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Root Cause Analysis: Medical Error Prevention

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-.
Root Cause Analysis and Medical Error Prevention
Gunjan Singh1; Raj H. Patel2; Joshua Boster3.
Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
University of South Florida
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Last Update: May 30, 2023.
Continuing Education Activity
The term "medical error" encompasses a diverse group of events that vary in magnitude and potential to
harm the patient. According to the 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) Patient Safety Factsheet,
adverse events due to unsafe patient care are among the top ten causes of death and disability worldwide.
However, it is essential to understand that healthcare delivery involves multiple variables in a dynamic
environment, with many critical decisions made in a short amount of time. As such, the healthcare system
cannot implement rigid protocols used by other high-risk industries, such as aviation. Reducing medical
errors requires a multifaceted approach at various levels of healthcare. In the event of a sentinel
occurrence or adverse patient outcomes, a thorough evaluation is warranted to prevent such events in the
future. Root cause analyses provide a method of evaluation for these situations so that a system-based
intervention can be implemented rather than blaming individual providers. This activity reviews the root
cause analysis process in medical error prevention. It highlights the interprofessional team's role in
performing this analysis in order to prevent medical errors and improve clinical outcomes.
Demonstrate effective root cause analysis of a sentinel event and implement strategies for its
Apply root cause analysis reporting standards in accordance with the Joint Commission
Identify the indications for reporting sentinel events to the Joint Commission and the steps that
should be taken following the occurrence of such incidents.
Collaborate within an interprofessional team to prevent the most common types of clinical errors
and improve clinical outcomes.
Access free multiple choice questions on this topic.
Medical error is an unfortunate reality of the healthcare industry and a topic that is continuously discussed
due to its grave impact on patient care and outcomes. In a 1999 publication by the Institute of Medicine
(IOM), it was highlighted that deaths resulting from medical error exceeded those attributed to motor
vehicle accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS.[1]
Subsequent reports that discuss potential etiologies of medical errors have blamed systemic issues. Others
have focused attention on certain groups of patients that may be more vulnerable to medical error than
others.[2][3] Recently, the impact of medical errors on patient family members and healthcare
professionals has been emphasized due to its effects on exacerbating burnout, poor work performance,
mental health decline, and even suicidality.[4][5]
Though it may be challenging to pinpoint the definitive cause of medical error in certain situations, it is
important to evaluate strategies that can be used to mitigate and prevent these adverse events from
occurring in the first place. One such method is root cause analysis, which has been previously shown to
reduce clinical and surgical errors in various specialties by establishing a quality improvement
framework.[6] This article will discuss the application of root cause analysis in medical error prevention and
strategies for maintaining continuous quality improvement in the healthcare setting.
The Institute of Medicine defines a medical error as "the failure of a planned action to be completed as
intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim."[1] It is essential to recognize the differences
between medical malpractice and medical error. An adverse event in a healthcare setting may be
attributed to medical error while not meeting the threshold of malpractice or negligence. Medical errors
generally result from the improper execution of a plan or improper planning of a method of execution.
Medical errors can also occur during preventative care measures, for example, if a provider overlooks a
patient's allergy when administering medication. Thus, the complexity of the occurrence of a medical error
can range widely and manifest in any aspect of patient care, from admission to discharge and in the
outpatient setting. It is essential to recognize that medical errors may occur without causing direct harm to
the patient. Regardless, it is critical to evaluate the cause of all medical errors, whether or not the patient is
harmed, and develop guidelines and strategies to prevent future occurrences.
If medical errors harm the patient, they are classified as preventable adverse events or sentinel events.
Sentinel events are preventable adverse outcomes that warrant urgent investigation to determine the
cause of the error.[7] These events are not only debilitating to patients but can also impact the livelihood of
healthcare providers. It is important to note that sentinel events are unrelated to the patient's underlying
medical condition and are attributable to improper medical intervention or improper technique. If a patient
receives medication and experiences an anaphylactic reaction, it must be determined whether the reaction
was due to the medication itself or the provider's failure to review the patient's allergies before
administration. Thus, these cases must be critically reviewed to delineate whether or not the etiology of
the error was preventable, which is often a challenging task.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process for identifying the causal factors underlying variations in
performance. In the case of medical error, this variation in performance may result in a sentinel event. A
standardized RCA process is mandated by the Joint Commission to identify the cause of medical errors and
thus allow healthcare institutions to develop strategies to mitigate future errors.[7] Despite its wide
adoption in the business, engineering, and industrial sectors, its use in the medical field has been limited. It
is important to note that the RCA process aims not to assign individual blame but to identify lapses in
system-level processes that can be restructured to prevent patient harm and reduce the likelihood of
future sentinel events. Thus, identifying the root cause of a medical error can better direct the need for
additional training and resources.
