Uploaded by Mathan Vasutheavan

API RP 580 Transitioning RBI Program Ballot

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This ballot is for the acceptance of a new sec�on (6.7) to be introduced into the 4th Edi�on of API RP 580
(August 2023). The atached ballot document is fully open for comment. It will be added in sequence as
Sec�on 6.7, and the current Sec�on 6.7 will become Sec�on 6.8 with the addi�on
6.7 Transi�oning an RBI Program
Facilities transitioning an inspection program from one basis to another while implementing or
managing an RBI program should have a transition plan. Examples of these transitions include:
Time-based to risk-based
One RBI so�ware to another
One RBI methodology to another (e.g., qualita�ve to semi-quan�ta�ve)
Due dates in the past
Inspec�ons for newly iden�fied damage mechanisms
Inspec�on coverage or scope
The transi�on plan should include:
a strategy for the effec�ve implementa�on of the new inspec�on plans,
transi�on period due dates for tasks categorized as past due, that priori�ze the order of
a communica�on strategy to inform and align stakeholders
tracking to ensure full implementa�on of the changes due to the new RBI program
Inspec�on tasks may change and become out of compliance with the owner-operator’s internal policies,
the jurisdic�on, and/or local regulators. Examples of changes might include:
General Business