The Economist visual styleguide Version 1.2 // Updated 4 May 2017 2 Table of contents Overview 3 what’s changed? Chart types Chart styling 4 Chart sizes 13 Bar/column, side by side 21 Double-scale charts 5 Typefaces 14 Bar/column, stacked 22 Blob-heads 6 Print 15 Line, side by side 23 Timelines 7 Web 16 Line, stacked 25 Miscellaneous styling 8 Leader block / World this Week 17 Thermometer Chart elements 9 Espresso 10 Panel charts Colour 11 Print palette 12 Web palette 18 Scatter 19 Table 20 Pie / Doughnut 26 Resources 3 overview What’s changed Web charts 24pt spacer between panels OLD DESIGN NEW DESIGN rotated tag The real deal New typeface “World” real interest rate Average ten-year inflation-indexed bond yield, % Drivers of the change in interest rates G7 countries, excluding Italy 1980-2015, percentage points 0 Growth – * 5 Marker for panels 3 Spreads Relative price of capital + 0 – 1985 90 95 2000 05 10 16 1 Average ten-year inflation-indexed bond yield, % G7 countries, excluding Italy 5 Inequality Global savings glut Public investment Unexplained * New colour palette Demographics 1 White background “World” real interest rate 1 4 2 The real deal Drivers of the change in interest rates 1980-2015, percentage points 0 4 Growth 3 Demographics -1 2 3 2 1 4 0 5 Sources: “Measuring the ‘world’ real interest rate”, by M. King and D. Low, NBER working paper, Feb 2014; “Secular drivers *The Economist estimate of the global real interest rate” by L. Rachel and T. Smith, Bank of England working paper, Dec 2015; The Economist -1 1985 90 95 2000 05 10 16 Sources: “Measuring the ‘world’ real interest rate”, by M. King and D. Low, NBER working paper, Feb 2014; “Secular drivers of the global real interest rate” by L. Rachel and T. Smith, Bank of England working paper, Dec 2015; The Economist No margins -2 Spreads Relative price of capital Inequality Global savings glut Public investment Unexplained -3 -4 -5 *The Economist estimate Source text 75% black 4 elements Chart sizes print width (pts) web equivalent (px) 160pts / 290px 332pts / 595px 117pts / 290px STANDARD PRINT LEADER / WTW 1 COLUMN fixed height 83.5pts / 207px 2 COLUMN 504pts 245pts 3 COLUMN FREE EXCHANGE SPECIAL REPORT / TQ / ESSAY 117pts 1/2 COLUMN 160pts / 290px 2/3 COLUMN 245pts 332pts / 595px 1 COLUMN 2 1/2 COLUMN 5 elements Typefaces USE FOR Chart headlines. Oversize numbers and labels. Use rarely. Use rarely - prominent labelling only Econ Sans bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Econ Sans Cnd bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Top-level chart labels Panel headings coloured text Sub title standard chart labelling abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Econ Sans Cnd medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Econ Sans Cnd regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Axis labels source text abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Econ Sans Cnd light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? Footnote symbols order of use abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? 1 2 3 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%^&()? 4 5 6 7 8 * † ‡ § ** †† ‡‡ §§ 6 elements ACTUAL SIZE Chart dimensions Standard print DIMENSIONS AND TYPE SIZES 160pts Where Tokyo leads Ten-year government-bond yields, % Period beginning: January 1989 ( Japan) 6 15 January 1999 (US) 8 17 6 4 11 2 15 0 1 5 10 13 10 Years since start Source: Thomson Reuters 10 6 5 6 Econ sans bold 9.5/11pt Econ sans cnd regular 8/9.5 Econ sans cnd medium 7.5/9 cnd light 7.5/9 cnd light 7.5/9 cnd light 7pt 6 165 4 With sub-subtitle 2 Less cash, less credit 0 India, bank credit to the commercial sector % increase on a year earlier 30 10 25 10 20 10 15 1 5 axis label cnd reg 7/7.5 Source: cnd light 6.5pt 75k 10 5 0 2000 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Source: Thomson Reuters Where possible, put units and date information on a second line at smaller font size Econ sans bold 9.5/11pt Econ sans cnd regular 8/9.5 light 7.5/9 10 TICKMARKS 0.5pt thickness 5 3 2 height 0.4pt thickness 13 7 1pt 7 elements Chart dimensions Standard web ACTUAL SIZE National anthem monopolies United States East Germany Number of “medal sweeps” by country Web charts are built at standard print widths and then exported at 179.22% Soviet Union Other 12 10 BUILT AT APPEARS AT 332pts 595px 8 6 4 2 * 1948 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 Sources: International Olympic Committee; Sports Reference; The Economist 0 96 2000 04 08 12 16 *Unified team of ex-Soviet republics 332pts 15 DIMENSIONS AND TYPE SIZES 17 11 5 National anthem monopolies United States East Germany Number of “medal sweeps” by country Soviet Union Other 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 * 0 10 10 5 1948 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 Sources: International Olympic Committee; Sports