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Real-time Weld Monitoring with Semantic Segmentation

Optics & Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
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Full length article
Real-time monitoring of weld surface morphology with lightweight
semantic segmentation model improved by attention mechanism during
laser keyhole welding
Wang Cai a, LeShi Shu b, ShaoNing Geng b, Qi Zhou c, LongChao Cao a, *
Hubei Key Laboratory of Digital Textile Equipment, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, 430200 Wuhan, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, 430074 Wuhan, PR China
School of Aerospace Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430074 Wuhan, PR China
Weld surface morphology
Molten pool contour
Semantic segmentation
Model lightweight
Attention mechanism
During the welding process, the molten metal continuously solidifies along the trailing edge of the molten pool to
form the weld seam, so the change in the weld surface morphology can be monitored by the molten pool profile
characteristics. In this study, an innovative weld surface morphology diagnosis strategy based on a lightweight
semantic segmentation model improved by an attention mechanism is proposed. Considering the characteristics
of molten pool morphology change, a semantic segmentation label automatic generation method is proposed,
and a large number of high-precision training labels are quickly obtained. The constructed lightweight semantic
segmentation model runs more than four times faster than the classical Unet, PSPnet, and Deeplabv3+. The
molten pool segmentation accuracy of the constructed model can reach 94.95 % on the new dataset obtained
from the test weld. The weld surface morphology reconstruction method is proposed, and the weld morphology
size failure defect monitoring is realized based on the molten pool contour features. The validation results show
that the constructed model has strong resistance to optical noise interference and generalization ability, and the
reconstructed weld surface morphology is consistent with the actual morphological changes.
1. Introduction
Laser welding has the advantages of large weld depth-to-width ratio,
high energy density, fast welding speed, and easy-to-achieve automation
[1–3], and is an important means of high-quality manufacturing of
stainless steel components in rail transportation, offshore equipment,
aerospace, and other fields [4–6]. The laser welding process stability is
affected by the processing environment, workpiece deformation, as­
sembly state, and other factors [7], prone to weld surface size (width and
height) failure defects [8]. The height and width of the weld seam sur­
face are closely related to the weld formation quality [9]. Dramatic
fluctuations in the weld surface size can easily lead to the formation of
stress concentrations at the location of the unqualified size, which af­
fects the service performance of the weld seam and causes safety hazards
[10]. In recent years, the welding process real-time monitoring tech­
nology has become the frontier of the discipline and research hotspots,
with broad application prospects [11,12], which can accurately sense
the state of the welding process and control the process parameters to
suppress defect generation based on real-time feedback operation from
the sensed information. The monitoring method is the key to guaran­
teeing the welding process stability and improving the welding quality
[13,14]. The realization of accurate and rapid monitoring of weld sur­
face morphology is the basis for solving size failure defects.
The skilled human welder can determine the welding status by the
surface characteristics of the molten pool during the welding process
[15,16]. The molten metal continuously solidifies along the trailing edge
of the molten pool to form the weld seam [17]. The molten pool profile is
directly related to the shape of the weld seam and can reflect the changes
in the shape of the weld seam through the characteristics of the molten
pool profile [18]. However, during the laser welding process, metal
vapors are emitted strongly and may partially obscure the molten pool
[19]. In addition, the visual signal has uneven brightness distribution at
the front and rear of the molten pool, serious reflective interference in
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: wcai@wtu.edu.cn (W. Cai), shuleshi@hust.edu.cn (L. Shu), sngeng@hust.edu.cn (S. Geng), qizhou@hust.edu.cn (Q. Zhou), clc@wtu.edu.cn
(L. Cao).
Received 1 December 2023; Received in revised form 31 January 2024; Accepted 5 February 2024
Available online 13 February 2024
0030-3992/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
the monitoring accuracy and model robustness by extracting compre­
hensive, complex, and deep features from the welding process moni­
toring image.
The most important physical characteristics of the weldment are the
weld geometry [35]. A weld seam with qualified dimensions is uni­
formly formed and each dimensional data varies within a preset range.
