THOfVISO N I -_.-- _.- .- ­.~ _-...--- .. .. -'- - •• iN MEMORY OF AMI -- - .. --- ~. ~­ ! co. \<neu. Sl {_.""..." II'i6llMe,,,, "" '-" P.,.o 10 c..1101M''Ooil '50" Mod"d ~ , Contents PART ONE INTROOUCTION TO STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ANO lOAOS Introduction to Structural Analysis 2 I' !l 1.2 R, , .... , , u , U ,\ " loads on Structures " ,J ,." "\\ 'nJ " ,., ,,' ,.. " ,.. ll)dr,\ 1.'U, _,n,l "."ll',e ,me, " ,.. 1,>.,,1 (,'mb'n,III<' " (:I< I L, U I \' \,,"" I, ~ " l'.1I(t . I V I hCITlhll ,m<1 Olh I IlL"·!> I> E .... PART TWO ANALYSIS OF STATICAllY OETERMINATE STRUCTURES u I~ u 3 EqUIlibrium and Support ReactIons ."", "" 6 Dellecllons of Beams' Geometnc MethOds .". " .. s• u u u " Plane and Space Trusses 7 " Dellecllons of Trusses, Beams. and Fra'...... Wor1l-Energ, Methods " " .. ..,". " "" ., u "" .. u u I) IJ' Influence lines " Beams and Frames: Shear and Bending Moment "'.1 Ib! \",,11 >lW Sh(ar .md ~ltdnkI 'lomenl <;h al ,,,d Ik",l n~ M"m;:nl Diagram, I(,~ Ih~ •.. - . -- . u u ,'" .. • ' 9 AppUnbon of Unn " 13 Meltlod of Consistent OeronaatiOfts-FOfC8 MIUtod .. 10 •, Analysis 01 Synunetrk SIrUctUm 14 ,a, Three-Moment Eqaation aad the MettwMI et least WOft '" ", '" ...,m .. , 15 PART THREE 11 . InnutBCe LinK tor Stamally Indetemllnatl! SlNl;turn '" AHALYSIS OF STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES '" IntrodueliOn to StatlCall, Indetemllnate structures 111 '\ 11 2 \ • nJ [} '" 4 ; ," nla ". llde1 ,,".,., ' SI, ',' r 16 Siope-Oeflection Method .. , '" 'u _c __ ---- • • Preface , , " I n, I (, .don II II I ( rk UIl l Goo, Illa,,,lt.,,,1 {",,,,,,, A ,,111,41 Part One Introduction to Structural Analysis and Loads • . .. -~ ~, .. .",~ - ' I . 1 Introduction to Structural Analysis .. """ . . I . .- -- , fI'I.1 II h mputcr hut 1,,,,,( U} ,n'rLl1 J no" he p",h,nl <"<.l ,n '"' the ,'''IClll "omrU1"r·,>ncm,,,j me\h,,,j, "I ltllhutcd I" ,'n~ "the" J H \I~Yl , 0'." (It -. . . . . -. -.~ • • , ,. • \1 t:' -c;.- _ 11' --./,~ ./" "" " --- ... '''lei .- 1.3 CLASSIFICATION Of STRUCTURES • CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Structural Analysis • lh.tI till) t\\ll or !l1t)re of the b.I"1l.: larut~ S I)-pes descn ' 1-.., c('l1lhlnl'J In .1 elg1I ~ struLturc., ~uch as a III Iht: 10 II l'\\IO' 01,1) I~ • . C , I ' n1 "I I C' ,truClUTe ... functional requirements. he J~1l I<', r IIlg l)f t 1,rU~l' l II II Tension Structures The memba of ten 1011 stTUl.:tun:s aTC tht' .tclion of e\lI:mal IlMd . Becau~ 10nn" O\l'T subjected to p~re lension the tensJle sin:... !'. IS thstributed the: cro ,·....:ctional area.. of members. the material of a ..(r~ctue I ' utili/cd in the most efficient manner. T e n ~ i o t lomJXhcd of 11r.:\lbk 'lcd l..tblc... are fre~u ntl} e~pl )ed to U bndi!c and long· p.m roof Bt.'Cau~ 01 their flexlblhty, cables negligible bending liJlne' and can dc\e1op onl} h:nsion. Thus c\tcmallo,Hb. ,I c.lble .ld0ph a \hare that enabl~ It to 'upport the b\ ten,ik forl:cS alone. In other \\ord':i. the shape of a cable c a~ the lo.ld, .Kung on it ch.lJlgl: A\ an el\ample the ,hape~ Ihal a cable rna) a"uml' under t\\O AG. 1.4 SU',pen')lon Bndgc different loading: conditions are shown Fig. 1.3 Figure 1.4 ~\oh a familiar t)-pe of cable strw.;ture Ihe WJ: hrid!jt In J "u"pcm.lon bridge. the road\\a} i., suspended from Iwo cable... b)- me"n, or \crtu;al hangers. The main cables pass over a of lO\H~r., Jnd are anchored mto solid rock or a concrete foundabOD their ends. Be-cau.,c su"penslOn bridge., and other cable structures .,tifTnc,., in latcral directions. the) are elbitp~us to wind-induced Fig I 5,. Bri.KlIlg or .,tiffening systems arc therefore pro lations c~( to reduce such o\clllatlon,. Bcside., cahle ...truclurc\ other examples of tension struclures lOci \ crtical rods used iPi hanger., (for e>.ample. to support balconies Or ta and membrane .,tructurc\ su(,;h as tents. AG. 1.5 Tacoma Narrows Bridge O\4,;illating before Its Collapse in 1940 flI'! ~ ~ ltOLMI ~n' P!l1O No n 187 Compression Structures P, P " t'----={7' 11&.1.3 , P P, la, Ib' Compression structures devd P mainI ;~ E ,: acllon of external loads Two common c fum and ar h Columns are compressive loads as sh "'II m Fig. I subJocled to lateral loads and or m called a oIumn An arch I a curved structure w th verted cable F,g I b upport brid and long \J shOWDI. s:~r hl;UI) .... -~ ~l lIL L W ~ T ILL ""'I iii\. 112 t .. MALmeAL MODELS line Diagram ,~ I" <!k.. ',,,'!I<6n>rM,, • mox! .., 1 Ih< "IOSI ,mr<> . "'Gu,m <'pt"" "" nd '",,,,J.;,J IS."'"' Th r ,. I •t " • '.1 lh"f(u~ Ul"k'O a1 d,n~ .,1111< b<h" b<:J ',,"Ilhl: lr1101U1"1 IO,ponso plO<I"I"t I",", 01" '4hd "ol, ", Ih, ",tenL thai ,It< mudd 'Cl're<enl lJ",ch'l'menl <>f {hc .n.I>li,al mood Jl'r < ",,, n "t Iii<" HI"" ng f."" '"' • , the II "' , " Connections Two I ~ lure' I J r lh'rd type, reu r used , dn~ 2 fir hi 1< ,,,n temled a 1>1, ! <"nil" ,"~ /I." " . \ Ith, h ", 2 Loads on Structures " ,"". . "" ", " ....ons SUMMARY ,I _- "'1m, ,11"1 ,.j 'It "lh~, 1I I'r III< 1 ., ull 1'0: 01"-..1,,, ..L,nce on 1"".1 I " t,({"",k 1/ f) " .. ., 1. ClW'18I2 Lua on _rea Bl I dm~\ m,d (Jllu, Smu tim \ (SEt ASCE 7-02) II· Manual I'Ll l)tdmltml Sr t llfIC dllom lor H,ghn,a Br f:-flflIII( (,mtl .... \l L II Ol and Jnlf "l(IlIon(l/ Blllldmt/ (mit )1 Sj Although the load requirements of most local buddtn. generalh based on thllSC of the nallonal codes listed herein 1 rna' co~tam addltll1nal pn.l\ IslOns \\arranted by such re dlu~ns as earthquakes tornadoes. hurncanes, heavy snow and Local bUlldmg codes are usualll legal documents enacted 10 pubhc "elfare and safcI} and the ~emgn must become famdiar "nh the bUIlding code for the area 10 whIch Ih struetlll be budt. The load descnbed on the codes are usually based on put enee and stud, and are the m",;mum for which the anoUi structures mw be designed. HO\"e\er. the engineer must decidIi structure I to be subjected to an) loads in addition to those by the code and If so, must deSIgn the structure to reslSl the loads. Remember that the engineer is ultimately responsIble for TULl 2.1 UIlfI WElIIl11 Of COIlITRUCTIOII 1IA1DIAU Malenal Alummum Bnl:k C om:rete mnfon::cd Structural teel Wood 1 t 150 490 40 6 i design of the structure. The objective of thIS chapter is to describe the types of monly encountered in the design of structures and 10 introduce concepts of load esumation. We first describe dead loads and cuss Itve loads for buildings and bridges. We next consider the effect or the impact. of live loads. We describe environmental indudmg wind loads, snow loads, and earthquake loads. We IlIWl discussion of hydrostatic and soil pressures and thermal condude with a discussion about the combinations of load design purposes. The material presented herein is mainly based on the A.S dard Mimmum De>ign Loads for Buildings and Other Slruc ASCE 7-02), which is commonly referred to as the ASCE 7 and i perhaps th most widely used standard in practice SUIllII tent here IS 10 familiarize the reader with the general tOpiC of structures many of Ihe details have not been included. Need the complete provisions of the local building codes or the Slandard must be followed in designing structures. ExIlnPle 2.1 2.1 DEAD LOADS Dead loath are gravlly loads of constant magniludes and fbed : " : : ' permanently on the structure. Such load CORStSI of truetural sy lem Itself and of all other rnatenal and • The numbcr'l ~r.:;=" II I 1 brae: BeD ref1 t llcms 11s1cd 18 the bibtiop'apby be purtlwcd lrom the American Drive Reston Vuguua 201914400 .a.t . SlCTION Z 2 ltf'I L..- 2,2 LIVE LOADS Uve loads T nlu 2 l '" IjI/AlM FUIOIl lin ~OAI S • H ,. ,, , '" "'1",1' ), n,nUl cd I,), b) 'h " 'Of BUIldings ,. , ,, .. An~ He ," FOR IUft-OIflGS " .:2 C!lAPIUI 2 Lo.da GIl St,uclUl" ...... 1M live loads for Bridges I L tn<! ..... ,, , -"Ll----,-I-,-,I,,-,IJet,-----,t.....Jt----,-1=--..!.-.... t LJ..--L..L-1.. IlG 2.2 I 11, \ fir • • " . CllAPTER 2 lDlGllNl SII"'IIl... 2.3 IMPACT 2.4 WINO LOADS " I Ih "n ou Xlu !lsI''''' n In anJ l ~ g w m ~ l " ."hl1 ~ (,", If \Ilh"u~h the procahLM d oJ. f>r 1M em Un" "f w nd I, ,-I ,Il.u~, 3l)" <kt,,,1 Ill.;>!;l of Ih m Jrc b'l-ed <'n the "'me \1;, l\. rr IB'" hll' 110:1 n II wmd pc,-J I JllJ Ihc d) IlJOB" pr" \lr'" '''<.incoJ "n .1 tiJI I/'!.',\\mJ n"w "hL,h "In be "hl,n!lc<! b Jl'jtn~ H"",,,,,lh' I 'mIJI to Ih~ pntKlplc amJ ""pre ",-"j a 26 CHAmR 2 LOid. on Struclu"'. 1ECTIOIl2A _ ~ ~ " I , ~ ~ "= ~ • ~ .¥ OI.:l.:Up.IIlC) or u:-c -~ -~ : = -~." ' :; =' - ~hl; :'", l ~I n:'-"a.muh BUlldmgs rcprc<;cntmg loy. hazard to fallurl.:. uch.1'; agncuhur.ll and minOT h'rage lal:lhtu: \11 hUlldmgs oth~r than those 11 tcl.l In (utcgonc 1 111 and IV Building rcprc$CntlOg d ub-.tantlal ha/.ud t human hrc: , f. -::.". V" -::: .,... ' " "..----- -;;:: .. .-"'t ... ~ In of failure. ~u.:h as those "here more th n )00 people f.u':lhtle\ \\Ith I.:dpal,;lt congregate in one area: da~·cre -':<l the II 1\1 I I I.: gTe-,Hcr than 150: ",hooh "jth c(111cgc" y,nh capal.:lt) ~rcal emergenc) tre.ttmcnt or C<lpall!) greater than :!5fl than SI.Ml hO<lpltcil without ~urgc y fUl:lhue but \\oath patient capacit) greater than SO; Jail,. ro"er stations and utili tic.. not c....cntlal in an emcrgcnl1. and hUild O~<; l.:ontaining haLardou!> and explo~I\C' material E'i...cntial facilitic'i. indudmg. ho"pltal fire and pollet ,tatlon'i. national defen-.e facihtle'i and cmergenC) shelten commUOIcatlon center.... po"'cr ~ta i(lns and utlh ~S requircd in an emergen') 1\ I II Souru' ·\daplcd "ilh permi~ IOn from AS( E 7.t1~ \#mlnl/lm J) from ASCE 7·(J2; for further tnlOrmdlllln the I;ompleh: le'),! )O~1 9 }(l' mth TABLE 2.4 EXPOSURE CATEGORIES FOR BUILDINGS FOR WINO LONIB c Exposure Urban and suburban areas \\Ith closet paced obstruction) of the size of single mil h or larger This terram must pmallln the up'"'lod dlrec.1:lon for a distance of at t 2630 ft 800 m or 10 urnes the buddin height whichever I greater Appll s to all bwldangs 10 "'bK:h ••1""'..... B or 0 do not appl) Flat unobstrUL1ed areas and w out Ide humcane-prone regl must f"\ II In the up" nd di dlsumcc of at lea I 5 000 ft I ".. m ,.... til< bUlldmg bcigh. wlu< D " 2lI CIW'TElI 2 lDlCls 01\ Slruc_ Jl I il ~ = r= ~ IlIIIUIl1ll1 - = =/1f!/ftIi/Jlt.'iJ ~ + " "-- 'lllIlllllllr -= _--:0 -IJlIlliIUTllllUlliIlIL' = §E= 11IIl1llllllllJIIIlllfi , f"- 2.5 I .., E, ,., ,, " '"" " " , "" {furl ,.j. ro .. M, n\lrndl P. "",II, lndoo.:.! II lor hl ~ h" u ( '"' I II , t 0, ,1>1 r 1" t~, \\ Ilh In. <lew h'll1o 2,5 SfKIW LOADS \ • EQ"'" 2 3 2.6 EARTHQUAKE LOADS • r 1111 flllllTTTTl • , . I dl J~, ,.. I, " ,, • C....PTEA 2 lOldlon Slruct"". ,. '" 2.1 HVDROSTATIC AND SOil PRESSURES 2.8 THERMAL AND OTHER EffECTS 2.9 LOAD C(lMBrNATlONS , ht (,,\<oJ ()~ I ~I"' .. , , ,,,the bu lhIH d I Ing Ihe al del I>"ul lh lr 1''' I al J Ihe Jed the Iale CHAPTU Z LIlIU on SlrUCIIJ," • .. SUMMARY PROBLEMS 5~ 1+. A A "' .. "" b~ n-«I{' " r T~ J,' !o.:l.J< I ,,,,,<I-f( 'II .~ , " ~'"U • 'r"~ dE . >J I'll; 1'2.1. P2.2. P2:5 ..... ~ --- " , ..- 12ft. 1ft fill. P2.3. P2.e . MAPlEII.' l_1 on Slf!lClu,es 40 • , . f'2 4, P2.1 fI'- P2.9, P213 If "" I 2.11 'Ihe " nd I, U> .... 2.1 the , ~)f II I Ih<, 1\ 1 "h ,I,' l I, m nth.: t><" ~ 1 u ~ n~ ~,. I P * m .. d. a, ~" m /II I' 2.11 h"d,l "i ' 011 I" hi d, t pd O,t,,,,, th If I ,de,l(, ,n I II 1)" J ... ,,1 P, " Ih. <" 1.1" kl """",,,,I "'all< "t ,I<. h",I,Io, 1,1"4 • Ih ",nd· 1'1 hi , ' 10 ....., .. Part Two Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures n •• •--, • f ....._ "" P2.IO, P2.ll. P2.12 • prn<U" I '110 th< ''C d"... n rh ,lI. '~ <lh"( 1',9 f J.n "'I'" "'" B I h. Ll" , III >oJ " ( I ....· h tu.d ,"" '110 q It.. Jlf nJ I" d ,n UmL Ill< nr<"Uf< t, I"" " 3 Equilibrium and Support Reactions "."., u " 30 " 3.1 EQUILIBRIUM OF STRUCTURES "" In " t ~Ir 4uihh"uln . CH'PT(R 3 EquU,boUl1llnd Support RelClKln$ $ECTIlIH 3 I lqulto"""", 01 ~ IS 3.1 h 'rue, r m ,h nd ""u- r lJl<; wm "aCl l~ on m hal "th", anJ 1 , n I' an: ult.un I,',.. n r n: ,Il-,n ~nl1, Ollu,., 1''''1 .... 11. to'", ru/!. lh"fl" "r'''' thee JlI '11 [<>nidl t'ud.... , I I I" tlu" ··,!I""n lOn.,I) Ill' 01 t.>I" 'I~ 1 >I'rlo> lit ,·<lU· hll l I I I ,It I"" and I>c d'" '1c "lon.,l. tc F F " " " " , :c lhe r<:c "m, '" n r b" 'urn 110 ~ 'd, l<llh ale. Atlernatlve Forms of Equations of Equilibrium of Plane Structures pr,'"de IruelL r nl one Ih~ = • Concurrent Force Systems . CIlIoPTER, (q"llobllUllllrtlI S"PlHlfl Re.cIlOftI IftllOll14 ....... ~ 3.3 TYPES OF SUPPORTS fOR PlAJlIE STRUCTURES 3.2 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FORCES . External Forces 3.4 STATIC DETERMINACY, INDETERMINACY, AND INSTABILITY Inlemal Forces /"'"lUI" lam (II 111 tr rt lilt I, I , 11, Ihe rc 'd ,Ie l<:tre~ "llhe tlLlo.(urc ~ehI • t>er I"" d p"l ,1"1' . . .Io . J .... ~ . . CItAJ'T(R 3 Equlhbrlum and SuPl'ort,ons , I. 'I. , " '"n ':'''''><' ,," "" •m ", rr II I Ll uaJl) .\1 II h) n 1'''1<1 lll<k .~ '" fIG 3.3 T "! ,:": , "nl 10 I R ndll II II 11<1/1. " fl5. 34 R .. ., SUtic Determinacy ollnlernally Stable Structures " " ~- ., M.:ll0 '" Rli 3.11 . . . . . . ._ _ 1.. 11... \l6t-; f21~ 6ft I S kIft 6ft In-t6ft I BtB, .'aU 2Hilt (h) I) ... S.1. lIIIulIaIl Ii Bod) D ram See Fl. ) 19{b Del The frame mllIUIC 1 Internally _cally determinate " &actfcms A I 2S 18 2 EF 0 IS 0 A A ,= "",...U' o o E 2 840k o o J 200 ISk C4lJltidlrinl the eqwllbrium of portion AC we wnte EF 0 0 A A 0 0 0 ~EMA 125 ill 200 By 80 408 408k 0 EF A 0 225 A 0 Ion • _ I .... 11I1...... " - ' - ..-U the 1ructun:5 hO\\ll I.I ....... U nat or talK II (nnmatc If the structure 15 stahcally ind....... n 11\ (hen detcrnllOC' the degree of external md "" If HIIl§C .... (d) (e) b 1&Pl.1 :: Jf JL Hmr Jt (b) (d) 1&P1.2 _PU (oj ... CHAPTER 3 Equlllbrium.nd Support Reactions 3.1. tbroUlh 3.•1 Dctcrmml,: lhe lor the trm:lurc, ho""n m TI:.tctton • ,II the urpons 2 klfl 25k_ I I I I I I I I I I I 70 k. FIG P3.10 ... '11 5m ~n b(n ft pj~ ",el. ... 1-1- - - - 10ft -----ll 4 al6 m =:!4 m .... P3.11 I ilift , ~o t 10k 10ft ft I I I I .... '111 Hili 1 - - - - ,-----1 I.. A ~.'\ m ~ 2~ A m~ ' ~ 1-1 - - rtUUIIJJt - r-'5 ft -t'----50 ft - - - - I .B a~ 24 k 6a12Qft=1201l 3.1' Th~ \\clghl or a ~·Il\1g Irolh:~. mo.. mg peed on a Otam hndge: 1$ modded it a m 1.11 tnbuted load a ho\\ n In f Ig pl 15 ~limr. :cD pre IOn.' ftlr the \crlu.:al nl~tcar al th u 01 the po IlIOn 01 the tr IIIe') ~,l. mea un:d b ,.md rIot the ¥raph hi \\ mg the . . arlatlon FIG. P3.17 nf,,""'•• fUnl1l0n (ll \ 8k 24 ft - - - - .... '113 , L"_ -'1 -". 25m .... P3.15 .... A 24 k FIG P3.14 AG. P3.12 A I ~- - 4u20ft=Wft- - ~ .... '118 8k 24 k ft -t 15 ft 15 It !41llU .... m-jI---5 m - + - J I I I I 10k ,j B R .......-_. •: I .....' I I ft Hill ft L-_ _ AA I ft r-I~ •.-~Ift • 2 5 f t - + - - 2J ... PUI • ...PUII ........... - . F T · , . ··'f.r I:~>' " . . ':' ~ ." ,:' . ~f _.:~ shown m Fill 4 12 11M SECTION U CHAPTER" P1,ne Ind Spice Trusses II" ,,\IIK llr',I.ll-lIill\ of tru~,e .... ,i' bOlhncees Thr.: hr ~ \..'C'nJIUtll1 . M ~l.:h1 If III 21 -- r. the '.'u., .. ,.. dclinncly ta dod ,uthucnl III thl.: ~1ICS • d r • th' rem llllllll! 1\\-0 l:on Ilion .... lor ,talle del ,,:all} un"t;.lhk Ilo\\CHf. t.: • _ 'l.. • , ld mJc:ll..'rnlll1.lC\ (m ":'J J . •lre nCl:c\sary Stag 0 c etenninlCV, Indetermtnacy, 1M InItIbIItty of PIIne T . - I minJI..'\ m T' al .. I nol ... ullKu:nt t(111l11h l n - , In other \Hmh. thc...c (\\0 equation, .. imply , .' -, . ·I n -mha and rc.lclums I' "uffi.uent lor stabiti w, that the mOil h(r \' I l.: , - -oy mform.llIon regardmg their (lTnml/(m 'Iff The) d (1 ntll pro!' I d c.: .... _ Ill numl:x'f 01 mcmhcr... and e'\ternal reach Iru.... rna) h Jloe.1 'U II h. t.: , • hut ma~ 1111 be un...tabk" du\.' 11..1 Improper arr.lOgemcnt 01 members m=17 )=10 '=3 m+r=2J ",_17 ) If) ' .. 2 '" mt,<,q ' I (a) Sldlleally Delemunalc StatICal) IRdct rm or e"lema! upp..lrt... _ ' . \\ e cmph.l Ill." th.ll In ,,'rdcr for the Crltena lor· ~e( ml and mdelcmlmaC\ ;l ~l\(:n b~ Ell." .Ll and 4.4 to be \·ahd. the lrUII O1u..t be !>tabk an"d act a a. lOgIc rigid bod~ under a general system 'oplanar IllJJ \\hen atl'lchcd to the "upport-.. loternan} ~table tfUllel ~U"l lx= upportcd b~ at lea t three reactIOn ... all of v. hlch must be ther parallel nl1r concurrent. If a tru,~ l~ mlernall} unstable then It m be .. upporteJ h~ reactions cqu,l1 in numhcr to at least three plus nu01lxr of cll.uallom of comhtlon I.l + t, and all the rcacUons mu t neither par.llld nor concurrent. In addition. each joint. member portlon of the Iru..... O1u"t be con"tr.lined against all po!'>~ible rigid bod, mO\emenb 10 the pl,tne of the tru"". either by the rest of the truss or external "urpart If a Iru" contam" a sufficient number of mem bUI ~eht are not properl} arranged. the lru'" i'l said to have aiticalfi For ..orne Iru...~e" it nhl) not be oh\ious from Ihe "'hether not their members arc arr,tnged properl). Howe\er. if the member rangemcnt is improper. it will become e\iden! during the analysis of tru..s. The anal)"is of .. Ul..:h unslahle Irusses will always lead to meOD tent. indetcnnmatc. or infinite results. m=16 J=IO ,=1 m +'< 2J (d) ",=26 Un"lable J= 15 ,=4 (e Staucall Determinate E nr=1O E j=7 ,=3 nr+r<2) (0 - 4 ".=11 ,-) J=7 m+ ,.2 Un~table 19) StatlcaJly DetemunalC' E 2.4tlpm~ ~ ~ @, - ":~ _ CIa .. if} each of the pl,lnc tru.. ~ .... hlmn in fig. 4.15 a" un"tahlc statlcall ~tal mre or statical!} ml.!ctcnmnate If the tru" i.. ,tatll.;all) mr~tedni then enimrk~d the degree of 'fati!." indctcnnin<ll'). Solution m= (a) The tru..s ho.... n In hg 4 15 a, contains 17 members and 10 Jom upponed h) J r al."l101i I hu m , 2, Sml.:C' the thn."C reactions ther parallel n r l rn.:ulTtn' an d th e m('mlll.'rs •. 01. thl: truss are properl) am..... I It I tdlll.;ally (b) hlT un table no I' ) ",=16 1=10 ,=4 ".+,=2) ".-19 J=12 r=S m+r-2J FIG. 4.15 B ... -13 F 8 '" + hi Stabcally Delcmunale ~A III dod, (c) for thl lru m 21 J 10 and, 1 Ikcau..e m , 2 lattt.:all) mdetemllnate with the degree or tallc Indeterminacy , 2 4 It should be ob\lOt15 If( m fig 4 I Iii C that the lru S \;onlalPJ fI membe lhan reqwrtd tor tablht j=7 ,=4 m+ ,=2) (h) Statically DelmninalC' dclermlnate thl tru 10 t) Slabcally DetmniIWC - -... ~ ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, CI) (b) BecaUlll tioD, the EF JC component of FA• •1 zero the secoad 0 can be ..usl!ed only if FAc il also zero. The IOCOIId type of arrangement .1 shown 1D PIt _ of three members AS AC and AD COII_lili joiDt A Ole that two of the three members AS IUl4 9tI ...... from the liIure that 8UIIlC tbm IB DO IppIiId to the jOIDl to MI,_ the ~ m o c JiIIIilIDD equaltoD E F. 0 can be satisfied only if F. 1" .\. _I, CIW'lIR 4 PIlAt .... $pICI TIUSSIS 6 . 8 {)r.I\\.1 Ircl.:·llVU. . hlfl,.',"" . in . arH)\\" lorce' h\ .lrnl\\" 1ECT1OIl4.5 _ _ ........ T _ " . . _ , , _ th II'T,lIn of lhe selected joint. ShOWID •r h' .. pullin l ' ,t\\.I\ from t l.: JOint and com . ~, . .' pu..hlll11 1010 lhe JOIOt. II 'IS usually F e . I"' llnklH)\\11 member forces to be tensile I . Ih' unklH'I" n [lm:cS b\ app ymg the two t.: r-: 0 A .. . m MU Ilion.. \ ..... F 0 Jnd L f ::::. posItive a l<l 3 ..,UI11C 111.: n.. b. A . LA'ICrmIl1t..: .,' anumember force -mean.. that the mcm be" . r I,S In tension as 're'" a neoatiH ans\\cr indicates that the as...ume d \,ht:.. e IS 10 .. omru·c..,ion. -' If at lea... one of the unkno\\ n torces actmg at the Joint be ~ltncie\Oo I" 24k lOk 411 • in the horizontal or \ertical ~ir t on. the uno dctcnnincd b) satlsfymg the two eq cquaUons b) inspection of the joint on the free-body F G the truss, If all the desired member forces and reactions have been mined then go to the next step. Othern ise. select another JOIDl no more than t"O unknoy,.m. and return to step 6. 8. If the reactions "ere detennined in step 5 by using the equa eqUilibrium and condition of the "hole truss, then appl maining joint equilibrium equations that have not been u far to check the calculations. If the reactions were com appl) iog the joint equilibrium equations, then use the eq equations of the entire truss to check the calculations. If the has been performed correctly. then these extra equilibrium eq must be satisfied. 7. -t A B A, = 0 FIG. 4,19 Detennine the force in each member of the Warren truss shown m P Solution The Iruss has 11- members and 8 Jomts and reactIOns Because m r 2'J an d the reactions . and the JDl:mlIla are properl} arranged It IS statically detenninate. StallC Dt'lemu/UJ() y 3 tru Zeru-Fi r Ut!mber It ca be members CG FG and G n seen from Fig 4.19{a that at and (G I not S H a r e connected of y,. hich FG and GH zcr r. rce ecn~me no external load IS apphed at jomt G maD F( 0 Fr m the dunen510n Of lopes of 4 rJl F the truss we find that all IDchned wn m Ig 4 19 a Th f I shown on FIg 419 b A e n:e-body dIagram of not be lime r a Jomt with two or fewer unknIC'''....- ... Mot be found \\ Ie I J n1 G ha DI t\\O unk l;a u ate the suppon reac nOWn force FF and F. H actmg on It lO b collmear F~ they cannot be dermn ned 0 A by the method ofJomts. 48 24 04=36 Rea ',ons 8 usmg propom b 12k It-110ft 12 .... SECTIOIl' S ""ysIs of ,.... T..- by'" _ of _ _ 'IS F • th u "no"n fl..lrl.'C actmg at the • tal or \ertl.,;al dlrecUllO the "on~ u med ~b sal! I. mg the w,o w n.pCC1lion of the Jomt on the Ill.::" body dlit fllrl'C and n.: ~noltc rune bc:cn tiP Omen' 1~ sek.OCl anothlo:f J I U known.. and return to h:p t. .. d t mnned an !\h:P 5 hv usmg th cqu and nd lion of the" holt: ~urt then ~prl) th: nuum lOt cquihbnum ~nl."auqe th.ll h.t\\," not he..:n UII} f; r to kceh~ the Iculallons It the fe.Kllon \\l'fe (omputaj appl mg the JOint cqulhbnum equalon~. thl.:11 u thl.: cl.jUlhbri 7. mber the equa ODS All 4.19 ofth entire truss to \.·heLk the l.:JkUl.ltilllh It the al\J the~ l',\lr.t cquihhnum cqu I been perf< nned correct)) then mu I be 1I jed h R, (',,, B 'pT pion " E....pltU D:teMnlnC the In e ch member of the \\ ,lrn:n Illh'" hm\-o the m hod of J 101 : ;" ~ : 1; rc The a.,anlll'd. In o hg ~ 1 l .:& \1) ••') ,,, o• F lrur 2}haBndl' the member-; .tnJ 8Jntnh and is uppo rcal:tlOn'i .md th m.:mher It I statIcally deh:nnlOatl: at JOlnl (j RlC'mbcr (G F. o 4 r Ans 4 .. 4 .. (b) 20 JF 5~1 F 1 1 1 4 F", • "a. __ ....- 81. . 4.1 II I 20k 2Ok. 20k ~6al20ft 20k = 120ft 10k ------1 (a) A A-~Jf_+ Example 4.lI I 20k A 20k 20k 20k (b) '----x 0- - A t SOk 60ft - - _ 20 ft B 10k + 10k 20 11-1 20k « 7'.......,. ._ .,1. . . . . .'. . . . • _.&. _.....From F 424{a we ,an obse'f'Ve that the hon onlal section ao p8SIIDt the three members of tnt rest FJ HJ and HK also cuts an additioDal Fl thereby rete 109 fi ur unkno\\ os \\ hl&:h cannot be determined equanOll of eqwbbrium Tro ueh as the onc hemg conSidered the member> arranged 10 ,he fonn of ,he I.".r K can he anal)'llOd by CUf\'Cd around the rmddk Jomt Ilk section bb shown ID Fig 424(& 't the kuI bon of upport reaction \\ \\ III usc the upper portlOD IKN. InISS abo\ .e<Uon hb for analYSI The free-body dlagram of !hi shown 10 FIg 424 6 II can be .... 'ha' allhough section hb hu merobe FI1J JK and HK fo= 10 members F1 and HK can be by summmg moment about pomt K and I. respectIvely bccaUle tile action of three of the four unknown pass through these pomts We fore first compute F A b) consu1enng section bb and then use sectiOn F _bb M L _ _ 4.7 N tertnme F 1Ion 4.7 ANALYSIS OF COMPOUItD TRUSlEI and F hb U 109 FIg 424(6 we wnk 25 8) - FHa 12 - 0 _aa F ...... td FHa -1667 k FHa 1667 kN (C) The f.....body diagram of 'h. portion IKNL of the sectJ.on aa IS shown In Fig. 424(c). To determine FHJ we sum about F whICh IS the pomt of intersection of the lines of action of F, S. 1Ion . . Thus o 50 8) + 16.67(12) 25 16 FHJ FH By IIIIIIJIlIIlI 62 Sk 62Sk C m the horizontal dim:tion we obtain 3 625 5 o EllIImpll 4.1 0 .......... - - ·.,.. --.....- The degree of stallC mdetermmacy IS given by (III ,) 2} The foregomg conditions for staUC detenmnacy and IDIdc1ernllinl necessary but not sufficient conditIOns. In order for these en vahd Ihe \fUSS must he table and act as a single nllld bod general s stem of coplanar loads" hen It is attached to the u To analyze lallcally delerminate plane trusses, we can method of JOInts whIch e senllally conSIsts of selectmg a jom! more than two unknown force aclmg on it and applymg the hbnurn equallons [0 delermme Ihe unknown forces. We repeat eedure unlll we oblam all deSIred forces. This melhod IS mOlt wben forces 10 all or most of the memhers of a truss aR: desired. The melhod of secllOns usually proves 10 be more con forces 10 only a few specIfic members of Ihe truss are method essenllally mvolves culling the lruss inlo two pomona 109 an unagmary sectIon through Ihe members whose fon:es 111'1 and delermmmg the desired forces by applying Ihe three eqwhbnurn to Ihe free body of one of the IWO portions of the The analySIS of compound lrusses can usually be expedited a combmallon of Ihe melhod of joints and the method of A procedure for the delerminatlon of reactions and member space trusses IS also presented. (b) •1l1li._ ..... 40' .., ....... U (d) the plane _ shown as statioall indeterminate If the truss 15 statically indetenninate degree of static indctenmnacy. (I) /ll,PU • RG. P4.3 ...NA PI. CHAPTER. Pllne .nd space Trusses '12 1 hu 111 th(; Illl lhl.: uniformly dl Inhut d I n ll) t , \l.1I\ mlth:d hv. Ih Ih~ uu purim <I dm on lh onl,; ntrated I lad 1 Illint 1~ l lO,~'f=7r -. 12 It 1, IHt 'm ~=~ ~ ;:{ B I r-- ~5 'm I 7 ft--t- ft C +I 7 FIG. ft - - 25 fl - - P4.31 AG. P4.29 I Jm 15 IN/m L 1 Jm fIG. _I A ~ = = ~ = = ~ 1 ' f \ P4.25 4.28 Determine the force in each member of the "urporling a floor deck as shown in Fig. P4.28. The 1\ )1pml~ dctrop u~ on floor beams which. in turn a neeted 10 the jomts of the lru"s. Thus. the urnform! tnbUlcd loadmg on the deck i, transmitted by the hearn'S as l.:onl.:cntratcd load .. 10 the lOp joints of the 30' lOk 1----- 6 aI 1611=96 II JOk JOk Aoorbeam -----1 Deck Roof Purlin 4.32 1IInuP UI Det nmne Identified by x of th , s«tions 2at8m=16m---- FIG. P4.3D I J K 15 kN/m B 40kN 6a1Sm=30m ----- l2"+2 m-I-2 ...1-2...\.2...\.2 m+2 m+2 F A~kf~ ± FIG. BCD IJO k IJO k 1 - - - - - 4a13O t=\ II I G H I P4.28 each ",,:naI1Il' supported whICh IR tum are attached to the jOints of the 4.21 MIl 4.3D Oetennme the force root lru 'OJ hOl'n. The roof IS ylpmI~ 10 L - 1M CllAPlBl 4 PIa.. ami Space Trusses Pi, ,. G I I. III It '1 (.:= ~ := ~ = = l'[) \11 k 10 II III ft 11111 III ft HI II .... 1'4.33 FIG. P4.36 J b~=;":iFr(H 15k 15k ~=bdlE 4 at ~5 25 k 20 ft =xo II bm k .... P4.34 "'OlN - - - - b II 20ft = 120ft - - - - 4at4m=16m 2ULN FIG. P4.39 FIG. P4.31 1m .....1I--40kN --"'E 1m 60kN J 1m 2m 3m 3m 3m G m .... P4.3li 6aI4m=24m FIG. P4.40 l!i1i CHAPTER 4 PI,ne Ind Space Trusses r- "9' 4 m-j SOkNIM SOkN_ SOkN N---r A 4m 100 kN ~.Z=)r;: L ---.l. :{'p.;1'5-l1t 100 kN l/.it~: I 4m -t D -+ 4m F 4m A ~d",c . . . . . 4.7 1 .............. D<te (he tru h en All PUI P4.44 AG. :'\0 k _~O J II: K 9 fl 9f1 20 ft t 20 ft 9ft 9ft )Ok 40 k 4 at 15 ft = 60ft 9ft 9 It Yll FIG PU2 9tt 9 f1 AG. P4.46 9 f1 FIG. P4.43 , 8 C D E -S m+sm-!-6m+6m+Sm+sm FIG P4.47 20ft All. N.4lI I _' ' "_4~ -, J__A -, J ~c 20 ft 10 ft If k ~tA .HAI e,2t~ 0 , IOftrlOft ~t. C 5ft II, , 3m )IUdli ~ 2lJtN H ~ ~ 2lJtN -+ 3m Sm ~ .:a_ ;~ y , I 60kN A tAy sm-/ c. et t.,. C. I-IOft-1!Al- 6ft -... ID momber 1 or I- Oft-~6ft ... • CHAPTER 4 Pl,ne and Spice Trusses 180 c ...-=~5f~=: ~ t 5 Beams and Frames: Shear and Bending Moment 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 c. 10--rfI C , / ------,l-- - \ 10 (t • / •-l'liftt. _-l'ift-, ,., 5t C jj.' Axial Force, Shear, ~na gnl~ eB Moment Shear and gnl~eB Moment Dagrams Duailtat,ve ~te lf D Shapes Relationships between s~aoL Shears ~na ~neB ng Moments StatiC Determinacy mret~nI nacy ~na lnollabllity of Plane Fra es AnalysIs of Plane Frames Summary Problems r Sf! 36 ft A ....' A --" IA, : , _ _ Ie; 11----15 f t - - l Elc=\allon fIG P4.55 B IB Sf! Sf! I uLu_ x ) Plan Unlike trusselol, considered in the preceding lhapter "hose m e ~ always subjected 10 onl) aXial ~cro the member llf nglo fmID beams rna)' be subjected to raeh~ fOTl:C-. .!nd bending moment a as ax.ial forces under the action of e\temal load The detemun I n these internal forces and moments stre.,s re ultant I D e r) f r design of such structures. The obJecti'c of Lhi chapt r I t prese anal}sis of internal forces and moments that rna) de\d p to be: the members of plane fnlmC) under the ac.:tlon of c pi r f ('xlemal fon:es and coupl~. We begin b) defining Ihe Ibree I)'pe of sue force!'l shear forces and bendmg moment that rna sections of beams and the members of plane fi ames \\ n t di;"w" conslrul:llOn of the shear and bendmg momffit d m b the m,'th,ld of sections We also consider quahtatl\e deft(Cted h J'C'$ f Ihe between loads he rs and bendmg momenls. lion we dC\elop th PfOL--edures for Lon tnk;Un the he r moment dJagnims using these relau n hi f II 'At P sificauon of plane fn,mes as tauuU del nm t loo."erm,nale, un table and the anal SJ of lallLB ly etanore:I~ 111 112 CHAPTER 5 Beams and ff'lmn: Shelr and Bending Moment IfCT1ON5.1 _ _. _. . . . . . . . . _ III p I') C i! A'- !l=,d =~ A " !l.LL.UB '{a I (. P B, Ibl tu=D=o QIC"'('ltB P S Ie) '" 5.1 B (d) 5.1 AXIAL FORCE, SHEAR. AND BENDING MOMENT Internal forces \\crc (kilned In Section 12 as the forces and couples ened on a ponion of the '!Iructure by the rest of the structure. Consider for esample. the Simply supported heam shown 10 Fig. 5.1 (aj. The ~ body diagram of the enure beam ~i depicted in Fig. 5.I(b), which sh the e\ternal loads. it'! well as the reactions A \ and AI, and B at ports A and B. respccti\c1) i\'i di'!cu'l'icd in Chapter 3. the support actions can be computed b) applying the equations of equilibrium t tree body of the entire beam, In order to determine the internal fo acting on the crOS:l . .tclion l)f the be.lln at a point C, \\c pass an I oaf) section {{ through ( . thereby. cutting the beam into two parts and CR. as shown m hgs S.lIe, .tnd 5.I(d). The free-body dIagram the ponion -Ie Ihg. 5 Ifc sho\\:l. in addition to the external loads uppon reaclion\ acting on the portion A C. the internal force Q and \./ exerted upon portion -IC at C by. the remO\ed portlon tructure ote that \\ nhout Ihe'Se internal forces. portion AC I equJlibrium osI~ under a general coplanar "y stem of external and reaclions three intemallorces (1\\0 perpendicular force com and a couple are nCf.:e ary at it section to maintain a portlon beam m equihhnum. The t\\O internal fnrce components are onented in the dirCt:llon of and perpendicular to. the centroidal of the beam at the secllon under l:On ideration. as sho\\ n m FI The lntemal force Q In the dirt.'l:lion of the l:entroidal axis ofthc The mtcmal aXial force Q at an) section of but oppo lie in dUe1:t1on to the algebra!\; urn re ta in the din.'Cllon parallel to the a\IS of the beam of a th II n und r support reaction.. acting on clther side of the Using similar reasoning \\e can define the hear and bendmg mcnt as folloy.s: The shear S at an) 'ieClion of ~ beam I eqUdI In m,alll""Ld<butt :o~ direction 10 the algebrall.: sum resultant the Io;:onlpooc,"s II perpcnd",;ular 10 the a\IS of the beam of al reaction admg on clther SIde of the SlXII The bendlOg moment \I at an 5((11 but oPPO lie In dlft\:tlon to the algeb cenlrold of the ..TO !tCC1.Ion t the bca of all the ('\1 mal I ds and uppon a §«tlon Sign Convention The SIgn com mUon commonl) used ~ r the ax bendlDg moments' dep.C1Cd ID F,g' .gn convenllon ..h h. flen rd rred t ,pana,,, Ihal II ),elds the me posit" or no C""''t'ftl'ioft. ... _ -...-_.s .. -.wAaialForoo. - . . of !be _ _ c:oasilImd for c:omputiDl the mlllnlll pcIIilM dinlcliODl of tbc mtcmal fon:es acting on !be _ .... OIl ..a. Iide of tbe IllCtiOD are shown m FJI. 5 From a computalional vteWJlOUIl however .t IS I U~ _ t to expreIII this IIlID convention m terms of the In,"'" IIIId 1ll&dI0DI Il:liDll on tbe beam or f1'llllHO member u to 52 d indicated m FIS. S2(b) the t!tRIIIdIrfd ID poIll wMn tho ex,mrat [orca lit: ",.dIM:e IIIIUimt or hmJe 1M Ierumu:y 10 plitt 1M _ . CHAPTER 5 Bums Ind Frames: Shear and Bending Moment .... 1IondInt _ _ .... SECTION 5.2 - til Example 5.3 EIlII.... S2 Ora"" 55. • A 60k FIG. SA A Solution . ~ 1"" hh ' '..' ~-lg :-, ( nalh un"upport..'J pomen B .')"u PUtl~f' To ,nollJ computmg reacuons, \\hICh I" 10 we th..: nght of the !>Cetion bb 180 k·ft I ~ ' -_ _ 6m LIO ft -----!---IO ft LJ I 10 f t - L IO ft-l (a) the mh:mal force Sh(ar Con lJ..:nng the cxlt:miil forcl.: d • A A _ 46 kl } -J- b E , b I b acting \\ nte '). ':!O ... S HO k 46 . ote that the 500 ~k m coup!..: dtlC" not h.l\t.: any effect on shear Buuli"y Con..tdcring (he counlt:rc1ock\\isc moment yoc .\[omUIi Yo rite ,0 A E 8 L.....,.,,......;C,,- E -14 \I SOO \/ .140 kN m ,(14)(,1 ]40 kN m The reader rna) r.:hcr.:k the re.. uh.. hy .. umming forces and momen tlon A B 01 the beam after computmg the reaction.. at support A 5.2 SHEAR AND BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAMS Shear and bending moment diagram"! depict the \anattoDl quantities along the length of the member. Such diagram trueted b> gni~u the method of '>e tion~ described in the tion. Proceeding from one end of the member to the other from left to right section arc passed. after each succesu loadong along the length of the member to detennine !be eq pre ing the hear and bending moment in terms of the dis seclion from a fixed ongm The \ alues of shear and beodiDI determined from these e~uations 3re then plotted as o,rdiDIlllll the po ilIOn Yo IIh respect to a member end as abscIssa to hear and bendmg momenl diagram This procedure the follo\\ong e ample -]4 (d) Bendmg Moment Diagram (t·ft (e) Shear Diagram (k) FIG. 5.5 171 Cle .&1 _ ... ~ SMar and BendInD Moment III:lIa.I.2 _ . . . . . . . - . . ....._ Sht r D ram To detc:nnlm: the equatlon for ~hear 10 segment beam \\e pa a sa:hon aa ,It a dl~ta",:e \: from sUpJXlrt A as Ii 5 b Con ld ~n the free tx"ld\ to the len of this section W obtam s .u; k 10 ft lor 0 As this equation andlcah."S the !l;hcar IS tnasO'~ at 46 k from an dl lance to the th~n 01 pomt -I to an mfinlteslmal distance to pomt B At pomt A the shear s~acrm abruptly from 0 to 46 k, hne IS drolwn from 0 to 46 on the shear dIagram Fig. 5 5 c at A to ehange TIus IS (0110\\00 b) a honzontal line from A to B to Indicate hear remams con tant an this segmenl exi b) u mg $CCtlon b hg 5.5 b m segment BC as S 46 60 -14 k for 10 ft < , s 20 ft The abrupt change m shear from 46 k at an mfiniteslmal distance to the to ~ 14 k at an mfimteslmal distance to the right of B is shown on the agram Fig. 5 5 r.; by a \ertlcal hne from +46 to 14. A honzontal IS lhen dra\\n from B to C to mdlcate that the shear remains constaDt \alue throughout this segment. To detennme the equations for shear to the right half of the convenient to use another coordinate "(I dmx:ted to the left from the the beam as sho\\on in Fig. 5.5(b). The equations for shear ID 8egmaa DC are obtamed by consldenng the free bodies to the right of secti ce respectively. Thus. S 2"(1 aod S 2" 10 ft for 0 S "(I 54 for lOft x, S20ft Ikndrng M fMnl Dra(Jram Usmg the same secbon and """. . . p1oyod pn:v1OusI for compulong shear we detenmne lhe foil_ bending moment In the four segment of the beam For segment A 46 forO 10ft IBe M 46x 60 10 14 M for 0 F'OI ._",1 DC M 54 M from which 13 25 ft; thaI from end E or 40 13 25 26 FIB- S S d I Example 5.4 Solution Rea These equatIOns mdlcate that the shear IDcreases linearly from 20 II; at an mfimte Imal distance (0 the fight of D; It then dropI 34 It at an mfiDlleSunal distance to the left of D; and from there lmearly to 14 k at C This mfonnatlon is plotted on the shear shown m Fig 5 5 c M M 10 I. nJ See Fig 5 6 b B CHAmR 5 Bums Ind Frames: Shear Ind Bending Moment SECTIOII U h , -.:~;8+LT, ..L....I.-JI.-..!.--l a h ...-'- B .- 60.75 l.'l , I hm - ~-m (bl '" -1725 (e) , , -W.75 Shear Diagram (kN) 75.5 5.3 QUALITATIVE DEFLECTED SHAPES Id) Bending Moment Diagram (kN fIG. rn) 5.6 The \alues 01 S computed from Ihe\oC ~noilauqe arc plolted to obtam diagram ho\\n In Fig 56 c The pomt D at \\hich the shear I zero from the equation s from \\hleh \ 636 m (' . ;) 60.75 o Q ...... DIn, ....... m > _ ~ 1IOftIIIII 60k 180k ft 2k1ft F (I) Beam ' c) Qualillbve Deflected Shape 5.4 RELATIONSHIPS ..... .......-_............ ..-. automallcalll Y sat~' menl pp ymg fled me" no hon onlal force are qU~'bnum equallOn E F. 0 we'" .. d, S EF. 0 dS) dS 0 S Dl\1ding by d, " .. " nte Eq 5 I) as dS d, .. dx .. m "hich dS d., represenlS the slope of the shear dUl&J1111 5 2 can be expressed a ope of shear diagram ta poUlt &XIS To determme the change m hear between points A of the member see fig. 5.8(a)), we mtegrate Eq to obtam f dS S8 - S. = J: w dx in which (S8 S.) represents the change in shear and B and "'~J dx represenlS the area under the diltri gram between points A and B. Thus, Eq. (5.4) can be c:IwJae m &be r between AandB ApplYIng the moment eqwlibnum equation to tho beam element shown m FIg 5 8 b we wnte EM 0 M wdxdx2-S tIS By ncgIecting the terms containmg second-order dM dl8'" Sdx which can also be wotlen as dM dx S - _•• the slope of tbc bbelldillil ted as .'AU 178 dong Moment CHAPTER 5 BHmslnd Frames: Shear and Ben I COU SEClION 5.4 IIetItJoaoMPI_ ~ les or concentrated Moments . . P 'Ix'l\\c:c:n the 10,luo,; dod shears I" III. ,Inl! . 5, )~I arc \alid at the I'h .<'>, .' h.p•. :'\.1 I mll ~ .... 'lIlo.:ntr.ltcd 1110menlS, the relatl f . 'lil,ie.. III Lt. b E \ltlwugh ,he l~ r ,'"~ 1 l It .dr I arrlll:.t1ilHl l' U Ixm.ling JnlHllCIHS as gi\cn.) qs S l\H'c:n thl.' . . hc:.If' ,lIlL! h P lin'" .\, Illustrated In Example ltd It ,ut: (.. . pit' the bcnlllllg mom"nt chan . pt.1ml 01 .trr It. th' 111.1l:!l1itudc 01 lhc moment of the h) all .tnWlIlll ('qu.d w \,~ ('llll'" ida the equilibrium of a ddli the lx.tlll of Fig. 5.8(a) b} passing dcri\t' Ih" m)~l .n t dr :i.ln .II''!.: . not \.1 ' . I' tlit)1l (11 .1 . lllU. ment th.tI I l\(llah: I.' 1<lIKe, to the left and to the right mfillltC\lffi.1 ul' . -,ec:t1onI .1 I 1 n 01. the coup ,_c 1/ fhl' frce-bod} diagram of (If ,tpr Kalu ~I 5 s J \prhmg the moment equilibrium cq I" "htl\\ n m fig. .< • \\ rile t ~ .\1 \7 ( \I L 1/. - 0 + ,1.1/) - 0 d.\/ .1/ \\ hKh can be . . ,.!ted ~a change in hending moment al the pomt of application of a couple magnitude of the moment of the cou Procedure lor Analysis The follo"mg step-by-'tep procedure can be used for cons <hear and bendmg moment diagrams for beams by applylll' going relaliomhip, bet"een Ihe load" the shears, and the moments. J. 2. Calculate the tropu~ reactions. ConMrul.:t the shear diagram as follO\.