the evening I might have parties with my friends. So they had better give me afternoons . Mansur: No way, You are joking aren’t you? Zafar: No, they really liked me. They asked me why I wanted to work as a shop assistant. Mansur: And you said, it’s a great job. And you are very interested in this job. Zafar: No I can’t tell a lie, you know. I said that I heard it is a really easy job and the salary is also good. Mansur: Oh, no… Zafar, you don’t know anything about job interviews, you weren’t ready for it. Zafar: No I was ready, I put on my best T-shirt and shorts, I looked nice in my trainers. I was in black. I looked so smart. And on the way out I asked the interviewer if he wanted me to fill in the application form, but he said it wasn’t necessary. It means I’m going to have this position. Mansur: Yeah Zafar, there is something you should really know about job interviews. T. 3. Dialogue. Zilola: Good morning, mum…. I couldn’t sleep well today and I think only about my first day job. Mother: Morning my darling? Don’t worry, everything will be OK if you follow the job etiquette. Zilola: What do you mean? Are you talking about dress code and good manners? Mother: Partly. But there are other necessary workplace etiquette that you always have to be carefull. Zilola: Oh, really? What are they? 152 Mother: Now listen carefully. ... First of all appearance. You have to make sure your clothes are neat. Business casual means nice trousers or skirts not a mini, a blouse, not too low cut and simple jewelry. Don’t shout to your colleagues or guests when you have something to say. If somebody greets you must respond. Words like “Thank you ” and “Please” are always welcome. Don’t take part in gossiping your colleagues or somebody else. You just have to respond “Sorry, I don’t like to gossip.”. Keep your personal workspace neat and organised. …. Now about Phone manner. Answer the phone with “Hello” not “Hi”. Introduce yourself, your company and your department. Do not eat, drink or chew gum while talking on the phone. It’s very important to be on time for work, even ten minutes early. Zilola: I got you Mum. I really need your advice. Mother: I see. You must be much more careful with others’ privacy. Don’t ask about his or her salary, personal questions…. If you are criticized listen to the comment with an open-mind. Be always polite. Zilola: Thank you mum. I feel myself more comfortable after your advice. OK, It’s time to go. I don’t want to be late as you said. Mother: OK dear Have a nice day. T.4. Kamilla: I’m very busy with work! I can’t do everything I have to do. You’re always so organised and efficient. How do you do it? Surayyo: I’m not always organised and efficient, but I’ve gotten better since I read a book about time management. I use a few tools that the book recommends, which help me to plan and do everything before deadlines. Kamilla: Do you think it will help me? Surayyo: Definitely. This is what I do. I keep a todo list of all things I need to do. Then, I decide which tasks are urgent and which are less urgent I write down the deadline I’m given for the task or I put a deadline of my own, and I make a note of the most urgent tasks. Kamilla: That seems pretty simple, but how do you keep track of the progress I make on a task? Surayyo: I do a couple of things. First, I keep my list updated. I check off or cross those that I’ve done. I also put reminders for myself on my computer to help me with scheduling. It helps me to remember my appointments. Kamilla: Oh, Surayyo... That sounds like a great system. All I need now is some extra time so I can start doing some time management! T. 5 Woman: So, what’s your usual day like? You always seem so (1) busy Man: Well, I (2)usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00 a.m. Woman: Why do you get up so early? Man: Well, I have to (3) home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o’clock . It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house. Woman: And what time do you get to work? Man: Uh, my bus (4) about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office. Woman: That’s nice. And what time do you get off work? Man: Uh, (5)around 5:00 o’clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so. Woman: So, when do you work on your website? You said one time that you create it at home? Man: Well, my wife and I (6)often watch TV or talk until 10:00 o’clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I sometimes stay up until the (7)early hours of the morning, but I try to finish everything by one or two. Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.? Man: Well, yeah, but it’s important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have to set aside (8)time for family and yourself. Woman: I agree. Man: But I think my wife has the toughest job. She (9)_spends her whole day taking care of our family . . . taking the kids to school, working in the garden, buying (10)_groceries, taking the kids to piano lessons . . . [Wow!] That’s a full-time job, but she enjoys what she does. Woman: Well, it sounds you’re a busy, but lucky man. Man: I think so too. T.6. To Everything There is a Season (by The Byrds) Turn! Turn! Turn! To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven A time to be born, a time to die A time to plant, a time to reap A time to kill, a time to heal A time to laugh,a time to weep To everything – turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven A time to build up, a time to break down A time to dance, a time to mourn A time to cast away stone A time to gather stone together 153 tape script To everything – turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven A time of war, a time of peace A time of love a time of hate A time you may embrace A time to refrain from embracing To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven A time to gain, a time to lose A time to rend, a time to sew A time to love, a time to hate time of peace, I swear it’s not too late! T.7. I’m Nargiza Azizova. I study at university and I won the President’s scholarship last year. I regard my parents and teachers every time. I achieved more success than my group mates, do you know why? I prefer to be an independent learner. Because you can control over your study time or spare time yourself, you can choose the place, time and subjects yourself, there isn’t a teacher looking over your shoulder all the time, you are responsible for your success...Yeah…, there are full of risks too: wasting time, forgetting things that must be done, missing essential deadlines, using all the spare time for study, not getting down to study, not addressing for weaknesses, ignoring feedback, and falling behind in your work, losing motivation, losing a sense of what you are supposed to do and not asking for help. Sometimes ... choosing subjects that do not contribute career interests. But ... if you manage time effectively, meet deadlines, use spare time effectively, create the structure for your day, organise a place to study, all these help you to be more independent and to be self-issuer. Don’t forget to keep yourself motivated and learn from your mistakes. Never be ashamed of asking for help if you need it. Remember our teachers are always ready for helping! T.8. Hi everybody! My name is Kamilla and I’m a teacher at the university and what we are going to talk about today is the different types of learning styles. Now I want you to talk about three types of learning that most people usually use. You have kinesthetic which is more of your interactive hands on type of learning. You have visual learning which is where you mostly – can just read the notes or skim the notes for reading. You like a lot of pictures or different backgrounds or different things like that to help you understand and connect the learning material. And final type is auditory. You can just sit there and the teacher can play audio material and you can listen to what is saying and learn that way. Now I’m personally a mixture of three styles I think. So let’s say, for example, as I said before I’m a teacher, I have a lab associated with my lecture classes for teaching. For the lab part of my teaching class I’m very kinesthetic, so I’m very hands-on. I’m also visual…we are all very hands-on in the lab so we can learn how to do different skills. So, if you are audio learner definitely pay attention and just you know, bring a tape recorder to class and record the teacher as he is talking. I actually did that during my freshman year and it helped me a lot. T.9. Otabek: Hi, Farukh! Oh... Where are you coming from in such a late hour? Farukh: Hello, Otabek! I’m coming from my extra lessons ... You know I want to enter University, so I must know English well. Otabek: Are you preparing with a tutor? F: Yes, it’s an effective way of learning I think... where are you going? O: No, I’m coming from my job. I work as a waiter at the restaurant after classes, I help my family... F: When do you prepare for your lessons? I know you speak English rather well. O: Yeah, I usually spend my day-off on the Internet for learning English. I’m an e-learner. F: Sorry?! I don’t understand. How can you check yourself and what about a teacher? O: You know I haven’t spare time for improving my knowledge I work after classes, I come home late. So, there are many web-sites on the net for learning a language in any time of the day, I think it’s the best way of studying, because there is e-mailing l to and from tutors, email between students, delivery of assignments by e-mail. F: How do you get materials? O: It’s also easy – video-links, web-cam give you opportunities to learn at a distance. There are also electronically reading materials which include itself a website or web pages for your program; copies of lecture notes; revision notes and activities and so on. F: It sounds interesting! Can you show me tomorrow have to use it! O: Yeah, in the time break I can do it. I have the Internet on my mobile too. Sorry, it’s my station, I have to get off. F:Thanks for your information. See you tomorrow, bye! O: You are welcome, bye-bye! 154 checklist) • Essay with topics like why are you interested in or qualified for the job • Hobbies/Interests • How you learned about the vacancy • Employees you know • References (typically three references with contact information) • Licenses/Certifications • Driving record • Times and days available to work • Have you been convicted of a crime and, if so, what and when (only legal in some states) T .10. Formal conversation is left at work. Don’t bring it out when you are having drinks or meals with co-workers. It is an important conversation. Usually joking around is not a good sign. However, a comic relief is always good when situations get to serious when it doesn’t need to be. With this type