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R Programming Assignment for B.Tech Students

Program: -B.Tech
Faculty Name:- Dr. Archana Chowdhury
Course Name:- R
Course Code: -D022832(22)
Max Marks:- 20
Assignment- 2(Even Sem 2023)
Note: - Each Question carries 4 marks.
1. Create a list with a vector having 4 elements and a matrix having 6 elements arranged in 2 rows. Give
names to the elements of the list and print the elements using the given names.
(CO-4, PO-1,2,3, Level-4)[4]
2.State the use of apply() function in R Programming? Create two rectangular matrix each of 3 rows and 3
columns using two vectors (2,4,6) and (1,3,5,7,9,11) and find the sum of elements in the rows of the array
across the two matrices?
(CO-4, PO-1, 2,3, Level-3)[4]
3. Specify which data object is used to categorize the data and store it in levels? Is it possible to change
the order of the levels as per the user?
(CO-4, PO-1, 2,3, Level-3)[4]
4.Create a dataframe for 5 students having roll number, name, Final marks, admission date and print it.
Again print only the name and Final marks of the students.
(CO-5, PO-1, 2,3 Level-5)[4]
5.Describe how read and write operation is performed in CSV file.
(CO-5, PO-1, 2, 3, Level-2)[4]
Program: -CSE
Subject Teacher: Ms. Lincy Mendonza
Sem: 8th
Subject Code:D000818(022)
Max Marks- 20
Subject Name:BLOCK
Assignment 2 (Even Sem 2023)
1. Explain the folllowing terms
Ethereum Virtual machine(EVM)
Smart Contacts(CO-4, PO-1, Level-2) (4)
2. Explain Blockchain 3.0
(CO-4, PO-1, Level-2) (4)
3. Explain Bitcoin Consensus.
(CO-5, PO-1, Level-2) (4)
4. Explain Merkley tree(CO-5, PO-1, Level-2) (4)
5. Explain Altcoins
(CO-5, PO-1, Level-2) (4)
Program: - B. Tech
Faculty Name:- Rupesh Mude
Sem:- 8th
Course Name : - Cyber
Course Code: - D022811(022)
Max Marks:- 20
Law and Intellectual
Assignment- 2
Note: - Each Question carries 4 marks.
Discuss the significance of Intellectual Property Management.
(CO-3, PO-1.2, Level-1) [4]
Write short note on World Intellectual Property Organisation
(CO-3, PO-1, Level-2) [4]
Explain why should I apply for a patent.
(CO-4, PO-2, Level-2) [4]
Different Between Product patent and Process patent
What does patent infringement mean and types of patent infringements?
(CO-4, PO-1, Level-1) [4]
(CO-5, PO-2, Level-1) [4]