\ s: a. Detenome the ,hear at the left end of the beam centrated load 1\ applied at this point the shear pomt. go to step 21 b). Otheru i,e. the ordinate of t gram 8tthi, pomt change, abruptly from zero to the of the concentrated force. Recall that an upward the hear tu mcrca'ie. \I. hcreas a downward fo shear (0 dttfcase. b. Proceedmg from Ihe poiOl al "hieh the shear w the pre\lOU, top to"ard the right along the length Idonllfy the next pomt at "hich the numerical 3. - . . .......... • and nunlDlum value of bend,ng moment 0CClII' the shear IS zero At a pOInt of zero shear if the from posIDVC to the len to negative to the rip bending moment d,agram WIll change from of the pOInt to negative to the nght of It; that mmnent WIll he max,mum at th's pomt. Con of zero shear where the shear changes from to posItlVC to the nght the hendmg moment will For most common loadmg condition such loads and umfonoly and linearly clistnbuted I zero shear can he located by COIISIdenng the shear diagram. Howevcr for some cases of loads, as well as for nonlinearly dlstnbuted bel ery to locate the pomts of zero shear by JftSSIODS for shear as Illustrated in Example 5 4Co Determine the ordinate of the bending moment pOIOt selected m step 3(b) (or just to the left acts at the POlDt by adding algebraically the shear diagram between the prevtous pamt utd rcntly under conSIderation to the bending VJOUS pOIOt or just to the right of It, ifa couple .. Determine the shape of the bendmg moment the prcvtous POlDt and the point currendy by applYJng Eq S.8) which states that the moment diagram at a poInt is equal to the Ibt8t e. If no couple IS acting at the point under proceecI to tep 3(f). Otherwise, determtne the bending moment dIagram just to the nght of mg ....braically the magnitude of the 1DOlMi! to the bending moment just to the left of dw bencti... moment diagram at !hi pomt challlt amount equal to the magmtude of the JDOIIIIlIi£ t If the pamt under COnSIderation .. not mal' of the lam, then return to tep 3(b diagram has been completcd. If dw ClIIried out cornctIy then the value of the rig1n of the ri&btlllCl of the the """"'4 enon. JlI'OC*Iure can he IIIlld for ...... bypra-'U11 cr- Tbe ....- cad, i~ - DIl O :eht y1 anr ...... by .. c oed,... the JlflIClIlCbue be 112 CIMPTER 5 IeIms .nd Frames; Shear and Bending Moment lECTlOIIu .......Oi........ _ ~ . . . . . . . . - . ••_ _ • SOlution R ttl" ~ r (I n (10) I~ '::,r to n 12 In' A Potnt 8 (I () IJ IJ P P 18 k lt1 ll1 24 k P Inl( IJ Pin, D IJ 240 40 a po 111\1;• up" <lrd I.:om:cntr,tted fOTl.:C of 18-k Int ., ':c~OIS . h h aT diagram ad at pomt .J I C I; Im;TC.I..e.. 18 It abruptl) from () to pomt P ml B The ,h~ar SB L I Ju..t 10 the kft tlf POint B i~ gi\en b) _ ,"", • _ an:a under the load bety,ecn just to the right 0 jU'ot tn the kft of B h ·"pl'" /" and' "just to the I m",)tc!>u~ ' R" arc llsc.d to denote " h· h h •.)U"1 to t h · hi" rcv\t'Cll\ch A.. no load " apphed to this segment e ng. t·~ • heam. s. I 18 +0 - 18 k Bl'Caus( a ncgali\c (do\\l1\\ard) com,;cntTatcd load of 12-k magmtude point B. the ..hear .IU'I to the nght of H ., S.. 18 12 6k Po;", C S( I Sa H. .. area under the load diagram bet\l,ccn just to the nght jn'll to the lell of C I Example 5.6 5,,_60_6k .~( It - (, - J() ~4 Draw the shear and bendlDg m shape for the beam b wn ID F g. S I k Purnt D 24+0 S/l It 24 +- 4~ -24k - 0 The numencal \alue of hear computed at points A. B. C and D to construct lhe shear diagram a ho\\n in Fig. 5.9 c The shape bel\\een these ordinates has been C'Stabh hed b) applying Eq S 3 lhal the slope of the hear dlagrdm al a poinl IS equal 10 the load thai polDl Because no load IS apphed 10 lhe beam between thac s1 pc of the shear dlagnuTI IS zero bel\\een Ihese points.. and the n is of a tien of homontal hn a ho\\ n in Ihe figure ole diagram cl I e return 10 zero JU I to Ihe nght of the nght beam lO<bcatmg that the anal 1 ha been earned oul colnCtl or A k 114 CHAPISt 15 Bel.... and Frames: She.r end Bending Moment 70 kN IICTIONU ft •• I ~h r D I•••• ~ a . m P, nt A p, tnl 8 4m om (a) 70 k m H4:.620~ ~ p, "" ( I B -\ ::; 70k ' a..ding Mommt D tb) , Zero slope 70 I \ M ~ B (e) Shear diagram (kN) A m/8 P, Inl C A -620 (d) Bending moment diagram (kN m) A I EllImple 5.7 ... 5.10 (ej Qualnallve Deflected Shape CL: M, M 06 . .IJDII 0 200 0 MA 620 k m Me M .00 M -200 • 10 IlN/rJI _ air 'M' _1IId _ _ 1... 1I...lng Momon' P ml D \Ill O'i 1to; 1'168 47247 472 68 IICT10IlU 472 47 kN m nl" ,,, 1111_ 0.21 ~ 0 The hendlng moment diagram IS sho\\ll m Fig. 5.11 (d 'The diagram between the Mdmates Just computed has been based on thai th lope of the bending moment dlag-m m al. any ~ m t I equal at that plint Just 10 the nghl of A the shear IS positive and of the bending moment diagram at thiS poml. As we move to the the shear decrea linear!) but remains positive) untd It beco... Therefore the lope of the bendmg moment diagram gradual) becomes Ie steep but remams posl1l\C as \\c move to the ri&ht It becomes zero at E ote that the shear diagram in segment AE the bendmg moment diagram In thl segment is parabohc or a ,un because the bending moment diagram IS obtained by IRtegra diagram Eq 5 II Therefore the bending moment curve will degree higher than the correspondmg shear curve. We can see from Fig 5.II(d that the bending moment maxunum al pomt E where Ihe shear changes from paslbYe to the live 10 the nght As we move to Ihe nght from E. the shear bc<:oa~ and It decreases hnearly between E and B. Accordingly the slope moment diagram becomes negauve to the nght of E, and It uously becomes more steep downward to the right) between E aDd left of B. A pOSitive clockwise couple acts at B, so the bendina crea abruptly at thiS pomt by an amount equal to the magmtudl: ment of the couple. The largest value (global maximum) of the over the eonre length of the beam occurs at JUst to the nght of .. no abrupt change or dlscontmuity, occurs in the shear diagram • FInally as the shear In segments Be and CD is constant and bendmg moment diagram m these segments consists of straight bDII or bve sJopes. A_ _ Quolilotwc /kfler"d Shope See Fig. 5.II(e). Draw the shear and bendIng moment dIagram Ind the q.uoH'-II! for the beom shown In FIg. 5 12 I See Fill 5 12 b EF EM I 3 6 2 2 B 0 0 0 SO k .1.. - . .. .1 . 190 CHAPTER 5 Bumllnd Frlmu: Shear Ind Bending Moment 1Itl-.,. _.-. - ............_ ... RClION U II til hathelr pomt F. T0 l~at II c Ih pamt f mflectl hon fot bcndmg m ment 10 upport pomt B hg 5 12 b 16..\ k .\h r l>ull}r. un 1/ \, 0 \ L II "II Ii \, L S • f' nl ., Plml R Poml ( Paml 7.~) 50."' IR ." '~ k 20 I 9 2 ~t 0 The ,hear ,h.tgram I' ,ho\\n In f-i£ 5.12(c) The shape of the t"fen the ordinall:s just l,;omputed is obtained by appl) ing the condi ~Iopc of the ,hear diagram at an~ point i'i cqual to the load In P0ln!. F'or e\ample a'o the load ~tli'en at A is lCro. so is the slope diagram at t. Bet\\een ~ and B. the load mtemilty is negative and. I Imearl} lrom ll:ro at I to - ~ k· ft at B. Thus. the slope of the shear negatl\e in thi.. ..egml:nt. and It dccrea\Cs (becomes more steep from A to jU'ot to the left of B. The rest of thc shear diagrdm is COD using ,imllar rea..oning. The POlllt of lem ,hear. E. i, located by using the similar tnan the 'ihl:ar diagram bcl"l'Cn Band C To facilitate the con..trucllon of the bendmg moment diagram the \ariou'i ~gmen ... of the 'ihear diagram ha\e been computed aDd m parenth-.~ on the ,hear dlal:!faffi (Fig. 5.12(c)). It should be n areas of the par,tbolit.: pandrel.., A8 and ('D can be obtained by mula for the area of thi, lJ.hape gi\cn In AppendIx A. II Point B II. 0 Poml £ Solution ~nOltca! R (See Fig. 5 13 b 20 10 5 1/, Pomt ( 1/, In6 21 Pomt [) \fJ) -18 , 18 0: II: 0 C 10 - lOll 15 0 C LF 20 10 250 .00 A 72 n k·ft 72· 17822 - 10622 t-f. 11412 M 18 k-ti () The wpe of the bendmg moment diagram bet\\een theIe tuned b) ~ng: the condlhon thaI the !llope of the bendmg m an) pomt I equal to the r.hear at that point The bending momeat con lfUeled I shown In "II!! 5 12 d It can be seen from Ih IS fi gure that the maximum De ment OCCUR at POlOt B h \\ erea the maximum poslUve bendinl AIls Draw Ihe shear and bendlDg moment diagram and th qlualitalli.. della;;led shape for the beam shown in Fig 5 13 a A 1/ , B IExample 5.9 &ndlll!J \fun/tnt 1>/lJIJfum Pomt A 1931 fI Qual"., lk ,n! Shup< A Qlua'lltativc ddlornd hown m Fig 5 11 e The bendm@ momm beam I bent c nca e upward In tb n ment I negative m segment AF and GD In these segments 9k 6 249 ft and from 1lihKh 21 3 k 2" .' + ~td SD f) 2 or IR k 1 12 D Po A B 0 t - IIIU • • _ . . _ _, .... 1IIndInlI ~ 20 ~m5 ol- + - m 1# 100kN I 1m B ., E -500 I lOOkN 20kNIm j , , , 'l'"="c ',-i C =250kN B A ----:D (b) fIG. 5.13 P, urI C P, urI D The S L S R 20(10 SO ISO 250 SD L 100 0 S 100 100 R ISO kN 100 kN 100 kN 0 diagram II shown In FIB 5 13 c &oding M p, ,j Po B P, IE Po D 'DID ram M SOOk SOO 0 62 m SOO 0 kN m 62 SOO 0 m 'IN CHAPTER 5 lei.... lnet Frames: Shu, Ind Bending Moment IECTIOflU _ 1 1 1 , , _ ~ ... 1../11 '-""'-""'-'-'--r., P 'nl - . ......... ". ._ n .4 Th t1I ~ "It ar dl m ,n Bend" II (.Il f! n TTl=rpPTI '9 ~ , H C , =:!..J I.. R ="7~ I.. P nl A It ,F. It p, l.J1l 24 44 '44 P .,8 D D =24k Pin' F It "'0 II PI ,I» '44 \44 The bend n m ment d (/wI '" I iN Sha f, r Example 5.' 1 -24 Draw the hear and bending moment dJ shape for the tatlcall mdetenntnate be m al;Uon dctcomne<! b) usmg the proccd r lennmale beams presented In Pan Three (th J" (() Shear Diagrilffi (k) J 1lIfI I f I 8lkft(IA 1m 1----18" Jt8 154k I • OXI~ Id l Bendmg Moment Diagram (k.ft) fI6. ( ) ()uahlall e Detlc\''tcd Shape I I I I 5.15 I ft l:;t) k Ik IECTION 1.1 ..... Da.. ' u:..'111.101101.........,. . . P $ 2S, ......" - ,. ,. D ... 5.15 (d) QualJtatl\e Deneclcd Shape old ~/B : . c:~ % Solution Regardless of "hether a beam is staucally determinate or iJulletelllli. the support reactions ha ...e been detemuned, the procedure for shear and bendmg moment diagrams remains the same. The shear moment diagrdms for the gl\en statically mdeterminate beam are 5 IS band (c. respectively. and a qualitative deflected shape of B: ~ ~ shown;n Fig. 5.15(d). 5.5 STATIC DETERMINACY. INDETERMINACY. AND INSTABILITY OF PLANE FRAMES As defined in SectIOn I 3 rigid frames, usually referred to frames are composed of straight members connected either moment-resistmg connections or by hinged connectlons to configurations The members of frames are usually COl_*'! j01D1S although hinged connections are somellmes used prevents relative translatIOns and rotatJons of the member nected to It so the jOlDt IS capable of transmllllng two components and a couple between the connected memben. aetlon of external loads the members of a frame rna ubjected 10 bendmg moment shear and axIal tension or A frame, cons,dered to be slalkally delermlNll mome", shear a"d a 101 forus '" all 1/ member. IU lernal rearl/OII ra" be del ""''''ed by "''''9 lbe eqI-m-1i "1On and rondlllon Smce the method of anal)'Sl p.......led In the foll'.....l...' be UIed onl I anal u tallcally determlDate frames, tt the studenl to be able to recognIZe tallcally detcl'l1liDale proc .. l,ng WIth the anal , fIG. 5.18 b - _mil . . . . . _ ............. _1 member end forces but in oppoSlle dnectlons in accord Ion s thIrd law Th analySl of the frame mvol~es the Ihe magmtude of the 18 member end forces SIX per JIIelq three uppon reactions At A, and Dr· Therefore the unknown quantllleS to be determmed IS 21. Because th entire frame IS m eqUllibnum each of and JOlnlS mu t also be m eqUIlibrium s shown m F... member and each jomt are subjected to a general ""PI8uii forces and coupi must saIl fy the three equatillQl num EFx -0 EFr -0. and EM O. Sinoe the three members and four JOint mcludmg the two jom uppons , the lotal number of equations available IS 3 3 1bese 21 equdlbnum equallons can be solved to calcu1a known The member end forces thus obtained can then .. tennme 8X181 forces, shears, and bending moments at along the length of members. The frame of Fig. 5.I6(a stallcaUy detenninate Three equations of eqUIlibrium of the entire frame aa could be wntten and solved for the three unknown ralClilil and D y . However these equitibnum equations are II8t from the member and joint equilibrium equations and do; any addillonal information. Based on the foregomg dIscussion, we can develop the static detennmacy indeterminacy, and instabiltty of frames COntalOmg m members and j joints and supporfllf ber of) external reacttons. For the analysis, we need to member forces and r externsJ reactions; that is we need tota1 of 6m r unknown quanlllles. Sinoe there are lit JOInts and we can wnte three equatIon of equiltbrium ber and each JOint, the number of equilibrium equa m J Furthermore If a frame conlalDS mternal na1 roI1ers, thae mtcrnal condillons provide additioDal can be IIICd m COIIIunCllon WIth the equilibrium eqlq:::::: the unkoowna Thill, if there are e equations of Cl the tota1 number of equallons eqwllbrium equatiOla CODdition vaiJable IS 3 m J e For a frame, if equal to the number of equ&tiOllS, \bat hQ. 6m r m J ....-................ hi""" JOml lbe number o( equaUODl _ ..., ... tbc number of mcmben rncelll1ll al tile ....lIIIPle, conJider tbc binpI Joml H o( the (rame biqe C8IlII I traDJIIUI momenl the m......"'. three memben EH H and HI meetIng at tile M 0 M 0 and Mill 0 HI_ _ H III ale IlOt IIldepcndcnl m the that if any ale tisfied aIonI wllh the = ~Il t ncmo H tbc mnauul1ll llIuaUon will aub tile binpI JOIDt H pnmdca two iDdcpendcnt eq similar IIJIII, .1 can be shown that all pn:Mdiel tbc llIuabODI of condiuon whose numblr _ben meetJl1ll at the Jomt I . . . . . . AppI'lIICb altalDlli"" approach that can be UJed (or delID!lJtlli indcIcrminacy of a (rame IS to cut enoUBh by nc nn"IIl'ry 1leCU0DS and or to remove IaIdcr the _ Illltic:a1Iy delInnmate The IOl\I1 and tenIII I'CIIrI1D thus removccl equals tho an example consider the (rame sbowtl M ......_ ..c B_-Ho-Q s A D A ......- .....c - ClW i8i I . . . II1II F.-: _ Ind IIndlng = I.n ".-5 =6 r=8 ~ =0 3m.r> lJ+~ Slalicall loclelenninare • =s) frd.mes shown In Fig. 5.20 mdeterminacy. I Vmfy thai each of thCdP nate and dctennme Its g. or~talc .... ... m=4 ;=4 r= 3 e, =0 3m.r>3)+t' (b) Staheally Indetemunate (. =3) IS sta m=6 J=6 (e) Statically Ilnde.... Hinge .. m= 10 Jz9 r=9 e =S 3m+T>3J+t d Staticall Indelermi.... • = 7) • .. ,110, • = 3 (number of girders) = 3(4) = 12 (e) j = 3 (number of giJden) (I) II&. 5.20 SlIIulIon See FIg S 20(0 through f U , 3m.,> _IL'... OF PUlE FRAMES The foUowlDg step-by-step procedure can be used for member end fon:es as well as Ih. shean bending DIClIIIIiIi fon:es m memben of plane Iatically determinate f1nm-.. '" I. Check r. r IaIU: detennmacy Usmg the proeed ptIle:eding lIIlClion detennm. whether or DOt the ................ .. IIECIIGII U 2lII ClIAPTER 5 ....... end FnIm11: $hI1f Ind Bending Moment - . .. _ .... y ~-_x T T"~- I 15 fI x 10ft 18 --'-- - x 42 42 C IB 360 JOh- ---1 (a' lB~ C 8 D A,- A t -- D Y-~t Y L t 18 42 18 (d) Dr Ay C (bl r~ 18 B -sf M:N:-AO B" CB'~ 8 B:' 42 CBe r Miff. 8 C • 8rc C:c 8rAO x 8 360 C 8 Be c:'4,t MiD'P Ii D D C A A (I) IIeadiDI Momenllliql-. (l (e) Shear Diagnms (t) Cr rt+8:' 8 MAO • C B 8 Ar A :- 42 -18 AAO r r:o I! A D A~ (J) A>ial Fon:e IliIIn- It) IB ...121 ... 5.21 (e) and FnImes: ShNr "net Bendl-... Momenl ...... ~hT tnd f r, If m of the fr,tme •• rc hown In "Ig bod d agram, of .all the memben Bnd ,', f'l.anl'<.e I L..'<t1O the: computatIOn of In - D both (,("hleh hale anI} three unko '~nl "i~l, or al 1"101 t 0101 ~ A S 21 d Sumlarh b\ .Jppl)mg ~ f! ben are shown 1ft FIg. S 21 g IS k o \\f' obtam ~ ltd ~ memben of the frame Fig From the bendin ':~= . : " S 21 f we observe thai the bend concave to the left and conca"c upw rei b menl dnelops ID member CD It don not bend but terniU bve deflcetcd shape of the frame obtained by In t the three memben allhe jOlnb i shovin In Fig S "I h lhe deftecllon of lbe frame al support A 1 Due to":. ~ ,:= ch~ JOint S deflects to the nght to B Smcc the axial defol neglected and bending defonnabOns are umed t be only 10 the honzontal dlJu:tlon and JOint C deflects joml B: lhat I SS CC ole thai lhe cUfUlu of SlSlent With their bendmg momml diagrams and thai the onlPna lween memben at the ng.:d jomt B and C ha c been rna mcd A:' d of . f ' and no,", kno":D mernbIr \femht'r .fB \\llh the u~f f'd \foil uhkh can be detennmed by .fB ba Ihm unkno",ns B r r an ~ '~ F (J'\"F, OandE\(,t-· us. I p)mg ~ Th s(, , 18k \fi B ::..360k-rt -18k B t" J IJfI 8 Proceedmg De\! 10 Jom! Band com.idenng its equllibnum obtam o B, \lemhI' BC . elll + - [F, - 0 . [h 0 ·C[,\f, () \f:C = -360 k-ft ~'omldcng the equilibrium of member BC we wnle 18 360 2(30) 213011(5). 42(JO) + cf' == 0 + .\ftC ~ 0 C:c 0 C:c 42 k M!C 0 0 \Iemhi'r CD Appl)lng. cflJ L Fl -42 k 0 and L F) .\f,(D -= 0 Draw the shear bending moment and ulal force diagram deftecled shape for the frame shown In Fig S 22 a Dd Solullon IN, rmmQ)- m 2) 3 r 3 and and lbe frame I geometricaUy stable III tall II SIal' - 0 in order, we obtam 3) ~ Sinct' all unkno\l,n ~,"rol and moments ha\c been detennined we chcc:k computatIOns b) u mg the third equlhbnurn equallons for member CD EF A : ~ \//) - 0 Jo"" D Cbeclung computation 42 42 0 Slwar Dwqra11lJ The x coordinate 5)' tems sel«ted for the three melD of the frame arc shov.n In Ftg S 21 d and the shear d18gram for the <:~I l" co bUSIng Ih cru~ p descnbed In Section 5 4 are depicted S 21 truckd c BnuJing \I nt D (lranu The bendmg mOment diagrams for mcmbenofthcframeare OVtlltnflg 521 r AIls IExample 5.14 Joillt C Appl)lng the three equilibrium equations. we obtain (CD AIls Quo/"G" I k .f " Dill ranu From the ~ we observe that the axial ~ comprewve WIth a ~ tant magmt\lde r gram for lhl member I a stought hne pa a hOWD 10 f II S 21 Similarl 11 n be forces In members Be and CD are al 42 k l'espectl\cly The uUlI fora: dl3 . (OfL'C§ elther,j, J ~ from ih free-bod) diagram h mol -4 u"t.:an J In' -l lk'pnnl11g. t }l " ',t lthe n"hl O.fmu,tall e llith J. magnitude of I In order to satl f\ L 'I of 1~ k to the left. Thu.. to balam:e the honzontal rtlU.. Uon .f:' 'ui 11, 2 0 Boca lenD qualitative :no aIAPJEfI 5 ...... _ IEl:TIIII U FnmIS: Shelr ,ReI Bending Moment x I 6 klfl I I 0 -,,,,-_ c 8 D ( sf· -E I11-o'lc....LI_ITJ 1.6 kilt .e 1Sf' .11. (" 25 S 8:( R V IJd./ll Shear Di,acn.... ttJ c B 180 c 8 A (d) 11m 2H D .no t\ ~niJ B y 25 _ rh, uta - .. A 'fJ (J) AJ<iaI Fa... DO...... (Ik ... 5.22 A, • x Mument Diagram (kAt) Ax 410 24 (el c 111 1ECTJOI5.I .....,." _ CHAPTER 5 ...... and Frames: Shear and Bending Moment H~ 338 "'- C ,'(P D 60 It x 611 B \ __-\ ~I 60 60 A E (8) Bendinl Moment Diagratll$ 0lN m C 12 -96 B D -384 314 48 "'5.23 ((, Shear Diagrams (kN) fit 5.2:3 Contd (i) Qao~" DoOocIId 2lS • -, 218 JOUII R dd' Do ... /Ii 48k . n [F 0 • E II [F 0 ,,' 1I 12.$ 2 () ~1) I: 0 0 \ .f 'r - 4RkN r 12k UfOnm" DE 12 8 ~ ' '- E 48k C[ I( -0 60 JOint 1: F, {I £, (J £1 -12 12 \ftmhn D Appl 101 the three eqwl bnum eq m 12 5 [F L.~ 0 £ 0 12 [F -0 48 48 Checks Checks 0 IS« hg. 5.:_~lc End JQrH Joint A 8) arrl)ing the I,."qudliom. of equilibrium \\c obtain L F, -=- 0 and L F y 0- \Iemher AS Cono;.idenng Ihe equIlibrium of member AB. we obtain , B" B" I 12kN .wi 4RkN B - -60 kN· m loint B Appl)mg the three equilibrium equations. we obtain Bft B" I -12kN 48 kN \':( - 60 kN· m Shrar and lkrulmg Moment DIQR1anJJ See Fl. \ftmha BC [F, -0 48 [1', 0 BC eI 0 liB 0 1241 • [ 60 JOllfl 124 2) ... 12 , ef< :.. AXIal Fore DIagrams The equauons Ii r axial fI frame are -12 kN Member AS Q C·< I 0 Member 1K' Q Member 'D Q 0 Ch8cIcI Member DE Q C Conssdering the equlhbnum of Jomt ( 'ol.e detenrune (D , 12 k cctJ 0 Vnnht-,CD 124 [f, 0 [1' 0 0' 0 [ 110 0 \/0 0 0'" x or p \/ p -12 k SUMMARY 48k 60kN m Ans •• 21' CHAPTER 5 Beaml and Frames: Shear and Bending Moment ("If (hc mcmt,,:r 01 .ill ,Ill: l Il'rn.11 Ill,ll.1o- .lOd re.lcllono,; .Icung ,,In either , 0 I Ihl' Xlllln. II'l "'"' "" "I,'f II W ~ Pll«III\C. \\hen the c'tema.' forr-.. IUl' . ' _ IlnJ to rnxhlt:c 1",'11 j(ln, The ,IK\lr .H.IIl) ,ct:t!on oj a m~bcr IS equal In magnlludl but llPPll Ill' '" Jlredllln. W the al~cbr.': o,;um of the ",'omJl'.lnlnl in thl' dirl'\:lil11l p.:rjX'l1l! to the 3:\10,; 01 ~ht member of .111 Ihe lam"t;~:e fl'a",·ltlll1 al"ling on either Side 01 the lieC1ion \\ l' l.·on'IJa it hl he rt1 ItI\ e \\ hen th" e:\lernal force:-. tend to push the J'l'rtJon tlf the nll'mbcr lln the kft of Ihe up\\ard \\ IIh respect to Ihe portion on Ihe nghl of the ,edlo!1. The bendmg moment at any sec.. u(ln llf J mcmtx'r I" equal 111 magllltudc. but l1rpO.. lte III direction, to the algebrah-' urn of the mllmcnh abl1uI the o,;txtioll of .ill the eXlcmalloads and reactlt'n on eilher Idc of Ihe ,no1lc~ \Vc consider it to be p0,iu\c \\hcn [he c\h:m.lllon..:!,;' and couple"l lcnd to bend the member Wned\ c UP\\ .lrd. l' C(lmpre ..ion m the upper fibers and tension In the lo\\cr tibe~ at the '-Cl:UI.m Shear bending moment. and .I\ial force diagrams depici the vanation.. of Ihe..e quantitic'\ alonf! the length of the member Such diagrams can be l.'On"ltrul;led h) determining and plotting the equations expressing these '\treo,;, re"lultant... III lenn'l of the d"tancc of the :section from an end of the member. Thc con"trul;t10n of ..hear and bending moment diagrams ("an be. con'\lderabl) e\pcdlted by apply mg the followmg relationships thal eXltit bet\\cen the loads. "lhearti, .tnll bending moments: ..lope of '\hear diagram at a pomt intell"llty of distributed load at that point (5.3 l'hange in tihear bct\\een points A and B area under the distributed load dIagram between point\ ., and B (5.5 change in shear at the point of application of a concentrall'd load magnitude of the load slope of bending moment dIagram at a point change In bending moment bel\\een POints -4 and B hear at that point area undcr the "lhear diagram betv.cen points A and B change In bending moment at the point 01 applicauun _ magnitude or the moment of II couple of the (,;ouple (5 12 58 510 514 A fio:lme IS l;on Idered to be bendIDg moment Bnd a\ial lore tatl(,;al.l) determinate if the external reactIOn can be d e ID all Us members as well a all clennmtd b h num and condUlon If a plane f ) I e equations of equil I uPPOned b) r react rame contams m members and J JOID Ion and h . as t' equallons of condition theJIlf Jm lm r r J iJ 3 ~ e Ihe fr..m I tahcall u tab) ""I. the fram , tatoe II del nn 3m r 3J e the frame I tatlcaU md t on The degree of ta tiC mdetennmacy I gl\en by 3m bend~ r l procedure for the detemunall n of m mber end r. moments and aXial force In the members detennmate frames is presented in Section 56 P ~n 111 CHAPTER 5 ...mI.nd Fro....,. SbN, .nd Bending Moment I~k.: I I I I I I I i l l 1111 A Hnge ===t B I-----L.---I 4m-1i~ FIG. ... P5.9 r==r p (1 m fW A L ! I B L-_ fI6. P5.18 10m PS.12 40k 1 fI6. P5.19 20ft 12 k FIG. 24ft .,b===!B:="""'----.... C • Aprrrq I RG. L Sf{ 10 f• B I fIG. PS.2O P5.25 20 kN =~! -" :! - " IV 20kN + 1m ./.- 3m 3m FIG. PS.21 PS.15 5 m----4-------- I m A 1i====;)M I--L_----.,I I 100 k-ft ~-C!_ID t"'ii'" A 6ft fIG. P5.27 c 6ft 6ft fIG. P5.16 B 10kNlm fi r af the resWu g ldiqram B fIG. P5.17 I-15ft 20kNim ISk ... P5.11 30ft fIG. P5.2II air; A~ --L---I :f--rrrrrr-r-rr~ I PS.14 "'-PS.l0 fIG. fIG. PS.13 7m ---+----7m---l .....u . . . . . . . U1 qualitaliw c .. _I _.. __.. --.- I 20. 60 ;.--!l-----J.. -..;,t.. ... - A V D 1--10 ft--+--6 ft----l-4 ft-J m 1 m---- 20L 1CE V --I-- --I-B 1--5 m 10 ft 5m 5 m--l 20. , • 75kN 20. -L~J!- l - ,.4 D ~S ft.J.-- I51,--1-'0 ft-l 2S kNIm 4.',;-,,,---,--,':'::',::u:I:9: SJ< 15 kill I A 8ft 8ft 8ft 6 m ---+---6 m,·- --1-- 8fl ,.,.1.31 fIG. P5.37 50kN 'OOkN 10 ft -I- 3m J klft 24 II - _ . 3m fIC. ... PUI I 12m--1-6 A • "PI.AO -+_ I-f_ _ JOft ...... t 2 kJft B "'PUI A B --.+-_ 3 kill 9 ft --i- - - - - _ 24 ft 1--11 11'-+'':' 10 kNlm P5.36 A ~ .... P1L41 AF~b6~;.J .u .u .u . r. ;~ '0 --+-- J m 40k II 30 ft ----+---10 ft RG. P5.43 50kN "'PU2 .. PI.M 10k "'1'U7 !-I 1----3 3Sk ~ 2.5 klft flC.P5.36 ... P5.30 IJ -!: !- L ~ A~C D :b. - BCD I 1-_ _1 ...._ _1 • B C • 60kN I- 6 m --l- 6 m -I--s m '50kN 600kN m M1k - -~- A~ 7Sk-ft 11======8 '50.N _ +- _H_'...:. ... .. + ':'-1--3511--1 Pi Hinge soctI""U J7 ...... 5.71 Draw the shear bendmS moment and I I ron:c dIagrams and the qualitatIVe deflected ha~ Ii .1\]<1 I' .... r the: frame !>ho"n. 12kN1m ~ 4m 4ft+4fI~ 4ft A ~ IS ft 15 ft ISl!ft I BmmC D 25 k (a' (b) I~ Hinge o OS klft ... 1 S m + - - - s m----l "'P5.58 JOk 10ft . I c (d) (e) Sm fIG. P5.57 AG,I'5.55 150kN AJJ I C B .1.4 1-9 m-+-9 m-+-- a-l 12ft-+--1 ft ... P5.8I 1II.P5.53 60k A 1=:Hi~-9rI 90kN J. (a) 8 (b) 1 - - 2 0 f t - - + - - - 2 0 f t_ _ 25 kN/m (e) (d) 1 m S m---<1-- ....... 6 ft4-6 ft--l - --_....... -' B I ft I ft A ....... 1----20 II - - - . I ISkNIm c D 9m ..... 1---10m---+--SllllilJ SECTION 1.1 DI""..... ' ............. Dsn • 8 Deflections of Beams: Geometric Methods 6.' 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 D,Nerenlrat Equallon 'or Beam Deflectron Drectlnlegrallon Meltlod nOJ~sol epuS Meltlod Moment·Area Method Bending Momenl Dragrams by Parts Conjugate Beam Method Summary Probtems J Strut:lUfC like ,III \lthcr ph} \11.:,11 bodic!'>. defonn and change shape \\h"o suh)ltCtcd to fon.:c\_ Olher common causes of deformations of 'JtrUl.:lUn:, mdude Icmpa,llurc changes and support settlements. If the deltHJndllons t.I1\.lrrcar .md the 'itructure regains its original shape when the action . . l.:.1U mg the deformations are removed, the deformations are h:nncd deWit ,/(/omwflofh. 6.1 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR BEAM DEFLECTION The permanent deformations of structures are referred h) ..... mt/mlll or ,,!mli£ cJelormutions. In this text \\e WIll Ilx:us our alh.:nUon on l/nwr t/tlllic tIt1uT/1wtimlJ, Such deformations \011") Imearly "lth dpphcd loads rfor instance. if the magnitudes of the load altlflg on the lrul.:ture ar.: dl)Ubled. its deformations are also doubled. and so forth Rel:alllr\)m Scl,;lion 3.6 that in order for a struc. lure to rc.: pond Imearh 10 Jpphed load'\.. It musl be composed of lInear cia til. matenal ilnd II mu t undergo lam~ deformations. The pnoclple f UJlt.iTk.'SHlon I \ahd lor ut:h trudures. h r rno I trueture e;\l.:\." (ve deformations are undesirable a they ~am lmp.ur the tructurc s abiht~ 10 '!oCl"\e its intended purpose f or example a high n bUlldmg rna) bt= perll.'\:tl) safe in the sen that the II )v-able Ir re d ft a n I,",eec ed )CI useless unlX"Cupied If It .... Ie\: I I) due (0 \\md l.:au 109 uack in the \\alls and window 51 ruclUre re u uallv de d h Ign 0 I at their deflections under DOrmal d ~;m n III n \\111 not e l.:eed the aJlo\\able \alues specified tn buiJd. 221 • lECTJONu CHAPTEIII DetIectionI of Beams: Geometric Methods 6.4 MOMENT-AREA METHOO -- P, M, . on the beam. The slope and g lIlJl\ idu. l~ to ""h.h \'1 Ihe I(lad .ll.:tdm · .1 kllJ C,1O Ix l,:oll1pulcd by using elt". d t e l -il HI 1\ I d u . · _ ICT dl,;lkxllI.m Ut' l l . l h ' d' 'Tlocd prC\10U'iJ) or one of the 0'''-I In mel llU l.... ~ Ihe Jlftx:t mh:gr.t It b' 'Ill ~ d l o n ' Aho. man) struclural tnDl · J III .. u -.t:qUt; - ' eo Illet hi..'d dI"l.-U 'l II nlUlI of S(I.'/ ('Of1\trlU fUm p. ubhshed by .L_ . - h ndh:ll1k o! ,1 _ 'UlI: nC\:nng a " ~ I (QmI TUl 1/ n wllta," ddkClIon formulas for ""til TIl all Inwfllt: ,: ..'1 f,~ lo.ld...and \Upport condltion\. ," hich can be t'leam.. fN \.trI(lU ., rx. -h fonnula ... for ,Io~' and deflections of ....._-d tor Ihl'" rurpo"C: ..s m: . . .-ms u . 11 Illd .tOd ,upport conditio"" are gl\en IDslCle for \,.lmt' l,.'omnll1n ~t pt: \. l • , .~ . _ '·,h. bOl1k for clm\t'Olcnt rekren\,;t' the tronl l:l" er 0 .. P, wlx) --- A I--x m Beam I /Ix I -------- - T.....'"B The mot'n;~re.1 method for computing ...Iopes and def1 ctio~s of beams \\3" de\dopcd 1:1) Charlc... E Greene m 187J, The me,thod IS based 011 t\\O thcorem .... called the mOn/tIlt-area ,I"ore",.\'. reiatlOg the geometry of the ela...lic cune of a ocam to \f EI diagram. \\ hich is constructed b) di\ iding Ihe ordmate... of the bendmg moment diagram by the ftexural rigid II} £1. The method uhle~ graphical mterpretations of integra) imohed in Ihe \DIUlion of the deflection dllTcrentJal equation (Eq. 69 in term... of the ilreas and the moments of arcas of the .\1/ El diagram. Therefore. II is more comcnient to use for beams with loading dlscoo tinuitle... and the \ariahle EI as compared to the direct integratlOD method de-.cribcd pre\iou ..l) To derive the moment-area theorems, consider a beam subjected to an arbitrar} loading as sho",n in Fig. 6.4. The clastic curve and the .\1 £1 diagram for the beam arc also shown in the figure. FOCUSing our attention on a differential clement d\ of the beam. \\ e recall from the pre\iou... noltc~ .IEq. (6.10)) that dO, which represents the change m slope of the e1a!lllc curve mer the differential length dx. is given by 1" dl/ If EI dl 611 Note thai the lerm \1 £1 dx repre\ents an infinitesimal area under M Ef dIagram. as ho\\nin Fig. 6.4. To determine the change ID slope bet\\een (\\0 arbitrary pomts A and 8 on the beam we integrate 6.11 from A to B 10 obtam ' rr dll or , o ~d< 'M J El dx MDiapm _ _-'--..J EJ fIG. 6.4 in wblcb fl. and fI, are Ibe slopes of tbe ela tiC curve al pomt A and B respectIvely. wltb respect 10 tbe axis of tbe beam m tb und ~ rmOO (borizontal stale fl lU denotes tbe angle bet\\een tbe t ng n t I elasllc curve at A and Band \I £1 d< repre n th undo M EI diagram between polDIS A and B Equallon 6.12 represents Ibe malbern IIcal momtnl-a"o Ih "m wblcb can be stated a ~ II f: The chan In 51 pc bet\\een !be la polDl I equalt tbe a... under ,he \I EI ~ : , : proVided that the elastIC curve I Un LU SECT10IIu CHAPTtR 8 DeflectionS of Bums: Geometric Methods _ d, llO I I1Jll , . lrllm a roml 81' gl\l;ll t'l~ ek'l11l n1 dO dl "here J the dl 1.101,.·..: In1m ft.!1 mIl) Eq "I ~ \Idd:lo . n1C'mcnt cJ n~let granng Eq.•' bc:J.m \\e: obtain necl~ 61 8 t' [he ckment lh Sub-.tllution of .11 ote Lhal Ihl.: ~;h ProeedUJlI for Analysis t) thl,.' unddomll.:d aXIs of the ........ qxllllU.lfl J I l (U\~) ,", 6 on the dm:.h~t!ln side of Eq. 6.14 represent • 1m 11 .trC.1 u"rf\: pendmg to til: llbout B an ... (\\(l arhllraf) point -f and B on . r: d\ "r As< f'1 ,U Hit fit ,d, ,E/ in \\hich ~'H fl:prc..enh the IIl1/e/l'II.';O/ dlrwtioll of Bfrom the tan at 4 \\ hlch ... the deflection of rOlll! B In the dlr:~t1on perpendl to the undcfonncd ,1\1'" l,f the beam from the tangcnt at pomt A \1 f1jrdr Tepre.. "nh lhe moment of the Jrea undcr the M £1 gram bctwt.-cn poinh 4 itnd B about pomt B the mathematical expression of Ih Equation (6.15) hn~erpc ond m01lUnr·/lHU Ihl oft m, \\hil.:h can he stated as folloYos. r:, Tht' lan~gl dC\lalion In Ih~ dtf('(tl\ln pcrlll:ndil.:ular to the undefi alll of Ihe tlcam tIt a POint on the (I,...u!.: ("une fwm the laD Dt or cIa tiC tune Jt .molher pt1lnll" equal {{l lhl: moment the area \11:/ diagram hel\\.een (hI; 1\\0 pl1mt.. Jboul Ihe pomt al ",hi h tlon I d m:J pr l\u,k"11lhal the cia Ih,; I.un I l;llntmUtlU between pomts It is Imponant 10 nole the ord~ of Ihe subscripts used for 6 15 The fir,t !lu~npt denutes the pt.)!nt "here the devlaUoD temuned and ahout "hl..:h the muments are c\aluated where ond ubs4;npt denote the poml \I, here the tangent 10 the elastIC dra\l,n Also In the dlstanl.:e an Eq. 6.1<; i alway taken tl\e the IgD or ~B I Ihe same as thaI of Ihe area of the M gram bel\\ecn A and B If ,h area "f 'he If Ef dlagram beltwe_ and B 1 positne then ~B IS also po Ilne and pomt B I direct h the po5ll1 IOn t e tang ot to the cia tl4; cune at polo ICe 'rna _ - 6.-58ENDIGMO:=T~A';RSBYP IECT10ll u - ., ClIAl"IER • DeRictiN. GeOmetric M...oda . ..... - - . IpplKallon of Ihe moment J n' '(tll'O .• Ihl: prc.."'(c ~)I of the ;In:.'" and mo e~ts of areas _.1 nH11\L'''' ~l .turm ',l m It \\ ill ~ ..hown In the ~lof h 01('( lOU I . \I f I dlagr.1 . ,. d fl 1.." the lh lld for detcnmnmg \anou" nolrthlO' I"~ • be 1m me -. h e eCliona '-__ ah -I n that the (cmJug :- < I" thc:.. e quanuues. W en a ~ -.ex 10 mputatu1n 0 . . f d 1 m ..... •11"'0 n:lju :' \.'t . 01. loa J ... ... m.:h as a combmatlon . 0 lStI'i ..ubJccted to Jltfl.'renl ~t ~cr dc{ermin.Hllm of the properties of the ut·d and COl1l.:Cnlralcd loa h' 'ombmcd effect of all the loads, t: due to I I: r..: oded b ..ultant \I 1::/ tlJagrJnl. Th- difficult\ can be 3\01 Y con tl'UCt ba:ome d fomlldabk t.l"~ ,... . \ . . Ilk Hill ~C Jk JOft Jk J ~ 10 1 klft .;i I c::r:=Q! c + .... Ie 4k 16k B I t I 3D k 30 k. A A t I ID ft 225 169 8 C A + II II 120 120 fa (b, C 46kt h6k I (e) JOft I lOft 225 c ,,....---(r- 120 d) Ill. ..9 Ft6. 6.10 DID ........ " ..... 210 k Energy Methods CHAPTER 7 Deflections of Truues, Beams, Ind FrlmtS: Wor- lECT10Iu ....... _ _ III p s/ 7.2 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL WORK b) John Bernoulh 1 11/ rli. \\Im.h \\.1' lI1trnduccd ' l . , rl,,1 11111\ 11l.11 hllli lor mal1\ prol.)ems of t I ~I" pro'lu J pt.l\\!; ". . . Xl~n \\C ~ t u d ) 1\\0 lonnul.ltl(,lOS of Ihl Prm. tural nlIX h.mll. I n Ih IS 'l.: •• n Ipl( nll/Twal ~/l\pt( nlUlt\ lor riC/ill 'kid, l,.lplc nam I) Ull prl I "II r 'lor dt (tlfl/whlthod/( \ The latter fonnula ' th.. p'It/' 'I' al (IT IIi.. , h' r,ll,'\\ m" ,,-'1.:11\111\ 10 dc, clop the lilt thud of'" uon l U'CU 10 I \; II. eo , •• '11 IuJ,·n.:J III ~ one: of the mo,' general methods II ,,.. \\IIK .. 1"1 l,.( ... The flllt If I I IINl/!1 dctaffiuung delkl:twn (If 1---.---1 I------ p L~l 1 he pnm.:lpk of \ mu••) lh... pl.KC!l1t'nh for rigid bodies can be stated 1011('1\\ :.: If a ngld boJy I' In sl ,truelun: Principle of Virtual Displacements for Rigid Bodies ~"i,:td ~"IUlh num under a ~ ,tern of force.... and w .m> sm.llI \ ,rlu.11 }do - l~n .tncl'TI - ~alp, d ~ht If II I Dunng the \ Inual transl tion~ A work done b) the forl.:cs ~I gi\cn by II Pli and II Ali Pli ( li A and <\ P Ii - LI' t\ .. A c _ lniliaJ equdibrium P position sl JL~A p f Ii AG.7.2 see FIg 72 c The vlnuaJ work. don Virtual rotation (J can be expressed as W. P a By subsUlutmg Eq 78 through total virtual work. done as Because tbe beam EM c c If of the beam the I '"r1UaI JI' , II c b by thl" c\1t:mal fon.:!':' I' I~ro II p c \ lrtual work doae rhc term I irl/1al 'Impl) means imaginary, not real. Consider the he.tffi ..ho\\n in hg. 7 1\<1' The free-bod) diagram of the beam i shown in fig. 7.2(h; m \\hich P, and P, represent the components of the ternal htd P in the.\" and y dlrCl:tions. rcspecti\c1}. 0\\ SUppO'iC that the beam is gi\cn an arbitrary small virtual ~dob· ign di ..placemcnt from it-. initial equilibrium position ABC to another ro..ition I' B'C' as 'ihm... n m fig. 7.2(c). As shown in this figure the tOlal \'irtual rigid·hody dhplaccment of the beam can be decom po!\Cd into translations !i. and 6., in the.\" and y directions respecti\el). and a rotation (J ahout point A. Note that the subscript L IS used hL're to identify the displaccment'i a.. \Irtual quantities. As the beam undergoe.. the "irtuitl displal:ement from position ABC to poilU 4' B'C'. the f(,lrce.. actmg on it perfonn work. which is called uork Tht: total \irtual \\ork. H . pcrfonned by the e"ternal forces mg on the beam can be d:.M'"crp~ a'S the 'Sum of the \ irtual work. Iv. and It donI:' during tram1<ttion.. in the \" and y directions respectl and thL' \irtual \\ork It' . done during the rotation: that IS. _ L tberefOl< EI' 10 Eq t\ I' LB IIEC11OIIl.2 1'ItnoiIIIo .. _ _ _ ClW'TER 7 'qulhlmum under a \ _nual S) ..tem of Ii I; ll, :l,.fcd l(l an' Tn.11l fl.'al dc:lonnation (:ODII ndlllfl'iO)U'" to 1,;( U J unull\ lt1nJlllll11\ (11 the: ,trudure then the llih the UpplS .• n .. on . d lh- \frlU.11 c'\h:mal I"Tee.. Ian coupl IeI \\ori. done b I; . . . I JI pJ.Kl.:m.:nh and rol,lIll)O" '''' I,.'quallo the thTl u h Ih. n.: I h;m.. . d , J n· bl Ihl. 'lrtual mtcm.l! 100.:':" an couples wI ml ~rnal \\ 1[.. 1..' I; . I'm I dl'.plal'cmc:nt .md rotatIOn, thh ugh III,," n: III l. ' I t h' teml rirluaJ ,.. a......ociated with the foren It • J t(lnna d pc bl trul,;tuT I ,n In thl .. IJh.'mCll c mdll...lle Ihe: force ... ~ h:nl l' arhHrJr) and doe.. not depend on action \.JU 109 ,hI,.' n:.t1 Jdoml.lU()O. _ . _ . the twoI , Ihe: \ ahdit\_ 01 thl" consider ., , r \.1 d cmlln, tr ,It.: ". I h""n ,n I·i.' i 1.1 The tru"s I ~ m equlhbnum unOOtbe mc:m~r ru.. v e." • J~lon llf a \ inu.1I t:\(l:rnal fon':l: P a~ ,hlm n, !he fr~.lx ~ diagram 10101 ( of th~ tru , i, ,ho\\Jl In hg. 7.J(b). Sl~ce JOIO.t ( IS In equilib\ irllial c\h:n1al .1IlJ mternal lorce, acung on 11 must satisfy the rium. th~ 10110\\ lllg (\\l) I:l\ulltbrium equation, -L ' \~f F. 0 () P F'H co,lh F, U 'Ill F;B( ~)(soc - 0 O[ + F , B( sin (h 0 7I m \\hlch F l( and F H( rcpre,cnt the VIrtual internal forces in members .J( and 8C n:'~l.:t \c1y and fh and fh denote, respectively the ang1 of mdin<llion of Ihc~ member, with respect to the horizontal FIJ. 7 J(a)). No\\. lei u, a"i"iume that joint C of the truss is given a small real Ji,plal.:cml:lll .:\ 10 Ihe right from its equilibrium position, as shown Fig. 7 ~I.t 011: that the deformation is consistent with the support E.,u I 8, 8, ~ 7.3 11 or W A JOdlcated by Eq stde of Eq ~ IJ Thus Eq 1~ F &e05O In .... hleh the quanllt on the left-hand ide rep .... ork Iv. done by the \Inual eMernal fo real external dl placement A Also real n th the & cos IJ are equal to the real Internal dl p1acernen members AC and Be respectively we an C fK:11Kk that the nighl-hand Side of Eq 7.15 represents the "Inual mternal.... rk JJ d "irtual internal forces actmg through the real mternal d p.Ia,:em,en". lhat is w w. which is the mathematical tatement of the pnnclple f \lnual Ii tee Ii r deformable bodies. It should be realized that the pnOClple of Inual ~ here IS applicable regardless of the cause of real deli mat deformations due to loads tempe:ntlure chan or n t be determIned by the apphcalton of Ihe pnn. pi How,.,·e,. mallon must be mall enough so that the Iftual Ii an magnitude and dlrecllon while pcrfi rmlO t In though the apphc tlon of thl pnnclple lD thl t t structures th pnJlClple IS ltd re rdl la lie or not The method f Irtual w fon:es ~ , deformable bodlCS rewntten (bl fIG. F, 11 1~ m ClW'TEII7 Deflections - 0' Trusses. Beams, and Fllmes: Work - Energy Methods II/will \lrlUal ('xh:m.a1I~C ) '" ( ftal (; h.