UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO TURFLOOP CAMPUS FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH SSTA031 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 COURSE DESCRIPTIVE In this course we look at the applied issues of Time Series Analysis. We will combine theoretical work with the use of computer techniques for model solution. The purpose of this series of lectures is to provide students with sufficient background in modern Time Series Analysis to choose techniques suited both to the data-source and the Time Series model. The course places some emphasis on the link between Time Series theory and forecasting estimation and deals explicitly with interpretation and critical appraisal of forecasting estimates. LEARNING OUTCOMES After successful completion of the module, the student should be able to : i. Understand the basic theory of time series analysis and forecasting approaches; ii. Synthesize the relevant statistical knowledge and techniques for forecasting; iii. Use procedures in popular statistical software for the analysis of time series and forecasting; iv. Interpret analysis results and make recommendations for the choice of forecasting methods; v. Produce and evaluate forecasts for given time series; vi. Present analysis results of forecasting problems. Lecturer : Mr K.N Maswanganyi ; Mr R.J Lebogo Office Number : 2004D; 2027 (Maths Building) Tel Number : 015 268 3680; 015 268 3587 Lecturing Venue : Check the Main Timetable Lecture Notes : A copy of Lecture notes will be available on UL blackboard. The notes do not include proofs of stationarity/invertibility , so students are advised to take additional notes in class. 2|Page 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES READING LIST Although lecture notes are provided, it is important that you reinforce this material by referring to more detailed texts. RECOMMENDED TEXTS • • • Chris Chatfield (2004).The Analysis of Time Series, An Introduction, Six Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC. Cryer, D. C. and Chan, K (2008). Time Series Analysis with Application in R, 2nd Edition, Springer. Wei W.W.S (2006) Time Series Analysis, Univariate and Multivariate Methods, Second Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS • • • • Cryer, D. J. (1986) Time Series Analysis, Duxbury Press Abraham B. and Ledolter J. (1983) Statistical Methods for Forecasting Wiley Series, New York Peter J. Brockwell and Richard A.Davis (2002), Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting ,Second Edition,Springer. TIME SCHEDULE The lecture topics within the semester are as in the following schedule: Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dates 30 Jan-03 Feb 06-10 Feb 13-17 Feb 20 -24 Feb 27 Feb-03 Mar 06 -10 Mar 13-17 Mar Topics Introduction to Time Series Introduction to Time Series The Model Building Strategy Models for Stationary Time Series Models for Stationary Time Series Models for Non-Stationary Time Series Models for Non-Stationary Time Series Chapters 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 AUTUMN RECESS :20-24 March 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 27-31 Mar 03 -07 Apr 10-14 Apr 17 -21 Apr 24 -28 Apr 01-05 May 08 -12 May 15-19 May 3|Page Models for Non-Stationary Time Series Parameter Estimation Parameter Estimation Model Specification and Diagnostics Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting REVISION WEEK 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 NOTATIONS Symbol Description xt Observed time series at time t {xt } Observed time series for all t ∇k k -th order differencing ∇ ks Seasonal differencing Ε( x ) Mean of x γ k and ACVF Autocovariance function ρ k and ACF Autocorrelation function Φ kk and PACF Partial autocorrelation function ( WN 0, σ 2 ( N 1, σ 2 ) ) White noise with mean 0 and variance σ 2 Normally distributed with mean 1 and variance σ 2 IID Independent,identically distributed AR( p ) Autoregressive model of order p MA( q ) Moving average model of order q ARMA( p, q ) Autoregressive moving average model of order ( p, q ) ARIMA( p, d , q ) Intergrated ARMA( p, q ) model SARIMA Seasonal ARIMA B Backward shift operator. 4|Page 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES CONTENTS _____________________________________________________ 1 Course Descriptive 2 Reading list & Time schedule 3 Notations 4 Introduction to Time Series 9 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Why do we need Time Series? 9 1.3 Time Series plots 10 1.4 General Approach to Time Series Modelling 10 1.5 Component of a Time Series 10 1.5.1 Trend (T) 10 1.5.2 Seasonal variation (S) 11 1.5.3 Cyclical variation (C) 11 1.5.4 Irregular variation (I) 11 1.6 Decomposition of a time series 12 1.7 Smoothing Methods 12 1.7.1 Moving Averages 12 1.7.2 Running Median 12 1.7.3 Exponential Smoothing 12 Trend Analysis 13 1.8.1 Methods for Trend Isolation 13 1.8.2 Calculating Moving Average 13 1.8.3 Regression Analysis 14 1.8 5|Page 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 1.9 2 15 1.9.1 Ratio-to-Moving Average Method 16 The Model Building Strategy 18 2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 The Box-Jenkins Technique 18 2.2.1 Model Specification 18 2.2.2 Model Fitting 19 2.2.3 Model Diagnostic 19 Stationary Time Series 19 2.3.1 Transformations 20 2.3.2 Stationary through differencing 21 Analyzing Series Which Contains a Trend 21 2.4.1 Filtering 21 2.5 Stochastic Processes 22 2.6 Mean,Variance & Covariances 22 2.3 2.4 3 Seasonal Analysis Models for Stationary Time Series 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.1.1 Strictly Stationary Processes 23 3.1.2 Weakly Stationary Processes 23 3.2 Autocorrelation Function of Stationary Processes 24 3.3 Purely Random Process 24 3.4 Random Walk 25 3.5 Moving Average Processes 26 3.5.1 MA(1) 26 3.5.2 MA(2) 26 3.5.3 MA( q ) 27 Partial Autocorrelation Function 28 3.6 6|Page 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 3.7 Autoregressive Processes 28 3.7.1 AR(1) 28 3.7.2 AR(2) 29 3.7.3 AR( p ) 30 3.8 The Dual Relationship between AR and MA Processes 30 3.9 Yule-Walker Equation 32 3.10 Mixed ARMA Models 33 3.10.1 ARMA(1,1) 34 3.10.2 Weights (ψ , π ) 34 Seasonal ARMA Models 35 3.11 4 5 Model for Non Stationary series 35 4.1 ARIMA Models 35 4.2 Non Stationary Seasonal Process 36 4.2.1 SARIMA Model 36 Parameter Estimation 37 5.1 Introduction 37 5.2 Methods of Moments 37 5.2.1 Mean 37 5.2.2 Autoregressive Model 39 5.2.3 Moving Average Models 39 The Least Square Estimation (LSE) 39 5.3.1 Autoregressive Models 40 Confidence Interval for Mean 40 5.3 5.4 6 Model Diagnostics 41 6.1 Introduction 41 6.1.1 Residual Analysis 41 7|Page 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 6.2 6.3 7 42 6.1.3 Test for Normality 42 6.1.4 Test of Constant Variance 42 Autocorrelation of Residuals 42 6.2.1 Test for combined residual ACF 42 Over Fitting 43 Forecasting 44 7.1 MME 44 7.1.1 ARMA Model Forecast 44 Computation of Forecasting 44 7.2.1 Forecast Error and Forecast Error Variance 44 7.3 Prediction Interval 45 7.4 Forecasting AR( p ) and MA( q ) Models 45 7.5 Forecasting ARMA( p, q ) Models 46 7.6 Forecasting ARIMA ( p, d , q ) Models 46 7.2 9 6.1.2 Test of Independence APPENDIX A 8|Page 47 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO TIME SERIES 1.1 Introduction What is time series? A time series may be defined as a set of observations of a random variable arranged in chronological (time) order. We also say it’s a series of observations recorded sequentially at equally spaced intervals of time. Let us look at a few examples in order to appreciate what we mean by a time series. Example: 1.1.1 The daily temperature recorded over a period of a year. There are a time series because they are recorded at equally spaced intervals of time and they are recorded regularly. Example: 1.1.2 The hourly temperature readings of a machine in a factory constitutes a time series. The fact that the temperature readings are taken every hour makes the temperature readings a time series. 