of conversation there are always ways to meet and greet others, try hard not to step over the line that could make a situation tense or awkward. Informal conversation is when you go out with your friends and have fun. Depending on how close you are with those casual conversation can go so far. Keep it clean if you need to but usually there are nolimitations. Don’t bring your work out with you when you are with friends. Keep these conversations at work. In this way you will show your true selves and you may actually be great to have as a friend. T.11. Interviewer: Where do you live? Nodira: In Tashkent. I: Have you been to university? N: No, I haven’t. I have been to college. I went to Tashkent Medical College from 2008 to 2010. I: What subjects did you study there? N: Nursing. I: Do you speak any languages? N: Yes, I do. I speak Russian and English fluently. I: Do you have work experience? N: Yes, I do. I: What kind of work did you do? N: I worked as a nurse at Academic Lyceum N2 under World Languages University I: What are you doing now? N: I’m working as a nurse there I: How long have you been working there? N: Since March 2013. I: What qualifications do you have? N: I’m sociable and hardworking. T. 12. Dear my friend! Don’t forget these tips when you fill the applications. • Name, address, telephone number, email • Desired job • Desired salary • Previous jobs including titles, duties, employers, locations and dates of employment • Reasons for leaving prior jobs • Educational background including majors, degrees, schools, locations and dates of attendance/ graduation, GPA, Honors/Awards • Military experience • Volunteer work • Specific skills related to the job (may be a T. 13. Akmal Hi, my name is Akmal. I think I’m logical mathematical type of learner. I like working with facts, numbers, I can’t help calculating everything beforehand. I really get over whelmed while solving puzzles. I think it’s because of my job, I work as a private detective. Lola Hello, I’m Lola. I like spending my free time in nature. As a botanic, I learn everything from the nature. That’s why my learning way is Nature smart. There are solutions to every problem in the nature, if we just be a bit more attentive and careful to observe it, we can find what we seek. Diyora Hi, I’m Diyora. Human nature is really interesting to learn. It’s my job to feel the way people feel. I’m a psychologist. In science it is called interpersonal type of intelligence. I must be aware of people’s behavior all the time. And it doesn’t make any difficulties to me. Jo’rabek Hello, my name is Jo’rabek. Actually I do not know how I learn. It looks like that music helps me a lot. I work as a composer. It seems I’m a musical type. Mostly while I’m working I seem to be listening to music everywhere around me, doors opening, birds singing, people laughing, it all makes a music to me. Shirin Hi, I’m Shirin.I love my job, since my childhood I dreamt to report news to all over the world. To be a journalist is a hard work, you must be aware of everything around you. And you have to work on yourself all the time, on your speech, pronunciation and sentence stress. Murod. Hello, I’m Murod. My job is really dangerous. I must be always alart for the safety of other people and myself. When there is a fire, we must leave immediately, no matter what we are doing. Every day we face the death several times. A little careless action may cause a great danger. 155 tape script T.14. Jakhangir: Hi, Lola, how are you doing? How are your studies? Lola: Hi, Jack, I’m doing great. What about you? My study is going well too. Jakhangir: Oh, nice to hear it. Actually I’m doing well too but there are some problems with my study. Lola: Really? What problems do you have? Can I help you? Jakhangir: I’ve got an exam soon, but in my opinion I’m not ready. I got very low score in the last semester’s exam. Lola: Why didn’t you prepare well for it this semester? I think you had a plenty of time, right? Jakhangir: Yes, I had but as you know I work and study at the same time.That’s why I can’t find spare time for the preparation. Lola: Yes, yes I know about it. On what subject do you have exam? Jakhangir: It’s on German. Lola: Ok, it is no problem for me. I will help you with pleasure. Jakhangir: Thanks, you saved my life. Here and now it’s time for celebration To finally figure it out That all our dreams have no limitations That’s what it’s all about Gabi: Everyone is special in their own way We make each other strong Were not the same Were different in a good way Together’s where we belong All: We’re all in this together Once we know That we are We’re all stars And we see that We’re all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come true T.15. Sevara: Hi, my name is Sevara. During the lessons I must always sit on the first desk and keep an eye contact with the teacher. I have good visual memory; I can memorize the things, places I have seen. Pictures, diagrams help me to understand the case more easily. I can remember best by writing things down several times. Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on lets have some fun Together, were there for each other every time Together together come on lets do this right Dildora: Hello, my name is Dildora. I learn best when I move around the class, touch the things, at least their pictures. While I’m learning English it’s necessary to see the pictures of objects I’m trying to learn. And I cannot sit too long reading; I have to get little breaks. Laylo: Hi, I’m Laylo. I can remember the things when it’s read aloud, even while I’m getting prepared for lectures, reading scientific books in order to understand I have to read aloud. Lecture, speeches are easily memorized for me. I prefer listening to the news on the radio rather than reading about it in the newspaper. T.16. Together, together, together everyone Together, together, come on lets have some fun Together, were there for each other every time Together, together come on lets do this right Troy: Ryan: We’re all here And speaking out in one voice Were going to rock the house The party’s on now everybody make some noise Come on scream and shout Sharpay: We’ve arrived because we stuck together Champions one and all All: We’re all in this together Once we know That we are We’re all stars And we see that We’re all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come We’re all in this together When we reach We can fly Go in sight 156 We can make it We’re all in this together Once we see There’s a chance That we have And we take it country for the Davis Cup. There are two features about this contest. First - tennis players work all together as a team, and second – only men can be participants in this championship. So, our tennis team played against Australia. I will tell you about our tennis team. This year Uzbekistan representatives were Denis Istomin, FarrukhDustov, SarvarIkromov and TimurIsmailov. They presented our country perfectly. Do you know why? Because they have a strong and friendly team. Each member from this team get on well with other members. They always support each other in difficult situations, and it is very important in a group work. Wild cats sing along You know really got it going on Wild cats in the house Everybody say it now Wild cats everywhere Wave your hands up in the air That’s the way we do it Lets get to it Time to show the world T.18. Support Group Member’s Ideas Hello! My name is Sayyora. I am a manager at Uzbek Pharmaceutical Company. I have been working here for 5 years. So, I want to tell you one tip about supporting group member’s ideas. If a teammate suggests something, always consider it – even if it’s the silliest idea you’ve ever heard! Considering the group’s ideas shows you’re interested in other people’s ideas, not just your own. And this makes you a good team member. After all, nobody likes a know-it-all. We’re all in this together Once we know That we are We’re all stars And we see that We’re all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come Communication Good morning! My name is Erkin. I am a supervisor at Uzbek Travelling Company, and I want to give you advice about communication in a group. If you have a problem with someone in your group, talk to him about it. Let your bad feelings get out. You’ll feel good after that. Don’t isolate yourself from the group. Follow this suggestions and it will be better for the team in the long run. We’re all in this together When we reach We can fly Go in sight We can make it We’re all in this together Once we see There’s a chance That we have And we take it Wild cats everywhere Wave your hands up in the air That’s the way we do it Let’s get to it Come on everyone T.17. Making group working Good afternoon! M y name is Ulugbek Jalilov. I am a reporter from national radio #1. And now I want to tell you about Davis cup Asia/Oceania tennis championship which was held in Namangan city this year. First of all let me tell you a little information about Davis Cup. It is an international tennis championship, whichis held all over the world. Each year the International tennis federation set the day, and Listen Actively Hi! My name is Gulnara. I am a sales manager of UzGazOil company. Let me give you an advice how to listen each other in a group. Look at the person who’s speaking to you, nod, ask probing questions and acknowledge what’s said by paraphrasing points that have been made. If you’re unclear about something that’s been said, ask for more information to clear up any confusion before moving on. Effective communication is a vital part of any team, so the value of good listening skills shouldn’t be underestimated. Get Involved Good afternoon! My name is Alisher . I am a staff manager in a Biggest Food Company of Uzbekistan. I have been working here for 10 years. And now I want to tell you how to be involved in a group work. 157 tape script Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. Take the time to help your fellow teammates, no matter the request. You can guarantee there will be a time in the future when you’ll need some help or advice. And if you’ve helped them in past, they’ll be more than happy to lend a helping hand. T.19. Nigina’s holiday plans I’m going to on holiday to Samarkand next Friday, so next week’s very busy. On Monday I’m collecting my tickets from the travel agent. I’m going on holiday with my friends Charos and Alisher, so on Tuesday I’m meeting them after work and we’re going shopping. On Wednesday I’m seeing the doctor at eleven o’clock, then I’m having lunch with mum. On Thursday I’m leaving work early and I’m packing. I’m taking just a bag and a rucksack. Then it’s Friday. Friday’s the big day! At six thirty in the morning I’m going by taxi to the airport. I’m meeting Alisher and Charos there and