library(tsibble) library(tsibbledata) library(feasts) library(fable) library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(magrittr) library(ggthemes) theme_set(theme_light()) theme_update(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) Question 1 (Exercise 2.10.4) library(USgas) ts = tsibble(us_total, index = year, key = state) ts_new_england = ts %>% filter(state %in% c('Maine', 'Vermont', 'New Hampshire', 'Massachusetts', 'Connecticut', 'Rhode Island')) autoplot(ts_new_england, y) + labs(x = 'Year', y = 'Demand for natural gas', title = 'Dynamic of demand for natural gas in New England' ) Question 2-1 (Exercise 2.10.9) aus = aus_production %>% filter(! aus %>% autoplot(Bricks) + labs(title = 'autoplot') aus %>% gg_season(Bricks) + labs(title = 'gg_season') aus %>% gg_subseries(Bricks) + labs(title = 'gg_subseries') aus %>% ACF(Bricks) %>% autoplot() + labs(title = 'ACF %>% autoplot') aus %>% gg_lag(Bricks, geom='point') + labs(title = 'gg_lag') + theme(legend.position = 'top') There was very strong upward trend up to 1980 year, then it stopped, and we have some downward trend after 1980. Also, there is definitely some seasonality — production in the first quarter almost always lower, than in other quarters. Third quarter usually is the most productive one. We have strong cyclicity as well, with period around 5 years. It’s interesting, that each cycle starts with extreme deep falling down, then ~ 5 years of recovery before next falling down. Question 2-2 (Exercise 5.11.1) aus %>% model(SNAIVE(Bricks ~ lag('year'))) %>% forecast(h=10) %>% autoplot(aus) + labs(title = 'Forecast with SNAIVE model') Question 2-3 (Exercise 5.11.11) A. STL decomposition Let’s try different window size for estimating seasonal component and compare their residuals. aus %>% filter(! %>% model(STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = "periodic"), robust = F)) %>% gg_tsresiduals() + labs(title = 'Season window = infinity') aus %>% filter(! %>% model(STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = 4), robust = F)) %>% gg_tsresiduals() + labs(title = 'Season window = 4') aus %>% filter(! %>% model(STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = 10), robust = F)) %>% gg_tsresiduals() + labs(title = 'Season window = 10') Decomposition with fixed seasonal component produces less autocorrelated residuals, let’s choose this one. dcmp = aus %>% filter(! %>% model(STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = "periodic"), robust = F)) %>% components() autoplot(dcmp) B + C. Seasonally adjusted data dcmp %<>% select(-.model) dcmp %>% model(NAIVE(season_adjust)) %>% forecast(h=10) %>% autoplot(dcmp) + labs(title = 'Seasonally adjusted data with naive forecast') D. decomposition_model() dcmp_full = aus %>% model(decomposition_model( STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = "periodic"), robust = F), NAIVE(season_adjust) )) dcmp_full %>% forecast(h=10) %>% autoplot(aus) E. Autocorrelation of residuals dcmp_full %>% gg_tsresiduals() At certain periods residuals looks autocorrelated. But in general — not much. F. Comparing with robust STL. dcmp_robust = aus %>% model(decomposition_model( STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = "periodic"), robust = T), NAIVE(season_adjust) )) dcmp_robust %>% gg_tsresiduals() I don’t see much difference here. Probably it’s because we don’t have a lot of outliers in the data. G. Compare SNAIVE and decomposition_model() forecasts train = head(aus, nrow(aus)-8) test = tail(aus, 8) fc = train %>% model(SNaive = SNAIVE(Bricks), Decomposition = decomposition_model( STL(Bricks ~ trend() + season(window = "periodic"), robust = F), NAIVE(season_adjust))) %>% forecast(h=8) fc %>% autoplot(tail(aus, 40), level=NULL) accuracy(fc, test) ## # A tibble: 2 x ## .model ## <chr> ## 1 Decomposition ## 2 SNaive 10 .type ME RMSE MAE MPE MAPE MASE RMSSE ACF1 <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> Test 8.00 18.1 13.8 1.82 3.36 NaN NaN 0.0957 Test 2.75 20 18.2 0.395 4.52 NaN NaN -0.0503 Decomposition model looks better. Seasonal recession in winter 2004 was unusually small, it gave some points to seasonal naive which predicts lower winter recession, but actually most winters had recession more like in decomposition model forecast. And even with that winter, RMSE, MAE and MAPE