When the weld surface width is not qualified, forming a nail head weld is
easy [36]. When the weld residual height is abnormal, it will produce
defects such as hump and collapse [37]. Li et al. [38] studied the cor­
respondence between welding parameters and the molten pool flow
state. The results showed that the molten metal gathered at the surface
can form a nail head weld, and the amount of defocusing can change the
flow state to affect the weld formation. Ai et al. [39] proposed a new
three-dimensional model for simulating the weld formation process to
predict the weld width, height, and depth. Results showed that the built
simulation model can accurately predict the weld shape and the corre­
sponding weld size data. Artificial intelligence techniques are widely
used to predict weld geometry due to their high accuracy and short delay
[40]. Chandrasekhar et al [41] predicted the weld width and depth by
using a meta cellular automata image processing algorithm to segment
the image hot spot region. The results showed that the predicted results
were in high agreement with the actual measurements. Lei et al. [42]
proposed a multi-information fusion neural network combining weld
parameters and molten pool features to predict the weld geometric
features. The model’s average absolute percentage error was less than 1
%. Oh et al. [43] investigated a deep learning-based method for optical
microscopic image prediction of weld cross-sections. Accurate highresolution optical microscopy images were successfully generated for
all 39 sets of process parameters in the model validation. Li et al. [44]
proposed an in-situ weld geometry monitoring system based on molten
pool features. A novel multi-task CNN model is established to simulta­
neously predict the weld width and depth with a mean absolute per­
centage error of 1.9 % (width) and 3.0 % (depth) and an average timeconsuming of 23.35 ms. Ali et al. [45] applied artificial intelligence
techniques to predict the weld bead geometry. The radial basis function
neural network showed an outstanding level of accuracy in predicting
weld penetration, width, and reinforcement.
Accurate molten pool features are the foundation for achieving highprecision monitoring of weld morphology. In this paper, a laser welding
weld surface morphology monitoring method based on a lightweight
semantic segmentation model improved by an attention mechanism is
proposed. Firstly, the correlation between the weld surface morphology
and the molten pool contour features was analyzed. Subsequently, an
automatic generation method for molten pool semantic segmentation
labels was proposed, achieving rapid acquisition of high-precision se­
mantic segmentation labels under strong interference. Then, a light­
weight semantic segmentation model Deeplab-M was constructed with a
molten pool segmentation accuracy of 97.43 % and a running speed of
4.23 times higher than commonly used semantic segmentation models.
Finally, a method for reconstructing weld surface morphology was
proposed considering the solidification characteristics of molten metal.
Experimental validation results show that the introduced weld surface
morphology monitoring method has the advantages of high accuracy,
fast speed, strong anti-interference, and good generalization capability.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows, Section 2 in­
troduces the welding platform and the details analysis of the weld sur­
face morphology. Section 3 shows the background, structure, training
process, and validation results of the lightweight semantic segmentation
model. Section 4 provides a comprehensive analysis and validation of
the performance of the proposed weld surface morphology monitoring
method. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.
Convolutional Neural Networks
Frames Per Second
Penetration Status
Transition Region
Full Convolutional Network
Conditional Random Field
Backbone Feature Extraction Network
Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling
Mean Pixel Accuracy
Region of Interest
Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism
Mean Intersection over Union
the molten pool, and low differentiation of the boundary between the
molten pool and the base material, which makes it difficult to accurately
and quickly extract the molten pool contour by traditional image pro­
cessing methods [20]. To accurately observe the molten pool, Luo et al.
[21] built a coaxial image acquisition system based on a green auxiliary
light source. The molten pool front end is bright, while the tail end is
dark. Therefore, the monitoring images were divided into two regions to
detect the edge. Meng et al. [22] paraxially acquired the molten pool
images with strong optical noise interference and metal vapor plume. A
threshold segmentation method was used to process the images, but the
segmentation accuracy was susceptible to interference. Chen et al. [23]
applied a Fourier transform-based homomorphic filtering algorithm to
obtain molten pool features. Results showed that the obtained features
can reflect the process stability of welding. Zhang et al. [24] proposed a
molten pool surface 3D reconstruction method based on laser dot matrix
data. Results showed that the 3D molten pool can provide richer
Deep learning has extremely strong feature learning ability, gener­
alization ability, and anti-interference ability, and the application in
welding visual signal processing is gradually increasing [25,26]. In
2014, Long et al. [27] proposed Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN)
that enable semantic segmentation at the pixel level. Nguyen et al. [28]
investigated a semantic segmentation method for interaction region
images to obtain typical regions, such as molten pool and weld seam
geometry. The results showed good agreement between the predicted
image and ground truth image. Wang et al. [29] devised a molten pool
image segmentation network EPNet to extract the width feature. The
molten pool width is controlled by an active disturbance rejection
control algorithm to ensure that the weld width is within the specified
range. Knaak et al. [30] proposed a Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) based semantic segmentation method to accurately distinguish
the keyhole, molten pool, weld plate, and weld seam. Cai et al. [31]
established a segmentation model based on the U-shaped architecture
(U-net), and the keyhole and molten pool contours were accurately
extracted by semantically segmenting the monitoring images. Baek et al.
[32] applied a residual neural network for semantic segmentation of the
acquired molten pool image to accurately extract the molten pool shape,
which was fed into a back-propagation neural network to predict the
penetration depth. Yu et al. [33] investigated a deep learning-based
image processing method to obtain molten pool features. The pro­
posed method can achieve end-to-end visual signal processing and ac­
curate detection of molten pool boundaries under various disturbance
conditions. Wang et al. [34] designed a multi-scale feature fusion
network for semantic segmentation of molten pool contours. The results
demonstrate that the constructed network has high accuracy compared
with other traditional edge detection algorithms and semantic seg­
mentation networks. The above research indicates that the image pro­
cessing methods based on deep learning have the potential to increase
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
2. Experiment setup and the analysis of weld surface
weld decreases by 0.28 mm.