1.2 Why do we need time series? The aim of time series is “ to identify any recurring patterns which could be useful in estimating future values of the time series”. Time series analysis assumes that the actual values of a random variable in a time series are influenced by a variety of enviromentaly forces operating over time. Time series analysis attempts to isolate and quantify the influence of these different environmental forces operating on the time series into a number of different components. This is achieved through a process known as decomposition of the time series. Once identified and quantified, these components are used to estimate future values of the time series. An important assumption in time series analysis is the continuation of past patterns into the future ( i.e the environment in which the time series occurs is stable.) Notation: • The time series is denoted by {xt , t ∈ T }where T is the index. • If T is continuous,we have a continuous time series. • If T is discrete,we have a discrete time series,and T = ℜ ,the set of all integers. The time series is some times written as ..., x − 2 , x −1 , x0 , x1 x 2 ,... 9|Page TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES • 2023 For simplicity, we will drop the index set and write {xt } or {x1 , x 2 , x3 ,...} to indicate that they are observation. • In practice, the time series interval for collection of time series could be seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years or any reasonable regular time intervals. 1.3 Time Series plots The most important step in time series analysis is to plot the observations against time. This graph should show up important features of the series such as a trend, seasonality, outliers and discontinuities. The plot is vital, both to describe the data and to help in formulating a sensible model. This is basically a plot of the response or variable of interest ( x ) against time (t ) , denoted xt . 1.4 General Approach to Time Series Modeling • Plot the series and examine the main features: This is usually done with the aid of some computer package e.g. SPSS, SAS, etc. • Reform a transformation of the data if necessary. • Remove the components to get stationary residuals by differencing the data.(i.e Replacing the original series {xt }by y t = xt − xt −1 . • Choose a model to fit the residuals. • Do the forecasting 1.5 Component of a time series One way to examine a time series is to break it into components. A standard approach is to find components corresponding to a long –term trend, any cyclic behavior, seasonal behavior and a residual, irregular part. 1.5.1 Trend (T) A smooth or regular underlying movement of a series over a fairly long period of time. A gradual and consistent pattern of changes. 10 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Example: 1.5.1 (Trend component) y = -0.0864x + 381.6 Clothing and softgoods sales $(m illion) 500 Clothing 1999 dollars Estimated trend 450 400 350 Linear (Estimated trend) 300 250 Mar 1991 Mar 1993 Mar 1995 Mar 1997 Mar 1999 Mar 2001 Mar 2003 1.5.2 Seasonal variation (S) Movement in a time series which recur year after in some months or quarters with more less the same intensity. Example: 1.5.2 (Seasonal component) 1.5.3 Cyclical variation (C) Period variations extending over a long period of time, caused by different factors such as cycles, recession, depression, recovery, etc. 1.5.4 Irregular variation (I) Variations caused by readily identifiable special events such as elections, wars, floods, earthquakes, strikes, etc. 11 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Example: 1.5.3 (Irregular component) 1.6 Decomposition of a time series The main time series analysis is to isolate the influence of each of the four components of the actual series. The multiplicative time series model is used to analyse the influence of each of these four components. The multiplicative model is based on the idea that the actual values of a time series xt can be found by multiplying the trend component (T ) by cyclical component (C ) , by seasonal index (S ) and by irregular component (I ) . Thus, the multiplicative time series is defined as: x = T × C × S × I . Another model we can use is the additive model given by: x = T + C + S + I . 1.7 Smoothing methods Smoothing methods are used in attempting to get rid of the irregular, random component of the series. 1.7.1 Moving averages: A moving average (ma) of order M is produced by calculating the average value of a variable over a set of M values of the series. 1.7.2 Running median: A running median of order M is produced by calculating the median value of a variable over a set of M values of the series. 1.7.3 Exponential smoothing: xˆ t +1 = β xt + (1 − β ) xˆ t Where 12 | P a g e xˆ t +1 = the exponential smoothing forecast at time t. TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 x̂t = the old forecast. xt = the actual value (observation) at time t. 1.8 Trend Analysis The trend in a time series can be identified by averaging out the short term fluctuations in the series.This will result in either a smooth curve or a straight line. 1.8.1 Methods for trend isolation (a) The moving average method: Produces a smooth curve. (b) Regression analysis method: Involves fitting a straight line. 1.8.2 Calculating moving average • The three –year moving total for an observation x would be the sum of the observation immediately before x , x itself and the observation immediately after x . • The three- year moving average would be each of these moving totals divided by 3. • The five-year moving total for an observation x would be the sum of the two observations immediately before x , x itself and the two observations immediately after x . • The five-year moving average would be each of these moving totals divided by 5. To illustrate the idea of moving averages, let us consider the observations in example 1.8.1 13 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Example: 1.8.1 Australia’s official development assistance (ODA) from 1984-85 until 1992-93 is shown (at current prices, $ million) in Table 1 . Table 1 Year ODA($ million) 1984-85 1011 1985-86 1031 1986-87 976 1987-88 1020 1988-89 1195 1989-90 1174 1990-91 1261 1991-92 1330 1992-93 1384 (a) Find the three- year moving averages to obtain the trend of the data. (b) Find the five-year moving averages for the data. 1.8.3 Regression Analysis A trend line isolates the trend (T) component only. It shows the general direction in which the series is moving and is therefore best represented by a straight line. The method of least squares from regression analysis is used to determine the trend line of best fit. Regression line is defined by: y = β 0 + β1 x . If the variable x , are not given, must be coded. Methods for coding the time variable, (a) The sequential numbering method. (b) The zero-sum method. 