-mal 1.11 r1al'(ment ~- - p fl'\{(m D (~\ \lrlual mternal force - n.',.1 mlcmal dlsplacem o P, Member} (; _ FL M B r r " Illd d/\pJaftll/tllf are used in a general In \\ h11: h I hI: I cnn s " . r~'pc l \ cl), ~ o t e that because and mduJe mlmlcnh .mJ rl)t;j1~n, . nd 'no'oJ..:nt 01 the ,lctlons. t.:au".mg the real defonna 'trtU.1 I ron,:cS.lrI.: I l,:1~ durin" the c,,"premo tlon and fl.-mal n 1.\'nsllnt • . eo the rc.1.1 deformation, ""I the ('''\ll.:mal.mJ Internal \lfto.11 \\ork In I::.q. { 18 do not contam l. f,H,:tor I .:! \ ['I. (a) Real Syslem D Member) F. . . IIldll:atc. the method 01 \Irtual \\-ork empl 1"0 ...crant1c ,)sICm ,I \Inual forc~ 'i),h:m and the real ~}s_tem ofl or other H ~ Il\ that cau...e the dc/ann,tUon dk'\:h (0 be determmed To terminI.' the dcRL"(llllll ,or slope) at an) point of a structure a fon:c >~ lem i, '>Ch.."\:lcd '0 the lml\ unkno\\n in Eq. "ark ~cthod to Ix used and frames are dr:\c1opcd Vln B thai the dC''ilrcd ddlcl:tion \ ~r rotation WID be 71M The exphcH expressions of the Virtual for computing deflections of trusses be in the three sections. (b) Virtual System FIG. 7.4 W. LF . By equaung the Virtual external W rko Eq 2 t mlemal \\-ork Eq 721 in accordance '4uh the pnoclp forces for deformable bodies \\e obtam the r. II WIn e p I method of \Irtual work for truss deflecuon When the defonnauons are caused by external load Eq be subslltuted 1010 Eq (7.22) to obtain 7.3 DEFLECTIONS OF TRUSSES BY THE VIRTUAL WORK METHOD To de\dop the cxpn:ssion of the virtual \,,'ork method that can be uaecI to determine the delb::tums of trusses. consider an arbitrary statically determlllate tru a!i !iho"" In Fig. 7.4(a). Let us assume that we 10 determinr: the \ertlcal dcfle<.:tion. 6. at Joint B of the truss due PI and p, 1 he truss is statically detenmnate gi\en extcrnalod~ axial forces in Ib member.. ('an be determined from the method of described prc\ iou...l) III Chapter 4 Ir F represents the axial force I arbitrary member J e.~, member CD in hg. 7.4(a)) of the truss from n/( han/( of n/lt'rl ~ the axial dcfonnation c) of this I'IICIIlber gl\en b) 1A !oJ, fL At: 1 A and 1. dcnote re rectI' el) Ihe length c:........oec1ia1'*' area and modulu 01 c1asllut} of member J. T() determllle the Vertical ddla::uon d. at joint B of the Ittl a \Irtual y t econsl r n 'IlIlg uf a unit load actmg . at the m the dlrecuon 01 the d d d fl . Fig eire e ethon as sho\\-n m In \\ hu:h ,..N'·_ Because the destred deflection A IS tbe onl UollO valu can be determmed by solvmg thl equauon Temperature Chang" and Fabrlcalion EmIlI The e pressl n or the Vlrtual w rk method qUit sen I In the sense thaI II n be ftecIJ os d 10 temperat= chan ~ b,rica.ioD elfeet r. r which !he member 1de can be luated be haud The I deformalion chan 10 temperat= n 10 Eq 19 n - _7 _ . ....,.a ........ ' - .... III - . ........... _ : W....-En.rgy M....od. H r lIlt I I n I (J \ T1,.1 lal:lhtatc the compulallon of the defl lion the real and \1rtual membc'r lon.'CS are tabulated alonl Jcngths L and the lanot('.S-"~orc ~aer -t of the members a hown III 71 The modulus of ('la5111,;11\ E I!'> the same for all the members 50 II. .""'.' ROC mcluded In the: table ote that the same sign convention I used Ii reo..) and \Irtual S) tems that IS In both the fourth and the fifth colUlllDl "'''''..-.. table ten lie fon.-es are entered a" posit" (' numbers. and compreSSIve €I negatl\( numbers Then lor eal:h member the quantlt) F, (FL A II COIIIIP. and It!> \alue IS entered In the sixth column of the table. The algebraIC 111II the entnes In th '501 Ih fo:olumn L F. Fl A is then detenmned and I recorded al the bonorn of the sixth column. as shown. FinaJly. the deIirId flectlon.1 IS detennmed b) appl)mg the ,irtual work expression Eq shown In Table 7 2 ote that the positi\ e answer for .1G indicates that deftects to the nght In the dlrecuon of the unit load. TABLE 7.2 Member AB CD EG AC CE BD DG BC CG A (in ') L In 192 192 192 144 144 144 144 240 240 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 ,n n ,n 84m F (k) 60 0 20 60 0 15 15 -75 25 I 0 0 I5 0 075 075 -125 125 ~7. ......-,_..... CHAPTER 7 DefttctiOItI o, Trusses. Beams, end Fremes·. Wortl ...~grenE Methods 1ECTIOI7A a.IUlI••• II . . . '" lie Ell lillie 75 . Lkt i: t "', 'Ii. tbe l;n {f ''0 (l mt:th\x! f II ddl\. In (I(' Iu,," I t01l11 J) I""f! . nJ m he 11l \11 the r f f Iru \'0 fl.-I h.'"n III In 100 hg shon 11I1III'" ~ • Tlill 7.1 MembeT tu.!I" ri.. CF f E:F r 4 20 ft lD~ ~ I .l al O~ I h - 60 h -----< .n In 'a) E -O.-lm. F 4h, 7.4 DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS BY THE VIRTUAL WORK METHOD It'll Real Sy\tem - 8 Ik IIG. 7.9 IC) \ Inual S)stem - F Forces Solution kat S m The re-dl S} lern ..onw'ls of Ihe I.:hanges members ( f and E.f rth tru a ho"n In FIg 7.9 b llfun/S 1m The \ lUI di In the leo I Inua )' tem Call! I Is. of a J -k. load applied rtl.:tI nat J Int 0 a hov.n 10 "Ig 7 9 The F In mcmbe (F d . I.: necessa I n an Ef cotn be ed Ily computed by uSlOg the '-;;;'Jj In Ana • _ .& 7 Da""_" nu-. ..... and Frcmu: WOIk-EnIl1Y Methods "'·_- - A"; .I~'": SoI\IlIOII I nd \Irtual \ t 1~ rc luw.n til Fig 7 B{b) and n from Ilg I' a Ihat the Ill.: ural rlgldlt)' £1 of the B b) and (c mdlcates abruptl) at pOint 8 and f) \1Sl,', Fig and \,rtual o .dlO~ an: dl \,"IIOUO"", at p'-,mb ( and D respecti quenll th \an tlon (If thl: quanllt) ( " \' f.I \\1" be dllCOlltin Bend D Thu the beam musl ~ dl\ Ided mto four scgmen .... and DE. m I,:h gmcnl the quanllt) \' \I £1 will be COIIti erof~ can be mlcgrated ~ \ coordmal sclC\IW for deternllnmg the bending m ~ are ho\\n In hg I' band 4.: ole lhat In any particular ..._ _ beam the me coordmatc must be u!oed to ",nle both equations equation for the real hendlng moment \1 and the equauon (or bendJn, moment " Th equation for \1 and \I for the four the beam dc:lenmned b\' u 109 the method of sections are tabulated 76 The drft lion at D can no" be computed b) applymg the vartlW pression 11\ en by Eq '0 The ........ E••",pl. 7.9 am be , 1 Af HIli , 3011 EI E I V V EI d'f 1~ r(;) ):(f~+ 1 kN .1. ~f 75, d, (:)(75, dT J:(H +Td)~ ,57 2 193 75 k £/ 2 m' Therefore 2 19375 kN m' EI 75 2,193.75 200(300) ~ 0.0366 m ....... 366 mm 1 .1. TABU 7.' -';I Sqmmt AS A o3 EI Be A 3 6 2EI D A 6-9 2EI ED E 0-3 EI 75 ." .._,....- ......_ , , - . _ .... _ ....._ _ MoIIHIdI 6 SOIl k £1 6S01lkft £1 019410 7 1IF f U - BY THE VIR1UAL WORK METHOD ApplicabOD of the virtual work metbod 10 determine tbe 8octions of frames IS Slnular to thaI for beams. To determiIIi bOD or rollbOD 8 al a poInt of a frame a virtuaJ UDit couple IS applied al that pornl When lbe virtual sys1eID the defonnabOns of the frame due to real loads, tbe work performed by the unll load or tbe urnl couple II W. I porbOD of the frame may undergo axial In addibOD 10 the bendiDa defonnallons, tbe total virtual done on the frame IS equal to lbe urn of tbe mternal virtIW. bead!QI atId that due to axtal defonnabons. As diacuallll1J1 ma lOCbon, wbell the real and vlnual loodin.. and tba Elan COIItilllIOua over a seament of lbe frame the virtuaJ due to beadml for that seament can be obtained by .....,my JI, M EI over the lenatb of the seament Tbo due to beadial for the ent,,,, frame can then be the work for the iDdividual &eamenll, that 11, EIMM dx £1 ~ W. eht~fi § ',<.FL/AEl, axial fI F UJ4 F. dose to tbe nil and the uiaI rilidity A£ tile _ a l tile !bat Tbua, the u discuaood m due to axial . . . mtanal work clue &epICItt lie JIIae\ __,. . . . _ .II/__. . . __ • -E_~ Ikft G------::o!D I B A I, ~cr( I cr) I I~ I lli I C EII_7.11 1• -l B I • . . n. AJ I (c) VUlUl1 S)'IIem - At D III. '.11 • awrrEII 7 DeflL1IoftI of TruIIII . .ms, and Frames. W0rk-Energy MethodS TAIlE 7.1 ( B - y ( ~ '-Y 4 ~-t!.'t', -:.~ H rh H ' 0 TIl< k;H • 4 ISO kN m £1 ~ 4 ElIlllJlle ~,7 •.11.'2: -t> M IS. 711 d 10 mm m m An --:-_-:-_-:::-:-:::-i 312 CHAPTER 7 DrttIIcttons of Trusses. Beam•. and Frames: Work-Energy Methods lIl:naIIu Dollica". Of " - " tis _ : lift 1.!!-l.,,1=,T~_ 19 !=:r~ c B £:29000 I 1000 ... A = 35 .. IHI n t- I() ft -Jo,. -A .1 IOU- /l 116 I FIG 7.17 (l;ontJ) 115 107 tJ (<)VutualSy .... 'MUfTO 5 B B A 167_ I I 5 M717 1. 27S 125 b) k ISm AI F -D III . W k-Energy Methods or ClIAPTEl1 7 Deftections of TrullleS. Beams, and Frames. lI11e l,ln tx- ddl?fllum'd b~ fle.,:lll,m It Illtn' ( (l t 11I t r. o:prellllllhnh\ly 10li ,-. I \ w ( II ('I'" ~o If " 1 f/ [ \ 2 I h7 d\ , I~ o - Ik or the \lrtual ""I, Ju 1 I~ .lpr ~ Og 11 67"1: ~ )~ Strain Energy 01 TI1IIIIs 01\ !..-It If 9. r'5 I.At 1 D EI 6=t.l:. AI: 510S 9.rSII:! +- -- . '\5 29000 29.000 1.000, OI)()()()5 0.04655 o,n466 ft 0559 ... Member} In ConSIder .he arbitrary truss b n tn FI a load P wblcb IDCr<a graduall fr lhe structure 10 deform as shown tn I fi enng linearly elasllC tructures, tbe deflect of applicallon of P tncreases linearly tb I cussed tn Section 7 I see Fig 7 I c tb tern dunng tbe defonnabon 4 can be expressed p Sote the magnitude of the il'\lal defonnation tenn i!'o negligibly smaD compared to that of the lxndmg dC'limnation tenn 7.6 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY AND STRAIN ENERGY Before we t.:an dc\clop the next method for computing deflectio it is nccc..sary to under~tand the concepts of conservabOD energy and ""tram energy. The (ntryr of a ,lrUl:tun: can be 'iimply defined as its CQpacr doiny 1I0,J,; The lcnn ,train tnat/y ., attributed to the energ t (ru("(ure hm h((uu\{' 01 ;H t!t'/ormutiun. The relationship between ~lruct s. \\ork and train c:ncqn of a strUl.:turc ~i d~ab on the prrnc,plt {'rtatum of tturql v.hit.:h can bt:' 'tated as follo\\s: -,_<. w AG.7.18 To develop the expreSSIon for IDternal w rk or tra n truss let us focus our attention on an arbitrary member CD tn Fig 718 of tbe truss If F represent tbe member due to lbe external load P tben d. twed ax,al defonnallon of Ibis member I 8' en by FL Internal work or stram energy tored lD member t The tram energy of !be enlJJe SlDlpI stram..,...... of all fils membeTs tUKI be ...~ ...... The \\otl peth rmed on an ela tiL Mrul,;lurc in equJlibnum by ~i IdJO1 gradually applu.-t.I external lot(~'i is equal 10 the \\ork. done by t tC(' or th tr.tln energy hm.:d 10 the Iructure. 4 ThiS pnnciple Can be mathc:maIlCall} expre!'osed as w beca IV each FLtllJU>l. ~.! •• .............. - , ... - " " - " " ' " 3'8 k Energy MethodS CHAPTER 7 Deflections of Trusses. Beams, and Fr.mes: Wor- amount dP th n lhe me 111 ram apphcatlOn or dP can be \Hlllen a en r 7.7 CAST/GUANO'S SECONO THEOREM I n 11 Ihl , 8ECTIOII77 - " _ ' . _ _ SC... tl\111 IIOIlS ,11 • 'r \\C 1,.011 luI: trudun: 1111 .. cnl'rg~ mCllllxl for dctenninlDl . mdhoJ. \\Im:h l.:an he .lpphed only to <llhHhl.:f IL, rhcorcm Lan ~ ll\r 1m r I\ ~I" 1__ dl - \ I Imll.dh rrc,cntcd 0) \ l>crto (astlgha .:Ifl\ ell III,. slru"llln: \. . I L , ' I • 1 1\\ n \' (t.l\llylul1JO \ \t'{ mil 111l1lr( m C I -, !OJ 1 ... OlllilWIl \ 1..1 l • - . ", I \ hi -11 l" In be to c",I,lb1l,h equatIOns of ghaOl\ fir I t H,'MCm \ l ' _ _ '-. , I n 11 Cllll...1JacO In tim, tc'\L C .htl[!hano hhnum 01 Irultun:s II' and the total tram energ) l .. "\lotredmth l dl l tatcJ.I 1.. ,11(1\\ l: turl: IJS1II; leu ... thl.' partial dcri\<lIi\1.' of the \tram n 'rrhcd fllrcl.' ,)T couple . i... cqu.d to the di p1acemen " I t h (I; l ' c'"C rolaU, n ,1 f Ie h I l . . .or. .,'ourlc aillm!~ 11 hnc of actwn In mat!ll.:mal1cal hlml. thi thcorcm c.m be" ';Ialed 3!'o: il II t,ft ,tr.un cneqn. ~ defkl.:tion of the point of apphca P In the dlrcction of P:; and 01 -= rotatlon of the pomt apphl,;.ltion of thl' couplc\l in the direction of Xi,. To pro\C thl'> theorem. col1,idcr the beam shoy. n in Fig. 7 20 beam i, subJcl.:lt:d to c\ternal loads PI .~P and P,. which increase uall) from .fcrn to thell' final \alues. causmg the beam to deflect ,ho\\ n in the figurc The strain energy (L stored in the beam due to external ,\Ork It ) pcrfonncd b) these forces is given by 10 \\ hid l of thl,; ~:,lf' in y.hid \1 ~\ and \ .Ire the deflections of the beam at the pOlO applil.:allOn of PI p, and P, .~lcvit pscr as shown in the figure 7 51 i indil.:atcs. the ,tralll cncrg) L IS a function of the external) and l.:,m be C\pn.:sscd as J PI ,~P P,t I - dP, dlJ.. 2 • Since dP2 rematns constant during the additional deft u n .\ Eq poinl of apphcallon, the lenn dP Ill.. on the ngllt-hand de 7.55) does not contam the factor I 2 The term 1 ~ dP d6. rep • sents a small quanut} of second order so It ~an be neglected nd Eq (7.55 can be "ritten as .JIP~ 2 By subslllulIDg Eq 7 51 IDIO Eq 7 56 we oblaln U a ume that the dcf1cClIon tt.: (If the beam at the polDt plication of P i~ to be determined. If P: IS increased b~ an IDfinil......~i' dPIJ. l OY. and by <qUlllng Eqs 7 54 and 7 5 t we wn l P, P P, Ill. 7.2l1 P .... \ 'II \II _i __ J~ P, r or { P, which lite madtema Ial enl IJ. C:"';Iiano's 320 CHAPTER 7 Deflections of Trusses. Slims, and Frames: Work-Energy Methods Application to Trusses To dc.:H"k'p tht: l"prt: ](In (,I ·on~ilg t'aC . . ".:cond theorem whM;:h he used fo Jl'lt:nmnl" the dd1cctll'll' 01 trw·....e" \I.e . . uh!>titute Eq for the lram cllcrg) l I of tru"se mIll tht: gt:ncral c\pression of ~hano'" ..n'onJ thl'tXCI11 for Iktkdil1n" as gi\cn b) Eq (7.50 to 0 \ 0\ .. Ihe flJ.rtl31 dl'n\<J;t1\e tF 'p ~,. tF tP. the c:\pression of llghanl) ~'\:ond thn)f~m fM tru "e Cdn be \\ nllen a!> 0 and ,,(,!) FL ,p U .. \ L.- The- foregoing e\pre ".on i!> ".milar In fonn to the e"presslon Eq. P~3)0 As illustrated by method of \lflual \\ork for ,~>!urt . . ohed e\ample... at the end of Ihl' ~ction. Ihe procedure for COlD When the effect of aJUal deformatIons of the membe g1e<:ted In the ana1l"ls Eq 7.62 and 763 red t defla:l1on.. . b) (.tstigliano'" -.ccond theorem is abo similar to that \lrtual \\ork method A and Application to Beams Bi substituting Eq, (7.44) for the stram energy (L) of beams In of Castigliano's second theorem (Eq. (7 SO general exp~'ts.on obtam the lolJo\\mg expre.. . . . ions for the deflections and rotab spcctl\el). of beam...: .- JI ")L'ltl\" ,\fz OJ) I and (/ _L ("'i {/ - --= t'.\1 or I' 0 \I' -dx 2EI 8 PrtlCldure for Analrsls A stated prevIously the procedure ~ r ture by Casugliano's second theorem I suml work method The procedure essentiaD In I t, and L 8 1 (, M) Md ,\I El < J24 k Energy MethodS 1IC1IOII77 CHAPTER 7 Dettectionl of TruUlI, 8.8ms, 8nd Fr8mes: Wor - Solution l 1111 the llWld,natc IW\\l1 Nnllmg R111m lit In the I1t' 1ll.1 Il~ III 1/ The p:!0111 JI;n\.IIl\ \I "llh ('I rc r\ pcd III r I~ al R l II C t1ghano's :\:ond thlort'1tl nll\\ be Jcnl,th~ J. 'l\Cn h~ El 8 ~b gni~lp a Fq. 7 (10 .t\ the ex,on"';'. foIlO\\5. ~ D gl\t"11 b\ ,r IWO AI c ,1/ The Jelk 1 Sk/l, ""(h\ \\C \\ nlc the equal10n ew.......'..... .,...... - I kill D t 4Ok_ B E 29.oooUi I 2JOOm' A 40- A 30ft t (aj 6S-!! 6.S " 480ck'•i PL .lEI -l 40- B Delenmne the Hllation of joint C of the frame shown in Fig. 7.23(a ghano's -.econd theorcm I • Solution This frame .... as prc\iousl} analylcd by the virtual work 7.10. No external wuplc is acting at joint C. ,,"here the rotation IS desired, apply a fictitious couple .'01 ( 0) at C. as shown in Fig. 723 b) The dmates used for dctenninmg the bending moment equations for tbe tbnI ments of the frame are also sho"n in fig. 7.23(b) and the equauoDl Ii temlS of (j and i \I i \I obtained for the three segments are tabulated 712 The rotation of Joint C of the frame can no\\ be detenmned by \I 0 to the equations for \f and I \f I q and by applYing the ex Casughano' second theorem as gi\cn b) Eq. 7.65. fl, 4O_ ... 7.23 TUII712 . AB El o 00129 r.ld ="~= ~ 00129 rod '- 6.S-1 'd~ ) CIL 6487 Ik·n U (\l • CHAPTER 7 Deflectionl of Trussel, Beams, and Frames: ~grenE-koW Methods 1ICnotI7...... • lIw· ...... lIw ...... ·'WIlD? ... a....... EumpIe 716 D .l5D ----------r Dt:: n' I £=ZOOGPa -t - I.ZOO mm· 4m .~5 P.- ,4 )~P34.0+lP 51-( -15+043P 1 B PI I L =0) P,t = 84) 4m - . . . . - 10+ P, (a) 7.8 BETTI'S LAW AND MAXWELL'S LAW OF Max II aI MaxweU m 1864 pia aD unponan mdetennina.e stnJctum 10 be 00t1lido:red MaxweU law WID be derived here Bm /a which was praeuted (b) FIG. 7.24 Solution ~lhT Iru..., \\.1 pn:\Iou I) an.l1)zcd b) (he \Irlual \\ork method in Example stated as foU For a Imearl C be tbe ron:< and coup a<tmg through the de,romlatio ron:< and coupla I equal the TAItl 7.13 I m Memhc'r ,F ,F F {"'PI IkN) rkN kN) t'P, rkN kN) (i"'F/t'P I )FL (kN m) OA] 04] -061 84.48 0 0 0 0 ._--- 4B B( 4/1 BD CD 4 15 15 ] 566 4 P, OAW, 04]P 061P. ~"'2k- P 15 - 5 (J I 0 0 0 0 71P, 1 071 Ee)FL £A k £A 7Y708 m 0 5m Ans. ~ For PI - 0 and P2 8448 through the deformation due to lhe P P, P, ', l---+- '---+ -- . --- 'L---+- (a) P Syslrm .. kN m 7Y708 2UI) II) o (K1I2 332 mm flf,MH32 m (hi QSYMeID Ans. p. I I ~AEC;)fl ~. IIECIPROcAL IIEFI.ECnOU w. or ., _ CIA lSi 7 _ _ ... - . ....... Inti FrI_: Wort<-EnlllI' Me\lIodl 25 b 25 a ext "e assume (h,H the beam "ilh the Q forces aetia& IS ubJf1:led III the deflccuons causc.-d by the P B\ equaling (he \ IrtUOI) external work to the VirtuIl "ork "' obtam .lfQ Ifp d< I i EI o oung thaI the nght.hand SIde of Eqs. (7.66 and (767 we equal the left·hand Sides to obtam ~ L n'Q - L I + A I I kd- J: L Equation 76 represents the mathematical statement of Max\\elrs 13" of reciprocal deflections states that elastic structure ~hl dejfeclwn 01 a POInt I due to a un" lotIII poml J IS equal to the deflectIOn 01 j dut' 10 a unll load at I. In thi tatement the terms defierI/on and load ""' UIed eral sense to Include rotalion and couple. respectively prevIOusly MaxweJrs law can be considered as a special law. To prove Maxwell's law consider the beam shown ID The beam I separately subjected to the P and Q systems, the umt loads at points i and j. respectively, as shown m and b As the figure indicates. f, represents the deftcc:tiOJl the unit load at J. whereas fj, denotes the deflection at ) d.. load at i. These deflecuons per unit load are referred to a e/fieumlS. By applying Belli's law (Eq. (7.68)), we obtatn 1(/0) - I(fj,) J.l. I or f, (b Q S ~ ... ,.8 Qt\1') I fj which tS the mathemaueal statement of Maxwell's law The reCIprocal relallonshlp rematns valid between caused by two un,t couples as well as between tbe~;: rotauon caused by a urnt couple and a unit force n :=: In Ibis chapter we have Ieamed that the work doIIe by ~OPla=oent.1 or rotaUon OJ of I of I hoe of acbon IS gIVen by W r Pd.1 ........,._....... .; d~: = :~_ ........, ......... ~ theon:m ror IlDearI 4m F ... P7.3, PlA7 CMAPTBI 7 Deflections of Trusses, Beams, .Ad Fr.mes: Work-Energy Methods ---- 4 l()()kN $KIlon 7.4 7.2O.M 1.21 l~' 1'-4~fl thl \lrlUal \\orl... mcthod to de lhl IClfll' .I1lJ ddk.."'~i(: at r~'lt HoI thc beam h - ~C!: = 8~= r 12 II 2. Ult f a G b'l 10 r- 10m / ,.. tal dd1ectt n .11 JOint II 01 the nF P- 1 due ((.. a temperalure lOlrca l f c beTs BD DF nd Flf l se the mdhClJ fli 'lr =loO"lanl =21.).{)OO I.. I = 3.fX)() ~:ni 2 kilt I '~c P7.20, P7.S1 RG ! 15f, I", ~,it 1 reqUired for the beam 'ioho\\n. so thai It maxunum deflcl.:tion ~eod not exceed the hmil of I 360 of lhe pan length (I.e. 5:~am6 L 360) Use the method of \"1r1ual work. P7.2I, P7.S2 7.22 through 7.25 Usc lhe \irtual y.ork method to mine the deflcl.:tion at roll11 C orthe beam shown p A ==::::::8,===....:1 C L 2 2/ a=6~(10 RG. If RG. L T 30k ~ 1 All 8ft 1 I E = conSlal11 I 15 It fIG. P7.29, 30k P7.57 tf 8f1-t-8f1=1 L=24f1 £1 = constant E. = 10.000 U. A ~,/-1Iiqe_.: 1---16 II le4000m. 4 HKlkN A l============t------ ~. (f;~=IO:!t_m 8 hm f = con!>tant = 70 GPa I = SOU ( Iff') mm4 P7.23, P7.54 A 8 . . .~-. i---6m-!--6m--I 1 - -_ _ L-12 m - - - - I 3m 1 ~ fIG. 8 II - 1 ~ 8 fIG. P7.26 P7 .22, P7.53 P7.17, P7.I' the rucal deflection at Jomt (j 01 the tru P 16 II member Be and CG are 0 5 m. too method f rtual Yo lTk !~_ : 1.28 tllrough 7.28 Detemune the smallest moment or lOer. 8ft ~ ~A . . ._ _ 1-:1 = .:on:-.tanl E =70GPa 1 = 1M (lot') mm4 8 ft _ k AG. P7.2S, P7.56 m~ AG. 6f.--I =constant £ = 29.000 ksl 1=3.500m 4 , JF=-.:~ H 'IF= ~Di 1 FIG P7.24, P7.SS £1 iF~ 5m 21 f = con tant 250 GPt I = 600f I W', mm4 t.1 1 • D ,m H fII. P7.16, P7.18 ft. IOOkN fIG P7.21 EC ... P7.311, Pl.. E./= _ _ . . . . 7.. E. - 200GPa 7.J1_ 7.11 1 336 CKAPTER 7 Deftectionl of TnllIeS. Beams, and Frames' Work-Energy Methods c Pc Il sc Ih \lfltl,ll \HlTk method t d 1.3 I H (II the If,lIne ho\\n III 1,'111 1l Ihe \ Iflllal "'l~rk method I de nnl 1 lilm 1. at Jomt B,ll the fram h n In FI \ J.. t ..,- 8 PJ 1 'm 20kNim ,m £1 =con,lant 15 (I £1=1.: n lanl F = 290111J I.. I _ ~OCIm." £ = 711GPa I t AG. =1.03011((ilmm"' ~I P7.33, P7.60 5 m+1 5 m - l - - - S m _ _--I P7.31, P7.59 ~ 7.34l'-.c the \Irtual \\ork method to detennine the of JOint D of the frame sho" n. c fl P7.31, P7.l12 --. .-fFdb~=zJ, B ~O' 1 kif. I'~ ~ E 8 T c- D 2/ tIl_ 3m -Wk8 mual D Lift rk method to dc:temune the honInt C f the framC' sho.... n c D, -~ c ilt Z3.7P~ I 7.38 L\C the virtual work method to detennmc lhe rotabOD of Joint D of the frame sho\\n. I ft Hlft I I 18 ft E/ = (on'laOl E = lO.nuO bi I =l'I.Ib() in." o~ AG. P7.36, P7.37 7.35 L;,c the \lrtual \\ork method to detenmne the zont•• 1 deflection at jomt £ of the frame shown ID P7 ~3 15 ft ~ E1= COn!itanl £ =200GPiI 1= S()()( lOb) nun" II&. 2/ Sm 1/ 200 D E / - - 1 - - - 1 6 ft -----I P7.34, P7.35 fIG P7.38 and P7.61 '-- A I _,.., ...11I._ _11I'-- _ .... _ -E"""'--- _ 15kN1m c 1 3m 20ft C + u D U 65_ kN 1: 3m ·A - 3 1 0 + - 510 D fIG, 1----,1011----1 EI - ' P7A3, P7.44 . . . . . 7.7 .ooobi ,AI ....... ,AI Use Casngliano I :;~" ..."A1 lermme the honzontal and vertical 0 ftectlon at Joint B of the trusseIi shown m • c ,.II Usc Casbghano's second tbeoJaa honzontal deflecuon at JOint E of thI P78 ,.It .... ,.u Use Casbgll8DO IOCOIIll mme the slope and deflection at point B in Figs P7 20 and P7 21. 20ft ,.13 ....... , . . Use Casbg!iano' detennme the deflcctlon at POlDt C of Figs P7 22 P7 25. ,.I, ... , . . Use Casbgl.ano A D --+--IOft " mme the slope and deftcction at poiDt ID Figs P7 29 and P7 30 , . . U C'SbgllanD S secood ~lI_obt mtlcal defIect,OO at JOIDt C or tbo P71 , . U C bgllano second ~ = borizoolal dcftection at Jom! C P7 3 ft ,.It U Castigliano second a~cobt talioo of)DIm D of tbe frame ~ ... _..._- ob med b mph sUMIIlutmg Eq . a o~\'" L L The mfluencc Ime for 5. fig 2 e shows that the zero "hen the umlload IS located at the left suppon A oftt. the umlload mo,e from A to B the shear at B decreases It becomes L "hen the umt load reaches just to the left As the unll load eros pomt B the shear at B mcreuea I L It th n decrca hnearly as the umt load mo until It becomes zero \\ hen the umt load reaches the ngllt Influence Une for Bending Moment at B When ,he unllioad IS located to the left of point B (FIg 8 pressJon for the bending moment at B can be convemend uSlOg the free body of the ponlon BC of the beam to the ConSldenng the counterclockwise moments of the external reactions actmg on the portion BC as positive m accordaDcl 'altl Ign com: nllon (Section 5.1). we determine the beDd , . at Bas Ms C (L - aJ 0S x Sa When the umt load is located to the right of point B we body of the ponlon AB to lhe left of B to detennine M. the clockWIse moments of the external forces and reaction portion AS as posItive we detennine the bending moment Ms as < S L A (al Thus the equa',ons of the IOftuenee hne for M. can be M s {C (L A a a 0SxSa aSX L Equat,on 8 5 IOdtca... ,hat 'he segment of the iD1I_ betwoen potnts A and BOx a can be obtained by onIi..tes of the gment of the mftuenee hoe for C by L a Also according thIS equation the segmeal Itoe for M. between pomts Band C a x S L can mulbplYlO8 the oro,..... of the segment of the iDII_ and by a The iDlluenee hne for \hili ......, lines for A and C IS shown m Fig. 8 2 of this iDII......, line 'n tenns of the JIOSIbOn of the IIDiI obtaiDed by ubstitubng Eq 8 I and 8 2 mto Eq '0 :;::"S C M. SECltON 8.1 lnftuenct Unn tor Beams and Fmnes by EqulIlbrtum MetbOd CIW'1tR 8 Inftuence Unes £IIIIlPII '.1 b. Solullon f' _ unol II the desired IOllucot;: d I 1m td nl .. e ~nt I l.: n~ tOld th~ ulllucncc hn r. r momc:: t b) u m th mllu n hn II r upper. bel pr mg'Althlh.. coru tnl.. lllnof ntnn r bending m mcnt Jt a J"llOf l n lhe tflJl.:tun.: mflucn.. hnt; fll( IIlhe reJl.{1 ns lm III (the Idl I h rumt undl;rt,;on Idcr.tuon -trt.: J\dllahle OthCN .' d \'0 the qu ero nnuence lines IN n;,h:1l0ns ,,) 109 the pr du de nix'\! In the prc\lOUS h:p \0 tnl u 'n~e 1101: f(l" Ih she, r bcndlO£ IOl1meni .11 a ["llOt ~ln lh..: .. trudure 1;.10 hl: con tnll:tcd s follll.... a. PI.1cc the UOIt load l)O the ...trudur..: ,II .1 \arl.lhk IX"'llon :t f the t /r flf Ih.. POIllI under nlO... IIJerathl n.•lUd del :n i ~ the (\ pr.. II'n hlf the "he.lf 'M bcodlllg IlHlO1..:nl If th..: c~l[euifm linl"'S l,)r 11 th\' fe.\I,:lIoth arc kn\mn. then It i~ u... u.t1I) (ome· 01.. 0111' u the pllrtillil of Ih,: erult~ tll the rillhl nr Ihe l"'Jlnl hlr JctcrnulIlntt the c\prc......ioo for ~hcar (or \'lending mome01 \\ hl.. . h "1111,;llOI.II0 terms im 01\ iog: nnl) r.:l\tin~, The ..hear C' lxnJmg moment IS ,,:olhukred to Ix po.. iti\,: llC e\ha~ n III ¥i. l.urd.tOC \\ llh Ihe hal'" S III j om. tlt,o" t:... tuhh hlo:ll In Sl.'1.:tll\ .:;;1 2~gI .. t pi cc the untt 10<:ld to thl,; rt /11 Ill' the pOIOI uOOa I. n uh:ralll 0 and ddennlOt: th.... t: pre ... ,on fllC the !>hcar or ~ntd eb m ment If the IOllucn..:c ~.loh for .111 the rc.KllOns are k "" then II IS ~laus com .. ntenl to u thl' ponion the (TU ture to th I of the f'\)int for dO::h.:nTImtng tb d", m:d e on \\h h \\111 conl,nn teml lmolvm ~ (lolv rca..:UQns P c. (f e pre n for Ihe shear or bcndlOg moml:nl l:on rm n\; htng ooh reactIons then It IS Impkt l.: n truC1. the mfluence hne f('lf shear or ~ n d m moment b'l comb ng the gm Db of the C.:.II.1.IOO IDflurnc lin 10 tlC r et \\ h these e pion Oth\"f\\ ubslltul 1 cxp 10 r. f the aC' on mto the c presslOns f r the heal be dl m m nt nd plut the (I; uluog e p 100 \\hKb be 10 terms ooh 01 (0 ohw.m (hI: mRuenl hnr.: d. R pc t tel' until all the deslced mtlucnl.... Itn for shc.a bend n m cot.. h.. heen detennmcJ [_-7.---=-==-" l,~ L· 'f " JIUIlCLI ( r( ( l b. ( r ... L3 _ _ L' ...... CIW'IEIII ""'...... Una { , rh~ nRuen hnc CIr \ I II L f B od dd mlln' lh~ r II ~ , ( hcm n III I ft .............., , . :!t1 rt 12 ft • I~ J' Ie U br I \\": th..: umt load at a po Ilion bent.hng mt ment ,II H b:- u mg the lree bod II n II th beam to tht': nght 01 8 o ( II \:::. I:! ft lx~ the uml I ad I It Il,.'d 10 the nghll'f B. and \\1: use the free body pom n of th beam to the left of B to dclcmllne \f B: I:!~ " 12ft-sxs:!Oft Thu the equ.lllon of the nflucm:c hnl' Illf \fa arc ~ II, L: 1f2I; :co\~I1 h , I~ 12fts\:s;20ft The ml'luenl"C hne lor \/" .....ho""" in !-ig. IS 3(1' FIG. 8.4 Ora\\ the mttuen.:c lines f(n the \crlical reaction and the reaction ",upport A and the ..heM and bending' moment at point B of the cant sho\\n in r if!. X4'aJ The IDftllellOO tine ht}Iunt Line Solulion Infillllll l' lor A, M 12:.,1' 0 The inft A -1_0 A Examp118.3 The mllue-oLe hne for'" 15 bo" n In fig S,4(c Injfulnlt'Lm /or \1 f >L·II,O \/~ If\-O 1/ , I , x The mfluence hne for \I "hKh I obtained b) plouing thl equa m FIg: 4 d A 11 (he ordmate of lhe Innuence line are nepb (hat the n of \1 ~ for all th nohI~ of the unn load on the be... II j unterd k i n , ad of dockwi a IOnia 11) a umcd den mg th equatl n ( f th mOuen!,; hne line M. 354 CHAPltll. , _ UIlOI IECTIaIII.2 -air Hon D ,+-----,,'/\ E F 4 -- m S m ----t- 5 m ,. G . I.............. " • -............. EG - 8 --+-- " m c ,-----:""""o:"""'=--+__-!:-....:..! D 05 IkN c I D A _I, I {dJ Influence Line for B (kN/kN , E G F 8I1_8 I A OHJ3 B b> (kNJkN) (ellnfluence Line for A. and B~ 05 c o o D F -0.5 (el Influence Line for A m (0 Influence Line for SE(kNIkN) (lNk~J m AG.8.7 Ans Influent I' I II/(' for B, Lf () H I) A ,) 10, - 05 B The inftut=nl.:e line lor B 10 hm.. n in hg. l:(7(dl I L Inffutn ( I III Iflr ~ \\ e '" III U'C the cqualion of condition M hctennme the e:..prc Ion 1M ~ t~rh \\c platt the UOIt load I the d mge 1. • 3 . that I , on Ih fl!,!ld part ('1 "L \1' I I III • 01 the frame to obtam /I ", J• 6 10 < " :(I 5 I~) III m 8.2 MULLER-BRESLAU'S PRINCIPLE AND QUAUTATIVE INFWENCE UNES IEt11oIII.Z CHAPTER 8 Influence U.... F Released structure for MD 25 I0 0"----,1B A 1.0 i~o C £'"""'""""J F o c o A -05 Influence line for SB(kIk) A I " ICli'---_----::i4:i:---F r----'B o when C t £ =0 1 k is at just to [he len of B 5,= I k when I k is at just to lhe right of B Influence line for Mn(k·ftIk) Ik ~_-L'_-r;.E_ A 1_ _ c D MD =2.5k-ft f £y=OSk (I) (el AG.8.10 (eonld.) Solution It,tiUI ntl Llllt jor..f To detcrmine the general shape of the Inft for A . "e remo\c lhc n:slraml (:orre!iponding to A, by replacmg lhe ftIIld pon at A b) a rolll;r guide that pre\ents the horizontal displacement tatlOn at A but not the \crtil:al displacement. Next pomt A of lhe structure IS gi\en a mall displaccmenl 6. and a deflected shape of lbe dra\\n as ho\\n m fig 810 b Note that the deflected shape IS co the upporl and contlnully I;onditlon of the released structure. The end beam \\hlch I altal;hed to the roller gUide cannot rotate so Ihe poI1lil1lU" must remam honLonlal in the displaced configurdtion. Also pOInt E i........ to the rolkr upport; therefore It cannot displace in the \'erucal diRlCllOlL th portion ( f rotates about E as ho\\n m the figure. The 1\\0 rigid AC and (F of the beam remam straight m the displaced configurabOD late relatne to calh other at the mternal hmge at C which ;~.:1tlmrep lion The hape 01 the Inftuence hne IS the same as the deftected shape leased truclure a ho\\ n m ~ Ig 8 lOb B) recogOlzlng that A 1 k. .... hen a I-k load IS placed al A we .. alue 01 I k k for the mftuence-hne ordmate at A The ordlna and f are then detenmned from the geometT) of the Inftuence bne TIle il~I; Ime (or A thu obtained IS ho\\n m fig 8 10 b m _&-. - CHAPTER' InOuene. lin.. Ex..... 8 8 ~ hn ......... I III " I A fllnge II. J) f B 4m 4m 10m .4 " '-1-';r~ 4m ' . -~L:iJ)<5;' F JlOO" Rd~·J t"d Beam tor A I0 ~-:'o , -; :- ~O _-::-- BCD 8.3 INFLUENCE LINES FOR GIRDERS WITH FlOOR SYSTEMS £ (h) o J) o ( Rdl'a ed Beam fur C A -04 A&. 1.11 (" In the prcYIOUS section w con den:d t were ubjected to a moving wnt I Innuell(t" Lillt" lor A, (kNIkNl Inl1u nee lme for ( IIt ILN) F In mo.1 bndges and bwldmgs there are nol ubjected to lave loads dlRCll bu t tnmsnulled vIa ftoor franung tern T bndges and bwldings were de!aibcd re'p«:tivc' Another cumplc f the fnlnon. hown tn FIg 8 12 The deck f the brid " which are suppofled by by the ,. r Thus an li gardlcss f where they Ioca """""nlnlled or distnbuled I as ootICCtIlnlled I applied I tIoor beams T and - CHAPTER 8 Inftuence Linn IfI:TllIII u IIIIIaonco Uooo .. _ _ ... _ _ F rbt m<; G der " ~ r::L W- ,---- -1--- L /\--"::;- ; b / Aoorbeama (e) lnnuencc Line for F I I / Q I r ---~ "-- Slnnge " I I Q r----- .J I I I L .J - ---- -....... Girder b - x~',!_ lot .F ~ o Br=r (2US) - • F8 =-- F C riD E :.. Deck d floor ma~ - Gmkr Strmger .....13 In m II-. IIECl1OIlI.3 1nII_ Uooo lor CHAPTER 8 Influence Lines I.' S'111' - • , In,tt:.ld. the "UinpCf!l. and the \'llh..:r , Jt'pldl' III J Ih II th..:.r lOP l...dgc, .Ire e\en With 1 IIIIllll' \\'1 • I h II N .lin.. ,Ill U II I I\ Pi 1'\\1:1"11.1111 I" ' It tht.: .... lIne 1c\C ;,IS t e top " I ' ~ . olhd .llld In: ('It Kf I , d the: glrd..:rs see I l~ Thu .h quail an .h 10O F 8 1_ I 4 L F Influence Lines lor Reactions L A '1",,-"- for Ihe ,.crtlcal rcaclton A I Ill' 1Il11UI,:IlLl The C"-IUatlon ('I 1,. •.• h rr l)lI1g tht' eqUilibrium equations f lao hi:: ddcmum."U V.I L L l' • • 1/ ,~ .L \f ~ 0 F L 1\ 0 \l I I L I 0 A 0 F , L L equations The mfluence 1lIle" (I bt <II'ned b\ rlQuing these" d are . sh I ole the"" IIlfluence lme~ are I entlca to , d (,,' Flg:.. I.t h .10 d beam to '" hleh the urut # for the n:::u.:1I1111 01.1 "'l1p~ applil'd din..' dl) ..,upporte Influence Un. far Bending Moment at G Influence Line for Shear in Panel Be "uppose that "c "i.. h to construct the influence lines for shean (J and JI which.ire located III the panel BC as shown m R. n(a). When the Unit load j, located 10 the left of the ~nel po the ,hear at an) point wllhin the panel BC (c.g .. the pomts G and can be dcs~ rpxe as 'C\!. pomls SHe F, O$x~ I Similar!). 1,1, hen the unit load IS located to the right of the panel the ..hcar at any poilll \\ithin the panel BC is gi\cn by M I. ") I. 4\ - 1+- L F L-a , L a L o L 2L 5 L When the umt load I loca.ed wIthin the pane 8 13 d the mOmeDt of the fan:< F. exerted n beam at B about G must be IIICluded 10 the "I_we mOmeDt at G - A M When the UOlt load IS located to the right of the pan I POlOt C bendmg moment at G 15 gIVen by L 5 When the Unit load IS located 1,1, nhin the panel Be. as shown 8 13 d th fOfl.:e f B exertcd on the girder by the floor beam at he mcludcd In the e'pre \Ion for shcaf In panel Be The mfluence bne for the bendmg m ment t pol t G in the panel BC FIg, 8 IJ a can he nstructcd by procedure When .he unit load I located t .he len f t the bendmg moment at G can be expressed B ............ \ L L 2L 5 4 (I 0 0 «I 0 DO When the un,t load I located to the letl of C moment at C I gIVen by rll- 3 M Sx When the unit load IS located to the right of C MAcn nUl (I ~2) L(~ the equanon of the Influence hne for M. M l~C) A c~) ~ ~x L x The iD8l1C11CC line obtained by plollUlg these 1 that this iD8ucncc hne IS ideQIk:II IIIDIIlCIlt c:orl<ljlOillljDg beam WIthout ........ Iar . . . _ . . i. . . .1.lul ..... Plan (deck not shown) .....17 connected at their ends to the JOints on the bottom chorda longlludmallrusses Thus any li\e loads e.g. the wetght 01 regardless of »here they are located on the deek and wbe!lla concentrated or dlstnbuted loads are always tranSlD.ltted to concentrated loads apphed at the Jomts. Live loads are tl1lll_111 rooftrus In a Imllar manner. As in the case of the girder the tnogen of the floor systems of trusses are assumed supported at the" ends on Ihe adjacent ftoor beam . ThUi hoes for trusses also contain straight·line segments between To Illustrate th construction of Influence lines for uu..... the Prall bridge truss shown in Fig. 8.18(a). A uml (I.k from left 10 right on the stringers of a ftoor system attached tom chord AG of the truss. The effect of the unit load .. the truss at Joints (or panel points) A through G where tU are connected to the truss Suppose that we wish to dill lines for the venical reaclIons at supports A and E and force In members CI CD DI IJ and FL of the truss IntIU111C8 UIIII for R••ctlons The equallon of the Inftuenee hnes for the verti<:aI ....._ can be delermined by applYlJlg the equilibrium equa EM 0 A60160xO Ix E60 0 - .. , Influence Unl for Force In Dllgonl' Mlmber DI 1br e pressJons for Fn1 can be determined by ~ Fill 18 h and by apply,"g the equlhbnum equaliOD of the two ponlOn of the truss When the wut load II ofJOint C pphcalJon of the equdlbnum equauon I: F. porn n DG of the cruss yields LF 0 4 SFm E 0 FD/ 12S£ When the I-k load IS located to lhe right ofJOIOt D ..... LF. 0 A 4 SFD/-O FD/ I.2SA The sqments of the mOuence hne for FOI bctwcea A tween D and G thus ronstructed from the mllueace IiDoI n:speclI...t are shown 10 FIg 8.1 g I . The ordiDa... then c:onnccted by a straIght hne to romple.., the in1I_ as shown 10 the figure Innuenee Une for Force In Top Chord MIIlIbIr IJ By c:onlldenng section bb FIg 8.18(h)) and by pllCllll tint to the left and then to the nght of jomt D we oblItia exPreallons for FIJ +<LMo FIJ 20 E 15 0 0 075£ FII A 45 <LMo 0 F, 20 0 Fu 225..1 The iD1I_ line for F thus obtained I 310 CttAPTER. Influence Lin.. L 1 - - - - - 4 paMl I m ~ 3~ IIlCT10II u -... ~ .\ II II m -----j (e) S~clion bb F 0 F o C • D LM o l.:U (f) 66£ ted to II1e ngln F A 0 £ a Ior_ Influence Line for FUti (kNIkN) 12 A 4 F 0 -2A 24m m 1 kN I-- ,----.j (b) A 7-"!~ 1 (I B F. 12 C A, ~o FHL. (g) A D c Influence Lme for A IkNIkN, A 16 _J ~ O!5 A C E d Influence Un< I E kNlkN) R&.1I.2O 1661£ " o ~7 A C 0.208 ......... r D -0417 F HL = -I 667 £) - I 2S • -0 833 E o £ 16 12 F When the l-kN load I to the ngbt of D we blaIR Seclion aa f. 10 J SFH 8 Fl'tI Ih, Influence Lme for F HL (kN1kN o . - CHAPTER 8 Inftuence Unes B SUMMARY 1«1-----£1 ... constant J:, .. 2 ~ . O h i 1 500 in. 4 (3) Ik Aj-~iB X I x~ (b) Real Beam B A [ )5 £J M Diagram ( D k-ftlk) (c) Ei 15 PROBLEMS £1 (d) Conjugate Beam SoclI_ 8.1 _lid 8.2 '.1 llnugh ... Dra\lo the influence line for vertlCal reactIOn .. at support!l A and C and the shear and bending momem at POint B of the beams shown 10 FI P8 I throusb o Pl<4 fIG. 8.22 fIG. PI2, (e) Influence LIRe for Vertical DeflectIOn at B (M) ;m FIG. Pl.l, Pl.59 B AI'F"=~D ... 1'&3 PUI CHAPTER 8 Influence Unn 1,:=R~;i-P n r " f nd bendm '.15 Dr,l\'· the ..,t1u\"n\:c hne for the TTlll Dll"l1t .11 pomt /) 01 the ho.... n In hi P8 I r \l,:IUlal n:.J~l on') nd bcndm morncnl rs "and I' b I~ 011 n R FIG c n f 'm Xm m P8.6 1.7 Ora" lhe mtlut.:n\:\· hnc\ f()T thc \crtll.:al rc:.u.:tion\ at uPI' rt -I and ( thc hcar at JU\I to the right (If ., and the bendm ' rnomc:nt at POint B of the \ho" n 10 hg: c f AI. P8.1. .A 'm -:\m-4 • FIG. 3m Sm Sm '.12 Draw lhe mflucnce line.. for the ..hear and bcndIDr' moment at pOInt B and the ..hear.. ju.. t to the left and PS.16 '.17 Draw the mfluence line!> for the "ertleal reactions al 'lupports A and B and the shear and bendIng moment al point D of the frame sho"n in Fig. P8 17 Ihe right of .,uppart C of the beam sho"n in Fig PBI ~ B . C LP 4ft 6ft "C===";D;,,,==_-iEi- f r the hc:ar and bendmg 010otlle er beam ho\\o In hg pg . . . Draw the mtlue upports Ii 0 nd F B IIiDae \ B A-.~ '.13 Drd" the mfluem:e line.. for the vertical ,..rillll!l upport -I and E and the reaction moment at u the beam htl.... n lD 6m ·A FII. ..... PUl. fig, P8.I3. 11 ft R ~m fIG. 1'8.19 1M ft FIG. 1'8.12 Hinge 5m F- - r IS ft-+--15 ft 12 ft 20ft FIG. 1'8.7 Ih I ftuenlX lin 3m '.11 Dr,I\\ the mfluem:c line.. for the !l.hear and mom,nt at POIllI £ of the beam ..hown in Fig. P8 10 B :b..( ------t-I 0 ft ~ Hi. PS.l0, PS.ll A:c: 1--- ~1 E E D 401 6m P A.Li" /) C H 'm AG. FIG. PI.8 B 1.10 L)r.lll Ihl' mftucnct' hnc.. for Ihe hear and momt.:nl at pomt ( and the ..he.IL jU')1 to the left and Ihc n1!ht Ill' \UpJ"'.lrt D of the beam \ho" n in hg P8 I FIG. P6.5 m f ,.16 Dr.I\\ Ih, influcnl,,'e hnc fur the n I r U at lIrfltlrt I .lOd F .md the: hear and hendm mom nl at roml 1> of the Irame hO"11 10 118 P8 16 PS.9, PS.58 H R Oft It 4m U Dr h R hnl.: FIG. In - ilnd be dm P8 1\ ,1. Llr.I\' thc mllu..:n,.;c hnc for th . ,,·ut ,11 r oml Hoi the hcam ho\l." f\11 111 FIG 1'8.4, 1'8.61 'm he I.' 1)1,1\\ 1h... 1I111ul·IKe [1I1C\ Ill!" thl" \Crll\:.a1 reaction l 1l,:(lvll l1l\)lllt.:1l1 ,II UppMI I ,nul Ihe ')hcar and lllonleni .11 1lI'~, Hill tl\l.' \:.