are all better with decomposition model. So I would choose it instead of seasonal naive model. Question 3 (Exercise 7.10.1) A. Relationship of temperature and demand jan14_vic_elec = vic_elec %>% filter(yearmonth(Time) == yearmonth("2014 Jan")) %>% index_by(Date = as_date(Time)) %>% summarise( Demand = sum(Demand), Temperature = max(Temperature) ) jan14_vic_elec %>% ggplot() + aes(Temperature, Demand) + geom_point(size=2) + geom_smooth(method='lm') + labs(title = 'January, 2014', x = 'Maximum daily temperature') Demand has positive correlation with temperature, because in hot days people are using airconditioner for cooling, it increases electricity demand. B. Residuals plot fit = jan14_vic_elec %>% model(TSLM(Demand ~ Temperature)) augment(fit) %>% ggplot(aes(Date)) + geom_line(aes(y = Demand, colour = "Data")) + geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, colour = "Fitted")) + scale_colour_manual(values = c(Data = "black", Fitted = "#D55E00")) + labs(title = 'Electricity demand for Victoria, Australia') + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Series")) augment(fit) %>% ggplot() + geom_point(aes(.fitted, .resid)) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + labs(x = 'Fitted value', y = 'Residual') report(fit) ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Series: Demand Model: TSLM Residuals: Min 1Q -49978.2 -10218.9 Median -121.3 3Q 18533.2 Max 35440.6 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 59083.9 17424.8 3.391 0.00203 ** Temperature 6154.3 601.3 10.235 3.89e-11 *** --Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 24540 on 29 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.7832, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7757 F-statistic: 104.7 on 1 and 29 DF, p-value: 3.8897e-11 In general, this model isn’t too bad. With R² 78% it catches most demand’s variability. Has some slightly outliers, days with very low demand regardless temperature 26-27 C. But it could be rainy days with relatively high temperature maximum which didn’t last long. C. Forecast Our model equation is Demand = 59083.9 + Temperature * 6154.3 With temperature = 15 C we wil predict demand 151398, with temperature 35 C — demand 274484. Second forecast looks fine for me, but I’m not so confident about forecast for 15 C, because I think, that there is some bottom line when people don’t use air-conditioned anymore, and maybe even turn on heater, so this linear relationship will not valid under that line. Since we don’t have such low temperature in January 2014, it’s hard to guess where that bottom line is. D. Confidence intervals One of easy ways to get confidence intervals is to use hilo() function: fit %>% forecast( new_data(jan14_vic_elec, 2) %>% mutate(Temperature = c(15, 35)) ) %>% hilo(level=c(80,95)) %>% unpack_hilo(c(`80%`, `95%`)) %>% select(Temperature, `80%_lower`, `80%_upper`, `95%_lower`, `95%_upper`, `.mean`) %>% mutate_all(round) ## # A tsibble: 2 x 7 [1D] ## Temperature `80%_lower` `80%_upper` `95%_lower` `95%_upper` .mean Date ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> ## 1 15 117908 184889 100179 202617 151398 2014-0201 ## 2 35 242088 306880 224939 324029 274484 2014-0202 E. Using whole dataset vic_elec_full = vic_elec %>% index_by(Date = as_date(Time)) %>% summarise( Demand = sum(Demand), Temperature = max(Temperature) ) vic_elec_full %>% ggplot() + aes(Temperature, Demand) + geom_point(color = 'midnightblue') + labs(title = 'Daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia', x = 'Maximum daily temperature') As we suggested earlier, at some point all air-conditioners already off, so decreasing in temperature don’t cause decreasing in energy demand. And when temperature goes even lower, approximately lower than 20C, people starting to use electricity for heating, so temperature and demand have negative correlation below 20C. Question 4 (Exercise 7.10.4) A. Time plot library(fpp3) autoplot(souvenirs) + labs(title = 'Sales of souvenir shop in Australia') We have clear yearly seasonality in this dataset — very high peaks before every Christmas, small peaks during the local surfing festival. Also, there is some trend over time — during years sells were increased. Peak before Christmas 1994 is ~ 5 times higher, than it was before Christmas 1988. B. Logging the data. Let’s