Applying Root Cause Analysis
For accreditation purposes, the Joint Commission requires that healthcare institutions have a
comprehensive process for systematically analyzing sentinel events. The RCA process is one of the most
commonly utilized tools for this purpose. Through the RCA process, healthcare institutions can optimize
patient care and enact measures to mitigate adverse events that compromise patient safety. In addition to
improving patient safety and quality metrics, an RCA's purpose includes optimizing process flow and
RCA emphasizes lapses in system-level processes. It does not emphasize individual actions. A designated
RCA team must be assembled to review and identify necessary changes at the systematic level that can
improve performance and reduce the likelihood of a repeat sentinel event.[8] Failure to perform an RCA
within 45 days of a sentinel event may result in the healthcare institution being placed on an 'accreditation
watch,' which is public information. Repeat violations may result in an onsite review by the Joint
Commission that may jeopardize accreditation.[9]
The first step of an RCA is to form an interprofessional team to analyze and define the problem. There
should be a designated process to communicate with senior leadership throughout the journey while
meeting deadlines internally and with the Joint Commission. After identifying the problem, the team should
evaluate systematic factors that may have contributed to the error. Throughout the process, collecting data
regarding the potential underlying causes is important. The team should propose and implement
immediate changes so that a repeat sentinel event does not occur during the RCA process. Next, the team
should evaluate the list of root causes and consider their interrelationships. During the RCA process, the
team will explore risk-reduction and process improvement strategies to prevent future errors at the
systematic level. After identifying process improvement strategies, the team must communicate with
senior leadership and key stakeholders to evaluate whether the proposed process modifications are
The Joint Commission has created a framework and series of 24 questions to aid in organizing an RCA. This
framework should be utilized as a general template when preparing the RCA report that will eventually be
submitted to the Joint Commission after thorough evaluation. The 24-question framework recommended
by the Joint Commission considers various situational factors that may have contributed to a sentinel event.
This includes examining the systematic process, human factors, equipment malfunctions, environmental
factors, uncontrollable external factors, organizational factors, staffing and qualifications, contingency
plans, performance expectations, informational disruptions, communication, environmental risks, training,
and technology.[7]
With detailed consideration of each of these topics, an in-depth analysis of the cause of the sentinel event
can occur. One factor that makes an appearance in several questions is communication. Communication
within the team and with leadership is critical to maintaining organizational structure. It can be difficult to
convey messages effectively and efficiently without proper communication systems. Environmental factors
should also be examined to determine if any situational issues were ongoing at the time of the sentinel
event that may have impacted the outcome. Staffing is another important topic that should be examined
during an RCA review to determine if the staff were appropriately qualified, competent, and portioned for
their assigned duties.
After discussion, evaluation, and analysis, corrective actions should be developed, identifying areas for
targeted improvement. While utilizing the 24-question framework, it is important to always consider
causative etiologies because it will help determine the specific area that can be restructured to reduce risk.
The root cause analysis should be clear and precise while providing appropriate depth and scope.