14 | P a g e x 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Coding x using Zero-sum method • • n −1 To code x when the number of time periods, n is odd, we assign a value of − to the first 2 time period and for each subsequent period, add one to the previous period’s x value. To code x when the number of time periods, n is even, we assign a value of − (n − 1) to the first time period and for each subsequent period, add two to the previous period’s x value. Example 1.8.2 Table 2 Year 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Y 2 6 1 5 3 7 2 a) Calculate the regression line using sequential numbering method. b) Calculate the regression line using Zero-sum method. Exercise: 1.8.1 Consider the monthly earning of a small business. Table 3 Year 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Y 12 14 18 17 13 4 17 a) Find the 3 point moving average. b) Find the least squares trend line for small business using Zero- sum method. c) Find the least squares trend line for small business using sequential method. 1.9 Seasonal Analysis Seasonal analysis isolates the influence of seasonal forces on a time series. The ratio-to-moving average method is used to measure these influences. The seasonal influence is expressed as an index number. 15 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 1.9.1The ratio-to-moving average method Step-1 Identify the trend/cyclical movement. The moving average approach is used to isolate the trend/cyclical movement in a time series. Step-2 Find seasonal ratio using the formula: seasonal ratio = = y Actual y × 100% = t × 100% Moving average series MA T ×C × S × I = S × I × 100% T ×C Seasonal ratio is an index which expresses the percentage deviation of each actual y(which includes seasonal influences) from its moving average value(which contains trend and cyclical influences only). Step-3 Average the seasonal ratios across corresponding periods within each year. The averaging of seasonal ratios has the effect of smoothing out irregular component inherent in the seasonal ratios. Generally, the median is used to find the average of seasonal ratios for correspond periods. Step-4 Compute adjusted seasonal indices. The adjusted factor is determined as follows: Adjusted factor = k × 100 ∑ (Median seasonal indices ) De-seasonalising the actual time series Seasonal influences may be removed from a time series by dividing the actual y value for each period by its corresponding seasonal index. That is, Deseasonalised y = 16 | P a g e Actual y × 100 Seasonal index 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Example: 1. 9.1 The average daily sales (in litres) of milk at a country store are shown in Table 4 for each of the years 1983 to 1985. Table 4 Year Quarter Average daily sales ( Yt ) 1 47.6 2 48.9 1983 3 51.5 4 55.3 1 57.9 1984 2 61.7 3 65.3 4 70.2 1 76.1 1985 2 84.7 3 93.2 4 97.2 (a) Find the four- year moving averages. (b) Calculate the seasonal index by making use of the ratio-to-moving average method. Exercise: 1.9.1 Table 5 Year 1993 1994 Quarter 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 actuals 10 20 30 16 29 45 25 50 17 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 (a) Find the three- year moving averages. (b) Calculate an uncentred four –quarter moving average. (c) Calculate centred moving averages for these data. (d) Find the adjusted seasonal index for each quarter. CHAPTER 2 THE MODEL BUILDING STRATEGY 2.1 Introduction Perhaps the most important question we ask now is “how do we decide on the model to use?” Finding appropriate models for time series is not an easy task. We will develop a model building strategy which was developed by Box and Jenkins in 1976. 2.2 The Box-Jenkins Technique There are three main steps in the Box-Jenkins procedure, each of which may be used several times: 1) Model specification 2) Model fitting. 3) Model diagnostics. 2.2.1 Model specification In model specification (or identification) we select classes of time series that may be appropriate for a given observed series. In this step we look at the time plot of the series, compute many different statistics from the data, and also apply knowledge from the subject area in which the data arise, such as economics, physics, chemistry, or biology. The model chosen at this point is tentative and may be revised later in the analysis. In the process of model selection we shall try to adhere to the principle of parsimony. Definition 2.2.1 (The principle of parsimony) :The model used should require the smallest possible number of parameters that will adequately represent the data. a) Test for white noise For the data set to be purely random sequence/white noise the sample autocorrelation 18 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2 ρ̂ k < 2023 (i.e the sample ACF must be within the boundaries). n Example 2.2.1 200 observations on a stationary series were analyzed and gave the following sample autocorrelation: Table 6 k 1 2 3 4 5 ρ̂ k 0.59 0.56 0.46 0.38 0.31 a) Is the data set a white noise? 2.2.2 Model fitting Model fitting consists of finding the best possible estimates of those unknown parameters within a given model. After we have identified the model and estimated the unknown parameters we need to check if the model is a good model, this is done through diagnostic checking. 2.2.3 Model Diagnostics Here we are concerned with analyzing the quality of the model that we have specified and estimated. We ask the following questions to guide us: 1) How well does the model fit the data? 2) Are the assumptions of the model reasonably satisfied? If no in adequacies are found, the modeling may be assumed to be complete, and the model can be used, for example, to forecast future values of the series. Otherwise we choose another model in light of the inadequacies found: that is we return to model specification. In this way we cycle through the three steps until an acceptable model is found. 2.3 Stationary time series Definition 2.3.1: A time series is said to be stationary if there is no systematic change in mean (no trend), if there is no systematic change in variance, and if strictly periodic variations have been removed. It should be noted that in real life it is not often the case that a stochastic process is stationary. This could arise due to, for example, 1) Change of policy on the process. 19 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 2) Slump on the process. 3) Improvement on the process, e.t.c. 2.3.1 Transformations If the process is not stationary to analyze its series we must transform the series to be stationary. There are various transformations that we can use to make a time series stationary. Some of them are: 1) Differencing. 2) Log transformation. 3) Square root transformation. 4) Arcsine transformation. 5) Power transformation. The three main reasons for making a transformation are as follows: (a) To stabilize the variance: If the variance of the series increases with the mean in the presence of trend, then it is advisable to transform the data. A logarithmic transformation is appropriate if the standard deviation is directly proportional to the mean. (b) To make the seasonal effect additive: If size of the seasonal effect appears to increase with the mean in the presence of the trend, then it is advisable to transform the data so as to make the seasonal effect ADDITIVE. If the size of the seasonal effect is directly proportional to the mean, then the seasonal effect is said to be Multiplicative and the logarithmic transformation is appropriate to make the seasonal effect additive. (c) To make the data normally distributed: Often the general class of transformations called the Box-Cox transformation given by λ xt − 1 Yt = ,λ ≠ 0 λ log xt ,λ =0 ( ) For some transformation parameter λ. the logarithmic and square root transformations are special cases of this general class. 