take a look at distribution of monthly sales. ggplot(souvenirs) + geom_histogram(aes(Sales), bins=45, fill = 'midnightblue') As we can see, it has heavily right skewed distribution. Difference between most observations is relatively very small, some observations to the right are very far away. With such distribution it’s unlikely will have linear relationship with other variables, unless that variable will have same shape of distribution. If we take a log of it, it will look like this: souv = souvenirs %>% tsibble(index = Month) %>% mutate(Sales = log(Sales)) ggplot(souv) + geom_histogram(aes(Sales), bins=45, fill = 'midnightblue') autoplot(souv) + labs(y = 'Log of sales') Such variable will probably have more linear relationship with other variables. Also, trend is much more linear now, which is important because we wil use linear trend as predictor. C. Fitting linear model For adding linear trend over time we can just add numbers from 0 up to 83 (because we have 84 observations), this way trend will be estimated during linear regression and will be chosen the trend which minimize squared errors. Also, we need to add seasonal dummy variables as well as “surfing festival”, which will equal 1 every March and 0 at any other month. In order to avoid perfect multicollinearity among 4 seasons, we will use spring as baseline season, so coefficients for rest 3 seasons will reflect the difference in compare with spring. souv$trend = 0:83 souv$fest = 0 souv[month(souv$Month) == 3, 'fest'] = 1 souv$winter = 0 souv$spring = 0 souv$summer = 0 souv$autumn = 0 souv[month(souv$Month) %in% c(12, 1, 2), 'winter'] = 1 souv[month(souv$Month) %in% c(3, 4, 5), 'spring'] = 1 souv[month(souv$Month) %in% c(6, 7, 8), 'summer'] = 1 souv[month(souv$Month) %in% c(9, 10, 11), 'autumn'] = 1 souv_lm = souv %>% model(TSLM(Sales ~ trend + fest + winter + summer + autumn)) augment(souv_lm) %>% ggplot(aes(Month)) + geom_line(aes(y = Sales, colour = "Data")) + geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, colour = "Fitted")) + scale_colour_manual(values = c(Data = "black", Fitted = '#0055CC')) + labs(title = 'Fitted linear model', y = 'Log of sales') + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Series")) D. Residuals plots against time and fitted values gg_tsresiduals(souv_lm) + labs(title = 'Residuals against time') augment(souv_lm) %>% ggplot() + geom_point(aes(.fitted, .innov), color = 'midnightblue') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + labs(x = 'Fitted value', y = 'Residual', title = 'Residuals against fitted values' ) Plot of residuals against fitted values doesn’t reveal much of interesting for me, but against time — definitely does. We can see strong yearly seasonality for some months, not for each month though. Also if we’ll take a look at ACF plot of residuals, there is very strong autocorrelation with lag 12, which tells same thing once more time — yearly seasonality of residuals. E. Boxplots of the residuals month augment(souv_lm) %>% ggplot() + geom_boxplot(aes(.innov, factor([month(Month)], levels =, fill = as.factor(month(Month)))) + labs(x = 'Residual', y = 'Month', title = 'Residuals for each month') + coord_flip() + theme(legend.position = 'none', axis.text.x = element_text(angle=-90, hjust = 0)) Here we can see more clearly, which months have bias residuals. Predictions for period from November up to February are very poor with our current model, especially December. F. Interpretation of coefficients report(souv_lm) ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Series: Sales Model: TSLM Residuals: Min 1Q Median -0.97322 -0.24768 -0.04151 3Q 0.17522 Max 1.41261 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.946636 0.160486 49.516 < 2e-16 *** trend 0.024344 0.002257 10.786 < 2e-16 *** fest 0.302670 0.231154 1.309 0.19425 winter 0.339953 0.172277 1.973 0.05200 . summer 0.146501 0.172366 0.850 0.39796 autumn 0.464935 0.172720 2.692 0.00869 ** --Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.4993 on 78 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.6247, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6007 ## F-statistic: 25.97 on 5 and 78 DF, p-value: 2.4365e-15 Trend: each month baseline of prediction increases by 2.5% (starting from 2826 at first month) Surfing festival: increases prediction by 