\Ollk,er hcam ..hown ID D 4m FIG. PS.I3, 1'8.14, 1'8.15 4m 12 ft FIG P8.17 1.11 Ora" the mfluence hnes for the [C"dlun moment al upport A and n},lment al point C of the frame 6111 P&22 6 au _ CHAPTER 8 Influence Unea lh~ InftUt."T1 hnt.' or l:. nJ (, • f lhe: ~nl.:>t \ertKal re ho\\ n In Hinge , 'Oft ., .J --IOift \ JIL B 6m hG F16 PB.35 Hmge E D C F I --+115ftl5fl -II---i AG. PB.31, PB.32 I.ZI Ura" the ml1uenl,;t: lines tor the ~hear ..ho"n in mom t t pomt !> (It the ma~ and bending ~IF moment at pOint! of the beam ..hown in Fig. P&,:!4 LZ7 Draw the mtluenle lines for the reaction moment at upport of and the \crtll,;al rCdl:tlons at ~tropU>l A D. and F 1t Ih bcdm htl"n m hg, Pl\17 Hinge 1=,;CiD~".E*Fr:lG PI.270 P8.28 81 .... A. 20 It IOft--l-IOft FIG. 8.32 Ora" the IOfluence hne... for the shears and moment'! at poinh Band E of the beam shown PR.)I 8.33 Dravo' the influence line'! for the vertical reacti ,upporh A B. G. and /I of the beam sho\\n m FtB PI A 8 JJO 3m 4ml.mjJ II&. L 10 ft I . . . Ora 10ft upports A B ( poInl E (the D E F G Hop PB.36 P8.1' La Ora" the ml1uence hne.. for the ..hear and bendmg A 10 (t -0) 1.31 DI m the mfluem:e line· for the reacllon mo.... .Illd Ihe u'rtKal r...action' at '!upporh -I and F of the h,,\\n III } l~ PS JI F . 1.30 Dr;!\\ th... IOtluence hne, for the ,hea~ and mC'mt.'ntc; .tt JX'JnIS ( and F of the t'leam s.hown p, E 10 (t AG PB.29, PB.30 (j lHI- • , /) 10 (t '.37 Draw the influence hne~ for the reaction momenl at support A. the vertical reactions at support A and F and the ,hear and bending moment at point E of the frame nwoh~ In Fig. P8.17. T 8~= ;iC~=. ; D ..........;E;'-'_"!iF::.. ·A \--4m 8 4m-f-6m 6m II&. P8.3lI Hinge IOJ fIG. P8.33, P8.M A 10M Dray, the mfluence hne for the shean aud moment 011 POints ( and E of the beam sit PO) . . . . . . . . Draw the mfluence hnes for and \-erllcal reat.1ltlns Oil uppons It and B ~o",n In hp Pll 3S and P8 36 5m--1-- 5m 5m---I--5m FIG. P8.37 1.31 Dra\\- the mfluencc hnes Co r the upport.-4 the .. ertical reactions t upports A j1;:=XC:::::1:f =i=l ....... .. CHAPTER 8 Innuence Lines J) ~,;: ~ n 1( n I I hIm Ilh gtrlkr \\Hh th~ r n I( fl{'l, I G f n ,Jnd (elll 8 \ 5m F F D 8 J 10 fl AG. R6 '8.41. '8.42 l,: 'I' Ihe ,m ,m ll'ift-90ft---- - ~G ~ T In ;.1'p==F I r the ra~h In pand B( nd f he rdt:r "lth tlle 11.)0)1 ) tern ~. o ~~ 1 2 f t m9= ~la, enap~ 4pane1 811511 =60h AG. PS.46 "'- P8A3 .... Ora" Ih~' mflucnU' Ime Itlr lhe hear in panel cn and the bendmg m ment 1 /) 01 ~ht gIrder "llh the floor ,,) ,1em \\llmh'P844 A i, ..... ( 8 i n 1 i (, t i '; panel III h m - ~± G" H 8 C 2. f- ~ A "R C - - - - 3 panel!lo at 4 m - 12 m AG. PS.47 '0 m ----_--1 L AG. J P8.54 4fr H """ 8ft L PS.51 ~A~ "'- P8A4 T~ L M N 0 P 8 C 0 E F E F" G IAI"",,- a.u 1>, cd l Ihe I ftuencc Ian Ii r Ihe for In n f the tru ses ho\\n m I Om! uaJ t the boll m ! - - - - ~ panels al 16 fI = 64 ft - - - - " ' \ A I 3 panel at 4m 1 m - - - - - I AG. P8.55 G - - 6 panel!. at 30 ft = t 80 ft ------I "'- PS.48 1.53 . . . . . 1.57 Dm\\- the m8uence Ii Ii r the In the member... Identified by an of the 01. figs. P '\"\ PR, <;7 LI\e loads a transDll ted I chord, of the IruSoses 4m "'-1'151 -D "'" PS.52 _1.4 -I _ D panel, at 20 f1 = 80 (I - - - t K 24 m D 1 - - - - - 6 panel, at 16ft = 96ft----_ ~G. ; - - - - - - 6 pane 114m 10 ft PS.50 I Hmgt - ~- , F 10 fl PS.49 PS.45 panel £F 8nJ rh :trde' \\ Ith the lloor ,. ll,:m he,ll 10 ft 4m-+4m-+-4'D-j 402 CHAPTER 8 Influence lines , 8 Section 8.5 8.58 Dr,1\\ 111l' :\ln~u1 l hn..: I(lr thl.' \(TIKal deft pOint BIll Ihl.· 1..1ll1Ik"..:r tx',lm ()J Pr('hll:m ~l nst. I l \ll. 'Ig px 9. 8.59 .Itd '.60 Dr,1\\ thl.' lllllul:lH:c hnl.' lor Ihe \ fk twn t r0ll11 \)1 ~ht ~lpnI 'UPporll:d beam I ms and 8 2 U Clllht.1ll1. ~c h P8 I and Application of Influence lines RespOnse at a Pam n el A6 P8.57 116ft -ISU 9.1 8.&1 PI'''' thl.' mtlul'nl.'l: hnl' for the \l:rtKdl d pc nt J) ,If 'hl: !'learn :'ff P(ohkm SA I:J 1,;0 h' P .. 9.2 esn=~ 9.3 ralue=L ~:. 9.4 ~ Load eular LocaIJon Due to a SIOgie Mov ng Concentrated at a Pameular Local on Due to a Unltormly Dstnbuted Lye Locabon Due to a Sones 01 MovlOg Absolute Maximum RespOl1se Summary PrOblems Hlq/nml Bridqe SlIhjc'cll'l/to lIariny Loads s~ofthe nos oepartmentof Tr tl· In the preceding chapter y,e learned ho\\. to I,; n trul,;t mfluence lin In thh chapter y.c con Idt'T the application of influence lines In detcn i ln~ the ma\lmUm \",lu of response functions at particular loca1n~ In Ir\1l;ture due to \i nable loads. We also discuss the proctdurcs for c\aluatm the a lut maximum \ialue of a response function that may occur an here m a structure. for various response functions of struc re~ 9.1 RESPONSE AT A PARTICULAR LOCATION DUE TO A SINGLE MOVING CONCENTRATED LOAD As discussed ID the precedlDg chapler ea h rdin a i,n,8",,,.:e gives the value of the response funcllOD due ( a n c load of urnl magnitude placed on the uuelure al the I ardmate Thus. we can state the f; II wing I. The value of a ...ponse funcl,on d I -1l'" load can be obtained by mulnplymg the mOl the ordinate of the response funcl n 1D8uel1C the load .. CHAPTER 9 Application of Influence Lines S£CTlDN U 1\' lh:llllllllll: thl..' 11M l1llUll1 pO... itlH' \aluc (11,1 rcspon , 2. 1/ C D B P r t 'lJmum p A c B I D n of Lo.1d P fl r MaXimum a eMs FIG. 9.1 'S1Il~ t. fi load must be .11 thl' II,. .llhlll of the 1l1.1\llllUI11 pI'... lll\C ordmatc of the funClIlll1 11111UCIh.:1' hnl \\ hCIC.1 tll dl·t 'n l1 ~ the max.lmum n \dlm: of thl rC"1 '11 l lunditln the: IlMd lm~n be placed at the tlt'll (lIth\..' 11l.l ,"Will !ll'g.ltl\C ordllldh.'. 01 the lIlflucnce hne JUl.' h' ,I 111\\\ Ill!,! I,.l,.lnl.:I,.'1l1r.lh:d 10,IIJ the r:::==- (('l1Slder fl'r l' ampk .1 1x:.1111 uby.:ctcd 10 a mo\ing concea h.lad of lll.lgmtudl P .1 ShlH\ n 111 J If! 9.I\a 1. Suppose: that we Jdammc the bt:ndll1£ mOlllent .It B "hen the load P IS located dl,Un(1; :\ Inlm the left uPfX)fI I The IIlfluencc hne for \t. &1 Fig i). I .1 h.1 .m llnhn.Hc \ at t~c PO"I~lon of the load P ;" ~ : that a umt 10;10 rl.hXd .11 thc po Ilion 01 S'~uacP a bendmg \f ,BI.:C.lU'l the prnh:lplc of ~ure p0'oil n I~ \alid the I mac.nitudl: P mu~t I.:au~ a ocndmg moment at B. "hich IS P largl: ~a that l.:.lU cd h~ thl: IO<ld of lImt magnitude. Thus the belllll.' nll)ml:nt at 8 dUI: tl.:) the lo.ld P 10;; .\1 8 Py I: t UPP{hC that our ohJl:di\ c:: i... to detcrmine the maximum. ni\1: and the m.l\imum negatl\e bending moments at B due 10.tO P From the mflucl1l.:C:: lll1c for .\1 8 (Fig. 9.lla)) "e observe ma\imum po ilne and the maximum negati\e influence-line ard OCl.:ur at rx)inl'o B .1I1d D. re'opt:cti\e1} Therefore. to obtam the mum POSltl\C bending moment at B, "c place the load Pat POlot B shown in Fig. 9.1(0) and compute the magnitude of the maximum iti\c bcnoll1g moment <to;; .\1 8 PYH. whcre YH is the inftuenceordinate at B (hg. l).I(a}). Similarly. to obtain the maximum ne bending moment at B. we place the load P at point D, as shown m 9.I(c). and compute the magnitude of the maximum negative bendidI. moment as .\1 s Pro. IIooIIonIo "'" .......... LocatIon D"'10 I ~ DIIlIIt_LM!oId H 4m - 4 14 n b Inti \OkS ~,g;- j :i£ - -<!4'; D_ 5- ~ Hmg FIG. 9.2 H 'c Eumple9.1 For the beam ~ho\ .n In hg. 9.2(a determine the maltlmUm upward ...1di"j!J;i s.uppon C due 10 a 5()-l. conf.:cntrated Il\e load. Solution Influt'nCl! I InC 1 he InflUcnLC hne for the \ertical reaction at u thiS beam 'las prevlOU Iy con\truf.:ted in Example Its and IS showD 9:! b Rt\:all that ( \\.;1 a umed to Ix fklSllI\C in the upward di \:On trUl:tton of lhl mflucm:c hnc R tJl tllm at ( To Oblain the maximum poll conl.:entratcd Il\c I()ad \l,e place the load at B Yther the rnalumum po IIl\e ordmate 1.4 k kS of the mflucocc B) muJllpl IR~ the mdgmtude 01 the load h) the \alue of thl \fa lnlwn (pit rJ ( due (0 the 50·" t nmne the maximum up'l<lfd rcaL110n al ( as \0 )4 70 k 70 k 9.2 RESPONSE AT A PARTICUlAR LOCATION DUE TO A UNIFORMLY DISTIIIIUTED LIVE LOAD SECflON '.2 ..... DItIi It • hi CHAPTER 9 Application of Influence lines \\hlIT I I the mllu":l1li:' 11l1l.: MJIIl.Itl· ,It \ \\hit:h i.. the POlOt ... u n I r.h SI1l1\\ n III Ihl' llgure 10. ckr...-mllne the tOlal mt."lm..:nt at R Jue t,l thl' JI Inhut...· J 1~.IJ l ,~ m \ II to \ h glJt~ • i.I. 9 1 tx't\\1,;l n 1111.: l 11I11It III l ath1~ ~,.mp : le 9 2=- $ "lie I.ICItIen Ow" ............, 011*7 " ...... LIIJ ;: ;: - ~ ;= = j ( \Is I \1 \c/\ II J Id\ Hn J ~'n III \\hllh th..· IIlh:gral 1.1\ repn;-.('nt the ,Ire.' under the 5<I:molltli thl.: mlluc,:oll'lme \\hl("h Jn'~r; l,c:o to the loaded portion of the Thl MC' I "ho\\o J .1 haded MC'.1 lJ1~ the influent.'C line for M _ ("J An 1111111111 ffik .tJ. A B 1--- 5/ A 4m 14 lJ ell A ""0 1---<-021 4m fqu.ltl(ln l).2 .11 (1 mdK.ItC" th.It the bending moment at B Ix maAlmum po ~,l\itI If the uniforml) dl·.tributcd load is placed th(1'1,;' p\',rtwn" c,lf the ~,tnl \\ here the mfluencc-Iinc ordinates tilt.' and \ Kc.: \CT.•1. hom fig. 9.J(.1 \\e Gill sec that the ordiD8I1;~' the mtluenlC' line for \lB are po,it1\c bct\\een the points A and negatl\e bc.:1\\I..'en ( ,lIld n. fhereforc. to obtain the maximum po~tr(. bending moment at B. \\e pl.ICl' the uniromJ~ distributed load A to C a... ,ho\\11 in hg. 9.J(b). and compute the magnitude mi.l\imum po.... me bt:l1I.hng mom..:nt <1' .\1 8 II bl lnflue (area under the influence line bet\\een A and C) ", G) CD ''iV,.ngemcnt fUn formly o tnOOted LI e Load \I for M urn Pili M B B 91. 1 0'<1-< (O.7,t)( 181 037,,, 15kNm 1' 8 L c B Similarl) to obtain the:: maximum negati\e bending moment at place the load from C to D. it ...... ho\\ n in hg. 9.3(c). and com magnitude (~f the maximum negative bendmg moment as ·\18 \I area under the influence line bet\\een C and D 1I(~)J:!5L ~aB on the foregomg discu~on. In 0.125" .lDL \\e can state the fall The \alue of are ponse function due to a umfonnly di tn apphed o\er a ponlon of 'he structure can be obtalDed pl}ID@. the load inten It) h} the nel area under the com. porh n of Ihe re ponse fundlCn mftuence hne 2. T detemllne Ihe maximum po!'OlIl\e or negall re pon funl,;hon due 10 a uniforml) dlstnbuted Ii I ad mu , be placed 0 er Ihose ponlOnl'i of the tructure rdmate (f (he re ponse function mftuence hnc ne lI\e I. H c Hinge FIG. 9.4 o H ., SECTION 9.3 .......... II ........... ~ ClW'TER' AppI_ of Inti..... Un" • l:e 11Il('.lre £X' llnc. \\hcrcas the 20-k the (rdmah: (,1 t h ,",,11&:1" .• d d I I pI l' d (" .. r (he .. nlln: kngth ol the beam JI,tn butL-u ..3 II Il'\ • JX»111\C ~nhmcb ml1m of \ta lmum I ( I' po IIlH" \II ~IH'n m The h~ 9(1 ~oC) 2 "' :0: 9 2 G) J -2) 8 w} kN· m \l \ mum \t atl The loading ~lI'" BlnJlIJ!/ \fun! II' or ( obt".l.In the maximum ncg.ttl\C bcndmg mllment at CIS sho\\n 10 FIg. 9 maximum Dc-gam \1(.\ glH~n b) Ma'imum Degall\.:' \I, .... II ........ -..00_..1.. __ &.- - 9U -2 20[ t- 40(~) G) -180 k 3 J) -2 + 2 G) 9 2 m FIG. 9.6 9.3 RESPONSE AT A PARTICULAR LOCATION DUE TO A SERIES OF MOVING CONCENTU LOADS As discussed in Section 2.2. live loads due to vehicular traffic way and railway bridges are represented by a series of m centrated loads ",ith specified spacing between the loads (see and 2.3). Influence lines provide a convenient means of anal tures subjected to such moving loads. In this section we dlSCUM IOfluence line for a response function can be used to detemune \alue of the response function for a given position of a sertII centrated loads and (2) the maximum value of the response fi to a senes of moving concentrated loads. ConSIder for example. the bridge beam shown in Fig 9 that we wish to detennine the shear at point B of the beam wheel loads of an HS20-44 truck when the front axle of the tated at a dIStance of 16 ft from the left support A as showa UTe The Influence hne for the shear at B is also shown 1D the distances between the three loads as well as the locahon of are known so the locatIOns of the other two loads can be hshed Although the mfluence-hne ordmates correspond.ina: can be obtamed by usmg the properties of the SImilar lrillllll'by the IDfluenee hne It IS usually convement to evaluate nate by mull1plymg tbe lope of the segment of the inIIl...._ ' . the load I located by th di tance of the load from the 41' el2 SECTIONU CHAPTER 9 Application of Influence lines { 1 ..r '011--- .ft 3ft (.j '~+- c B \ b) Influence tIDe ... ;r,.I_ -0 8k u,. (lk 5k c S. 101.151.: 51.: I C ~-15, ext the entire senes of loads IS moved to the left b 4 n t pta the second load of the senes the IO-k load. at the locallon of the maximum positive ordmate of the mfluence hne as bawn m FIB 9 d The he r at B for thiS loadmg position IS gIVen by S. IOk15k )~3( 18 Sk 12 tt R" 8 20 86 (3~) 10 20 )~3( IS 17 IS 567 k 5k c 20 (t hear at POint B due to the senes ot four 4.:oncentrated loads the figure 1 he mDucoee line It,lT 8~ is !ibo", n in Fig 9 (b that the load n moves from nght 10 lefl on the beam we from these figure thai as the series mme from the end C t "aed pomt B. the he-dT at B Increases continuously as the The n of load I then mo ed funher I third load of the senes, the 15·k load us\ The shear a\ B I now gIVen by k )~( 12 .16 CHAPTER 9 Application of Influence lines lECT10IIu _ • Iladmg f't 'I ,. I ng fklMllOn 1 I t!f ~ *4t::::===dr_·__.. . :. ;. ~ 00 J::! (1_) '0 1~ :!80 k T SI. J2k 16k ih::::iD E 2 1-,01,+-15 ft 1 D ---I oft "7 1::!6t1 ') B C - - •< =tf~ a Mo:d d Ig: t} s 16111(:) I ,.T I • Itll)n 8l A~t:='"-_ cb J I 2011 8k Ali 9.8 contd H ~2Oft-I1 - - - - flOft - - - - - - I r OJ • A - - 4 - - - - 40 15ftl--l_ I...o.ain Pus 4 For loading position 4 Fig 9 T B 'I-T~J , 1 , 16l ~( 12k I I I • In : 32k I B I n - l - - 20 [1----+-15 (:1 Loading Pu , --~ f1--1 I I 8l I 10ft 15~ ,,-l--I I 20 I. --1---25 II-----l d I loading PositIOn 2 Thus far we have COIISIdered the maJUJJlUDl l<Spon.. a parI 10 tJOn 10 a truetun:: 10 sect ,"'...." delCmUue the I max ... a1ue. ~ 01 :, f~ " IDWIII1IIIl 32k : , 1-10 9.4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RESPONSE herein I 2l Ans 44H T oa:ur al anbeams IocaUODCXJDSidered through uf upponcd m athis• , I , "16k E A Ilion J ------T--- ~t:=W4i i ill cbb;,J) ~20fl_+ur'i Maxunwn F I I I be used to develop ~.: ~ 1Jl' SIngII CaiWiib.1Id lIId CoaIida:-~,-:maeb' ~: 'a:~ r.:= .18 CHAPTER 9 Applicltion of Influence Lines , .;J"'=~ IEChOIU Similarly the lllaXunum negab e ~.,*= -0--< I .. ~ . rna unum negah 7 Pc bear 4 L a (~A I L-- a ~ A~C -r L-Q- J (e) Influence I me tor Shea• ..It SeLl..lon a a , En\dopc of Ma.lI:imum B ndUlI Mc....:\: - Single Concentrated load 0(1 .L) t---a L () rr(L- ar () L-a-j (I.:' Influence Lme for Bl'ndmg \toment at SectIOn (I a (l J Envelope of Ma\imum Shears Di"tributed Lood .k_-=:::::::::::::"',':-L" () , p" L L -f fd I Emelope of Ma\imum Sheaf'; -- Smgle Concentrated LUdd (g) Envelope of Maximum BendlOg - Unifonnly Dlstnbuted Load maximum bendmg moment pa( 1 Uniformly DlltrlbutId IOId exl let us de\enDi.. the aboolu.. IDlIXImUID menl ID the 5IDlpi supported beam of Fig 9 and c, ft:' .~1e\I:'CJ RCl.:all that the\e mfluence lines were 1m ,e1op<d In S<xllon 8 I fig. X.2Ie) and (fll. Suppose that \lot:' \lol",h to ut:'termme the absolute maximum the beam due to a ~mgle mo\ing concentraled load of magDltude discussed in Sel.:l1on 9. I. the maximum posithe shear at the "':OOD' IS gl\en by the product of the load magnitude P and the poSltl\e ordmate J u L of the influence line for hear a a fig 99 b . Tbus di5lnbuted live loadorof m\ellSl shear • maxunum pclOIbve negab ~1t \C shear p( I ~) 5 The envelope of maxImum bending moments constructed by pIonlng Eq (9.5 i••hOWD ID FIg 99(e It can be .... that the aboolu.. maxI mum bendlDg momenl ocam at mIdspan of the beam aDd has magmlude PL 4 FIG. 9.9 maximum ~) I the~bam.: the by pbu:iDc the load over the porb • f the shear iDftuoaoe line Fi 9 b ,.. multiplying the load 1II\CII5I Ioodod porbOD of the beam the maxunum DOOiitive b ~:E SfC1IOIl U CHAPTER 9 Application of lnftuence lines - ",---+--". "--"1 Th~ \:O\dopc 01 m \Imum hl.:ar due w a unift ' mlly dl!~tnbu ed Jwd t.:on tru..ted '" p](1wng Eqs. I} 6 and 9. l. ho\\n In FI n.-'-''" II t.:an Ix n that Ih .tbsolulC rna lffium rl.~h dc\dops al secl " 'IJ .~ In Idc tht: SUppOI dnd ha magmtude" L -: To ddcmllnt: the I.: pre Ion for the ma\lmum bending m xXLL n a'a \\(' mu!llpl) thl.: 10.11.1 mtcnslt))I b~ the area oftbe mg moment mthll.:n"c hnl.: Fig I} <} t.: t() obtain rna Imurn hendmg O1OO1l.:nt " u -,- I L ,.-l"---! a AG 9.10 The ffi\d,,\pt' of maXlmum bendmg moments due to a umforml tribult:d Inc load constructed b) ploulng Eq. .~9 I hown 9.9 g It \:an be seen Irom thl cmdopt: that the- absolute ~ : ~ hendmg moml.:·nt OCt.:uTS pi mid pan of the beam and has m II L' Series of Concentrated Loads The ab~oluh" ~uh.tcl,; d m.l\lmum \.lIuc of .1 rc pon ..e lundilln m any 1b lC "'~ to a serics of IlltlVlIlg cOllccnlr.ltcd IOtuh ur any loadm!! condltioll he ddcrmlilcd from the em-elope of ~! of the re'pon~ lunuioll. SUl'h an cmc!opc l.:an be: co by e\alualmg the 1ll.1\lmUm ".t1uc~ of the: csnor~:e fundlon at n of poinh along thc ht~ncI 01 the :erul"Ut~ by gm~u the pr de~crih III SCI,:tion.. tJ.1 thTllugh 9J ,md b) plotting the m \alues BCl:iJu..c of th ct'lhlde:r,thlc amount t'll:tlmputatlOnal \ohed. Xl:tpt for :1IO~ o"nnpk trul:lurcs th~ anal} IS of absol irnum rl: ponse IS u u,tll) flI:rlormcd u'lIlg l'omputer In th f ~ = Sf't:uon: \\-f dN'U Ihl.: dlrl.: t method Ih.1I an.. (t1mmonly emn d~{(:n me thl; "bs(llute m.tXlmum rt,ch~ and hcndmg momeD pI) upported uhJeded [0 .l sc TIes 01 111m mg l:oncent As In th 1.:a5e (If In 'k t.:onl,; ntr.lled md umforml dilllriblil I.,ad the absolute ll1a mlUm he'H In ,I ylpmI~ upported beam senro: 01 mmmg' nl,;C'nlraled load al\\-.l tll.:lUrs at section Ihe uppon I rum the mfluent' line lor. hear at an arbl au 01 d Impl upporled heaIn htl\\- n In • Ig 9 9 b w n order to de lop the maximum p 1 IU I: he u at th u place a man load of lhe TI d po thle on the portl n fur y"hlch (he Inllucnw Ime I po Itl\e and a fe\\ load po~1I i th ponlon \\h n: lh mflul:nc hne I n g3tl\C MOTeO U U I hJlil-d ttl\\ard the Iclt uppon 01 the L .•, the max.lmum h "",om po 11 e ar \\ll1l ntmuouslv mcrea beca and the rna Irnum ordlnale I the po lt\~ roruon of the inllIul_ In ria Voh rc Ih I thl: neg lI .. e ponlon dec ut rna Imum po tl h ar Vol II tX:4.: ur \\ hen the ",,:licle I ted oc JU It Ih n hi f Ih I ft uppon 4 l Ing a \aluc~ I IIocl _ 11...._ Lit II can be sh .L_ L_ n Utilt tall; absolute rna Imum N"020 section located J II .L_ I f ._~ t1cd L_ 0 U~ e I of Ihe nghl uppon C po SlOce the location f the ab!.ol u ~ ; , : m knov..n UIl;am the...--a y·~ure f r compuung maximum d ue to a senes f concentrated load de loped ID emplo ed 10 delemulI< the magn tude of the a luI Because the Influence hne for hear Just, Ide the left caito the IOftuence hoe for reactJon at the left uppon t convementl used ~ r detemumng the magmtude f the a mum hear To detcmune the locauon of the absolut ma m momenl conSIder tbe slDlply upponed beam ubjected I sencs of mO\ 109 concentrated loads P P and P h don ted P 9 10 The resultanl of lhe load P P and P hown m tbe fi I located al the dIStance from the load P bendmg momenl dIagram of the beam con I Is of tral t I ",gmalls between lbe load pomts regardless of the postuon of lbe I absolute maJumum bending moment aceu under De of the 1 sumlng that the absolute maximum bendlOg moment aceu under t load Pour objectl\ie is to detenmne Its position fr m the nudspan the beam a shown ID the figure. By applymg lbe eqwlibnum cq I n ~ M. 0 and usmg the resultant p• •lISlead of the md Idualloads I the eqwhbrium equation \\e detemune lhe ventcal reach nAt be ~+ AL P.(~ C If. 0 ) 0 A Thus the bending momenl under tbe load P M A (~ ) I bemWmum, I P P CHAPTER 9 - Applicahon of Influence lines Ihe ma'tmum hilI.. al Ih I.. ptl.. llh1ll III lhl: Ill,ld To Ode:rmllle: . .1 ft n: Iloll,e Illlll..'lltlll uue to.1 lOgle movi or 1\ (\I1L~ \.1 1UI: \1 • h I n10 t tx' pl.ll:l..'d .11 I e _ rx:.ltlon of thc l..I:nU.llr.:u• Il'1\ I lh'I.: Illd I. . , ,rdUllle of lhe: :e~lJ .p':n lum:t1(lIl lOflucnce JX'SIII\I.:' or negltl\1.: t '. ,. I luncllOIl due to a ullIi(lnn. ) dlstnbu rh I.: \.1 Iu... 1I a , t.: ,n.1l~ .• In 01 Ihl' ,lrudun: elll be l,ht.lIned by multi 4lpp II l I ,n cr 8 ['l.' r" , IhC' 1000Id Inkn Il~ b> {hI.: Ill..'t .m:;.! under the .corre...pondmg POrtion n:pnl:un.. I "'n 1l mlhllncc hne . To ,",."Iennllle the ma\lmum posj ncgatl\(· 'I IUl.:. 01 a re rt1nX lunctllln due to a u.mfonnly di 11\ c I,'ao the load mu t he pl.ICl:O r:.~o Iho-.e. portion of the \\ h..' n; thr.: ordmale III thl.:' n:'JXln c tunctlon mfluen",-e hne are P C l . ~ I.)r ne:1!.tll\ e m.tXlmum ,alue (If a re,pon..c function at a panicular I-·de"", in a ..tructuTt" due to a xne... of TTIO\ lIlg concentrated loads can tt'mlined h\ uc..:e 1\ d) pbl"mg ca..:h load of the "Cne.. on the at the loca"tilln of Ihe rna Imum ordin.uc of the re:"!ponse fUOCli flut'nt:e line b\ l"omputlng the \alue of the re..ponse funcllon for po ilion of the" "l'rtt:... Ihfl1ugh algebric~I) the ~roduetl lo.ld magnitude... and the respcctl\C mf1uence·lmc ordmates aad comparing th~ \alue... of the respon!'>e function thu.. obtained to mine the ma"imum \alue of the respon!'>e function In Imp!) supported beams (a) the absolute maximum shear op:"! at ...ecuons JU'lt II1sidc the supports. (bJ the absolute m bendmg moment dut: 10 a smgle concentrated, or a unifonnl tributed. Ii\e load occurs at the beam midspan. and (c) the a maximum bendll1g moment due to a series of moving concen loads occurs under one of the loads near lht:: resultant of the loads the midspan of the be..lm i!oo located halfway between the load and resuhant The: 6 I <lr the I'>t:.lln III mkhlH~I 10 de renm t , and neg"dtl\C hcar tAd th m tmu u\C bendmg ml)rncnt at pomt (d I "" d of 1)0 k a umlorml d l"bul ~H fIl and a uOllonnly dl trabuled d d I ,. p>SIU\ 1 ror lhe hl'dnl of Problem 8 2J de mil t. IU\C and ncgdtl\e he nand th ma Imum r:Ju\e bendmg: mOffit:n 011 POint D d a load \)1 )0 k .1 umfonnl) dl tnbuted It J ,"J.l uOllonnl) di tnbuled dead load of I It tOO '0''''''01''''«1 il\C Sn" 11.1 • • 1.2 1.1 I- r the beam f Problem 8 4 detennme the maximum e bendlDg moment .1t poml B due to a 15-k ..on. trate<! h i d be4m f Problem 84 deternul1C the maximum n I upport,of due to a l-k ft umlonnl I d m f Pr blem 4 delCnmne Ihe maximum I poInl 8 due 10 a l·k it umf< rml dl d SA for lht: beam of Problem HS determme the POSltl\C and ncg-all\e hear and the maximum poll negatl\C bending moments al point C due to a co.......~ h\c load of IOU l. a umforml) d ...tnhuted hve l m dnd.1 umlormJy distributed dead load of • .5 f-or the t:dntlle\t:r beam of Problem 89 dcla1"" the miUlmum ul'"ard \ertl",al reaction and \.ounterdock"'lse reJr.:tlon moment al support ,"Onctntr4h:d Il\e load of :!5 Ii;. a umforml dil ri~. load of ! k rt and a umforml) dlstnbulCd oSk It ... Pl.13, Pl.17, Pl.ll, PI.22 t' 1or the beam of Problcm 8 29 delellillne lhe ma,im,um e\l h~ ami neg4tl\e hear!> and the ma mum posI IlC\!.lIl\e ocndmg moments at pomt F due to a h\~ IO.ld of .to k.•1 umfonnl) dlStnbuted h load dod a UOlfonnl> dlstnbuted dead load of I k fl t,9 f'or the tru...s of Problem K47 determine the rruwmum ten,lle and compre......l\e a tal force In member eN due concentrated Ii\C load of 30 k a umforml dl Inbuted li e load of ~ k fl. and a umfonnly dlstnbuted dead load of I l. ft. 9.10 For the tru.... of Problem R.50 determme the rnUlRlum comprc.. si\e axial force in member AS and the maximum tensile a"ial force in member EF due to a concentrated live load of I~O kN a umforml) distnbuled hve load of 40 kN ,'roo and a unifonnl) distribuled dead load of 20 kN m 9.11 For Ihe tru..s of Problem 8.51 detennme thc maximum (cn.. ilt: and comprcs..i\'e aJOial forces In member JJ due to a concentrated live load of 40 It a umfonnly dl tnbuted live load of .. k 1ft. and a unifonnl) dtstnbuted dead load of 2 k ft. SIclIo.9.3 PROBLEMS • 9.12 For the beam of Problem 8 2 deternunc the mwumum and bending momenl at POint B due to Ihc JXhlli\e raeh~ lceh~\ loads of the mo\ing H20-44 lruck shown In FI M.l:! .m~; bi 18lN ! - - - 43 72kN m---l FIG PI.1Z, PUll 1.13 For the beam 01 Problem 8 I ddefmine .... O I _ ' ~ po ItI\C hear and bendmg momeol I poIDt 8 ~ I-l5h ... Pl.14, Pl.ll, Pl.18, PI.23 12k W 120ft ... Pl.15, PI.21 12k cb!:;~ ---+--- k . . . . . 'IN' • "" •- : ~ : " - . Cll elI~ D"I UJ~:; 5 '": ~. .. It»... boom due L-. momeot m Ibe wheel Ioods ., F... P9 12 duebeDdinI to Ibe wheel Ioods moment In ., F'I P9IS &II Determine the absolute rnaxiD...HiI • IS-m lon8 SImply upponed boom three movlftg concentrated loads sbDwD. t.D D<ltlllUll" the .bsolult 111lWIIl_ .60-1\-10.8 SImply upponed beam due mOVIng concentra.... load shown 42lI ClW'TER 10 AnI'ysI. 01 S",",,",", Structures 1E1:YD11o.t Ii 10 1 SYMMETRIC STRUCTURES Reflection The d OIU n lJ( I lh'7;-'==-'1i I'II.lll.2 A lh R n II n hout A I al AduaJ 51 I)MI ... 18.1 c 11IIC S1IUC\tIIII t ... I • • Q) CltAPTEll10 Analpl. of Symmetric Structures , 'iii" 1KTIOII10 1 Ii I w I Lf': = iB~l = ~ CE====fiB=_ _ L~-o; £ ..,----+---;"'IT-i--I I, -\ E I. ~ L L E.l.A Ellt o Reflection Be;tm (al I • ..-:m It - - - - t .4 - 8f! 16 fl I B 1011-+-1011-1 EIt _ _ ", F F r.~ E D ~ = Hmge le~nJHI B A • 30 ft ------I I "'- • 28 II ... 21 E. -\ =- con..tant £. A = constant Beam ReflectIOn L M N N M H J K K J F G lAI E 15 II B C D -'- - '" 25 II - L:: 25 II ., G F AI ( b) 15 II -t- ItI 15 II , -t- I I lAl W E-COIUtant 0 0" 2511 I W E Ret1ectioa Frame FIG. E. A = conMant E. A ;: conslanl \~urT Reflecnon (e) • C • ilO ft---j o 0 -, ilO II---j ' 21 I 21 12 h 1 A B ~ E.A ""10.3 E fS rom I.OC cun I B 20 h-------l 0---2011 E.It= _ _ l&nl Frame ReflccbOD ld, Ro_ ft~1 E A .COI""" 10.3 (contd.) If) L Q2 CHAPTER 10 AnI'p'o.1 Symme1rtc Structures .Ie t---L L£. 4 - con unt ... 10.4 trUl:1UfJ.1 )mml'tr\ lor lilt: pUrp(l l' or.tIl .tnal) ,is, II is 0'..,..... l'lln IdeI' the: \ Il1'tr~ l,r ol ~ thl''''C ,trlll:tur,11 properlles that dic-d Oil I't:sult ... llf Ih.1t p.trll( t~p.: of .tnal) ... is In other IflKlme ~ l:llll ldl'rt:d 10 !x ~Ilmenc for the purpose of \ I'" If Its ... Irul'lural rnlllt'rttl' h.l\e .In el'tect on the resul anah "'1'" drl' \ mmdm: (:on hjt:r for l' J.mrle the ...t.tticall) dctemltnate lruss su \ertlc.i1loalh.•l'" h \\n in hg. lOA. \\e C,tn '>Cc from the figure ~cl-'m t ) llf the tru... Il.e the dime:n ... ion... of the truss and the Ill.:nt of tru ... r~m'l 1I and Ih materi.ll and cro...s-s«tional E .tnd 4 an..: )mmelrl( \\llh re"'pcct to the .\ a,is bUI the \ 101all' ... ~ ~rt:el m lx-c.w,< Ihe 11Ing.:d ",uppon at A can exen both IonIa I and \t.'rlI(JI re.Klion . \\herca ... the roUer suppon al C can. ~lno a \t.'rtJcal re,lclllm. HO\\eH'f. the tru s can be coosl<iered ... ~ mmetrll: \\ hen ... ubJl'Clcd 10 \ t:rtil:al load onl) because under load. the hOrizon I,ll reaction al the hinged suppon will be ., 01, therefore. It \\ill not ha\c any effect on the response member <1'\1.11 force: ... and ddlectiom) of the truss. This truss con"'ldercd 10 be ,) mmClrlC \\ hen subjected to an) horizontal hO\\eHT. £ample 10.1 The tru .........ho",n in bg IO.5(a) ~i to be ,malyzcd to detennine its member fon.:C\ and deflections due to a general s) met~ of loads acting at lhe JOID the tru,.. he wO'\ldcrcd to he ...) mmclric for ~uch an an lysi ~ s G H ABe D ~ l-~l F 4 panels '11 25 II _ 100 E , - ,on 'ant fIG. ~It lD.5 lao E ft--' ~ A 25 8 C It..l- 25 It ~ E. A D 25ft..).. =constant (b) Solution \\e c,m see from 1-1.. I(J 5 b L_ th c tndl the dlmen Ion the arrangemeat e matenal and l:TO lanU t~ propt'rtlc £ and A and the lIII...rlI gl\en trus are all mmetn h the m mber ((I of the tr l: \\U ropecl to the \ertlcal aXI aXI U Thu ~hI Iru IS s)-rnrnetnc wllh ClIAPTER 10 "'"I,... 01 Symmetric Structuri. , SECTION 10.2 "'IISble MIl , . I \[1j';-"I~fPTJ -Q---<--Q- c 1--0-_- Loadmg Rcn RefleCl10D Loading b Id I • --i -'I- ~ It~ ~.I' -,-,-\,~ s I-~l - : i "fl:r:r--.x-.. Rel1ection Loading Ie, , Loadmg , ~ A~f I--a--+---a--l C ...... ----a--_--I f----a-----;I J-~_l Ie _ C 4' . . . . ' & • " _,,----11-- a--l --1---0 Ai,,,, Rcflccli... 0) ''',--,-- ",' I D P :;==rtJ I B 'u:r== -",----- a- - of~ Loadmg Reflection II) AG.10.9 s .< w " cD:r:r--eB, oo::::c:cuA c "1--,,-I-a--1 I--o--l--a --l Loading Rcnecbon leontd." a--+--o---I W cgob o,freflecti... (d) Antisymmetric Loadings A loading I con Iden:d 10 lx' J.ntl\)mmctnc v.ith respect to an plane if the ncgatl\l' 01 the n:flcl.:llOn of the loading about the lllal to the loadmg it -II M I-~l ~ .< - M I - - - '1 - - - I M i ~ ~-+'t! I-----a-----I Some e'i:imples 01 antis) mmetrit: loadings are shown in Fig 1 each loading ~ac the reflection and the negative of refteeuon t--- r--_-----"I: n pi ~t,- -I ;B -----< Rcllection Loading 1-;------1 W £ ----a_ R b --I .,~o- + - n dlnn B ,. 1---0----0- - Loading I ) FI5. 10.10 E mpl .l IA nil )- rnm ttll: loadmg .. 10.11 (......./ M M 1---'1 '81----+--- CHAPnR 10 Anllysis of Symmetric Structures ~':X C 2 < ZL IECTl0II1D.2 c10 ~' . :U .... IIIt'.1101••_10 C'-IIOO.1o blaC. $I kif' --- T "m ~"'l~ -' ~ j j j 81 0 0 000 40 -10 -In 0, O. 0.' 6nctm41maGnnl (til mg ~ Half Loadmg -lO O~ 80 ~O 0.' oS 0, O. ~{) Ie ld IS) mmetnc Loading Component FIG. 10.12 ~"(I HITm (ric 1.(J 'I1~ ( mpOllUI! The anti~}m etric componan loadmg I ,lbtained h~ ..ubtractmg the ~} mmclric loading component 10.1211.1 from the IOlalloadmg hg, 10.12(<11) and is shown in Fig 101 FlG.l0.13 (eonld.1 Solullon ~ION that the ..urn of the .. ymmclric and antisymmetric componen to the gncn loadmg I:~ ; ~ and S tbemm halfInloadl.B Loud",are Cbowo m",FITheI I b loadlDg about the UI 19 drawn In Fig 10 I The lbe Slyen loadlDB I detennined by addlDB the b If I reOeotl•• FIB 10 13 • as showo ID FIB 10 I d Eumple 10.5 :\ beam is ..ubjel.:ted 10 Ihe loadmg ..hown m Fig. 1O.13(a). DetenDlRe metn( and antlsymmclrl( components of the loading lAith respect to the ,,> mmctry or the 1x,Im , I lJJItlDtm - Q 20 It --+-10 ft-t-IO ft-4-- 20 ft---l (a) G,.. rn loadmg , IS. 10.13 X.l~ I 2st ft Q I b, Half Loading Example 10.6 50 CftAPTER 10 Ana'ysls of Symmetric Structures 2. . Il'('1 Sc Ll h "Ul ., LI" ' I II til' thl.' "tfUl.:Wn:',. on either side of the "lll\"I"', JilL' l.:W"-'CCIIOI1.t1 i1r~ ... and morn- U" l I • ' h "-q '·,h" l """,.",(\1' tIll.: 'llh'lrw.:tufC. \\ teh are located l 1'",_ • . ,. ","'1,'(n ...lhlUIJ ~.lh r('JUl.:c:d b) h.llt. \\hereasfuU [ hl .1\1 (\ "'- . . II I be l,r t he..c pn.... l hllUIJ h.: u'l'.d hlf.1 O( leT. mcm rs. 11110 ..., mmctrll,; and aOII;.Y1",.,.... 1'1\ ell IlllJlIlg 3. Dl'l.-("llll pI"\.: ,h l ' c ' . ' ... ,,-,""'1.:1 to the .t'\I' 01 , ((lmf'\ 111.'11 .. ""h .. I'~ , _'i,mmctrv . • of the stnlrho_ - - ...... ' U'!OI:! the pnx'cJUTl' dt'~nh.-J 111 Section 10.2. -t. [)c,;mllfl tilL' fC pl'n'L' of the ,trlll.:lUrc due to the 5}mmetnc: "Il1IT1L'lf) . . inertt,. (1 elP," ~ -:==--_-:- 10:.:,9:--- OclCmunc lhe ~ I,',..,·" Ill!! l.onlptlncnl.1 fllI!O\\ . " 10 ~ft . \1 c.II.:h Jllllll ilnd end 01 Ihe ,ub,tructure. "hleh IS loc:a a. of )mmctr: .Iprl) rc,lramls to prc\ent rolaltoa JX'rJX'ndil:ular 1O the a I~ of ~ mmetl). If there hmgL'.1t uch a Jomt or cnd. then 0~1). the deflection but rot.ltlon h"uld lx' ~r . . tr<lIlled at that Jomt or end. b. .\rpl) Ih~ . .) mmetril; I:omponent of loading on the sUb,tnl:\1"'~ \\ilh the mac.l1llUde . . of the concentrated loads at the s\mmetf) n:duced b) half. the ,ub,truclUrc to determine its response. c. el)an~_ d. Obtam the ...)mmelrll' respon-.e of the complete structure fleeting the re.. pon...e of Ihe substructure to the other Side nI ....~· a\ls of~) mmetr). 5. Determme the rc.. pon-.c of the structure due to the antJsiYlTlIIIIlldl/!. loading component as 1'0110\\ ...: 8. AI each Joint and end of the substructure located at the uil~!f" ...ymmctry. apply a rc:-Maint to prevent deflection in the am""". tion of the axis of symmctry. In the case of trusses, the forces III members located along the axis of symmetry will zero. Rcmmc such members from the substructure. b. Apply the antisymmclric component of loading on the structure \\Ith thc magnitudes of the loads and couples alP i ~ at the ~ixa of ~ym etry, reduced by half. c. Anal)lc the substructure to determine its response. d. Obtain the antisymmctnc response of the complete strut rcflectlng the negall\c of thc response of the substructure other side of thc axis of s}mmetl) 6. Delermme the total reSp()n~ of the structure due to the gIVen ing ~b gni~opmrXJUs the s)mmetric and antisymmetnc rei obtained in "tep, 4 and 5. rc'pc:t;tl\e1i. the <1\\' dcfl~(twn The foregomg procedure t.:an be: applied to statically dcterminatt \l.ell as mdctennmate ~)me(rit.: struc(e~. It "ill become o,bvi~j sulhequent chapters that the utihJ'ation of structural symmetry erabl~ redu~, the I;omputatlonal etfon required in the anal cally mdetermmate Mructurcs ==========J 1ECT1OII11.4 ProcIdIn f8r ....... at " ••"'" ...... f I 2H - G H JOk 12k .t panch al 20 fl _ 80 fl (a) Gi\'cn Tru~s • I I ----J 18 k Jlk and LoadIftB c MembcrF , ~v 411 JOk I 18k S)'I1IIII<ll'lC ~ Due Coa_.. H G 18 k JOk 18k (b) Symmetric Loading Componenl , F ~ I ,G 6k (cl Anli~)'metrc Jlk 6k loading Componenl ISk (d) Sub'lrUcturc H With ... ,... Syrnmetne BoundarY CoDdi1JODl 6k}k Forces Due" AaIi y.-ux I.-liDc C:"'..... ,- (g) _ I3 k 6k A ~ = I~ ~k b _ F64 24k G64H JOk I k ~ IE k Forces Due ...~1~ qc 0t 15 1 U $10 ':---::- I~ A_IO 15 Member _ ~1~ 10-qC ~1 OI~ 15 15 Due tD,Aatioym_1rI 1010 0t- -'~D:-,.;j 15 I' 456 CHAPTER 10 AnalySiS of Symmeh1c Siruciures Solution "L I 11. 1I1 11,1): "'~01 I Thl b N.I l ~ I h kf h.lI! \mllldrK \\Ith II.: 1''1\."\:11\1 the \crtlcal th... 0..:.1111 1\ ckded lor ,malYlil "j . \ I I \fllmdnl,. n: I hI.: uhslrlldulC'> U fI', the an.lpi~ J'Il1nsc .In. hO\\11 In I-Ig 10 ~ llf the ~ymet d .lI1d ('1 re peell\ I - k , -'- ExlmpJe 10.12 Ddanunc: thl' ut'! trudUI 1M the .lI1:~ 1 of the ~ n: r o n ~ thl.: ~laJt.w indeterminate frame; \l(h~ "r 12"- I -'- -'- A,Rb.ymllllClnc looohni Cempno... mmelm: and antill1lll"iii n lI1 Fig 10.23 a I k It I I I I II I Sft I I IbTdl I I I I 2. klh I I 12"- _L I·-+ -+1 I S ft I I I II I I I k- I S ft - - _L -''I - 25 ft --t--- 25 It -----t- 25 f1---l E, I. A =c()n~ta (3) Gi\en Structure and Loading ,.-.-.-r-hl.:ft~_ 11 " 3. • _ k. I I I , 2 k ft Solution 'I S ",m" and c -3k I I I I I I I I l , 2 II. ft I I -'fIG. 10.23 I I I I I I -'- -'- t--l75It_ I b, S}mmctnl Luadmg Component (d) SublrtIUc~ for Anal of Symmemc Response FIG. 10.23 (eonld.) SUMMARY - L.... and An"u'''....,., C'nnlj_'" .------,_+. • .. CltAPTER 10 An.lysli of Symmetric Structure. .\ IO,ldinc: ~I n'll IdcTl;d It' Ix: :cirlm~, \\ uh respect to an It rlane If ~ht n:tJC:dll'l1 l,f the IllJdm!,! about the axi\ is Identteal loading It~lr \ !o.ldlOf! ~l Cl' l1 ~:cr h.H to Ix anu,,}mmetnc WIth tlhln .1'.'" In 11 plane If the- nc:g.ItI\C olthc.n:llcl'1Jon of the 1oad1lll the 3\1 I Idenlll,...i1 to the: )O,lomg Ihdl An) general uns.YttUllllll loading c.m be dc(,:ompll cd into ..) mmctm: and antis} mmetn nenb \\lth n: p...xt wan 3\1 \\ hL:n J \mmc:ITll: qrudure I" .. ubjected to a loading that mctnc: "ith rc:'l""Cl to the: \,tfm:tun:', a\i~ of s)mmctl) the res the ,trw.;turc I...ll'l) ') mmetTic Thu.. \\c can obtain the response entire 'lructure b) .ma1) 7mg a half of the ..truc-ture. on either side a ,.. of ,)mmetr) \\llh .. )mmetric bound'H) ,,:onditions; and by mg the computed T6pon,c .ll;\out the axis of ~ mmetr). \\ hen a }mmdril..' ...tructurc- i...... ub.ll.'Cted to a loading that ..)mmetric \\Jth re'lpcct to thl..' ..."~:nutcr ~IXa of s)mmetry. the of the ~truc e i... al 0 anti,) mmetric. Thu~. the response of the erutc ~ can be obtained b) anal)7mg a half of the structure on ...Ide of the aXl~ of ...) mmctr). \\ ith anti symmetric boundary COI>dilii and b) reflecting the ncgaU\c of the computed response about of symmetr) The re"'pon:-.e of a symmetric structure due to a general unsoy""",. loading I.:an be obtained by determining the responses of the due to the s}mmetril.: and antisymmctric components of the metric loading. and b) superimposing the t\\O responses. 60 k'l A (,() kN f>() kN 30 kN 18 Ie ID IE IF H / J r---- 6 panels at 4 m K G ~m DHinpE r---t-'- .. E. A =constant F1G PIO.3, PlO.18 soco- 10.3 .nsI1DA 10.1& ttwougfIl0.ZO Detennme the force 10 each member .1I--1-l A 01 the tru'..c..... ho\\n in figs. PIO I PIO S by ubhzJDI 3m-+-Sm ,trudural ) mmc{T)i. fll.PllIJI,PlO.21 24k- C FIG. PIO.4, Pl0.19 'm PIO, I PIO.IS with rC'lpect to the of symm ..trUI..{urc. fII. Pl0.7, Pl0.22 5m 2H E I:! ft 5m Ht 4ft FIG A PlO.5, PlO.20 1-1'11 Eo/A 80 lUI ......... Il1.D Determan< the member eud the fr.lmc .. loho\\n an Figs PIO 6 PIO U f. A - ron tanl fl&. PlO.l, PlU8 FIG. PlO.2 InsI Plo.17 'm---+ E./A-_ ........ 10.1 _10.2 10.1 ......... 10.15 [)l:temllnc the :,\mmClnc and antirometnl.. rnponem f the loadi~gs ..hoy, n in rig.. F =24 m =----1 E. A =con tant PROBLEMS - "" JO kN tural \)mmt:'try. fII. PI.... Pl0.23 III _1'18I11 -.... ......_ _ ... I . 35 1 I 0 m ........... 15m E.IA=~ ... PlG.13 ... Plo.2l C B ............... 2t1ft 20ft 10k J L"T K I Hlft 10k G H 3k1ft ,t :Mil 10k 0 E F A B C E I I m I 1---3Oft 30ft .. PlG.14, Plo.2l o ........ 11-+-2011 B • 11 Introduction to Statically Indeterminate Structures 11.1 Advan1aQes and Dtsadvantages lnlleterm 11.2 AnalysIS of Incle1ermlnate Struc:. nate Structures Summary es SF/ncr Harhour, Australia v glIal Vis In Part Two of this tex.t. we considered the anal) 1 of tatlcall) deter minale structures. In this part Chapters 11 through 18 we focus our allention on the analysis of staticall) mdetennmate tTUCtUres As discussed pre\ iousl) the support rea,lIon and mtern I f, n: statical!) determinate structures can be detennmed from th equat of equilibrium includmg equations of condluon If an H er indelerminale slructures ha\e more support reacli n nd r mem lhan reqUired for static stabdlt) the eqUlhbnum equall n I oe a 0 t sufficient for detennining the reaction and mtem I r. f h strw..'tures.. and must be supplemented b\ add II n I I n nilu on Ihe geometry of dcformallon of tr\1l.'1ure These additional ",Iallonships "htch a t nned .he ,·..,polihiliIY ("(}lid", ns c:murc that the connnult) of the dl plllt.'tITlC'n throughout the structure and that the trueturc v gether For example at a ngid Jomt the deftecti the members m«tlDg at the Jomt must Ix the an mdetenmnate trUCture ID 01\: III ddi arrangement of members of the uuelurc nal propertlCS ueh as cross-sectIonal a of .1as1lCl' .'e which to tum <!