The Joint Commission has identified a series of adverse events subject to their purview. Primarily, this
would be a sentinel event that has resulted in death or permanent loss of function unrelated to any
underlying medical conditions. Alternatively, a sentinel event can also be considered as one of the
following, even if the event did not cause death or severe harm:
Patient suicide of any patient receiving care (including emergency department care), treatment, or
services within the healthcare setting or 72 hours following their discharge
Full-term infant having an unanticipated death
An infant discharged to the wrong family
Abduction of any patient receiving care, treatment, or services
Elopement of a patient within a healthcare setting, leading to their harm
Hemolytic transfusion reaction requiring administration of blood products
Rape, assault, or homicide of anyone on scene at the healthcare premises
Wrong patient, site, or procedure for all invasive procedures, including surgery
Unintended retention of a foreign body in a patient following surgery
Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Prolonged fluoroscopy with cumulative dose to the wrong body region
Fire, flame, or unanticipated smoke, heat, or flashes during patient care
Intrapartum maternal death
Severe maternal morbidity
The finalized RCA report must follow a set standard to meet the Joint Commission's requirement. It must
include the following:
Participation of the organization's leadership and key stakeholders involved in the process/system
under review
Thorough explanation of all findings
Consideration of any relevant or applicable literature
Internal accuracy and consistency, without contradictions or unanswered questions
Case Illustrations with RCA Interventions
Case Example 1
A 42-year-old primigravida woman at 34 weeks gestation was brought to the obstetric emergency
department at midnight with complaints of severe headache, blurry vision, and right upper quadrant pain
for the last 5 to 6 hours. She noted gradually increasing lower extremity edema and facial swelling as
well. She has a history of gestational hypertension and was prescribed labetalol 200 mg twice a day a
week before this presentation. On initial evaluation, her blood pressure was 190/110 mm Hg on 2 separate
occasions, 5 minutes apart. She had gained 2 kilograms since her last antenatal checkup in the clinic a week
The patient was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. The senior obstetric resident ordered a loading dose
of magnesium sulfate to prevent imminent seizure. The hospital protocol used an intravenous (IV) and
intramuscular (IM) regimen where the patient receives a 4-gram (20% concentration) intravenous solution
bolus and a 10-gram intramuscular dose (50% concentration) administered as 5 grams in each buttock. The
senior resident verbally provided the order for magnesium sulfate administration to the junior resident,
who subsequently verbally communicated the order to the nurse.
This magnesium sulfate dosing regimen is complex, with multiple doses in different locations, and was
incorrectly prepared by the nurse who felt rushed in an urgent situation. A chart displaying magnesium
sulfate's preparation in the drug preparation room was present but had become faded. Therefore the nurse
prepared the medication relying on her memory. Before administering the medicine to the patient, as a
part of the protocol, she repeated the dose strength aloud to another nurse, who cross-checked it from a
printed chart and picked up the error in time. The senior resident also identified the error as the dose was
communicated aloud and stopped administering the drug.
RCA with Corrective Measures
A root cause analysis was performed, and measures were taken to avoid this problem in the future.
Magnesium sulfate was marked as a high-alert medication, as the Institute of Safe Medication Practices
recommended. Furthermore, premixed solutions prepared by the pharmacy for the bolus dosing were
instituted instead of requiring nurses to mix this high-risk medication on the unit. The second nurse
verification measure was retained, with the second nurse instructed to double-check all doses, pump
settings, drug names, and concentrations before administration of any drugs.
Moreover, the RCA recommended that all medication orders be provided in writing and/or entered in the
electronic medical record using computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems, regardless of the
urgency of the situation, to avoid any dosing errors. The RCA team emphasized that verbal communication
for medication administration should always be avoided. If verbal communications are necessary or
unavoidable, the RCA recommended that the nurse taking the order should read back the order given to
the prescribing physician to minimize any prescribing errors.
Case Example 2 (The name and date of birth used in this example are imaginative, used for illustrative
purposes, and do not represent an actual patient. Any similarities, if noted, are purely coincidental.)
Anna Joy (date of birth October 30, 1991) was admitted to a busy obstetric ward. She was a primigravida
woman at 30 weeks of gestation with complaints of intermittent cramping abdominal pain. She had come
to visit her sister living in Boston from Spain. The patient's ability to communicate in English was limited,
and she preferred speaking Spanish. However, her husband and sister were fluent in English and assisted
with translation throughout the history, exam, and admission. The patient was seen by an obstetrician who
advised routine investigations for threatened preterm labor and observation.
Another patient Ann Jay (date of birth September 30, 1991), was also admitted to the same obstetric ward.
She was 34 weeks gestation and was admitted because of gestational diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia.
Her obstetrician advised an endocrinology referral, and the endocrinologist advised glucose monitoring and
insulin administration. The nurse taking care of the patient was provided with the instructions, performed a
finger-stick blood glucose check, and informed the endocrinologist about the results over the phone. The
endocrinologist advised six units of regular insulin before lunch. The nurse also informed the obstetrician
that the patient felt a decrease in fetal movements. The obstetrician advised ongoing observation and fetal
kick counts.
