Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Date: 06/08/2021 ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARD EDS 05-9112 TELEPROTECTION DESIGN Network(s): EPN, LPN, SPN Summary: Standard designs and arrangements for teleprotection schemes at all voltage levels. Author: David Jeyakumar Date: 06/08/2021 Approver: Paul Williams Date: 10/09/2021 This document forms part of the Company's Integrated Business System and its requirements are mandatory throughout UK Power Networks. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the Director of Asset Management. If you have any queries about this document please contact the author or owner of the current version. Circulation UK Power Networks External ☒ Asset Management ☒ UK Power Networks Services ☒ Capital Programme ☐ Contractors ☒ Connections ☒ ICPs/IDNOs ☐ Health & Safety ☐ Meter Operators ☐ Legal ☒ G81 Website ☒ Network Operations ☐ Procurement ☐ Strategy & Regulation ☐ Technical Training THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT, THE READER MUST CONFIRM ITS VALIDITY BEFORE USE Version: 2.0 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 Revision Record Version 2.0 Review Date 23/04/2026 Date 06/08/2021 Author David Jeyakumar Reason for update: Publication on G81, inclusion of ‘End-to-end Underground Fibre’ designs, requirement to keep fibres as operational spares, and requirement to ensure black start resilience. What has changed: Publication on G81. Information for ICPs and IDNOs in the design selection flowcharts. Information for ICPs and IDNOs in Table 6-1. Instructions provided to ensure black start resilience, where applicable, in section 5.1.2. Designs and flowcharts updated to allow ‘End-to-end underground fibre’. Flowcharts updated with requirement to maintain a percentage of fibres for operational spares. Drawings EDS 05-9112.111, 303, 311, 403, 411 and 501 updated Minor corrections to some of the designs. Version 1.0 Review Date 23/04/2026 Date 03/02/2021 Author David Jeyakumar New design standard for teleprotection. © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 2 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 2 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 4 3 Glossary and Abbreviations ................................................................................... 4 4 Designs .................................................................................................................... 5 5 Design Selection for Projects ................................................................................. 6 5.1 Instructions ................................................................................................................ 6 5.1.1 General instructions................................................................................................... 6 5.1.2 Black start resilience (BSR) / electricity system restoration standard (ESRS) ............ 6 5.1.3 Using the communication system for SCADA ............................................................ 6 5.1.4 Complex Projects ...................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Instructions for Connections, Reinforcement, and Protection Asset Replacement ..... 7 5.2.1 11kV and 6.6kV ......................................................................................................... 7 5.2.2 33kV .......................................................................................................................... 8 5.2.3 132kV and 66kV ........................................................................................................ 9 5.3 Instructions for Pilot Cable Asset Replacement ....................................................... 10 6 Relevant Standards and Procedures ................................................................... 11 7 Cost Estimation Tools ........................................................................................... 12 8 References ............................................................................................................. 12 8.1 UK Power Networks Standards ............................................................................... 12 8.2 National and International Standards ....................................................................... 12 9 Dependent Documents.......................................................................................... 12 Figures Figure 5-1 – Design flowchart for 11kV and 6.6kV teleprotection .......................................... 7 Figure 5-2 – Design flowchart for 33kV teleprotection ........................................................... 8 Figure 5-3 – Design flowchart for 132kV and 66kV teleprotection (part 1) ............................. 9 Figure 5-4 – Design flowchart for 132kV and 66kV teleprotection (part 2) ........................... 10 Tables Table 4-1 – Standard designs ............................................................................................... 5 Table 6-1 – Relevant procedures and standards ................................................................. 