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Service Learning I Course Syllabus, NDHU

National Dong Hwa University
2024 Spring Semester
Management Science and Finance Programs
Service Learning I (服務學習一)
Instructor: 翁胤哲 (Dr. Yin-Che Timmy Weng)
Email: ycw@ndhu.edu.tw
Office: Management building C320 (管 C320)
Tel (O): (03) 890-5010
I. Course objective:
This course provides the learners with overall learning and growth opportunity through social
service. We hope the learners can reflect and cognize their value through these voluntary service
activities. This course requires the learner to volunteer for school and social service to cultivate
social concerns and cooperation.
II. Grading policy:
Total social service learning hours need to be
completed during this semester
16 hours
Due date to complete and submit the required
June 25th, 2024
Documents to submit for passing this course:
* Note:
1. Please make copies of the
“Certificate of Service-Learning
Hours” of your need.
2. When you complete the
(1) “Certificate for Service-Learning Hours” (服務時
required 16 hours, you may:
(1) scan the completed
certificates and upload them to elearning (RECOMMENDED);
(2) Bring the hard copies to my
office (Management building,
(2) A one-page written summary (服務學習心得)
*Upload to e-learning:
by the due date (June 25, 2024)
and three to four pictures of your service-learning
activities attached.
A. One-page written summary:
i. Content in the summary:
On what you have learned in the service-learning
activities and your thoughts about these voluntary
ii. Format: A4 size paper; 800-1000 words,
written in English.
B. Three-to-Four pictures attached:
i. These pictures could include yourself, participants,
and someone related to these social services
ii. Please organize these four pictures in one page of
an MS Word/PDF file and attach this file to the
second page of the summary
III. Social service activities recommended
1. On campus:
(1) NDHU International Affairs Trainee
Assist in handling the seminars or events of NDHU’s overseas exchange, overseas internships,
international competitions, off-site teaching, international short-term exchange activities (winter
and summer camps), and teacher-student overseas English proficiency exchange.
*Note: If you are interested in participating in voluntary work for international affairs, please do not
hesitate to get in touch with Mr. Johnson Leong (Project Manager of the International Cooperation
Division at OIA) in Room 601 of the Administrative Building during his office hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30
am - 5 pm).
(2) NDHU Guest Receptionist
Guest Reception Trainees will assist in the international office’s work of receiving foreign guests.
There are approximately 20 trainees in the entire group, recruited and trained by the International
Affairs Office. After completing the training course, trainees can participate in the foreign guest
reception work of the International Affairs Office, allowing visitors to understand better the unique
geographical environment of eastern Taiwan, local culture, our university’s environment,
distinctive features, campus life, and more. Through their reception duties, trainees can expand
their international perspective and enhance their international communication skills, thereby
promoting the realization of an international-friendly campus.
*Note: If you are interested in participating in voluntary work for international guest reception, don’t
hesitate to get in touch with Miss Abby Liu (Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Division
at OIA) in Room 601 of the Administrative Building during her office hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 5
(3) NDHU International Volunteer
To help international students coming to our school adapt to campus life, leave a positive
impression, and allow our local students to expand their international perspectives through
reception activities, thus realizing an internationalized campus, the International Students Division
(ISSA) at OIA recruits a volunteer reception team. The International Reception Volunteer Team
plans to recruit twice a year. Interested applicants should pay attention to the relevant
announcements from OIA in March and October each year.
(4) Clean-up service for management building:
The assigned classrooms and office are such as:
a. Assigned classrooms: e.g. C109
b. Assigned office: e.g. C227
i. The working hours for clean-up service for the College of Management (COM) could be
recognized as double hours (the policy is for the clean-up service ONLY). For example, if you
help clean up the A309 office for one hour, the total recognized hours could be two.
***The maximum real working hours for clean-up service are 5 hours.***
ii. If you are interested in participating in the voluntary work for the clean-up service, don’t hesitate to
get in touch with Carol (assistant of MSF program) at the COM office, C227, during her office
hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 5 pm).
(5) Other activities and campaigns held at NDHU.
2. Off-campus: Community Partner
Name of Association
Volunteer Recruitment:
Mennonite Christian Hospital,
Shoufeng Branch
1. Coordinator: 志工課林宜慧幹事 Miss
Yihui Lin
2. Email: emilylin@mch.org.tw
3. Office Phone: (03) 824-1200
1. It is a second-hand product shop located
in Shoufeng County (near the Fengtian
五味屋(5 way house)
train station)
Website (Traditional Chinese):
2. Mission: To help local kids find a spot in
the world and provide a place to grow
Website (English):
and spend time with.
3. To apply:
Taiwan Sailing Association
To apply:
For more details, please see Appendix
Note: Ask Timmy’s permission if you want to do your service at Zhixue Police Station!!
Appendix A. Taiwan Sailing Association (台灣揚帆協會)
1. Help Hualien children and teenagers in studying 協助花蓮地區兒童課輔
2. Promote these students’ characters
3. Develop these students’ talent, art, and music skills 發展兒童天賦及藝術與音樂技能
4. English Teachings
5. Summer schools for teenagers and children
梅小姐 Miss Mei
Tel: (03) 866-3405
Mobile: 0958-321-499
Line ID:dorcasmei
地址:974 花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村中山路三段 106 號
Address: 106, Section 3, Chung-Shan Road, Shou-Feng, Hualien
Website: www.taiwansail.org
You can be a volunteer in the Sailing Association to help children and teenagers.