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ReCon SL Repair Mortar Method Statement

Conmix Ltd.
CMS NO.: Sec-2/203
Issue No.: 01
Page 1 of 3
Date: 06.09.2015
Two-Component, Polymer-Modified, Graded Aggregate-Reinforced
Structural Repair Mortar
The following equipment shall be used: FOR MIXING
Low speed hand drill 400-600 rpm
Mixing paddle
Mixing bucket to hold 1 full bag (22kgs) of repair mortar
Trowel, Spatula, Chisel, Electric Grinder, Wire Brush
Measuring cylinder
Thermometer to check temperature
Optional: Chipping Hammer, Hi-Pressure Washer, Wet Grit Blaster
 Inspect concrete surfaces to receive repair mortar and verify that they are free of
dirt, grease, oil, curing compounds, paints, impregnations and all loose material
or foreign matter as they likely to affect the bond or performance of the repair
 Confirm newly placed concrete has been cured sufficiently to attain its design
strength and limit further shrinkage.
 The surface should be roughened by chipping, sand-blasting, grinding or other
mechanical means to ensure effective bonding of repair mortar to the existing
All surfaces to be repaired must be clean, sound and dry, free of mould release agents,
bond-breaking coatings, curing compounds or any other form of contamination that may
affect the bond strength of the repair material by mechanical means, i.e. wire brushing,
water-jet washing, etc.
 Determine areas to be repaired by visual inspection and hammer sounding.
Highlight all areas where concrete quality is suspect.
Conmix Ltd.
CMS NO.: Sec-2/203
Issue No.: 01
Page 2 of 3
Date: 06.09.2015
 Saw cut perimeter maximum 10mm depth but don’t cut steel reinforcements.
 Remove poor quality concrete in the repair area until sound concrete apparent.
Ensure the surfaces are left in a rough condition. All edges ideally should be cut
at right angles. Feather edges are usually points of weakness.
 The concrete to receive the repair material should be clean and all dirt, grease
and debris should be removed. For exposed steel reinforcement, if half of the
diameter of the rebar is exposed, chip out behind the rebar minimum 10mm.
 Use of ReCon Zinc if rebar corrosion protection is critical. ReCon Zinc should
be applied to the rebar as soon as possible after preparation work.
 Pre-wet/saturate the concrete surface which is to receive ReCon SL with clean
water before application. Surface to be repaired must NOT be allowed to dry out
prior to application of repair mortar.
 Apply FitBond AR (optional) as a primer for proper bonding of ReCon SL to the
 Mix ReCon SL following the instructions on the Technical Data Sheet.
 Apply ReCon SL to the prepared area by hand (using gloves) or by pouring and
allow to level. Use formworks, if necessary.
 Work up pouring and levelling of the repair mortar in one continuous process.
 Finish off and smooth the material using steel trowel. Scrape off splashes/excess
using the edge of the trowel after the initial setting.
 Allow curing for at least 24-hours.
CONMIX’s repair mortars are manufactured to allow mixing at ambient temperatures up
to 30c. Any loss in workability may be compensated by using chilled water or application
during early morning or in the evening and by cooling/shading arrangement.
1. Mix ReCon SL at ratio of 1Lit-Part A to 6Kgs-Part B for at least 3 minutes.
2. For repairing thickness beyond up to 100 mm can be done in one layer.
Conmix Ltd.
CMS NO.: Sec-2/203
Issue No.: 01
Page 3 of 3
Date: 06.09.2015
The method of curing can be any of the following:
Water-curing by spreading wet hessian cloth/gunny bags over the surface
Polyethylene Sheets taped at the edges
Mist Spray
Use of suitable curing compound, such as JetCure WB or JetCure GP
Note: If topping and coating is used over JetCure WB, remove remaining film of
JetCure WB prior to further application. JetCure GP will not leave any film over repair
materials, therefore no cleaning required prior to the application of topping or coating.
All tools must be cleaned with Water or Conmix’s cleaner immediately after application.
If the material sets on the tools, mechanical cleaning will be required.
1. Store repair material in original bags in the shade.
2. Keep dry.
3. Use repair material only from original, unopened bags that are clearly labelled with
the manufacturer’s identification & printed instructions.
 Gloves, Mask, Eye Protection, Helmets, Protective Boots.
ReCon SL is alkaline in nature, wear water protective clothing, goggles and gloves. In case
of contact with skin, wash with water. In case of contact with eyes, flush with water
immediately and consult a physician.
For further advise, on site training and demonstrations, please contact:
Conmix Ltd. Technical Service Department.