Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate larger documents. Visit for more information. UNCLASSIFIED MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE PORTUGUESE NAVY SHIP MANAGEMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT - SHIPBUILDING DIVISION STABILITY CRITERIA FOR THE BUS AND UAM'S OF THE PORTUGUESE NAVY UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 -MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE PORTUGUESE NAVY SHIP MANAGEMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT - SHIPBUILDING DIVISION STABILITY CRITERIA FOR THE PORTUGUESE NAVY'S BUS AND UAMS ITDINAV 802(A) UNCLASSIFIED I ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 SHIP MANAGEMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT - SHIPBUILDING DIVISION Lisbon, 16th September 1996 LETTER FROM PROMULGATION 1. ITDINAV 802 is an unclassified publication. 2. Extracts from this publication may be made without the permission of the promulgating authority. 3. ITDINAV 802 was prepared by the Shipbuilding Division, Buildings Department, Ship Directorate 4. This revision of ITDINAV 802 repeals the previous version of 10 March 1996. THE DIRECTOR OF SHIPS Manuel Beirão Martins Guerreiro CMG ECN UNCLASSIFIED II ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 LIST OF DISTRIBUTION INTERNAL: Research Logistics Information Construction Department, Shipbuilding Department1 copy Department1 copy Maintenance Department1 copy Division2 copies EXTERNAL: Arsenal do Alfeite3 copies Transport Directorate1 copy Navy1 copy Naval School1 copy Squadron1 copy Ocean Escort Squadron1 copy Division1 copy Flotilla1 copy Fault Clearance School1 copy Institute1 copy Material Services1 copy Directorate General of the Patrol Navy Staff - 4th G2EA / Hydrographic Superintendence of UNCLASSIFIED III ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 CHANGE LOG IDENTIFICATION OF THE CHANGE OR CORRECTION UNCLASSIFIED DATE ON WHICH IT WAS CARRIED OUT IV WHO CARRIED IT OUT (SIGNATURE, RANK, UNIT) ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 REFERENCES 1. Sarchin, T.H. and Goldberg, L.L., (1962), Stability and Buoyancy Criteria for U.S. Naval Surface Ships, Transactions SNAME, SNAME 2. Design Data Sheet DDS079-1, (1975), Stability and Buoyancy of U.S. Naval Surface Ships, Department of the Navy, Naval Ship Engineering Centre, USA 3. Naval Engineering Standard NES109, (1989), Issue 3, Stability Standards for Surface Ships, Sea Systems Controllerate, Procurement Executive, MoD, Foxhill, Bath, United Kingdom 4. ITESTMAT 801, (1990), Definition of the fluctuation bands of the BU's and Navy UAM's, Studies Office, Directorate-General of Naval Material 5. SOLAS, (1986), International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, International Maritime Organization, London 6. Resolution A.749(18), (1993), Code on Intact Stability for all Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments, International Maritime Organization, London UNCLASSIFIED V ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 INDEX Letter of promulgation II Distribution list III Recording of amendments IV References V Index VI Section 1 - General Provisions 1.1 1.1. Introduction 1.1 1.2. Growth margin policy 1.2 Section 2 - Scope 2.1 2.1. Definition of the classes and categories of ships 2.1 2.2. Definition of the application of the criteria 2.2 Section 3 - Common calculation methodologies and definition of 3.1 loading conditions 3.1. Common calculation methodologies 3.1 3.1.1. Correction of liquid mirrors in tanks 3.1 3.1.2. Determining the centroid of the sail area 3.2 3.2. Definition of loading conditions 3.4 3.2.1. Light condition 3.4 3.2.2. Minimum port displacement (Light Harbour condition) 3.5 3.2.3. Minimum operating displacement (Light Seagoing condition) 3.6 3.2.4. Loaded displacement (Deep condition) 3.8 3.2.5. Unballasted laden voyage from port 3.9 3.2.6. Ballast shift on departure from port 3.11 3.2.7. Displacement with cargo, without ballast on arrival at port 3.13 UNCLASSIFIED VI ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 3.2.8. Ballast shifting on arrival at port 3.15 Section 4 - Intact Stability Criterion for Warships 4.1 4.1. Requirements of the intact righting lever bend 4.1 4.2. Stability under wind 4.2 4.2.1. Definition of conditions 4.2 4.2.2. Determination of the inclining arm 4.3 4.2.3. Criterion 4.6 4.3. Stability under ice and wind 4.6 4.3.1. Definition of conditions 4.6 4.3.2. Criterion 4.7 4.4. Yawing stability at high speeds 4.8 4.4.1. Definition of conditions 4.8 4.4.2. Determination of the tilting moment 4.8 4.4.3. Criterion 4.9 4.5. Stability under lifting and transshipment of heavy loads 4.10 4.5.1. Definition of conditions 4.10 4.5.2. Determination of the tilting moment 4.11 4.5.3. Criterion 4.11 4.6. Stability when moving the trim to an edge 4.12 4.6.1. Definition of conditions 4.12 4.6.2. Determination of the tilting moment 4.13 4.6.3. Criterion 4.13 4.7. Stability in port 4.14 4.7.1. Definition of conditions 4.14 4.7.2. Criterion 4.14 4.8. Stability during docking 4.15 4.8.1. Definition of conditions 4.15 4.8.2. Criterion 4.15 Section 5 - Damage stability criteria for warships 5.1 5.1. Definition of conditions 5.1 5.1.1. Watertight subdivision criteria 5.1 UNCLASSIFIED VII ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 5.1.2. Extent of damage to living works 5.2 Longitudinal extension 5.2 Transverse extension 5.2 Vertical Extension 5.3 5.1.3. Loading conditions considered 5.3 5.1.4. Permeability of flooded compartments 5.4 5.2. Straightening and tilting arm (wind) bends at fault 5.4 5.3. Criterion 5.5 Section 6 - Intact Stability Criterion for Auxiliary Ships and 6.1 UAM's 6.1. Definition of conditions 6.1 6.2. Requirements of the intact righting lever bend 6.1 6.3. Stability under wind 6.4 6.3.1. Definition of conditions 6.4 6.3.2. Determining the inclination arms 6.4 6.3.3. Criterion 6.8 6.4 Stability under wind and ice 6.8 6.4.1. Definition of conditions 6.8 6.4.2. Criterion 6.9 6.5. Yawing stability at high speeds 6.9 6.5.1. Definition of conditions 6.9 6.5.2. Determining the tilting moment 6.10 6.5.3. Criterion 6.11 6.6. Stability under crowding of the trim on one edge 6.11 6.6.1. Definition of conditions 6.11 6.6.2. Determination of the tilting moment 6.12 6.6.3. Criterion 6.12 6.7. Stability during docking 6.13 6.7.1 Definition of conditions 6.13 6.7.2. Criterion 6.13 Section 7. - Damage stability criteria for auxiliary vessels 7.1 UNCLASSIFIED VIII ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 and UAM's 7.1. Definition of conditions 7.1 7.1.1. Watertight subdivision criteria 7.1 7.1.2. Extent of damage to living works 7.2 Longitudinal extension 7.2 Transverse extension 7.3 Vertical Extension 7.3 Minor Damages 7.3 7.1.3. Loading conditions considered 7.4 7.1.4 Permeability of flooded compartments 7.4 7.2. Breakdown of straightening and tilting arm curves 7.5 7.2.1. Crowding of passengers on one side 7.5 7.2.2. Simultaneous launching of all loaded life-saving appliances on one 7.5 side 7.2.3. Wind pressure 7.6 7.3. Criterion 7.6 Section 8. - Stability Criteria for Tugs (Not available) --- Section 9. - Stability Criteria for Floating Dock 9.1. 9.1 Definition of conditions 9.1. 9.2 Criteria 9.1. Section 10 - Stability Criteria for Small Craft (Not available) --- Section 11. - Stability Criterion for Sailboats (Not available) --- Section 12 - Stability Criteria for Support Vessels --- Beaconing (Not available) Section 13. - Intact and Faulty Stability Criteria for UNCLASSIFIED IX 13.1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Barges and pontoons 13.1. Intact stability for barges and pontoons 13.1 13.1.1. Definition of conditions 13.1 13.1.2. Criterion 13.2 13.2. Damage stability for barges and pontoons 13.3 13.2.1. Definition of conditions 13.3 13.2.2. Criterion 13.3 UNCLASSIFIED X ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Introduction The publication of the present stability criteria aims to define the basic stability requirements to which the Portuguese Navy's surface units and UAM's must obey. Any multi-hull, aerostatically or hydrodynamically sustained vessels, or exceptional cases of monohulls, which due to their operational nature may require a specific and detailed stability analysis, shall be investigated separately, considering the most unfavourable circumstances, the stability criteria being defined on a case-by-case basis. For example, catamarans, "Small Waterplane Twin Hulls" (SWATH's), trimarans, hydrofoils, and surface effect ships (SES's) are considered to be multi-hull, aerostatically or hydrodynamically sustained ships. Regardless of the stability criteria, the designer must use engineering judgement to assess whether the ship has adequate stability or not. It must be emphasised that the verifications and criteria defined herein represent the minimum acceptable. Any additional verifications should be made whenever deemed appropriate, as the specific characteristics of each ship should be taken into account. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the criteria have been defined for monohulls, and may not be appropriate for multihulls, aerostatic or hydrodynamic lift ships. The use of computer programmes to assist in stability analysis should be preceded or followed by a check on their validity and capacity, particularly if they have not been previously approved. 