at nine thirty we’re flying to Samarkand City. I’m very excited! T. 20. What is the purpose of a portfolio? A portfolio has several uses: – it keeps related documents together; – it helps the process of reflection; – it gives the process of self-evaluation and personal development a higher focus in your life; – in some vocations, you can take it to job interviews; – it can hold relevant examples and information for when you need them, such as when applying for work placements, work or other courses. A portfolio may be compulsory for your course. However, even if you don’thave to keep a portfolio, you will probably find if helpful to do so – to organise your thinking about what you need to do, and to monitor your progress. Update your portfolio regularly – at least once or twicea year, and when ever you achieve something new. Rereading or rewording what you have written may refocus your energies. In your portfolio you should include: 1. Full contents list for each section. 2. Self-evaluation and profile sheets, planners and action plans. 3. A profile of vocational and technical skills you have developed. 4. An up-to-date list of courses and training. 5. Certificates (exams, a copy of your driving licence, etc.) 6. An up-to-date list of your work experience, with the dates, addresses of employers, brief job descriptions, your main responsibilities, skills or qualities you demonstrated, and what you learned from doing that work. 7. Your curriculum vitae (CV). (A careers adviser can help you to compile this.) 8. Your ideas about where you would like to be in seven years’ time, and what you need to do to achieve this goal. 9. Examples of your work and interests. 10. Also you may include a copy of Degree certificate. T.21. Nargiza: Creating a portfolio practice in your classroom that insists on students to act as authors and owners of their work is the first step to develop self-evaluation. By having a sense of ownership, students are involved in all the decision-making including the criteria. A teacher and student work together as partners to establish goals. Azima: There are as many different portfolios as there are types of classrooms. There is no right or wrong way to develop a portfolio; the “perfect” portfolio does not exist. you become more experienced with the process. If you have been completing the reflective pieces as you interacted with this document, you have almost finished developing a portfolio for use in your classroom Bobur: During this grading period, I enjoyed communicating and working in groups the most because it was so interesting for us . I still need to work on my writing and reading tasks..My effort on my assignments have been collecting information and creating some new opinions. T. 22. JOB SKILLS SPEAKER 1. In my job I need to be good at TEACHING, INSTRUCTING and MAKING PRESENTATIONS, but I also need to have good LISTENING skills to understand the problems of pupils. I have to ANALYSE (for example) the reasons why a student is not interested in learning and also I must know how to communicate with learners and to know their interests. SPEAKER 2. My job requires good WRITING skills, for example I reply to the different letters of a customer. I also need to be good at LISTENING to be able to sorts 158 of people when a customer is asking for a large loan. I have to be CONFIDENT when trying to make a local company to believe to our bank rather than a competitor bank and It’s important to me to COOPERATE with my staff too. SPEAKER 3. In my job I need a good COMMUNICATION and LISTENING skills to deal with clients. I also have to know all the Laws, because INVESTIGATION, ANALYTICAL and PROBLEM-SOLVING abilities to solve legal work are important and of course I must have good DECISION-MAKING skills – to know exactly the action to follow . SPEAKER 4. My job requires good writing and communication skills. Because I(have) to work with the public, For example I write reports for a road accident and present evidence in court. I need to be able to MAKE DECISIONS, to INVESTIGATE and to COOPERATE with colleagues and other agencies. LEADERSHIP is an essential quality in my jobpeople expects us to take leadership , for example, the scene of a road accident – and I can also be an Inspector, where PLANNING and ORGANISING are also important skills. T.23. Sevara: Hi, Laylo.I thought you are very responsible person. But it now I see it is not so. Why didn’t you come to the lesson yesterday? You should have made your presentation. You knew that it was open (demo) lesson. Our teacher complained a lot because she was embarrassed in front of principal. She said you were irresponsible, not punctual, unreliable and you never keep a word. Why… Laylo: Stop stop,can you stop for a while? I can explain. I have a reasonable reason. But I can’t tell you now. I wanted to come but it wasn’t in my hands. Sevara: I know. The only person whom I can trust is you. Don’t worry. I said to the teacher and I replaced you. But it wasn’t easy. However, I tried to do my best. Lots of people praised me with honorable words like hard working ,enthusiastic, responsible, adaptable and bright person with active concern. Laylo: Thank you so much for your support, Sevara. You are my best friend. T .24. My name is Mansur. I am 34 years old .I am a programmer and I am from Uzbekistan. My mobile phone number is easy to remember. It is +998989462861.I live in