Hypotheses - tentative suggestions that a specific relationship exist between two concepts THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING Definition of Terms Theory - Supposition or system of ideas proposed to explain a given phenomenon - Attempt to explain relationships between concepts - Offer ways to conceptualize central interests of a discipline - Example: Freud’s theory of the Unconscious Concepts - Abstract ideas or mental images of phenomena or reality - Often called the “building blocks” of theories - Examples: mass, energy, ego, id Paradigm - A pattern of shared understanding and assumptions about reality and the world - Include notions of reality that are largely unconscious or taken for granted - Derived from cultural beliefs - Examples: time, space Assumptions - statements supposed to be true without proof or demonstration Epistemology - theories of knowledge or how people come to have knowledge. Knowledge - awareness of reality acquired through insight, learning or investigation Laws - proposition about the relationship between concepts in a theory that has been repeatedly validated Metaparadigm - represents the worldview of a discipline - Nursing’s metaparadigm is generally thought to consist of the concepts of person, environment, health and nursing. Paradigm - organizing framework that contains concepts, theories,assumptions, beliefs, values and principles that form the way a discipline interprets the subject matter with which it is concerned. THEORY - Origin: Came from a greek word "Thoeria" which means speculate. - Theories are set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon that is explanatory and predictive in nature HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF NURSING 1. Period of Intuitive Nursing/Medieval Period In this period,nursing was considered to be "untaught" and instinctive. It was considered as a function of women and there is no evident caregiving trainings. It is also in this period where primitive men believed that illness was caused by the invasion of the victim’s body of evil spirits. THE LIVING TREE OF NURSING THEORIES History of Nursing Theory The history of professional nursing began with Florence Nightingale. It was Nightingale who envisioned nurses as a body of educated women at a time when women were neither educated nor employed in public service. Following her service of organizing and caring for the wounded in Scutari, during the Crimean War, her vision and establishment of a School of Nursing at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London marked the birth of modern nursing. Nightingale’s pioneering activities in nursing practice and subsequent writings describing nursing education became a guide for establishing nursing schools in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century (Kalisch & Kalisch, 2003; Nightingale, 1859/1969). Nursing began with a strong emphasis on practice, but throughout the century, nurses worked toward the development of nursing as a profession through successive periods recognized as historical eras (Alligood, 2006a). 2. Period of Apprentice Nursing/Middle Ages - Nursing was developed by religious orders. - It is in this period that Nursing care was performed without any formal education and by people who were directed by more experienced nurses (on the job training). 3. Period of Educated Nursing/ Nightingale Era 19th- 20th Century - In this period, the development of nursing during this period was strongly influenced by: a.) trends resulting from wars – Crimean, civil war b.) arousal of social consciousness c.) increased educational opportunities offered to women. 4. Period of Contemporary Nursing/ 20th Century - In this period, Licensure of nurses started alongside: specialization of Hospital and diagnosis, training of Nurses in diploma program, development of baccalaureate and advance degree programs, scientific and technological development as well as social changes mark this period. HISTORICAL ERAS CURRICULUM ERA Nursing education shifted from hospital based diploma programs into college and universities. RESEARCH EMPHASIS ERA This era implies that research was a path to new knowledge. It is in this era where research became part of the curricula of developing graduate programs. GRADUATE EDUCATION ERA In this era, master's program in nursing emerged in order to meet the need for nurses with specialized education training. Nursing theory and Conceptual Models were included as courses. THEORY ERA It is the era as the outgrowth of research era. Research produced without theory produced isolated information while research produced with theory produced nursing science. NURSING ETYMOLOGY NURSING - the word came from a latin word "nutrix" meaning, to nourish. IS NURSING PROFESSION AN ART OR SCIENCE? - Nursing profession was both an art and science. - The science of nursing is easily noticeable and it is very critical for each one to know. If you are a nurse, you must know the patient-based nursing care plan (NCP). You must also know the disease mechanisms of all diseases, medications, and management from all sides. Nurses also need to be up to date on new policies, practices, and procedures. Moreover, they need to know how to manipulate new diagnostic equipment and machines. - On the other hand, the art of nursing is more than a great deal of science. It is more than just knowing; it is doing. It bridges information from nurses to patients in a skillful way. It is the application of all the science known to nursing to give the utmost care the patient needs. THE PHILIPPINES NURSING ACT OF 2002 R.A. 9173 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A MORE RESPONSIVE NURSING PROFESSION, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7164, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS “THE PHILIPPINE NURSING ACT OF 1991” AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES It is hereby declared the policy of the State to assume responsibility for the protection and improvement of the nursing profession by instituting measures that will result in relevant nursing education, humane working conditions, better career prospects and a dignified existence for our nurses. The State hereby guarantees the delivery of quality basic health services through an adequate nursing personnel system throughout the country. TYPES OF NURSING THEORY 1. SPECULATIVE - yet to be tested through research and found to be consistently true in answering questions, solving problems, and exploring phenomenon. 2. ESTABLISHED - Accumulation of facts, principles, and laws that have been repeatedly tested through research over time and found to be consistently valid and reliable. ACCORDING TO SCOPE 1. GRAND THEORY - broadest in scope - represents the most abstract level of development - addresses the broad phenomena of concern within the discipline ACCORDING TO PHILOSOPHY 1. "NEEDS" THEORIES - are based on helping individuals to fulfill their physical and mental needs 2. "INTERACTION" THEORIES - As described by Peplau, these theories revolve around the relationships nurses from with patients. 3. "OUTCOME" THEORIES - portray the nurse as the changing force 2. MIDDLE-RANGE THEORY - addresses more concrete and more narrowly defined phenomena - intended to answer questions about nursing phenomena yet they did not cover the full range 4. "HUMANISTIC" THEORIES - emphasizes a person's capacity for self actualization 3. MICRO-RANGE THEORY - concrete and narrow in scope. It explains a specific phenomenon of concern about a discipline 1. Education 2. Research 3. Clinical practice 4. Conceptual models ACCORDING TO FUNCTION SIGNIFICANCE OF NURSING THEORY 1. DESCRIPTIVE - to identify properties and workings of a discipline 1. DISCIPLINE - discipline is dependent upon theory 2. EXPLANATORY - to examine how properties relate and thus affect the discipline 2. PROFESSION 3. PREDICTIVE - to calculate relationships between properties and how they occur 4. PRESCRIPTIVE - to identify under which conditions relationships occur PURPOSE OF NURSING THEORY TWO TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE 1. THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE - aims to stimulate thinking and broaden understanding of the science and practice of the nursing discipline 2. PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE - on the other hand is referred to as the art of nursing. References: https://www.rnpedia.com/nursing-notes/fundam entals-in-nursing-notes/theoretical-foundation-n ursing-overview/ https://www.scribd.com/doc/100884442/Theore tical-Foundations-of-Nursing-Practice https://nursingcrib.com/nursing-notes-reviewer/ historical-evolution-of-nursing/ http://blog.diversitynursing.com/blog/bid/18310 2/Is-the-Nursing-Profession-an-Art-or-Science https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2002/10/21/r epublic-act-no-9173/ https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/MaeAguilar/ nursing-theories-24734303