Fig. 3 shows the monitoring images in different TRs, with an interval
of 0.08 s between images. In the TR ①, the molten pool tail size grad­
ually decreases. When the tail shrinkage is completed, the tail closes
rapidly, and molten pool morphology changes. In figure No. 5226, the
molten pool becomes significantly shorter. In the TR ②, the PS of the
weld gradually changes from II to III, and molten pool morphology in­
creases, especially the length feature. The molten pool width gradually
becomes wider, and the width of the solidified weld seam is similarly
increased. In the TR ③, the weld width becomes significantly narrower.
The molten pool width becomes significantly narrower and the solidi­
fication of the melt pool starts from both sides. The internal molten
metal solidifies almost simultaneously, as shown in figure No. 18276. In
the TR ④, the weld surface morphology gradually produces bulges and
depressions. The corresponding molten pool length gradually increases
and decreases.
In summary, the maximum width of the molten pool is the width of
the weld when it solidifies to form the weld. The molten pool tail shrinks
to form a weld bulge, and the molten pool solidifies to form a dense
pattern. After the shrinkage of the tail of the molten pool, the molten
metal is difficult to enter the tail to form a depression and a sparse
pattern is formed. In previous studies, it was also shown that the molten
pool has different morphological characteristics at different penetration
states. Therefore, the weld surface morphology and penetration state
can be predicted from the molten pool profile characteristics, especially
the width and tail shape features of the molten pool. In this paper, the
time interval between adjacent monitoring images is 0.0002 s. In the
acquired monitoring images, the morphology of the molten pool
changes very slowly. It can be assumed that the quality of the weld is the
same over a length range of 0.1 mm and that the molten pool
morphology images obtained in this interval are essentially the same.
Fig. 4 shows the luminance values of each pixel point in the fused
image. The luminance value of the keyhole reaches 255, while the
brightness of the pixel points at the tail contour of the molten pool is in
the range of 60 ~ 70. The brightness difference between the front and
rear end of the molten pool is large, and the brightness value at the tail
contour has a small difference (5 ~ 10) from the brightness value of the
neighboring section. Therefore, it is difficult to extract the molten pool
contour by the traditional threshold segmentation method.
2.1. Experiment setup
The experiment setup of the laser welding platform is shown in
Fig. 1. The laser is produced by using an IPG YLR-4000 fiber laser device,
with a maximum power of 4 kW. A PRECITEC (YW50) laser head
mounted on an ABB robot (IRB 4400 M 2004). The laser head is
equipped with a focusing lens with a focal length of 250 mm. The 316L
austenitic stainless steel (022Cr17Ni12Mo2) is used as welding material
which is designed to the appropriate shape for obtaining different
penetration states and weld surface morphology, and the specific di­
mensions are shown in Fig. 1 (c). The laser power, welding speed, and
shielding gas flow rate are 3 kW, 16 mm/s, and 20 L/min (Argon),
respectively. A high-speed camera (Phantom V611) and a pulsed laserassisted light source (CAVILUX Smart) with a wavelength of 808 nm
are applied to monitor the welding zone. The images are acquired at a
rate of 5000 FPS (Frames Per Second, FPS) with an image resolution of
640 pixels × 480 pixels. Approximately 32,000 monitoring images were
acquired during the welding process. A total of 6400 fused images are
obtained by using the proposed adaptive fusion method [46]. The
PyTorch framework [47] and Matlab are used to process and analyze the
acquired original and fusion monitoring images.
2.2. Analysis of weld surface morphology
In this paper, the penetration state (PS) of the weld seam can be
divided into four categories, namely PS I, II, III, and IV, respectively.
Fig. 2 shows the different characteristics of weld surface morphology at
different locations. In the PS I, due to regular changes in the morphology
of the molten pool tail, the surface of the weld will produce regular
bulges and depressions, the width of the weld at the bulge is greater than
the depression, the weld width and residual height fluctuations. In the
PS II, the change in the morphology of the molten pool tail is reduced,
and the surface of the weld is not obvious bulges and depressions. In the
PS III and IV, the weld surface morphology fluctuates very little, with the
surface morphology forming uniform. In the PS III, when the weld width
is uniform, the widest in the four PSs, while in the PS IV, the weld width
is significantly reduced. The weld surface morphology changes sub­
stantially in the transition region (TR) of different PS. For example, in TR
④, the width of the top surface of the weld gradually decreases from
3.14 mm to 2.71 mm (0.43 mm). The width of the back surface of the
Fig. 1. The experiment setup of laser welding: (a) The schematic of monitoring platform and equipment, (b) The laser welding process, and (c) The schematic of the
weld plate.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 2. Weld surface morphology in penetration state and transition region.