<pend CHAPTER 11 Introduction to Statically Indetennlnlte Structures 1EC'hON111 ...... is therell ' I!!"I ( 11 •III structure strw.:tun.: 1 hC Ul . ) 'nl"nnCI \dh. , ~ d r . ' the (rclatl\e SizeS lHll 111 an IIl:r.1 t 1\1.: .. h ofthc ." .In.:, IIll 1',11, I. . •Is,Unll..:d ,lI1d u to anal}lC . h I e structure . Ihu.. lhl IIIlt'd .m.' u..ed lO fe\ I"C t IIlh:rna I lm.. e l. . .. e member " . , ... Il.... asswned Te'\) ~u , menh>t:f '"'" ,In." 11llt dose to those Inltlally . " Ilal,.... " ..U1 U 101'e- the I,tlcsl member sizes. The Itcra slrw.:IUfC I' Il,l of an anal tmue... unll Ithc me.:'nl·"" \'\; ,iln t'l.l cd on the stlu~er e '''DIIld, $ e 1I.,:h1l: A• • • ml,.· ~1 to Ihl)~ .•"uIned lor that an.i1~"I., Despite the !i.....,n:g(lll1g lhtlkult) m. gm~ lscd L £/ ... mdetermma lUre". a great maJorll) of ,trul:lure, bemg ~Ul t today are sta determmate: I\.)f C'\.impk. most modem remfon:ed concrete afC 'itaticall) imktermin.tlc. In this chapter. . "c dlsc~ some or portant .IJ\ anlage .lnJ di ad\ antages of ~ndet munate strUCIIUri lX)mpared III Jeternunalc ..tructures and mtroduce the fun concept-. of the anal) .." of indetermmate structures. -'......... 11.1 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES ... 11.1 The ad\antJ.ges of staticall) indeterminate structures over det structures include the following. nol ncc:essanly collapse and the loads WIll be Ico~ubirtsde lacenl ponlons of the ,Iructun: Consider for detenmnate and indetemunate beams shown m FI 1 specIIvely Suppose thallhe beam are upponmg brid way and that the nuddle pteT B I destroyed when a 1. Smaller '~enrtS The maximum stresses in statically I nate structures are generally lower than those in comparable nate structures. Consider. for example, the statically detennmate In_. indeterminate beams shown in Fig, 11.1 (a) and (b), respecti bending moment diagrams for the beams due to a uniformly dis load. Ii. are also shoy. n in the figure. (The procedures for indeterminate beams are considered in subsequent chapters. It seen from the figure that the maximum bending moment and quently the maximum bending stress in the indeterminate beam nificanlly lo\\er than in the determinate beam. 2. r~ta G fes ~n itS Statically indeterminate structure ha\e higher stiffnesses (i.e. smaller deformations), than thoac parable determinate structures. From Fig. 11.1. we observe maximum deftectlon of the indeterminate beam is only one-fiftIl the determinate be-dm. 3. f~d'" J~R Statically indeterminate structures If ~lp n SIgned have the capacity for redistributing loads when certatD ponlOns become overslresscd or collapse in cases of ovcrloadl eanhquakes tornadoes. Impact e.g. gas explOSIOns or vchidc and other ueh events Indelerminate structures have more and or suppon reactions than reqUired for static stability or member or suppon of uch a struclure fails the enbre sU1111l1l11i Agj if S_s1ly~Bam Inoaasl\ "'" if r~A ... 11.1 A B • • CHAPTER 11 Introduction to Statically Indeterminate Structures Internal IlCTION 11.2 ,(~nlh AIIoIroIo aI h,d".i_'" '11 • A B 4 B EA I (a B a) Stath.alh Determinate Beam lbl SIJtically Indelemunate Beam F al~T)AE a a.l.T L Slab all Detennirwe B 11'"========== B -F a T AG.ll.3 E. A. I Ihe: "l.ltlcalh~. detemlinate beam is sUpported ram IOto II. Bl ,... ",'u~ iu.. t tht: ...utfillel1t nUll1ha of reactl )n~ reqUired lor ~ta 1c stabil ·remo\.llllf urrl)ft 8 \\ill l·au ..e the entire ~truc e lO: collapse aslllll,. in hI!. II.:!'J . Ho\\c\a. the indeten1l1nate beam (Fig. 11.2 b has Ol it:h er~a t\ In the \crticdl direction: therefore. the slructure wiD nc-ce :.arih collar"\.' .tIld rna) remain ~labe, c\en after the support B failed. \ ~uml! that the he.lm h.h been de...igned to support dead onh m C.l"C of ;ueh an .tceidel1l. the bridge will be closed to traffic pie; B i" reraired and then \\ ill be reopened. AG 11.4 lb, SlalocaJl Indctmni.... Beam from deforming axIally by lhe fixed uppo temperature change AT a c rnpressl c a I ~ F • dT AE develops In Ihe beam as hown In Ihe figu", fabncatioD erron are SImilar to those of temperature ha rnmate and mdetenninatc structure of ... tatlcally mdetcnninate structures The mam ~egaln\dJi delenninatc . . truclurc'l. an: the follo\\ing. I. Strene\ Due W SUppOI·t Settlements Support settlements cia cause an\' strc:-.'lC'l in determmate structures: thcy may, however ..,ignillcal;t . .tres.. es in indeterminate structures. which should be mto account \\hell de.. iglllng indeterminate structures. ConS1der the tennmate and mdeterminate beam shO\\.-'1l in Fig. 11.3. It can be from Fig. 11.3(a) that "hen the upport B of the detenninate undergoe.. il ...mall settlement tJ. H • the portions A B and Be beam. \.\ hkh arc connected together by an internal hinge at B rigid bodies \.\ithoul bending that I .... they remain straight ~Ires . . de\dop m the determinate beam. Howe\er, when the ous mdetennm,ltc be.lm of Fig. II 3(bJ IS ... ubjected to a Sll1ular tnem il ~ it bend. as ho\.\ n in Ihe figure; therefore, bendID8 dc\elop in the beam. 2. Streur, Due to TrmprrQture Clrllngt's lI11d ~irb"F like support s.:lllcmcnts the'<C effeels do not cause stresses m natl' tructures but may mduce \ignlhcam stresses in indetemu·'-'...... (on Iller the dctennmate and mdetcrminah: beams shown m F It r... . n Ix s«n from hg. 11.4 ill that "hen the detenninate beam Jected to a umll..'mn temperature mcrease tJ.T it simply elop"'~ the aXial defonnatl\)n gi\en b~ () 1 tJ.T)1. Eq. 724 de\dop In the d tenninate hearn. smce it is free to elon e\er \\hen Ihe indetenmnatc: lx-dm of Fig. 11.4 b whICh me"". 11.2 ANALYSIS OF INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES Fundamental Relationships Regardless of whether a structure IS statically determmate r mdetermnate its complete analysis reqUires the use of three pe f Iall shIps. • Equllibnum equations • • Compatibility conditions Member force-defonnauon relauon The eqUlhbnum equauons ",late Ihe r. Its part eDSunDg that the entire structure w In equillbnum. Ihe compoubihty condiuon ",I I Ihe strueture SO thaI Its ,anoDS parts fill defonnaUon ",lau os. which In' I e Ihe material proper1JCS E I and A of Ihe members..: ~ Iween Ihe fon:es and displaeemen Ihe~ In tbc anal of III detenm blainhe~1§P of equilibrium a firs.then usedIheI i~.rebtfm fo f Ihe trueture Ihe companbili ndi .,. em di pJaeemen F r eumple 10 If 'SInD.· !OUt M".1 e71l CHAmR 11 1K1IOtI1t.2 Introduction to Statically Indeterminate Structures ", . 12 II f. -\ = (on lant - 20.000 k. 16 (I DeI{lrmcJ hapc 5ll0k '" Substilutlon of Eq or F. , F. 48F. 500 k (e) Ib' FA, c The member aXial defannatlons can now be compu =~ :' f <-~. these values of member aXial forces Into the member f( relallon. Eq. 11 10 Ihrough 11 12 I obtai <lA' <l 0136 ft 1629 In and Fmally by uhslltuung the values Ibe oompallbilil oondlllOO5 Eq dlSplacemenl of JOlOl A a A <1011\2 500k (d, FIG. 11.6 tn:lme;, alp~h a;,ol1 re\ '\ 01 Joint .1• The d"J~p Iacement d·lagraDI h . ~ 0\\0 In 19 ,11.6 CI gm u~sA the dlsplal..-ement A to be Yo nle the l;ompallbllity l,;ontJition\ a, IS i)lB J-rc i)w " 1\ nj~ (J - 0.8.-\ 10 m en CttAPTtR 11 Introduction to Statically Indeterminate Structures 12 h' INl:1.: IllclhoJ .... ,\ hu.:h ~na .prc'Cnted In 'rmng l,"yu.ll llm ", 1 \: " I 'r,11\ ((\l1\l,"I1\Cl1t lor .Ina )/lIlg 'mall st ler... I ~ and I ~ ,IfI," I!cl1l;· . . 1.' ~I I ' k\\c:r 1.'\0......... mcmber... alllLor reactlo \\ Ith I k\\ (l'uUllu,tll'" .I; '. , I I hl\ 1ht·.. C' mcthod" .ln~ also u't:d to den requm.'d It'lf "t<.HIL .1'1 • .1 . , .1 'j' nlill on fI... I.I!ltlll' llL'l'dl.'d to ul,"\t~lop the displ member loru:-ut: l'f ' " ,)~ F( l " mc:tht1u.... 11' 'I,plal:....ment method... ,m: throul:!h, I 11.: u ~ -~ r 1emenll,"u ('n u large Jnd hlg ~ 10 Approximate Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames Chant- ...- . ' m ·tht)lh Me 111('r" ,),tcmi.ltlc can be easil Th c.; I.: t: . " . '1mputcr ,Ind .~m thr.:n:lore prdared lor the anal rl'dundant tfw.:lun:. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 SUMMARY In thl I.-hapla \\c It:amed th.1t the ad\ anta,ges of statical tenninate ,lrw,;turl,".. O'er dl,"h:rmmate ...t~_erut;.lU Include smaller mwn "tn~ t:". grt:atcr :.c"~nrlu ... and redundancies. Suppon sett! temperature ch~lng"'. and fabricauon. errors may m d u ~ 51 ,e" in mdt:tcrminatc . . trUl.:ture". whIch ...hould be taken IOto \\hen de igning . . uch . . tructurc . imohes the usc of three fun The anah"I" of ~trUl.:tun= rdatlon.. hip.,: ~ equilIbrium equation". compatibility condittolll, member force-deformation relation,,_ In the analysis of inde ~truc e., the equilibrium equation... must be supplemented by the ~til b ar condition... based on the geometry of the deformation "tructure. The link bc.:t\\-een the equilibrium equations and the patibilit) conditions is c.: . . tablishcd by means of the member fl deformation relation", of the structure. The methods for the analysis of indeterminate structures classified into two categories, namely, the /iH("(' f/Ii'xihility) meth the dill'lac(,lJ1l'''' srilll/f_'.' I /IIethods. AssumPtIOns for ApproXImate Analys,s Analysos for Vertlcal Loads Analys,s tor Lateral Loads-Portal Method AnalYSIs for Lateral loads-CantIlever Method Summary PrOblems Sr. Louis Gate1my Arch and Olel Courthouse Jeff N :lI1 Na'" ,beans 01' Mel'lOl PtServe The analysis of statically indetenninate strudures uslDg the force and displacement methods introduced an the preceding chapter l;3.n be con· sidered as Hact in the sense that the compatibilIty and equlhbnum conditions of the structure are e,,-aetly satisfied in uch an anal Ho\\c\er. the results of such an exact anal}sis represent the ac 081 structural response only to the extent that the anal 1Ical model of the structure represents the actual structure. Expenmental result ha e demonstrated that the response of most common type of ruct under senic.-e loads can be reliably pmlicted by the fnrce and d p menl methods provided an accurate anal}t1cal model fthe troet used in the analysis Exact anal) i of indetermmatc truetUfiS IR I of del1ecuons and solution of simultaneous equations time conswmng Moreover. such an anal depends cross--secuonal area and or moment of merna f of tbe trueture Because of these ddlicullleS at<d " analysIS the prehmonary design nf mdetermm Ie t based on the results of appronnwi ana In "hi h In are nmat<d by maJul18 ""rtain a wnpn os about the : ~ = SIZeS and or tbe dlStnbunon of forces bet n the membe thereby avo,d,ng tbe neeesstty of computmg dellecti 01 IECnoN 12.1 CHAPTER 12 Approxllnlte Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames _... 1119...... tor .................. h ." rn)\(" hl ht: lJlIIte l"omcnu:nt to use 'rrn'l:\lm.ltl.: 111.1. I ' f rro1 xl \\hen ('\aal a lern.tll\e deSigns plannmg r h.1 t: l~ J\.: . Th ., 111I Ih.'J for rd.lI \~ c~.·l)nOm . e results ...trudurc ar~ lI"lJ.l II \ 1.:. • In 11,(' he u cd 10 (',ornate the Sizes of PH) mMIl: an,. I\ l'i (,:. • I .;.. 'f "l'('Jed 10 Iill[\.lh: lhe. C:\iK.'t ana }SIS. The tnll.:tur.l I mlnh...: .. . I ' J(' u:m II I' ~r·.\l.. n" t.: ~l n.ln .In: then fe\ I,,"-,d I.tcr.tll\c}. , .usmg the - . "\ an ,I,..c hl tfmC at their fin,ll deSigns. Fun lIcec .. 1\ C e .Il .... n "1\\" IIlth 1 I (\meumc Jrrr,,\I...... '. . . . to . roughl) check the of (,.'\.KI .m.ll) r \\ hll.:h dUt..' to 11 l"ompIC\H) can be prone to hoalh. ren(l\~ti ! III n."Ccnt ) car... there 11,1'" nc~ an Increased tendency and fClfohtung {,Ida .. trUl.:tun:.., Man} such strueturea ,lfUdcd prillI' to 19(i(). inl.:luding man) hig .ri~ buildings. wa. hmed okh on thl.' b.I\, of Jpr o'-Im<lt~ analySIS. so a knowlceIIe u~dl'L (amh'ng of .lrrrlnmhlie method, used b) the original des.i )l au~ helpful in a rem.Hallon undertaking. . l nlikt.· thl.' l',-,Kt .~dohtc1I \\ hll:h are general In the sense that can be applied (0 \ arious I) ~cp of ~truc res subjected to vanoUl in!:! .~noitJd c a \pecilic method is usually required for the appro an:lys.i, of .t p.trtlcu!ar t) pe of struclUre for a particular loadiDJ. example. a different approximate method must be employed ti anal)sls of a fecti.lngu!ar frame under \ertical (gravity) load than the ~is)lan of the samc frame subjected to lateral loads. N methods ha\e been de\eloped lor approximate analysis ofindete structures. Some of (he more common approximate methods pe to rectangular fmmes arc presented in this chapter. These methoda be expected to yield re..ults within 2()'~/o of the exact solutions. The objectives of this chapter arc to consider the appro anal)sis of rectangular building frames as well as to gain an standing of the technIques used in the approximate analysis of tures in general. We prescnt a general discussion of the sun assumptions nccessar) for approximate analysis and then con ider approximate analj-"is of rectangular frames under vertical loads. Finall). \\e present the 1\\0 common methods used for proximate anl~s.i . . of rectangular frames subjected to lateralloadL 12.1 ASSUMPTIONS FOR APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS As discu sed In (haplers "' through 5, stati<.:allv indetemunate ha\e .more uP.JX>rt realtions and or me b r~ than rcqwred tablht): therdore. all the realtions and internal forces lOci me o~ f~ uch truetures cannot he determined from the .equlhbnum. The eXl;e s reactions and internal forces of an ar'c f eIerrcd to as rt dUlUlant\, and the Dum dmlTlale IrUl.:ture . undants I e the dltfercn(,.'C bet\\een the lotal number of the number 01 eqUlhbnum equations is termed the degr un"""". Assumptions about the location of Points of InftectIon 478 CHAPTER 12 Approximate Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames 1lCTIOIl12.2 .J 1"1(ICI.'Jurl." Il'". .1ppI0'\1I11atl' ana I). SIS of n""'.....,. . ) . , 1.11111.:. ~lIb'CJ Il) \l'rtH.:.lI t!!r.l\ll) l o . d ~ Involve ,,'"-. . , . \ l'(lll1l1hlll I~ lal hull J log thrn.•1 ,ulllplh1n" lut (hI." heh.1\ 1M of_ c.lch girder of the fram _ . III Ul1lfllrlnl) lh,tnbulcd _loath", as sh • I' , Il,' '·'I:l:-h!.ll.!\ JI.lgram tlf .1 t) pH:al glTlh:r DE of the Ii .-1' - - a 1.:. J I . h I hO\\1l In I "It! I __ "" ......v hlml lilt: JdlCl:I.1." · 01 I. e girder '1Ql1d1lt. _, In thl.' figun: \\e (lb~nc: th.!t t\l~ mtkl:tlon POints C\lsl near both oj the rcJl~ Jht.' I: mllL'cULlIl poml dc\do!, becau-.;e !he columna thl. IJ'.I(('111 ~lrJc (tl 1n ,.~h:J to the end ... 0'. gIrder DE offer partial 'trJIIl! or rc l'I.IIKe .Ig.tin t rt1t.tlIon b) c'\crtln.g ncgatl\(' moments and \tUl at thl.' r~dI! end .. D .Ind E re~pcl.:t\1) Although the IlX:3tllln of the mflccti,m ni)~ ... dc:pend' on th.e rclall\c stlffnesses of fr.lme 'f.,lbm~ .md I."W be d~teml nC'd onl) from an exact anaIIYltL •• ~an e,tabh h the regll..ln...dong the girder In which these points III: I.att.:d 0\ namll1l11,!! ~hI l\\ll extreme lo·ondillons of rotallonal restraint and (d J. If the girder ends ~ the i!ird"er cnd 110\\ n In I Ig. I ~.:!c) to r~lt.I .•1" m the ca..e loll' a ..impl) .. urrorted girder (Fig. 122 c l'~ro h<.-ndlll1! m()l11cnh and thu.. the mtlection poinh would Ihe other eXlrcme. if the girder ends \\ere com at the elld .. nO~_ fixed <l!!Jm..t rotation \\C C,1Il .. hm\ by the exact analysis presented "ub-.eq~ nl ch,lpt~r .. that the mtlection points would occur at a eli of O.::!IIL from each end of the girder. as illustrated in Fig. 12 Therefore, \,hen the gIrder ends are only partially restrained agaunst tation (fig, 12.2(b) the mtlection points must occur some\\here WI a di,tanl.:e of 0.211 L from each end. For the purpose of appro anah ..i,. it i.. ('Ommon practice to assume that the inflection pomts loca;ed about hall"'\ay between the two extremes that is, at a d. of 0.1 L from each end of the girder, Estimating the location of two making Iwo snoitpmu~a about the behaVIOr flection point-. ~c'\loi the girder. The third a\\umption IS based on the experience gained subjected to \erticalloads the exact anal) ..~c of rectangular frame~ \I, hich mdicate\ that the axial forccs 111 girders of such frames are \ef)- ..mall. Thu\. in an apprm;imate an lysi~. it is reasonable to a that the girder axial force\ are Jero. ILI!..'r .1 fnll1H;' , I.. 2. The inflection ~)lI1t' arc 10l.:a1Cd .it one-tenth of the span from end of the girder The l,!lrder axial force IS lcro. The effect 01 IhelM: )IiJpm~ II1g a\\umptions is (hat the middle tenth of the p.m 0.8/" I 01 each girder can be considered to be uppoftcd on the tv.o end ponion!'l of the girder each of wbich the Icn,gth equal to nne-tenlh of the gIrder span 0.1 L). as shown 12,2 e ole that th girder arc nuv. stalicall} detemllnate end force and moments l.:<ln he dctemllned from statics a sboWIl ....,...ror_ ~ CIt H G Pl • '."J lIl'I!';L l To ,ummarizc Ihe foregoing di""us..ion. in the approximate ~ : . ~ uf a rectangular frame subjected to \ertical loads the following a lion .. are made for each girder of the frame' I. w l"t.: w D E A 8 ~_-L F c - - - --L ----1 fa) BUilding Frame L---- ~C) (b) TypIcal Girder ~ w ~ --- (c) - I Simply Supportod Girder fll.1U I - - I CHAPTER 12 Approximate Anllysis o' Rectangular Buildino Frames I , ,, , ,, ,,• _L _ L _-1--- --.,,, , ,, ,• ,, , ,, ,,• ,, , ,, ,• ,, 1',- , ,, ,,• 1'- L , --1--- 1ICIJOII123 ....,. ......... . . - -_ _ ,,'~ •• • -l, ,• i I L -----j " Intlection Point (a) BUilding Frame --.-! P,- ---+• 2 -+• P,- .'- .L •L -+• -.. 2 -L. z. (b) Simplified Frame "-nnn "-nnn - -- -- s IS 12.5 I. (c) Equivalent Series. of Portal Frames statical!) delermmale because II IS oblained by inserting onl 14 hm@:e I.e one hinge 10 eal.:h of lhe 14 members IOto die frame \\hlCh IS IOdelenninate 10 Ihe 18th degree. Thus the mdelermmaq of the imphfied frame of Fig. 125 b I 1 mlenor column h CHAPTER 12 Approl mite AnlfysiS of Rectangullf Bulldmg Frames 1EC1'IDI1U - . . . . ....... 'DIIiI . . . . . . . . a. b. " Ih 1/ Q RG 12.6 --Cl----<c__ '+ II t'!C.rlldlr ( ) - - CHAI'TEII 12 Approximate Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames - t-r::jZ I:':. - ~ , " ;<- C ~ ~ ~ ,r 1EC1JoII1U . . . . . . LIWII' II. ............. ~T1 ~ - f- \b-' ~ '" :. ~-ff" _ (: f0~ ""tiJ .. ~ '" a '" ~ v -g ", -" c ~ 0 ." 0 "'l c E :;" v ~ ~ - ~ - 0 §" ~ " '" ~ z S ~ ~'-V:. ~ . ~ ,~p* ~ v. ~ :f: Z v 0 ~ - EF 0 4 F 0 12 EM 0 60 M Q 12 1 - - CHAPTER 12 Approxl_1e Analysis of Rectangular Building frames IICI1OII12A AooIroIoIor'-nl' ••, : \\t,.' .:.m .lbll ~ c that 10 order t f Ig I'Sll ~, .~ . " (II thl 1,'lrdcr \,.'nd moment M H m 1 lll1enl ll.JluhhnUill Th If '" I I '·~-I ll']umn l."nd llHl1l1l."nl, H I k mJ \IN'(NI I,) I 1<,; I k . us d . I 11'11 IlIl Illtnt (, bUI .1 r.; \)( "ISC lrectlon at the l(luntenk,I..\\ISC t In'( I Jll'r IIll \)1 "'lllt (, glrJlf -J (,/I h 10 Jt:tenmne the ',fda hC,lf \, II \\(' (,:oml cr. t e moment equi the kfl half III ~lr& (,1/ I H'lll the frcc-hod)" diagram of girder ·'t the he IT !tlrn' " 11 t~um act downward WI ,h "8 \\"lIOX'" k 11411 It \oan dl.'\l·]llp ,I "Xluntcrcloc WI m tude (II , - "'. h I • / •• 'th Internal hlllgc to h,llam.'C tee ockWi mtuuc' I aouu " I Thus - / /.. t .... \/ H 60 I , The I lal JOTle h'.'.lT .lntl Ilhlmcnl at the nghl end H can now be mg the three cl.jUlhhnum CqU.I!lll I1S to the fr~ bod) of girder '2 e '\ppl}lng L: F l O . \\C oblam QNe.• = 7 5 k . From EP obtain 5 I k .md to l'ompule \fH&. \l,C appl} the eqwhbrium ~lpra .. L\/u II 15 \IH ,-+130=O 12.4 ANALYSIS FOR LATERAL lOAlIS-CMTuvER MEnIOD \In otc thallhc guder end m\lmcnh. \hll and JtHC , are equal 10 hale the same dm:("tion. Next the end a"lion" for girder HI are computed. The equili tlon" ') F t ~ 0 and L \I 0 arc fir"t applied to the free body ofJ 11.8(f} to obtain the a'iial force QHf ~ 2.5 k - and the moma 15 k-fl ) at the left end If of the girder. The shear SHf - 1.5 k IS tbaa b} dl\idmg the moment \tlll by half the girder length. and the three equatlon~ are applied to the free body of the girder to obtam QIH Sill 1.5 k 1 and \1 fH 15 k·ft .:> at the right end f of the guder 12.8([ ). All the moments and horizontal forces acting at the upper nghtJ no\'. kno\l.n so \I.e c<tn check the calculations performed thus far by L Fx - 0 and L .\f ~ 0 to the free body of this joint. From the Ii gram of joint I sho\l. n in fig. 12.R(f). it is obvious that these eqwb tlons are indet:d satisfit:d. The end a"tions for the girders DE and EF arc similar manner. b} starting at the left joint D and workmg acrou The girder end a"tlons thus obtained arc shoy.n m Fig. 128 f Column A \/UI Fon e We begm the computation of column the upper left Joint (i from the free·bod) diagram of Joml G 128 e \l,e absent: that the aXial force m (olumn DG must be eq site to the shear 10 girder GH Thus the aXial force at the upper cod DG I Q n I k By applymg L: F, 0 to the free: body of obtam the aXial force at the 1000er cnd of the column to be Q the column DG I subjected to an a:tlaltenslle force of 1 k ADa.I Temammg second tory columns £H and FI are detenmned ldenng the equlhbnum of Joml 1/ and I respectively ~: ~ rces fi r the first tory column AD BE and CF are c equlbbnum con lderatlon of Jomt D £ and F respecbveJ thus obtamed are hown m Fig 12 8 r Centroidal axis , '~, I I - / I - 0: r;, /0 , I Tension ew... FIG. 12.9 / / f I ,, , I I / / RIG"" _ CHAPTER 12 Approximate Analpis of RectanGular Building Frames 502 CcnlfPlJ 1'1 \.tllumns H 1. fl • ( 8 ~ I" r Q '0 ft Q H - Q(Xj 0 I.:!'i Ie) SCl,:llon ad CcnlrC11d of Ctllumm r-\ 1bb711-l Gi, __~_- ,- ;Hr-~_-;l H T ]OL-r- ~D!.- ,0 L _ -'1rE~_j -I f F - A QBI QM) + 12 ft ~ 0.125 8ft ..L QAD (d) Section bb h) Stmrhlll:d Frame: HV- I- 15 It -1- 15 It-l Q(iH - 6,R~ - ~ M'H~18.9 5~1f G ': M 11(; = 1.26 ~189 . SHG = 1.26 y ,,i L _ _- x (e FIG. 12.10 QHG .. CHAPTER 12 - Approxlmlte An.'ysis of Rectangular Building frames ---lH:.-_ _- ; ' 1 0 , -':- kD------+.E,...----j F ~, - ~ 15 095 11;;- (8' Support ReactJon.. FIG 12.10 d F elm '~hT IInphfi..:J lraml: obtained b) insertlng at midpOint I all '~ht 'f~m .t (If th..: gi\ cn frame. I" shown Q .\unp bln~ I ~ I l'l M. To l-ompulc J\.ial forces in the column oftbe _ . , . tory of the '~mart "t' p.l .in lrn<lgm.ll'} -.ectlOn aa through the IDtcmal at tho: bh~l't J m 01 tolumn f)Ci. Elf and 11 a .. sho"" in Fig 12 I free-body Jj:tgram llllh(' pt1rtilln llf tho: frame abo\e thi.. no1t~ is shown OI.~ r.: Bel.aux the CUI!< the- ~nmulo:.r al the Internal hinge&., 0111 nal hear:'> and J\lal fllfl:r.:: but no Internal moment.. act on the free body point "he~ the l'l,lumn.. ha\t' been cut. " ....uming that the cros~ectlODI of thc wlumns arc cljual. \\e Jetl"mlinC !he kx:ation of the cenlrold of tile columm from the left column OG h) the relatiomihip (. IU11111 4 jJl~), I{O) + 4' ]01 t ~A ~ :q Q£" 26,67 QDG Qff ~; ~ "'-H Qo 0.125Q1>(' () 875Qo" By swnmmg moment!< about the Ielt Internal hinge J. L SUMlJtuD~ fq If) lJ III 6 Qw]O lAC lAnte Q" 50 I and ~ blam 60. () h(~21 1(1 II 875Q 50 QIX. 0 I 26 k Subs lUual Eq 0 and 4 b1a a 60 66 k The columa axaal forces arc hown m FI diagrams of aU the members and JOlD 1(50) - - - 26.67 fl The later.t1 load .. art' ,u.:tmg on the frame to the right. !lo the axial force umn D(j "hir.:h is to the left of the centroid. must be tensile. whereaa force .. In the columm 1:'11 and f1 located 10 the right of the centroid wmpre....i\e a.. ho" n in f-lg, 12.1 U(c). AI..o. since the axial forces m the are a....umed to be line.lfl) proportional 10 their di!ttances from the cell rdat\(ln~h p) bet'Al"cn them C.lO be c'!ltabh'ihed bv means of the Similar shl)"n m Fig l~_I()v. thai i... • lAC B I1U1lmi,aI m"""mls 0 G"der Sh ar and Momml KnOWIng hunn can now be computed by OO1I5Idmng eqwbbnum m JomlS Starttng at the upper ltfl: JOint G we L F r - 0 10 1he free body of Ih,. jOint F S" I 26 k .ttb< Idl end of 8mler GH TIl< detennined by muluplyilll 1he bear by ba the .",Ir1en~ih: It 508 CHAPTER 12 Approximate An.lysls of Rectangular Building Frames 'ra'•• lid .\/1 af I \ \ ilh the f:mkr llll,.lnienh now kn bI: dd...·nllllll·d l'l\......~ nll1'ldenrlf: mument ..... ......1 Ilimn nlt1lll.. n I, ... on .. ull, lOin!) HI,; 'mom' JI lh... s.......·,md ~rlh' and .Irpl~ tIlg ~ \1 II to (he' fi end of column ( ' . I' III C 1\ (ltol.un 'h..· Imllileol .It the uprer J0m',rle-~ . tx: \I I~ 'I) l·lt· fhe heir al tht.: uppt..·r . ·. nd III culumn DG I puted b\ l!1\1' \I ~) h lit the t.:11lumn th~le thai 1\ ( 1'11/1. 1/f\ ""/11 115 k llul "I, mu I. d h1 tht: nl!hl 0 it can tle\c1op a c10ckwl . .-c me l'lmllt<;r... kll:k\\l--e end ml'ment "up, The ..hear and moment 10" . . T . ·. nJ narc lh... n ddermw.. d h) .Irpl\ 109 the equlhbnum equations Oand""'" \/ UtothelreePlxiyoft:t1lumnDG -.eeFig.12.IOe Q moml;;;' nd !oheJr'o lor column '-"If .tnd fI an,' I,:omrmed In a similar thaeaft..· r [ht.: rnxedure IS rcpe.lted to detemllne the momenl and th...' fir 1- I ,t} ...·0]umn.. -l n Bf. ,jnd C1' '>t:e Fig I ~ IOlIl , 0"" to m.lj,~ Gmf. T A \101 / OTt I \\ e bcgm the computation of girder aJ.laI ft the upper lefllomt (, \prJ) 109 L F, -- 0 to Ihe free-body diagram of hlmn 10 bg I~.JU e "e hnd the a\l.lI force in girder liH to be 68S k pre. Ion. The i.I\ial force for girder III i... delemlined ...imilarl) b) consideriq eqUllibnum of J0mt /I i.Ift....r \\ hlCh the eqUllibnum equallon L FK plied to the free ~ix<b of the right Wint I I(l check the calculation The force' for the IIr 1-..IOT) glrd....r.. DE .md EF are then computed from librium COiNder,ttl0n of JOin I f) and F. In order. The axial forces thus 0 are ,ho\\n 111 FIg. J:!.IO.f). RW<f/flf/\ The force' amJ monU,'nb at the lo\\er ends of the first umn,.fD, BE .1I1d CF repre'ent Ihe rcat:tion.. at the fixed supports A B re'~di\l). ,1'0 .. ho"n 1I1 I ig, J2.10(g). apply the Chc'(klnfl CmJll'urlllio!l\' To check our computations, we equilihrium equatlom + ''0 LE, 'LF, L \II W(2ISJ (0 PROBLEMS Section 12.2 12.1 through 12.5 Draw the approximate shear and bend· ing moment diagram.. for the girders of the frames hown m Iigs. P12.1 through PI2.5. the free body of the entire frame (Fig. J 2,10 g 0 10 0 20 95 15 5.54 7.5R + 0 95 + 6.63 0.04 ~ 30 kNfm 0 0 IIII1 III11 E f) 0 20116) 15 ft F 4m 75. 1) 7 SRI 50 • 1202 - 0951201 + 44 3 6m 6m AG. P12.1 SUMMARY In Ihis chapler. \\c hale learned that In the approximate sLaIIl;all} ~hanjmret dm lruclun:... t\'-o I} pes of simplifymg 8IlUIapi are commonly emph}}ed: I assumplions about the locatlOD tlon ~lm)(p and 12 a ~umptjon about the distribution of fo 111.,,2.2 117 5eclIon 12.3 n j;=!=='==!,dd=!::1s\=g,Jd=;/F T I l.~ 4() .-, A X()_~D= =iEr_- ~F 12.1 ","",,1112.13 Do:h:mllno: the arp o~imale sl'le rs lind m(lmCnl for all the memben of lhe Shll"O mIlt; PI26 thn.)ugh PI2.13 by uslRg the nu:thlx! Xm ,N " 2 Ir G T H I 12 II 8m _-rr£=====__.;;F 12 II D't-~"_ f E .i. '-A c 8 B ... 'lUI, 'lUI f- 8m-+ sm~ fIG. - CHAPTER 12 Approximate Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames _ -;:cF=~ P12.3 2OtH--;/ FIG P12.8, P12.16 D : k..:tl I (J I I I I I I 40tH I __ K~_-rJ,. ~ .,.. -t.E~- :F~- G -~H 4 6._ H 10ft .BAt I n I I I I I 81" A":'- I f [ ~ I 1--8 m Ii=:'l-~F I () It 40k ~ c, ~ 0< 6 m,-+-,--' DR, mm----l ... Pl2.12, Pl2.2lI 16 It -,~l :W ft FI&. (, P12.4 ~ d:;I r=i~ O lt" /m :db ; J I I T I I I I I :I::I:I:i;:I:Jc' "O:lIN:"mi:rj J I I I I snk-if=====_4E;.. D I £ f --}-24II--i I 15k-i---_I--OO+---.. J K E 8m fJ ft ~" FIG. P12.9, Pl2.17 /-,- H I- 24 ~ --+- _ ....1 T 30 kN_-i H~= G.r _ 50 kNI'!:" -_~ =.,I _ Oli + 4m E F 4. ~ C~ • .1. 1-6 m-+-6m-l 8m A - L- B 12m 20 I. N.'l2.5 FIG. 'l2.7, 'l2.15 FIG. P12.10. P12.18 S- A F 8 1-- 3011 ... Pl2.11, 'l2.21 --+ G D......... IIfCT10II 11 1 13 -...- _ ....... _ _ II •••,...... . _ . ." -...-...- - I» 111 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Metho 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Structures wIth a Single Degree of Indeterminacy Internal Forces and Moments as Redundants Structures with Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy Support Settlements. Temperature Changes. and Fabncatlon Summary problems 13.1 STRUCTURES WITH A SINGLE DEGREE DF INDETERMINACY Enora In thl3 chapter \\c sludy a general formulation of the force (fleX! method called the method of ((111.\';.1"1£'111 t/e!lmnClfio"" for the anal statically indeterminate !'>!ruclUrcs. The method, which was IOtrod b\ Ji.lmc'i C. Ma'(\\-cll In 1864. essentially involves removing enoup straints from the mdetemlinalC structure to render it statically nate. ThiS determinate struclUfe, \\hich must be statically stable rerred 10 as the prinwrr S!ru('/u/'t'. The excess restraints removed the gi\cn Indeterminate . . truclure to convert it mto the detenmna maT) struclure are called r('t/wuJwlf rl'.\lraint!i. and the reacUons lerna I force~ a~ociled \.\-lIh lhc\C ~lniart~c are termed redundan redundanh are then applied a... unknQ\\ n load~ on the primary and their \alue!'l arc dctermmed b) gniho~ the compatibility cq ba-.ed on Ihe condition that the deformatIOns of the pnmary due to the combined dTcct or the rcdundanls and the gIVen loadmg mu!\t be the same as the ~noitarfed of the original nate tructure Smce the independent \ariable.. or unknm.. ns in the method Mslenl dcformallon arc the' redundant forces (and or momen must ~ determmed before the other respon~ charactensh pla('cmenls can be c\aluated. the method is deit ~ad as afi In thi" chapter \\e fin,t de\d()p the anl}~is of beams. Ii tru \\llh a lOgic degree of indetcrminaC) b) usmg the 510 A 0 To determlDe the m1undant C by ng ~; : we rem e the roller support C from t ill It IOto the detenDlDate cantlie' r bea I rmlnote beam I reti ned I the 1';:~ P Iben pplicd as 0 unl<o I n gIVen Iemalload p ccanhedctcmUned unl<n load C mg same the I of the upport 2k US( the prinwy C I 10 ,:00'_ 512 Method of Consistent Deformabons-Force Method CHAPTER 13 IIfl:IIlIIII.1 "* =_;O-'~J II __~-,' 5= !~_ .. I ft p- J2" tc ------I 10 ft --; > - - - - l . _ ~ ft - ~ - : E- ~O l k. .... ~",215=, I a lndet:U'a~ ., I ~ , -.;;:- " I ---- --- ------B "', COD\'eDlenli by I pen f tho pnmary beam due t ft<ct,on due to tho 1 VldUl1l on tho beam thaI I e --- A .1 ' 0 <1 10 10 ExltmalloadlRg and Redundant C p= -'2 k -E- B.EI~=-_Al!f , AI - '20 (r: --------------- :Feo " =32" IPrimlll) ma~B c ~- Ie B 1k Ik dl Primary lkam Loaded hti~ M I 120 Bendmg Moment Diagram for Primary Beam Due to External Loading (k·ft) =OJ in. xC 20 + [ _.,-~OI;: = - :it A B C Bending Moment Diagram for Pritury Beam Due to Unil Value of C (k ftIk) '00 -E- I, -A-. !BI~- _ _4:oi A ( kl'l '" RtdundAnt C 32k A - ~1 Subjected to External Loadinl1 ________ 0-(. IA L = + =21) k-ft 1.1 A __---"C ".fll. I 2k =10 k (0 Bendmg Momenl Diaanm for Indetenninale Beam Ut.ft) II&. 13.1 which l1co and <1 repment '": ~I end C of tho pnmary beam due t II C I'b Prinwy Beam SubJ~cted ". ._" ~;:f. B~am p= l2 k " of the )lnJJIary bea due and lhe redundanl m be t rnmate beam ppon C lhe IOdelenm..1e beam Prt1JllIry beam d tho lhe rodundant C m I be o \ a _ dant C <a<h actmg alone n tbe be m used 10 denote the deflectIOns <1 nd <1 first ubscript C ,nd,cates the Iocau n f subscript 0 I used 10 IOdieale that <1 loading, whcr<as the second ubscnpI ( lhe redundanl C Both of Ih deftecll If Ihey occur '" the duectlon of lhe redundanl be upward a hown '" FIg 13.1 b Since the redundant C I unkn wn It I :~I D <1 by first evaluatlOg the deft<ct,on al C due I a~um:te dundanl C as shown m FIg 13 1 d and then III lion thus obtamed by Ihe unknown maglll f lhe <1 C 1 III CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Method lt. nc \~ huJ r l"IU l" .1 l.nt\1I ~d Ot'ncdlon of A(() at end hll\\11 III !il'~ I \.I(\"· ~:.IlJS the: dd1c,:tlon <It C In the original minah.: ;na~ I It:ll.\ the n:duno.IIH foro:C\ must be of h131:.!niludc: ((l pll h lhe: t,"no ( b.ll:)." 11110 Its onglllal position by In!:: ~dn ur\\ilrd ddlt'I,.'llt1 11 llf \{ I .It em.! C of the primary beaaL e,;IUJh.: rhe: dkd l.lf ( llll Ihe ocJrn. \\f' l:omputc the ftexibJln I.:ienc j; { \\ hh.:h I the: ddkdllln at C due to a unit \alue of the Janr fig I J I J Sm(c ,Uperptl.. llWn IS \ alid. deflection I prorx.rtlOnal {("I load: thaI 1'•. I f a unll load cau~ a deflection then a load lell HOlt: a" OlUl.:h \\111 t.~uac deflecuon of IO/ce Tb up\\<lrd of magnitude C cau"c:-- an up\\ard defledioa C II, at cnd C tlf tht: pnOlar) be.lm. Smce (he up\\ard (r. cau't'd b~ lhc redundant C mu,,1 be equal 10 Ihe d dellL'dlon j, () duc 10 (hI." c\tl."fnal load P \\C \Hile C fcc pre\lou,l) Since the primar} be.lIn I ... "taticaJl) determinate the dellleclliI .1 l () and Icc can be computcd b) either u"mg the melhods p dC""-Tibed in Chapter" 6 and 7 or by u.. ing the beam-deflection Ii gi\en m"ide the front cmer of the book. By using the beam-dcllalll fonnula.... \\C determine the deflection at end C of the primary beam to the e\temalload P(12 k) to be 5(.12)(20) , 48(3().OOOj(512)/I44 ~ -0.25 ft (see Fig. 111 (el) in "hleh a negatl\e sign has been assigned magnHude 01 6( () to IIldlCalc that the deflection occurs in the do direction that 1\. in the direl:tion orp~itc to that of the redu Simllarl} the fll:\lbiht) coefficient !e ( is evaluated as j" ~e oj lEi J(lOO(){) (512, 1-14 0025 ft/k hg, 13.Jld B) \uh,tituting the c.\prc...sions or the numerical and f« mto [4. 115, \\e dctenninc the redundant C .1({J (5/'/) (lEi) C 4Xt./ The po\iu\e ans", r I) (. I' ~ 16 P _ 10 k ... (r m d It.'<lte:> that our IOllIal assumpb the up",ard dlrcruon of ( "'.I~ corre("t "' Ilh (he rcacllon ( kno" n the three rC'maining reacUo be delcrmmed by a r p) I 109 tel h h rl:e e"lulhbnum .. hod equations } of the mdetermmate beam hg. 11.1 e) I,; 0 A M. 0 32 10 32 A 0 10 0 1020 .,=, A 111 k 0 After Ihe redundant ( ha • _ other response characten lJcs of u=> mputed ~:, ; ~er the beam n Ih be :PIOYJD.g uperpDsUlOn relatIOn hips ImJlar In 3f< nn t perpo IUon relaUon hlp expressed 10 Eq 13 4 Th can alternatIVely be determlOed by uslOg the UperposUI see FIg 13 1 a c and d A An A A 0 A C 0 +A C 32 1I.a + lI. c C I 10 22 k 320 ole that the second subscript 0 i eXlernalloading only Fig 13 1 c wherea the nd u notes reactionS due 10 a unit value of the redundan C FI 13 I Slmdarly Ihe bendlOg moment dIagram ~ r the on term beam can be obtaoned by supenmposong the bendong 10 ment dl or Ihe pnmary heam due to external loadong onion the bendi ment diagram of Ihe pnmary beam due to a umt value r redundan multiplied by the ..Iue or C The bendong moment dIagram r r I detennmate beam thus constructed is shown 10 F18 13 1 r Moment as the Redundant In Ihe roregomg analysis or the propped canul.. or FIg 13 1 a we arbltranly selected the vertical reacUon at roll r uppon C t redundant When anal) :lng a truetuT b /h m !ornuJt,ons Itt' can choose onr suppor', a,1I n , ml Tiki menl (21))' ......... Degree .. In....' 0 ~ M. ""rd. '\ote that Eq 11.6" <qui\aknt to Eq,. (134) and (13 5 L LF LF ~ L II. .1 c o m \\hld both ddlcctlon ... ftc and \((). arc a:>:>umcd 10 be JJOSI 5PL' 48£1 IECT1OIll3.1 .-...- as tht redundant prOf 'ded thai Ih , mo I re. tratnl from the glt n rna terminal 1m sITU turt that sIan 0111 Jetem,mat and t CODSldenng agam the propped cantil which t redrawn on Fig 13 2 a we can Iha traml comspcmdmg 10 the honzontal labcall unstable Therefore A cannot be used H _ e.ther or the two other t ppon the m1tmdanl Let us COOSIder the anal or the beam menl M the m1tmdant The actual arbitran usumed I be coon lock obtaJD the pnmary beam. we rem the =:. ~ end A by replaCIng the fixed suppon bi Ih ~: ' ( iI 51. CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Method IEC1tOIlIU Duc1urIo _ p= J:! l- I c --__ --------B _---- 1I. tC 8. = 0 "± t'I. If. A, I rlOlt r---:--L The lopes and f an be delleclton formul wide tbe fr • PL 16£1 10,ft--=j 10 ft -~ E = .10.000 k"', 1= 512 m. 4 L = 3£1 fa) Indetenmnate Beam p= 32 k 'd>=0~ 9140 I ----- I 8 ---- ...... ' A",= 16k ...... Dogroo" .. _ ......._ _ '1 .i. t ote lbal a nesal. e gn has been •••,,_... because thi rotatl n occun ID the cl to the counterelockWi ducetl n a 13 2 a By ubsulutlDg the numen compaltbihl equallon Eq 13 7 w nte o0075 00000625 M from whICh C.o= 16k 120 k fI (b) Primar)' Beam Subjected to External Loading + ..... ------- ...... -, =~A 0 -- M I k-fl B ......... " C t A'A = 'RiI k FIG. 13.2 (c) Primary Beam Loaded with Redundant MAo Fig. 13.2(bJ. :'<Oote thaI the "mpl) ,upported beam thus obtained call) determinate and ~tablc. The redundant Jf~ is now treated kooy, n load on the primary beam. and ih magnitude caD be from the compatibilit) condl1ion that the slope at A due to bmed efftXt of the ex.ternal load P and the redundant M... must The primal) beam I!I subjected separately to the ex p -:. 32 k and a UOIt \alue of the unknown redundant M,t Fig. 13.2 band c respecti\el}. As sho"," in these figures !tenh the slope at end A due 10 the eXlemalload P whereas the flexlbilit} coefficienl thai i~. the slope at A due to a unit the redundant \f.... rhu the epol~ at A due to .\lA equals 9.. Because the algebraic sum of the slopes al end A due to 1b8 load P and the redundant .\1 ~ mU!lo1 be zero. we can e prell paUbllll) equauon a PracedUfI far Analysis Based on Ihe foregomg diSCUSSIon we by-step procedwe for the anal)'$l of tern U WIth a SIngle degree of IDdetennlnacy I. DetenntDe the degJee of indeternl\lllCY lhe degJee of indetemtIDlICY area lWe IS mternally indetenttJDllte then end The of mternall iodetemt ~: " WIth mulbple degrees f inde .. 117 518 CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Derormillons-Force Method I - I,', the: rc:dund.1Il1 \\ III imph IX JlI\C' 111.ll!ilI 1Ull , • d " •1\ l:Mrcd, \\hc:r....l ....1 neg,lll\e ume: , 113 II \.1 nlluJt' \\ III mO ......lll: Ih.ll the dClu.11 ~n'(> J. 4. that the value of the 1\ oflflO!\lte to .1' um J lmua~ R,'mo\ t:: Ihl re Ir.lIlll corrr.:,pnnding 10 the b h J!1\\.'n lIllkll'mllll.lll ,tfuetore 10 0 lam t c tructun: 8. Dr.J\\ a dl;Jgr.lm of Ihe ~amnp ...tructurc ",ilh only the nat huhn!! .Ipplled 10 it. Shh.:h a deflected \hape of the lure. and h(m the ddkcllon tor slope. at the point ofa tlllO and In !he' din.'ction of the n..-<lunda"t b} an a ",mho!. . C\L dr.l\\ •• lh.lgram of the primar) structure WIth umt \alm.' of the redundant applied to It. The uml fOlQl moment O1U,1 ~ applied in the positl\e direction of die dunJanL Sketch .