Home Remedies for Cold, Fever, Cough, Sore Throat

2109132 Home Remedies
HR-3 Home remedies for general ailments
(Common cold, fever, cough, sore throat and headache II)
For MFU Students
Dr. Shisanupong Anukanon
School of medicine, Mae Fah Luang University
Learning objectives
1. Define common diseases and ailments including common cold, fever, cough, sore throat and
2. Apply household spices, herbs, non-prescribed drugs or non- sophisticated practices to treat
common diseases and ailments including common cold, fever, cough, sore throat and headache
There are self-remedies for the symptoms of the common cold and influenza including fever, cough, sore
throat, and headache. These approaches as home remedies can be divided into 2 main approaches: home
remedies without medicine and with medicine. The home remedies with medication in this topic will
describe only the household remedies of modern medicine and herbs from traditional medicines. This topic
is part 2 which describes the self-remedies of stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, and headache.
1. Stuffy nose
A stuffy nose, also known as nasal congestion, is a common condition in which the nasal passages become
blocked or narrowed. This can make it difficult to breathe through the nose and can also cause other
symptoms such as a headache, sinus pressure, and a reduced sense of smell. It is caused by the tissues
lining the nose being swollen which is because of the inflamed blood vessels. After the virus hijacked our
cells around the nose cavity, it can cause inflammation around this area resulting in difficulty breathing.
There are many potential causes of a stuffy nose, including common colds and flu, allergies, sinus infections,
and nasal polyps. It can also be caused by changes in the weather, exposure to irritants, or hormonal
The sinuses are a group of air-filled cavities in the skull, located around the nose and behind the forehead,
cheekbones, and eyes. They are covered with mucous membranes and are connected to the inside of the
nose cavity. They help to humidify and filter the air after breathing. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the
sinuses, which can be caused by infections or allergies. Sinusitis can cause symptoms such as facial pain,
nasal congestion, and thick yellow or green nasal discharge. The inflammation may be acute, lasting only a
few days or a few weeks, or it may be chronic, lasting for more than 12 weeks.
2109132 Home Remedies
1.1 The self-remedies without medicine
The self-remedies without medicine when suffering from stuffy noses either infection or noninfection causes include wiping the fluid out, using nasal irrigation, breathing hot water vapor,
rubbing vapo rub, and eucalyptus oil.
1.1.1 Wiping the fluid out with tissue paper may not be considered as self-remedy but
advice instead of blowing the nose. Blowing the nose during partial nose obstruction may
produce high pressure to return into our lungs and destroy them. Moreover, blowing the
nose may drive the virus or bacteria deep into the sinuses resulting in sinusitis (infection
of the sinuses).
1.1.2 Nasal irrigation, also known as nasal lavage is a technique used to clean the nasal
passages and sinuses. It involves flushing out the nasal passages with a saltwater solution
(saline), which can help to remove mucus, allergens, and other irritants resulting in
enhancing breathing. It is one of the best self-remedies for relief from a stuffy nose and
runny nose.
The instruction for nasal irrigation is to place a saline-filled syringe inside the nose with the
tip of a syringe (should not be deeper than 1/2 inch), keep the mouth open, and push the
syringe to pour the saline into the nostrils, allowing it to flow through the nasal passages
and out the other nostril. Blow your nose gently to remove any remaining solution and
then repeat the process on the other side. Please noted that during irrigation should not
breathe through the nose, breathing through the mouth is a suggestion.
It's important to note that you should not use tap water for nasal irrigation, as it may
contain bacteria or other contaminants that can cause infections. If you have any doubts
or concerns, it is best to consult with a health professional before using this method.
1.1.3 Breathing hot water vapor or steam can help to relieve a stuffy nose by loosening
and thinning out mucus, making it easier to clear from the nasal passages. Steam inhalation
can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, which can make
it easier to breathe. The heat and moisture in the steam can also help to soothe a sore or
irritated throat. There are several ways to inhale steam:
 Take a hot shower and breathe in the steam.
 Fill a bowl with hot water and put your face over it with a towel draped over your
head to trap the steam.
 Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.
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1.1.4 Chest rub is a common name for topical ointments used to relieve symptoms of
nasal congestion and muscle aches. VapoRub is one of the most well-known brands of
this type of product, but there are many other brands available as well. Vapo rub consists
of camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol in the ointment bases. Camphor and menthol
have cooling effects on the body (if you apply them to the body) which help feel better.
Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil that has been reported to remove all nasal blockages.
Rubbing on the warm area such as the chest and throat, can enhance these ingredients
evaporate and pass through the nose effectively.
A vapor inhaler is a device that releases this vapor into the air. These are typically used
to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion and coughing by opening up the airways and
making it easier to breathe. Even though all of these vapor preparations have poor
evidence to remove nasal congestion directly but their cooling effect may help feel better.