1.2. Margin policy of growth UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 In the case of new designs, the stability criteria shall be met in full at the end of construction without any operational limitations such as net loading restrictions. The intact and damage stability criteria have to be met including an allowance for the weight increase that is likely to occur before the next stability verification of the ship and an allowance for the vertical variation of the centre of gravity (CG). In the absence of concrete elements about the magnitude of this weight increase, the following values should be used: • Warships (for every 10 years) 5% increase in loaded displacement; 3% increase in VCG height in the light displacement condition. • Auxiliary and passenger ships (for every 12 years) 3% increase in light displacement; 3% increase in VCG height in the light displacement condition. • Other supply vessels operating in coastal waters or in port (for every 20 years) 5% increase in light displacement; 3% increase in VCG height in the light displacement condition. UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 2. FIELD OF APPLICATION 2.1. Definition of the classes and categories of ships For the definition of the criteria to be applied, it is considered that surface vessels are divided into two classes, and within these into several categories, namely: 1 - Naval Units (BU's) A - Oceanic A.1. - Ships expected to suffer all the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). This category includes ships moving as part of amphibious and assault forces. A.2. Ships expected to avoid the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). B - Coastal B.1. Ships expected to suffer all the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). B.2. Ships that are expected to avoid the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones), but remain at sea in all other weather states. B.3. Ships that will berth in protected harbours or anchorages if winds in excess of Force 8 are forecast, and harbour craft. 2 - Navy Auxiliary Units (UAM's) A - All, with the exception of the cases listed under B. B - Special Cases B.1. Tugboats B.2. Floating Docks B.3. Small craft (including lifeboats) B.4. Sailboats B.5. Buoyage Support Vessels B.6. Barges and pontoons UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 2.2. Definition of the application of the criteria Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the publication apply to all types of surface vessels (except sailing ships), with regard to general definitions, the distribution of vessels by class, and the definition of loading conditions. Sections 4 and 5 apply to all categories of warships, including ocean-going and coastal. Ocean warships (Category A.1.) are defined as all corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers and battleships. Other ships such as platforms for air operations (e.g. aircraft carriers, helicopter carriers), amphibious and assault ships (e.g. LHA, LPD) are also included in this category. In the specific case of the MP, to date, and by way of example, the following classes of ships are considered to be included in this category: • FFAH's "Vasco da Gama • FF's "Comandante João Belo • FC's "Baptista de Andrade • FC's "João Coutinho Coastal warships (Category B.2.) are defined as all patrol vessels, dive support vessels, mine action vessels and landing craft. In the specific case of the MP, at present, and by way of example, the following classes of ships are considered included in this category: • PC's "Cacine" • Limpopo CP's • MCMV "Ribeira Grande • LDG's "Bombarda Coastal warships (Category B.3.) are defined as all surveillance craft. In the specific case of the MP, at present, and as an example, the following classes of vessels are considered included in this category: • FPB "Argos" • FPB "D.Aleixo" • FPB "Andorinha" (Swallow) Sections 6 and 7 apply to all categories of auxiliary vessels, namely ocean-going, coastal and port-based, and all Category A UAMs. Auxiliary ships include refuellers and hydrographic ships. In the specific case of MP, at present, and as an example, the following units are considered to be included in the category of auxiliary vessels: • NRP "Bérrio • NRP "Almeida Carvalho UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • NRP "Andromeda Section 8 applies to all BUs and UAMs that are designed specifically for the purpose of towing, whether or not this is their primary function. Section 9 applies only to floating docks. Section 10 applies to all small craft. Lifeboats are considered included within this criterion. Section 11 applies specifically to all sailing vessels. At present, and by way of example, the following units are encompassed within this criterion: • NE "Sagres". • UAM "Creoula" • NE "Polar" • NE "Vega" Section 12 applies to all vessels carrying out buoyage support activities. At present, and by way of example, the following units are encompassed within this criterion: • NRP "Schultz Xavier • UAM "Guide" Section 13 applies to all UAM's which are used as barges for cargo transport or as floating mooring pontoons. UNCLASSIFIED 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED 3. ITDINAV 802 METHODOLOGIES OF DEFINITION CALCULATION METHODS COMMON E OF LOADING CONDITIONS 3.1. Common calculation methodologies 3.1.1. Correction of liquid mirrors on tanks The initial metacentric height (GM) and the righting lever curves should be corrected, taking into account the effect of the liquid mirrors on the tanks, according to the following assumptions: • Tanks assumed to be partially filled should be those which produce the greatest liquid mirror effect (Mfs ) at a heeling angle of 30° when they are at 50% of their total capacity. • The values of Mfs for each tank can be obtained from the formula: M fs where Mfs - is the momentum of the liquid mirror at any angle of heel, in ton.meter; v - is the total capacity of the tank, in cubic metres; b - is the maximum mouth of the tank, in metres; - is the specific weight of the liquid contained in the tank, in cubic metres.tonne; v - is the total fineness coefficient of the tank, defined by ; blh h - is the maximum height of the tank, in metres; - is the heeling angle, in degrees; l - is the maximum length of the tank, in metres; k - is the dimensionless coefficient to be determined from the following formulas, based on the value of b h : UNCLASSIFIED co si ta 1 tan2 2 co 2 b , cot 2 h , b h ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • Small tanks meeting the condition vb 0.01 m min where min - is the minimum displacement of the ship, in tons. using a value of k corresponding to 30º, should not be included in the calculations; • The residual liquid in the empty tanks should not be accounted for in the calculations. 3.1.2. Determination of the centroid of the area The determination of the vertical position of the centroid of the ship's sail area should be carried out in accordance with the following procedure: • Consider the longitudinal profile of the ship, from the waterline (corresponding to the loading condition considered) to the top of the highest mast, dividing it into n bands parallel to the waterline with a height of 1 metre (in the case of areas of substantially irregular geometry, the height of these bands may be reduced to 0.5 m to improve the accuracy of the calculation); • Determine the sail area of each of the n lanes of the ship's longitudinal profile, An ; • In practical terms, the centroid height of each strip, zn , should be assumed to be approximately located at half height, except in exceptional cases of areas with irregular geometry where the determination of the centroid height of the strip considered should be made in an exact manner; • The vertical position of the centroid of the ship's sail area, hAV , is obtained from n hAV i 1 Ai . zi n Ai i1 where UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Ai - is the area of each of the horizontal strips considered; zi - is the height above the reference considered (usually the water line) of each of the horizontal strips considered; UNCLASSIFIED 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 3.2. Definition of the conditions of loading 3.2.1. Light displacement (Light condition) The light displacement condition is defined as corresponding to the complete ship with all her effects, including spares and tools, with liquids in the piping impossible to pump, but without fuel, fresh water, lubricating oil, ammunition, provisions and consumable materials in the respective bunkers, air, cargo, passengers, crew and baggage. In this condition of loading the tanks, storerooms, and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.1. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service Fuel, cargo Empty Empty Service level Empty Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% Empty Empty Aviation fuel, reserve Empty Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain Empty Service level Empty Freshwater Empty Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast Empty Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level Table 3.1. - Definition of net loads in the light displacement condition 3.2.2. Minimum port displacement (Light Harbour condition) UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The minimum displacement in port condition is defined as adding to the light displacement condition, the weights relating to the complete crew and their baggage, and to the percentages of the capacity of the ballast, fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water and consumable tanks necessary to assure the minimum requirements demanded by the stability criteria. Passengers, cargo, aircraft and ammunition may be included in the weights to be added, or not, adopting the condition that results in the most penalizing situation in terms of stability. In this loading condition the tanks, storages, and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service Fuel, cargo CN CN Service level CN Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% CN CN Aviation fuel, reserve CN Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 95% Service level Empty Freshwater CN Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast CN Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level CN - As required by the liquid loading conditions to satisfy the stability criterion. Table 3.2. - Definition of net loads in the minimum port displacement condition UNCLASSIFIED 5 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Stores/Miscellaneous Load Equipment bunkers 50% Food Stores 10% Various Aircraft on board PC Assault group personnel Vehicle assault group Ammunition assault group Ammunition PC PC PC PC Trim 100% PC - The worst case scenario is considered Table 3.3. - Definition of solid loads in the minimum port displacement condition 3.2.3. Minimum operating displacement (Light Seagoing condition) The minimum operational displacement condition is defined as adding to the light displacement condition, the weights relating to the complete garrison and respective baggage, 95% of the ballast tank capacity, and the percentages of the fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water and consumable tank capacity necessary (and not less than 10%) to ensure the minimum requirements demanded by the stability criterion. Passengers, cargo, aircraft and ammunition may be included in the weights to be added, or not, adopting the condition that results in the most penalizing situation in terms of stability. In this loading condition, tanks, storages, and other items should be as described in detail in Tables 3.4 and 3.5. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service UNCLASSIFIED CN 100% (comb.) Service level 6 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Fuel, cargo CN Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% CN CN Aviation fuel, reserve CN Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 95% Service level Empty Freshwater CN Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast 95% Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level CN - As required by the liquid loading conditions to satisfy the stability criterion. Table 3.4. - Definition of net loads in the minimum operational displacement condition Stores/Miscellaneous Load Equipment bunkers 50% Food Stores 10% Various Aircraft on board PC Assault group personnel Vehicle assault group Ammunition assault group Ammunition PC PC PC PC Trim 100% PC - The worst case scenario is considered Table 3.5. - Definition of solid loads in the condition of minimum operational displacement 3.2.4. Displacement loaded (Deep condition) UNCLASSIFIED 7 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The laden condition is defined as adding to the light displacement condition, the weights relating to 95% of the fresh water tanks capacity, 95% of the fuel and lubricating oil tanks capacity, the total capacity of provisions, ammunition, and consumable materials in the respective stores, cargo, passengers and also the weight of the complete garrison and their baggage. In this loading condition the tanks, storerooms and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.6 and 3.7. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service Fuel, cargo 95% 100% (comb.) Service level 95% Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% 95% 95% Aviation fuel, reserve 95% Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 95% Service level 95% Freshwater 95% Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast Empty Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level Table 3.6. - Definition of net loads in the loaded displacement condition Stores/Miscellaneous UNCLASSIFIED Load Equipment bunkers 100% Food Stores 100% 8 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Various Aircraft on board 100% Assault group personnel Vehicle assault group Ammunition assault group 100% 100% 100% Ammunition 100% Trim 100% PC - The worst case scenario is considered Table 3.7. - Definition of solid loads in the loaded displacement condition 3.2.5. Shipment with cargo, without ballast, departing from port The laden, unballasted sailing condition at port departure applies only to Auxiliary Ships and UAM's, and is defined as adding to the light sailing condition, the weights of all homogeneously distributed cargo, 95% of the fresh water tanks capacity, 95% of the fuel and lubricating oil tanks capacity, total capacity of provisions and consumables in the respective stores, passengers and also the weight of the complete garrison and respective luggage. In this loading condition the tanks, storerooms and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.8 and 3.9. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve UNCLASSIFIED 95% 9 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Fuel, plywood Fuel, service 100% (comb.) Service level Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% 95% 95% Aviation fuel, reserve 95% Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 95% Service level 95% Freshwater 95% Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast Empty Load 100% Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level Table 3.8. - Definition of net loads in the laden, unballasted, displacement condition at departure port Stores/Miscellaneous Load Load 100% Equipment bunkers 100% Food Stores 100% Various Aircraft on board UNCLASSIFIED 100% 10 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Assault group personnel Ammunition assault group 100% 100% Ammunition 100% Passengers 100% Trim 100% Table 3.9. - Definition of the solid loads in the laden, unballasted, displacement condition at departure port 3.2.6. Ballast shift at departure from port Ballasted sailing condition at port departure applies only to Auxiliary Ships and UAM's and is defined as adding to the light load condition the weights relating to the liquid ballast necessary to meet the requirements of stability and structural integrity, 95% of the capacity of the fresh water tanks, 95% of the capacity of the fuel and lubricating oil tanks, the total capacity of provisions and consumables in the respective stores, passengers and also the weight of the complete crew and their baggage. In this loading condition the tanks, storerooms and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.10 and 3.11. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service UNCLASSIFIED 95% 100% (comb.) Service level 11 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% 95% 95% Aviation fuel, reserve 95% Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 95% Service level 95% Freshwater 95% Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast CN Load Empty Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level CN - As required by the liquid loading conditions to satisfy the stability criterion Table 3.10. - Definition of net loads in ballast displacement condition at port departure Stores/Miscellaneous Load Load Empty Equipment bunkers 100% Food Stores 100% Various Aircraft on board UNCLASSIFIED 100% 12 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Assault group personnel Ammunition assault group 100% 100% Ammunition 100% Passengers 100% Trim 100% Table 3.11. - Definition of solid cargoes in ballast displacement condition at port departure 3.2.7. Shifting with cargo, without ballast on arrival at port The laden, unballasted condition on arrival in port applies only to UAM's and Auxiliary Ships and is defined as adding to the light displacement condition, the weights of all homogeneously distributed cargo, 10% of the fresh water tanks capacity, 10% of the fuel and lubricating oil tanks capacity, 10% of the total capacity of provisions and consumable materials in the respective storerooms, passengers and also the weight of the complete crew and respective luggage. In this loading condition the tanks, storerooms and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.12 and 3.13. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service UNCLASSIFIED 10% 100% (comb.) Service level 13 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery 95% 95% 10% 95% Aviation fuel, reserve 95% Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 10% Service level 95% Freshwater 10% Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast Empty Load 100% Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level Table 3.12 - Definition of net loads in the loaded displacement condition, without ballast, at arrival in port Stores/Miscellaneous Load Load 100% Equipment bunkers 100% Food Stores 10% Various UNCLASSIFIED Aircraft on board 100% Assault group personnel Ammunition assault group 100% 100% Ammunition 100% 14 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Passengers 100% Trim 100% Table 3.13. - Definition of the solid loads in the loaded, unballasted, on arrival displacement condition to the port 3.2.8. Ballast shifting on arrival at port Ballast sailing condition on arrival in port applies only to Auxiliary Ships and UAM's, and is defined as adding to the light sailing condition, the weights relating to the ballast necessary to comply with the stability and structural integrity requirements, 10% of the fresh water tanks capacity, 10% of the fuel and lubricating oil tanks capacity, 10% of the total capacity of provisions and consumable materials in the respective stores, passengers and also the weight corresponding to the complete garrison and respective luggage. In this loading condition the tanks, storerooms and other items shall be as described in detail in Tables 3.14 and 3.15. Tank/Circuit Load Fuel, reserve Fuel, plywood Fuel, service 10% 100% (comb.) Service level Food water, main Water feeding, auxiliaries Water food, reserve Water feeding, recovery UNCLASSIFIED 95% 95% 10% 95% 15 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Aviation fuel, reserve 95% Lubricating oil, spare Lubricating oil, service Lubricating oil, drain 10% Service level 95% Freshwater 10% Miscellaneous, purges Empty Ballast CN Load Empty Circuits, Freshwater