20 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 2.3.2 Stationarity through differencing Models that are not stationary when subjected to differencing often yield processes that are stationary. Thus if we difference a time series we denote it by ∇ xt = xt − xt −1 . We will use the operator ∇ to denote the difference operation. In some instances, differencing ones may not yield a stationary process. In that situation we continue differencing the series until it is stationary. Once the process is stationary there is no need to continue differencing it otherwise we will over difference it. Example 2.3.1(Second order differences) ∇ 2 xt = ∇(∇xt ) = xt − 2 xt −1 + xt − 2 Exercise 2.3.1 Suppose we have a process given by xt = 5 + 2t + z t where z t is white noise with mean zero and variance σ z2 . 1) Show that xt is not stationary. 2) Verify that the process is now stationary if we difference it once. 2.4 Analyzing Series Which Contain a Trend 2.4.1 Filtering Definition 2.4.1: A linear filter is a linear transformation or any operator which converts one time series, {xt }called the input or leading indicator series into another series {y t }called the output series through the linear operation y t = ∑ a j xt + j or schematic: j xt → Filter → y t Note that filter can be in a series, z t = ∑ b j yt + j j = ∑ b j ∑ a r xt + j + r r j = ∑ c k xt + k k where c k = ∑ a r b(k − r ) r 21 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 , are the weights for the overall filter. The weights {c k } are obtained by a procedure called convolution and symbolically expressed as {c k } = {a r }* {b j } Example: 2.4.1 1 1 1 1 (a) Consider the following two filters: A = , , B = , Compute A * B where *denotes the 2 2 2 2 convolution operator. (b) Consider the following two filters: A = {− 1,1}, B = {− 1,1}Compute A * B where *denotes the convolution operator. Exercise: 2.4.1 Calculate the convolution of the following filters: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a) , , , * , , , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b) , , , * , , 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2.5 Stochastic processes Definition 2. 5.1: A time series x0 , x1 ,... is a sequence of observation. More technically a time series is a sample path or realization of a stochastic (random) process {xt , t ∈ T }where T is an ordered set. Definition 2.5.2: Let {xt , t ∈ T }be a stochastic process and let ε be a set of all possible realization or sample of path then ε is called the ensemble for the process {xt }. An individual time series is a member of ensemble. Remarks: In time series literature, the terms “time series” and process are used (often) interchangeably. 2.6 Means, Variances and Covariances The mean and autocovariance function (ACVF) are given by: µ t = Ε[xt ] and γ t + k = Ε[(xt − µ t )(xt + k − µ t + k )] respectively. The variance function σ t is defined by var[xt ] = σ t 2 22 | P a g e 2 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 CHAPTER 3 MODELS FOR STATIONARY TIME SERIES 3.1 Introduction In order to be able to analyze or make meaningful inference about the data generating process it is necessary to make some simplifying and yet reasonable assumption about the process. A characteristic feature of time series data which distinguishes it from other types of data is that the observations are, in general, correlated or dependent and one principal aim of time series is to study, investigate, explore and model this unknown correlation structure. 3.1.1 Strictly Stationary Processes Definition 3.1.1: A time series {xt }is said to be strictly stationary if the joint density functions depend only on the relation location of the observations, so that f ( xt1+ h , xt 2+ h ,..., xtk + h ) = f ( xt1 , xt 2 ,..., xtk ). meaning that ( xt1+ h , xt 2+ h ,..., xtk + h ) and (xt1 , xt 2 ,..., xtk ) have the same joint distributions for all h and for all choices of the time points {t i }. Example: 3.1.1 Let n=1, the distribution of xt is strictly stationary if µ t = µ and σ t = σ are both constant. And if n=2, 2 the joint distribution of xt 1 and xt 2 depend only on (t 2 − t1 ), which is called the lag. Thus the autocovariance function γ (t1 ,t 2 ) depends only on (t 2 − t1 ) and is written as γ (k ) , where γ (k ) = Ε{[xt − µ ][xt + k − µ ]} = cov( xt , xt + k ) And γ (k ) is called the autocovariance coefficient at lag k. 3.1.2 Weakly Stationary Processes Definition 3.1.2: A stochastic process {z t }is weakly stationary (or of second order stationary), if both the mean function and the autocovariance function do not depend on time t .thus, µ t = Ε[xt ] = (a constant) and γ t + k = γ k = (a constant).Note that γ t = k = cov( xt , xt + k ) Example: 3.1.2 Prove or disprove the following process is covariance stationary: (a) z t = (− 1) A , where A is a random variable with zero mean and unit variance? t 23 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Exercise: 3.1.1 Consider the following time sequence xt = z0 cos(ct ) . Where {z0 } is a sequence of independent normal r.v with mean 0 and variance σ z2 . Show that {x t } is not a covariance stationary. 3.2 Autocorrelation function of stationary processes Definition 3.2.1: Suppose a stationary stochastic process x(t ) has mean µ , variance σ 2 and ACVF γ (k ) , then the autocorrelation function (ACF) is given by: ρ (k ) = γ (k ) γ (k ) = γ (0 ) σ 2 Note that γ (0 ) is the variance of the series given by σ 2 and ρ (0 ) = 1 . Properties 1. The ACF is an even function, so that ρ (k ) = ρ (− k ) i.e. the correlation between x(t ) and x(t + k ) is the same as the correlation between x(t ) and x(t − k ) . 2. ρ (k ) ≤ 1 3. The ac.f does not uniquely identify the underlying model. That is why invertibility has to be checked in moving average processes. Exercise: 3.2.1 Prove the following: a) ρ (k ) = ρ (− k ) b) ρ (k ) ≤ 1 3.3 Purely random process A very important example of a stationary process is the so-called white noise process. One simple definition is that a white noise is a (univariate or multivariate) discrete-time stochastic process whose terms are independent and identically distributed (IID), with zero mean. While this definition captures the spirit of what constitutes a white noise, the IID requirement is often too restrictive for applications. Typically the IID requirement is replaced with a requirement that terms have constant second moments, zero autocorrelations and zero means. Let’s formalize this. 24 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Definition 3.3.1: A discrete time process is called a purely random process (white noise) if it consists of a sequence of random variable {z t } which are mutually independent and identically distributed. It follows that both mean and variance are constants and the acv.f. is: γ (k ) = cov(z t , z t + k ) = 0 for k = ±1,2... 1 , for k = 0 The given by ρ (k ) = 0 , for k = ±1,±2,... Definition 3.3.2 (IID Noise Process) A process {xt } is said to be an IID noise with mean 0 and variance σ x2 ,written {xt }~ IID(0, σ x2 ) if the random variable xt are independent and identically distributed with Ε( xt ) = 0 and var( xt ) = σ x2 . 3.4 Random walk Let z1 , z 2 ,... be independent identically distributed random variables, each with mean 0 and variance σ z2 . The time series that can be observed {xt } is called a random walk if it can be expressed as follows: x1 = z1 x 2 = z1 + z 2 x3 = z1 + z 2 + z 3 xt = z1 + z 2 + z 3 + + z t .................(∗) If z' s are interpreted as the size of ‘steps’ taken forward or backward at time t , then xt is the position of a ‘random walk’ at time t . From (∗) we obtain the mean function: µ t = Ε( xt ) = 0 , variance of xt , var( xt ) = t σ z2 and the covariance of xt and x s , γ t , s = cov(xt , x s ) = t σ z2 . Backshift operator The backshift operator is used to express and manipulate time series models. The backshift operator denoted B on the time index of a series and shifts time back 1 time unit to form a new series i.e: B( xt ) = xt −1 . 