Reference; The Economist 92 96 2000 04 08 12 16 *Unified team of ex-Soviet republics 8 elements Chart dimensions leader block / world this week ACTUAL SIZE 117pts US consumer prices % increase on a year earlier 1 13 0 12 13 14 6 12 3 Fed target 2 2011 leader charts are exported for the web at 247.86% DIMENSIONS AND TYPE SIZES 15 9 Econ sans bold 8pt Econ sans cnd reg 7pt light 6pt medium 6pt 1 10 5 83.5pts (Leader block fixed height) 0 2011 12 13 14 15 Leader blocks should be simplified as much as possible, with minimal grid lines and tick-mark labelling Emphasis should be on showing a clear overall message, rather than identifying values for every data point. Property taxes Return on assets Chinese industrial enterprises*, % Private-owned 10 5 State-owned 0 1999 2005 10 15 *7-month moving average As % of total market value, 2014 Annual New York Renewable energy Transaction 0.8 0.2 India 2004 London 0.4 Argentina New investment*, $bn 0.4 5.1 China 2014 10.1 04 5.2 14 78.9 *Includes estimates for undisclosed deals 2.1 9.1 GDP, % increase on year earlier 2011 2015* Budget deficit as % of GDP -2.9 -5.6 0 Deaths from terrorism United States W. Europe 200 100 0 2011 2015* *forecast APPEARS AT 117pts 290px 83.5 4 10 BUILT AT 2005 10 16* 05 10 16* *To August 31st 208 9 elements Chart dimensions espresso ACTUAL SIZE 160pts DIMENSIONS AND TYPE SIZES 6 LA (CHART AS LEAD IMAGE) 15 Fixed depth, blank spacer at bottom of chart 10 9.5 10 6 Econ sans cnd bold 8pt Econ sans cnd reg 8pt cnd light 7.5pt 8 CONTENT 120pt US retail sales Excluding motor vehicles and parts, % change on a year earlier 4 0 8 4 -4 0 -4 -8 -8 2007 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 2007 08 Source: US Department of Commerce 5 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Source: US Department of Commerce LEAVE BLANK 40pt 160pts DA (CHART IN ARTICLE BODY) No fixed depth - same type sizes as standard chart Econ sans bold 9.5/11pt Econ sans cnd regular 8/9.5 3 United States Below the horizon 2 Ten-year government-bond yields,% 3 Germany United States 2 Germany 1 1 Japan 0 Japan 0 -1 2014 15 16 -1 Source: Thomson Reuters 2014 Source: Thomson Reuters 15 16 OVERALL DEPTH 160pt 10 elements Chart dimensions panel charts ACTUAL SIZE LANDSCAPE Racy United States Donald Trump’s media dominance and polling surge TV mentions*, % of total Polling average, % 100 50 80 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 Support for Trump v racial resentment and authoritarianism†, Republican primary voters Voter support, % 60 Authoritarianism Racial resentment 20 0 0 J J A S O N D J F 2015 M A M LOWEST 2016 Sources: GDELT; RCP; YouGov 40 Degree of authoritarianism Level of resentment HIGHEST *National news mentions of Trump compared with all Republican candidates †Poll Jul 30th-Aug 6th 2016 DIMENSIONS AND TYPE SIZES PORTRAIT 332pts Racy United States 6 Donald Trump’s media dominance and polling surge TV mentions*, % of total Polling average, % 100 80 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 J J A S O 2015 N D J F M Authoritarianism 15 10 40 Racial resentment 20 0 Sources: GDELT; RCP; YouGov 10 8 15 Voter support, % 60 Degree of authoritarianism Level of resentment 11 A M 2016 Support for Trump v racial resentment and authoritarianism†, Republican primary voters LOWEST 17 50 HIGHEST *National news mentions of Trump compared with all Republican candidates †Poll Jul 30th-Aug 6th 2016 24 Racy United States 10x1pt Donald Trump’s media dominance and polling surge TV mentions*, % of total Polling average, % 100 Support for Trump v racial resentment and authoritarianism†, Republican primary voters Voter support, % 60 50 80 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 J J A S O N 2015 Sources: GDELT; RCP; YouGov D J F M 2016 A M Authoritarianism 40 Racial resentment 20 0 LOWEST Degree of authoritarianism Level of resentment HIGHEST *National news mentions of Trump compared with all Republican candidates †Poll Jul 30th-Aug 6th 2016 11 colour Chart palette PRINT SECONDARY MAIN ECON RED RED1 RED TEXT BLUE1 BLUE2 BLUE2 TEXT C0 M 100 Y 100 K0 C 10 M 70 Y 50 K0 C 12 M 80 Y 60 K0 C 90 M 50 Y 15 K5 C 67 M0 Y 18 K0 C 82 M0 Y 18 K8 C 12 M 30 Y 70 K0 C0 M 75 Y 35 K 45 C 27 M 42 Y 25 K 10 C 85 M0 Y 30 K 20 C 53 M0 Y 26 K0 SUPPORTING Use for multi-category charts where high contrast is needed BACKGROUND BRIGHT PRINT BKGD HIGHLIGHT NUMBER BOX C 7.5 M0 Y0 K5 C 22.5 M0 Y0 K 15 C 40 M 70 Y 30 K6 DARK C0 M 68 Y 73 K0 C6 M 40 Y 100 K0 C 33 M 13 Y 95 K2 C 85 M 10 Y0 K 58 C 80 M 25 Y 50 K 50 C 38 M 30 Y 43 K 26 NEUTRAL GRID LINES GREY BOX GREY TEXT BLACK PALETTE C 10 M0 Y0 K 25 C 30 M0 Y0 K 50 C 20 M0 Y0 K 80 C0 M0 Y0 K 25 C0 M0 Y0 K 50 C0 M0 Y0 K 75 C0 M0 Y0 K 100 C 15 M0 Y0 K 10 12 colour Chart palette WEB MAIN ECON RED RED BLUE CYAN GREEN YELLOW OLIVE PURPLE GOLD GREY E3120B DB444B 006BA2 3EBCD2 379A8B EBB434 B4BA39 9A607F D1B07C 758D99 BLACK EQUAL LIGHTNESS COLOUR