Circuits, Sea water Circuits, Miscellaneous 100% 100% Service level CN - As required by the liquid loading conditions to satisfy the stability criterion Table 3.14. - Definition of net loads in ballast displacement condition on arrival at the port Stores/Miscellaneous Load Load 0% Equipment bunkers 100% Food Stores 10% Various UNCLASSIFIED Aircraft on board 100% Assault group personnel Ammunition assault group 100% 100% Ammunition 100% Passengers 100% 16 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Trim 100% Table 3.15. - Definition of solid cargoes in ballast displacement condition on arrival at the port UNCLASSIFIED 17 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 4. INTACT STABILITY CRITERION FOR WARSHIPS 4.1. Requirements of the straightening arm bend intact The righting lever curve (GZ) should meet minimum requirements in order to verify that its shape falls within certain pre-set limits, and thus ensure that the ship will have the majority of the stabilising power between 0 and . GZ 0.3m 30º 40º 57.3º Heeling angle (degrees) Fig. 4.1. - Definition of the righting lever curve (GZ) Thus, the following conditions must be met: • The righting lever curve should end at the angle where uncontrollable flooding occurs due to the ingress of water through permanent openings in the structure. Examples of such structural openings are the cases of main engine intake and exhaust ducts, engine room fan intakes and discharges, etc. • The straightening arm curve shall comply with the criteria specified in Table 4.1. UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from to Maximum GZ Angle of maximum GZ GM corrected for net mirror effect Angle of zero stability 0.08 m.rad 0.133 m.rad 0.048 m.rad 0.3 m 0.3 m as large as possible ( minimum allowable in design) Table 4.1. - Criteria for the straightening arm curve 4.2. Stability under wind 4.2.1. Definition of conditions It is assumed that crosswind and port-to-stern swing occur simultaneously. For conventional ships (monohulls) a maximum port-to-stern roll angle of 25 degrees is assumed. The nominal wind speeds to be used are dependent on the ship category, dependent on its application, as defined by Table 4.2. Minimum wind speed for design purposes (knots) Vessel Category UNCLASSIFIED 2 Minimum wind speed for vessels with at least 5 years in service (us) ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 A - OCEANIC A.1. Ships expected to suffer all the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). This category includes ships which travel integrated into amphibious and assault forces A.2. ships expected to avoid the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). B - COASTAL B.1. Ships expected to suffer all direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones). B.2. vessels expected to avoid the direct effects of extreme conditions (e.g. tropical cyclones) but remaining at sea in all other weather states. B.3. ships which will berth in sheltered harbours or anchorages if winds in excess of force 8 are expected, and harbour craft C - PORTO C.1 All vessels 100 90 80 70 100 90 80 70 60 50 60 50 Table 4.2. - Nominal wind speeds 4.2.2. Determination of the inclining arm The heeling arm due to the crosswind effect shall be determined as follows: • Consider the longitudinal profile of the ship, from the waterline to the top of the highest mast, dividing it into n bands parallel to the waterline with a height of 1 metre (in the case of areas of substantially irregular geometry, the height of these bands may be reduced to 0.5 m to improve the accuracy of the calculation); • Determine the sail area of each of the lanes of the ship's longitudinal profile, and calculate the vertical position of the centroid of the ship's sail area according to the procedure defined in 3.1.2; • Determine the pressure exerted by the wind on each of the tracks (Pi ), using the following expression: Pi UNCLASSIFIED V2 C2g i 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 where C - dimensionless coefficient for each type of ship. If not known, it is reasonable to assume the expression based on the average value of C, i.e. Pi .0195.Vi 2 - air density, 1,025 kg/m ;3 g - acceleration of gravity, 9.81 m/s ;2 Vi - wind speed, knots. The nominal wind speed is assumed to occur 10 metres above the water surface. The actual wind speed at different elevations above the waterline shall be determined from Fig.4.2. • Calculate the inclining arm due to the wind, using the expression: L cos 2n Arm Pi Ai 1000. i 1 where Pi - total wind pressure in each longitudinal strip, kg/m2 ; Ai - sail area of each longitudinal strip, m ;2 L- defined arm between the points of midship draught to the centroid of the ship's sailing area, as shown in Fig.4.3, m; V - nominal wind speed, knots; -displacement of the ship, t. -angle of adornment, degrees; UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 30 25 Elevation (m) 20 Nomin.Sp al eed 15 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 Wind speed (knots) 80 100 120 Fig. 4.2. - Wind speed variation with elevation above water surface WIND L d d/2 d = draught Fig. 4.3. - Definition of the wind tilt arm UNCLASSIFIED 5 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 4.2.3. Criterion Based on Fig.4.4. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The heeling angle due to the direct action of crosswind () shall not exceed 30 degrees. • The ratio between disturbing (A2 ) and stabilising (A1 ) energy should be A1 > 1.4 A2 • The GZ value at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum GZ value. GZ Straightening arm intact C Tilting arm wind A1 A2 Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle 25º Fig. 4.4. - Righting lever curves (GZ) and tilting moment due to crosswind 4.3. Stability under ice and wind 4.3.1. Definition of conditions It is assumed that icing and strong wind occur simultaneously. Stability conditions under icing are defined as follows: • Uniform distribution of 150 mm thickness of ice on all exposed floors, decks and ruffs. The density of the ice should be assumed to be 950 kg/m .3 UNCLASSIFIED 6 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • The weight and position of the centre of gravity (LCG, VCG, and TCG) of the ice mass considered shall be taken into account in the calculations for determining the righting lever curve. • The heeling arm due to wind shall be calculated ignoring the effect of the added area due to ice thickness but including the effect of the weight of ice on the displacement of the ship. • The inclination arm due to wind shall be determined as defined in 4.2.2. • The wind slope arm calculation shall be based on a nominal wind speed equal to 70% of the value specified in Table 4.2. 4.3.2. Criterion Based on Fig.4.5. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The heeling angle due to the joint action of ice and wind () should not exceed 30 degrees. • The GZ value at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum GZ value. • The ratio between disturbing (A2 ) and stabilising (A1 ) energy should be A1 > 1.4 A2 • The areas under the righting lever curve, corrected for uniform distribution of 150 mm ice thickness, the metacentric height (GM) values, and the maximum righting lever shall be in accordance with that specified in Table 4.3. Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from to Maximum GZ Angle of maximum GZ GM corrected for net mirror effect 0.051 m.rad 0.085 m.rad 0.03 m.rad 0.24 m 0.15 m Table 4.3. - Criterion for the straightening arm curve, with the combined effects of icing and wind UNCLASSIFIED 7 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ Corrected straightening arm due to distribution of 150 mm ice thickness C Tilting arm wind A1 Angle of ornament A2 Uncontrollable flood angle 25º Fig. 4.5. - Righting lever (GZ) curves and tilting moment due to ice accumulation and crosswind 4.4. Yawing stability at high speeds 4.4.1. Definition of conditions The ship is assumed to heel solely due to the action of centrifugal force arising from high speed yaw. The assumed heeling angle does not reflect the transient behaviour of the ship at the beginning and at the end of the heeling but when stabilised during the heeling. 4.4.2. Determination of the inclining moment The centrifugal force acting on a ship during a heel is expressed as by: Force wher e 1000. V 2 gR - displacement of the ship, t; UNCLASSIFIED 8 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 V - linear speed of the ship during the yaw, m/s; g- acceleration of gravity, 9.81 m/s ;2 R - radius of gyration of the ship, m. For calculation purposes it is reasonable to assume that R is approximately half the tactical diameter. The heeling arm used in conjunction with the centrifugal force referred to above is defined as the distance between the centre of gravity of the ship and the centre of lateral resistance of the live works. This arm is a function of the cosine of the heeling angle. The vertical position of the centre of lateral resistance of the live works is assumed at middraught. Arm V2 a co gR wher e a- vertical distance between the centre of gravity of the ship and the centre of lateral resistance, defined at moulded draught, with the ship unnumbered, m; -angle of adornment, degrees. 4.4.3. Criterion Based on Fig.4.6. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The stabilised heeling angle due to the action of centrifugal force during turning should not exceed 15 degrees. • The stabilising power reserve (A) shall be greater than 40% of the total area under the righting lever curve A > 0.4 AT , measured to the uncontrollable flood angle. • The GZ value at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum GZ value. UNCLASSIFIED 9 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ Tilting arm due to the swerve at high speed Straightening arm intact C A 15º Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle Fig. 4.6. - Straightening arm curves (GZ) and tilting moment due to yaw at high speed 4.5. Stability under lifting and transshipment of heavy loads 4.5.1. Definition of conditions Lifting heavy loads is a particularly critical case in small ships, which for whatever reason have to lift and load/unload weights. This operation has two simultaneous consequences in terms of the vessel's transverse stability: • The lifting (and possibly adding, in case of loading) of weight, acting on the boom end of the lifting equipment/system, raises the ship's centre of gravity, thus decreasing its righting lever; • The transshipment of the cargo away from the ship's centreline generates a heeling moment that will cause the ship to heel. All possible positions of the lifting equipment/system should be considered in this analysis. 4.5.2. Determination of the tilting moment UNCLASSIFIED 10 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 For the application of the criterion, the righting lever curve is modified by correcting the vertical position of the centre of gravity (VCG) and the displacement of the ship, in order to quantify the effect of the weight addition considered at the place where it will be stowed. The slope arm curve is calculated using the expression: wa d Arm where w - weight of the load, t; a- transverse distance from the centre line to the boom tip of the lifting equipment/system, m; d- height of the lifting point above deck where cargo will be stowed, m; - displacement, including the addition of the displaced load (w), t; -angle of adornment, degrees. 4.5.3. Criterion Based on Fig.4.7. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The stabilised heeling angle due to the action of the tilting moment caused by lifting and transferring weights should not exceed 15 degrees. • The stabilising power reserve (A) shall be greater than 40% of the total area under the righting lever curve A > 0.4 AT , measured to the uncontrollable flood angle. • The GZ value at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum GZ value. • If the vessel lifts weights at sea for relatively long periods of time, the heeling arms have to be added due to the combined effects of port-to-stern swing and moderate wind (on the opposite side of the ship from which the cargo is lifted). UNCLASSIFIED 11 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ Intact straightening arm corrected for KG change Tilting arm C A 15º Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle Fig. 4.7. - Curves of righting lever (GZ) and tilting moment due to lifting and transshipment of heavy loads 4.6. Stability under crowding of the trim on one edge 4.6.1. Definition of conditions The movement of personnel is likely to have a major effect on the transverse stability of small vessels carrying a relatively large number of persons on board. The concentration of personnel on one side may produce a heeling moment such that it results in a significant reduction in the ship's dynamic stability. It is considered for all purposes that: • each person occupies an available deck area equal to 0.2 m ;2 • each person has an average weight of 75 kg, not including any type of equipment. The addition of the weight of equipment carried must be analysed separately and in detail on a case-by-case basis. 4.6.2. Determination of the tilting moment UNCLASSIFIED 12 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The inclining arm produced by the transverse movement of the staff is determined by the expression Inclination arm wa where w - weight of personnel moved, t; a- transverse distance from the ship's centreline to the centre of gravity of the personnel moved, m; - displacement, t; -angle of adornment, degrees. 4.6.3. Criterion Based on Fig.4.8. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The stabilised heeling angle due to personnel moving to an edge should not exceed 15 degrees. • The stabilising power reserve (A) shall be greater than 40% of the total area under the righting lever curve A > 0.4 AT , measured to the uncontrollable flood angle. • The GZ value at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum GZ value. UNCLASSIFIED 13 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ Inclining arm due to side loading (crowding of personnel) Straightening arm intact C A 15º Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle Fig. 4.8. - Straightening arm curves (GZ) and tilting moment due to crowding of personnel at an edge 4.7. Stability in port 4.7.1. Definition of conditions It is considered that the weather conditions in port are substantially reduced, so that the port-to-ship balance is considered negligible, and the ship is subjected only to the action of the wind. For all purposes it is assumed that the nominal wind speed to be applied to the various cases is defined in Table 4.2. The determination of the heeling moment shall be done as specified in 4.2.2. 4.7.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: UNCLASSIFIED 14 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • The stabilised heeling angle due to the heeling moment generated by crosswind with speed as defined in 4.7.1. shall not exceed 7 degrees. • The corrected metacentric height should not be less than 0.15 m. 4.8. Stability during docking 4.8.1. Definition of conditions In terms of transverse stability, the critical condition during docking occurs just before the ship touches the blocks, where the load exerted on the ship is maximum. The loading condition of the ship while docking is usually defined through a docking plan. However, if this does not exist, a trim of 0.3 metres astern should be assumed for all purposes, or a higher value if the ship cannot achieve this trim. 4.8.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The corrected metacentric height should always be positive throughout the docking process. UNCLASSIFIED 15 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 5. DAMAGE STABILITY CRITERION FOR WARSHIPS 5.1. Definition of conditions The following are defined as failure situations to be considered in this criterion: 1. Structural damage resulting in flooding due to: • Collision with the bottom resulting in moderate flooding; • Bow thrust; • Collision or impact with the bottom resulting in major flooding; • Explosion by enemy action resulting in major flooding. 2. Flooding caused by: • Crosswinds combined with port-starboard swing; • Progressive flooding (circuit breakers, etc.); • Fire fighting inside the ship. The main idea behind this criterion is to ensure the survival of the ship, not necessarily to maintain its fighting capacity. 5.1.1. Watertight compartmentalisation criterion The basis for determining the extent of flooding is the length of hull damaged (open to the sea) at any point along the ship's length, resulting from enemy action or collision. In small ships, however, and due t o practical limitations, the criterion is based on the number of flooded watertight compartments. For calculation purposes, the length of the ship should be referred to its value between perpendiculars. The watertight subdivision criteria should ensure that: UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • Vessels of less than 30 metres in length shall be able to withstand at least one main watertight compartment flooding; • Ships between 30 and 92 metres in length shall be able to withstand, as a minimum, the flooding of any two adjacent main watertight compartments; • Ships over 92 metres in length shall withstand swift flooding due to an opening in the hull located anywhere along the length of the ship, equal in length to 15% of the length of the ship; 5.1.2. Extent of damage to living works Longitudinal extension In cases where the watertight subdivision is based on the number of flooded compartments, the longitudinal extent of flooding is defined by the position of the transverse watertight bulkheads bounding those compartments. In cases where watertight subdivision is based on the length of hull open to the sea, the longitudinal extent of flooding is defined by the position of watertight transverse bulkheads immediately forward and aft of the hull opening boundaries. Transverse extension The maximum extent of transverse flooding is defined by the resultant damage in transverse penetration up to the margin line, but not affecting any longitudinal watertight bulkhead located on the margin line. A lower transverse penetration should be assumed where this results in a flooding situation that is more damaging in terms of stability. UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Vertical Extension It is assumed that all decks and platforms are not watertight, as this results in the most adverse situation due to flooding on upper decks, the effect of liquid mirrors, and the possibility of asymmetric flooding occurring. All decks and platforms located in the damaged area of the hull are also assumed to be damaged, and therefore not watertight. In the case of damage to the double bottom, two cases could result, which should be considered: • The flooding of low-lying areas of the ship could increase stability; • The eventual asymmetric flooding decreases stability; Regarding the vertical extent of damage to the double bottom, the worst case should be assumed. 5.1.3. Loading conditions considered The loading conditions to be considered in the damage stability assessment are as follows: • Displacement loaded • Minimum operating displacement These conditions are defined in accordance with Section 3. 