a big city Tashkent. It is a comfortable house at Chuponotastreet in Uchtepa district. I am married with two children. I work at computer company in the city. The company is very famous and successful. My birthday is tomorrow on 17th of February. I am and my family are very happy. T.25. Dilshod: Hi, Kamila. What’s the matter with you? You look tired. Kamilla: Oh, Dilshod, I didn’t sleep last night. D: Oh, why? What happened? K: Our teacher gave us a project as a homework. We had to write a report about the influence of the environment on different animals. D: I see. Very interesting topic. But what was the problem? K: I started to look for information on the Internet. You know, I found so many different articles, research and texts about animals and it was so difficult to select suitable one. It took me the whole day and night to choose the right information. D: Poor you. I also had a problem with identifying necessary information a few days ago. K: Really? What kind of problem? D: I also had to make a report, but my topic wasn’t easy to find. I hardly came across 4 or 5 articles on this topic but only two of them were relevant to what I was searching for. K: I have an idea. Maybe we should go and ask our IT teacher how to select relevant information on the web. (D: Yep, You are right, Let’s do it.) T.26. I: How often do you read books? W: I can’t say that I read very often. Maybe one or two in books a month. I: What are you reading at the moment? W: Now I’m reading a Harry Potter book. The last one. I: How often do you go to the cinema? W: Well, I go to the cinema even more seldom than read a book. Twice or three times a year. I: Do you ever go to see film adoptions of books? W: Yes, sometimes do this. I: But what do you is better to read a book or to watch the film on it? W: Definitely reading a book is much more interesting. I think with books you know what the characters feel and think. You understand them. The characters are almost like real people. What about films… uhh… sometimes they are successful. But sometimes I get shocked watching films because characters are different to the way I imagined. 159 tape script T.27. T.29. Dilshod The reason why I argue with my parents is that they always think they know what’s best for me, and never listen to my point of view. We argue about things like what time I must come home in the evenings, how much homework I should do, what clothes I wear, even my hairstyle. I wish I could do what I want! I think they don’t want me to grow up, that’s why they still treat me like a child. Mirzohid I think the biggest problem most teenagers have is peer pressure. There are people at school who will pick on you if you dress or behave differently from them. Some of them will even laugh at you if you don’t like the music they like. If teenagers didn’t press on each other it would be more easy to live. Dilnoza Most of my friends complain about their parents, but I get on fine with mine. They do make some rules, for example about where I can and can’t go on Friday and Saturday evenings, but at least we can discuss things – they have the final say, but they always listen to my opinion first. They give some independence. Maybe if I weren’t the youngest in the family they wouldn’t. My brothers and sisters say Mum and Dad were stricter with them when they were my age! T.28. Speaker 1: Hi. I am Iroda. I study at collage and I feel bored after classes. My friends advised me to go to some clubs. But I have one problem I do not know about my hobby. I am interested in many things so I can not choose. My passion is eating deserts. I think I need to study how to prepare them. I also want to improve communicative skill, so I think I will go. Speaker 2: I am very happy. Because I have an extra class and it is very interesting. I have many friends. We always help each other if we have problems in our exercises. Sometimes we have competitions. Even I won some of them, because I tried to do my best. It is very useful for my brain. Speaker 3: I love dancing. I can not show my ability at home or at school. But there I feel myself very confident. We performed several times in the local scene. And I was not shy because my friends supported me. Speaker 4: I spend much of my time on writing poems. I go to club where I have many friends. I like my club but I am not satisfied with it. I am thinking to change my teacher. She is sometimes very strict I am not able to show my ability. How much rubbish do you and your family throw dustbin away every week? When do you throw something into your dustbin, do you know where it goes next? Rubbish from your house is put into large holes in the ground called landfill sites. After many years, earth and grass cover the hole, but we can’t use the land to grow food, and we cannot build on it, because it is not safe. Sometimes pollution from the rubbish escapes into the air or into rivers and streams. Clean air, land, water-these are necessary for life, and we are destroying them. People’s need is increasing and we are producing a lot of rubbish. Possibilities of some countries are big, so they produce much unnecessary things. Unfortunately, we are only recycling about 10 per cent of our rubbish, and we should re produce them. We throw away six billion of glass instead of recycling it. Recycling rubbish saves energy and stops pollution. Think about it before you throw it away. T.30. Everyone has heard about Bill Gates, one of the richest and the most successful people in the world. Microsoft the business he started with his friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company. At school he was intelligent and especially he was good at Math and Science. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside private school where he first began to use computer. After finishing school he went to Harvard to study. After finishing two friends started Microsoft. T.31. A: Hi, I’m graduating a secondary school this year and I’m a little bit afraid to study at high school. I don’t know what qualities I should have in order to study well at high school. B: Don’t worry! Studying at high school isn’t so challenging as you think. The 1st characteristic that you need is independence. Because you must be able to “stand on your own two feet”. However there is help available. A: And how can I improve my work there? B: You should have ability to set goals to improve your work. You should have exact plans and goals to improve your studies. A: Are there any other qualities that I should have to increase my knowledge? B: Well, other characteristic that you should have is self-motivation. You have to be able to work on your own a lot. Another important characteristic is openness to working with others.You’ll need to organize study sessions with friends. 160 T.32. my face and just stared at myself in the mirror. The night before I wrote in my journal: That was the first day of my newer life. I was nineteen years old when I was given the gift of a second chance at life. I see things differently now. Because I am famous and I have all condition to live well. I am satisfied with my life. Durdona: Hi, I’m Durdona. This year I entered university and I have some difficulty (is) in starting at university. I’m really worried about my studies and can’t manage my anxieties. I have some concerns in understanding some subjects and I have difficulty in understanding academic language. Nodir: Hi, there. I’m Nodir. I’m an undergraduate student at university. After entering the university I can’t handle the challenges and not able to sort out some of my problems. One of my problems is I can’t adjust the university life and it’s really difficult to meet the deadlines. T.35. T.33. Shahlo: Hi, Nargiza. How are you doing? What are you busy with these days? Nargiza: Hi, Shahlo. I’m doing well,thanks. I’m busy with developing portfolio. Shahlo: Portfolio? What’s that? Nargiza: A portfolio is a file in which you bring together diverse materials on a theme. A personal portfolio, for example, is a collection of key materials related to your own development. And there is academic portfolio too. Shahlo: Academic? What’s the difference? Nargiza: Academic portfolios are different from personal ones. Some programmes require you to hand in portfolios for tutors to monitor or mark. Shahlo: What’s the purpose of (a )portfolio? Nargiza: A portfolio has several uses: it keeps related documents together, it gives you chance to evaluate yourself and see your personal development. In some vocations you can take it to job interviews. Shahlo: Oh, that sounds interesting. I’ll also develop my personal portfolio the next day then. T.34. To me, life is a gift that is more wonderful. I believe that each of us goes through a journey in life to learn lessons. Once those lessons are learned, which will take more different lifetimes; one would move onto the next level of living. I believe that the reason I am here, the reason that people exist, is to give and receive Devine love. I have set many goals for myself that reflect why I am here and the reason I exist. This view of life started about three years ago. I woke up shivering, lying on the floor of my apartment with only a smaller throw blanket covering me. “I am still alive” I thought to myself and my achievements. I went to the bathroom and washed some water on My name is Azamat. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, when I was teen I wanted to be a president. And It is interesting to note that, sometimes I wanted to be a doctor and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know that I want to be a manager. Now, I almost finish my studies at university. I will obtain Bachelor of Science Information. After I graduate, I want to work at one of the biggest oil company such as Chevron. I want to be a staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working offshore because it gives me challenge to work over there plus they will pay me higher than work in the office. I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple man like me. T.36. Part of my job as Human Resources Coordinator. First of all, candidates are normally presented with a group exercise, because it’s important to see if they can work well in a team. Then they are asked to deliver a brief presentation. Candidates are given advance notice of this so that they can prepare. Following this, candidates are set series of psychometric tests, which assess their mental processes to see if they have the right skills for the job. After all this, candidates attend an interview alone with a panel of three to four members of personnel from different departments. However, usually we find the right person and the successful applicant is offered the position. The final stages are taking up references. The post is filled. 161