1 WELCOME TO EED511 ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND POWER UTILIZATION EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 2 Topic 1 - TARIFFS The rate at which the electrical energy is supplied to the consumer is known as Tariff Tariff must include the total cost of producing and supplying electrical energy + profit Tariff depends upon the load condition and the magnitude of electrical energy consumed by the consumers (not same) Industrial, domestic, commercial, etc. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 3 Objectives of Tariff Recovery of cost of producing electrical energy at the power station Recovery of cost on the capital investment in transmission and distribution system Recovery of cost of operation and maintenance of supply of electrical energy (metering, transformer, lines) A suitable profit on the capital investment EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 4 Characteristics of a Tariff 1. Proper return – Total receipt from the consumers must be equal to the cost of producing and supplying electrical energy plus reasonable profit. 2. Fairness – Consumers satisfaction with the rate, differentiation of pricing based on demand. 3. Simplicity – Complicated Tariff is not good for the public 4. Reasonable profit profit element must be reasonable monopoly done by supply company will not be accepted by the public profit margin kept to 8% - 10% per annum. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 5 Characteristics of a Tariff 5. Attractiveness Should be attractive enough to encourage a large number of consumers to use electrical energy Efforts should be made to fix the tariff in such a way that consumers can pay easily EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 6 Types of Tariff 1. Simple Tariff 2. Flat Rate Tariff 3. Block Rate Tariff 4. Two Part Tariff 5. Maximum Demand Tariff 6. Three Part Tariff 7. Power Factor tariff EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 7 1. Simple Tariff Fixed rate per unit of energy Price charged per unit is constant and do not vary with change in units consumed Consumption is recorded by meter at consumer premises Simple and easy for consumers Disadvantage – no discrimination, cost per unit delivered is high EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 8 2. Flat Rate tariff Different types of consumers are charged at different uniform per unit rates Consumers are grouped into different classes and each class is charged differently (Light, Power, etc.) Classes are made taking into account their diversity factor and load factor More fair to different types of consumers and simple to calculate Disadvantage of Flat Rate Tariff Separate meters are required for different loads (expensive) Particular class of consumers is charged with the same rate irrespective of the magnitude or energy consumed EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 9 3. Block Rate Tariff When a given block of energy is charged at a specific rate and the succeeding blocks of energy are charged at progressively reduced rates Energy consumption is divided into block and the price per unit is fixed in each block First block price per unit is high and other blocks lower Consumers get incentives to consume more, increases load factor and reduces generation cost Used of majority of residential and small commercial consumers EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 10 4. Two- part Tariff When the rate of electrical energy is charged on the basis of maximum demand of the consumer and the units it consumes. Total charge to be made from consumers is split into 2 components fixed charge (MD) Running charge (units consumed) ChargeT = Rs[b(kW) + c(kWh)] Mostly for industrial consumers EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 11 Two – part Tariff continued… Advantages of Two-part Tariff Easily understood by consumers Recovers the charges which depends upon the maximum demand of the consumer but are independent of the units consumed Disadvantage Consumer has to pay the fixed charges irrespective of usage Always error in assessing MD of consumers EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 12 5. Maximum Demand Tariff Similar to Two-part Tariff except that the MD is measured by the MD meter in the premises of the consumer (removes the objective of the TPT) Mostly applies to big consumers and not suitable for small consumers like residential loads (separate MD meter is required) EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 13 6. Three-Part Tariff When the total charge to be made by the consumer is split into three parts (Fixed, semi-fixed charge and running charge) Charge T = Rs [a + b(kW) + c(kWh)] Mostly applicable to bigger consumers only. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 14 7. Power factor Tariff The Tariff in which the factor of the consumer’s power factor is taken into account Power factor increases the rating of the station equipment and line losses. Therefore consumer with the low pf has to be penalized. Eg. kVA MD Tariff, Sliding Scale, kWh/kVAR Tariff EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 15 i. PFT – kVA MD Tariff Modified from Two–part Tariff The fixed charges are made on the basis of MD in kVA and not in kW (consumers with low pf has to pay towards the fixed charges) Encourages consumers to operate their load at improved pf. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 16 ii. PFT – Siding Scale Tariff Known as Average Power Factor tariff If pf of a consumer falls below the reference pf (say 0.8 lag), suitable additional charges are made. If the consumer is above the reference pf value, consumer is awarded with the discount. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 17 iii. PFT – kWh/kVAR Tariff Both active power (kWh) and reactive power (kVAR) supplied are charged separately Consumer with low pf will draw more reactive power and hence shall have to pay more charges. EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM 18 Discussions EED511 Electrical Design and Power Utilisation_S1_2023_SM