The family members of the first patient, Anna Joy, informed the nurse that they were going to lunch. The
morning shift nurse later required a half-day leave because of personal issues and quickly handed over her
patients to another nurse. The ward was busy and running at full capacity. The new nurse decided to give
the insulin injection first as the patient was about to receive her lunch. She did not know that Anna Joy
preferred communication in Spanish. The nurse asked a few questions and rushed through patient
identification with the help of two unique patient identifiers. She administered the insulin injection to the
first patient and later realized it was supposed to be given to the second patient, Ann Jay. The attending
obstetrician and the endocrinologist were informed. They took the necessary measures and closely
monitored the patient for the next few hours. No inadvertent effects were noted.
RCA with Corrective Measures
A root cause analysis was performed, and measures were taken to avoid this problem in the future. The
RCA team noted that the nurse caring for both patients had worked in the hospital for 5 years and was
recently transitioned to the obstetric ward. This had never happened to her before. The team recognized
that the modern patient care delivery process relies on the efficient and effective integration of an
interprofessional care team. A clear, consistent, and standardized communication method between the
team members contributes to safe patient care and minimizes the risk of adverse outcomes. The RCA team
did not lay blame on the nurse involved. They instead instituted a standardized handoff platform and
required all patient handoffs to occur using this format in the future. During shift change, the handoff
between clinicians and nurses is pivotal in providing high-quality care. The aim should be to provide the
oncoming team with up-to-date, accurate, and complete information. The RCA team outlined clinical
education programs for nurses and clinicians to ensure high-quality and effective handoff occurs at every
shift change and patient handoff.
They also instituted mandatory use of hospital-based interpreters when communicating with patients who
are not fluent in English. The hospital procedure for verifying patient identification using two unique
patient identifiers, the name and the date of birth, was retained. However, an additional mandatory step of
verifying the patient's identity using an arm-band barcode was instituted before every medication
administration. They also instituted the highlighting of patient charts and rooms when patients had similar
names and dates of birth.
Case Example 3
A 26-year-old primigravida woman with labor pains was admitted to a busy hospital's labor and delivery
suite at 39 weeks of gestation. There were no associated high-risk factors. The patient was admitted to the
labor ward and managed according to routine protocol. She progressed in spontaneous labor, but the
cardiotocograph showed prolonged fetal bradycardia lasting for 3 and a half minutes at 4 centimeters (cm)
cervical dilatation. The fetal bradycardia did not resolve with initial conservative measures.
The patient was transferred to the operating room for a category one emergent cesarean section. A
category one cesarean section means the baby should be delivered within 30 minutes of the procedure's
decision. It is done when there is an immediate threat to the life of the mother or the baby. The baby was
delivered in good condition, with no intraoperative complications. Before closure, the operating
obstetrician asked the scrub nurse to perform a surgical count. The scrub nurse reported that there might
be a missing gauze piece from the surgical trolley. The count was performed several times by the scrub and
the floor nurse at this time. A second on-call obstetrician was called to assist the primary surgeon in
checking for the surgical field's missing gauze piece.
The surgical gauze had a heat-bonded barium sulfate marker embedded in the fabric to assist with x-ray
identification. An intraoperative x-ray was obtained to evaluate for intraperitoneal gauze, and the results
were negative. The case was discussed with the department chief, and abdominal closure was performed.
Due to the associated delays, the operative time was increased significantly (2 hours and 30 minutes).
RCA with Corrective Measures
An RCA of the event revealed that there were inconsistent practices regarding surgical count before the
initiation of a procedure. Moreover, only one person (the scrub nurse) was charged with making this count.
The RCA team highlighted that the surgical count is critical and must be performed in a standardized
fashion to eliminate variation and minimize the possibility of human error. They highlighted international
standards that recommend standardizing the counting process and systematically tracking the instruments,
gauze, and sponges in the sterile field. They instituted World Health Organization's Surgical Safety Checklist
as a mandatory step for all procedures regardless of the urgency of the procedure. They also recommended
that the counting process be concurrently audible and visual to eliminate errors. The RCA recommended
that the counting process should be performed by the scrub nurse and the circulating nurse independently,
both before and after every procedure. They emphasized that the best practices for surgical count should
always be followed regardless of the clinical situation.