SCALES A81829 00588D 005F73 005F52 714C00 4C5900 78405F 674E1F 3F5661 BOXES/NAV C7303C 1270A8 00788D 00786B 8D6300 667100 925977 826636 576E79 E9EDF0 E64E53 3D89C3 0092A7 2E9284 AA7C00 818A00 AD7291 9D7F4E 6F8793 FF6B6C 5DA4DF 25ADC2 4DAD9E C89608 9DA521 C98CAC B99966 89A2AE FF8785 7BBFFC 4EC8DE 69C9B9 E7B030 BAC03F E6A6C7 D5B480 A4BDC9 FFA39F 98DAFF 6FE4FB 86E5D4 FFCB4D D7DB5A FFC2E3 F2CF9A BFD8E5 0C0C0C B7C6CF 758D99 TEXT 3F5661 13 chart types 1 trace with highlight Bar / column Side-by-side 2 traces 2 traces with sub-categories Defenders of democracy Salud Doctors’ consultations per person Selected countries, 2009 0 2 4 6 8 Middle class Germany Spain Austria France Luxembourg Portugal Britain Denmark Sweden 0 GDP, % increase on previous year Forecasts made in: 40 60 80 Chile Germany 2011 2012 France 2011 2012 Brazil Change in worldwide capital spending*, % 2014-17 forecast September 1 2 3 Euro area 2011 Mexico 2012 Malaysia Spain 2011 2012 Italy 2011 2012 South Africa Source: OECD June 0 Low income 20 Another dotcom boom Autumn fall Respondents saying that honest elections held regularly with a choice of at least two political parties are very important, 2007, % Poland Source: IMF India Russia Source: Pew Global Attitudes Survey Ethiopia’s GDP, % change on a year earlier The mighty jungle Britain, annualised rate of return on investment*, % 14 12 Equities Rural property 10 8 COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 All property Forestry 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 0 6 2004 06 Source: IMF 08 10 12 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Internet Software Tech hardware IT services Health care Total Leisure Chemicals Oil, gas and fuels Metals and mining Property Energy equipment Source: Goldman Sachs Egypt African lion 1 trace with +/- axis *In dollar terms Differentiate positive/ negative values by colour only where there is a meaningful difference i.e. imports / exports The money drain Net private capital inflows/outflows, $bn 100 0 14 15* *Estimate 20 years 10 years 50 5 years Sources: MSCI; JP Morgan *To 2014 0 -50 -100 COLOUR OVERIDES Where categories are chronological, use light-to-dark scale Growth in Asia Don’t fence me in GDP forecasts, % change on a year earlier 2015 2016 -2 0 4 8 India -20 Cambodia Laos -15 -10 -5 0 06 08 Source: Central Bank of Russia 11* *To June 30th 12 Exports 5 8 White British 4 Other White 0 Mixed China 04 China, as % of GDP Metropolitan areas Other large cities Inner London Outer London 98 2000 02 China-United States trade in goods 2001-11 6 -150 1994 96 Trader woes Britain, % change in segregation index* 2016-20* 2 If categories form meaningful groups, use colour to reinforce that Imports 1995 Bangladeshi 2000 -4 05 10 16* Malaysia Pakistani Thailand Indian 4 Chinese 0 Singapore -4 African Brunei Source: OECD United States, as % of GDP 1995 Caribbean *Annual average Source: University of Manchester 2000 05 Sources: Census Bureau; IMF * % that needs to move to create an even distribution 10 16* *Jan-Nov annualised 14 chart types Bar / column Stacked No one’s a winner The Fed says no to nuptials Mobile operators’ US market share July 2011, % 0 AT&T Sprint Nextel T-Mobile Verizon Podemos 69 PSOE 90 30.4 Overall Monthly revenue $79.8m Oil & gas PP 123 All mobiles Global internet-advertising spending, $bn Islamic State’s finances*, January 2015, $m 350 176 required for majority Other Getting sociable Looting the Levant Spanish general election 2015, Seats won Confiscation 20.1 Electricity Tax 14.3 12.0 4 Ciudadanos 40 10.0 31.4 11.1 16.8 ERC 9 DiL 8 EAJ-PNV 6 Others 5 Smartphones 44.1 9.6 30.5 12.9 Paid search Display Classified Online video FORECAST 150 Deir al-Zor governorate Monthly revenue $8.7m 0 2 4 6 8 100 10 Sources: Ministry of the Interior; El País 8.0 50 Monthly spending $5.8m Source: comScore For stacked bars with few categories or labelling issues, consider removing tick marks and labelling each segment value. 200 Fighters’ salary Military camps Treasury Media Islamic police Social services Sources: IHS 0 2008 10 12 14 16 17 Source: ZenithOptimedia *Estimates More in than out United States, merchandise-trade deficit % of GDP China Rest of world 0 -1 -2 COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 -3 6 COLOUR OVERIDES -4 How do you feel about Donald Trump as the 2016 Republican nominee for president?