25 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 3.5 Moving average processes Mathematically , we express a first order moving average model MA(1) as xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 ,where ( ) based on the notation in the text book a first order MA(1) process is given by + θ z ,where z ~ N (0, σ ).Clearly the two model are the same with θ = 1 and θ = −θ z t ~ N 0, σ z xt = θ 0 z t 2 2 1 t −1 t z 0 1 1 .usually in most practical situations θ 0 is standardized so that it is equal to one. Schematically, a moving average of order 1 can be expressed as xt ⇒ moving average ⇒ z t , z t −1 operator ( filter ) 3.5.1 First- order moving average [MA (1)] process The MA (1) for the actual data, as opposed to deviations to deviation from the mean will be written as xt − µ = z t − θ1 z t −1 Or xt = µ + z t − θ1 z t −1 where µ is the mean of the series corresponding to the intercept in the moving average case. Example: 3.5.1(Backshift operator) Consider an MA(1) model. In terms of B, we can write xt = z t − θ z t −1 = z t − θ B z t = (1 − θ B ) z t . Where θ (B ) is the MA characteristic polynomial “evaluated at B”. 3.5.2 Second –order moving average [MA (2)] process Invertible conditions The second order moving average process is defined by xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 − θ 2 z t − 2 and is stationary for all values of θ1 and θ 2 .However , it is invertible only if the roots of the characteristic equation 1 − θ1 B − θ 2 B 2 = 0 lie outside the unit circle, that is , (i ) θ 2 + θ 1 < 1 (ii ) θ 2 − θ 1 < 1 (iii ) − 1 < θ 2 < 1 Example: 3.5.2 Find the variance and ACF of the following process: xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 − θ 2 z t − 2 26 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Solution: ( ) (a) The variance of the process is γ (0 ) = σ z 1 + θ 21 + θ 2 . 2 (b) The ACF’s are ρ1 = ρ2 = 2 − θ1 (1 − θ 2 ) 1 + θ1 + θ 2 2 2 −θ2 1 + θ1 + θ 2 2 ρ3 = 0 2 for k ≥ 3 Exercise: 3.5.1 Find the ACF of the following first order MA processes: (a) xt = z t + θ1 z t −1 (b) xt = z t + 1 θ z t −1 ,where z t is a white noise. 3.5.3 qth-order moving average [ MA (q) ] process. Definition 3.5.1: Suppose that {z t } is a purely random process, such that E ( z t ) = 0, var( z t ) = σ z .then 2 a process {xt }is said to be a moving average process of order q (abbreviated as MA (q)) if xt = z t + θ1 z t −1 + ... + θ q z t − q .Where {θ i }are constants. Example: 3.5.3 Consider a MA (q) given by xt = z t + θ1 z t −1 + ... + θ q z t − q . Find ACVF and ACF of xt . Exercise: 3.5.2 Find the ACF of the first-order moving average given by xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 . 27 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 3.6 Partial autocorrelation function Definition 3.6.1: The partial correlation (PACF) is defined as the correlation between xt and xt + k with their linear dependency on the intervening variables xt + k ,..., xt + k −1 removed, Φ kk = corr (x t , x t + k x t +1 ,..., x t + k −1 ) . ρ 0 ρ1 ρ1 Φ 11 = ρ1 , Φ 22 ρ0 ρ = 1 ρ0 ρ1 Φ 33 = ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ0 ρ1 ρ 0 ρ 2 ρ 2 ρ1 ρ 3 ρ 0 ρ1 ρ 2 ρ1 ρ 0 ρ1 ρ 2 ρ1 ρ 0 Exercise 3.6.1 Find the Φ 11 , Φ 22 , Φ 33 of xt = z t + θ1 z t −1 . ˆ kk = 1 Definition 3.6.2: Standard error for Φ n 3.7 Autoregressive processes Definition 3.7.1: Let {z t } be a purely random process with mean zero and variance σ z . Then a 2 process {xt }is said to be an autoregressive process of order p if xt = φ1 xt −1 + ... + φ p xt − p + z t . An autoregressive process of order p will be abbreviated as AR ( p ). 3.7.1 First -order Autoregressive (Markov) process Example: 3.7.1 Consider a model xt = φ1 xt −1 + z t where xt is a white noise. a) Find the ACVF and ACF . Solution: The first-order autoregressive process is xt = φ1 xt −1 + z t where φ1 must satisfy the following condition: − 1 < φ1 < 1 for the process to be stationary. 28 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Using the backward shift operation B, the process xt = φ1 xt −1 + z t may be written as (1 − φ1 B )xt = z t so ( ) that xt = (1 − φ1 B ) z t = 1 + φ1 B + φ1 B 2 + ... Z t = z t + φ1 z t −1 + φ1 z t − 2 + ... −1 2 2 Ε[xt ] = 0 ( ) var(xt ) = σ z 1 + φ1 + φ1 + ... 2 2 4 Thus the variance is finite provided that φ1 < 1 , in which case var( xt ) = σ x = 2 σ z2 . 2 1 − φ1 a i.e s ∞ = 1 − r , where φ1 4 φ1 2 2 r = = = φ1 2 1 φ1 and a = 1 The ACVF is given by γ (k ) = Ε[xt xt + k ] = Ε This converges for φ1 < 1 to γ (k ) = [(∑ φ 1 i z t −i )(∑ φ 1 j )] zt +k + j = σ z φ1 k σ z 2 2 k = φ1 σ x 2 1 − φ1 ( ) For k < 0, we find γ (k ) = γ (− k ) . The ACF is given by ρ (k ) = φ1 for k = 0,1,2,... k ∀ int erger k , ρ (k ) = φ1 k for k = 0 ± 1,±2,... ⇒ ρ (0 ) = 1 ρ (1) = φ1 Exercise: 3.7.1 Consider a model xt = 0.7 xt −1 + z t where z t is a white noise. Find : ACV.F and ACF of xt . 3.7.2 Second – order autoregressive process. Stationary condition 29 | P a g e 2 ∑φ 1 i φ1 k +i for k ≥ 0 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES The second-order autoregressive process may be written as: xt = φ1 xt −1 + φ 2 xt − 2 + z t . For stationarity, the roots of φ (B ) = 1 − φ1 B − φ 2 B 2 = 0 must lie outside the unit circle, which implies that the parameters φ1 and φ 2 must lie in the triangular region: (i ) φ 2 + φ1 < 1 (ii ) φ 2 − φ1 < 1 (iii ) − 1 < φ 2 < 1 3.7.3 pth-order autoregressive process ( ) xt = φ1 xt −1 + φ 2 xt − 2 + ... + φ p xt − p + z t or 1 − φ1 B − φ 2 B 2 − ... − φ p B p xt = z t Stationary conditions: The roots Bi , i = 1,2..., p of the characteristic equation 1 − φ1 B − φ 2 B 2 − ... − φ P B p = 0 must lie outside the unit circle. 3.8 The dual relation between AR & MA processes Table 7 Process ACF PACF Stationary Invertible condition condition AR( p ) Damps out Cuts off after lagp Roots of characteristic equation outside unit circle. Always invertible MA( q ) Cuts off after lagq Damps out Always stationary Roots of characteristic equation outside unit circle. ARMA( p, q ) Damps out Damps out Roots of characteristic equation outside unit circle. Roots of characteristic equation outside unit circle. 30 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Example: 3.7.2 Theoretical behavior of the ACF and PACF for AR(1) and AR(2) models: AR(1): PACF = 0 for lag > 1 ; ACF → 0 AR(2 ): PACF = 0 for lag > 2 ; ACF → 0 In this context……….. • “damps out/die out” means” tend to zero gradually” • “cuts off” means ”disappear” or “is zero”. Example: 3.7.3 Theoretical behavior of the ACF and PACF for MA(1) and MA(2) models: MA(1): ACF = 0 for lag > 1 ; PACF → 0 31 | P a g e MA(2 ): ACF = 0 for lag > 2 ; PACF → 0 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 3.9 Yule-Walker equation Yule-Walker equation using the fact that ρ (k ) = ρ (− k ) for all k is given by ρ (k ) = φ1 ρ (k − 1) + ... + φ p ρ (k − p ) , for all k > 0 The general solution is ρ (k ) = A1π 1 + ... + A p π p where {π i },are the roots of the auxiliary equation: k k y p − φ1 y p −1 − ... − φ p {Ai } Are constant, ρ (0) = 1 and ∑ Ai =1 The first ( p − 1) Yule-Walker equations provide ( p − 1) further restrictions on the {Ai } using ρ (0) = 1 and ρ (k ) = ρ (− k ) .From the general form of ρ (k ) , it is clear that ρ (k ) tends to zero as k increases provided that π i < 1 for all i , and this is a necessary and sufficient condition for the process to be stationary. For stationary, the roots of the equation φ (B ) = 1 − φ1 B − ... − φ p B p = 0 must lie outside