Fig. 3. Fusion images extracted at equal intervals (0.08 s) in the TR ①, ②, ③, and ④.
Fig. 4. Molten pool morphology and brightness: (a) fused image, (b) molten pool contour, and (c) distribution of brightness values.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
coding part of the model after cropping the ROI region, firstly, two
effective feature layers are obtained by the BFEN, one is a shallow
feature compressed twice and one is a preliminary effective feature layer
compressed three times. The initial effective feature layers compressed
three times are fed into the parallel ASPP module for feature extraction
and merging, and then the features are compressed using 1 × 1 convo­
lution to obtain deeper features. The acquisition of shallow and deep
features is the task of the encoding part, while the decoding part requires
the fusion and analysis of the acquired features to achieve the prediction
of pixel points in the molten pool region.
The decoding part first passes the shallow features through the
CBAM module to ensure the feature learning effect and adjusts the
channels using 1 × 1 convolution. Then the obtained deep features are
subjected to 2-fold upsampling to make the deep features the same size
as the shallow features. Then the two features are fused using the Concat
fusion method, and the obtained fused features are passed through the
CBAM module and 3 × 3 convolution operation to obtain the final
condensed features. Finally, the features are needed to obtain the pre­
diction results of the class to which each pixel point in the image be­
longs. The prediction result acquisition process has two main steps: first,
the number of channels of the feature is adjusted by 1 × 1 convolution so
that the number of channels matches the number of classes of pixel
points; second, the size of the output image is adjusted by upsampling
operation so that its width and height match the input image. The model
can take an input image of any size and predict it to output a semantic
segmented image of the same size.
3. The construction process of the lightweight semantic
segmentation model
3.1. The proposed semantic segmentation model
In 2014, Chen et al [48] proposed the null/inflated convolution
operation in the Deeplabv1 model. In 2016, the Deeplabv2 [49] model
was proposed, and the Backbone Feature Extraction Network (BFEN) of
the model (VGG [50]) was replaced by the ResNet [51]. The Atrous
Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module was proposed to concatenate
four cavity convolution branches on the output feature map of the BFEN.
The Deeplabv3 [52] model was proposed in 2017, and the model
improved the structure of the ASPP module by proposing a multi-gridbased method for selecting the cavity coefficients. The model’s mean
intersection over union on the Pascal VOC 2012 test dataset improved by
6.6 % over the Deeplabv2 model. In 2018, Chen et al [53] further
optimized the Deeplab model by proposing the Deeplabv3 + model,
which uses an encoder-decoder structure to obtain finer segmentation
boundaries. The Deeplabv3 + model is considered a new peak of se­
mantic segmentation model with various advantages such as encoderdecoder structure, pyramid pooling module, and null convolution.
The Deeplabv3 + model has many parameters, is computationally
intensive in image segmentation tasks, and requires high hardware
equipment. Based on the welding speed and sampling frequency it can
be concluded that the monitoring model needs to process about 160
images per second. Therefore, the model must be lightweight while
maintaining model accuracy. In this paper, a lightweight Deeplab-M
semantic segmentation model is proposed to extract the molten pool
contours considering both model running speed and accuracy. The
model uses MobileNetv2 as the BFEN, which reduces the number of
parameters of the model by nearly 10 times and adopts a null convo­
lution operation at the location where the effective feature layers are
obtained to ensure that the model spatial information is not lost. In
addition, to ensure the segmentation accuracy of the model, the Con­
volutional Block Attention Mechanism (CBAM) [54] module is used in
the shallow feature acquisition part of the model and the part after
feature fusion to ensure that the model can learn the key features during
the training process.
The structure of the constructed Deeplab-M semantic segmentation
model is schematically shown in Fig. 5. The model is mainly composed
of two parts: encoder and decoder. Monitoring images are input into the
3.2. Semantic segmentation label automatic acquisition method
In this paper, the time interval between adjacent monitoring images
is 0.0002 s. In the acquired monitoring images, the morphology of the
molten pool changes very slowly. It can be assumed that the quality of
the weld is the same over a length range of 0.1 mm and that the
morphology of the molten pool images (30) obtained in this interval is
essentially the same. Therefore, this paper proposes a semantic seg­
mentation label automatic generation method based on high-precision
label sharing. As shown in Fig. 6, firstly, a fusion image is obtained by
the image adaptive fusion method. Then the high-precision semantic
segmentation label of the molten pool region is obtained by manually
labeling with the labeling tool LabelMe. Finally, the obtained highprecision semantic segmentation label is used as the label
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of Deeplab-M model structure.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 6. Flowchart of the automatic generation method of semantic segmentation labels.
corresponding to the 10 monitoring images. The proposed method can
quickly obtain a large number of accurate labels, enrich the training set
samples, and improve the model accuracy and anti-interference ability.