* Intra-European* migrants living elsewhere 2014, % of total by destination country Romania Portugal 0 Poland Germany 20 40 EU-28 60 Italy Britain 80 100 Other Switzerland Germany Spain France Italy Britain Source: European Commission -5 Trump’s troops Movers and shakers *Including EFTA You may need to swap in other colours for charts with more than 4 categories Use grey for ‘other’ / ‘dont know’ etc Enthusiastic Dissatisfied Not sure Satisfied Upset 0 White men no college White women no college White men college educated Non-white men college educated White women college educated Non-white men no college Non-white women college educated Non-white women no college Sources: YouGov; CCES; The Economist % of total voters 2012 20 40 60 80 100 22 24 16 3 17 6 4 7 *5,773 registered voters surveyed June 4th to July 9th 2016 If categories form meaningful groups, use colour to reinforce that -6 1990 95 2000 05 Sources: US Census Bureau; US Bureau of Economic Analysis 10 16* *January-September 15 chart types Lines Side-by-side Penumbral Transports of delight Where Tokyo leads US shadow housing inventory* Units, m 2.0 Period beginning January 1989 ( Japan) Coming down everywhere London’s population and journeys Ten-year government-bond yields, % Suicides per 100,000 population 2001=100 January 1999 (US) 1.5 8 Bus 0 2006 07 Source: CoreLogic 08 09 10 11 *Foreclosed and delinquent homes not yet on the market 140 Tube 4 0.5 2 5 10 120 Population Car 0 1 13 2001 03 Years since start Source: Thomson Reuters 05 07 09 Lithuania Hungary 160 6 1.0 50 180 11 13 Sources: Transport for London; ONS; The Economist 30 Russia 20 Japan South Korea US 100 Britain 80 15 1960 70 40 80 10 0 90 2000 13 Sources: ONS; Eurostat Standard colour order 1 line 2 lines 3 lines 4 lines COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 HIGH CONTRAST ALTERNATIVES Exodus Christians, as % of population 20 Egypt Syria 15 Palestine 10 Israel Iraq 5 U.A.E Saudi Arabia 0 1910 70 2010 25* Available years Source: “Ongoing Exodus: Tracking the Emigration of Christians from the Middle East” by T. Johnson and G. Zurlo, 2015 *Forecast 5 lines 6 lines 16 chart types Lines Stacked Foreign hoards The big shift Developing-country currency reserves $trn 6 Other developing countries 4 2 Tax havens’ share of US overseas corporate profits, % Netherlands Bermuda & other Caribbean Luxembourg Ireland Singapore Switzerland 60 50 40 30 China 20 0 2002 04 06 08 10 10* 11* Source: IMF *Forecast 0 1982 90 95 2000 05 10 13 Source: “The Hidden Wealth of Nations”, by Gabriel Zucman, University of Chicago Press, 2015 COLOUR OVERIDES COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 In limbo Emerging middle class Households in temporary homes England, ’000 Private rental LA/HA* Working population by economic class, emerging and developing countries*, 2011$ at PPP†, bn 3.0 Private leased by LA/HA* Hostel Bed & breakfast Developed middle class and above over $13 100 80 60 $5.01 to $13 $3.11 to $5 0 2002 04 Source: DCLG 06 08 10 12 1.5 Near poor 20 1998 2.0 Developing middle class 40 Alternative colour scheme for use where categories are chronological or where primary colour scheme doesn’t work 2.5 1.0 Moderately poor $1.90 to $3.10 15 *Local authorities and housing associations 0.5 Extremely poor less than $1.90 0 1991 Source: ILO 95 2000 05 10 15‡ 16‡ *Excluding most Western developed countries †Purchasing-power parity ‡Estimate 17 chart types Thermometer charts Standard colour order 3 lines 2 lines The horrible science Use of specific “adjective” per million words in student reviews on* one two COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 100 200 300 400 two “Horrible” 0 The horrible science Use of specific “adjective” per million words in student reviews on* one three 100 200 300 400 6 lines two three four 0 100 “Horrible” The horrible science Use of specific “adjective” per million words in student reviews on* one 200 300 400 two three four five six 0 100 200 “Horrible” Mathematics Economics Computer Science Business Biology Philosophy English Psychology History Communication Mathematics Economics Computer Science Business Biology Philosophy English Psychology History Communication Mathematics Economics Computer Science Business Biology Philosophy English Psychology History Communication Mathematics Economics Computer Science Business Biology Philosophy English Psychology History Communication Source: Ben Schmidt, Northeastern University Source: Ben Schmidt, Northeastern University Source: Ben Schmidt, Northeastern University Source: Ben Schmidt, Northeastern University dot terminals 6 The horrible science Use of specific “adjective” per million words in student reviews on* one 0 “Horrible” 4 lines The horrible science Use of specific “adjective” per million words in student reviews on* one two three “Horrible” 0 100 200 300 Mathematics Economics Computer Science Business Biology Philosophy English Psychology History Communication Source: Ben Schmidt, Northeastern University Use as alternative when lines are unclear 400 300 400 Ilex will plot up to 6 colours but any more than 4 categories is probably too many and you should have a rethink chart types 4 categories The best disinfectant Standard dot 4px width 50% opacity use where general trend is more important than individual point highlight dot 4px width 100% opacity use to label outliers / important data points 2 3 4 5 House prices 20 India Colombia