\ deflected ,hapc of the structure. and <111 ~tanpor t< s)mbol the flcxibilit) coefficient represen ddk\:lion (or ,lope) al the point of application and ID the rcxllon of the Lnadu~r To indicate that the load as well rc'pol1se of the qructure is to be multiplied by the red \hO\\ the redundant pre(,;edcd b) a multiplication sign to the diagram of the \tructure. The deflection (or slope IOl.:ation of the redundant due to the unknown redundant eq the flexibility coefficient mulliplied by the unknown rna of the redundant 5. Write the compatibility equation by setting the algebraic sum deftecllom (or slopes) of Ibe primary struclure at the locatton redundant due to the external loading and the redundant the gl\cn displacement (or rotation) of the redundant support al.:tual mdetcnnmate slruct ~. Since \\e assume here that arc un) icldin!!. the algcbrail: sum of the deflections due to lerna I loadmg and the redundant can be simpl} sel equal to obtain Ihe compatibility equation. The case of support m is l.:on idered in a subsequent section.) 6. Compute Ihl' ddk·(:tion" of the pnmary structure at the I the redund.tnt due to the external loading and due to the of the redunddnt A detllXuon is con,idered to be posmYe the arne s.c:n'tC a, that a sumed fOf the redundanl The can be determmed h) usm~ an) of the methods diSCussed tcrs 6 and 7 for beams \\oIth l:onstant nexund rigldlly EI all} comement 10 determine (he~ quantities by uSing the formula ~!I\cn In ide the front l:O\ef of the book w ~ flecllon vf trusse and fram~, can be comemently com u Ill@: (he method of \lftual \\ork 7. Sub IJlute the \alue of ~noitce1ld (or !lolopes II mto the !,;ompatihiht) l'quatlon and sol\C' redundant b. 520 CHAPTER 13 MethOd of Consistent Deformations-Force Method _______....n \/.. \ = o-f- I, I 8 =~ \ = 1ECTlCJII13.1 ....... __ 11 ..............._" lIL M and 2EI t ID which the IlC b e gn for 4 mdlcal EI that th :' ~I ••: : ; downward dlrectl D that I oppooJltc t the Up" rd d redundant B ldl50pport ReactIOn for Indelenrunate Beam \la mhuJ. 0 IUdtmdant 8 I UbsblubDg the " ,...""" I.. mto the compaubilit equation Eq I ML determl o 2EI \/. L 8 AIls The positive an wer for B indicate! that ur m ward direction of B was rrect ., '" Shear diagram R II The mIlalDmg mu:ttons f the indetmnl detenmned by superpoilbon of lhe reatbons f thc external moment" and the redundant B hown In FI ", pecUvely 8 + A A M Bending momenl diagram (e) Shear and Bendmg Moment Diagnum FIG.13.3 cOld. L I 0 )lI - -Ie~) lI. - lI- lor Indetenninale Beam AIls A 2L A M 2 LC2~) II 3M 2L AIls M 2 Ans The reactions are shown m Fig 13 J d Solution Dt'f/fl'( A, A \f~. Shrar and Bendmg Moment Diagranu By wung the reactl ns the shear nd bendm8 moment diagrams for the mdelenDInale beam re nstructed The diagrams are shown in Fig 13.3 e Ana oj Incit (( rmin{/('y The beam is supported by four and B, It ig. D.J(a): that is. r 4. Since there are only librium equations the degree of mdclerminaC) of the beam IS equal Primun &um The \crtkal rt:J.l,;IIOn B al the roller suppon B be the redundant. The sense of B i) avmmed 10 be upYtard as 11' a The pnmar: beam obtained b) remming the roller support • gl\cn mdctcnninatc beam i hmo,n in fig. 13 31h) Note that the le\cr beam IS tallGtlly dctennlOalc and stable. ~ext the pnmary JC\:ted separatel} 10 the external mumenl \1 and a unit value of redundant B as ho\\,n 10 fig 11Jrb and c) respective) hgurc. 6. 0 denotes the defta:tlon at 8 due to the external moment ,•• denotes the tlell.lhJ1l1y l;octhl;lent repreloentlOg the dcfteeuon • umt value 01 the redundant 8 Thu the deflection at B due to redundant 8 equals JuS (ompatlhllJl Equal, n The del1l'Ctlon al !lUpport B of the mmate beam I zero SO the algehral... urn of the deftecuons of the at 8 due to the eternal momenl \f and the redundant B m Thus the l:Ompattbl1lly equation l:dn he "ntten a 6" JaBS 0 lkfi llum 1 Prrmar Sturn 8y u 109 the beam-deftectiOD btam lhe ddkctl n 6s( and Iss 10 he IExample 13.2 DetcmuDC the reaenon and draw the shear:~ : ;cb~a the bcom shown In Fill 134(0 by the method the ractlon moment at the fixed upport be the IIICT1CIIll1.1 - . - .......... liliiii"'"011'1...._ 11 BlFe=!==!:d....lU I I crt I I I \ \ A.-_ 20ft EI A 30 ft Indctcnninate Frame (3) = I t I I I 4H I I I .~ : , .A (b) Prinwy Frome Subje<1ed '" E>IaMI LoadiDB M_ + B ----------------I =-~ C_ 1 ,, ,, , , Ik_ A ~ Ir (c) l'I-r Frome SSuldljj"".'ID lJai1_oIIPW ........ A:,-· ..,..._ . FIG. 13.7 I ClW'TfR 13 Method 0' Consistent Deformations-Force Method ~ UH IO-)~I uH Tangeot at R 12 .. B .'__ j I I~;:r :0 It -"Ia.z _ " ' - _ _ ."'.'__ ~12~ c ,_0_",,-, -;:._._-_._:0_-_:_·.-11.... _~o A ft r- 714 9~-'14 gtK B 1:../ - l'lln,tant l) ~ & d ,a) Inddl'mllOale B~am '0 l I 16 I k andSuppon _ _,for 1,. . . . . . . ._ 12 k A A,'F."J,I Cli: ' .= E:f5~;=9, ........... _.. __ .!L.. A_,- .. ..... ,/ TangenlJust left ot R Tangent JU\' right of B III _OJ 10 B B 5719 -Iliapms for - . . AS and Be (bl Primal) Beam SuhJected 10 External Loading + I kAt A11'F.==r==!f=; ....... __ pl!J- ... '~" B §,f ~ A C~,: = f88R ----------- B Tangen! JU\{ to left of 8 5719 .... fiG, 13.8 (eonld.) Tangent ju!>t to right of B (el Primary Beam Loaded .....Ith Redundant M B , "0 " " !lQ ~ U , !lIUl EI EI (d, ConJugale Beam for EAtemal Loadmg l- EI , i , flI.I3.lI ' "i7 fJ £1 Ji-C , ii Ie) ConJugltlt Beam lor Unn Value of RedundantM. (b -1Ill MomeDl Diqnm I CoaIin Bam ft - 536 CHAPTER 13 Method 01 Consistenl DefOrmations-Force Method \\hllh Iss .mJ BR dlilotc thl' . hlfX'~ .It the ~nds B ~f the the: nghl '\ri~tn (l[ thl' i:'l".IIll, fe pc.:dl\c1) due to the umt value In n.'.dund.tnt \f B . The: lomp.lllbllll\ ('I.jU.ltl(lll I' on the reqwremenl IlllX' of thl' d. Ul,; ,:Uf\ l ()f the JI:.tu.11 lI~ctm:a beam IS COD. at H. lhat I then: ,... nl' l,:h.lIlgc of .. lope Irom t~uJ to the left of B III the nght (If B. Thc:n.:h1fC. the algcor.tlc . . um ot the angles be11W1l. tanglnt at Ju .. t (0 the: left and at JU"1 Wlhe fight of B due to the IO.ldlOg .100 the fedund.tnl .\1B mU'.. t ~ zero. Thuo,. OBfl +- fss \la -" 0 I \\hll.:h l,ln be l,hcd for the redundant bending moment M. change.. of ,lope" (}so and f 88 n::1 ha\ c been evaluated. after SIOl:C t\ll:h IJf lhe "pan.. of the primary beam can be treated "Impl) .,uppMted beam. the ..lop..:') at the ends B of the left and the ~nar C.ln be c,I"'II) computed by using the conjugate-beam method. conjugate beam ... for the e\ternal loading are ..hown in Fig. 13 8 calling that Ihe "lope at a point on a real beam is equal to the Ihal point on the core~pndig conjugate beam. y,e determine the and OSR at ends B of the lert and the right ~pans, respectively rJSI 4CO 'tf-~ t"_ (}SL , 7 "'/ , d an OHR 533,33 k-ft' £1 Thu" from Eq, (13,8), we ohtaln 420 + 533.33 ()HO rd 953,33 k-ft' £1 £1 The nc,ihility codlkicnt ISBrr:.J can be computed similarly by conJugate beam for a unit \aIUt~ of the redundant .\la shown 1U(el, Thu, IBBL V 667k-ft k-ft FI and IBBR c- 10 k-ft'fkoft £1 hom Eq. 13.9. y,e ohtam fBB f881 f88R 6,67 + 10 £1 B~ 16,67 k-ft'fkoft £1 "'DII!'" Ub!>tllullng the \aluc:s of II BOrd and f BBrellOO 'I the ~ . I, I() J y,(' dctemlinc the magnitude of the equation fq. \f11 as ~53 33 fT or 118 5719k-ft Intlmally Indeterminate Structures As Ihe foregomg dIscussion mdtc:ate lructures Wllh a ngle deg f Indetenninacy that are externally Indetennmate can be an I b lecttng either a reaction or an Internal force or m ment the redun dant However If a structure IS Internally mdetenmnate bu ternaU detennmate then only an Internal force or moment caD be used the uch redundant because lbe removal of an extern I reac\I n .tructure WIll )'teld a .labcally unstable pnmary lruclure Con'lder for example the truss hown ,n FIg I conSl.ts of SIX members c:oonected logether by ~ ur JO ported by three reacbon c:omponcots 1b 4 4 the degree of mdetermlllacy f the I 6 3 24 I Because tbe three reac\I the three equal100 of equiJibnum 0 the ternaJl inde\ermiDale \0 the finl de tba member \ban required for internal stability. To lIDI1 the \rUSS, we must memben \0 be the reduodaoL Su tba the dia member AD be the redlUDdanl. spood"'l F. \ben mooved ~ \0 the member D no Ioopr d$ When the priJJlluy II deli and gap member AD .. ClIAP1'EII t 3 ~ .~nI-Fo:e 01 eonll._.... _ Method ,~, - D /l;C; q- C p + A.~=B (b) Primary Truss Subjected (a Indetemunatt Truss to E"temal Loadmg -FoForces D O.. erlap =fAD A.D /~ A (c) Primary Truss SUbjected to Umt Value of Redundant FAD -"AD Forces fIG. 13.9 mm' the actual mdetennmale truss we conclude that the £. D must be of suffic,ent magnitude to bring the ends of Ihe lIOns of member AD back together to close the gap To feet of F' D m closmg the gap we subject the prmuuy value of F' D by applymg equal and opposite unIt .,,,alIOlIdI pomons of member AD as shown m F,g 13 9 c ote lba sense of the redundant fAD IS not yet known and II arbi to be ten de with the unit ..,al forces tending to elo.... of member AD a shown m the figure The umt value the pnmary truss and causes the ends of the two po AD to overlap by an amount I.D AD as hown In FIg I erlap m member AD due to the ....I force of ma,piitullllI f F. lD CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Method JfC ~hI 1\,pc .i1 thl; end 8 \-.1' the left and the am rl; p..·dl\cl\ due hI lht: ntt:m.ll hladmg 8 ,\1.: \'1:11 • lin m' l'i 10 '·UI r..?" " I" I fl 60 III ~E U :'00 k, ·m EI , --~- 1M ~I 21 Thus • The Ill-\Il'llllt) ... oefhl..h:nt I fig 13 10 ~ \\t: "an 'o("C that fBI In tSIlL IIIBR \\hlCh IRBI 10 '\.nm ,lEi FI 10 ,... - JE(21) - ~ and 1.67 m Thu'i In EI Ifill reI 167 EI 5m EI (1/ th" Rllllllltlalll By !Iub!ltituting the values Into the compalihililj equation (Eq. (I)), we obtain \JIIIJllitullt IBfirel 1 125 • ( 5 ) \/•. () U U -225kN·m Rt'(HI/II1J!j The fon:cs at the cnd .. of the members AB and BD bt,:,tm can no.... be detcnnim:d by app1)ing the equations of eq to the free hodle, of the memocrs ho\\n 10 Fig. 13.IO(d By co equilibrium of member .-18 \\c obtain tlOUOU t. GJ 15 (~) 8" Slmllarl 111 15 1lI )~ 1C '2.5 kN C25 )-97 10 5k for member Bn l'i IfJ D 15 III (~') • (~J) (21~) ~ CI~) 1275 k 825 k B) \.:On ad nng the tqulhbnum 01 JOint 810 the \er11cal direction H H' 8" 975 1275 225k CHAPTER 13 Method of COnstlten1 Oeforma1ions-Force Me1hod F t T ~ A , , V 18 \01. 4H 1EC1llIII1U ~ _ I ••• , ..... TMLllU .. It n1 In AB BC CD EF BE .\ pand at IS ft _ 54U £-\ - ... Mol CF AE Cln~at SF CE allodelenmnale Tru .. DF E F k F. £.."i+---I/.__-:&.~=o: D 30 I BI 2625 45k CI 2625 .10k 4(1 I 35 Next the ftexlbdily cocffiClent exprallon see Tab) 13 3 lb) Primary Tru.. ~ Subjected to External Loads-- FoForce'i F t t o o (; PriIlW) Tru s Subjected 10 URn Ten lie Force 1Q Member CE. -"c fIG. 13.11 computed n + E I Fone I A =40 .. CHAPTER 13 Method o. COnsistent Deformations-Force Method 13.3 STRUCTURES WITH MULTIPLE DEGREES DF INDETERMINACY Th(' rot,thad 0t ("\)0 .. 1 I('nt Jd('1rnl.ltion .. \~J eloped in .the ""eadil.. uon .. Itlf gnJZ~I.d ..tllIl'Wf(' \\ llh iI. "mgle ~cfged of md~te'rm iJu. , ('.1 I" lx' (' r..:nr.kd w tht.: ~I 01 ..~erutc \\ uh multiple Inde;('nmnal..·). C\.'n ider. for n.lmpk. the four· pan c~ml1nUO I Uhll'\:ted III .1 ~lmrof u dl ..lnhuted Ill.ld ". iI ho\ ~ In Fig I Th~ ~am I" "uPflI.'1rlcd ~b 1\ "upp<.lrl reactIOn ..: thus I1s degree tenmn.\(\ ) equal to b _, 1 To .mal)7(' the beam. we mUll three Upptlft fe.ll:ll0n ...1" rcJund,mh. Sup o~ thaI \\e select the rea("lion .. 8 ( .•lIld D ,11 the mtenor supports B, C and p.?Cti\d~ to bI.' th(' . . , The roller ...upport... at B. C and then reOlO\ ed ff(lm the gi\ en indetemllnatc beam to obtain the Ita detennmate and ,table pmn....) a......ho\\n in Fig. 13 12 b three .tTl: no\\ trc<lted as unknown loads on the beam. ,md their magnitude . . can be detennined from the com condition.. th.1t the deflection .. of the primary beam at the I B. C and f) of Ihe redundant.. due to the combined effect of the e.\ternal Io.ld \I' and the unkllQ\\ 11 rcdundanb B\'. CI' and D m equal to lefO. ThiS i\ uac~b ...e the deflections of the given inde beam at the roller supports B. C. and D are zero. To C\lablish the compatibility equations. we subject the b<am ,cparately to the external load If (FIg. 13.12(b)) and a untt of each of the redundant> B,. c.. and D, (Fig. 13.12(c). (d). and specli\d) A....hown in hg. J:~.12(b). the deflections of the beam at points B. C <lnd n due to the external load U' are dena t!1J(J, j,( (J. and j,f)(). respectl\d)' Note that the first subscnpt flectIon j, indilatt:-. the location of the deflection, "herea! the subscript. 0. 1.. u--ed to 11ldicate that the dcfleL:tion is due to the loadmg. The flc\lhility cocllkicnt.. representmg the deflections pflm.lI} beam ~ud to unit \aIUt:'i of the redundants are also double sUb..Cflph .I'i \ho\\ n In Fig. I ~.12(c) through e ~ubscnpt of a Ilexihillt} coelhl:ient denote... the location of the and the s....-cond suh Tipt i'cta~ldn the location of the umt load the detlcl:tion. lor e,ample, the fle;ubihl> coeffident j; B dt:flect!on at POJllt ( of the pnmary beam due to a unit load at Fig Ill2 c \\ herca JB( d~note'i the deflection at B due load at C FJ~ 1".12 dl and so lln. Altcmalhely a ftexlbili Clent I ma~ al 0 ~ Interpreted .1') th~ deflection correspondiDI dundant i due to do umt ,alue 01 a redundant j; for example the ddk"Ction corrt.: ~nid op to the redundant C due to a UDJt the redundant B I-Ig 1'\ 12 c IBf denotes the deflection mg to the redundant B due 10 a unit \alue of the redundant on. A deflt\:lton or flexihlht} (;Oetlll:lent at the locatlon of a con Idercd lO be po III\e II II ha the Same sense as Ihat assUJDDCI redundant -----0 (b) ...... __ .. Primary Beam Subjcdcd to ExtmW Loodt + A //-----F-h----F------t;.r-tB :A C D--..::.':%l .... I « Prinwy Beam Loaded WIth ReduDdanI B + d Priawy Bam Loadcd th - - + _ FlG. 13.12 ..... Loadc wil~ .R....~lI ...t e...... D, B 1lCI1OII1U CHAPTtR 13 Method 01 COnsistenl Deformations-Force Metttod f lXU"'lIll:! 'nllll ll at llur..It L: ptlll1t B of the primar) beam I I d we the t:".tcrna 03 IS A I the Jdki.'lll1n .It III ,-. : I", 12( ) 1:-' ISb S (} Ig . . -' c the I ~ ,., b thr.: d...· lkl'lllll1 dlll' to . -. (.1' , I t L~IJ .md the ddleclion due to D JUI,.' l\) ( I ~ / B { ,1£ . d h the'hl!,II lklkX"tlon .It B. ue to t e('combined I hu lu!I 1 I , c I I ' and all (ll the. rcdundanb .1'0 d.lao -+ .JBBB 01 me ("\.h:m,1 O,IU .. h d ·t1eclltll1 01 the: .lctu.11 In etermmate bcaaa tspD ~ml.: let: , " ' f !'oum 0 the ",'rl' \\ C' the ali!cbrau.: LU 2.1 at upro rt B t I · ~. . h • 'am at B cqu.a1 to 7ero [0 obtam the com 01 t e pnmLIr) ~ . • N'llli due. _ 10 n, B t (.eC "DD, - O. :"exl. \\e fOCUl .I H() BIl, b . II I~ . __ Ie-nil on at p..ltnl C of the pnm,lr) beam; b) alge falea y ............ .md the redundants and by " t ("u' IIlxuon.1 U L: to the c\tem,llload _ • • eqUJlIt1n. the equal W zao. \\e obtam lh~ second comJ>a:ubihty eq \ t (oB !tee ,,,,0. o. SImllarl). b) setllng equal the algebraIC '-om of the ddlecuon'l of the pflmary ~ a m at D the extemal load and the redundants. \\e obtam the third com.. equallon. \DO t (o.B. IDC C t fooD, O. The three compa equalion~ thu~ ohtamed MC .IB01" (e.B t f" C Procedure far Analysis Based on the foreg 109 diSC Ion \Ilo by tep proe du~ for the anal of truet 51 tent deformauon 1. 1. leDD, = 0 .1'0 + fc.B. t .Icc C. + fcDD, = 0 :\00 t hmO, • .lDCe!, +- JnnDy ~ 0 Since lhe number of compalibility equations is equal to the of unknown rcdundants. these equations can be solved for dundan!>. A, Eqs. (I) 15) through (13.17) indicate. the campa equations of struclUr ~ with multiple degrees of indeterminacy general ((Jupln/. m Ihe "iCn\C that each equation may contatD more one unkno,", n redundant. The coupling occurs because the at the location of <t redundant may be caused not just by that tlcular redundant (and the external load) but also by some or the remainmg redundants. Bc au~ of such coupling. the com equations mu~t be sohed \imuhaneously to determine the redundant". The primaf) beam IS SliltkaH) detenninate. SO its dcftectiom the external loading a... \\cll a, the flexibility coefficients can be b) u"ing the method, dl'l.:u..\Cd pre\ 10llsl) in this text. The toW of deflections indudmg ftexlbiht) coefficients) involved m a compatlbllit) equationl> dt:pend'l on th~ degree of indeterm structure hom Eq 1315 through 13.17) we can see that beam under (ol13lderatlon. \\ hlch is mdeterminate to the third the compatlbllit) equatluns cOnlam a total of 12 de6ections flection'S due to the eXlernalloadmg plus 9 flexibility C~oeficnt:'= e\er accordmg to \I'HIU'1/ \ /em oj ru ,procul deflections JUI ISf JDB IBO and 1m 1<D. Thus. three of the effiCient can be ohtamc:d by the application of Ma well 3. 4. II 111 ." .. 550 CHAPTER 13 MethOd of COnsistent Deformations-force Method .~ \\ nh.' 1.0Illp.IUhlhl) danl h\ ~t lng. lqu.IIH1n for the 10c",lIon of each th\.' .llgc:hr.IK 'lUll {If the dcllectlons or slopee pnmaT) tf'l l ·{un.: due: III tht: ntanal loading and each dunJant l·~U.I to (he "mmn dl pJ<Kcment. (or rotation at J n • I x:alwn l'll lhl' .Idual mdctemllna.h: '\tructure n:Pl-ml~' numba of (omp.ttlbJlll) l'qUJUOIl thw. obtamt..d must be thl nurnlxr l)f n:dunJant . 6. 7. <-ompute the ddll'I.:llllIlS and the tlc:\ihhllil) cOhefficlents In (he;luhilil) CqU,IUl'lh b) u,mg. t c mel ods di \lllU !) In thl' Ie t ,lOLl b) the, apphcatlon ~f. Maxwell la l:ipfl'l(.ll ddk,IIOIl \ ddk"l.:lIon (or f1c\lblht) ~ C l D J(xation of ..l rcdund.ult I com,ldcred to be positive If It .tme 1.'0 ..('.1 lhal a.....umcd for the redundant. Sub..Ututc the \.IIUl:' of deflections computed in step the comr.ltlhilit) cquatiom. and sol\e them for the redund.lnh. 8. Once the redundant .. ha\c been determined. the other charal:teri,til:' (e.g.., reacuon\, shear and bending moment gram ... and or member forces) of the Indeterminate structure chtlu<tled either through equilibrium considerations or by pm.ition of the re"'polhcS of the primary structure due to the nal loadlllg and due to cal.:h of the rcdundants. Example 13.8 lXtermme the fI:"J(:tlOn, and dray, the ,hear and bending moment the ·e~rht pan contlnUOU beam ,hm.. n in fig. 13.I3(a) using the con I tl.'nl deformations Solution D. n (' oj Imlt tl rmlllill \ I 2 Prl11ldrl Blilm The \crtll.:al rcactlOm Band C at Ihe Intenor and C re pcdl\"I) ar~ ~k"l cd as the redundant.:. The roller <l.nd ( arc thl'Tl remo\ed to obtam the pnman beam shown m F I the pnmary he.un I !>UbJCdcd !iCparate'" to the 2-k ft exterllll the UOit \alues 01 lhe redundant Band (' a' ~hO\ n In Fig 13 t d r f'l"(tl\ I) (mlp,mhlhtl Iquau ns Slnt,; the detle1.110nS of lhe actual beam dt uprom B Jnd ( .ne ;ern \\e set equal to 7Cro the algebraiC del1t\:tlOn at pomt" 8 and ( rc fIt.'Ctivel) of the primary beam d external I ad and t"dl,;h 01 the redundant to obtam the compabbili A, IlthB Jse C () 1\1 1/ liB he ( 0 CftAPTfR 13 Method of consistent Deformations-Force Method ""f11 IICTIlIIlIU ....... •• 10 ,1111...._. 20 16 II I Ie 8 e F tJ fi - B -20 e 44k Shear diagram Ik) Ans. 20 ~F 0 16 60 4444D D I k SJwar and Bntding Vommt Dio , The diagram of the beam are shown m Fig 13 1 of and Bendmg momenl diagram (k·ft) As.13.13 wntd. (0 Shear and Bending Moment ~margiD erally develop at the mtenor supports of conbn moment diagram I usually po$Itl e over the mIC1d1e bendmg moment al a tUnged uppon al an end of me beam m pe I generally Regatlve at a fixed end uppon Also the for Continuous Beam ment diagram lS parabolic for lhe pans ubjected to : = ~ : ~ and It conslSts of hnear segments r. r pan bjected t actual values of the bending moments of depend n !he loading as weU .5 on !he lengths and lie> I gidi conbnuou beam D( 1ft ( lion \ IIJ rhl P"murl' Blum By the beam-deftectlon €I obtain 29'333333 k-ft' £/ 3.555.556 ft' f(1 ---- E/ Example 13.9 3111111 fl' E/ By appl)int:! \{dx,\\ell's la\\ foe 1.111 III fl' EI \I"llnJtudl' if the Rt'dllIJdunl B\ ub'Stituting the values of the and Rexlblhty \:oeth\:lent of the pnm~ry beam just computed mto blbt) equation 'F:q 1 dod 2 \\e obtain 2911)1 133 • 15555568 3111.J1IC 0 291Hlll3 J 555 556C 0 JIIIIIIB :~ : nemo bendlDr. t th to th shown 10 Fig 13 13 f A shown lD thi figure neph Themshapes the SImilar hear beams. general are Ans CHAPTER 13 Method of eonststent Deformlbons-Force Metttod IEC1lGI IU . . . . . _ ..... - . . . . . . . . . ."IS , m 1) ~3 p U tI A EI ft ~I ...~. A .----1...•• _-i:o __- -_,~ .-p o la lnll ,1 ..~- ~-_ 82500 111. Imwtanl.:0U and 1. 1 tnr ( f If~ ~I \\ kN ;Q.~I I hl.: rern.llnlng f .. lh~ ~ III 11(1\\ he lktcnnmcd b three .. qualJlln ot yUJllh(lUlIl III Ih.. Irl.:C hl)dy nl Ih\: md I mll l ~, . 0 I~O " I.' I~ < \I " 1'0 \I \I \ , nd& \I I. , 411714 c ... I I Primary ..... Loodod with RedundIlII'" + 0 A~-"' ~ r I. 10 k I ~ 'i:--------- ·-···-7"fA"t:=>c r;; 0 120 ..... + b 1ft R,,11 flOII ~ -I • t ", I b Primary ..... Subjected to Exlcmal Lood "'111 '-"XI H 111( Suhm' I &.I =-~Cl7 El-_ EJ 1 ~-_!"' I---L H1Hm 1'1111( b_---\ m 11 I. f I Primary ..... Loodod _ , t ,. ,111110 ~ 1115 II 510 CHAPTER 13 Method of Conilitent Deformations-Force Method ApT~E " - IIIl:nalIIU ••_ _ ,, , 'lusw_ ...............,..,....., ' ~( ~L-l+I L I OLE I £1 = constant (a) Indetennmate Beam . 0* C lie I C. ---_ ... - . E D ......... --- ... I I D, Eo, (b) Substructure for Analysi w ( f-:.l!t'D~LE 2..L' IC --l!O____ ------ 2wL -- Am (e) Primary Beam Subjected to Extemal Lood + L ( Ic II ______y-----tl111 ---] <too D E I (d) Primary Beam Loaded with ReduodaDl D + 2L ( h :--=--:';--::.--:....--!-.d-_ !ED/~ ......... .-.'.' C ... ,3.,8 II Ie) Prinwy Belm Looded with Red'mcI... FlG. 13.16 (eontd. -..---10<0_-- _ ..-.._D$ IEl:I1aIIIU -, , _ c "'l , A - D t, I II D. I D JOII--i Indetcrmuwe F..... II ~" I.050k·1I mind Ie lru...,> ':.111 he uClcmullcd 1050 In In Llble 13.4 and Fig I I I 'xD I l~k • H ,3.,3 " (e) Prinwy Fnme Subjocted 10 UOI' Value of , ....... D Determine the rCdllums and dr,,,, the he.lf and bl:ndmg moment the h \\0 In fig Il IS OJ by ~hI mcthlJd of l:omistent defi"onDal'" + Solution Dt r Ind( It milia/,. P,mar Irum , The real.:lIon 0 \ B \ :! f) and D) at the hinged su JOtfl~A kxted 4 the redundant I he: hmgce.J uppon () I then removed rnman kame h I n In I It; 13 I h Cll.t the pnmary frame Tald) h the h::mitllo.ujlng dod the UOit \aloe of the redluotW.. 1 D ho\\o In Ilg I' l~ bland d re pectl\ Iy. if/II I " ling that the honLOntal and L1 al mdeicrmmalc: tram I the hmged upport Dare (mpul I Ih rnpallbl II I quail n .- .-'- " It FlG.13.18 d rn-y .- ,," I ,,0 \ \ C \ Dr . - flier I I ~ - I D c --- --fD'l.DXI/ & ...... 60 + B The member rorcc\lhus obtained <Ire ,ho\\1l r I" I 60 Ib) Primary F..... SubJccted 10 Ex..maIl.oodu\i - Mo _ the n:maming members of the I USlllg the \upcrpoMtion relationship ~h ~ .0 IOk- \ft mhcr 4 'wI Fon l" The fon.:c\ 117 £J._ I I _ ,....... .. r IEcnOll 13.4 "_1011111..._a"_ lemp11"11ur1 CII.g••, ..... CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Defom1.tions-Force Method 570 A SUPPORT SETTLEMENTS, TEMPERATU'!E CHANGES, AND FABRI_CA_T_ID_N_E_R_R_OR.:.:S:-_.J A o 13.4 I o Support settlements Thu, f.u :1\ah~" um"dat.·d th~ .m.I1)"':-o of structures with unlYieIdliIit· d'...... u -.('..1 111 Ch.lpll:r II. :-oupport mo\ements due to SUpp"l rt ,. \ . . .. fllundalwn and the IIkl: m.t) mducl: significant. s~ert In external In their d e s l g n : ~ f detemlln.Hc ,truclure .md must he clnsder~ ~t lC'men s. hl \H~ 'r do not ~\t.h .111) dftXt on the stress condi ~truc th.1t ~na mtern.i1I) etanimr~.hed but externally de Thi~ lad of etk,;:t 1:-0 dUI; III the fad that the settlements cause :-otrud e~ III displ.H.:e and llf rot.lIe as rigid bOOies without cIIIuqlilii their sepah~ The OlC'thod of consi...tent de.formati~ns, as developed the prel.'eding .snoit~ can be ea:-oll) modified to mclude the effect trop u~ settlements in the anal)sis. . Con..ider. for example. <t tv.o·"pan continuous beam subjected uniform I) di~trbue load \I. as ..ho\\n in fig. 13.19(a). Su~ the ..upports B .and C of the beam undergo small settlements A. and respecti\el). a" sho"n in the figure. To analyze the beam, the \ ertical reactions 8. and Co to be the redundants. The sulJPOJ'tl and Care remO\ed from the indetenninate beam to obtain the prj....;;' beam which is then subjectcd separately to the external load w and unit \alues of the redundants OJ and C, as shown in Fig. 13 19(b and (d) respccli\ely. B} rcali/ing that the deflections of the actual dcterminate beam at supports 0 and C arc equal to the settlemen aod ,1c. rC5pectively. we obtain the compatibility equations .&: I I I I A I I I I I} C A _-D~ 8 ABO -------- (b Primary Beam Subje<ted 10 E wnaI we ca.ii" A,' Ji + -------- ----i-- -. n ............ D (c) Primary Beam Loaded With Redundant 8 + A ._-r;~·, Jl' 0 8 Ct I v.hich can be sohed for the reduodants BI and C 1 • Note that the hand sides of the compatibility equations (Eqs. (13.18) and 13 19 o~ longer e,qual to ~ero. as in the case of unyielding supports COIwll III the pre\ 10US sections. but are equal to the prescribed values of ment ~t supporb 0 and C respecti\ely. Once the redundants ba detennmed by sol\ ing the compatibility equations. the other char cle~stlc of the beam can be e\ aluated either by eqwbbri superposition. Although suppon settlements are usually specified WIth the undef~ ~it on of the indeterminate structure the 1IIl. . . . of uch dISplacements to be used in the compatibIlity equalJOlll be measured from the chord connectmg the defonned postti supports of the pnmaf) structure to the deformed postllOD dundant suppon A ny uc h support d.splacement IS consic\eIWd . poslt1\e If It has the same sense as that assumed for the red 8 FIG. 13.19 d Primary Beam Loaded willi JtedundaDI A C 1'_-,,._...-- . . . .,,1_1II1II...". 1II1II1..... , • ............ AM " t ---_ .... t c CGmp1111IiIiIy eqoB., 1..B.,+locC _4. laB +1cr: C .. lUi -"at tho _bbility equabODS instead of tho • ..... Ac This IS bocause only tho c1ispl.. !MiI" cause .0 tho beam In olber words, if tho wooId have oett1cd ..Iber by equal amounll or by deformed poIIbODl of all of the supports would iii Ihon tho beam would mnam slraisht WIthout bon.... would cIooeIop m the beam _001 DeImnine tbc and draw tbc ....... and bondiaI the three-tpon CODbDUOUI beam Ihown ID F... 13 1 dimibutod load and due 10 the support :~;.ItnoalO and ~ ID .t D U.. the method of _ d MM_ .......... ...._lyaMIyzod m Eump!t I ruction••'1 the roller 1UPJlCl'.:.:.-"" .. IJ. JIl1IIWY beam .... .)l(Irjl.... ""....."" Tho ~ upport 1OlIII..... _.-conned "can bepClIIIIOII _ that the :....: ... ~: of the __ C aad E relalift 10 the c:bard thai 04m aad 578 CHAPTER 13 Method a. Consistent Deformations-Force Method ( t"i lUI mm-) [) OX E " 1'(IO~l TlIIU lUi M GPa ~O(l 06 ( • AB CO A( BO AD Bc .. 0- I • 0 ((:1 Pnmal) Tru.... SUbjected to Ten de Force in Member AD Fon:e!'o (kN') a Inddemunah: Tru . lOT t 0 8 m C • C D 32.067 2·t.05 At =O¥~_-:= -r A __~ 32.067 F The member ~of o It'll ~mnP o B Tru\ Subjected to Temperature Change.. SUMMARY fiG. 13.23 numenr.;al \aluc'i lIt these quantillC\ an: tabulated in Table 13 6 1;; deh:mllncd to Ix .1 WI1 192 rnm '\41)0 C\t the flexlblhty l:oethl.'lcnt Uln see l 13.6 pre Jto An 1\ computed b) u~mg the virtual 0,0479 mm \111 nlIllllt vf lIlt Rlc/mu/mrt lJ) ub-.tituung the \alucs of '&"DO'''''' Jr. mto the compatlblhty equation I::q I '12 I lJ 1I479 flO f. \I.e ubtam 0 40084 kN T thus btained F Sf • _ l'llhcr ~n'(l thn'\l ~h \,j _13.1 13.1 ........ 13.. ~IC" -- 101) l I I 8 ( 3m m E I = ,on~(at 'g FIG. P13.2, P13.6 U.5 tIInIIIIII 13" Dc:tennme the reactiom and dra\\ the h r nd hendmg m lment I.hagram for the beam\> hu\\n In f I PI I PI '\.1 h~ usmg lhe: method of conM"tent de~ rmat n lett the re ell II momenl at the h\e:d uppon t be the redundanl 13.13 through 13.25 Determine lhe reaction and draw the ~hear and bending moment diagrams for the structures shown in Figs. P13.13 Pll2S using the melhod of con Is.lent dcfonnations. FaP13.16 I '12h C L+L ----+- U2 £1 = consrant I 12ft 12ft t, =29.000 k!oi EJ-_ 1=1500in-'* RG. P13.9, P13.30, P13.50 fiG. P13.13 --"C I.S klft B ~ SOk 120 k.." " l~dIb c A - + - - - 6 m ----I £1 =- £=<00",,", Fa P13.17 SOk - . rD =~bJ B 6m lJ AG. P13.12, P13.33, P13.51 the redundant 1l:'ri' l 12m / I 10 m 2~m 1 £ =200 GPa / = SOOf (06J nun' ft 13.1 tIIroUlh 13.12 Determine the reactions and draw . . hear amI b<nding momenl diagrams for the beam m '·ig... , PLl9 Pl112 U'iing the method of con fl)nnatlon .... SclC\:t the reaction at (he interior support EI-l"omtant ... P13.3, P13.7 A~ )m "'---L--I i---bm A~ FIG. PI3.4, P13.8 FIG P13.1, P13.5, P13.49 m ... P13.15 AG. P13.11, P13.32 25 kN/rn 1--10 - - - - cO It £1 I_l ~"f1(lt m ~ " £/ l -' kltt D ~UOGPa ,, 60k ~ I k 8 PROBLEMS m n the readlOn and dr.l\\ the bendl m m~ t dlagr.lm for the Nam h. \\n PI' I PI'.1 U 109 (he methl'ld 01 ...on I It:nt de· tl I! h dl n ,lI the: roUe:r urp.:ln 1(-' he the red ndan( SOk or l"3l.'h of the rcdunJ,lIlt 60l 50 k lillo.' ".1lkICrmill;tlC ...tructure ca~ be ev CLjuihbnum «'Ill Idcr,ItIOn" or b~ ~UJlCrpoSUl0n ollhl' r l . r~ ,trudun.' due to thc c\tcmal loading and n:"!,('1n"e'tcri ...Ul.'" = lb=: ~ PI.'" CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Method B 10 ft con tant ~- -tfO2 £1 = COOItanl £J = conSlallt FIG. P13.10, P13.31 __ FIG P13.14 ... Pl3.1• 111 _ CHAPTER 13 Method of Consistent Deformations-Force Method PI UI. 10k I "Ill. E 20 fl \ . 18 '\0 It E/ 10k =l'n~ta 1-_ _ 20 II - - - - - - j - - 15 f l - - l FIG P13.22 'pane fA /;./ = I,;on tant fIC. FIG. P13.24 = tant j--151! - + - - 1 5 f l - - I 2k1ft C 8. D C P13.27, P13.52 .D ~ 1L~ ~A = d;, : = ~( 1011 8 ""l I tilt 90kN c • A E ~J 15 tl I £1 =constant 2 kfft A FI6. P1U8 F'G. P13.25 D r IS h 13.26 tbrough 13.21 Determine the reactions and the force in each member of the trusses shown In Figs PI3 26 PI129 u~mg the method of consistent deformanons E/ = ctln~a FIG P13.20 3 kllt Ltnl m ,. 8 1----20 5m 30k-~.f: A fIC. P13.21 A 6 D AG. P13.19 E. =: CUll • fl 29000 f&P1129 60 40k rt --+--1 1----2 panel..! 8 fl 5fl 2J------j EA E =conslant FIG. P13.23 FIG. P13.26 16 fl---1 constant ..... ,3.1 'UI ....... 'U1 1«tJDg Ibe Ibe UPdaD - 1M ClW'TBI13 M....od .f Con"stent Deformations-Force Method '11'.. S{lI..N 1J.M . . . . . U . . ll< , mm 30k 15 k I I h -~ 5m EA .-.....I'j$.. 5m 16ft B-1 , I:h====a' I.:! It • FIG P13.39, P13.54 EJ B FIG. PI3.36 k - 8ft It- f1 - flI. and dIa 13.3 A 45 Determine, the reactions 13.37 UIroUIII13. oment diagrams for the rJ Ix-ndlOg' pm Pll.45 ll'.ing t he m ethod hear an hl.)"n 10 f 1£'_ PD.. . E:- .. tXlOll Pl3.34 I~nl 6ft-jt---- deformatlOn~. flI. Pl3A3 501. :!5l~/m FIG P13.40 B Am 8m 1001... 50k E=70GPa A~CjfE RG. P13.37, P13.53 Am 2k/fl ~30 B I 50k D I 2kift F~ fl-+15 ft+15 ft+15 ft+15 ft+-30ft-j £/ =constant !Ok ft FIG. P13.41 --.--- 3m f..A = con lant flI. Pl3.35 r-~B ===iCr--OD;J 25 kNIm I klft 21<1ft A B 10 ft c +75kN B EI Jm IfIfl 10 I, .J E.I :;: c:onstant fIG. D I Jm Pl3.38 A EJ 9m RG P13.42 _'l3M ,,_III D........._-1~I = ......... 21 ... PlUB • 11M Sol Problem I 1 _ I of 30 mm al oupport D .PlUI ~ 11.11 Sol Problem 139 PI3 9 aad • IOItIemenI of I B 1U1 SoI1e Problem I I PI I aad tho oupport lOlII_oi(l at" aad 40 mm at 1. . SoI1e Problem I PI aad tho 1UpJlOJ'I.aIo.....llaC aad I ID atD IrN - a•• 60tH m 1. . So... Problem 131'1'7"'_ PI aad tile IUpJlOJ'IIIIII.....irJ mmatC 11.14 Sol Problem 13 39 fI PI3 39 aad tho ouppon oettI_1IIM 3IDatHaad IolltO 14 Three-Moment Equatl the Method of Least W 14.1 DIIIvIIIalI of T111l11-Momenl Equation 14.2 AppIkIlloll of TIIn1t-Momenl Equalioll 14.1 IIlIl/Iad of LRSl Wurk SUmmIry PrubIems :clI t~= - In this chapter we COI1Ilder two alternate ~ lIcxibility method of anaJy... of talically 1D'''1lii the I ~ nDi~ and 2 the IMthod The thrcc-mOlllCDt equation wbich _ Clapeyron ID 1857 PfOVIw a con_ tool beama The thrcc-mOlllCllt equatlOD NJIi to, COIIIllBlibility c:oadilioa that the slope of the an _ r IUpport of the COIItiDuoua IX : : :.. ~ momrnIs-the IDd at the two bcmdm, ~. ~ at the lIIleri« .... arc tnaled ~a:the md, !" ' l1IaI JIIlIied at III .......bhtllty cqua the i;~' ~ ........IS_'_...,_ ..-.. oIl.1at ..... ,. w B_ (Ie_ _ ,. w . w CHAmR ,. Three-Moment Equation and the Method of Least Work 11C!UJ11141 . - . . - 01 _ _ ....... upport I.. ') /.1 ..,. 24-£f II' rquullUn Ulan 01 w oblam th ral ~ f I th, - .",,,,,,nt 1'1 A I 6H ~ In \\ IUl.;h the ..ummJIJOIl '1lg~ h,n e been added to the first term nght 'Ide.. of the ..!,; equ,t1I~ln . "tl th<1t multiple concentrated loads arr1it.-d hl e,tch 'p<.111 of a 'lIlgk concentrated load as In Fig... 14. J J and b I'M . Implicit) ). \ ... ~uo nlt oc beams us,ualJy . . loaded \\uh unif('rml) dl tnbutcd, o\er entire spans and _ _~. trated load... the ellect' of onJ~ the ...e t\\O types of loadings generally con ..idered In thc three-moment cquallon. Howe\er. the effects of t) pt.' ,,"If load.. l.<tn bt: mcluded. 'ImpJ) b} adding the expresu ..It.. . pc.. due to the:-e IO<ld .. to the nght ..Ide, of Eqs. (14.6a and 14 The ...Iope.. 0 , and O,~ of the left and the nghl spans. res'''''Clht&; due to ..upport -.elllemen". can be obtained directl) from the deft po.. itltm of the ... pam. depICted in Fig. 14.l(c). Since the sen1emen1l as umed to be mall. the l)lopes can be expre!\sed as I (I , c\ c\, - c\ C\. L, I The ...Iopes at cnd.. (" of the left and the right spans. due to red.._......· support bending momen". ,Hg. J4,l(d)), can be detennincd COJllII'c( nientl) b) the bcam-dcncction formulas. Thus, OIl II, ~ .\[ L, .W, L 6t:I, 3£1, - +-- \1, L, H,L, 31:.'1, 6£1, ---- + - - in which \.f,. \f and \f, denote the bending moments at supporU and r. re\pecti\e1). As shown 111 Fig. 14.1 (d), these redundant moments arc considered to be po\iuvc in accordance with the cOllum/ion that is, when causing compression in the upper fiberl tcmion in the lo\\-er fibers of the beam 81 sub (iluling Eq,. 14.6) through (14.8) into Eq. 145 the compatibility equation as 4 m \\:hlCh M bendmg moment at uppon heIDS COll5,dered If M bendIDg mo to the left and to the nght of pec\J E L L length of the pan 10 t fl and , livelli moments of menta f the pan t t of c r pcctlvely, P P concentrated load a I nght span rcspec\J el) k or k ra' f th d from the left or nght support to the pan len Ih distnbutcd loads applied 10 the left and the nght pan A settlement of the suppon under con uieratl settlements of the adjacent suppons to me left and t the n spectlVely As noted before the support bendmg m men ered 10 be positive In accordance with the beam ( I I 'ion-lIlllt when causmg compression 10 the upper fibers and ten 100 ID the I fibers of the beam. Funhennore the external I ads and uppert tlements are considered positIVe '" hen ID the downward dl I n .ho"n in fIg. 14 I a If the moments of inertIa of two adjacent pan r a Dtmu beam are equal (1 e I I, 1 then the thr~m ment equa pllfics to PL'A 1- A', II I. 6El- - t 24El L .- 4 C\, c\ L, 1/ I If l_ + ~,! 61:.'1, 3EI + M,L, _ 0 1£1, 61:.'1, B) simphf)lI1g the toregomg cqualton and rearranging It to terms contammg redundant moments from those involVlDJ cttAPTER ,. Three-Moment Equation and the Method of least Wont \I \I 4\1 H'/~ ... P I k f 4 " I k Off" f The: flln: 'lllllg Ihn':C:-l1llllllc:nt c:qu.ltlon Me applicable to n urMrt ( .100 r, 01.· oj l'llllllO.UOU' pro . , I\e: ...Il:\'~nl( t· . Ihere .w: n,l :eIlJU tnl(~IO . !i.m:h .1' mternal hmge.... In the beam the kit urrort .1l1d tht' n1!lll uprx1rt r 14.2 APPLICATION OF THREE-MOMENT EQUATION -The follo\\ ~m ~b·ret' tinuou lx.iITI ~h I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -...tep prOl.:cdure can Ihe three·moment cqu.illon. Sdecl the unkno\\ n bendlllg moments at all interior supports bc:am .t... the: re:dundi.lIlh B) tn.'.ltlllg cach Illlcnnr support successive!} as the In ate ",urr0rt ( \\ ritc a thret>momcnt equation. When wntIDI equatllln', it ...hould be re,lil/ed that bending moments at the end support!'> .Ire known. For ...ueh a support with a cantil hang. the bending moment equals that due to the external actlllg on thc cillltile\er portion about the end support. The number of three-moment c"Iuations thus obtained must be the number of redundant support bending moments. which m the onl\' unkno\\ m, III the,e equations. Sohe thc ,),tcm of three-moment equations for the unm pon bending momenh Compute the span end ,hears. "'or each span of the beam a fn:e-bod) diagram ,ho\\ II1g the external loads and end and bJ appJ) the: noitauq~ ... of equilibrium to calculate fon.:es at the t:nd.. of tht: nap~ Determine ,upport rca tlon~ b) con..idering the equlhbnwa uppon joints of the ~am If so de Ired. dra\\ !.hear and bending ~am by u..illg the hwm H"" nJllt tnliml. Fixed Supports The three-mument equatulll . a 1!l\Cn b} Eqs. 149 thro y,ere utrl\ed to atl Iy ,hI." I.:ompatiblilly condition of slope the IDlenor upport 01 contlnuuus beams These equaU - CHAPTER 14 Th....-Moment Equation and the Method of least Wont ,,, , I , =- - ' 1 U ''fa .... II TIll. 7 IoIUl1an I _B~ '0 oJ ...... • "'(}!l B = h:!.1 (ttl Span End Momem<' and Shears \(1 -1 :!1H.. k 2.5 klft .Q..B = tl B =62.2k Id Suppon Reactions 32.6 10.4 D A -9.6 Shear diagram (k) F, B Bill •• Bendmg moment diagram (k.-ft III. 14.3 (d) Shear and Bending Moment D'I;·, - - _icoI.__ ..,...... CHAPTER 14 Three-Moment Equation and the Method of Least work ED""" 14.2 l"ktl.:nmnl.: tht: rc'h.U n h,r lhl.: t,.t'Il11I1Ul'U' lx.lm hl\\\n In Fig 14 the umlOnnly Jl lflhutw )l' d .mJ du\: tlllhc ~ur l t :'>CttlemC'nLs of 10 '0 mOl at R ~n mOl ,il ( .wd·1O mm II n L'il; lhl.: thnx·momrnt eq 10m 10m IlJm II =' ,-on lanl 1-7IX)(I tlmn '~ E=lOOGPa 1~ 5 )1"" rr:D:::i:D')- 'I 8 A - 1'H5 I llbA ~8-J ( I B, o::iII::o') 1 8 1152\:ft:J I152 8'" = 1"1 5 ~)1.2 II"" C 14512\Ji:~ e"' = IX)" B,H' = 11".4 =~7.9 l~. b ~C-J 2.15~ 195.1 I C = kN (("....t-.;30L-.....,m..l....J:;; ( C;IJ= \95.\ ]7~. (b) Span End Moment' and Shear, :\OJ..N/m A =0 ~') L I , = I]~ H I~J 8 = 9 'N C t = nXHr< I D = 104.9 kN (\:) SUpplll1. R..:'adl<m RG.14.4 SoIulion R( dundalll and ( The bendmg moml.: ~tn \fBand \f( at the 1D.t~" .JTe the redunddnt'i Of Jomt B 8) consldenng the lIII(IIIIln re pectl\ely and ubstltutmg 1 10 m £ lhw.'- '10m nt Equatton {~md, and (d 2.00 10 m I tUO III mOl" 700 10 m" M Iflmm OUI m -\ As "Omm 005m A 002mdndP p, (J Intol:q 1411 "('"Ole ~ ... r..:' pet.:tl\ct ~l k 600 CHAPTER 1. Three-Moment Equation and the Method of leasl Work 1ECl1CIII14.3 _ It ~ _ .. The bend.. - IOf! - - Inll 10ft ... II II EI ::: con..t,ml I j, InJ.Clcnmnak Hcam II - ~OI1 IOU lOft (b) Equnalent B(am 10 he \n.II)/eJ by Thr\'C'-Moment EquJtion 9 , ','\ I 2475 2K.75 1--"'1'":T~,"f9 .. .. 142 5 J.;12 S ~:T-' " =;r ,. 90 I.H kilt =53.5 (t:) Y7 ~ b.·ft 14.3 METHOD OF LEAST WORK 25.25 18 W I 90 2025 B, AIls AIls __....;'_-..J-l_,( I ! ! ..,bB IOtt k AIls -I" k (} 9 90 C, = 43.25 Span End Mnmcnh and Shear, ).M C "'.Itt j--......l.._-4;.L.LLJ...Ju...J.....L.I....L.1.