Case Example 4
A 25-year-old man presented for bilateral LASIK surgery at a same-day surgery center. The operating
surgeon examined the patient, a community-based surgeon who does not routinely operate at this facility.
Informed consent was obtained by the operating surgeon preoperatively. The refractive error was -4 D for
the right eye and – 5D for the left eye. The plan was to remove the refractive error altogether. There was
a timeout to ensure the correct patient and procedure. The LASIK was started by making corneal flaps on
both eyes, which was completed uneventfully. The second step was the excimer laser-guided corneal
power correction.
The patient was adjusted on the operating microscope so that the first eye was directly under the excimer
laser, and iris recognition was attempted. The machine did not recognize the iris pattern after 3 attempts.
The surgeon decided to proceed without iris recognition. The technician thought that this was rare and that
they had good iris recognition rates for this month (>98%). However, he did not want to contradict the
Before the procedure, the circulating nurse noted that the patient's table was adjusted to the wrong side,
and the left eye was under the laser instead of the right. She pressed the emergency stop button, and the
treatment was terminated. After identifying the mistake, the surgeon and technician restarted the
machine to treat the correct sequence's correct eyes.
RCA with Corrective Measures
Compared to unilateral procedures, bilateral procedures are especially challenging, particularly if the
treatment varies between the 2 sides. An example is LASIK, where both eyes are typically corrected
simultaneously, and there is no obvious pathology on the eye except for the refractive error. The correction
is determined preoperatively, and the result is not immediately titrated. There is a significant chance for
wrong-site procedures, given these ambiguities. To avoid this disaster, the RCA team implemented a
verification procedure where the optometrist, technician, and surgeon were ALL required to verify each
eye's refractive error before the procedure and after programming the laser.
Some advanced laser machines have an inbuilt layer of defense where the iris pattern of the eye is uniquely
identified via iris recognition, which helps determine the correct eye and enhances the treatment fidelity.
Some treatments, however, do not include iris recognition, and therefore the onus lies on the technicians,
nurses, and surgeons to identify the appropriate eye correctly.
Case Example 5
A community clinic treats approximately 110 patients per day. The clinic is run by 2 primary care physicians,
with the assistance of 2 nurses and scribes. A 10-year-old boy was brought to the clinic by his parents. The
child had a runny nose for the last ten days. On examination, the primary care physician noted simple
allergic rhinitis and advised them to use over-the-counter cetirizine. One of the scribes had called in sick
that day, so a secretary was assisting the physician. The physician advised the parents that cetirizine is an
over-the-counter medication, and they can go to their pharmacy of choice to obtain the medication. After 2
days, the patient's mother returned to the clinic and reported that the child was lethargic. The clinic's front
desk stated that they would convey the information to the physician, who was very busy that day. The
physician said it is typical for children taking cetirizine to be slightly sleepy. He said that they should inform
the parents to ask the child to avoid going to school for the next few days. The message was conveyed to
the mother.
The patient's mother, however, decided to take the child to another specialist as she was concerned
regarding the sedation. At this visit, it was noted that the child was taking a 10-mg cetirizine tablet 2 times
a day, which is higher than typically recommended.
RCA with Corrective Measures
An RCA review was performed at the primary clinic. It was noted that there was a typographical error in the
instructions given to the patient, saying 10 mg twice a day instead of 5 mg twice a day, which the physician
had intended. The RCA recommended a verification procedure for all prescription recommendations made
during the clinic visit. They instituted verbal and written verification with the prescribing physicians of all
drugs and doses transcribed by the scribes and/or office personnel to avoid this error in the future. The RCA
team also recommended that the physician and the team should read prescription and over-the-counter
drug recommendations with their intended doses to the patient/attendant in the clinic from the summary
instructions and verify that it matches their notes.
The RCA also mandated a document review for all patient callbacks or return visits before any patient
communication is made to avoid such errors in the future.
Case Example 6
All-Eyes Laser Center is a busy same-day ophthalmic laser center with multiple laser procedures being
performed throughout the day. The center specializes in retinal and anterior segment lasers.
A 60-year-old man, JM, suffers from chronic angle-closure glaucoma and has been advised to undergo a
YAG (Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnett) laser iridotomy. This procedure involves creating a small hole in the
peripheral part of the iris to increase the aqueous flow between the anterior chamber and the posterior
chamber to prevent a possible angle-closure attack and/or further glaucoma progression.