Mexico 15 Sweden Singapore 10 0 0 -2 0 2 4 Employment Sources: Freddie Mac; US Bureau of Labour Statistics 6 8 trend lines 1px stroke dashed 3px, 1px 20 Vitality and the vote United States, health metrics against swing to Donald Trump By county Change in Republican margin over Democrats, 2012-16, % points 50 Region Northeast Midwest West South 25 Voting eligible population 20 40 60 80 100 Corruption-perceptions index score, 2014 100=least corrupt 0 Sources: Transparency International; Open Knowledge Foundation -5 *At least 100,000 population Same weight/colour for x and y ticks use black for zero baseline only -25 -50 20 WORSE HEALTH 30 40 50 Index of county health metrics* Sources: Atlas of US Presidential Elections; Census Bureau; IPUMS, University of Minnesota; Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; The Economist 60 BETTER HEALTH 70 *Weighted index of obesity, diabetes, heavy drinking, physical exercise and life expectancy, 2010-12 Where colour categories become difficult to distinguish, consider highlighting the most significant part of the story Connected scatter 6 40 0 5 Category dot 0.3px stroke 50% opacity fill use for bubble charts to differential colours COLOUR ORDER 1 Q1 1990 - Q1 2007 Q1 2012 - Q1 2016 Open-data index score, latest 100=most open 100 Britain Denmark 80 US 60 Corruption and open data United States, housing and employment Metro areas*, average annual change, % MORE REPUBLICAN Divergent LESS REPUBLICAN Scatter plot Standard scatter Bubble chart Right nation Health spending and life expectancy at birth OECD countries 2013* 2003 Life expectancy, years 84 France Japan 2013 average 80.5 78 Britain By county 82 Germany Chile Vitality and the vote United States, health metrics against swing to Donald Trump United States 76 Change in Republican margin over Democrats, 2012-16, % points 50 Jefferson, OH MORE REPUBLICAN Chart elements sub title should summarise chart, save specific units for axis labels Voting eligible population Knox, OH 25 Midwest 74 Turkey 2013 average $3,453 0 Source: OECD 0 72 1 2 3 4 70 5 6 Health expenditures per person at purchasing-power parity, current prices, $’000 To avoid obscuring the connecting lines and labels, axis lines can be broken 7 8 9 *Or latest LESS REPUBLICAN 18 -25 -50 20 WORSE HEALTH 30 40 50 Index of county health metrics* Sources: Atlas of US Presidential Elections; Census Bureau; IPUMS, University of Minnesota; Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; The Economist 60 BETTER HEALTH 70 *Weighted index of obesity, diabetes, heavy drinking, physical exercise and life expectancy, 2010-12 On larger / complicated scatters, use explanatory labels to make the correlation clear 19 chart types Tables Chart elements Standard table With colour highlight Divided by a dozen Greatest hits headline econ sans cnd medium 7.5/9 body econ sans cnd light 7.5/9 paragraph space 4pt Company detail text 75k Airbnb Rents out places to stay for local hosts 0.5px 100k 0.3px 50k Policy choices in our political proximity model Largest Y Combinator-funded startups Value* $bn Date of joining $25.5 2009 Dropbox File-sharing and storage in the cloud $10.0 Stripe Software for selling from within apps $5.0 Zenefits Online HR and payroll services $4.5 Instacart Grocery collection and delivery service $2.0 2012 Docker Platform to manage distribution of software $1.1 2010 Sources: CB Insights; CrunchBase 2010 2013 New stimulus measures Social Business tax cuts Which comes closest to your position on abortion? Infrastructure spending, state and local government aid Would you support/oppose a constitutional amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage? 2007 Obama’s jobs bill $bn 70 140 Unemployment insurance and training 62 Should gun-control laws be more or less strict than they are now? Payroll-tax cut Economic Paid for by Do you support/oppose raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour? Limiting deductions for upper-income earners What should be done to reduce the federal budget deficit? Treating carried interest as ordinary income 18 Limiting oil and gas company tax benefits 40 Do you support/oppose a single-payer health-care system? Removing corporate-jet tax breaks Total 447 405 Total* Should our taxes provide free college tuition? Source: White House Foreign policy 175 3 467 *Figures may not sum due to rounding Do you think the US government should be doing more or less in its fight against terrorism? Do you support/oppose sending ground combat troops to fight IS in Iraq and Syria? *Latest funding round Do you favour/oppose building a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico? Use 75k text to differentiate explanatory text Would you say NAFTA has had a positive/negative effect on the US economy? Is the government doing enough to combat climate change? Use alternating row colours to help with reading 3pt internal padding