700 fused images are randomly extracted from the fused image dataset
(6400). The LabelMe labeling tool takes about 11 h to manually label the
molten pool region. The Matlab software is used to automatically
generate semantic segmentation labels for the 7000 monitoring images
in about 2 min. 7000 monitoring images and the corresponding labels
are used to train the Deeplab-M model, while 700 fused images and the
corresponding labels are used for model validation.
after 20 generations of training and gradually converges, while the
MIoU of the model on the validation set exceeds 90 %. The model is close
to convergence after 65 generations of training, with MIoU values
fluctuating above 93 %. The model parameters at the highest MIoU
values are saved for subsequent model validation and testing.
The Deeplab-M model was trained by the same method when the
input image size was another three. After the models are trained, the
MIoU and MPA values are calculated on the prepared validation set to
evaluate the model accuracy, and the model’s real-time performance is
evaluated by calculating the FPS values. The model performance with
different input-size images is shown in Table 1. The input image size is
closely related to the model FPS value, and the smaller the input image
size, the better the real-time performance. The Deeplab-M model has the
highest accuracy when the input image size is 192 pixels × 72 pixels.
When the size is 128 pixels × 48 pixels, the accuracy of the model de­
creases by about 1 %, but the running speed of the model improves
significantly, and it can process nearly 55 more monitoring images per
second, which has higher real-time performance. When the size is
reduced to 64 pixels × 24 pixels, the feature size of the model is very
small after downsampling 8 times, and it is difficult to learn sufficient
features, so the accuracy of the model is significantly reduced. Consid­
ering the accuracy and real-time performance of the Deeplab-M model,
the model trained when the size is reduced to 192 pixels × 72 pixels, is
3.3. The model training and validation
To shorten the training time of the semantic segmentation model, the
pre-training weights of the BFEN (MobileNetv2) were migrated. In
addition, the size of the input image is also closely related to the speed
and accuracy of the model. In this paper, four sizes of input images are
used to train the Deeplab-M model separately. The input image is also
processed for data enhancement before training. The optimizer of
Deeplab-M is a stochastic gradient descent algorithm with a momentum
value of 0.9 and a weight decay value of 0.0001, and the learning rate
reduction method is a cosine annealing algorithm. A cross-entropy loss
function is applied to evaluate the model training process by computing
the error of prediction results and true labels. The mean intersection
over union (MIoU) and mean pixel accuracy (MPA) are applied to
measure the model performance.
The model is trained on the training set for 100 generations, and
MIoU values are calculated on the validation set every 5 generations.
The loss and MIoU of the model training process are used to determine
whether the model is adequately trained. Fig. 7 shows the variation of
the loss and MIoU in the training process (192 pixels × 72 pixels). Due to
the sufficient amount of data in the dataset and the enhancement of the
data during training, the loss value of the model drops to a low level
Table 1
The Deeplab-M performance with different input size images.
Image width × height
256 × 96
192 × 72
128 × 48
64 × 24
Input size
Model calculation
0.28 MB
7.46 GB
93.2 %
96.46 %
0.16 MB
4.2 GB
94.85 %
97.43 %
0.07 MB
1.87 GB
93.27 %
96.81 %
0.02 MB
466.37 MB
85.31 %
92.11 %
Fig. 7. Deeplab-M model training process: (a) loss variation graph and (b) MIoU value variation graph.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
selected for subsequent analysis and validation.
The commonly used Unet [55], PSPnet [56], and Deeplabv3 + classic
semantic segmentation models are trained separately using the same
size input images (192 pixels × 72 pixels). The performance of the
different models on the validation set after sufficient training is shown in
Table 2. The semantic segmentation models all have high MIoU and
MPA values on the validation set, and the models can accurately
segment the molten pool region in the monitored images. Among them,
the PSPnet has the lowest segmentation accuracy, while the Deeplabv3
+ model has the highest segmentation accuracy, and the segmentation
accuracy of the constructed Deeplab-M model is better than PSPnet,
slightly worse than the Deeplabv3 + model, and similar to the Unet
model. The classic semantic segmentation models usually need to
segment dozens of categories of targets in the segmentation task, so the
model has a huge number of parameters, which leads to a long model
operation time and the FPS of the model is less than 40. The Deeplab-M
model designed with lightweight and optimization has slightly lower
accuracy compared with the Deeplabv3 + model, but the model calcu­
lation is reduced by nearly 6 times. The model runs at a significantly
higher speed, with an FPS about 4 times higher than that of Unet,
PSPnet, and Deeplabv3 + models, which better meets the real-time re­
quirements of monitoring.