5.1.4. Permeability of flooded compartments UNCLASSIFIED 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 For the purposes of calculating the volumes of water admitted into the flooded compartments, the permeability values of the compartments, defined in accordance with Table 5.1, shall be considered. Permeability Displacement Operative loaded shift minimum 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.80 a 0.90 0.95 0.60 0.95 0.60 0.95 0.80 0.95 0.80 0.95 0.70 0.95 0.60 a 0.80 0.95 0.65 0.65 0.85 0.85 0.97 0.97 Compartment Type Housing Central, Communications, Operations Canteen Pump rooms Rudder engine housing Auxiliary engine rooms Paióis Ammunition bunkers artillery Portable armouries Rocket/missile emplacements Kitchens, pantries Torpedo bunkers Load Paiol moorings Main engine room Cofferdams and other empty spaces Table 5.1. - Average permeability of compartments 5.2. Straightening and tilting arm (wind) bends at fault The ship's righting lever is to be re-calculated for each case of damage, taking into account the losses of buoyancy inherent to flooded compartments, also accounting for the effect of liquid mirrors and open sea communications where applicable. In addition the righting lever curve is to be corrected by 0,05across to account for unknown asymmetrical flooding or cross motion of unpeeled cargo during heeling. The wind slope arm shall be determined according to the procedure described in Section 4, paragraph 4.2.2. using a nominal wind speed defined as follows: • From the curve in Fig.5.1. for displacements up to 5000 tons; UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • By the expression V 22.5 .15 for displacements greater than 5000 tonnes. 34 Rated wind speed (knots) 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Intact displacement (tonnes) Fig.5.1 - Rated wind speed for damage stability for ships of less than 5000 tons displacement 5.3. Criterion Based on Fig.5.3. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The static, or band, heel angle, defined by point B, due to the damage sustained shall not exceed 15 degrees; • The ratio between disturbing (A2 ) and stabilising (A1 ) energy should be A1 > 1.4 A ;2 • The stabilising energy (A1 ) should be greater than the value defined in Fig.5.2. • The value of GZ at point C shall not exceed 60% of the maximum value of GZ, the latter being defined by the righting lever to 45° or the angle of uncontrollable flooding, whichever is the lesser; • The fall should be less than is necessary to cause uncontrollable flooding through permanent openings; UNCLASSIFIED 5 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • The longitudinal metacentric height should be positive, i.e. GML >0. Required stabilising area (m.degrees) 1,6 1,4 1,2 Displacement up to 5000 t 1 0,8 Displacement between 5000 and 50000 t 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Displacement (tx103 ) (tx104 ) Fig.5.2 - Stabilising area (A1 ) required for damage stability GZ Corrected straightening arm in malfunction 15º A1 Tilting wind arm C A2 Band Angle of ornament B 45º or angle of uncontrollable flooding Adornment Reach Fig.5.3 - Straightening and tilting arm bend due to damage and crosswind UNCLASSIFIED 6 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 6. INTACT STABILITY CRITERION FOR AUXILIARY VESSELS AND UAM'S 6.1. Definition of conditions This applies to all ships and crafts, classified as Category A. Auxiliary or UAM's as defined in Section 2, with length between perpendiculars equal to or greater than 24 metres. 6.2. Requirements of the straightening arm curve intact The form of the righting lever curve (GZ) should meet minimum requirements to ensure that the ship will have the majority of the stabilising power between 0 and . GZ 0.15m 30º 40º 57.3º Heeling angle (degrees) Fig. 6.1. - Definition of the righting lever curve (GZ) Thus, the following conditions must be met: • The straightening arm curve should end at the angle where uncontrollable flooding occurs due to water entering through permanent openings in the structure. Examples of these structural openings are UNCLASSIFIED 7 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 of the inlet and outlet ducts of main engines, engine room ventilators, etc. • The straightening arm curve shall comply with the criteria specified in Table 6.1. Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from 0 to *. Area under the GZ curve from to *. Maximum GZ Angle of maximum GZ GM corrected for net mirror effect Angle of zero stability 0.055 m.rad 0.09 m.rad 0.03 m.rad 0.2 m (never < 25º) 0.15 m as large as possible *- The area under the righting lever curve should be determined to either 40° or the uncontrollable flood angle, whichever is the lesser. Table 6.1. - Criteria for the straightening arm curve 6.3. Stability under wind 6.3.1. Definition of conditions This criterion shall be applied to all ships and crafts with a length of more than 24 metres, for all loading conditions, in the intact condition. The conditions of application of the criterion are defined sequentially by: 1. It is assumed that crosswind and port-to-stern swing occur simultaneously; 2. It is assumed that the ship is subjected to a constant wind pressure acting perpendicular to the median plane of the ship, generating a constant heeling arm, designated lw1 . ; 3. The ship is assumed to experience a leeward heeling angle (1 ) due to wave action, defined from the static heeling angle (0 ) due to wind action as described in paragraph 2; UNCLASSIFIED 8 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 4. The uncontrollable flooding angle is defined by2 ; 5. The ship is subjected to the action of an additional pressure due to the gust of wind, which results in a heeling arm of the gust of wind lw2 . ; 6. The effect of liquid mirrors shall be accounted for under all conditions analysed, in accordance with the procedure set out in Section 3. 6.3.2. Determining the inclination arms The effect of crosswind should be determined as follows: • The inclination arms lw1 and lw2 are constant for all heeling angles and are respectively defined, in metres, by the expressions: l PEACE 1 lw2 1.5lw1 where P - lateral pressure due to wind, which should be defined by P 504 N / m2 . Ships with restrictions in their operational use may adopt values lower than those stipulated above; A - projected side area of the ship and deck cargo above the margin line water, in m ;2 Z - vertical distance between the centre of the area A and the centre of the line. As an approximation, it is feasible to assume that the centre of the carina is at half the average immersion of the ship; - displacement in the ship, in t; g - acceleration of gravity, g 9.81 m / s2 . • The swing angle (1 ), expressed in degrees, should be determined as follows: 1 109kX 1 X 2 where lo l X1 - Factor defined by Table 6.2; X2 - Factor defined by Table 6.3; k Factor defined as follows: UNCLASSIFIED 9 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Ships with a bilge bend rounded, without sway barbets or keels Ships with a tapered bilge curve Vessels with seabass and/or swing keel k = 1.0 k = 0.7 Table 6.4. r - Defined by the expression r . OG 0.6 ; OG - Distance between the waterline and the centre of gravity, in metres (+ if the GC is above, - if the GC is below the waterline, respectively); d - average immersion of the ship, in meters; s - Factor defined by Table 6.5. T - Ship's rocking period, in seconds. It should be estimated through the expression: 2 0. 0. 0. GM GM - Metacentric height corrected for the effect of the liquid mirrors, in metres; Ak - total area of the rattles, or area of the lateral projection of the swing keel, or the sum of these areas, in square metres; CB - Total fineness coefficient of the carine; B - breadth of the ship, in metres; L - length of the ship on the waterline, metres. B/d X1 B/d X1 2.4 1.0 3.0 0.90 2.5 0.98 3.1 0.88 2.6 0.96 3.2 0.86 2.7 0.95 3.3 0.84 2.8 0.93 3.4 0.82 2.9 0.91 3.5 0.80 Table 6.2. - Values of factor X1 UNCLASSIFIED 10 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 CB X2 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.95 0.97 1.0 Table 6.3. - Values of factor X2 100. A . k L. B k 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 0.98 0.95 0.88 0.79 0.74 0.72 0.70 Table 6.4. - Values of the k T s 6 7 8 12 14 16 18 20 0.100 0.098 0.093 0.065 0.053 0.044 0.038 0.035 Table 6.5. - Values of the factor s UNCLASSIFIED 11 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ B 1 lw2 lw1 A 0 2 C Heeling angle (degrees) Fig. 6.2 - Curves of the righting lever (GZ) and tilting moment due to wind 6.3.3. Criterion Based on Fig.6.2. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The heeling angle due to direct wind action ( ) should not exceed 16 degrees or 80% of the edge dip angle, whichever is smaller. • The ratio of disturbing (A) and stabilising (B) energy should be BeA. 6.4. Stability in wind and ice 6.4.1. Definition of conditions All ships or vessels operating in areas where ice accumulation is likely to occur, adversely affecting stability, the loading conditions analysed should also include accounting for the effects of ice accumulation. The effects of ice accumulation should be defined as follows: UNCLASSIFIED 12 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • 30 kg of ice per square metre on exposed horizontal areas of decks and walkways (corresponding to a uniformly distributed thickness of 32 mm); • 7.5 kg of ice per square metre in vertical areas projected from each side of the vessel above the waterline (corresponding to an evenly distributed thickness of 8 mm); • The total projected lateral area of the discontinuous surfaces of jibs, bollards, and rigging of ships without sails and the projected lateral area of other small objects shall be calculated by increasing the total projected area of those surfaces assumed to be continuous by 5% and the moments of this area by 10%; • The density of the ice should be assumed to be 950 kg/m3; • The wind speed to be considered should be 70% of the value used in 6.4, w h i c h corresponds to a pressure of 353 N/m2 . The wind slope arm should be calculated by the same method defined in 6.3. 