Which comes closest to your position on abortion? Table with integrated charts What to expect Asylum processes, selected countries, 2014 Accepted Minimum wait before % permitted to work Applications* Country Decisions made Mainly from % Germany 173,070 Syria 23 Serbia / Kosovo 14 Eritrea 8 42 Syria 40 Stateless 10 Eritrea 8 77 Serbia / Kosovo 51 Afghanistan 21 Syria 16 9 Eritrea 13 Pakistan 11 Syria 8 39 Mexico 12 China 11 El Salvador 8 30† China 19‡ India 13‡ Pakistan 10‡ 19† 97,415 Sweden 75,090 40,015 Hungary 41,370 5,445 Britain 31,260 26,055 United States 121,160 71,765† Australia 8,960 13,198† Sources: UNHCR; government statistics; The Economist State benefits per month 3 months €374 Immediately Without restrictions €226 9 months €86 Maximum Working only in a reception centre 12 months €217 Only jobs where gov’t sees a shortage (medics, engineers) 6 months Nil In practice, 92% of applicants wait longer Most applicants cannot work as they are in detention €275 *From UNHCR 2014 report †From UNHCR Statistical Database ‡2012-13 figures Where table data will benefit from visualising , use small labelled bar charts etc. Use colour highlight with inverted text to pull out key details 20 chart types Standard colour order Pie / doughnut 1 2 3 4 5 6 COLOUR ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 The scramble in Africa Naan bigger Tata’s workforce in Britain, September 2011 ’000 Jaguar Land Rover 19.0 Tata Steel 19.4 Other Others 0.6 Taj (hotels) 0.4 Tata Chemicals 0.5 Source: Tata Total 45.4 Goods trade with Africa, 2013, $bn Foreign direct investment in Africa, 2012, $bn China* 156.4 Rest of world 453.8 United States 72.1 Rest of world 38.1 Britain 7.5 United States 3.7 France 61.6 Tata Consultancy Services 4.9 TGB (drinks) 0.7 Total $1.02trn Brazil 25.3 Japan 25.3 Sources: UNCTAD; IMF India 57.0 Spain 48.1 Italy 40.9 Germany 40.4 Britain 34.4 Total $59.3bn Italy 3.6 China 2.5 France 2.1 India 1.8 *Including Macau and Hong Kong Where linking lines get too crowded, key the labels with small colour block NOTE: Use with caution. Should probably be abandoned in favour of stacked bar if over 4 categories 21 chart styling Double-scale charts 3 lines on left-hand axis 1 line on each axis Out of steam Golden triangle Britain, railways National rail track ’000 km AXIS 1 1 2 text 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1955 70 80 90 2000 Total trilateral trade $trn 1.25 Mexico 1.00 Canada 60 0.75 40 0.50 United States 20 0.25 0 0 1994 2000 05 10 14 Venezuela, % change on a year earlier Consumer prices, year-end GDP 20 800 15 600 10 400 5 200 0 0 -5 -200 -10 -400 -15 -600 -20 15 -800 2004 06 Sources: Thomson Reuters; IMF Source: Department for Transport 08 10 12 Sources: IMF; Reuters 14 16* *Preliminary estimate Always choose the axis colour order that will visually associate the labels best with the corresponding line Double scales can be good at showing correlations and are economical with space. But they can also be confusing/misleading. Here are some things to avoid when considering a double scale Avoid breaking the scales without good reason Quantifying QE AXIS 2 1 2 80 60 50 COLOUR ORDER 100 70 Privatisation begins 60 Chavismo in action NAFTA countries’ exports to each other, % of total Passenger kilometres bn 70 Use Econ Sans Cnd Regular, instead of light, for coloured y-axis labels line and column Euro against the dollar, $ per € What lies beneath Ten-year governmentbond yields, % 1.4 1.3 1.2 Italy 1.1 1.0 5 4 90 150 3 60 120 30 90 0 60 30 30 60 0 1 0 2015 Source: Thomson Reuters 2002 04 06 08 10 Avoid mixing disparate measures to force visual correlation The Zuma years Big oil companies’ enterprise free cash flow, $bn 120 2 Euro area 2014 If you are plotting above and below a zero line make the zero lines align Oil price Brent, $ per barrel 180 12 14 Source: BCG 16 South Africa Rand per $, inverted scale 6 SACCI Business Confidence Index, 2015=100 120 9 110 12 100 15 90 18 80 2008 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sources: Thomson Reuters; SACCI Broken scale distorts data misaligned baselines Index value + inverted scale If you cannot conform to the above rules try splitting the chart into panels or indexing the variables 22 chart styling Blob heads Bubble Number block Where bubbles are large enough fit numbers inside To avoid awkward alignment, if most numbers won’t fit, put them outside bubble and align text right The Big Mac index January 2016 January 2017 6.4 Norway 5.8 Sweden 5.3 Brazil 5.1 United States† 5.1 Euro area‡ 4.1 Britain 3.8 Japan 3.3 Fill c22.5 k15 100% multiply -10 -5 0 5 10 15 $bn Domestic Foreign October 2016 China 261 India 26 Germany 58 0 100 200 300 400 Johannesburg 943 Nigeria 29.3 Mauritius 6.2 288 Nairobi 19.9 Britain 44 Namibia South Korea 32 Canada 23 Brazil 32 France 36 Italy 31 Australia 21 Japan 62 Spain 18 United States 3.0 China§ 2.8 Netherlands 18 Vietnam 