Fig. 8 shows the molten pool semantic segmentation results obtained
by the four models processing the randomly extracted monitoring im­
ages. The monitoring images with No. 10661, No. 12472 and No. 20259
all have different degrees of strong metal vapor plume interference, and
all four models obtain accurate molten pool contours. Among them, the
segmentation results of the Deeplabv3 + model have smoother molten
pool contours, and the predicted results at the molten pool contours
obscured by strong interference are closest to the actual contours. The
segmentation results of the PSPnet model have the roughest molten pool
contours, especially poor in molten pool contour details. The Deeplab-M
and Unet models obtained the molten pool contours consistent with the
actual molten pool contour, and the Deeplab-M model is better in the
segmentation of the contour details, which can also reasonably predict
the masking area when the metal vapor plume interference is strong.
this paper. The molten pool is the target region that needs to be ac­
quired, therefore the higher the classification accuracy of the molten
pool, the more accurate the molten pool region acquired by the model.
As a result, the molten pool segmentation accuracy of the Deeplab-M
model can reach 94.95 %, which is only slightly lower than that of the
Deeplabv3 + model.
Fig. 10 shows the morphological variation of the test weld seam and
the semantic segmentation images of the fused images (interval 50 im­
ages). The weld surface morphology size fluctuates very much, espe­
cially in the TR between different PSs. The molten pool morphology in
the corresponding region also changes substantially in the regions where
the weld morphology fluctuates a lot. Dimensional changes in the weld
surface are consistent with changes in the molten pool contour.
Several fusion images with strong interference were selected to
analyze the prediction ability of the Deeplab-M model. The input images
and the corresponding semantic segmentation results are shown in
Fig. 11. The contours of the molten pool in the fused image are not
obscured. Although there is strong optical noise interference near the
molten pool contour, the Deeplab-M model can accurately predict the
pixels in the molten pool region. The molten pools in the semantic
segmentation images have almost identical morphology and contours as
those in the monitoring images.
As shown in Fig. 12, among the randomly selected original moni­
toring images, the brightness reaches the highest value of 255 when the
metal vapor plume interference is very strong, such as the monitoring
images of No. 1860, No. 12025, and No. 24964. The occluded portion
can be accurately predicted by the Deeplab-M, and the predicted molten
pool contours are close to those in the neighboring images with weaker
interference. As shown in figures No.7709, No.9369, and No.15427, the
molten pool region can be accurately predicted for monitoring images
with weak metal vapor plume interference.
The semantic segmentation results of the monitoring images in
Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show that the constructed semantic segmentation
model can accurately acquire the molten pool contours under different
disturbances. There are three main reasons for the model to have high
accuracy. 1) The proposed method of automatic label generation enables
the molten pool region obscured by interference to be accurately
labeled. 2) Abundant training data allows the model to be adequately
trained. 3) The attention mechanism of the model improves the feature
learning ability. In summary, the constructed Deeplab-M model is highly
resistant to metal vapor plume, molten pool reflection, and optical noise
3.4. Analysis of the image segmentation results
The test weld seam was obtained under the same experimental
conditions and the corresponding 30,000 monitored images, and 6000
fused images were used to further evaluate the generalization capability
of the Deeplab-M model. 200 fused images were extracted at equal in­
tervals (30) to form a model performance test set, and then the molten
pool regions were labeled with LabelMe software. The results of the
segmentation accuracy of 200 fused images on different semantic seg­
mentation models are shown in Table 3. The mean pixel accuracy of the
constructed lightweight semantic segmentation model can reach 96.46
% on the test set. The semantic segmentation accuracy of the model is
close to the traditional classical models Unet and Deeplabv3+, and
better than PSPnet.
Fig. 9 shows the confusion matrix of the classification accuracy of
different semantic segmentation models on the test set. Semantic seg­
mentation implements pixel-level classification, whereas it is required to
classify the pixels in an image as either a molten pool or background in
4. Weld surface morphology monitoring
4.1. The molten pool contour feature extraction method
The molten pool length (Lm), width (Wm), waist width (Wwm), and
tail morphology are closely related to the weld surface morphology [57].
Fig. 13 shows the schematic diagram of the definition of the molten pool
morphology features and the feature extraction process. The width of
the molten pool is directly related to the weld width, while the variation
of the molten pool length can be used to analyze fluctuations in the weld
seam height. The molten pool waist width feature can reflect the
continuous occurrence of bumps and depressions in the weld seam. The
waist features are extracted at 300 pixels from the left side of the image.
In addition, the molten pool features are not independent of each other,
and all features vary to varying degrees when the weld surface shape is
different. The feature extraction process can be divided into three steps:
firstly, extract the molten pool contour in the semantic segmentation
image. Then coordinate the contour image to obtain six key points
(orange). Finally, calculate the length, width, and waist width features
based on the coordinates of the six points.