6.4.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The heeling angle due to direct wind action ( ) should not exceed 16 degrees or 80% of the edge dip angle, whichever is smaller. • The ratio of disturbing (A) and stabilising (B) energy should be BeA. The righting lever curve must comply with the criteria defined in the table below: Area under the GZ curve from 0 to Area under the GZ curve from 0 to *. UNCLASSIFIED 13 0.051 m.rad 0.085 m.rad ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 Area under the GZ curve from to *. Maximum GZ Angle of maximum GZ GM corrected for net mirror effect Angle of zero stability 0.03 m.rad 0.24 m (never < 25º) 0.15 m as large as possible *- The area under the righting lever curve should be determined to either 40° or the uncontrollable flood angle, whichever is the lesser. 6.5. Yawing stability at high speeds 6.5.1. Definition of conditions The ship is assumed to heel solely due to the action of centrifugal force arising from high speed yaw. The assumed angle of heel does not reflect the transient behaviour of the ship at the beginning and end of the heeling but rather when stabilised during the heeling. 6.5.2. Determination of the tilting moment The heeling moment acting on a ship during a heel is expressed as by: M R .02 wher e V2 K 0 L - tilting moment due to yaw, m.t; - displacement of the ship, t; V0 - linear speed of the ship during the yaw, m/s; L - length of the ship, m; T - average immersion, m; KG - height of the centre of gravity above the keel, m. UNCLASSIFIED 14 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The heeling arm used in conjunction with the centrifugal force referred to above is defined as the distance between the centre of gravity of the ship and the centre of lateral resistance of the live works. This arm is a function of the cosine of the heeling angle. The vertical position of the centre of lateral resistance of the live works is assumed at middraught. V2 a co gR Arm wher e R - radius of gyration of the ship, m. For calculation purposes it is reasonable to assume that R is approximately half the tactical diameter; g - acceleration of gravity, g a- 9.81 m / s2 ; the vertical distance between the centre of gravity of the ship and the centre of lateral resistance, defined at moulded draught, with the ship unnumbered, in m, by a KG T 2 T - average immersion, m; -angle of adornment, degrees. 6.5.3. Criterion Based on Fig.6.3. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The stabilised heeling angle due to the action of centrifugal force during turning should not exceed 10 degrees. UNCLASSIFIED 15 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 GZ Tilting arm due to the swerve at high speed Straightening arm intact 10º Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle Fig. 6.3. - Righting lever (GZ) curves and tilting moment due to yaw at high speed 6.6. Stability under crowding of the trim on one edge 6.6.1. Definition of conditions The movement of personnel is likely to have a major effect on the transverse stability of small vessels carrying a relatively large number of persons on board. The concentration of personnel on one side may produce a heeling moment such that it results in a significant reduction in the ship's dynamic stability. It is considered for all purposes that: • each person occupies an available deck area equal to 0.2 m ;2 • each person has an average weight of 75 kg, not including any type of equipment. The addition of the weight of equipment carried must be analysed separately and in detail on a case-by-case basis; • the height of the centre of gravity of each person should be assumed to be 1.0m, or 0.3m, depending on whether they are standing or seated, respectively. UNCLASSIFIED 16 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 6.6.2. Determination of the tilting moment The inclining arm produced by the transverse movement of the staff is determined by the expression Inclination arm wa where w - weight of personnel moved, t; a- transverse distance from the ship's centreline to the centre of gravity of the personnel moved, m; - displacement, t; -angle of adornment, degrees. 6.6.3. Criterion Based on Fig.6.4. the criteria to be met is as follows: • The stabilised heeling angle due to personnel moving to an edge should not exceed 10 degrees. GZ Inclining arm due to side loading (crowding of personnel) Straightening arm intact 10º Angle of ornament Uncontrollable flood angle Fig. 6.4. - Straightening arm curves (GZ) and tilting moment due to crowding of personnel at an edge 6.7. Stability during docking UNCLASSIFIED 17 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 6.7.1. Definition of conditions In terms of transverse stability, the critical condition during docking occurs just before the ship touches the blocks, where the load exerted on the ship is maximum. The loading condition of the ship while docking is usually defined through a docking plan. However, if this does not exist, a trim of 0.3 metres astern should be assumed for all purposes, or a higher value if the ship cannot achieve this trim. 6.7.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The corrected metacentric height should always be positive throughout t h e docking process. UNCLASSIFIED 18 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED 7. ITDINAV 802 CRITERION OF SHIPS ESTABILITY CRITERIA AT EVARIA FOR AUXILIARIES AND UAM'S 7.1. Definition of conditions The following are defined as failure situations to be considered in this criterion: 1. Structural damage resulting in flooding due to: • Collision with the bottom resulting in moderate flooding; • Bow thrust; • Collision or impact with the bottom resulting in major flooding; • Explosion by enemy action resulting in major flooding. 2. Flooding caused by: • Crosswinds combined with port-starboard swing; • Progressive flooding (circuit breakers, etc.); • Fire fighting inside the ship. The main idea behind this criterion is to ensure the survival of the vessel. 7.1.1. Watertight compartmentalisation criterion The basis for determining the extent of flooding is the length of damaged hull (open to the sea) at any point along the length of the ship, which results from enemy action or collision. In auxiliary ships and UAM's, the criterion is based on the number of flooded watertight compartments. For calculation purposes, the length should be referred to its value between perpendiculars. Only main transverse bulkheads with a minimum spacing of (3.05 + 0.03L) or 10.65 metres will be considered as watertight boundaries, whichever is less. UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The watertight subdivision criteria should ensure that: • Ships of less than 75 metres in length should be capable of withstanding flooding of, as a minimum, one main watertight compartment including the main engine room; • Ships between 75 and 200 metres in length shall be able to withstand flooding of any two adjacent main watertight compartments including an engine room, or any 3 adjacent compartments excluding engine rooms; • Ships over 200 metres in length shall withstand rapid flooding due to an opening in the hull equal to 12.5% of the length of the ship, located at any point along the length of the ship; 7.1.2. Extent of damage to living works Longitudinal extension In cases where the watertight subdivision is based on the number of flooded compartments, the longitudinal extent of flooding is defined by the position of the transverse watertight bulkheads bounding those compartments. In cases where watertight subdivision is based on the length of hull open to the sea, the longitudinal extent of flooding is defined by the position of watertight transverse bulkheads immediately forward and aft of the hull opening boundaries. Transverse extension UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The maximum extent of transverse flooding is defined by the damage resultant at transverse penetration up to 1 5 from the ship's mouth, but not affecting it, any longitudinal watertight bulkhead at the centreline. Less transverse penetration shall be assumed where this results in flooding that would have a greater impact on stability. Vertical Extension It is assumed that all decks and platforms are not watertight, as this results in the most adverse situation due to flooding on upper decks, the effect of liquid mirrors, and the possibility of asymmetric flooding occurring. All decks and platforms located in the damaged area of the hull are also assumed to be damaged, and therefore not watertight. In the case of damage to the double bottom, two cases could result, which should be considered: • The flooding of low-lying areas of the ship could increase stability; • The eventual asymmetric flooding decreases stability; Regarding the vertical extent of damage to the double bottom, the worst case should be assumed. Minor damage Should any damage less than that specified in paragraphs,, or result in a more severe situation with respect to heel, loss of metacentric height, that case shall be assumed. 7.1.3. Loading conditions considered UNCLASSIFIED 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The loading conditions to be considered in the damage stability assessment are as follows: • Cargo Shipment, without ballast, departing from port • Ballast shifting at port departure • Displacement with cargo, without ballast, on arrival at port • Ballast shifting on arrival at port These conditions are defined in accordance with Section 3. 