2.6 Russia 21 India** 2.5 Source: GBTA Mexico 2.3 Russia 2.2 BRVM* Source: World Federation of Exchanges 2.3 Market cap, $bn 11.6 *West African regional exchange *At market exchange rates ( Jan 11th 2017) †Average of four cities ‡Weighted average of member countries §Average of five cities **Maharaja Mac Arrow placement Econ Sans Cnd reg 7.5/9.5pt Box: c22.5 k15 100% multiply 2 line % change on a year earlier Turkey Text blocks 1 line Can be used with column or thermometer charts 20 40 Switzerland Sources: McDonald’s; The Economist A secondary data variable added as area-sized bubbles or number boxes Number of companies listed on stock exchanges Business travel spending, 2014 Big Mac price*, $ -80 -60 -40 -20 0 Starting small Up in the air Local currency under (-) / over (+) valuation against the dollar, % If number range or positive / negative values rule out bubbles, revert to equal-sized number blocks ECB announces QE ECB announces QE beginning ECB announces QE 12pt height / 6pt horizontal padding 23pt height / 6pt horizontal padding numbers Econ Sans Cnd reg 7pt 6.4 Horizontally or vertically centred ECB announces QE ECB announces QE Minimum 6pt in from box edge if necessary 23 chart styling Where colour is being used to categorise data, use grey for timeline labels Timelines Non-data timelines The Philippines Selected events Ferdinand Marcos elected 1965 Marcos ousted Benigno Aquino Jr. assassinated on return from US exile 75 New constitution “People Power” revolution Marcos imposes martial law 70 80 Duterte first elected mayor of Davao 85 Marcos 90 Corazon Aquino Coup attempts PRESIDENTS Data timeline 95 Ramos Wife of Benigno Jr Re-elected Asian financial crisis starts Joseph Estrada resigns during impeachment proceedings Corazon Aquino dies Estrada Ms Arroyo convicted of arrested corruption 2000 05 10 US/EU oil sanctions Oil production, m bpd 6 4 Iranian revolution. Shah overthrown Iran signs Non-proliferation Treaty Iran/Iraq war Obama offers to “extend a hand” to Iran Son of Corazon & Benigno Jr USS Vincennes shoots down Iranian civil airliner 0 Duterte President Elect 1965 70 75 80 85 90 95 200 For timelines tied to a dataset, break the y-axis lines to avoid chart area becoming too crowded IS takes Mosul 100 US invades Iraq 0 2000 05 10 15 Supreme leaders Ruhollah Khomeini Ali Khamenei Reza Shah Pahlavi Use thin alternating-colour bars to mark out time periods. Key repeated events, like coup attempts, to avoid duplicating text labels 300 US invades Afghanistan 1516 Benigno Aquino III GDP, $bn 2005 prices Iran branded part of “axis of evil” 2 Estrada Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Source: The Economist More than an oil giant Iran * † Khamenei Sources: World Bank; Thomson Reuters Rafsanjani Presidents Khatami Ahmadinejad Rouhani *Banisadr †Ali Rajai I wanna be adored Presidential election Parliamentary election Approval rating of Vladimir Putin and the Russian government, % polled Putin is: PM Causation of a caliphate Civilian death toll, ‘000: Iraq American-led invasion of Iraq. Saddam Hussein toppled. Assad accused of helping foreign fighters enter Iraq Egypt bombs IS affiliate in Libya Syria Zarqawi killed in American bombing Haider al-Abadi replaces Maliki. American-led coalition starts bombing IS in Iraq, and later in Syria “Great recession” Financial crisis; GDP shrinks 8% 2 1 75 Russian government 50 AntiGovernment Protests in Bolotnaya Georgia war 3 Syrian uprising begins PRESIDENT Rouble Annexation collapses of Crimea 100 Start of Syrian civil war Vladimir Putin 6 4 Withdrawal of American forces from Iraq Bashar Assad comes to power in Syria PRIME MINISTER Beslan School Siege 5 Start of American surge in Iraq Nuri al-Maliki comes to power as Iraq’s PM PRESIDENT Moscow Theatre siege Second Chechen War 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 25 0 14 15 16 Sources: Levada Centre; The Economist 0 1998 99 2000 01 02 03 Zarqawi pledges allegiance to Bin Laden, forming al-Qaeda in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi founds jihadist group in Iraq Al-Qaeda bombs American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya 04 05 06 07 08 09 Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) founded 10 11 12 13 14 15 ISI founds Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) founded. Splits with Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda, then captures Raqqa in eastern Syria Label styles IS takes Mosul, races towards Baghdad and declares a caliphate Sources: Iraq Body Count; Violation Documentation Centre in Syria; The Economist Boko Haram declare allegiance to IS To distinguish from plotted data, use dotted lines for labels on bar charts Specific date events 0.5px stroke, arrowhead 21, 50% Time periods 24 chart styling Timelines mobile versions 3-column print timeline web desktop version at 332pt Mexican waves Mexican waves Mexico, selected