This was an unusually busy day at the laser center. The laser surgeon was running behind. There were 5
patients ahead of JM, and there was an anticipated delay of around 2 hours. As is the practice at the center,
the nurse practitioner prepares the patients before the laser, and then the laser surgeon performs the
procedure. The preparation involves checking the history, confirming the examination findings, and then
instilling eye drops to prepare the procedure's eyes. This laser surgeon does 2 types of laser procedures.
YAG iridotomy needs the eyes constricted with 2% pilocarpine eye drops, which ensures a good exposure of
the peripheral iris crypts where the laser is directed to create a small iridotomy. The second procedure is a
YAG capsulotomy. The posterior capsule in a pseudophakic eye is lasered to create an opening to counter
an after-cataract posterior capsular opacity and improve vision. The YAG laser platform is a combined
platform where both procedures can be performed with one machine.
The surgeon arrived at the laser suite and started the lasers. When JM's turn came, a proper timeout was
confirmed, including the correct eye and procedure. However, when the patient was positioned at the
laser machine, the surgeon noticed that the pupil was dilated rather than constricted. The surgeon again
verified the patient's tag and name and the correct procedure. It was confirmed that the patient was
indeed the correct one, and the procedure intended was YAG iridotomy. It would have been dangerous to
attempt an iridotomy in a dilated pupil. The surgeon did not proceed with the procedure, and the patient
was transferred out of the laser suite. The patient was counseled regarding the error and instructed that he
would be rescheduled for the correct procedure in a few days. The error was misattributed to the nurse
administering the wrong eye drop, secondary to high patient volume and practice inconsistencies.
RCA with Corrective Measures
A root cause analysis was performed, and measures were taken to avoid this problem in the future. This
error did not result in harm to the patient. However, there is a significant chance of the wrong type
of procedure being performed. Considering this, the RCA team recommended segregating patients for YAG
capsulotomy and YAG iridotomy to different seating areas that were clearly labeled. The 2 eye drops,
tropicamide and pilocarpine, were kept only in these areas, and the staff was not allowed to carry these
drops out from the designated area. A barcode-based verification was also instituted to be used each time
the drop was instilled.
There are precautions in place for similar-sounding medications and similar-sounding patient names.
However, in a mixed clinic where multiple procedures are being performed with a relatively quick turnover,
the pre-procedure medications can be mixed, especially if there is no designated 'bedside area' for the
patient. Therefore using the precautions noted above can avoid incorrect medication administration.
Issues of Concern
The IOM identifies medical errors as a leading cause of death and injury.[1] According to the 2019 World
Health Organization (WHO) Patient Safety Factsheet, adverse events due to unsafe patient care
are among the top ten causes of death and disability worldwide. Preventable adverse events in the United
States of America (US) cause an estimated 44,000 to 98,000 hospital deaths annually.[1] This exceeds the
number of deaths attributable to motor vehicle accidents and is estimated to cost the community between
37.6 to 50 billion dollars in terms of added health care cost, disability, and loss of productivity.[1]
Patients and their families face the most critical and severe consequences of medical errors. Therefore,
identifying system processes that lead to medical errors and implementing corrective measures is the
primary goal in treating this problem. An RCA and response can help identify system-based measures that
can minimize the risk of adverse events and improve clinical outcomes.
Types of Medical Errors
It is essential to recognize that medical errors constitute diverse events. The "error" is not always a human
miscalculation or miscommunication, as outlined by the cases above. Some errors are inherent to clinical
situations, such as patient falls in hospital settings and healthcare-associated infections. The commonly
recognized "types" of medical errors are outlined below.
Medication error is widely accepted as the most common and preventable cause of patient
injury.[10] Medication errors include giving the wrong drug or dose, via the wrong route, at an
incorrect time, or to the wrong patient. The reported incidence of medication error-associated
adverse events in acute hospitals is around 6.5 per 100 admissions.[10] Medication errors in the
peri-discharge from an acute care facility are the most easily overlooked or missed errors.[10]
Another common medical error is a diagnostic error with failure to correctly identify the cause of
the clinical condition promptly.[10] Diagnostic errors are "missed opportunities to make a correct
or timely diagnosis based on the available evidence, regardless of patient harm."[11]
In hospitalized patients, wound infections, pressure ulcers, falls, healthcare-associated infections,
and technical complications constitute another group of preventable medical errors.[10]
The most common systems-error is failure to disseminate drug knowledge and patient information.
