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Corpse Bride Movie Assignment: Questions & Analysis

Assignment on “Corpse Bride” by Tim Burton
1. Do you know who the director of this animation film is?
2. Who are the main characters?
3. How the wedding was perceived by parents and potential bride and groom?
What was the benefit of parents on both sides?
4. Why did the pastor cancel the rehearsal of Victor and Victoria's wedding?
5. Victor went to the forest, where he rehearsed his vow. What happened next?
6. What did Emily promise herself when she woke up in the afterlife?
7. What did Emily give Victor as a wedding gift? How did he react to the gift?
8. Victor decided to return to the land of the living at all costs and explain
everything to Victoria. How did he do it and did he manage to stay there?
9. What did Victoria's parents decide after they were convinced that Victor had
run away with another woman?
Why did Bittern Barkis decide to marry Victoria?
Why was Victor and Emily's marriage invalid? What had to be done to
change that?
Why did the duel between Lord Barkis and Victor begin? What kind of
weapon did Victor have?
By this point, we have already learned that Lord Barkis killed Emily and
stole her family's fortune. How exactly he killed her?
Why did Emily become a flock of butterflies and not just return to the
world of the dead?
Didn't it seem to you that the colors in the world of the dead were much
brighter than in the world of the living?
What can you say about Nell Van Dort, Victor's mom?
ominous – |ˈɒmɪnəs|– зловещий
fish merchant – |ˈmɜːtʃ(ə)nt| – рыбный торговец
state of affairs – положение дел
to marry off smb – выдать кого–либо замуж, женить
to do smb in – переутомить, губить, убить
to deserve better – заслуживать большего
impeccable – |ɪmˈpekəb(ə)l| – безукоризненный
how rude of smb – как грубо с чье–либо стороны
aflutter – |əˈflʌtə| – трепетный
set on fire — воспламенять, поджигать
wedding feast – свадебный банкет
plan to elope – |ɪˈləʊp| – план побега
town crier – глашатай
kind of jumpy– немного не в себе
make haste – поспешить