government-bond yields, % First Mexican Foreign Loan Mexico, selected government-bond yields, % Porfirio Díaz Becomes President Reform French war occupation MexicanAmerican war 1914 Default 1929 Crash Mexican Oil Nationalisation Debt Crisis Peso Crisis log scale 400 200 100 Mexican revolution First Mexican Foreign Loan MexicanAmerican war French occupation 1914 Default Mexican Oil Nationalisation Debt Peso Crisis Crisis Mexican revolution Reform war 40 20 10 1929 Crash Porfirio Díaz Becomes President log scale 400 200 100 40 20 10 4 2 1 1824 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Sources: Global Financial Data; Thomson Reuters; Haver Analytics 1900 10 20 30 40 50 60 Periods of default on external debt 70 80 90 2000 10 15 4 2 1 1824 40 50 60 70 80 90 1900 10 20 Mexico, selected government-bond yields, % Rotate timeline and run vertically on mobile. 10 100 Mexico, selected government-bond yields, % Periods of war / revolution 400 log scale First Mexican Foreign Loan 40 50 Mexican-American war 60 Reform war French occupation 70 With often-lengthly text labels in fixed positions on the chart, timelines present a unique challenge for condensing to mobile. Porfirio Díaz Becomes President 80 90 Works well where labels are relatively evenly spaced and where the data relates to specific labels, i.e. oil nationalisation in this example 1 2 3 4 5 log scale 400 200 100 40 20 10 4 2 1 1824 1900 50 1900 50 2000 15 Periods of default on external debt Mexican revolution 10 1914 Default 20 30 1929 Crash 40 Mexican Oil Nationalisation 50 1 First Mexican Foreign Loan 2 Porfirio Díaz Becomes President 3 Mexican Oil Nationalisation 4 Debt Crisis 5 Peso Crisis 60 Sources: Global Financial Data; Thomson Reuters; Haver Analytics 70 80 Debt Crisis 90 Peso Crisis 2000 15 1 10 Sources: Global Financial Data; Thomson Reuters; Haver Analytics 100 60 70 80 90 2000 10 15 *First new (non-restructured) bond issued for 50 years Compress horizontally, number labels on chart and list below. Mexican waves Periods of default on external debt 1 50 Mobile option 2 Mexican waves 1824 40 Periods of default on external debt *First new (non-restructured) bond issued for 50 years Sources: Global Financial Data; Thomson Reuters; Haver Analytics Mobile option 1 30 400 *First new (non-restructured) bond issued for 50 years *First new (non-restructured) bond issued for 50 years 25 chart styling Miscellaneous styles Number boxes Highlight panels Use where multiple charts are referenced in text Working-age population*, 2015=100 FORECAST 120 United States Japan European Union 1 Ten-year government-bond yields, % Period beginning: January 1989 ( Japan) 100 80 China 40 8 1950 75 2000 25 50 75 Source: United Nations Population Division 4 Accounting scandal CEO resigns $4.6bn record loss label text econ sans cnd light 7/7pt 500 400 300 Westinghouse Write-down 2015 100 0 16 17 Source: Thomson Reuters Market income plus transfers plus transfers less taxes If there are only 1 or 2 points, and they are key to the chart meaning, use colour/ medium font World war II starts GREY c15, k10 Years since start Mutti’s malaise German approval of Angela Merkel, % polled 80 Euro Crisis 1979 Source: CBO World war II ends Econ sans bold 7.5pt c22.5 / k15 1 10pt 07 09 11 13 110 80 90 95 Broken scales 60 50 40 Mutti’s malaise 15 16 German approval of Angela Merkel, % polled 80 70 60 50 40 Migrant Crisis 30 11 13 15 16 Source: ARD DeutschlandTREND/infratest dimap *Adjusted for household size DON’T BREAK SCALE ON BAR/COLUMN CHARTS - USE THERMOMETER INSTEAD German approval of Angela Merkel, % polled 09 10 13 30% tint Mutti’s malaise 07 05 70 For web-only charts, use print bkgd colour for highlights 2005 0.5pt red line on index line c12, m80, y60, k0 70 80 2005 90 2000 40 Source: ARD DeutschlandTREND/infratest dimap Euro Crisis 100 c10, m70, y50 Migrant Crisis 30 2005 For highlights that are central to the message of the chart ,use colour 85 120 50 60 10pt 130 Use when breaking y-axis on line, thermometer and scatter charts not needed on indexed, negative scale or inverted scales 70 6pt 150 140 13 Source: Thomson Reuters 5pt diameter black circle on index point United States, median real household income*, 1979=100 German approval of Angela Merkel, % polled 1pt 200 LIGHT 6.5PT UPPERCASE Easing the pain 0.5pt stroke arrow 21 600 *Aged 15-64 0 10 CB&I Stone & Webster write-down Toshiba, share price, yen Mutti’s malaise 2100 2 5 Westinghouse woes 20 6 1 For secondary information, like forecast or estimate, use neutral style 60 January 1999 (US) Index charts Use to mark specific dates and points on axis Who will fill the jobs? Where Tokyo leads Highlight labels 30 60 50 40 07 2005 07 09 09 11 13 30 15 16 Source: ARD DeutschlandTREND/infratest dimap 11 13 broken scale symbol black 0.4 stroke 6pt width centred between baseline and first y-axis tick 15 16 x axis baseline ends at last tick mark