This, in essence, is a communication failure, whether with the patient or other providers.[10]
Failure to employ indicated tests is another medical error that can lead to diagnostic delays or
Similarly, using outdated tests or treatments or failing to respond to the results of tests or
monitoring also constitutes a type of medical error.[1]
Treatment errors include errors during the performance of a test or procedure and inappropriate
When applying root cause analysis for medical error prevention, it is essential to consider several patientrelated factors and underlying issues that may hinder or impede the ability to generate an efficacious root
cause analysis. Awareness of particular safety hazards for specific patient demographics and groups can
often help mitigate common medical errors and encourage patients to take responsibility for their safety.
Elderly patients represent such a group as various common medical illnesses may result from age-related
changes within this group. Elderly patients tend to be prone to falls due to their age-related changes in
vision or cardiovascular problems. This patient group also tends to be prone to balance issues and muscle
weakness over time, leading to ambulatory dysfunction. Having fall-prevention protocols in place,
identifying potential high-risk areas within the home, and mitigating them through safety measures can
improve patient safety and outcomes.[7] Age-associated hearing and cognitive decline increase the
likelihood of communication errors regarding medications. Ensuring appropriate communication skills
tailored to distinct patient groups is key to preventing such errors. Young children and infants are similarly
prone to common medical errors due to the lack of direct participation in decision-making and patient care.
Thus, specialized communication is needed to convey medical instructions to this population. It is essential
to involve both the family and the child to ensure no lapses in communication.
Reducing diagnostic errors requires a more comprehensive approach. Common conditions misdiagnosed
yearly include cancer, coronary artery disease, and surgical complications.[12][13] Clinicians within these
specialties must be aware of the high rate of misdiagnoses and attempt to combat this through additional
measures. Many of these misdiagnoses are easily preventable by implementing standardized protocols,
which can be integrated into electronic medical record software.[14] According to a 2015 New
England Journal of Medicine article, "trigger tools" are essential in reducing this type of medical
error.[15] "Trigger tools" are electronic algorithms that identify potential adverse events. This is
accomplished by searching electronic health records and flagging specific occurrences. The use of trigger
tools has been shown to decrease the rate of misdiagnoses in recent studies.[15]
Another important realization clinicians should be aware of is using an interpreter to aid in effective
communication. A skilled medical interpreter may be crucial in effectively communicating instructions and
information to the patient. Physicians need to utilize an unbiased and neutral medical interpreter, as family
members may often be biased in communication.
Communication deficits among medical staff members are another essential root cause of medical errors
that can be mitigated through standardized protocols.[16] The healthcare institution must recognize all
staff members' inclusion in communication protocol development and identify processes for clinicians and
pharmacists to exchange information regarding medication orders. Training staff to participate in error
recognition and medication safety training is another valuable tool that can be implemented within a
healthcare institution. Controlling the storage, access, and labeling of medications is another strategy that
can be implemented and monitored to prevent errors that can be easily mitigated by storing medications in
the accepted manner or by identifying protocols to ensure that similar medications are properly labeled to
avoid mismatching. Managing the availability of information within the healthcare organization is also
important. Ensuring staff members can readily access important updates and protocol changes can help
prevent unnecessary medical errors.
Clinical Significance
RCA has important implications in helping healthcare organizations study events that resulted in patient
harm or undesired clinical outcomes and identify strategies to reduce future errors and improve patient
care and safety. Most notably, RCA can help identify medication errors such as illegible handwritten
prescriptions, similar name packaging or misleading drug strength or dosage presentations, ineffective
control of prescription labels, and lapsed concentration due to interruptions.[17] Clinician participation in
root cause analysis is vital as these initiatives recognize and address important patient care aspects.
Through a review of data gathered by the Joint Commission, six common categories of clinical error
resulting in patient death, which can be prevented through root cause analysis, have been identified. These
sentinel events account for a significant proportion of morbidity and mortality within the hospital setting.
The six most common categories of clinical errors resulting in patient deaths include:[7]
Wrong-site surgeries
Patient suicide
Surgical complications
Medical treatment delays
Medication errors
Patient falls.