the unit circle. Example: 3.9.1 Suppose we have AR (2) process, when π 1 , π 2 are the roots of the quadratic equation y 2 − φ1 y − φ 2 = 0 , thus π i < 1 if φ1 ± (φ 1 2 + 4φ 2 2 ) < 1. When roots are real, the constants A1 , A2 are found as follows: 32 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Using Yule-Walker equations for AR (2), ρ (k ) = φ1 ρ (k − 1) + φ 2 ρ (k − 2 ) we have ρ (1) = φ1 ρ (0) + φ 2 ρ (− 1) φ = 1 = A1π 1 + A2π 2 1 − φ2 ∴ ρ (1) = A1π 1 + (1 − A1 )π 2 φ1 −π2 1 − φ 2 Where A1 = and A2 = 1 − A1 π1 − π 2 Example: 3.9.2 Consider the AR (2) process given by x t = − x t −1 − 1 xt −2 + z t 4 Show that x t is stationary and then calculate its ACF. Exercise: 3.9.1 Consider the AR (2) process given by xt = 1 2 xt −1 + xt − 2 + z t 3 9 Is this process stationary? If so, what is its ACF? ______________________________________________________________________ Note: for real –valued linear different, a complex root of φ (B ) = 0 must appear in pairs. That is, if (c + di ) is a root, then its complex conjugate (c + di ) = (c − di ) is also a root. A general * complex number can always be written in polar form, i.e (c ± di ) = α (cos π ± i sin π ) ⇒ (c ± di ) = α k (cos πk ± i sin πk ) k 1 d Where α = c 2 + d 2 = (c 2 + d 2 )2 And β = tan −1 . c ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.10 Mixed ARMA models Definition 3.10: A mixed autoregressive/moving –average process containing p AR terms and q MA terms is said to be an ARMA process of order (p, q) and is given by: xt = φ1 xt −1 + ... + φ p xt − p + z t + θ1 z t −1 + ... + θ q z t − q . 33 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES The backshift operator B, is given by φ (B )xt = θ (B )z t where φ (B ), θ (B ) are polynomials of order p, q respectively, such that φ (B ) = 1 − φ1 B − ... − φ P B p and θ (B ) = 1 + θ 1 B + ... + θ q B q . Stationary process The roots of φ (B ) = 0 must lie outside the unit circle. Invertible process The roots of θ (B ) = 0 must lie outside the unit circle. 3.10.1 ARMA (1, 1) xt − φ1 xt −1 = z t − θ1 z t −1 , using a backshift operator we have (1 − φ1 B )xt = (1 − θ1 )z t . Stationary and invertibility conditions The process is stationary if − 1 < φ1 < 1 , and invertible if − 1 < θ1 < 1 . Example: 3.10.1 Consider the following process: xt − 1 xt −1 = z t + 2 z t −1 . 2 a) Is the process stationary/invertible? b) Find the AC.F 3.10.2 Weights (ψ , π ) From the relations ψ 1 = φ1ψ 0 − θ1 = φ1 − θ1 andψ j = φ1ψ j −1 for j > 1 , we find that the ψ j weights are given by ψ j = (φ1 − θ1 )φ1 j −1 , for j ≥ 1, and similarity it is easily seen that π j = (φ1 − θ1 )θ1 j −1 , for j ≥ 1 ,for the stationary and ARMA (1, 1) process. The ψ weights or π weights may be obtained directly by division or by equating powers of B in an equation such asψ (B )φ (B ) = θ (B ) . Example: 3.10.2 Find the ψ weights and π weights for the ARMA (1, 1) process given by xt = 0.5 xt −1 + z t − 0.3 z t −1 . 34 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Exercise: 3.10.1 Consider the ARMA (1,1) process given by xt = (a) Is this process stationary/invertible? 1 xt −1 + z t + z t −1 2 (b) Calculate the ACF. Exercise: 3.10.2 Obtain the first 3π -weights and 3ψ -weights of the following models: a) (1 − φ1 B − φ 2 B 2 ) xt = (1 − θ B ) z t . ( ) b) 1 − 3B + B 2 xt = z t 3.11 Seasonal ARMA models In other situations we may have data with a seasonal component. In order to fit a model we need to take this seasonality component into consideration. Definition 3.11.1: A process {xt } is called a seasonal ARMA process of non seasonal order p, q and seasonal component P, Q and a seasonality order S if {xt } satisfies φ (B ) Φ (B ) xt = θ (B ) Θ(B ) z t . Where, Φ (B ) = 1 − Φ B S − Φ 2 B 2 S − − Φ P B PS φ (B ) = 1 − φ B − φ 2 B 2 − − φ p B p θ (B ) = 1 − θ 1 B − θ 2 B 2 − − θ q B q Θ(B ) = 1 − Θ1 B S − Θ 2 B 2 S − − Θ Q B QS CHAPTER 4 MODEL FOR NON STATIONARY SERIES 4.1 ARIMA models A series xt is said to follow Integrated Autoregressive- Moving Average (ARIMA) model if the d th difference wt = ∇ d xt is stationary ARIMA process. If wt is ARMA( p, q ) , we say that xt is ARIMA( p, d , q ) . For practical purpose we usually take d to be at most 2. Note: If we want to check whether an ARMA( p, q ) is stationary we check the AR( p ) part only. 35 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 Let xt = φ1 xt −1 + φ 2 xt − 2 + + φ p xt − p + z t + θ1 z t −1 + θ 2 z t − 2 + + θ q z t − q be a non stationary process. Writing wt = ∇ d xt = (1 − B ) xt the general autoregressive integrated moving average process (ARIMA) d is of the form: wt = φ1 wt −1 + ... + φ p wt − p + z t + θ1 z t −1 + ... + θ q z t − q Using back shift operator B, we have φ (B )wt = θ (B )z t or φ (B )(1 − B ) xt = θ (B )z t .thus we have an d ARMA ( p, q ) model for wt , while the model in equation above, describing the dth differences of xt , is said to be an ARIMA process of order ( p, d , q ) .The model for xt is clearly non-stationary, as AR operator φ (B )(1 − B ) had d roots on the unit circle. If the value of d is taken to be one, the random d walk can be regarded as an ARIMA (0,1,0 ) process. Exercise: 4.1.1 Identify the following models a) (1 − 0.8 B )(1 − B ) xt = z t . b) (1 − B ) xt = (1 − 0.75)z t . c) (1 − 0.9 B )(1 − B ) xt = (1 − 0.5B ) z t 4.2 Non stationary seasonal processes 4.2.1. SARIMA model Definition 4.2.1: A process {xt } is called a seasonal ARIMA process of non-seasonal component p, d , q and seasonal components P, D, Q if xt satisfies φ (B ) Φ (B )∇ d ∇ sD xt = θ (B ) Θ(B ) z t . Φ (B ) = 1 − Φ B S − Φ 2 B 2 S − − Φ P B PS Where: φ (B ) = 1 − φ B − φ 2 B 2 − − φ p B p θ (B ) = 1 − θ 1 B − θ 2 B 2 − − θ q B q Θ(B ) = 1 − Θ1 B S − Θ 2 B 2 S − − Θ Q B QS Example: 4.2.1 Let consider a time series where a period consists of S seasons (for monthly data S = 12 , for quarterly data S = 4 ,etc.) d Suppose a non-seasonal ARIMA model is fitted to the series i.e φ p (B )(1 − B ) xt = θ q (B )at ....... ∗ where at is a white noise. This series can also be represented as ARIMA model ( )( ΦP BS 1− BS 36 | P a g e ) D ( ) at = Θ Q B S bt .............. ∗ ∗ TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 ( ) ( ) where Φ P B S = 1 − Φ 1 B S − Φ 2 B 2 S − ... − Φ P B PS and Θ Q B S = 1 − Θ1 B S − Θ 2 B 2 S − ... − Θ Q B QS ( ) ( ) It is assumed that the polynomials Φ P B S and Θ Q B S have no common roots and that their roots lie outside the unit circle. combining ∗ and ∗ ∗ gives the multiplicative seasonal ARIMA model. ( ) ( Φ P B S φ P (B )(1 − B ) 1 − B S d ) D ( ) xt = θ q (B )Θ Q B S at .This model is denoted as ARIMA( p, d , q ) × (P, D, Q )S Example: 4.2.2 Let us consider the ARIMA(0,1,1) × (0,1,1)12 model. Where Wt = (1 − B )(1 − B 12 ) xt = (1 − θB )(1 − ΘB 12 ) z t . Find the autocovariance and the autocorrelations of Wt . CHAPTER 5 PARAMETER ESTIMATION 5.1 Introduction Having tentatively specified ARIMA( p, d , q ) the next step is to estimate the parameters of this model. This chapter focuses on estimation of parameters of an AR and MA models. We shall deal with the most commonly used method of estimating parameters, these are: 1) Method of moments. 2) Least square method 3) Maximum-likelihood method. 5.2 Method of moments This method consist of equating sample moments such as the sample mean x ,sample variance γ 0 and sample autocorrelation function to the theoretical counterparts and solving the resultant equation(s). 