35.3% Winter: increases prediction by 40.5% Summer: increases prediction by 15.8% Autumn: increases prediction by 59.2% G. Ljung-Box test Box.test(augment(souv_lm)$.innov, lag = 12, type = "Ljung") ## ## Box-Ljung test ## ## data: augment(souv_lm)$.innov ## X-squared = 81.2, df = 12, p-value = 2.435e-12 According to Ljung-Box test, residuals of our model are definitely autocorrelated (well, we already hadn’t any doubts about that). It means, that we can make our predictions more accurate. H. Forecast souv_lm %>% forecast(new_data = souv[1:36, ] %>% mutate(trend = 84:119, Month = Month+84)) %>% mutate(Sales = exp(Sales)) %>% autoplot(souv %>% mutate(Sales = exp(Sales))) I. Suggestions about improvement We added dummy variable for March and median residual for March ic close to zero. We should do the same for December, it’s absolutely necessary. After we add it, coefficient for winter will be significantly reduced and predictions for January/February will become much more accurate kind of automatically. Still, it’s probably worth to add dummy variable for January as well, because after people buy a lot in December seems like they don’t but much in January. Question 5 Introduction We will analyze dataset with monthly sales for a souvenir shop on the wharf at a beach resort town in Queensland, Australia. It was opened in January 1987 and we have data up to December 1993, so it’s 7 years in total. Over time this shop was expanded and sales did grow. Sales are different depending on which time of year it is — for example, there is local surfing festival every March, so people buy many gifts at that month. Also, people buy a lot of gifts before Christmas. Plot below shows, how sales of this shop changed every month: We can see high peak every December. Also, there is upward trend over time. Predictors We want to model sales, using linear regression. It means, that we will take few variables and say, that sales at certain month will be a linear combination of those variables at that month. We will call those variables “predictors”. We will use 6 predictors: 1. Baseline (Intercept): it will have identical value for each month, which will reflect expected amount of sales, if all other predictors equal to zero. 2. Trend: Since over time our shop is growing, each month we will add some value to expected amount of sales, same value every time. 3. Surfing festival: this variable will be equal to 1, if there was surfing festival at this month, and 0 otherwise. 4. Winter: 1 for winter months and 0 otherwise. 5. Summer: 1 for summer months and 0 otherwise. 6. Autumn: 1 for autumn months and 0 otherwise. Note, that we will not use variable for spring, because if all 3 seasonal variables (winter, spring and autumn) are equal to 0, we already know that it’s spring then. Also, it means that our baseline prediction, when all variables are equal to zero, will be prediction as if it would be spring, even if it’s January, for example. We could choose any season for baseline, I did choose spring because later it will have the lowest coefficient among 4 seasons, so coefficient for other seasons will indicate, how much sales are increased at that season compared to spring, I think it makes interpretation slightly clearer. Log-transformation Since each month we will increase expected value of sales at the same value, we will model trend as straight line. It would look like this: As you can guess, such model will not very accurate, because in reality the trend isn’t linear, it grows slowly at the beginning and then grows faster and faster. Convenient way to fix it is to model logarithm of sales instead of amount of sales itself. In this case it will look like this: Of course, it’s not perfect, but it’s definitely much better. Starting point of this trend line is our first variable, “intercept”. Variable “trend” reflects the slope of this line. Rest 4 variables (Surfing festival and 3 seasonal variables) will increase expected log of sales at some fixed amount for each variable. We will estimate this amount for each variable, using OLS regression, i.e. we will estimate them that way, which will give as small mean squared error, as possible. Linear model summary After we did it, we have the linear model, which can be described with summary table below: ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.946636 