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Five Senses Lesson Plan: Elementary Physical Education

DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN physical education 1
a. Identify the five senses
b. Identify the organs associated with each sense
c. Demonstrate the uses of this senses
Subject Matter
Topic: The five senses
Reference: lppsupport@hotchalk.com
Materials: Illustration of five senses and its uses, worksheet about five senses
Values Integration: Being aware of their senses
Learning Procedure
Teachers’ activities
A. Preparation:
Stand up and let us pray, please lead the
prayer, Jecil.
Pupils’ Activities
Angel of God my guardian dear to
whom God’s love commits me
here ever this day is at my side to
light and guide to rule and guard.
Is everybody present?
Check if your seatmates are there.
( Pupils will check if their
seatmates are presents)
Very Good, everybody is present.
Let’s clap our hands for ourselves
( pupils happily clap their hands)
B. Motivation
Which body part do we use to hear?
Which body part do we use to see?
Which body part do we use to smell?
Which body part do we use to touch?
Which body part do we use to taste?
C. Presentation
Hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste is
what we call senses. All in all we have five
extraordinary senses.
Yes teacher we have it all!
Do you have these senses?
Really? Let us find out!
D. Discussion and analysis
1. Look at this figure what did you see?
A bird, a flying bird that has color
blue feathers and color orange
We use our eyes to describe what we see.
Therefore, eyes are our sense of sight!
2. Close your eyes and listen for 30
seconds. What did you hear? Can you
tell me those sounds that you hear?
I heard a dogs bark, tweets of
birds, laughs…
Your sense of hearing is working well!
And If it’s not I think it’s time to clean
your ear.
3. Touch these two papers?
What did you notice?
The first paper is smooth while
the second one is rough!
We use our sense of touch using our
4. Smell this perfume? How is it?
Nice, the smell is so sweet!
Is this perfume really smells sweet?
How about this one?
It smells so strong teacher!
What did we use to smell this perfume? We use our Nose!
Nose is our sense of smell.
5. Who wants candy? Of course, anyone
wants it. Let’s try to taste these
candies. How does it taste?
Thanks to our taste buds. Tongue has a
taste bud that’s why we are able to
taste different flavour found in food.
E. Generalization
We have five senses which are sense of
sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
Eyes to see
Ears to hear
Tongue to taste
Nose to smell
Hands to touch and feel
F. Enrichment Activity
Teacher this candy is really sweet.
This one taste milkier.
So fresh…
G. Evaluation:
Direction: Write the roles of the following
Prepared by: Via Abayon BEED 3A
Submitted to: Dr. Roselyn Chavez