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Adaptability in Software Development

12/03/2024, 13:44
Adaptability. As is it is quoted by Mary… | by George Mutti | Medium
George Mutti · Follow
3 min read · Oct 31, 2018
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley said, “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a
great and sudden change and adapt to it”.This has been my working experience at
Andela for the last one month.
Initially, I thought changing from one programming language to another was a very
difficult thing to do. With this mindset, any time I needed to change my
programming stack, I had to take a considerable period to learn the language syntax
and practice before being confident to work on any project using the newly learned
For instance, sometime back I was enthusiastic with Java programming language
but had no prior knowledge. Then, if i came across a problem that demanded
programming language with Java language, I couldn’t have enough confidence to
face the problem. This made me procrastinate so that I could gather more
12/03/2024, 13:44
Adaptability. As is it is quoted by Mary… | by George Mutti | Medium
knowledge in the language. Working at Andela, my situation have drastically
changed. When joining Andela I had a little knowledge in python programming and
therefore no confidence working with it. With the little time I have been here I now
have total confidence that I can shift from one stack to another without much
struggle. The problem that came in is that I had to work on the challenges while
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This seemed to be difficultSearch
because I had no grace period to learn the new language
first then work on the challenges later. It really exposed me to a lot of pleasure
because I had to learn the new language while working on the challenges to an
extent thinking of differing so that I offer myself a grace period to level up my skill
on the new programming language.
At first, it seemed to be hard because it was different from what I was doing there
before, but when I realized that I had no other option other than adapting to the
current situation. I had to change the way I was doing things in order to fit the
current situation. I added more efforts and sacrificed all the time, resources and
friends around me in order to ensure that I managed to do the Andela challenges. At
the moment I have managed do much in the Andela challenge.
From this, I learned that sometimes being flexible is not enough but one must also
adapt to the new situation. Adaptability is a great attribute that helps one face some
problem with a lot of confidence. Also, I learned that someone with the ability to
adapt to new situations is flexible to any kind of change without much struggle.
Adaptability is a great attribute that can determine one's success in a certain
This attribute is helping me handle some problems in which I didn’t have a previous
knowledge about them. Finally from the adaptability lessons I can confidently
conclude that change is not made with convenience, even from worse to better.
12/03/2024, 13:44
Adaptability. As is it is quoted by Mary… | by George Mutti | Medium
Written by George Mutti
Software developer and a problem solver. You will never be ready, do it now
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Adaptability. As is it is quoted by Mary… | by George Mutti | Medium
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