0.160486 49.516 < 2e-16 *** trend 0.024344 0.002257 10.786 < 2e-16 *** fest 0.302670 0.231154 1.309 0.19425 winter 0.339953 0.172277 1.973 0.05200 . summer 0.146501 0.172366 0.850 0.39796 autumn 0.464935 0.172720 2.692 0.00869 ** --Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## Residual standard error: 0.4993 on 78 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.6247, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6007 ## F-statistic: 25.97 on 5 and 78 DF, p-value: 2.4365e-15 Column “estimate” shows, how much that variable increases logarithm of sales. The right column, called “Pr(>|t|)”, shows probability, that estimate for that variable actually should be zero and it’s not zero only due random chance. It’s not very clear, what increasing in logarithm of sales represents. It’s easy to look at them this way: Trend: each month expected value increases by 2.5% (starting from 2826 at first month) Surfing festival: increases prediction by 35.3% Winter: increases prediction by 40.5% Summer: increases prediction by 15.8% Autumn: increases prediction by 59.2% In case you wonder, how I calculated these percentage values, I used this formula: ((exp(estimate) - 1) * 100) Adjusted R² in that summary table shows, how much of total variability of sales our model was able to catch. P-value of F-statistic (it’s the last row in summary table) shows the probability, that all our predictors are useless. This probability basically equal to zero. On the plot below we can see, how fitted values of our model looks like: Residuals Now let’s analyze not what our model catches, but what it didn’t. Group of 3 plot below shows some information about residuals of our model, i.e how much each fitted value is off from the real data. From the first sublot we can see, that each November and, especially, each December real amount of sales is higher than what our model predicts. For January and February, it’s the opposite — real data always lower. From second subplot, the one at the left, we can see, that each residual is very similar to residual for same month previous year. So, if we would correct prediction based on residual 12 months ago, our predictions would become much better. The last subplot shows distribution of residuals. In perfect scenario it would look like Gaussian distribution, but of course it doesn’t. Also, we can check residuals for each month separately, using plot like this: Here we can see basically same things, just with different representation, clearer in some aspects. Forecast Now we will forecast sales in next 3 years, 1994—1996 (regardless downsides of our current model). Painted over areas will represent confidence intervals of our predictions, with 80% and 95% level of certainty. Here it is: Here is the same forecast as a table: Date 1994 Jan 1994 Feb 1994 Mar 1994 Apr 1994 May 1994 Jun 1994 Jul 1994 Aug 1994 Sep 1994 Oct 1994 Nov 1994 Dec 1995 Jan 1995 Feb 1995 Mar 1995 Apr 1995 May 1995 Jun 1995 Jul 1995 Aug 1995 Sep Prediction For sales 80% lower 80% upper 95% lower 95% upper 30685 31441 31037 23496 24075 28561 29265 29986 42246 43287 44353 40107 41095 42108 41567 31468 32244 38251 39193 40159 56579 15746 16125 15443 11946 12233 14631 14983 15343 21641 22162 22694 20442 20931 21432 20524 15873 16253 19441 19905 20380 28756 59797 61304 62375 46214 47381 55753 57161 58605 82467 84549 86685 78691 80686 82732 84186 62384 63968 75261 77173 79134 111323 11061 11324 10672 8351 8549 10268 10512 10761 15188 15548 15917 14308 14645 14990 14126 11050 11309 13587 13906 14232 20097 85126 87298 90258 66113 67803 79441 81473 83558 117505 120511 123595 112428 115320 118288 122317 89619 91930 107689 110467 113318 159288 1995 Oct 1995 Nov 1995 Dec 1996 Jan 1996 Feb 1996 Mar 1996 Apr 1996 May 1996 Jun 1996 Jul 1996 Aug 1996 Sep 1996 Oct 1996 Nov 1996 Dec 57973 59402 53715 55038 56395 55670 42145 43183 51229 52491 53785 75775 77642 79556 71939 29443 30146 27131 27777 28437 27232 21057 21557 25788 26401 27028 38145 39051 39978 35951 114150 117051 106345 109056 111837 113805 84351 86504 101766 104365 107031 150527 154371 158315 143951 20569 21052 18899 19340 19792 18650 14584 14924 17932 18349 18776 26524 27141 27773 24902 163397 167615 152666 156626 160691 166171 121790 124957 146353 150160 154068 216478 222109 227889 207819