5.2.1 Mean With only a single realization (of length n ) of the process, a natural estimator of the mean, µ is the sample mean x = 37 | P a g e 1 n ∑ xt .where x is the average time average of n observation. n t =1 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Since E ( x ) = 1 n ∑ E (xt ) = µ , x is an unbiased estimator of µ n t =1 If {xt } is a stationary process with autocorrelation function ρ (k ) then γ (0) k var( x ) = 1 + 2∑ 1 − ρ (k ) n −1 n k =1 n ESTIMATION OF γk and ρk Suppose that we have n observations x1 , x2 ,, xn then the corresponding sample autocovariance and autocorrelation functions (or estimates) at lag k are: n−k 1 n−k γˆk = ∑ (xt − x )(xt + k − x ) and ρ̂ k = n t =1 ∑ (x t =1 t − x )( xt + k − x ) n ∑ (x t =1 t − x) 2 n −1 1 n −1 As an example, γˆ1 = ∑ ( xt − x )( xt +1 − x ) and ρ̂1 = n t =1 ∑ (x t =1 t − x )( xt +1 − x ) n ∑ (x t =1 t − x) are used to estimate γ 1 and ρ1 . 2 Example: 5.2.1a Table 8 t 1 2 3 4 xt 4 5 2 5 Estimate ρ1 , ρ 2 ρ3 ,and ρ 4 for the time series given in table 8. Example: 5.2.1b Suppose that {xt } is a MA(1) process defined by xt = z t + θ z t −1 where θ is a fixed parameter and ( ) z t ~ IID 0, σ Z . Where IID stand for Independent Identically Distributed noise. 2 Calculate var( x ) in terms of θ . Exercise: 5.2.1 38 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Suppose that {xt } is moving average process given by xt = white noise with var( z t ) = σ z2 . Calculate var( x ) . 1 (z t + z t −1 + z t −2 ) where {z t } is zero mean 3 5.2.2 Autoregressive model Example: 5.2.2 Consider an AR(1) model: xt = φ1 xt −1 + z t Find the estimate of φ1 using the method of moments. Exercise: 5.2.2 Consider an AR(2 ) model: xt = φ1 xt −1 + φ 2 xt − 2 + z t Find the estimates φ1 and φ 2 using the method of moments. 5.2.3 Moving average models Method of moments is not convenient when applied to moving average models. However, for purposes of illustration, we shall consider MA(1) process given in the following example: Example: 5.2.3 Consider an MA(1) model: xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 Find the estimate of θ1 using the method of moments. 5.3 The Least Square Estimation (LSE) The method of Least Square Estimation is an estimation procedure developed for standard regression models. In this section we discuss LSE procedure and its associated problems in time series analysis. Recall: For sample linear regression model given by: y t = φ xt − z t , t = 1,2,..., n n∑ xt y t − ∑ xt ∑ y t The Least Square Estimate is given by: φˆ = 2 n∑ xt2 − (∑ xt ) The estimate φ is a consistant and best linear unbiased estimator of φ . This holds under the following basic assumptions on the error term z t : 1) Zero mean: Ε( z t ) = 0 . 2) Constant variance: Ε( z t ) = σ z2 . 2 39 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 3) Non –autocorrelation: Ε( z t z k ) = 0 for t ≠ k . 4) Uncorrelated with explanatory variable: Ε( xt z t ) = 0 In the next subsection we shall apply the LSE method to time series model. 5.3.1 Autoregressive models Example: 5.3.1 Consider an AR(1) model: xt = φ1 xt −1 + z t ….* Model *can be viewed as a regression model with predictor variable xt −1 and responded variable xt . On LSE method we minimize the sum of squares of the difference xt − xt −1 that is S (φ ) = ∑ z t2 = ∑ ( xt − φ xt −1 ) 2 Consider the minimization of S (φ ) with respect to φ we have [ d S (φ ) = −2∑ [xt − φ xt −1 ] xt −1 ............... * * d (φ ) ] Setting this equal to zero and solving for φ yields − 2∑ xt − φˆ xt −1 xt −1 = 0 ⇒ φˆ = ∑x x t −1 2 t −1 xt . Example: 5.3.2 Consider an AR(1) model: xt − µ = φ ( xt −1 − µ ) + z t . Find the estimates µ and φ using the LSE method. Exercise: 5.3.1 Consider an AR(2 ) model: xt − x = φ1 ( xt −1 − x ) + φ 2 ( xt − 2 − x ) + z t Find the estimates φ1 and φ 2 using the LSE method . 5.4 Confidence interval for mean Suppose that xt = µ + z t where µ is constant, z t ~ N (0, γ 0 ) and z t is a stationary process. Under γ these assumptions, xt ~ N (µ , γ 0 ) and {xt }is stationary , therefore X ~ N µ , 0 n 40 | P a g e n −1 k 1 2 + 1 − ρ k ∑ n k =1 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES If γ 0 and the ρ k ' s are known then a 100(1 − α ) percent confidence interval for µ is X ± zα 2 γ0 α k 1 + 2∑ 1 − ρ k . Where z α is upper quantile from the standard normal distribution. n 2 n 2 Note that if ρ k = 0 for all k ,then this confidence interval formula reduces to X ± z α 2 γ0 n . Example 5.4.1 Suppose that in a sample of size 100 from AR(1) : x t = φ1 x t −1 + z t process with mean µ ; φ = 0.6 and σ 2 = 2 we obtain X 100 = 0.271 (a) Construct an approximate 95% confidence interval for µ . (b) Are the data computable with the hypothesis that µ = 0 ? Exercise 5.4.1 Suppose that in a sample of size 100 from MA(1) process with mean µ ; φ = −0.6 and σ 2 = 1 we obtain X 100 = 0.157 . a) Construct an approximate 95% confidence interval for µ . b) Are the data computable with the hypothesis that µ = 0 ? CHAPTER 6 MODEL DIAGNOSTICS 6.1 Introduction Model diagnostics is primarily concerned with testing the goodness of fit of a tentative model. Two complementary approaches are: Analysis of residuals from fitted models and analysis of over parameterized model will be considered in this chapter. 6.1.1 Residual Analysis Before a model can be used for inference the assumptions of the model should be assessed using residuals. Recall from regression analysis, residuals are given by : Residual=Actual Value-Predicted Value. 41 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES Residual can be used to assess if the ARMA is adequate and if the parameter estimates are close to the true values. Model adequacy is checked by assessing whether the model assumptions are satisfied. The basic assumption is that , {z t } are white noise .That is they possess the properties of independence, identically and normally distributed random variables with zero mean and constant variance σ z2 . A good model is one with residuals that satisfy these properties, that is, it should have residuals which are: 1) Independent (uncorrelated errors), 2) Normally distributed and 3) Constant variance. 6.1.2 Test of independence A test of independence can be performed by: -Examining ACF: Compute the sample ACF of the residual. Residuals are independent if they do not form any pattern and are statistically insignificant, that is, they are within Z α standard deviation. 2 6.1.3 Test for normality Test of normality can be performed by: -Constructing Histogram: Gross normality can be assessed by plotting histogram of residuals. Histogram of normally distributed residuals should approximately be symmetric and bell shaped. 6.1.4 Test of constant variance Test of constant variance can be inspected by plotting the residuals over time. If the model is adequate we expect the plot to suggest a rectangular scatter around zero horizontal level with no trends whatsoever. 6.2 Autocorrelation of residuals The basic idea behind the ARIMA modeling is to account for any autocorrelation pattern in the series {xt } with a parsimonious combination of AR and MA terms, leaving random terms {z t }as a white noise. If the residuals are white noise this implies that they are correlated, that is, they are serial independent. To determine if the residuals ACF are significantly different from zero we use the following Portmanteau test. 42 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 6.2 1 Test for combined residual ACF: Portmanteau test This test uses the magnitude of residual autocorrelations as a group to check for model adequacy. The test is as follows: Hypothesis H 0 : ρ1 = ρ 2 = ... = ρ k = 0 [mod el is correct ] H 1 : ρ k ≠ 0 for atleast one k = 1,2,..., K [mod el is incorrect ] Here we use the modified Box-Pierce Statistic ( Q). K Test statistic: Q = N ∑ ρ̂ k2 k =1 where N is the number of terms in the differenced series. K is the number of lags we wish to use in the test. k denote the autocorrelation coefficient at lag k. Decision rule: Reject H 0 if Q > χ k2,1−α and conclude that the random term {z t } from the estimated model are correlated and that the estimated model may be inadequate. Remark: If a correct ARMA( p, q ) model is fitted, then Q should be approximately distributed as χ 2 with k − p − q degree of freedom. Where p, q are numbers of AR and MA terms, respectively in the model. Note: The maximum lag K is taken large enough so that the weights are negligible for j > K . Alternative test: Ljung-Box test, Q * = N ( N + 2 )∑ (ρˆ k2 / ( N − k )) K k =1 Example: 6.2.1 From example 5.2.1a, calculate the value of Q if k = 1 . Example: 6.2.2 The AR(2 ) model xt = C + α 1 xt −1 + α 2 xt − 2 + z t was fitted to a data set of length 121. 