Fig. 14 shows the variation of molten pool morphological features in
6000 semantic segmentation images on the test weld seam. The weld
width can reflect the variation of the weld surface morphology. The
Table 2
Performance comparison of different semantic segmentation models (192 pixels
× 72 pixels).
Model name
Model calculation
VGG 16
26.48 GB
94.65 %
97.45 %
ResNet 50
19.55 GB
93.31 %
96.06 %
25.57 GB
95.13 %
97.46 %
MobileNet v2
4.2 GB
94.85 %
97.43 %
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 8. Comparison of semantic segmentation images obtained by different models.
welding process is stable. The extracted length, width, and waist width
features do not change significantly and fluctuate slightly within a
certain range, which can be set as the threshold interval for the assess­
ment of the quality of the weld surface morphology. When the feature
value continuously exceeds the threshold value, it indicates that the
weld surface morphology quality produces large fluctuations and re­
alizes real-time monitoring.
Table 3
Performance comparison of different semantic segmentation models on the test
Model name
93.48 %
96.54 %
92.10 %
96.01 %
93.27 %
96.81 %
93.13 %
96.46 %
4.2. The weld surface morphology reconstruction method
extracted weld width data fluctuates significantly, especially in the PS I
and transition region between different PSs. When the penetration state
is III and IV, the weld surface width data fluctuates less, and the surface
morphology of the corresponding weld area is uniform. In PS I, the weld
surface produces multiple consecutive bumps and depressions, the weld
surface morphology fluctuates, and multiple consecutive peaks and
valleys appear in the corresponding weld width data.
As shown in Fig. 14, the variation pattern of the extracted molten
pool width feature is in full agreement with the variation pattern of the
weld width, indicating that the width feature of the molten pool is highly
correlated with the weld width. The length feature of the molten pool
changes more dramatically and significantly during the welding process,
especially when the PS changes, such as the TR ② and TR ③. The molten
pool length is shorter in the PS II than in the PS I. The width, length, and
waist width features of the molten pool can reflect the change in the
molten pool morphology, where the waist feature is the main feature to
analyze the change of the molten pool tail morphology, which can
accurately reflect the changing pattern of the tail morphology during the
welding process. When the weld produces a bulge, the molten pool tail
will gradually shrink and the feature will become smaller. When the
necking is completed, the feature will become significantly larger. When
the weld surface is well formed, the shape of the molten pool in the
During the welding process, the molten metal continuously solidifies
along the molten pool sides and trailing edges to form welds, which have
a pattern formed by the solidification of the molten metal, consistent
with the contour of the molten pool. Based on the welding speed and
sampling frequency, it can be concluded that a total of about 30 moni­
toring images, i.e. 6 fusion images, were acquired in the 0.1 mm length
range, and the molten pool moves forward by 5 pixel frames. Based on
the fact that the weld quality is the same in the 0.1 mm weld length
range, one of the 6 fused images can be selected to reflect the corre­
sponding molten pool characteristics. To analyze the weld surface
morphology more intuitively, a weld surface morphology reconstruction
method is proposed in this paper.
As shown in Fig. 15, the proposed weld surface reconstruction
method is based on the semantic segmentation image. The key points
(orange) for calculating the molten pool width feature are obtained
during the feature extraction process. The molten pool profile between
the widest part and the tail part is extracted based on the key points as
the molten metal solidifies along the sides and trailing edges of the
molten pool. Finally, each subsequent fusion image profile extracted in
every 6th fusion image is therefore moved forward by 5-pixel frames
compared to the previous fusion image at the time of reconstruction. The
Fig. 9. The confusion matrix of different semantic segmentation models on the test set: (a) Unet, (b) PSPnet, (c) Deeplabv3+, and (d) Deeplab-M.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 10. Test weld surface morphology and semantic segmentation images.
Fig. 11. The Deeplab-M molten pool prediction results of fusion images on test weld.
Fig. 12. The Deeplab-M molten pool prediction results of original monitoring images on test weld.
reconstructed weld surface morphology image consists of the molten
pool contours, and the sparsity between the contours of the molten pool
reflects the change in the weld surface morphology. When the quality of
the weld is changed, the molten pool morphology changes significantly,
and the reconstructed weld surface morphology can reflect the quality of
the weld visually.
The proposed reconstruction method was used to predict the weld
surface morphology of the test weld seam, and the result is shown in
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 13. Schematic of molten pool feature definition and extraction process.
Fig. 14. Changes in weld surface morphology, weld width, and molten pool characteristics.
Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of weld surface morphology reconstruction process.
Fig. 16. Comparison result between scanned and reconstructed images of weld surface morphology.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
molten pool length and waist width can be monitored for changes in
weld height, which is very evident when there are bumps and de­
pressions, as shown in the blue circle area in the figure. In summary, the
proposed weld surface morphology monitoring method can quickly and
accurately predict the weld morphology size through the molten pool
characteristics and the reconstructed weld morphology image,
providing reliable data support for controlling the process parameter to
control the weld morphology size (height and width) within the speci­
fied deviation, and effectively prevent the occurrence of weld
morphology size failure defects.