-1-ci:i..1..J c I ·n.2S" o 1t'---, I '- B. ~ t --_ .... B, FIG. 14.6 FIG. 14.5 Equa Thrf:' . \ttln nt l;quutlon at Joint B SImilarly, upJXln A B and ( \\ \\ nle "I 20 2. \.1,20 45 211 ,\() I 2 I \/( 30 beam 102 CHAPTER 14 Three-Moment Equation and the Method of Least Work the Jl,·tku~'I .tl the J1i.llllt of dprli~at on ilrrl ) mg CI'.llgll.IIW "l, '\:~ Ild of tht.: rt.:dundanl B Ihr.:orcm. \\c can \\ nle ,L o ,8 It hlmld be: rc.lh/t.:J Ih.ul:q. I·U~I r~p csent lion In the dirl,,"l.'thln \ll redundant B, the compatibility and It I.:an be solved fl redundant ['I 141.\ IIldil.:atc . the first partial deri\ati\c of the ~;' :. ~; \\Ith re fll..'ct to the: rt.:dund.lnt t~um lau~e. b to zero. Thi that fllr the: \alul: 01 thc rcJund.lIlt th,ll saustie... the equation .\ erg~ or hbnum and n1rnp,ltihillt) the tr.lin energ) of the structure IS mum ,)r rna IIllum, Smo: for a linearly elastic structure there m.n.lmum \ ,llue of "tram encrg~ becau"c it can be increased ill b\' inl.:rc,1 ing the \ alue of the redund.tnt. we conclude that for till eul~\ of the n..:dund.tnt the slrain energy mu"t be a minimum Tbia du IOn t kncmn as the: primiplt ol/tmt lI"ork The moqlliwdt'" oltht rUl/llldalll5 ora stutically indelermmQ tlln mInt ht \/1( h tltat tltt' .Hraill Ult rqy .lwrt'd in th(' \trucl r~ mllm ,. t (Itt i"(t mal II ork dO1/{ i.\ fht' /t'mt The method of least \\ ark .IS described here. can be easily ex ttl the an.ll},,!s of slructure" \\ith multiple degrees of indetemuD8CJ struclure i~ ind~tenm ate to the mh degree, then n redundants kxted. and the ...train cncrg) for the structure is expressed in tenns kno\\ n c"ternalloading and lhc IT unknov.'n redundants as tdeliaill4ii { nu, R, . R, ... . R,,) whil.:h II' rcprc..,cnh all the known loads and R I • R2 ..... R" denote redundant ... .tx~ thc prinCiple of least work is applied separa each redundant h} partially differentiating the strain energy ex (Eq. 14.1411 \\ith respect to each of the redundants and by set partIal dcri\atl\c equallo lero; that is III tl." tR 1 tL t R~ ,L ,R 0 0 0 v.hKh repc~m d ystem of IT Imultancous equation and t:an be sohcd lor the redundants. 1 he procedure lor the an ly~is of mdetenninate truetunII method or lea t \\ork IS diu trated by Ihe following examp &04 CHAPTER U Three-Moment Equation and the Method 0' Least Work _1403 1(11 nno 900nB 0 lUll 14.1 (rum" tll...i t r;F 0 1~ '0 ~ 0 ~Jf 0 ~_ 1:\ b. H T, detenmm' the the eqUlhbnum ~qu.:I on _II - n: II. two flg I·t n;ma ~ , IS If, 10 II ... ... () IS If, In 15 _~OJ () If, " ... ... Eumple 14.5 F [Xh:nmne thr.: reddl\)lh fOT the I\\o·...pan continuous beam shown ID b) the mt"thod of bJ t \\ork ,, A,=O~£ AI =245 -0.5 B) ,_se_ SOkN 30 kN/m 1l W ! To de1mn1 D I ~ xljD,=13' tB, !--IOm--+I-Sm-+-Sm AG.I4.8 £1 245 The bl:am i A 8 1 , and D I,• I \I 'E·- ih A,l,:C rdmg to the pnnclpk (lllt'ast "ork. d ,8 I',-8 (,II) If lid, ~ O Bel re \'oe bt.un the equation lor bending moments M the feat:tlon at the UplX'Tl ... and n of the beam in term Appl 109 the three equlhbnum t:quallon v.e \\nle LF 0 AB BC and CO The I £f urported b) four reaction!'>. A L the cquau ... - 0 ID Fig 148 and of B are tabulated ID Table 14 I "the den With respect to B are naluated. These dcri t ofTabl.141 By ubsUtullng tbe expresstOD ~ r \/ nd Solution Sioc:e By o o equauon are shown =constant onl) thTL'\." cqullitmum equiltlon.... the degree of indetenmnacy of tbI equal to I Ld us !>elcd the re.H.tlon B, to be the redundant. The the redundant "III be detennined by mimmi/ing the strain :-~'Y1len with re p..:... 1 to 8 The tram t'n rg)' of a beam !>ubJet:ted onl) to bending is e·xpI""'• • B 608 CHAPTER 14 Thl'ft-Moment Equafion and the Method of least Work TABLE 14.3 \ loo, (B ( B< BD ( ~ o " 4 I~ 41 ~ ORT T I I: 1(': If) 'd~ L ",.:cordmg: to thl: pnnl,.'lrk of lea,t \\ork d ·T \~ (iF..) fL4£ . ....... (T PROBLEMS 11' lEfth (T £1 sectkHll4.2 ~ 1••1 tfWouIli 14.1 Detennine the reaction and dra the ,hear and bending moment diagram fI r Ihe beam hO\\'ll in ~giF P14, I through PI48 usmg the three-moment equatIon 0 The c\pn: ion, l\lT the: tx-ndmg f\~tncmo and the axial forces F m the redundant T and Ihl'IT dCmali\c\ nlth respect 10 T are tabulated 1~_3 8 ~ ~ul: {HUlin!! '(~cht c\prC"lOn, and dcmati\cs into Eq (2 we H 0811 OST X) 12 I f ' 12 400 12 lf2 0.6(\ 4 m £1 fill. SOk I(T)(IO)(I2J' 08 I 41( 15, . 0.6T\ - 2.4 TJ d,] n Pl4.4, Pl4.11 £ Jl.. 0 T 12m 1 E= consWit E. cOlUtanl FIG. P14.1 fill. Pl4.5, , Pl4.12 , 15k SUMMARY In this chapter. v.e ha\c studied 1\\0 formulations of the force it}; method of analj\i... of statically indeterminate structures, the three-moment equation and the method of least work The three-moment equation represents. in a general form, patihilit) condition that the ~lope of the elastic curve be COD an inh:nor UpPOrl of the ~uonitc beam This method whicla d~u for aniJl}zing ~uonil( beams subjected to external uppon ~t lem nh. mvohc~ treatmg the bending moments rior and an} fixed suppon!'! of the beam as the redundanta moment equation i thcn applied at the location of each obtain a Sc:( 01 (:ompatihJlil} ClfualJons which can then be redundanr hcnding momenl The pnnciple of lea t \\ ork tales that the magnllUtk oj un mdt'tammute true fure mllJl he me h Ihal lhe lured m Ih IrUl/urf" I a nummum To analyze an andete tUTe by the method 01 least v.ork the str-tin energy of the fir t expre sed In lenn of Ihe reoundants. Then the paruat 2S kN/m ~c A.a: I I 10 m 1 £ 200 GPa I = 20 m 2I I =SOD( 10') nun' B lOk C :i/O D tIOf~±21 £.29000 FIG. P14.2, P14.9 fill. PI4.&, Pl4.10 lklft A D Jallh £ ....- FIG. P14.3 I&Pl4.7 k £ 10ft OliO .000 I F .... III' ='4 ?_ ........ _of..-_ nR......r~ ..... ft-+-IIDft--i--IOft -'----:20 ft---------< -.PMI _ ...... .... Iooding shown ID Fig PI42 IOmm.tA 65mmatB '4.'4 Ashown beam Be a fixed IS upponed by a ID FIg. PI4 14 Dtl&_ cable by .... method of least wort. .... method of least work See .... method of _ work See RKbOaI aad .... fon:e ID each ID Fig PI4 13 _ mem. !he method of - - - - - 1 5 f t - - _... £=~ fIB. P14.14 CHAPTER 15 Influence Lines tor Stattc.lly Indelennlnate Structures 612 . . . . 15.1 ................ _ \!though ,lily of thc- mcthC'd, of ana.l) si~ of ind~ten I ate pn: l'nlc-d In P.lrI fhl\'1.' l'.lIl be u'c-d lor computmg the ORtiDlllI mfluenl'C Iinl.". \\C- "ill u,c the method of COfl'i.lstent deforma eu d~ m Ch.lpta I J for su("h .~e-)pru Once the innuence linea determin.ttc tructures h.I\1.' lxen constructed. the} can be UIed. ,amI.' mannCT .1' IhlN." t<'lr detenninate struct re~ discussed m In thIs ,..'harter. the pro("edun: for constructing innuence hnes Ii calh indC'tenmnatC' lx.lOh .lnd tru,~ .. IS de\eloped. and the a of \fulkr-Bre".tu· principle for comtructmg qualitative loft for mdetenmn.ttc ~.Ims and frames is discussed. .._ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ; 15.1 INFLUENCE LINES FOR BEAMS AND TRUSSES r-x-l '!LL t X B on: t A B C oa: D t C la, Indetenmnale Beam A.Jl\ X B C ~ b Pnmary 8Qm SubJ«1ed (0 Urnt Load + COlhtder the COl1linuous beam shown in Fig. 15.I(a). Suppoae \\bh to dr.I\I. the mfluence line for the vertical reaction at the suppon 0 of the beam. The beam" subjected to a downWard concentrated load of unit magnitudc. the position of which 18 the coordinatc \ measured from the left end A of the beam a the figure. To de\elop the mfluence line for the reaction B), we need to mine the e.\pression for Or in terms of the variable position x oftbe load. Noting Ihat the beam is statically indeterminate to the first we !tClect the reaction 8 1 10 be the redundant. The roller suppon then removed from the actual indeterminate beam to obtain the cally determinate pnmary beam ,hown in Fig. 15.1(b). Next mar} beam IS \ubje<.:tcd separatel) to the unit load positioned arbitrar} point .\" at a dlstan<.:e x from the left end, and the O. as shown m fog. 15.1(b) and (c). respeclively. The expreSSlOll can no\\ be detemlined b) usmg the compatibility condll1OD deflection of the pnm,,,)' beam at 0 due 10 the combined efti ex.ternal unit load and the unkno\\n redundant B must be l.ere. Thus J.. t JBBO - II o _ la. fBB \\hi4:h the lle\lbilny 4:oenlClcm /8' denotes the deflection mary beam at 0 due In the unll load at X (Fig 15 I b fl ;Ubillt) coetfklcnt IBN denotes the deOection at B due to the of the redundanl 0 fog. 15 IIe) . \\ c \:an use Eq (I:' I for 4:onstructing the inftuence I plaCing the unit load sU\:cc:s hel)' at a number of pos1uons beam C'\alual1ng f tHo lor ecI\:h position of the unit load and \alues of the ratio fB~ ISH Ho\\evcr a more efficlcnt equill In dllnn fIG. IS-I InlIUnCi U hodllliU""" .... Sb'UClUIII wIlIt IIJIlIph D....... 111 .s._ &-...... 'IJ II'. . . .'1117............ x t ._-- t B, b PriIU)''''' t i l ' ' .. + -------", B I PlimorJ .... Loodod willi 616 CHAPnR 15 lnftuence lines for Statically Indetermln.te Structures I •. _ I L l ........ UOOOllr_ . .' - x c R L 3m D 3m R EI = con..lant la) Indetenninate Beam Prj ..... Subjected", U.. Lood D 1S = J kN 8 8 A C e I Inftuencc Line Ii x IkN fBX ! 8 lIII A (hI Primary Beam Subjected to Unit Load 8 I=J S c 1.56 + 8 I kN ... 11.3 D Ie Primary Beam loaded with Redundant B FIG. 15.3 contd D I 618 CHAPTER 15 Influence Unes for Statically Indeterminate Structures ---======== 8 ._cn__~,.51:-IO Example 15.2_ IRl =n==:llMo:... :.::...:T:r:~-.I1t .. I. B Sm.. by 1.1 \\dl' b\\ ~)f rl'\.'lrrocal d..:tlcl.:ti(lIh. fBl - 'HI \\e place load at Btl" thl' rnnl.lf) Ix.lm f 1£ 15 d(~ d~l. compute the detleoliel" pt.'ml ~ through r t'l} U 109 thl.' bcJrn-Jdlel.:llon lormula gl\CJ1 mside \.o\<."r \llth\; bl,1{lk 1 hu . fBA JBB :\tH." k' m' k. £/ I .. :!.B k' m EI fB' I•• JBD lOB IB' ftB k. m' k.· 1:!6 k £1 'HN m k:'< from which EI " "hlCh the e\la~Cn "go", indICate that Ihc'\C deflectIons are in the direction. Note that the flexIbIlity coeflicient in Eq. (I) denotes the Ipo,iliH' Jeflection of the primar} beam at B due to the unit value dUDdant B, Fig. 15..J)c(~ ~acr h,\ the del1cction f88 represent!> the (negative) deflectIon at B due to tile ntemal unit load at 8 (Fig. 153 d In iSB I.. TABLE 15.1 lml L ad at A H ( n l Influence Lme Ordmates \1 kS m/k~) I , I , o "'llJ I" "1.\6 " 148 lJ,,J4 " " 1"8H + or 243kN·m 3 kN -£1 The ordinates of the influence line for B) can now be evaluated by a Eq. (I \ ,>ucl,;c,>"i\c1y for each position of the unit load. For example w unit load is lOl.:atcd at A thc \ alue of 8 1 IS obtained as i.. J., 164J _ I 5 kN 'kN 241 '. The remaining ordinate of the mfluence Ime for 8\ are calculated m manner Thc~ ordmates arc tabulated m Table 15.1. and the IOftuence 8 issho"n In hg. l'U(c) InflU! n((' '-me Jor .\I( \\ Ith the influence Ime for B known the of the mfluem:c line for the bcndi~ moment at C can now be placm~ the unit luad ,ucre I\d) at points A through £ on the beam and by gm~u the com: pondmg \alues of B computed "",""'lIlfI namplc. llS deph.:led m hg 15 1 1 J "hen the umt load IS located t \alue 01 the rtJlllOn .11 B IS B I 5 II. kN R) con",idenng the eq the Iree bod) 01 the purtlon of the beam to the left of ( \\'C obtaUl II, 1.5kNmk The alue of the remammg ordmatcs of the mfluence line arc Imilar manner Tht:SC nrdmate for \(( I ho\\n m hg IS 3lg Slllce ~ f D lD iU:COrdanc:e th M on the pnmary beam Fog 154(d and through F by USlnI the cooJUPte beam In Fig IS 4(e from whiCh v,e obtalo (he fDA fA fOB JBD r. t 0 I £1 86 10 G) G 10 122 CHAPTER 15 Inftuence lines for Statically Indeterminate Structures IECTJoIll11 ......... u.. "" __ .. T _ TABLE 15.2 Load .t r n A 0 O.·N~ O.60~ n. o,~q £ F t''i ~70.O 0 k The alue r the Imllar manner TI. d ordog r I r I~ 1I1a are Ii lor the shear and bend tngm lie faPCCliv U 0.397 o 746 (left 0.154 [right 0 O.O7:! 0 0 O.W3 10 0 10 0.079 0 k k M ,k k, 0 0.095 0.119 I0 B C D o 0603 lmt ~ Example 15.3 Draw the ml1uencc hnes for lhe ....~IO " Fig IS Sa The llrdmate, of the mfluence hne for n, l:dn no" be computed by Eq. I ... ec~u ... ~le\I for eal.h po Ition of the, unit load. For eumple unit load i... dela:x~I at B. the \alue of D 1'1 gl\en b) D 108 I pp 816667 1680 0491 k k The r e m a m ~ ordmate... of the Influence line for D, are computed m I manner. Thc\C" ordmate' are tabulated m Table 15.2. and the Influence D, l'1 .. ho.... n in F-ig, 15.4(t' With the mfluem:c line for D mfluence lines for the rem.llning reactions can no.... be detennined by the equatiom. of eqUlhbnurn. For example. for the position of the UDI point Bas ,ho....n In ....g. 15.4(g). the value of the reaction D" has been be 0.492 k:'k By applying lhe equilibrium equations. "e determme the the reaction, A I and F. to be SGIU11an The beam I IIIdetemunate 10 the ' ' ' ' Lin< fo, R-.Jundan, D and G The and G for an arhilrary posulon X of the uml I d l;: the compaubdny equation sec Fig 15 5 b Ihr ugh Inl/IIt'f/( (' Lmn lor A. Will f tCL:II, () ,1,(50) t 1(40) +'L:r 0 0603 0,492 +- ~f F ~ () -0.095 k k The \alues (If the n:maming mfluenl.:c line ordmates are computed manner. Tht:'iC ordmatc!ii Me II ted 10 Table 15.2, and the influcDCle and f' afC ho\\n in hg. 15.4 h and (I re"''''''i.:ti\e1). Intlunl/t I Inc lor .\( unci \I( The ordinates of the intluence hear dnd hendmg moment at C (an no\\ he c\aluated by pl3ClDl llOCC ~1e\ at romt A throu~ F on the mdetenninate beam and gmdnop~r oc \aluc of the rcactlnns computed prevIOusly F hown 111 • Ig ~4.51 .... hen the umt load i Ioc;ated al pomt B tbe reachon ue A fJ IlfJ3 k k· f) () 49:! k k. and F 009 Idenng Ih~ eljulhhnum of the frL"C yj~ub of the portion of the of ( \\C obtam fo, Ip f" f.DD D G 0 GO fDx ltD \loe place lit unlll beam (Fig IS 5 e and compute the deftectlon al pam A Ihr the beam-deftection fonnulas gnco IDSI(1e lite front c \ r Smce by Maxwell slaw fDA. (A.D fpB I. 0.492(20) - 0 A,=0603kk nd D and G 81 the roller uppons D and G ...~«tlvc y The IIIftuence hne ordinat \Ii II be ua lItrough G h",~ on Fig 155 0 • . , '&11 .... II u.: far SIItIcIIIr In. I ........ 8trUCtWII I ~( AI A I kN x 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m D G. , I 15m J5m--'-' ._Beam EI - ' Pn-r Beam 5ubje<1Iod 10 UIII\ Lood (1) + --_oJ!. f oo - ~9 : '"-A 1 G~D IkN (e) Primary Beam 5ubjeclod 10 'edund... D + A'O:;-fRlI._"G~ xG I kN d) - , . . . . SoihjorPd III • ' d 'G IkN I A C • II .... '. , G ~ D ~.D bd. 826 CHAPTER 15 Influence lines for Statically Indeterminate Structures TA8LE 15.3 l 011 l\\ d ,, /l cit (, ( J) t f G 10 0 0 4 B o O.l~ o ~8 (I fl"" OIl6'\ 1.0 0 {I Ij'\ I O.~2 o ';~5 1I.5l\2 1.11 0 O.K04 o .1Rb o -0.159 -O.J~7 o Th\,.· n.'111ulnlng ardm,ih.' (If the Influence line, for the redundants are m .. Im.lar manner Tht''oC (Irdmalc are t.lhulated in Table 153 and enl'c hnl.' lor D ,IOJ G ,m.' hlmn In FIg. I S."lgJ and (h) respectJ {I/flu nd Lim \ lor ~ amI \/ t The ordinate!> of the influence reactIon 1;.111 no\\ he dch:nnincd b) placing the unit load al POlO!'. ., through G on the indetcnnmatc beam and b} applying the of eqUlhbrium. "or e\ample. f()r the po"lltion of the unit load at 8 FIIthe value, of lhe rC,H;llon, () and G, h,nc been found to be 0 228 kN ~nimJ :n -(J.()32 k'W kN. B) con,idering the equilibrium of the yl~Hi :('.Il J Cr dt:h:nmnl,.' the \ alw.:, of the reactions A. and .\/ ~ to be as follows o .1 I + 0.228 0.032 - 0 A, - 0.804 kN kN II, 1[5)· 0.22R( 15) 0.032(.10) 0 M, - 2.54 kN and\t~ The \.tlue of the remaimng influence line ordinates are computed m manner. Thc'\oC ~'.rtanido an: h~tcd in T abk 15.3. and the influence I arc hO\.\El in Ilg. 15.5(J) and {k" .yle"itcp~er Eo..... 15.4 Ora" the mfluenl.:e hne lnr the furee, in ~rebmc BC. BE and CE ho"n m • Ig 15€l 1a l,v load arc tran..mith.'d to the top chord Solution I tnlcrn<ally mdetermlllate to the fir t dcgree. We select tile the diagonal mcmhcr ( F. to he the redundant. The truss Ff t In bljlu£nfe Lme lor R( JUtlJUIII ft. t: T{) determine the mftueoce .... pla a uml I ad Su!.:!.:e I\dy at Jumh Band ( of the t po Ihon of the unit kldd "e apply the method of COl S sten 1I~: \lmrut tht' alue 01 II The J'lnmitr) (russ obtained by 1'1 (t. I ubJt:Cted fl<trat Iy tn the URlt luad at Band C as shown _...-_.....,.....---._.... . 630 CHUTffl1S Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Structures LIlloo., _ ....INoI...... " " ' - IECTION 15.2 0 llUw 1nII_ On~c ,I qU.i1IL.ltI\\,.' e~l',Ut1lI hne for a ...tructural response h.a IX.'l.'n l.'on IrUl.:tl.'d, It (,tn Ix: lI"Cd 10 dt..'X.'idc ""here to place load to m.I\lmize Ill\: value 01 the re"'pOIl-.e function. A eli \i."(t1on 9 ~ the \alue' l,f .1 n;"poll"C function due 10 a undi tnbul\.'d hH' 10.ld h m.1XlmUIll po Itl\C or negatl\c) when the plao:'d O\a Iho~ POrll("!J1 01 thl' tructure "here the ordinates rt." Pl"lJl '" fundlon lIl11ut."n(c Ime .Ire POHJ\C 'or negati\c Beca ml1ul'nl..'l,'·linc Mdmall,' tend to dlmll1l ...h rapidl} with di thr.: JX,int of .1rpIK<ltllll1 of thl' re"'on~ function. Ii\e load p than Ihn.'l' '1'.10 kngth.. ~a" from the location of the resPOIlle generJII} ha\e a negliglPle ctJeLl on the \alue of the response \\ ilh the 11\ e·load p;.ltlern kml\\ n. an indcterminale anal ...trudurc ('an he pc:rformcd to determine the maximum value Pl"lJl..c funl:tlon. 8 D Qual A_ • or • Innue 111 £ l .. l 8 8 l, U>od. 8 D 8 £ F EulllJllB 15.5 Dra\\ quahtatl\e mflur.:l1l:e lin!':) IOf the \Crll(;al reactions at suppon the o..:ndmg mllmr.:nt .It rom! B. •miJ the shc.:Jr .:Jnd hcnding moment of the four-...r,tn ulI1linUlIUs he.lm ,ho"n in Fi!!. 15.7(a) Also _L._.u r<lngr.:mr.:nl 01'.\ ul11lonnl) dl,lnl1uled iJo"""ard h\e load n I ma\lmUm rChlll\C' re.t<:llon .. at 'Urporh I and B. the: maximum nep lng moment at B thr.: lll,l\lmUm neg<ltiH.' ..hear al ( . and the maximum bending mon1l'nl at ( Amnaemem of Live Load ror Mnunum NcphYe M Cdl • Solution IIIJluc/J/( I inc lor I fo iJl.'tcfmlOe the qualilatl\e influence \r.:rtk<ll re.actiun .~ at ?>uprnrt of. \\-c femme the \-crtlcal restramt at A <tl'tu<ll ma~ and gi\l' the rclc,I'oCd beam a .. mall dl'oplacement In Ibe 8 C D E F Quahtabvc InOuence LIM fur S E C Arronpmcnt of (j,", lood for MuimwD NepO 1<1 .:---:8- C~D:-";F Qua1iIIIi... - Lme H () E Quaht<tllV Inl1uen\.(' Lme (or A C ~ofLI AG. 15.7 (I.:untd. II&. 157 An n em nt of LI\C' 1 ad for MaXimum Posiove A Ib, " I.-dforM"'== F 832 - CHAPTER 15 Influence Lines tor Statically Indeterminate Structures dir..."ct! n ,f I rill,: Jdkl;l\:J sh·lI'll.: 01 ,Ihl: n.:lc.I'CJ beam th h' I"" t'l hn~crp;n Ih lo'Cn .11 ~j;h l~ the 1IlI1ucn,,"C hoe 1e U\C nllueru.:e ltoe 1M I l'l Ih.ll the Jdkdcd ,hare 1:0;, con I teat uppcrt onJltllm 01 the: rek d Ix •• m: th.ll I pomts B D E and TI,; e ..1 beam "hlch an.: ,1I1....:hI;O III wlkr upr~l t do notdisplace the roSlt \~ Tll max.lm. ,.dUl'lll t _ the 11\..: I{lad II IS placed fB oJ DE f till: o.:am "here thl' {lflhn,ltc'o of the mfluence line IX' ~\I a sho\\n In f-I l'i "7 I:l In. I ,8 The quahtatl\c mflucm:c Ime for 8 and the l,r Bare determllled lD ho\\o In 1"1£ l'i'" ( III .uT'a11{!('lllcnt for ,he md lmum Pl)!<.lt!\t' \ollue nunner and In aT\; I B A _.... • To determine the 4uahtatl\c mfluence gnld ~ moment Jot B \'t! msert a hm~(' at 8 in the aClual beam aad rdea..oo ma~ I mall rotation In the JX' ItI\C dlfct:llon of M. the rortl n to tht.: left (If B ulunh:rd\'l(k" 1'< and the portion 10 the clcx:k"l ' a.. shen\n In Ilg 15'" d Thl: ddk'\:ted ..hape of the rdeued. thu ('Obtamed f\'pn:!oCnt 1hl: qU'Jhtatnc mf1uencc Ime for \I" To cau the ma'lmum 1lI.'gati\e 1x'nding moment at 8 we place load II <J\ .. r pan IB RD. llnd Ef ('If ~h( beam "here the ordina influence Ime lor \/. Jf~ nq;..ltl\\.: as h(mn m Fig. ~.51 d. U 'f I ,,, lnflu 'Ie, LUll fi T S( The quahl<ltl\C mfluence line for S( IS de1..._ cultml! the auu,11 ocam at C !nd h) \I!~ Ill!! the relea'Cd beam a dj,pla~emnt In Ihl: po Itl\1: dIrectIOn of S( b) mo\ing end C of the of the be-... m dl)\\ n\\ ard and I:nd ( of the right portion uP'Aard Ilg, 15.7 e To obtam the nl<lXllnum ncgatl\e hear at C. the Ji\e load IS nap~ DI:. and the portion BC of the "pan Bn of lhe beam. where the the influence line for S .lfe neg,Hi\c.•I~ ~ho" n in fig 15.7(e). In/lu(/1C't' Lm!' lor \/( Thc quahlati\e influcm:e line for the moment at C and the 1I\c-Ioad arrangement for the maximum poIIh \Ie arc !.hov.n In I ig. 15.7(f). ~ A _L.. _L.. .. _L.. L.. Quahtab Quahwsve Influence Line feX'MA 1111 L.. Influence line , I I I I W w( .'( ,1111 IIII _L.. InJiu nl( l.lII( /lIr \1" The quahtattve mflU('n","t' hne for the ment <1.1 -II o"n In t-Ig IS 8 h ute that IDt.:e the mernben connected tOgJ.:lhcr hy ngld Jomt th ongmal angles between mtersa:tmg I a l0lnl mu I he mamlamed to the deflected shape M,.... 1iII blam the hlaXUllum po lint: hendmg moment at A (he hve load o\er th pan of the frame tht ordmat of Ihe mfluence ~ ""'Il A ~ FIDPlll5.6 Solution .... ~ ~ • W( W( I I I I 1111 A Ora.... quahtatl\e influence lmes lor the bending moment and shear at Ihe bUilding frame ho"n In I-Ig, 158(a Also. ~ho" the a r . ~ : unifonnly dl InhUll:d do.... n..... arJ 11\1.' load II that \\111 cause the 11 Iti\c bending moment and Iht: mu l~ .m ncgati\c !lohear at A - .. d • - Arrangement of Uve 1.oId for MaJ,unum PoIibve MA (11 ... ,5.8 134 CHAPTER 15 Influence lines for Static.lly Indeterminate Structures , SUMMARY In 11ll'S •.: h.lph:r \\t: lh,cu'...ed lIl11llf..'m:e ~cnil for statlcall mlll.ll.. tru.. lUl"C' 'hl' rn'o..'dure for (.'on,trudmg such 1R8 b\ thl,.' Illl..'1lwd l,r con I lelll JcfMmalll\ll'" c"i'C'lltially lovol ;rudmg the IIl11UCIlCC: linc lor the n:Jundanb h) plaCIng a U(CL'~ I\d~ ,It ,I r'xt~nu l,f r<'l11h along the length of the struc:tult tllf c:.Kh l~ ItJlln 1\1 the lIll1t lo,ld (omputmg the values or dund.lI1t h) ~lr Ill!): tht: melhod of con ... hh:nt dcformatlo thl,: mllul,.'lKC hnc . . for th.c hna~l udcr and. b} applYIng the 11011' of c:qUllit'tnum. detammll1g the mfluence Ime~ for other funclIon of the ...tructllre balu.lllon 01 the dclll'Ctlon Ill\ohed in the application method Ill' Ll'n ... I...(('l1t dcfl.'mlJlion can be con. Iderably expedited mg \1J.\\\c1r... la\\ ofrL't:ipn.:x:,l! .~noltcen d The procedure for iog qualn.niH intlut:ncc line... for mdetenninate structures by Bre,lau· principle I ... prc'Cnted in Section 15.2. '\Cr = ~B ", DF=JE 801---1-401 401 - 1--1---- 3 401 E con tun "'''5.1 FIG P15.5 15.' DrJw the IIlftuen 11 port .Ino the fOfl:C In m m ITU ho"n tn hg Plj 6 LI bf,llJllm choro 01 the truss E F ... ,,5.1 PROBLEMS B SoclIon 15.1 15.1 Ora\\ thl,.· II1flucnlc hoe for the reactiom at the ... up· port nd thc hear <tnd hendmg mllment at point B of the beam ho"" m Ilg. PI51 Determine the influence line or· dm t OIl '-m Hllcndl'i Sded tht" reaction at ~uprot C to he th redul1l,b.nt 8 c £/ = con~ta AG. P15.3 601 11m 15.4 Draw the influence line... for the reaclion at POrt!. and the ~hcar and bending moment at pamt beam ,ho"n 111 Fig. PIS.4 Detcrmine the influence dinate... at lO·ft intenal..., £/:;: cun tanl FIG. P15.1, P15.2 A .il BCD ;;Y;; rt ~ l I ne the.: Influence Jines C r the real:tlOm: at the r the f Pr. blem I j i b ) !<Iccung the morpon 4 t be the redundant. s....e Fig PI Ci I the mfluen lin r the rC"dl:Uon at uppon { d bendmg moment at pomt B of the beam • I FIG. P15•• 15.5 Dra\\ the inftuenex Jine~ for Ihe reactJODI ports and the ~hear and bendmg moment at poiDl D A B E 601 _I L - 2paneI1l8m-16m :;, £1 = constant C ... "5.10 T 1- I--- 20 II --41-10 11-1-10 It 15.2 De B 15.7 Draw the inftuem;e lines for the forces tn memben Be and CD of the truss shown m Fig. PIS 7 live loads are transmitted to the top chord of the trus 15 It A £A:;: con tant AG. P15.6 B A C l---- 3 panels ailS ft - 4S ft hO\\11 III fig: PIS.3, Dctermme the influence hne at 5-ft mtcn ,i1... £.4=_ FIG. P15.7 15•• Ora\\ the influence hnes ~ the Be BF and CF of the truss shoWD ID F PI load, are tr.ln"mllted to the bottom h rd the ... "5.11 - ., ,& 15 LCI UI8II far S1I1Ic8IIJ' ............. ~ .... C A ~- L ----+_ 11I.,.5.15 11.'. Draw qualn.bYe inlI_ ment and shear at POlOt A of' Idle:'=== FIJ- PIS 16 Also show the .. dlstnbuted downward hve load posIbve bendmg moment at A and . . shear at If 000 ... ,.5.12 ..... ,u 11.,. . . . . A ,I.,. CIa ~ 11I.'15.16 11.17 For the bwlelin. r..... """'" mine the arrangements of a unif'onaIy ward live load w that will cause the bendIng moment at pomt ..4 and till beneli.. mOlnent al po"nl B ..--:--:....;.-;;--1IIr B C B -+--L I~-". ;.-, -, -~ ....,. 1--- L --+-.-+-. -~ L --'+--L "''11.17 - CllAPI8l I. 51a11t-DoIIectIOnthe fundamentals of this method proVtdes a valuable intral~ matnx tltrues method \\ hleh fonns the baSIS of m \\are currently used for slruclural analysis. We first derise the fundamental relallonsbips 1I01lII. apphcallon of the slope-deflection method and tbco concept of the slope-defleclton method We cOllSldcr the the method to the anall" of conltnuous beams and PI Dill of the frame In \\ hleh joint ticlOslatIons are prevented sider the analy I of frames with joint translatlOns. -- r • r 16.1 SLOPE-OEFLECTIOI EQUATIONS When a continuous beam or a frame is subjected to CIl1le1llll temal moment generally deselop at the ends of Its inClividai The SIQpe-d(lIt!( llon equatlOnr relate Ihe moments at the 10 'he rolations and di.fplacemen1s of lis ends and lhe eo plied to the memher. To derive the slope-deflection equations, let us focus on an arbitrary member AB of the continuous beam 16.1 a). When the beam 's subjected to external loads and tlements. member AB deforms, as shown in the figure and ments are induced at its ends. The free-body diagram and curve for member AB are shown using an exaggerated 16.1(b). As indicated in this figure, double-subscript notabOO member end moments, with the first subscript identifyIng end at which the moment aclS and the second subscnpt other end of the member. Thus, MAS denotes the moment member AB, whereas MS A represents the moment at end B AB. Also. as shown in Fig. 16.I(b), OA and Os denote rotatIOns of ends A and B of the member with respect deformed honzontal) position of the member; <1 den translation between the two ends of the member m the pendicular to the undeformed axis of the member, and the notes the rotation of the member's chord (I.e the mm,1i necting the deformed poslt,ons of the member ends due translalton <1 Smce the deformat,ons are assumed to be rotation can be expressed a <1 L 111 member end moments end rotallOns QN/ hurd fUiallOn ar, po lllve wMn colUt/erd _.... ~A :----------'"'i JW T A • lei _ •5 • 71117_.-" By subotilUbllll Ihi cquabon mlo Eq 16 Sb ad cquabon (or AI we obtain M. 2EJ L1JJ and by subotilUlillll Eq 166a mID ather Eq J,... ",IIUI! obtain the expmllllOll (or M•• . . . . . , DI I __ ,. _ . z- A~C -'r_·~J:=L, (I FIUd Bam I ,. I : (b) Simple-Bam 1IeadinI....... "hI I au (e) Jllud.Ead "=_.. _ 1 1 of the area IIIIdcr !be IIJDple-bam "Ii about !be eoda A lUId B are liven by CHAPTER 16 Slope-Deflection Method 1t1 L 0. can be expressed "'I + ( f-E\1s. - FEM ••) -~ {l It' J~ .md ~1.6 manzed .1 i:lrc similar in form 1/ JEt L 1/ 1/ (l r/I + ( FEM ~EF ) II 1662 161 !('1pt.'-d.:ftcct!on equations gIVen the m('lJ,fled BecJu D7 • 4£1 .loJ Ih... modified slo[X'-Jc:tkl.:ti,)!1 ...~noltauq \f IS IICnaIlt.2 - ~ o I " ' 1 L - IFEM fB 1/ 3~rJ':~ t)1 1.5k1ft S,,= 1338 B lOk 1613 32 5 I C 18 d , _ ElId M........... Shean in \\ hll..:h the "ub~npl , rcler" to the ritllillv connected end oftbc here the moment \/ A ,Il'h and the ~ubrjpt h idenlifies the II of the member lhe rotallon 01 the hinged end can now be wn ~ , ,, r/I II, L- 1FEM , ) 4t:1 ' 392k.~ I) lOk pntr ml B:. ~ :- ilr - "'D , , , I IlJ8k 327Sk 1877k 49k Ie) Support Reactions A~4.1 To illU'"tr,tte the basic com:cpt of the !'ilope-dcflection method the three-span continuous beam sho".n in Fig. 16.3(a). Altho 1 ~ kilt III k ---"" 98 --20ft B ~1lI"-r l/)ft+- (A~_. ..... - ' O : l ~ B(./" 10 , EI c \;onslanl E =19.000 k I "-D 49 16.62 1=500in" k(~_S)f 1511-----J 197 I 8eIdillI- DiqdID (k-ft 'bl fIG. 16.3 Jll,lU 4k ft _ • MIl ,- .. CHAPTER 16 Slop.-O.flection M.thod ............. ,tru(lure .K1U 1~ !.:l)n\lsb of ~l 'lI1glc l:(lnlmuous beam between A .1Il0 D, for tht,.' purro",,, l~1 anal},is It ,is. consIdered: \.:omfl4.'1scd (If thn.'C' rehm~ ., 8. B( .InU CD. ngldly COD lOll1h f. B. C .InO D 1(\(,11"0 .11 111(,.' supporh of the structure \Urr('1rt I.:Ol1lll1UOU 1x,Im h.... 1IC~ di, ulc:d 11110 members and the unknO\\I1" lerna I rc,ll:LJom, i.ll.:t onl} at the JOlOts. the j 0 1l1ta. Degrees of Freedom With the loint l()(';i.Itions nOll c..tablished \\C identify the unla~ol dept.-odenl dl'.placement-. If,tn,kuion.. and rotations) of the J01DtI ,lruclure, Tht'.e unkno\\11 jOint displaccmenh are referred to U qrees of !rlrd(mr of the ..trueture. From the qualitatl\e deflected the continuou.. beam ..ho\\11 in hg. 16.3(a), \\e can see that nODe jomb can translate Furthermore. the fixed joints A and D aumaw tate. \\herea .. J0lnl'! Band C arc free to rotate. Thus the COD beam ha.. t\\O ~ergd of freedom. 0B and Oc which represent know n rotation .. of joint~ Band C. respectively. The number of degrees of freedom IS sometimes called the kint:matic ind(!lt'rnlinac:r of the structure. Since the beam of FIg. 1 ha~ two degr ~ of freedom. it ~I considered to be kinematicaUy mmale to the second degree. /\ structure without any degrees dom i~ termed kinemalically dt'laminate. In other words, if the ~tnem calp of all the jOlO1S of a structure are either zero or kno structure is considered to be kinematically detcnninate. FEM. FEM•• L 50 k-ft 12 50 k-fl or For member BC FEMsc PL 3020 The unknown joint rotations arc determined by solving the equa equilibrium of the joinh thaI arc free to rotate. The free-body of the members and joints Band C of the continuous beam are s Fig. 16.3(b). In addItion 10 the extemal loads, each member I. IU to an mternal moment at each of its ends. Since the correct sen member end moments are not )oct kno\\iIl. it is assumed that 1M menh at the ends of all the members are positive (counte In accordance \'-ith the slope·denection sign convention adopted diagrdms of lhe JO preceding section. Note Ihat Ihe ~dob-erf the member end momcnh actmg in an opposite (clockWise diJllCIiili! accordance \'-ith . c\'-ton\ la\'- of aClion and reaclion. Because the enllre structure is in equilibrium. each of Its and JOints mu't also be In equilibrium. By applying lhe mlOJlllSll.l hbnum c4u.tion, L: .11. () and L: At, _ () respectively to bodies of JOints Band C \'-e oblam the equilibrium equatlODS II. A + II., = 0 \.((8 t \It I' 0 75 k-ft T--8- FEM • - 75 k·ft J Equations of EqUilibrium 50 k·ft or r k 75k ft Note that In accordance Wllh the no1lce l~ the counterclockWIse fixed-end moments are consIdered lO be JlOIIII Smc:e no external loads act on member CD Its fixed-end m men are thalli FEM D FEM 0 The fixed..,nd moments are shown on the diapam f Fig 163 c The s1ope-dellectioo equations for the lluee members unus beam can now be wnnen by usmg Eq I 9 rotariom upporlS f the _bDunUS beam transIa the rd 1hree members are zero I e 6 poria A and D are fixed. the rotabOOS 169 for member AB WIth A the obtam the ~ equa trIIcture In 2E/ O by coosideriII8 B as the near end I5ll ClW'T£R 16 Slope-Deflection MelIIod 21:1"'0 0 :0 - II ~lf . mS b) gm~lrI. ~EI If 20 2FI II • ~O and for mcmtx-r I), IICTJaIIIl2 ..... e....,. .... ..,..,DD,IIIRIooI._ - 50 Be. \\c obtain B UbollluUn lho: n me: I 01 SIlO 12' ft' and I SIlO 'n aode. be + 0.1 EIII, + 75 .lI/E~O 75 8, 8 75 + II. :!.fJl O.'~EIf} 50 16.9) for member flj. :!.tJB 01 000\\ rad mu o r Member End .....,11 ., I -2EI -Ie 'L7£11 .0•" I, '21:.1 - 0" 15 0.133£/l/, 15 \Io( ~'.: The momen at lhe ends r th Ih mc:mbe • can now be determined by ubo!lIUltng the nn and £18 rnto the s10JlH\eflect equa Eq M. M,. 0 I \08 46 SO 02 108 46 SO 10846 01132 These lope-ddledion equations automatu:all) satisf) the com condition, of the '1rUl.:lufC. Smce the member ends are rigidly to the adjacent joint. the rota l n~ of member ends are equal to lations of the adjacent joints. Thu~. the (J terms in the slope MB( 02 M. 0218382 01 49 1 k·ft or equation... Eqs. 16.1R)) reprc\Cnt the rotations of the member '" ell as (hose of the jomb. M Joint Rotations To dClcmline the unknown joint rotations 08 and tic. we SUbstl slope-dene'Clion equations (Eqs. (16.18)) inlo Ihe joint eq equalions (Eqs. (16.17)) and solve the resulling system of equat! multaneously for O. and II, Thus by substituting Eqs. (161811 116.18c) 1010 Fq. (16.17a), \\e obtam 50)· (0.2EI0. ' O.IE///, + 75) 71 k-ft 10846 +0 and by substltutmg I'qs II ~.18d! I Ellie D 026718382 491k.ft Moe 0133 18382 24 4k·ft and (16.1 Xc) into Eq. (16 I ,IIIEIfI. 75) _ O.2~7EI 0 or Olf.///. + O.4~7f10( Soh 109 Eqs. I1>.1 d~ "-e obtam ·75 and (I h.1 % (Eqs. 16.17 If the solution should be satISfied. IS UO, 18l~2 k.ft 5 correct then the eqwbbriwn equall -71 7 71 0 491 0 Member End Shean The member end momen" )USI compuled diagnun of the memben and) 10" ID Fig 16 the ends of memben can now be de1enniDed of equih"bnwn to the ftee bodies the mem M 0 S1mulldneously for £/9. 1fJ8 46 k-ft 1.10. I k or Note that a positive answer for an end moment indICa thai counterclockwise whereas a negative answer for an end momen unpl a clockWise sense. To check that the solulton or Slmullaneous equalt"'" Eq 161 has been earned out correctly the numencal values of member end moments should be .ubslttuted into the )0101 equiJ.briwn equa on 0 ··25 EJ 49 I k-ft 491 1I.4EIfI. beam 392 k-ft or IO.~Ef( II 00018 rad + 0.1£///. - 75 ,l f£~.O cn. (O~EIO. r£ de .. o 392 S 20 152 ....,. .. CHAPTER 16 Slope-Deflection Method ~91 ~/ II II . .Ioi sc I' .\ (I " 1/ 0 ~F k F \'CR _ n D87 k Il '92 II S(n 49k II So< 49 k The: fOfcgl1mg mcmlxr end ,he.u can. altern i\l~I) --- I 5 20 127 L" I JO 4 0 55 18 7 I 5 244 0 Chedcs be evaluated b~ ~UJ"l :rp. ti m or ('no hear.. due: 10 the c:\lcmalload and each of the cont! ~Hl'(m Kn ~d1t.ra · t l l1 the ffiemocr. For example the shear at cnd .-1 of ffieml'ler -tB i, gl\cn b) 1 5120 .19.2 717 20 20 I 13.38 k 1 In "hleh the fin•• tcrm equah the ~hear due to the 1.5-k/ft unifonnly di..tribuh.-d Illad. "herea.. the ~ond and third terms arc the shears due to the 9~ ..:!-I..·ft and 71."'·k-ft moments. respectiH:I). at the ends A and 8 of the memher Support Reactions Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams With the suppon reacUons known the hear and bendlDg momtDt d~­ grams can now be constructed In the usual manner by U51Dg the btam sign com nlion descnbed In Section 5.1. Thr shear and bendmg m ment diagrams thus obtained for the continuous beam are shown 10 Fig 16.3 f and (g) respectively From the frce·body diagram of Joint B in Fig. 16.3(d), we can see that the \ erlical reaction at the roller support B is equal to the sum of the shears at ends B of members AD and BC; that is, B S.,+S" ~ 16 2+16 3~ 2.75kr Similar!} the \crtlcal reaction at the roller support C equals the sum of Ihe ::\hean. at end~ C of members BC and CD. Thus c - S" + S<o - 13.87 ,49 = \8.77 k f The reacuon::\ at the fixed support A are equal to the shear and moment allhe end A of member AB; that is. A S .. -13.38k W. II .. - 392 k-ft ) Similarl} the reactions at the fixed support D equal the shear and m0ment al end D of member CD. Thus D Soc \10 \10< 49 k I 244k-ft) The suppon reacuon are shown m Fig 16 3 e . 16.3 ANALVSIS OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS Based on tbe d,SCUSSIon presented on tbe precedmg tI n .... procedure for Ihe analySIS of conlmuOUS bealll> by the s1ope-<lcftecboo method be summarized as foDows I. Identify the degrees of freedom of lbe true\we F rolalio", beams. the degrees of freedom CODSI .... unknown theJOIDIS 1. Compute lixed-end moments For each member evaluate the lixed-end moments due to the the expemons g",en inside the bock ""' of the 3. ten:Iock In the lixed-end of supportmomen senJemen"" de chotds of memben adJ8COllI 10 the uppo !be re e uanslabOD be\WeCIl .... member IengIh A L The ho :~ thebee: I the I - 1fCl1lII1U ....,." C1C, ClW'TBI 18 SI....·DeneeU.. MelIlod - _ Ex-" 18.1 I k Dt:!emllne the rt3.l.:1lllnS mJ dnt\\ the "hear and hendmg moment dUlgranu Ii tht 1\\0- pan l,;(l111IRUOUS ~am shm\" In ftg 165(a by the IOpe-deftceuon m hod Solution Ikq f',f dfmr From Fig. 16 'i(a. \\e can see that only Joml Sofdle beam IS free to rotate Thus the structure ha.. onl) one degree of freedom wtticb 1 the unkno,," Jomt rotation Os· J.£nd"", ntf B) usmg the fixed-end moment ('xpres Ion given in_ SIde the back co\er (If the book \'oe C'\aluatc the fixed-end moments due to the BeD Fi e temalloads (or eal,:h member FEM. Pa~ 648 k-ft , L FEMs f Pa L FEM B( "L 12 FEMcs 150 k-ft ;J ~ - 43.2 k·ft 2 30 12 - 150 k-fl , or or 64 8 k-ll or -43 H-ll or 18k I M~IA ~ Bl ) +150 k-ft ole that in accordance with the slope-deflection sign convention the counterclockWIse fixed-end moments are considered as positIVe, whereas the clockWiSe 3S6( l 984 27.57 I (lBl) Bl ).01.5 :It A 816 1 984 Sumlarl) by applymg Eq equation • 18k 2£/ 20 30 M, ' 2£/ 0 30 ' ISO ISO Be. we obtam the 0133£/0, A 4 B 27.57 lopc:-deftecliOD ISO 00667£/0. - ISO 4 • It ,.,1U C t t 3741k 81n 2 2 kill D d~- Equ,librQlnt Equal on The free-body d18graJD of JOint B 11 showD m thaI the member end momenb whICh .... asawned 10 be counte lock directiOD on the ends of the members must be .ppIied ID 16 b I 3,n.lI( 64 8 432 -0.16£/0.-432 169 for member 10.5( 27.57 (e) Member End MomenIs mel Shan Slope-DeflectIOn EquatlOIH To relate the member end moments to the unknown Joint rotation, 08. we write the slope-deftection equations for the cwo members of the structure by applying Eq. (16.9). Note that smce the suppon A and C are fixed, the rotations 0.,4 - Oc O. Thus the slopc-deftectlon equation for member AB can be expressed as 25 rm+mm IB Cl) B =3141 Chord Rotations Smce no support settlements occur, the chord rotabons of both members are zero; that is'''AB "8e O. 2£/ 20 1 18k fixed-end moments are considered to be negative. 0.08£/0. M b -150 k-fl 2£/ 25 0.)+648 rm+mm (I B 1) M MMC1B1) )14 I43k til CHAPTBl16 Stope-Deflection Method IECTtOII1U """"' .. Clnrnul __ OpJ'ltl II\; .. kld\\! Jlrl'dll'll llll tho.: ~rI Ixxl) ..,I thl,; Jl1lhl In uccl)rdance W1lh CUll'lI s lhmJ 1.1\\ 0, .lprl)lllg thl' Ilwml'nt l.'qUlhhnum equation M. to thl: 11 ...' ( bl~ of l(llllt H \\ .. oht.lIn thl: eqUlllhrlum equalll," t: ~Bf\ 0 \11l( J Inl R I t " ToJ d.:lI:nmnc the unKno" n lomt rotalt..ln.. ". \.\1: SUhstllulc Inp.:--dd'k-ctHln etjUJtllm f q ~ .\Od .' I mto the cqUlhhnum equation (q 5 III (lbt.;,un th.. o 1UE/OII .p" IIIMI II • 150 I 0 A I (j(,X fwm \\hh:h 18 fl h £1_ \It milt r Fnd \I, III nlf The mcmlxr end momt'nh can no\.\ be computed hy uh tltuUng the numl'nL.11 'alue 01 HOB bad mto the lopc-deftechon equations hi I through 4 Thu :' . b-IX M~. \/1B OIlX \1 ~H (I \1 il( o U' \/l II O.ll6b71 Ib '645 i 1015 k·ft 1'0 1015 k·ft ) JM 5) or If B I74J k·ft I SO 101 5 k·ft; 174Jk·ft; or ~otc Ihat it J'llhlli\c an...