24 a) The Box-Pierce statistic value was Q = 121∑ ρˆ k2 = 31.5 k =1 At 95% level of significance, test the hypothesis that AR(2 ) model fit the data. 43 | P a g e TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 2023 b) The parameter estimates are αˆ 1 = 1.5630 , αˆ 2 = −0.6583 and Cˆ = 0.4843 The last four values in the series were 707, 6.90, 6.63, 6.20 . Use AR(2 ) model to predict the next observation value. 6.3 Over fitting Another basic diagnostic tool is that of over fitting .In this diagnostic check we add another coefficient to see if the model is better. Recall that any ARMA( p, q ) model can be considered as a special case of a more general ARMA model with the additional parameters equal to zero. Thus, after specifying and fitting our tentative model, we fit a more general model that contains the original model as a special case. There is no unique way to over fit a model, but one should be careful not to add coefficients to both sides of the model. Over fitting both AR and MA terms at the same time leads to estimation problems because of the parameter redundancy as well as violating the principle of parsimony. If our tentative model is AR(2 ) we might over fit with AR(3) . The original AR(2 ) will be confirmed if : 1) The estimates of the additional parameter φ3 is not significantly different from zero. 2) The estimates for the parameters φ1 and φ 2 do not change significantly from the original states. CHAPTER 7 FORECASTING 7.1 Minimum Mean Square Error The minimum mean square error (MMSE) forecasts xˆ n (l ) of z n +l at the forecast origin n is given by the conditional expectation: xˆ n (l ) = E (x n +l z n , z n −1 ,...) . Example: 7.1.1 ( Let ψ (B ) = φ (B )Wt = φ (B )(1 − B ) = 1 − ψ 1 B − ... − ψ p + q B p + d d ) 7.1.1 ARMA model forecast equation in infinite MA form The ARMA model for xt is xt = ψ (B )z t ⇒ xt = ψ 1 z t −1 + ψ 2 z t − 2 + ... + z t Assume that we have x1 , x 2 ,..., x n and we want to forecast x n +l (i.e l step-ahead forecast from origin, the actual value is: x n +l = ψ 1 z n +l −1 + ψ 2 z n +l − 2 + ... + z n +l . 44 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES The “minimum mean square error” forecast for x n +l is xˆ n (l ) = ψ 1 ( z n +l −1 ) + ψ 2 ( z n +l − 2 ) + ... This form is not very useful for computing forecasts, but is useful in finding the forecast error. 7.2 Computation of Forecasts 7.2.1 Forecast error and forecast error variances (a) One step –ahead ( l = 1 ) en (1) = x n +1 − xˆ n (1) = z n +1 var[en (1)] = var[z n +1 ] = σ z 2 (b) Two steps –ahead ( l = 2 ) en (2 ) = x n + 2 − xˆ n (2 ) = z n + 2 + ψ 1 z n +1 ( var[en (2 )] = var[z n + 2 ] + ψ 1 var[z n +1 ] = σ z + ψ 1 z z = σ z 1 + ψ 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ) (c) Three steps-ahead ( l = 3 ) en (3) = x n +3 − xˆ n (3) = z n +3 + ψ 1 z n + 2 + ψ 2 z n +1 ( var[en (3)] = var[z n +3 ] + ψ 1 var[z n + 2 ] + ψ 2 var[z n +1 ] = σ z + ψ 1 σ z + ψ 2 σ z = σ z 1 + ψ 1 + ψ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (d) In general, l steps-ahead en (l ) = x n +l − xˆ n (l ) = z n +l + ψ 1 z n +l −1 + ... + ψ l −1 z n +1 ( ) var[en (l )] = σ z 1 + ψ 1 + ψ 2 + ... + ψ l −1 = σ z 2 2 2 2 2 l −1 ∑ψ i =0 2 i where ψ 0 ≡ 1 . To forecast l steps-ahead from origin n : The actual value is x n +l = ψ 1 z n +l −1 + ψ 2 z n +l − 2 + ... + z n +l The minimum mean square error forecast for x n +l is xˆ n (l ) = ψ 1 ( z n +l −1 ) + ψ 2 ( z n +l − 2 ) + ... 7.3 Prediction Interval A 95% prediction interval for : a) l step ahead forecast is xˆ n (l ) ± Z 0.025 × var(en (l )) . b) One step ahead is xˆ n (1) ± Z 0.025 × var(en (1)) . 45 | P a g e 2 ) TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES c) Two steps ahead is xˆ n (2 ) ± Z 0.025 × var(en (2 )) . d) Three steps ahead is xˆ n (3) ± Z 0.025 × var(en (3)) . 7.4 Forecasting AR( p ) and MA(q ) models. Example: 7.4.1 For each of the following models, AR(1) process: xt − µ + φ (xt −1 − µ ) + z t . MA(1) process: xt = z t − θ z t −1 . Find: a) xˆ n (1) b) xˆ n (2 ) c) xˆ n (1) Exercise: 7.4.1 For each of the following models, AR(2 ) process: xt = φ1 xt −1 + φ 2 xt − 2 + z t . MA(1) process: xt = z t − θ1 z t −1 − θ 2 z t − 2 . Find: a) xˆ n (1) b) xˆ n (2 ) 7.5 Forecasting c) xˆ n (1) ARMA( p, q ) models Example: 7.5.1 For (1 − φ B )( xt − µ ) = (1 − θ B ) z t a) find the first, 2nd and l -step ahead forecast. b) Calculate: i) ψ − weight ii) forecast error variance iii) 95% forecast limits for xˆ n (l ). Exercise: 7.5.1 Consider the model (IMA (1,1)) : (1 − B ) x t = (1 − θ B ) z t . Calculate: 46 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES a) the l − step ahead forecast xˆ n (l ) of x n +l . b) ψ − weight of xt . c) 95% forecast limits for xˆ n (l ), xˆ n (1) and 7.6 Forecasting ARIMA( p, d , q ) xˆ n (2 ) . models Consider the ARIMA( p, d , q ) model at time t = n + l , φ p (B )(1 − B ) xt = θ q (B ) z t d 47 | P a g e 2023 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES APPENDIX A Table 7A: The chi-squared distribution (χ²), right tail probability. The table gives the values of χ α2 ,v where P χ 2 > χ α2 ,v = α with v degree of freedom. ( ) 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 1 2.706 3.841 5.024 6.635 7.879 2 4.605 5.991 7.378 9.210 10.597 3 6.251 7.815 9.348 11.345 12.838 4 7.779 9.488 11.143 13.277 14.860 5 9.236 11.070 12.833 15.086 16.750 6 10.645 12.592 14.449 16.812 18.548 7 12.017 14.067 16.013 18.475 20.278 8 13.362 15.507 17.535 20.090 21.955 9 14.684 16.919 19.023 21.666 23.589 10 15.987 18.307 20.483 23.209 25.188 11 17.275 19.675 21.920 24.725 26.757 12 18.549 21.026 23.337 26.217 28.300 13 19.812 22.362 24.736 27.688 29.819 14 21.064 23.685 26.119 29.141 31.319 15 22.307 24.996 27.488 30.578 32.801 16 23.542 26.296 28.845 32.000 34.267 17 24.769 27.587 30.191 33.409 35.718 18 25.989 28.869 31.526 34.805 37.156 19 27.204 30.144 32.852 36.191 38.582 20 28.412 31.410 34.170 37.566 39.997 21 29.615 32.671 35.479 38.932 41.401 22 30.813 33.924 36.781 40.289 42.796 ν 48 | P a g e 2023 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS LECTURE NOTES 23 32.007 35.172 38.076 41.638 44.181 24 33.196 36.415 39.364 42.980 45.559 25 34.382 37.652 40.646 44.314 46.928 26 35.563 38.885 41.923 45.642 48.290 27 36.741 40.113 43.195 46.963 49.645 28 37.916 41.337 44.461 48.278 50.993 29 39.087 42.557 45.722 49.588 52.336 30 40.256 43.773 46.979 50.892 53.672 40 51.805 55.758 59.342 63.691 66.766 50 63.167 67.505 71.420 76.154 79.490 60 74.397 79.082 83.298 88.379 91.952 70 85.527 90.531 95.023 100.425 104.215 80 96.578 101.879 106.629 112.329 116.321 90 107.565 113.145 118.136 124.116 128.299 100 118.498 124.342 129.561 135.807 140.169 110 129.385 135.480 140.917 147.414 151.948 120 140.233 146.567 152.211 158.950 163.648 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 49 | P a g e