1.1.5 Spicy decongestants are a type of home remedy that some people use to relieve
symptoms of stuffy noses associated with colds, flu, or sinus infections. The idea behind
using spicy foods as a decongestant is that the capsaicin in spicy peppers can help to open
up the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe. One way to use this is by adding
spicy foods such as cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili powder, or hot sauce to meals or
making a hot drink such as ginger tea, adding some black pepper and cayenne pepper.
The other popular spicy decongestant is wasabi, a spicy green paste that is made by
crushing the stem of the Japanese wasabi plant. Many believe that real wasabi paste has
powerful decongestant activity. Eating wasabi makes our nostrils flare (burn with a sudden
intensity), which allows more air into our noses like chili.
It's important to note that spicy decongestant is not a substitute for medical treatment,
and they may not be suitable for everyone. Some people may be more sensitive to spicy
foods and may find that it causes irritation or burning in the nose or throat.
1.2 The self-remedies with medicine
The medicine when suffering from a stuffy nose is decongestant medication. This medication
belongs to a combination remedy in several brands such as Actifed® and Sulidine®, that consists
of triprolidine (antihistamine or anti-allergic drug) together with phenylephrine (decongestant). In
terms of regulation issues, this formula does not classify as household remedies. They are classified
as a ready-packed drugs or dangerous drugs that buy or be prescribed only at hospitals and
pharmacies (drugstores).
2109132 Home Remedies
2. Cough
A cough is a reflex (reaction) that helps to clear the airways of mucus, foreign particles, and irritants through
the heavy breathing passages. The cough is triggered when sensors in the airways detect an irritation or
obstruction. This sends a signal to the brain, which then sends a signal to the muscles that control breathing
to forcefully exhale air from the lungs. This creates a strong flow of air that helps to clear the airways. The
common causes of cough include the cold and flu, inhaling an irritant (such as smoke, dust, chemicals, or
a foreign body), pneumonia, allergies, asthma (most common in children), and gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD).
Cough is different from sneezing because sneezing causes the result of driving out of air suddenly coming
out of the nose, not the throat. The common causes of sneezing include allergy to pollen (hay fever), mold,
dander, and dust; cold or flu; and triggers such as dust, air pollution, dry air, spicy foods, strong emotions,
certain medicines, and powders.
There are many types of cough including dry cough, cough with phlegm (เสมหะ) or productive cough, cough
with a wheeze and trouble breathing, chronic or persistent cough, and coughing up blood. The coughs that
you need to seek the medical doctor are cough with a wheeze or trouble breathing, chronic or persistent
cough, and coughing up blood, DO NOT use home remedies to relieve these symptoms.
It is important to note that, sometimes, coughing can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such
as lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you have a persistent cough or a cough
that is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or blood in the phlegm,
it is best to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
2.1 The self-remedies without medicine
2.1.1 Drink plenty of water; Sipping warm water every hour during cough can soothe our
throat from cough and loosens the phlegm which is easy to expel. Not only warm water,
but all kinds of hot especially chicken soup, and tea, are also good home remedies for
relieving cough.
2.1.2 Avoid smoking; Tobacco smoking causes retarding of the movement of hair cells in
the inner layer of the throat which makes the throat unable to expel foreign particles or
mucus from the throat and airways.
2.2 The self-remedies with medicine
2.2.1 Sip cough syrup: The famous cough syrup is called Brown's mixture. This medication
belongs to a household remedy that consists of glycyrrhiza fluid extract (สารสกั ด ชะเอม),
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antimony potassium tartrate, and camphorated Opium tincture. Glycyrrhiza fluid extract,
the main ingredient separating from licorice (so-called sweet wood) may decrease cough
by soothing the throat and loosening the phlegm which is easy to expel. Antimony
potassium tartrate promotes the secretion of water in the throat that helps loosen mucus
to cough it up. Camphorated Opium tincture is a cough suppressant together with
promoting the secretion of water. Camphorated Opium tincture has a very small amount
of morphine which makes it less addictive. Taking these medications 5-10 mL (or 1-2
teaspoons) 3-4 times a day.
2.2.2 Self-remedies with Thai traditional medicine: There are various formulas for
relieving cough particularly productive cough including ยาอามฤควาที, ยาประสะมะแว้ง , and
ยาแก้ไอผสมมะขามป้อม. The effect of these formulas is similar to glycyrrhiza extract which
decreases cough by soothing the throat and loosens the phlegm which is easy to expel.
Taking these medications 5-10 mL (or 1-2 teaspoons) 3-4 times a day.
2.3 Natural remedies for relieving cough
2.3.1 A recipe consisting of lemon with ginger and honey can relieve cough. Lemon (or
lime) and ginger reduce cough by promoting the secretion of water in the throat that helps
loosen mucus to cough it up. Honey has antimicrobial, anti-inflammation, and soothing
effects to promote the effect of lemon and ginger.