Wrong-site surgery is a major cause of medical errors that can be mitigated through various safety
checkpoints preoperatively and has been the subject of a sentinel event alert by the Joint
Commission.[7][18] This type of error has most commonly been noted in orthopedic surgeries.[19] Risk
factors include several surgeons involved in surgical care or transfers to another surgeon for patient care,
multiple procedures on a single patient, time constraint pressures, and unique circumstances requiring
unusual or special positioning during a surgical procedure.[18] This error can easily be mitigated by
ensuring proper pre-operative measures, such as labeling the correct surgical site with an indelible pen or
distinctively marking the nonsurgical site before the surgery. Intraoperative radiography can also assist in
aiding the correct surgical site during the procedure.
Patient suicide is an unfortunate cause of death commonly seen in psychiatric care settings.[7] Several riskreduction methods can be implemented for this adverse event, including ensuring a controlled
environment free of hazardous materials, frequent patient observation, effective communication,
adequate staffing in the facility, suicide assessment upon admission, regular psychiatric evaluation, and
assessment for the presence of contraband.
Delays in medical treatment are preventable adverse events that may result in patient death and
permanent injuries. This may result from misdiagnoses, delayed diagnostic test results, lack of staffing or
physician availability, delays in order fulfillment, inadequate treatment, and delays within the emergency
department. It is important to recognize this root cause and implement steps to improve timeliness,
completeness and check the accuracy of medical communication to prevent such errors.
Medication administration errors are a common and avoidable adverse event that can occur at various
patient care levels, involving many individuals in a multidisciplinary patient care team.[17] The primary tool
of prevention for this type of error is communication. A standardized protocol for communication between
the physician, nurse, pharmacist, and other clinicians involved in patient care is essential to ensure that
patients receive the correct medication at the appropriate dosage, route, and frequency.
Similarly, patient falls are a constant source of error within healthcare facilities. It is important to recognize
patients at high risk for falls and take appropriate safety precautions. Standardized protocols can reduce fall
rates by ensuring a safe environment for risk-prone patients. Patient factors contributing to falls include
advanced age, mobility impairment, and surgery.[20] Organizational factors contributing to falls include
nurse staffing and the proportion of new nurses.[20] Instuting fall prevention protocols in hospitals and
long-term care facilities have significantly impacted reducing these errors. Studies have shown that fall risk
assessments using standardized scales such as the Morse Fall Scale can decrease patient
falls.[21] Institutional interventions such as staff education, patient mobility training with rehabilitation
professionals, and nutritionist support have also been shown to reduce patient falls.[21]
Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes
Medical errors are undeniably an important cause of patient morbidity and mortality within the United
States healthcare system. These errors are prevalent at rampant levels, and the consequences of such
errors can have severe impacts on the patient, family members, and clinicians. The interprofessional
healthcare team plays an invaluable role in preventing medical errors; team effort is crucial in identifying
strategies and solutions to reduce the burden of medical error on the healthcare system. Nurses,
pharmacists, rehabilitation professionals, nutritionists, and physicians are integral to the patient care team
and crucial in preventing medical errors. Practitioners who work in error-prone environments must
recognize their roles as healthcare team members who are responsible for reducing unnecessary
errors.[22] The interprofessional team members comprising the RCA team should include professionals
from all disciplines to ensure an effective and accurate RCA occurs.[Level 5]
Clinicians should not hesitate to provide their peers with assistance in recognizing particular sources of
common medical errors to deliver better patient care. Equal accountability and responsibility of all
healthcare team members are critical in preventing errors and providing superior patient safety.[1]
Quality assurance teams should employ RCAs with every sentinal event, especially in situations when the
identification of medical errors becomes difficult or complex due to many underlying factors. RCAs can help
identify factors within the healthcare delivery process that may impede the ability to provide quality
patient care. Given the preventable nature of most medical errors, a thorough RCA can improve patient
safety and allow healthcare organizations to serve as a model for others.
Healthcare professionals should be aware of common medical error sources and work as a team to identify
possible risks when they become apparent. Doing so will increase the quality and efficiency of the
healthcare industry and patient trust in the healthcare system. When an RCA is performed, the cooperation
of all healthcare team members and clinicians involved in patient care is critical to understanding the
"Why" behind the source of medical error and identifying future strategies to mitigate such errors and
improve patient outcomes.[Level 5]
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