11 © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 3 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 1 Introduction This engineering design standard details the standard designs and arrangements for teleprotection schemes across all voltage levels. Teleprotection refers to the signalling and communications between protection IEDs to quickly isolate faults. Examples are unit protection and intertrip schemes. Section 4 states the standard designs and arrangements. Section 5 has instructions for selecting the applicable designs for a given project. Section 6 states other applicable standards and procedures for teleprotection. Section 7 introduces estimation tools that can be used for project costing (not applicable to ICPs and IDNOs). 2 Scope This document applies to teleprotection schemes at all voltage levels, driven by connections, load reinforcement, and asset replacement. 3 Glossary and Abbreviations Term Definition AFL Organisation that supplies and installs fibre wrap systems BSR Black start resilience ESRS Electricity system restoration standard ICP Independent Connection Provider IDNO Independent Distribution Network Operator IED Intelligent electronic device OFTN Operational Fibre Telecoms Network; a fibre network connecting approximately 200 substations across EPN and SPN. OHL Overhead line Openreach Owner and operator of UK-wide fibre infrastructure on which communications services (referred to in this standard as Openreach products) are provided. POC Point of connection SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition UG Underground UHF Ultra high frequency UK Power Networks UK Power Networks (Operations) Ltd consists of three electricity distribution networks: Eastern Power Networks plc (EPN). London Power Network plc (LPN). South Eastern Power Networks plc (SPN). © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 4 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 4 Designs Table 4-1 states the standard designs for teleprotection. Table 4-1 – Standard designs Design and Document number Design name 101 EDS 05-9112-101 11kV and 6.6kV Teleprotection – Overhead Line Fibre 102 EDS 05-9112-102 11kV and 6.6kV Teleprotection – Openreach Product 111 EDS 05-9112-111 11kV and 6.6kV Teleprotection - Substation Arrangements 301 EDS 05-9112-301 33kV Teleprotection - Overhead Line Fibre 302 EDS 05-9112-302 33kV Teleprotection - Openreach Products 303 EDS 05-9112-303 33kV Teleprotection - Connecting to the OFTN - Fibre Spur 304 EDS 05-9112-304 33kV Teleprotection - Connecting to the OFTN - Openreach Products 311 EDS 05-9112-311 33kV Teleprotection - Substation Arrangements 401 EDS 05-9112-401 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Overhead Line Fibre 402 EDS 05-9112-402 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Openreach Products 403 EDS 05-9112-403 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Connecting to the OFTN - Fibre Spur 404 EDS 05-9112-404 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Existing OHL Fibre - POC is a Splice Tower 405 EDS 05-9112-405 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Existing OHL Fibre - POC is NOT a Splice Tower 405A EDS 05-9112-405A Underground Fibre to Existing Splice Tower 405B EDS 05-9112-405B Fibre Wrap from POC Tower to Splice Tower 405C EDS 05-9112-405C Create new Splice Tower 406 EDS 05-9112-406 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Connecting to the OFTN Openreach Product 411 EDS 05-9112-411 132kV and 66kV Teleprotection - Substation Arrangements 421 EDS 05-9112-421 132kV and 66kV - Protection IED Connection - Via Multiplexer 501 EDS 05-9112-501 End-to-end Underground Fibre 511 EDS 05-9112-511 Multiplexer Rack and Cabinet General Arrangement 521 EDS 05-9112-521 Protection IED Connection - Direct Fibre Teleprotection 522 EDS 05-9112-522 Protection IED Connection - Via Multiplexer 523 EDS 05-9112-523 Overhead Line Fibre - Tower Arrangements and Splicing 581 EDS 05-9112-581 UHF Voice Frequency Teleprotection © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 5 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 5 Design Selection for Projects 5.1 Instructions 5.1.1 General instructions Use the flowcharts in sections 5.2 to 5.3 to select the communications option(s) and designs. 5.1.2 Black start resilience (BSR) / electricity system restoration standard (ESRS) Multiplexer systems and Openreach hardware shall be powered from substation SCADA battery systems. Therefore, where a site has a BSR requirement, this shall be assured as part of any teleprotection works, as detailed in points a), b), and c) below. Furthermore, even if a substation has no BSR requirement, the multiplexer and/or Openreach circuit may be providing critical BSR communications for other sites (this could be the case if the substation is part of the OFTN). In such a scenario, the substation SCADA batteries shall be made BSR compliant, as per points a), b), and c) below. Consult UK Power Networks Operational Telecoms department for clarification in this regard. a) If a new substation, the multiplexer and Openreach hardware loading shall be factored into the capacity/rating of the substation’s SCADA battery system. b) If an existing substation where a new multiplexer system and/or Openreach hardware is being installed, the increased loading on the existing SCADA battery system shall be assessed and interventions carried out to ensure continued BSR compliance. This may require enhancement or upgrade of the existing battery system or a full replacement of the battery system. c) Point b) also applies if an existing multiplexer or Openreach circuit is being modified, e.g. by the addition or replacement of hardware cards, provision of new Openreach circuits, etc. 5.1.3 Using the communication system for SCADA To maximise asset utilisation and manage operational costs, the communication system installed for teleprotection (as per this standard) shall also be used for SCADA communications as per EDS 05-9111. Furthermore, where a third-party owned premise is involved, security requirements shall be implemented as per EDS 05-9111. 