7.1.4. Permeability of flooded compartments For the purpose of calculating the volumes of water admitted into the flooded compartments, the permeability values of the compartments, defined in accordance with Table 7.1, shall be considered. Permeability Displacement Operative loaded shift minimum 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.80 a 0.90 0.95 0.60 0.95 0.60 0.95 0.80 0.95 0.80 0.95 0.70 0.95 0.60 a 0.80 0.95 0.65 0.65 0.85 0.85 0.97 0.97 Compartment Type Housing Central, Communications, Operations Canteen Pump rooms Rudder engine housing Auxiliary engine rooms Paióis Ammunition bunkers artillery Portable armouries Rocket/missile emplacements Kitchens, pantries Torpedo bunkers Load Paiol moorings Main engine room Cofferdams and other empty spaces Table 7.1. - Average permeability of compartments 7.2. Straightening and tilting arm (wind) bends at fault UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 The righting lever in the damaged condition shall be determined by the lost thrust method accounting for damage as defined in accordance with 7.1.2. For the purpose of determining the tilting moments, the rules stipulated in the following paragraphs shall be used. 7.2.1. Crowding of passengers on board Principles and assumed values for calculation: • 4 persons per square metre of deck; • 75 kg weight for each passenger; • Passengers shall be distributed on the available areas from deck to one side of the ship on the decks where emergency passenger assembly stations are situated in such a way that the most adverse heeling moment is produced. 7.2.2. Simultaneous launching of all loaded life-saving appliances on one side Assumed calculation principles: • All life-rafts on the side to which the ship has heeled after having been damaged should be assumed to be loaded, suspended and ready for lowering; • Vessels on the opposite side of the heel shall be regarded as standing. 7.2.3. Wind pressure Principles and assumed values for calculation: • pressure due to wind, P, equal to 120 N/m ;2 UNCLASSIFIED 5 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • the sail area is defined as the projected lateral area above the waterline relating to the intact condition; • the wind heeling arm is defined as the vertical distance between the centroid of the sail area and the point halfway along the mean windward dip of the ship in the intact condition. 7.3. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The residual straightening arm of the final condition shall have a minimum range of 15° beyond the angle of equilibrium (band or heel), as shown in Fig.7.1. If the angle of uncontrollable flooding occurs before the angle of elimination of the residual straightening arm, then the considered residual straightening arm curve is truncated at the angle of uncontrollable flooding; GZ Leaning arm due to wind 15º 0 Breakdown of straightening arm Angle of ornament Fig. 7.1. - Setting the range of the residual straightening arm curve at malfunction UNCLASSIFIED 6 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • The final condition of the ship after damage, (in case of asymmetric flooding, after remedial measures have been implemented) should verify the conditions: In the case of symmetrical flooding there shall be a residual metacentric height of at least 0.05m, to be calculated by the lost thrust method; In the case of unsymmetrical flooding, the heeling angle shall not exceed 7° in the case of one flooded compartment, or 12° in the case of two or more flooded compartments. The heeling angle before remedial action is taken shall not exceed 15º; The margin line can never submerge at the end of the flood. • The area under the righting lever curve shall be at least 0.015 m.rad, measured from the angle of equilibrium to the lesser of the following angles (as shown in Fig.7.2.): uncontrollable flooding angle; 22° (measured from the right ship's position) in the case of one compartment being flooded, or 27° (measured from the right ship's position) in the case of the simultaneous flooding of two or more compartments; GZ Leaning arm due to wind A>0.015 m.rad 0 0 Breakdown of straightening arm +22º 2 Angle of ornament Fig. 7.2. - Definition of dynamic damage stability UNCLASSIFIED 7 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • A residual righting lever should be obtained within the range defined by 15° beyond the balance angle, GZMAX , such that: 0 0 GZMAX GZCRIT 0 0 The minimum righting lever, GZCRIT , in metres, is calculated by the formula Mi GZ CRIT 0.04 where - displacement of the ship; Mi - is the largest of the tilting moments, due to: Agglomeration of all passengers on board; Simultaneous launching of all loaded life-saving appliances on one side; Wind pressure; determined as defined in 7.2. • The trim should be less than is necessary to cause uncontrollable flooding through permanent openings; • The longitudinal metacentric height should be positive, i.e. GML >0. UNCLASSIFIED 8 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 9. STABILITY CRITERIA FOR FLOATING DOCKS 9.1. Definition of conditions This stability criterion applies to all floating docks as defined in Section 2. The loading conditions to be considered in the stability assessment are as follows: • Critical displacement with ship docked; • Critical dislocation with no ship docked. The critical displacement is the one corresponding to the critical immersion of the floating dock. 9.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The metacentric height corrected for the effect of the liquid mirrors, the dock itself and the docked ship, GMF , for the critical mean immersion (when the water line is between the top and bottom of the piers) should be greater than 1.5 m; UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 13. STABILITY CRITERIA FOR BARGES AND PONTOONS 13.1. Intact stability for barges and pontoons 13.1.1. Definition of conditions The provisions set by this criterion apply to barges and pontoons, which may be of marine or river application. A vessel will normally be considered as a pontoon or barge: • without its own propulsion system; • unmanned; • carrying only deck cargo (general cargo, passengers, etc.) • having a carcase with the following characteristics: CB 0.9 , B .0 T • no hatches on deck, except for manholes closed with watertight lids. With regard to stability calculations, the following considerations should be taken into account: • Account for water absorption by the deck, and water accumulation on the cargo and/or deck when calculating the centre of gravity position; • As far as adornment by the wind is concerned: 1. The wind pressure shall be assumed to be constant, and uniformly distributed, and shall be considered to act along the length of the pontoon from the waterline to the maximum height of the load on deck. The wind pressure to be considered shall be P=0.54 kPa (wind speed 58 knots); 2. The vertical position of the load's centre of gravity should be assumed to be at mid-height of the load; 3. The windward bias should be considered as defined between the centroid of the sail area to half of the average barge immersion. UNCLASSIFIED 1 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • In the stability calculations all possible loading conditions must be analysed; • The angle of uncontrollable flooding should be defined on the basis of existing permanent openings, excluding all those provided with watertight hatches or covers, or self-closing tank vents. 13.1.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The static heeling angle due to wind pressure shall not exceed the angle corresponding to half the freeboard of the loading condition considered; • The minimum range of the righting lever curve should be 20° for barges and pontoons with a length between perpendiculars of 100 m or less, or 15° for barges and pontoons with a length of 150 m or more. Interpolated values shall be used for lengths between 100 and 150 m; • The metacentric height corrected for the effect of the liquid mirrors shall not be less than 0.3 m; • The uncontrollable flooding angle shall not be less than the edge dip angle. UNCLASSIFIED 2 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 13.2. Damage stability for barges and pontoons 13.2.1. Definition of conditions The basis for determining the extent of flooding is the length of damaged hull (open to the sea) at any point in the ship's length resulting from accident or enemy action. The criterion is based on the number of flooded watertight compartments. The watertight subdivision criterion shall ensure that the barges and pontoons shall be able to withstand at least the flooding of one main watertight compartment. The longitudinal extent of flooding is defined by the position of the transverse watertight bulkheads bounding these compartments. The maximum extent of transverse flooding is defined as damage resulting in transverse penetration up to the margin line, but not affecting any longitudinal watertight bulkhead at the margin line. Less transverse penetration shall be assumed where this results in flooding which has a greater impact on stability. It is assumed that all decks and platforms are not watertight, as this results in the most adverse situation due to flooding on upper decks, the effect of liquid mirrors, and the possibility of asymmetric flooding occurring. All decks and platforms located in the damaged area of the hull are also assumed to be damaged, and therefore not watertight. 13.2.2. Criterion The criteria to be met are as follows: • The angle of static heel or broken band should not lead to the edge immersion, or not exceed 10º if no edge immersion occurs; • The sag produced by the damage should not lead to the immersion of the edge; UNCLASSIFIED 3 ORIGINAL (Blank verso) UNCLASSIFIED ITDINAV 802 • The damaged metacentric height corrected for the effect of the liquid mirrors shall not be less than 0.15 m. UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORIGINAL (Blank verso)