study of Earth's composition including the processes of formation during geological times GEOLOGY what are the two main classifications of the branches of geology? a branch of geology analyzing layers of rocks and strata to measure geologic time Stratigraphy a branch of geology studying fossil records to see how organisms interacted with the environment paleontology a branch of geology about how sedimentary and volcanic sequences are dated by geophysically correlating samples of strata magnetostratigraphy all about crystals and bonding of atoms crystallography transportation and distribution of groundwater in the Earth's crust hydrogeology a branch of geology talking about soil as a natural resource including formation factors, classification, and other properties soil sciences the application of knowledge of geosciences to ensure safety, efficacy, and economy of engineering projects engineering geology combining geology with engineering makes it possible to come up with ___________ solutions for ______ and _________ structures what is the meaning of NASA ? national aeronautics and space administration layer of the earth that is a shell of liquid iron creating the planet's magnetic field outer core in temperature outer core layer of earth described as a solid iron ball inner core layer of the earth composed of iron and nickel inner core solid rock and silicate materials, thickest layer of earth mantle layer of the earth that behaves like a viscous or plastic material mantle layer of the earth composed of different types of solid rock prevailing in continental and oceanic regions crust outermost layer made with light elements such as silica, aluminum and oxygen crust a process of breaking down of rocks through rainwater, extreme temperature and biological activity weathering what are the three types of weathering? a type of weathering that involves the breakdown of rocks without altering their mineral composition mechanical weathering type of weathering that is caused by rainwater reacting with minerals and soluble salts chemical weathering a type of weathering that causes rocks to be decomposed and altered biological weathering the main agent in biological weathering organic acids (released by different organisms) different causes of mechanical weathering (3) a cause of mechanical weathering which pertains to the expansion or contraction of rocks caused by temperature changes thermal stress differentiate thermal shock and thermal fatigue over many cycles how does mechanical weathering due to frost action happens? water seeps into rock fractures and when the temperature drops below freezing point, the water expands leading the rocks to break mechanical weathering causing underlying rocks to expand and develop fractures parallel to the surface due to overlying rock (erosion) pressure release 3 types of chemical weathering happens when atmospheric oxygen combines with minerals in some rocks oxidation give some examples of rocks formed from oxidation limonite hematite geothite this happens when minerals in rocks react with CO2 in water carbonation carbonation is a ____________ process solution weathering chemical weathering causing mineral grains to expand, creating stress that disintegrates rocks when minerals form weak bonds with water hydration chemical addition of water to minerals in rocks that may cause color changes in weathered surfaces hydration 2 causesof biological weathering a cause of biological weathering that splits and breaks rock into pieces naturally plant roots biological weathering caused by the presence of organisms growing across rock surfaces how do organisms cause rocks to break ? surfaces exert a small amount of abrasion and pressure which can break rocks into pieces it is the rapid vibration of the ground caused by the movement of large segments of rocks in the crust earthquake explain how the breakdown of the crust occurs during an earthquake when elastic strain built up in the crust exceeds the effective strength of rocks in the area of an earthquake two types of earthquake type of earthquake produced by sudden movement along plate bounderies tectonic earthquake type of earthquake induced by rising lave or magma beneath volcanoes volcanic earthquake department in the Philippines responsible for monitoring earthquakes PHIVOLCS point of the earth's surface vertically above the origin of the earthquake, this is where a seismic rupture begins epicenter fracture between two blocks of rock fault part of an earthquake that may travel either along or near the surface or through the earth's interior seismic waves area inside the crust where an earthquake starts focus what causes seismic waves? sudden movement of materials under the surface the term describing the depth of the focus from the surface focal depth enumerate the two types of seismic waves enumerate and differentiate the 2 types of body waves enumerate and differentiate the 2 types of surface waves and faster caused by the shaking of rocks side to side of surface is perpendicular to the direction of wave particles move elliptically a device that records the magnitude of an earthquake seismograph recorded data from a seismograph is called a seismogram differentiate magnitude from intensity energy released by an earthquake at the focus in the Philippines, the intensity of earthquakes is determined using what scale? PEIS or PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale enumerate the 4 common magnitude scales define a magnitude scale for shallow, local earthquakes in Southern California Charles Richter this magnitude scale is suitable for deep earthquakes that have few surface waves and can measure distant events body wave magnitude measure of the amplitudes of love and rayleigh waves with a period of 20secs, common for very distant earthquakes surface wave magnitude defined as a function of the seismic moment Mo expressed in dyne cm moment magnitude numbers on the Richter scale are proportional to that of _________ of maximum wave amplitudes base 10 / common logarithms how many levels are there in the PHIVOLCS intensity scale ? 1 to 10 what is the strongest earthquake recorded in the Philippines? (2000 onward) (Dec 15, 2019) Davao del Sur Earthquake, Magnitude 6.9