5.1.4 Complex Projects The instructions in sections 5.2 to 5.3 are suited for the majority of projects that involve one type of communications link between the substations. For more complex projects that involve a mix of communications types between substations, these instructions shall be applied for each teleprotection circuit, and then combined, in consultation with Operational Telecoms, to produce the complete design and arrangement. © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 6 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 5.2 Instructions for Connections, Reinforcement, and Protection Asset Replacement 5.2.1 11kV and 6.6kV Figure 5-1 – Design flowchart for 11kV and 6.6kV teleprotection © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 7 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 5.2.2 33kV Figure 5-2 – Design flowchart for 33kV teleprotection © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 8 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 5.2.3 132kV and 66kV Figure 5-3 – Design flowchart for 132kV and 66kV teleprotection (part 1) © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 9 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 Figure 5-4 – Design flowchart for 132kV and 66kV teleprotection (part 2) 5.3 Instructions for Pilot Cable Asset Replacement The design selection flowcharts of section 5.2 are applicable, with the following additional option: UHF point-to-point radio for voice frequency teleprotection, for permanent deployment at 33kV, 22kV, and 11kV only. See design EDS 05-9112-581. © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 10 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 6 Relevant Standards and Procedures Table 6-1 states the standards and procedures for teleprotection systems. Table 6-1 – Relevant procedures and standards Activity Procedure or standard Information for ICPs & IDNOs Underground fibre Fibre cables, ducts, chambers & joint closures EAS 02-0000 & EAS 02-0080 Underground fibre installation ECS 02-0066 Overhead line fibre OPGW & OPPC, fittings, & joint closures EAS 01-0000 & EAS 01-0331 Fibre wrap cables, fittings, and joint closures EAS 01-0332 Condition considerations for OHL fibre EDS 01-0058 OPGW/OPPC installation ED1SON Alliance procedures Fibre wrap installation AFL procedures, carried out by ED1SON Alliance OHL fibre terminations ECS 02-0068 By AFL-accredited contractors only. Openreach products Openreach product planning, design & delivery See Note 1 below. Installing Openreach fibre in substations ECS 02-0066 ICPs & IDNOs are NOT permitted to carry this out. Substation building fibre works Substation fibre hardware In progress Multiplexer system EAS 05-9000 Substation building fibre works ECS 05-9212 Contact UK Power Networks Operational Telecoms for site-specific design. Optical fibre splicing and testing Optical fibre splicing and testing ECP 11-0009 UHF Voice Frequency Radio Teleprotection Radio equipment EAS 05-9231 Initial desktop study Contact Operational Telecoms UHF planning, design, and installation Contact Operational Telecoms SCADA Utilising the teleprotection system for SCADA EDS 05-9111 Note 1 – the documents for planning, design, and delivery of Openreach products are located at the following Alfresco location and link - Documents / Reference Library / SCADA and Operational Telecoms / OFTN / Openreach Products (Alfresco link) © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 11 of 12 Teleprotection Design Document Number: EDS 05-9112 Version: 2.0 Date: 06/08/2021 7 Cost Estimation Tools Cost estimation tools for certain types of teleprotection schemes are located in Alfresco at the following path and link: Documents / Reference Library / SCADA and Operational Telecoms / OFTN / Cost Estimation Tools (Alfresco link) As these tools include commercial information from UK Power Networks’ contracts, they cannot and shall not be provided to ICPs or IDNOs. 8 References 8.1 UK Power Networks Standards EAS 01-0000 Approved Materials List - Overhead Lines EAS 01-0331 Overhead Line Fibre Optic Conductors EAS 01-0332 Optical Fibre Wrap Cables and Associated Components EAS 02-0000 Approved Equipment List - Cables and Joints EAS 02-0080 Underground Fibre Optic Cables EAS 05-9000 Approved Equipment List - RTU and Control Equipment EAS 05-9231 Radio Systems by Westica Communications ECP 11-0009 Optical Fibre Splicing, Testing and Commissioning Procedure ECS 02-0066 Underground Optical Fibre Installation ECS 02-0068 Overhead Lines Optical Fibre Splices and Terminations ECS 05-9212 Substation Building Fibre Works EDS 01-0058 Condition Consideration when Planning Overhead Line Fibre EDS 05-9111 Operational Communications Design 8.2 National and International Standards N/A 9 Dependent Documents The documents below are dependent on the content of this document and may be affected by any changes. EDS 05-9111 Operational Communications Design © UK Power Networks 2021 All rights reserved 12 of 12