Fig. 16. The predicted weld surface morphology is almost identical to the
actual surface profile of the weld in the scanned image. The weld surface
bumps and depressions that occur in the PS I and II can be reflected by
the sparseness between the melt pool contours. When the penetration
state is III and IV, the weld shape is uniform, the reconstructed weld
surface morphology is evenly spaced between the molten pools, and the
weld width and height change is very small. In the TR between different
PS, the molten pool width and tail profile changes accurately reflect the
dynamics of weld surface morphology. The reconstructed image can
visually reflect the change in the quality of the weld surface profile.
5. Conclusions
4.3. Validation of the weld surface morphology monitoring method
This paper presents a detailed study of the weld surface morphology
monitoring method based on the pixel-level semantic segmentation
approach. The semantic segmentation label automatic generation
method is proposed. A lightweight melt pool semantic segmentation
model is constructed, and the weld surface morphology reconstruction
method is studied. The main conclusions can be drawn as follows.
Another test weld was obtained on the same experimental platform
with a weld plate size of 200 mm × 100 mm × 4 mm. The laser power
and welding speed during the welding process are 3 kW and 16 mm/s,
respectively. 24,000 monitoring images and 4800 fusion images are
taken to evaluate the capability of the weld surface morphology moni­
toring method. As shown in Fig. 17, the PS of the entire weld belongs to
the third category (PS III). It can be seen that there are small-sized
spatter defects near the weld seam and small fluctuations in the weld
surface morphology, with larger bumps and depressions forming at the
blue circles’ area. Monitoring images are extracted at equal intervals
(1500) and the corresponding semantic segmentation images are ob­
tained by the Deeplab-M model. Strong spatter, metal vapor plume, and
light noise interference are seen in the monitoring images. For example,
spatter obscures the molten pool contour in figure No. 2000, and metal
vapor plume obscures larger areas of the molten pool in figures No.
17000 and No. 18500. There is obvious reflection interference inside the
molten pool and strong optical noise interference in the molten pool tail.
As shown in figure No. 17000 and No. 18500, the molten pool contours
in the obtained segmentation images match highly with the monitoring
images, and accurate results can be obtained even for regions with
strong interference,
Fig. 18 illustrates the monitoring results on the test weld using the
proposed weld surface morphology monitoring method. The variation
pattern of width and height in the reconstructed image of weld surface
morphology is consistent with the weld in the scanned image. The
sparseness of the contour line at the molten pool tail in the blue circle
can be judged by the presence of bulges and depressions in the weld at
that location. The weld width variation can be monitored by analyzing
the molten pool width feature, and it can be obtained that the weld
width varies in a small range without any defective weld width. The
(1) The correlation between the molten pool profile characteristics
and the surface morphology was analyzed, and the molten pool
width, length, and tail profile characteristics were found to be
closely related to the weld surface morphology size (width and
(2) An automatic generation method of semantic segmentation labels
based on high-precision label sharing of fused images is proposed
to achieve batch acquisition of high-precision semantic segmen­
tation labels under strong interference to improve the depth and
breadth of training data.
(3) A lightweight semantic segmentation model Deeplab-M based on
the attention mechanism was constructed. The segmentation ac­
curacy of the molten pool is 94.95 % on the test set, and the
model runs more than four times faster than classical Unet,
PSPnet, and Deeplabv3 +.
(4) A method for reconstructing the weld surface morphology was
proposed considering the solidification of the molten metal.
Through the molten pool contour features and the reconstructed
image, fast and accurate monitoring of the weld surface
morphology (width and height) was achieved.
The monitoring method proposed in this paper enables fast speed
and highly accurate monitoring of weld surface morphology. Obtaining
Fig. 17. The scanned image, monitoring images, and semantic segmentation images in test weld.
W. Cai et al.
Optics and Laser Technology 174 (2024) 110707
Fig. 18. Results of weld surface morphology monitoring on test weld.
high-precision signal features is the basis for realizing high-accuracy
weld quality monitoring, and the application of deep learning in
signal processing, feature extraction, and welding state analysis deserves
to be further investigated in future work.
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CRediT authorship contribution statement
Wang Cai: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Software, Writing – original draft. Leshi Shu: Project
administration, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Shaoning Geng:
Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Qi Zhou: Writing – review &
editing. Longchao Cao: Funding acquisition, Data curation, Supervi­
sion, Validation, Writing – review & editing.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grant No. 52105446, the Natural Science Foundation of
Hubei Province under Grant No.2023AFB878, the Open Project of the
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment and
Technology under Grant No.IMETKF2023011, and the Knowledge
Innovation Program of Wuhan-Shuguang Project under Grant
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