2.3.2 Turmeric (ขมิ้ น ชั น ) has a benefit for relieving chronic cough. It exerts antibacterial,
and antifungal which help get rid of microbes surrounding the throat. Mix a glass of warm
milk with 1/4-1/2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and drink two times a day during a cold
and cough.
2.3.3 There are many types of basil that are used as a favor in some types of foods. In
Thailand, three types of basil are usually used including sweet basil (or Thai basil, โหระพา),
holy basil (กระเพรา), and hairy basil (or lemon basil, แมงลัก). There are many types of basil
that are used as a favor in some types of foods. In Thailand, three types of basil are usually
used including sweet basil (or Thai basil, โหระพา), holy basil (กระเพรา), and hairy basil (or
lemon basil, แมงลัก). Holy basil is the most type which commonly uses for relieving cough,
especially productive cough. Holy basil is also believed to have expectorant properties,
which means it helps to clear mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract. This can also
help to relieve coughing and other symptoms associated with respiratory infections. Just
chewing 2-4 leaves of holy basil 2-3 times a day may decrease cough by expelling phlegm
and strengthening our immune system.
2109132 Home Remedies
2.3.4 Herbal tea can relieve irritation and itching in the throat which results in a decrease
in the frequency of the cough. Many herbs have properties that can help to soothe the
throat, reduce inflammation, and clear mucus from the respiratory tract. Some examples
of herbs that may be helpful for relieving a cough include:
 Peppermint: Peppermint has menthol which is known to have a cooling effect
on the throat and can also help to ease coughing and other respiratory symptoms.
 Thyme: This herb contains compounds that have antimicrobial properties, which
can help to fight off respiratory infections. It also has expectorant properties,
which means it can help to clear mucus from the lungs.
3. Sore throat
A sore throat is pain or irritation of the throat that often makes it difficult to swallow. It can also feel dry
and scratchy (feel itchy within your throat). The causes of sore throat mostly come from viral or bacterial
infections that result in inflammation of the lymph nodes, tonsils, and throat. If this pain is long-lasting for
more than 3 days, please see a doctor.
The self-remedies when we got a sore throat are quite similar to self-remedies of fever and cold.
 Gargle with saltwater, turmeric water, cinnamon, and pepper water can wash the mouth and throat
to remove any mucus and foreign particles in our throat.
 Andrographis stimulates the immune system which helps you to fight bacteria or viruses.
 Ginger promotes sweating to reduce fever symptoms and its carminative effect (prevent the
formation of gas in the digestive system) helps the patient's digestion better. Honey has
antimicrobial, anti-inflammation, and soothing effects.
 Painkiller drugs when we got a sore throat are paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. The dose and frequency
are similar to the dose and frequency for relieving cold and flu.
 Most sore throats will get better within one week without antibiotics. What is the meaning of
antibiotics? Antibiotics are drugs that kill or stop the growth of bacteria. Most antibiotics are
classified as dangerous drugs (the medication that requires a physician or pharmacist to prescribe),
while some are specially controlled drugs. A doctor or pharmacist may prescribe antibiotics such
as penicillin or amoxicillin when they confirm that a sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection.
If a sore throat is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not help.
2109132 Home Remedies
4. Headache
Headache is a symptom that involving of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. There are many
causes of headaches including stress, changes in sleep, poor posture, alcohol, and some food. The food
that causes headaches includes aged cheese (blue cheese, cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, swiss) peanuts,
peanut butter, almonds, and other nuts and seeds.
4.1 The self-remedies without medicine
The self-remedies without medicine when suffering from headaches are resting in a quiet dark
room, a cool compress on the forehead, a hot compress on the back of the neck, or massaging
the neck and shoulders.
4.2 The self-remedies with medicine
The self-remedies with medicine or natural remedies when suffering from headaches include
painkiller drugs, a paste made of clove and salt crystals in milk, cinnamon powder, coconut oil,
and betel leaves.
4.2.1 Painkiller drugs are paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. The dose and frequency are similar
to the dose and frequency for relieving colds and flu.
4.2.2 A paste of clove and salt crystals; A paste made from clove and salt crystals in
milk. Clove is an aromatic flower bud, in Thai called กานพลู . To prepare this paste, grind
1 - 2 dried cloves with 1 tablespoon of table salt and a small amount of milk. Apply this
mixture on the forehead or neck to reduce the intensity of the headache.
4.2.3 Cinnamon powder has analgesic and antipyretic effects which help you to relieve
headaches. Apply this paste which is made from cinnamon powder, salt, and milk on the
head for headaches caused due to exposure to cold air.
4.2.4 Coconut oil; Massaging with coconut oil on the forehead and neck for 15-20 minutes
can help reduce headaches, particularly headaches in the summer season.
4.2.5 Betel leaves (ใบชะพลู ) have analgesic and cooling properties. Applying the crushed
form of these leaves on the forehead or the center of the head can reduce the severity
of headaches.