\\..:r for an cnd moment indicates that ih o;ense is coun. h:n.:ln':.... \.\I'oC. "herea.. a negati\e an,,"er for an end moment imphc3 a c1ock\\lSC -.en....: Sinl:e the end mumenh .\f8~ and .\IBe are equal in magnitude but oppo. '>Ite In '\C n~. the cquihl:lOum equation. \1 8 I +- .H 8(' - 0, is indeed satisfied. .\lo1/ha Em' Shc·t", The member end ,>hear~, obtained b} considering the equilibrium of each member. an: !'Iho"n in Fig. 16.5(c). Supporf RUJctionl The ceactionl> at the fix.ed l>UppUrb A and C are equal to the force" and momenh at the emh of the members connected to the3C jOints. To determine the reaction at the roller support B, \\c con!'lider the equJllbrium of the free bod) of joint B In the \ertlcal direction (see Fi8. 16.5(c)) to obtain B SS4 9.K4 SIIC The ..upport reaction acc ho\\n in + 27.57 ~7.41 tb Free· Body Diagrams of J n 3 klft 20~ rJ2 6J 18 0 )741 -2 30) + 32.43 0 27 20.7 <; E 1/( J5b 81b 55 1845 374\ 30 230 15 174 J C -471 Member End Momen and Shean 3kJft CheCkS 0 0.2 ",0 I 21 B =477 63k CheCkS Sh rand B ndrnq \lomn" DUll/ram The shear and bendlDl moment diagram can 00\\ be .,;on tructed b) usmg the Mum SJyn cona: "'10" delaibed II n S I Thne diagram are ho\\n In Fig. 16 S c and f AJtS. 201 c Ans. EF 1~ 21 7p~r q20 k1 fig. Ib.5(dj. Bonde 3 klft 20.7 27 Eqwllhrlllm (ht'Ck To t:heck our l.:alt:ulation.. of member end shears and upport reactions \\e ap l~ the equations of equilibnum to the free body of (be entire trUl:ture Thu !iCC hg 16.5(d 8.16 Beam 356 k-ft ": 432 .'\M5J Coo 4 tk ...1" J kJft 1 ~D;')I (CC.CI:: 02 Ie - - CllAPlElt1. _alii 0............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. • 21 -21 (e) Shear Diagram (k) 51 3 _ •••. 0.1 II IE/Ie 4 102 M,1U -102 (0 B,ndillll Moment Diagram (t II) Ioluaan IHgru of Futdom (JB and (Jc FI td End Momenls FEM. 324k-ln or 324k II 48 6 t-Il or 48 6 k.fl ~ 81 k-Il , or 81k II or 81 k.fl 486kll' or +48.6 k.fl 324 k-II or 34k SECTION 11.3 AnaIyoiI 01 _ _ R( tollOn To delcnmnc the unknown j~mt rotation Os, we substitute lhe slope-deflection equatIons Eqs. 1) and (2)) mto the equilibrium equation Eq. 3 to obtain JOIllI 187.5 0.lE1 08 + (0.6EltJ s --+-- 300) 10kNim - 0 - ! - - 6 m - + - 9 m_ _ or EI • constaftl 0.9E10 8 - -1125 (a) ConIlQUOUS Beam lOkN from \\hu::h EU~B - - 125 kN - m~ \20 kN m ( \#emh , End \fommt The member end moments can now be computed b) substituting: the numencal \alue of £/88 into the slope-deftection equations Eqs. I and 2 Thus \18. -OJ WBe> 06 lOkN fb StabCally Detenninarc CanliIC\'ct Portion 225 kN .mAns. or 1875- -225kN-m 125 125 +300= 225 kN m~ Ans. 30 kl'l '[em"" End Sht:tJn and Support ReQcI;om" See Fig. 16.7(c) and (d) 52 5 - 15(20) + 225 - 60 + 82.5 ~ 0 0 mNk021~B Ai Equlllhrrum Cht(k See fig:. 16.7(d) +ILF Checks (c) Stabcally lnde1mninate Part to be Analyzed +(LMD~O -525(20) + 15(20)(10) - :-:-_-:1D IC 225(10) + 60(5) ~ Checks 0 IEumplI1U (d) Free-Body Diagrams of Joints B and C Detennine the member end moments and reactions for the continuous beam shown in Fig. 16.8(a) by the slope-deflection method. 6873472 SOlution 13(....,...---::-) (IBI) Since the moment and shear at end C of the cantilever member CD of the beam can be computed dlfcctly by applying the equations of equilibrium (see Fig. 16.8(b) It IS not necessary to include thiS member in the analysis. Thus, only the mdetennmate part AC of the beam shown in Fig. 16.8(c), needs to be analyud Note that as shown m thiS figure, the 120-kN . m moment and the 3O-kN fora: exerted at jOlOt C by the cantilever CD must be included in the analysis. FEM ... FEMe. -~ 12 675k m) BI 275;;; 275 I B CIllO 687 I 3472 . By' 41.59 5527 6.87 13 ~7 DI"- rj;L l~! . 1r4!J-._ I 0 675k IA 687 m) or or 675 k +675 k m m I ... lU I 4159 OSupplldIleo<""'" 120 C • 8527k 30 FI'C J·£nd Alomml FEM6A (DJi]j]m) CW) ~'-( (e) Member End Momemsllld Sbean lkg"e~ of Freedom From FIB 16.8(c) we can see that jOlOts B and C are free to rotate Thus the structure to be analyzed has two degrees of freedom \\hlCh are the unknown Jomt rotations 86 and 8e · FEM,." 552730 ~127 lOkN IC 30 .. ClIAPmI'8 SECT.'•.3 SIope·_ MolIlod It> Q) t\l nwmhc:r "B lind Be 'EI \I tl 0 211 \I 'F! \I 9 -= ~_ n3F10 s [J n ~ 0-U4£/88 07 ' o ~2n!l{ • t>1 'i ~m '1./ 9 \I. " ~=~ lM~1I0. " 0 ~1 6: .5 - ........ at ConInllll . . . . (''' 5 0 (I ~ £ l n 8 11444EW( l'tl S £_7 CPa 4 C""tinuous_ r WI! fi/I II n{ 8~ l..-on"lI.knng the mornen! I.."quihbriurn of the fl'C't I:o...\(hc of l(llOts B .J.nd ( fig 16 Md ~c obtain the equilibnum ~quatl n~ Equl () B 6 ). Inl through -t R n Suh<.tltutl\ln the ..Iopc-deflection equatlonll mill the equilibrium equatlom lEq". 15) and (6) }ic1d.. 1011 I 111£108 \If , o 222EIl1c Eq\ 12 - -675 fbi Owrd Rolan Due t Suppon Sdt ~ (7 (8) 8) ..ohing Fq EW, 7) and II( ..imullaneousl), .....e detenninc the .. alues of ElfI s and llI.- 10 ElO H 4125 kN m 1 EIlJ{ -97.62 kN m 2 (el free-Bod) Diagnutlll of Jomt Band C \I.mlta End \lOlllt'fl/\ The member end moments can no\\ be computed by lIuhstltuting the numem:al .. alue.. of £/8. and EIlJ( into the slope-deflectton equation.. l-.q\. I throug:h (4))' 311 41.25, ,~I\ (J \l~ () 667 412'; It, 0444 412S -131 kN m 275 k. 0222 m 97.62 or 137 k m) Ans or 275 k m) 675 Ans 27 S kN m \I O'l"ll 412S 120 k m () 444 9762 675 or 120 k m) te that the numemal .. aloe of \I"... \I" nurn equall n Eq \1 m EnJ 'a~ f. ull , unr C d Member End ttl MS. MS. and \Ie" do salls! the eqwbb- S and 6 and Support Rt'Q lrom Sec fig 168 e and f Ii The eqwhbnum equations cha;k. AnS M.1U n and 117 - C1W'TB116 $Il1jlt-Delloction Molhod SECTION 1U . . . . . of ewlt .>. 105 It' - 1 C 8 A Til . . . . . n M. 2EI 8. -IN \7 She-dT Diagram (kN) (I) 2£1 \I 91 See FI 9 \I Jom, RotatIon. Substltutlon r the ~Olpe-<Icft:i'>n mto the eqUIlibrium equall o (8) Bendmg Moment Diagram (kN· m) lU cold 40 O. By solving Eq SolutIon Filed-End Mom('nt~ moments are zero. 8. cate the chords (not the elastic curves) of the members in the deformed positions Because the length of member AB is 8 m the rotation of its chord is 0.02 8 -0.0025 whIch the negative Sign has been assigned to the value of "'AB to mdlcate that Its direction 15 clockWise as shown In Fig. 16.9(b . Slmilarly the chord rotation ~'" 0 ~2 M. MIA CD "011 0 Equations Applymg Eq. 169 to members AS WC\\inte 2EI 8 O. 00075 and AnI or 91 k m Ana. M,= m or 56 k m An&. 56k S6k m AnI -18k m An&. MD An&. and Suppor 1IIoc See F... 16 I: Be m m Efoi/ibr- c l/lco Sl 'fN-Dejk AnI 91 k M"""" EM _ From Fig 169 b we can see that 98 kN m 101",- 91 k 101 _ 0 0025 0002 rod Member End Moments To compute the member end momen lute the numencal values of (J. (J and El 70 800 56 000 k the naht Sides of the slope-deftecllon equation Eq I throup 6 I In Be IS 00005 rad o Since no external loads act on the beam, the fixed-end Chord Rotalwln The specified support settlement is depicted in Fig 16.9{b). using an exaggcr'dted scale. The inclined dashed lines in this figure indi- 000 5 9 and 10 Simultaneously we detcrmme Degrers of Freedom Os and fie . for member <qua,tio", through 6 -9K fI&. o M 0 236) 4 II 1fl:IIOlI1U _ _ .. c.Coo"",, F _ 1ft : : 1U Determm the member end moment and reactions for the three-span contlnu ous beam hown In b 1610 a due to the umformly dlstnbuted load and due to the uppon nlem nt of In OIl B J In OIl ( and .. In at D. ~U the lope deflection method AI!-.UJL . 4~ .J:rb... ~.& !. l~ B ~20ft-l1 ft £ 29.000 Solution FI C liB and He J-End \I l!sc m nit B FEM.. FEMe FEM.. FEM. FEM/>( FEM 1_ 7.800 lD 4 c.m;...... 1lcam lH r I Fr. "" Although all four Jomts of the beam are free to rotale " \\111 ehmmate the rotations of the Imple supports at the ends If and D from the an h s b) usmg the modified slope-deftection equations for members AS and (D respecmel) Thu the analysl \\111 mvohe ani) two unkno\\n JOint rotatton 220 12 _ 66 7 k-ft ~ or J or 0.0026 1Y (el Free Body DiBgmns of Jomls B and C the hard rotation for member CD 1 38 . 41 38 I 81 79 B_I2317 000313 II EqIlQI o ,.,11.1' 000039£1 100 41 79 I C_6219 Cd MembcrEnd- andSheaB IS OI5£IB. 808 41 79 204 808 o::=IT=o) (I I) ( o:TI=o) CW) (o:TI=o lA BI7 24~ IB CI IC I 000365 100 -f~ B in which the negative Sign has been assigned to the value of !/IA' to indicate that Its direction IS clockWise as shown m Fig 16.1O(b) The chord rotation for member BC can be computed In a Similar manner by usmg the settlement of upports Band C From Fig 16 10 b we observe that the relative settlement between the end of member BC IS I tn tn 0875 In. 00729 ft and 0026 - -66.7 k-ft 41 38 81 79 M to (b Cbord Rotati... Due to Support _ 66 7 k-ft 00521 20 .[H } c 66 7k-ft (hord RllallOns The specified support settlements are depicted 10 FIg. 1610 b usmg an exaggerated scale The mcllned dashed hnes In thiS figure m· dlcate the chords not the elastic curves of the members In the defonned POSItions. It can be seen from thiS figure that since support A does not settle but upport B settles by In the relative settlement between the two ends of member AB is In 00521 ft Because the length of member AB IS 20 ft the rota· tlon of the chord of member A 8 IS Similarl 0 C 4 HCTIOlIII.3 AIlIlyIlI ol _ _ 172 CHAPWl16 S1opo-_" Metllod '., 'f1 If u~ If _ o "I'tl 111 flO, ~/.I "- .. J 20 _I o It/II, In II 0 Equ I J, 11m j, Int 0 .:'11 II , through ~ 1{ II, 3 66 (\ ("\(111 f.I n ()().lbS I i "" 7 n:'/HI n lMIII f.I unOlll IOn "f>' OI5UOt,. Ion O lM~71.' • Ans. Equall" St.'\: hg Ib.101.: \lBi 'f B( \fl' \/ 1 0 0 6 0 - Ro at III 8~ uh tltutmg the ,lope-deflection equdtion Il:q 1010 the eqUilibrium «Iuall0n\ I Eq"_ 5. and (6). ",e obtam o 'SElfl. Sub~ti ul ng EI equatton.. )' Il:h,h 0.1 EIfI{ 0.00149£1 o I E1f/ B + II 'SflfJ( 0.00063£1 I :!I).lMXl 1",KUO) I:!' ~.rt 0,1£/(11/ By gniho~ • t>tl 7 i)I)()lhS + ~:U J13 ~ into the right ~ides ().3SE/fJ( =- be EJO II £If" -2.307.24 PI 39,2 0.1~ (KI , A - 1,131.57 k-fl' "'tn/her End .\lOInol/\ To compute the member end moments, \\c sub'ititute the numem:al \alues of Elfl, and E/O e back into the ~Iope·d nection equation\ IEqs f1 throug.h 14)) to obtain 427.7 k-ft ) -427 7 k·ft \.IS( 421 7 k-f1 .... Ans. "'<'8 !10K k·ft , Ans, Ito KOK k-ft 808 k-ft ) I-- L - - \ - - L - - \ - - L --l-- L--I Ans. \lilt or P 'l~B- --.,-tJ ';g:q £1 = constanl Ans \#l'mb.., E"J Shran and Support R('dcl;uns See hg. 16.IO{d and (e Ans EquIlibrium (nt" Ii The equilibrium equation~ check. \'. e pre\ IOU I) analyzed lhe l,;onUu~ beam consuJered ~ h m Example 13 14 by the method of L-on\1 lent defonnatloos. Theoreticall) lhe slopedefla..1.lon method and the method of consistent defon ation~ should yteld IdentICal ults for a gIVen structure The small dlfferellCe$ between Ihe mulls determined he and those oblallled m Example I '\.14 are due 10 the round-oft' errOR , { 6.268.81 ~tf·k 0' HI II FEM of the abo\c Eq"'. 7) and (8) Imultaneou,Jy. we determine the "alue\> of ElO s and EIfI( III If (a> Continuous Beam ,., Ap-ib'le I-- L I L ----j 111) One-Holf Beam with Symmetn< IIouDdUl' Condi- ... 11.11 E L m RCT1OIlI6A .....,...., _ _ IIIl ei_Of Of CltAPTfR 16 Slope-DenllC1lon Melllod "l. l\L ., ~ 2 T 1 r 12 "i "2L c 8="L DI' , .L- .L- "2L 12 12 "2L 12 2 ,'o)(kb (c:ilJ) 1 " I) (181) (el', 1)(lcl)(, 81 .e!!!... ~ 18 cl .L cI'~ 1 .Lo L 12 16.• ANALYSIS OF FRAMES WITHOUT SIOESWAY nL "L HL .... L .. L 12 I D L 12 E:I' ;1. "21. D,="L Cd) Member End Moment and Shear.> , , ,, CI" 1 I' • ~I' .L .L T .L T T .L -T I I .L T (c) Support Reactions .L 2 24 24 .L -T .L -T A V, .L- -If wL 2 .L' .L' E: .L .L' )12 E: .L .L .L T T I I I D C 8' .L ~ D- 8 A 24 c & D ~ \/ \l, V ..L -If ..L -If wL2 -If wL 2 24 ~ E: wL' -12 (8) Bending Moment Diagram (0 Shear Diagram R6.16.11 coold The shean. at the ends of member AS are detenruned by considenng lhe eqUIhbnum of the member The shear and moments at the ends of member Be can now be ~natbo by reflectmg the corn pandmg responses of member AB to the oght of the aXis and the member end moments and shears on the nght half of tbe beam can be ddenmned b) reftectmg the correspondmg responses on the lefl half to the other uJe of the au The mc:mber end moments and shears thus Obtained are !ilhO\\n In Fig 16 II d and the support reactions are given In Fig 1611 e The shear and bendmg moment diagrams for the beam are shown 1R Fil 16 II f and g respectl" I) AnI A thl eumple silo.... the uuhzatlon of structural symmetry can C()IlSider ably reduce the: mputatlonal effort reqUired In the analysiS The beam coosid"' ered 10 this mple Fig 16 11 a ha three degrees offrcedom, 8. 8 and Herby kiD' ad aDtase f the lrUcture s symmetry we were able IInma all the de of freedom from the analySIS PI 1KT1CIII1U . . . . ,, _ _ '.111'_"11 ClW'IEIIl' ......._ - . " c I 80'\ \ B (a) Frune without Sidesway ~ D'H~T-r.:1 E~ I I I I I I I I I I B (b) Frame with Sidesway D I I I -~­ , E , , 1 ,, Axis of ......- symmelr}' \ \ , \ I I I I B £J=con ... 11.12 (ej S)'IlUDCIIIC tant Frome SUbjcclallD S)'IlUDCIIIC Loading - No Sidesway JOIDts prevents one JOlOt translation ID Its axial directioo. The Dumber of independent)OlDl translal10ns I then obtained by ubtractiDS from the total Dumber of _ble translal10ns of I f.... JOID" the Dumber of translalJons _ by the supports and members of the fnunc We ean .mfy our <:onclUl1Olll about the frames of FIgs. 16 12 a and (b ." m IlCTIOIIIU ....,... 01 , .._ _ ......, CHAPTER 16 $IotIe-Ooftection Molhod f In dEnd M nr B umg the ~xif r fthe book \II; bl Id the back 40 20 FE"', HM FEM lhl Fr«·Bod,. Dlagr m~ - 6~ C I~ 21 2 21._'/ ~I_ I L ! lifl I!'-:D~ \.I C ~ '2 15 68_~ 21l LID I ~ 2265 L '-V -. J! '5 I~D:-' 36.86 69.21 ~1I'i9 ---h 193 21.2 1.45 - D ext .2 klft -'--"-22 65 IE vtC "nle the It, 23.14 k , k 9* 69.21 (C I Member End Momem... Shears and Alr.iaJ ~ecroF 23.14 -145 9.7,+6921 (d) Support Rcacuons .2E/ (1 20 ., 100 o IE/U 100 2EI 20 it'D 2EI 0 20 (J \fDB 2EI(2H 20 D ltD 2£ 21 12l1( +HDI + 1;0 0267£111 o )'\3EI It 2£ 2J 20D + Dc - 150 o I HEW 02 02£1 " It B h«lt~epO \114 1,4;- B "'- 11.13 FEM k AC BD and CD and Eq 4011._ 18S_ A k- I of JOint!> C and 0 276~ C - 2 )(, FEM FEI 1:11864 \.1::1."::1 -1.,205.7 115.9 27.65 100 k- I (al Frame k t FEM FEM E=- !Y.OflO II. 100kft" 100 II. ft ~ 4 nd m In 30 "l 100 - 0 2E/() 100 0,1 fJOp 0.2£/fll) £1 JO (ISO )~I ltD 0 lib EqIMlI By appJ)lR the mOlllC'n '[; MliJtw0 ;~ em: bodies of on' C and D F 1 eqwlibnum eqUibODS \t It An. - _,U ....,..... _ _ 11 . ; Da. 1', _ DEC 0 ~ u-- tn. =~':ti; B 1--30 ft---+,--30 ft ;;'29.000)(8011)/(\2 1' k t ml_l_ A E=29000ks. B' (b) CbonI RIMa.ODS !lbe 10 SIIJIIIOR SettIcmco" a) Frame MDC(:f;)MDE ..v MDt £1 c) Free-Body Diapams of Jomts C and D M 46 C • ~ 854 411 411-:-[;,1 .,... 54~1 L 467 254 ::-: ' \ 4 II C:- De 467 76.2 floh f :-~£ T_I 467 48 -...j..-I069 46 JO 2.54 -48 t 254 M 721 --h 92 ~S48 C _411 0.69- A -411 069- B M o 541.8 +54.8 4'-Y 4~ 46 4 721 d Member IilId MomeIIII _1IId Axial FoI<:ea .:+ 4.6 ... ,..,. 4.6't' 7 1 SuppoR- 11.5 MALYSIS OF FIWIII WI11I - - ClW'TER 16 S/opt-Dellection Ml1!lod 1ECnoI1U AooI,oio "' _ _ .'.'_ ---L--- whICh the ch rd 11 n be negative beca se the ar I k FI rotahan can be expressed In t nIlS f the S1denng the do placemen, diagram f) I 16 16 b SInce CC I perpendicular I AC hi b I fll wIth the vertleal CC must make ,he same ngl tal Thus from the diSplacement diagram f J In C In (dl Re.l&.16 conld frame to an arbitrary horizontal displacement .6. and draw a qualitative deflected shape of the frame, which is consistent with its support conditions as well as with our assumption that the members of the frame are inextensibJe. To draw the deflected shape, which is shown in Fig. 16.16(b). we first imagine that the members BD and CD are disconnected at JOint D. Since member AC is assumed to be inextenslble joint C can move only in an arc about point A. Furthermore since the translation of jOint C is assumed to be small, we can consider the arc to be a straight hne perpendicular to member A C. Thus In order to move joint C horizontally by a distance A we must displace It in a direction perpendicular to member A C by a dlr tance CC Fig 16.16{b so that the horizontal component of CC equals A ote that although JOlOt C IS free to rotate Its rotation IS Ig· nored at thiS stage of the analySIS and the elastic curve A C of member AC IS drawn With the tangent at C parallel to the undefonned direction of the member. The member CD remains horizontal aDd translates as a ngId body IOto the position C D) with the displacement DDI equal to CC as hO\\ol1 In the figure SlOce the hOrIZontal member CD II a sumed to be InexteDSJble and the translallon of Jomt D IS assumed to be small the nd D of thiS member can be moved from Its deformed poll. lion D only In the vertical direction. Smlllarly smce member SD IS also can see that CC cos Next let us consider the dl placement diagram It has been shown preVlou I tha'DD I and parallel to CC Therefore DDID DO, and DD at DD n DD A t .. - 680 CHAPltR 16 Slope-DelIlCtion Method ~H ~Ol U "hu h.J' Ib,171 thn)ugh the- l:h(lrd r,11.1I\('11 III the three m c ~ r lh.2Q) inh\ rq fI6.:!h) ... ltl {":Iln ... 01 \ (lhl ctln "I.' ~ "" Ih lOot l:\""P. 1-. \ VBn 1iI,0 I. co... p! \ I Itan P SoIU11on Dr, ,hUJ.~1 161 b - tan Pol 1~ l d(6I.~1 01 al .. in By ~ol\ing obtain fli + 0] = tI~ cos II] ~in II:. = L cos 11'1 Eqs. (16.3la) and (16.3Ib) :)imultancously for "I - a~ L co, Ii, (tan P, + tan /1,) i. - ------ -- -----cO,/I,(lanp" tan/I,) 411 kN Jil<; The: h1fcgomg c prc"lon, of l:hord rotations can he u-.ed to "Ole the I, ~-d k'\. uon cqu.ttll'n lhcr b~ relating member end nWmC:h1s to the thrt."C unkno\\ n jOint di"placemcnh Oc OD, and .,\. A.. In the case of the rcdangular frame ... c"n'ldcn:d prc\iou"J}. the thn.."1: eqUlhbrium t."quatlon, nl..X"C' ~ra, for the ..noluI~( of the unkno\\ n Join! dl'iplacl.'mcnts can he c..tabh hc.."d b} ...umming the moment'<. aCIlIlg on Joint" C and D and b} ... ummll1g the hMil'onlal fon;c" acting on the entire fr,lme. Ho"_ C\ef. for framc!'l \\!th IIh':)IOCd kg . . , it I' usuall) more comcnicni to e..tabli,h the third equihbrium equation b) ~ u m i n g the moment-. of all the force' and I.:ouple~ al.:tlllg on the entire frame about a moment I.:cnter O. "hKh i~ 1(l(.lled at the intcr-.cction of the longitudmal axe:.. of the t" 0 indined mcmbel', a~ ,ho\\ n in Fig. 16.16(d). The location of the moment center () I.:an be determined b) using the condit on~ ( I-ig. (1~. I' I C T 401tN 0 c I 0 5m 7m 8 J.'~ -fL - 8 a°'4..Ju £/ =confotant (a) Frame (el Free-Body Diagram of the Entire Frame (l6.Jlbl tI] and d!. \I.e ~C' ----, ,- (16.12.) C ,-- . ~ID' I' b21.~ ( ,,/ I : I I Sm lI'AC J ,' ,, , '1BO 8 ,, Multistory Frames The foregomg method can be e:\lended to the analysis of multistoJ) frame subj«ted to sides\\ay as illu!l.traled by Example 16.12. Ho\\e',er bo.:ause of Ihe I,;onslderahle arnounl of compulallonal effort 10\ohed the analysis of such structures today IS perfonned on computers u)lng the matnll. fonnulalion of lhe displacement method presented 10 D~ '--;;00;:---,--...,-"""'1 I : I ' I : I ' Once the equilibrium cquatioO\ have been e!<otabli!<ohed. the anal)sis can be completed m the u'ual manner. as diS(:ussed pre\ iousl). (hapter 18 " A lb) QualilabVe Det1ected Shipe oftbe Frame FIlL 111.17 d) F....Body o;.,r- C....... AC .... 8D - - IECTI0II1U AnIIyIIa of _ _ •• Wi, I, d f.nd \I Ide th ha k rEM 2k fEM 411 fEM fEM 4 k 294 k m fEM H HM (It rd IW ~ If 5.8- B ~7 ~ 0"1 El I 16.47 I "EI A _5.8 146~ 2£1 23.53 5 Ie) Member End Momcnb. Shean. and Axial Forces IfDB II, 40kN c I £J~ 2£1 5 o14E~ 04EI '1 "Inv o 24E/~ 08EI 2EI 211 7 flo 2£/ tJ 7 I , 2HD ~ 392 OS'IEIfl 026£1 294 0 286EIH 0" lEI 4 D £qulllbrlum EqUOtlo1U B} considering the m ment eqwbbnum f J n and D ..l ie obtam the eqwlibnurn equations B 0 \I, Y' 0 s -5.8 In which S 16.47 s o and S, repmcnt lhe shea stw-.11 m Fig 16 I ImD ~6.41 umns F'lI- l I d 23Sl and <0 Suppon Reacti.... ... 16.17 amid \J To estabb h the lhird eqwbbrium equation equatlon L FtOto the free bod of the ent '-f.-I77 5.8_ 04 W'4 S CHAPTER II _ III :n3J ft / ,, , , ,, , , ,, , , , ,, " , , ,, o -f1j';"- - - 1 ~ 26.61 ft / ,, , ,, c x.:.'884 D 1762 9 1.7 . leI Member 16 ft - End_ MIDI i~ $BD - D t 1---20 ft--- (c) Free-Body Diagram of the Entire Frame B A 1764- 'Y 2 911 88 I)SupponIteoclioas M rh-SDIT DI D I 16ft s_s,J 'fMID ""1.,, ., 1IC1IIlI1U ......... _ _ .... ' _ (d) ......Body Diqnms or CoIUlDD1 AC ODd BD ...,1." COlI'" - .. CHAPTfR 16 Slope-Deflection Mertlod 1lC'l1OII1U - , . . . " ' _ ./\ \ ,,1 f 'ti \I 'ti 't/ '!.H 1/ o Ot"''i \ I. 't/ \I 20 2fl 10 1/ o \ 1I1'J1"F/O II OblCi \ I. onlHIH/\ II ~I " II 1)6"<;; \ '11 1/ 111118f1'/\ t11l1fl II 1)(,"5 \ '11 1/ II o 021-1U \ II ~51 )/ • 11.1 nfl,) ~ Q l (loY'5j 02t-W( , I II, .1 II oY', \ o 2.ElOn + () 11:1fJ( 1111111//\ ~l1 )(O , FqUllthrwm f.quCJIWnI B) con ldcnng the momenl eqUilibrium tlf Joml dnd D tht eqUilibrium cqu.Ullm.. "I: ~)hla," \I l f \IllS "'! \lrD 0 ,toc 0 , The third equilil:\num equation i c'labh,hcd by .. umming the momcnh of all the fon.-.: and couple.. actmg on the fn:c body of the emire fr<lme abnul poml 0 E·••di/,,,urn ( "" hil:h j.. IOl:atcd .tl the inlc!"'C..'dion of the longilUdinal axe., of the two l"olumm. a.. ,h('l" " in fig. ItI.1X(L:}. Thu.. T\L \If{ - \f( (53. B) • Jl s /) () \10 S80(42.67). 10(26,67) In .... hir.:h the ,hear.. al the lower end.. of the columns can be expre..sed in ~mrcI column end moment a, ("oCc Hg. 16.18(d)) SHU ~ and B) !>ubstitutlOg ~cht ~erpx .\1Hf} 0 of Det nmne the det1lXllon f J I F + .\fIlS 16 defteclt n m thod IOns into the third equilibrium cquation. "'"c obtam 9 Sub)titution 01 the slope-deftection equation) Eq~ IOto the «jUlJihrium cquation\ (EW" (7 through (9)) )Ield!i Jmn, DI pIal t'ffl'" through 6 "4E/IIr 8) I\lOg Eq 0 I E/ll o U 11JH( II 45J:..Jfl o 1I711:JiI( 0877f:/H o HI through (12 l),lKJ"'5£/ ~ OI2EJ~ 0.183£h\ 0 10 0 II 800 12 Imultaneou!il} ","e dctennine HOc 66 648 k-ft- t/flo 12"i 912 k·ft Elf> = 5233 6k·ft I Example 16.12 T $' - 1M CHAPTER 16 Slope-Deflection Method P, SUMMARY In thl' ,h.tph:r. \\co stUJI..:J .1 d,t lI.:,d fonnul.t110n (If thc 1.11 pia ml;nt ..tlllncss Illdhod. ,.tlh.'d Ihe slop..:-ddll,.'\:tlon mcthod. fur thc anal I'~ of .tnd ff.Hnc Thc method I' ha-.ed (10 the: ..lope-deflection eqll.Hllln \I ~EI _'II (I 1 1 .ljI ~ FF'I '''" 169 \\hu:h relate the ml,mt.'nh Jt the: emb of a member to the rotation and hnemc~alr id of 11 .. end, and the e'\ternalload.. applied to the member The rrll\:t.'durc for .tool!) .. I ' <:-"entiall) im·ohe.. tl) idcntif)ing the unkno\\11 Joint di'plol,emcnb ldcgn.-c.. of freedom) of the structure, 2 for each memb..:r. \\riling slope-deflection equations relating member end moment to the unkm)\\n Joint dlspla,ements; (3) establi..hing the equation.. of equilibrium of the ..truclure in term .. of member end moment..; 14) ub..~nitu Ihe ..lope-dcflection equations into the equihbrium equatiom and ,ohing the resulting s}stem of equations to deter. mine the unkno"n joint displ.tcements; and (5) computing member end mOffic:nt .. b} .. ub,tituting the \alues of joint displacements back into the slope-deflection cquations. Once member end moments have been C\al· uatcd. memhcr end shear.. and axial forces. and support reactions. can be detennined through equilibrium considerations. IOOkN Af=~ - 1"1 ...... IU Del "mne the re t.1lons dnd draw the r d be ng m men! dlagr m for the beams fooho"n f PI I PI 5 b) u ng the I pe-deftectlUn method I k ( lJ /---1-E. f 6m 2/ - - - = constant "'-PIli 25 kS/m A 8m-----l-8m fI 8m E=70GPa £ 1= I.lOO I Hi'l mm" 2kift 25 kNlm A I 10 m , £ FIg fIG. Pt6.5 I 2~m I ( 8 I 10 It £1 15 It 15 It-l 15fl 1. =29000kl fI=""...... =200 GPo 1=500( 1()6) mnr' III.Pl8.10 ... Pt8.2,PtU 20ft 1= 165010" ~ 1---15 It--I- 20 k 15ft , f!! I ! III ' 1 ! ; ~ £ D GPa / "'- Pt6.ll, Pl8.15 AG. Pl6.4, P16.7 10k I ... Pl1.1 ID I fIG. Pl6.3 PROBLEMS 1... Sol\c Problem 16.:! for the loadmg loho"" PI fl .2 and a settlement of I in. at support B I _9m--+-om+6m A~C .-,1.3 UXH III.PtI.11 I 11M CHAPTER 16 Stope-Deflection Method IH I A..... B 'T- o 'r51t~lIOJ- -I \0 ~tH I ....e t /l ~J F __ T /) 3m +N II c I.:on lant f.• 20() Gp' 3m ~ 1 E I .... ~9nOk 1 I 1 " \11 kN/m 2'\ kN/m ~ L 1 c 4fXl( 1061 ~ 1=:'\.onOm" Pl6.12, Pl6.16 fill. FIG. PI6.17, Pl6.21 • IfIm ~ III 1M ""il Be/} 6m+ bm- i-6m-l bm~ £1 fIG "" EI - alii II} 2 lift B T = cetnstaJII Pl6.13 J 1='~!:;C,*> A 1~em=I 2: 1--1--+- 20 II B 10ft 10ft ;:l=In~f.1 J1O/} f1~ + :A. F G 11.21 Sohe Problem 16.17 for the I dl Plo.I"7 and a -.ettlement of 50 mm at urpon ronslant =29.000 ko I = 3.500 in. 4 £1 f. =: 15 I. --'-----+--1-5 40" 15 .JfI P16.lts and a 'iCulement of" RG. P16.18, PI6.22 tn. dl n FI I I I I I I F- /} C lO ft ~ ~ I 4Ok- 30 It 15 B + ' ..17 + 2n1l ' - 1... 5 ft 21 , . . . 0.: I: fill. Pl6.19 = I.:on lant PllI.25 -r-- 30 It \0 It £1- comlanl f.= 1O.000k I 1-3oooin' H. A c FIG. Pl6.23 ......,U II.J4 ........ 11.31 Detenn'" the ..... b<r end .tnd rCactlOn$ for the frames shown ID FI b} gn~ (he slope«ftectlon method PI6 -4 P flI. PI&2I III, .1 D 1 A A IOU -t:='!~9 E = constant II&. 101t 169 for the loadmg ho"n m fig I mot l .. '\mmiu upponl k I f. D err-I U kif. IIII 10k ---, B 3IVft PlB.24 upron A 2 klft 10ft IOfl Pl6.1. fill. 18.12 Sohe Problem 16.18 for the loadmg h 201.--1--1--1 E =: confootanl f- n 11.23 Determine the member end momenl and r II n for the frame in Fig. PI6.~J for the loadmg ho"n and t ,upport settlements of I in. at A and 1 IQ at J) ~ the nol c tfed- p ~ method. . - - 2I----!-fill. PlB.20 D 100k·ft 15ft 4Uk ~ lin tant ... ~ '- i 1 r-- 8 25k -rlllllllil :!Ok C - (, 0 12 It Moment-Distribution Method 16~ ft - ' + - - - 1 2 ft----I 4~ 'l8.27 17.1 17.2 17.3 17A 17.5 81 J £1= con lanl fl5. 17 3 kI(1 C 4ft-j 160 ft fl5. 8 'l8.30 18k- I~ 2/ C 2J ~I 0 ft -+1 15 ft The Empire State Building, Veil' York Proto eoortesv of Bethlehem Slee COfP(ll'al _L.!! .1L 1 - - - 2Oft--+-15 ft--l I 15 / / --3011-- £1 = constanl fl5. MetIlOll Problems £/ = conslanl I 5 kJft Definitions and TImlIllOlogy Ilasic Conceot of tile Moment ~ AnaI'jIis or Continuous Beams Analysis 01 Frames _ Sidesway Analysis or Frames with Sidesway Summary E= constant 'l1.211 fl5. 'l6.31 18 kNlm 2m ...L.. " 1---5 m---+-3 m--l _PI... - no CHAPTER t7 _ 1 7 1 Dsne." Moment-Distribution Method the "lllutUlIl III 1n1U1t mulUS el!u,IIIOlls. \,here.,s 111 the case of fram \\Ilh sid \\.H. Ihl.: llumllC'1 (11 slInult,Uleous equallons mvolved u ualt equals the num1"ll.:r 01 lI11kpc:ndl.:nt JOIIlI translations. The moml.:l1t-(,i!stnbulllll1 I11dhod " classified as a dlsplacem nt method and from.1 IheorcllLal \ IC\\fKlllll. It is \er) similar to the slope defk'1.:tlOn method C(1l1sl0ereo 111 the prL"(.;eding chapter However unhk the lope-defleclloo methtlO III \\ hu;h all the structure's equthbnum equa lion are sallshed Slmult.wellu...l} III the momenHJlstnbutlon method the moment cqUlhbnum equ.H1ons of the JOI~ts are solved Iteratively by uccessi\eh coosldenng the mome-ol eqUlhbnum at one JOint at a tune \\ hlle the ~mal g Jomts of the structure are assumed to be restramed agamst dlsplaL"'Cmenl \\e fir...t deriH~ the fundamental relations necessary for the apphcation of the moment-dIstribution method and then develop the ba IC concept of the method. We next conSIder the applicallon of the method to the anahsls (,If continuous beams and frames without sidesway and finall) di.-.c·uss the analp,is of frames \\ ith sidesway. fit opplied . . fa I lSi fit Q?- r if) t fit I oppIied Gtf-t sA I L £1 b Beam w fI6. 17.1 FuEndHin 17.1 DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY Before we can dc\clop the moment-distribution method, it is necessary to adopt a sign comention and define the various terms used in the anal}sls, Sign Convention In applying the moment-distnbution method, we will adopt the same sign convention as used previously for the slope-deflection method: M The bendmg tiffne K of a mem r be applied at an end of the member , Thus by setttng 0 I rad ID Eq 17 I bending sttlfness of the beam of FIg I 4£1 K Counterclockwise member end moments are considered positive. L Smce a counterclockWise moment at an end of a member must act m a clockWise directIOn on the adjacent JOInI. the foregomg sign convention imphes that clotli.ulse ~tnemo on JOlnH are considered po~it,ve Member Stiffness Con Ider a pn matlc beam AB which IS hmged at end A and fixed at end B a sho\\n m Fig 171 a . If we apply a moment M at tbe end A the beam rotates by an angle 0 at the hmged end A and develops a m0ment M. at the fixed end B a hnwn ID the figure The relationshiP bet"... the apphed moment M and the rotatton 0 can be estabhshed by K K 4 1 L "' n, au lSi 17 _ _-II • ..,... ....... -"17,2 ..... ~ o I ....._I...1II1117.7 ... _ _ then the eli tnbuuon facto" for the ends B of membe" AB BC and BD are gIVen by OF, Xac + X'D 005 XII< _ 0051 -04 Xac + X'D 0.1251 OFac OF, KBA X'D + KB( 0051 KBD o 1251 - 0.2 M.17A These elislnbuuon facto" ondlcate that 40 po"""'t of the l50-k·ft 10 ment applied to joont B I exerted at end B of member AB 40 _ t a end B of member BC and the remaonong 20 percent at end B of member BD. Thus the moments at ends B of the three members are M,. OF.. M -OF, M M, M,o - OF,oM 04150 -60k-ft or 60 k·ft 04150)- 6Ok-ft or 60 k·ft 02(150) 30k-fi or 30 k-ft Based on the foregoing discussion, we can state that In general the eliSlnbutioo factor (OF) for an end of a member that I ngIdly COD n<ct<d 10 the adjacent joint equals the ratio of the ",Iau>e bendIng ~ ness of the member to the sum of the relative bending stilfnenes of B1l the members framtng 1010 the Jomt; that is, OF x X Funbermo", the moment dlStnbuted to or resISted by a rtgIdJ n<ct<d end of a member equal the dlstnbuuon factor for that end the D<g8uve of the moment apphed to the adjacent joont FIud-End MomenII The fiud-end 10011I<II\ CXJlIIaoi, c:oudib weD Uve eli placcments of member the k the book for con_t refeRIKlt. : : ~ ibu pan - bon method the effects of ont tranIIab 8IId are aI taken onto lI<COUDI Contliderthe .oetIIlomeat A 8IId FEM d FM on which FEM • and FEM 0 dono the!alive bon A between I the ma8Jllludeo weD the eliRlCbODS are the same It can be seen from F g I ~ ~ebt then the two fuu:d.."d momen act 10 the placement a chord rotabon on to maonW.C8U1OS 31'0 s1DJlO1 t the IW ends the chord IOtabon due to relab :.a :~ Fi J 4 b then both fuu:d-end ] (poaiu diroction to pmeal the 17.2 BASIC CONCEPT OF THE MOMEIl-llflTll1IUJIlIII a l a _17---- 1Il:1IDI17.2 . . . . . . . II "II , .. - ....., he ~ 106 1 II" • _ I ,L_~I 106 0 ,01Ac B ,f Balanctng JOJnl 8 AXed-End Moments (8 Balanf>mg Jomt C ("111111111) A 911 FEM 30k 15k fi 245) C) (C 1 (B BI7187171 149 01 491 FEM. or FEM Sk·ft FEM SA Be CB I os +50 ,- 6.3I - 41 - 0.4 - 0.3 +38.9 ... 17.5 05 I +75 -125 +161 8 1 I - 81 + 14 • - 07 - 07 + 09 • - 0.5 - 0.5 +0I - 0.05 1- OOS 50 • -125 -71.8 I +71.7 -~ ~- or FEM. (h) Fmal Member End Moments (k-ft) AS -SOkft DC CO 10429 -75 +322 63 + 27 • - 41 + 18 . - 04 + 02 03 + 01 om I -491 +491 +428 • +21.4 8111nc1n1 JDInI C __ ,,__ 8 + 36 •+ 1.8 + 23 • + 1.2 + 02 • + 0.1 + 0.2 - +:10 0 r k· k r k·ft CIW'IEII17 _ 1ICT1OII17.2 tnhutetJ moments DM c IJ and DM c n to de\eJop at ends C ofJncm. B( and ([) \\hll;h can be C\.t1uated b) multlplymg the ncpU unbalanced moment I e 7~·k-ft b) the dlstnbuuon factors DF and DF rcspecmcl) Thus DM{. O"~9 OM 0 571 +15 COF,,(OM cs ) COFcD(OM<D) _ M 75 - +42.8 k-ft \ = 2(+32.2) +\6.\ k-ft SImilarly the carryo\er moment at the end D of member CD puted as COMD, "_ +322k-ft These dlstnbuted moments are recorded on hne 2 of the mo dlstnbutlon table Fig 17 5 a and a hne is drawn beneath them mdll:ate that JOIOI ( IS no" balanced. ote that the sum of the three moments above the Ime at jomt C IS equal to zero Ie 75 32 41 0 The dlstnbutN moment at end C of member Be mduces a o\er moment at the far end B fig:. 17.5(d)). which can be dctenniDad by muluplying the distributed moment by the carryover factor of the member. Smce JOint 8 remams clamped. the carryover factor of member Be IS Eq. 17.13)). Thus. the carryover moment at the end 8 member BCls COMBe -eooeo.t \ 2 (+42.8) I com +2\ 4 k-ft These carryover moments are recorded on the same hne of the moment distribution table a the distributed moments, with a honzontal arrow from each distributed moment to its carryover moment as bowa ID Fig \7.5a The total member end moments at this point m the anal depleted on Fog 17 5 e It can be seen from this figu", lhal JoiDI now 10 equlhbnum because It IS subjected to two equal but opposite. moments Joml B however IS not 10 equdibnum and It needs to balanced Before we release JOlDt B an lmagmary clamp I applild JOlDt C In Its rotated pautiOR as shown m Fig 17 5 e IIaIInclng Jalnt B JOInl B 0 now "'leased The unbalanced momenl al this J tained by umDlIDg all the moments aCIIDg al the end B : : : : AB and BC which '" ngidl connected 10 JOIDI B From the distribution table I 1 and 2 we caD see thaI there -:lO....<I~ lixed-end _ I I end B Df member AB whelal the member BC I subjected to a 75 k.n fixed-end 16 I k II carry r momenl Thus the unbalanced momen o OM OM Rlllnclng Joint c With JOint 8 n w balanced we can I table hDe 3 that due 10 the carryo r elf< balaDced momenl at Joml C Recall thaI the 10 zontal hne at Jomt C were balanced pre 1 Th again and dlstnbute the unbalanced moment t and CD a FIg \7 S OM OM s 0429 10 OS I 10 These dutnbuted moments are nIed eli tnbubOD table and baIf these ~ : m ends B and D of memhen Be and CD .. table. JOIDI C then ped. _ SElmON 17.3 Anllylls of ContI_ _ CHAPltA 17 Momen1-0ilbibution Method rrocl,; ~ The.; Imal 1J'~m r ~'nJ nwmcn.... .Ire {)btained .by algcbralcall umm1l1g thl.: ('nlnI.:S 111 e,<llh ll,lumn III the m{lmc-nt-dl ..tnbution table The hn tl mom!,;nt thu."i ollt.l1ned .tre n..-cordl,:d on hne R of the table d . h"' an are ho\\n on the fn.'.t.'-bt.lJ) dlagr.m1 (,I l L' mcrnl'Crs In Ftg 175 h Uh.' that the final moml.'nt satl I) the equatlono,; 01 moment cqudlbnum at JOlOt 8 and ( \\ nh the mc.:mhcr end momt.:nts "'no\\ n me~r end shears and upport reaLlIL.m t:an 00\\ he Jcolennmed h) cotl"ildenng the equlllbnum of the free hodu: of thl' mcmh..:r and JOlllt of the continuous beam a dtscu sed 10 Sl~t1in 16..:! The ..hc,lr Jnd bendmg . moment diagram ca n then be construdl--J In the usu.1I manner b) the heum Uin (on nI " m Thu the balanCing of Jomt ( mdul:e th foUowm ment at end ( (f members BC and CD re ('ICCII I ~he OM, 0429 75 OM 0571 , l' 2 k f. 4_ k-ft four dl tnbuted moments are ret: rded on hn ., tnbullon tabl and a hne I dm\\-n ben ath them- r \Ioloth of Ihe table t mdlcate that all the Joant re n \\- Nt n In Ihe ne t lep of the anal) t the carl) 0\ r m me t tha at lhe far ends of the members are computed b mullJpl 10 tnbuled m men b the carf)O\er fact rs I see fig 1o.) Practical Application of the Moment-Distribution Process In the ft.lTegomg dl"il,;u ion \\c determined the member end moments b SucLe....I\c!) halannng onc Joint of thc structure at a time. Although thi approaLh pro\ldc a de.trI:r 111 19ht mto lhe basic concept of the moment-Ji tnbutnm procl,; s Irom a practical \ic\\-poinl. it is usually more f,;om enu:nt 10 usc an alternati\ c appro.lch in \\. hich all the joint of the erutc ~ arc frr:t.' to rotatc arc h.t1anced simultaneousl} in the same !'Itep. All thc carr)o\cr moments that arc induced at the tar end of the memlxrs <lTC then computed "'lIllUltancously in the folio\\. 109 step and lhe process of b<11ancing the Joinl"i and carl)ing o\er moments I re pealed u.ntil the unbalanced momenb .It the joints arc negligibly small To Illustratc this .t1tcrn<1ti\c approach. consider agam the three· span conlinuous beam of Fig. 17.5(a). The moment-distribution table used. for carr}ing out lhc u)mpulations is sho.... " in Fig. 17.5 I Th prc\lllusl) computed di...trihulion factors .tIld fix.ed-end moments are rede ro~ on the top and the tirst line rC!'Ipccti\c1y of the table as shown It1 the lIgure. The moment-dlstnbulion process is starled by balancmg Jomts Band ( I rom hne I 01 the moment-distnbutlon table Ftg 175 I \\.c can • that the unbalanced moment at Jomt 8 IS L M. 50 7' 25 k-f1 A dlscu sed pre\ IOU Iy the baJanLing of Joint 8 mduces dl tnbuted moment at ends B of Ih members 18 and BC \\-hll.;h can be eulu ted b multlpl}mg Ih nc:gall\e of the unbalanced moment b) the dl Inbulion factors Thu ~BMD 05 '5 125 k-fi OM, o., .25 12 5 k-f1 Joml ( I then halanLeo m a ImJlar manner From hn I of the mom n1-d1 tnbullon labl \\ l,;an that the unbalanced momenl t JOlOt ( I UM, 75 k-ft These carrymer moments are recordro on the nex.t hnl; Ime 3 01 Ih moment-distnbution table With an mdmed arro\lo pomtmg trom each distributed moment to It!\ carr)o\'er moment as shown m Fig I ~ I We can see from hne 3 of the moment-distnbulJon table that due to the carryover elfet:t, there are no\\ +16.I-k-ft and 6 '\-k·ft unbalanced moments at Joints Band C. respecti\ely. Thus Ihese jomt are balanced again. and the distnbuted moments thus obtamro arc recorded on hne 4of the moment-dlstnbution lable One-half of the dl tnbuted m ments are Ihen carried o\'er to the far ends of the members hne 5 and lhe pnx:t:ss IS continued unttl the unbalanced moments are n II Ibl m II The final member end moments obtamed b) algebralcall urnmm the entnes 10 each column of the moment-dlstnbutton tabl a rec rd on hne II of Ihe table Fig. 17 5 I ole that th final In In nt 10 agreement With those dctemuned pre\lou I)' m Fig I a nd 10 Section 16 2 by the ,Iope-deflcctlon method Th mall d ffi n t\\-cen the re ults obtamed b} different approaf,;h are d t the uDd olferrors 17.3 ANALYSIS DF CONTINUOUS BEAMS Based on the d. dure r. r the anal n p 0 ntal .. the p beam b nbDUOUS mc:thod <an be ummariz<d a foil " ClW'TER t7 E' I'" n_od IECTIOtI 17.J ....,..." Cc:ll SJ•• _ _ 17.1 IXlcmlln Ih m mtx-r nJ nHlmenl hlT lh(' I\Hl.~pa1 (ontmuoU5 beam I nhlmcnHh Inhulll.m method II h anFgI <I \\l1ll E/ ~.JI= ,B¥~b !"J. ~C A con tant lin 2 k. fI rIOft+-,5ft-! f---- _.1<; tt --+- I 0545 Di tnbuuon fa.:lo" - 43.2 +64 8 Flxed-end moments 2 Balanc Joml 8 3 Carrymer -29 1- J Fmal moments +35.7 4 58.2 0.455 JO F M I ft---f I +150 -150 - 48.6, .... - 243 101.4 +101.4 -1743 (al Contmuoulio Beam and Moment-Distribution Table 18k r: I :'\ Hft rrllll 1I1T11-\ 471)~ 357\.r-,A--'----:Bl)101.4 101.4\,IB (b) Fmal Member End Moments (k oft) FIC. 17.7 Solutio. COM This beam '" as pre\ lOusl)' analyzed in Example 16.1 by the slope--dcJlection method. Df ,,,hutiull Fm ton Only jomt B is free to rotate. The distribution ratto at thiS JOint are OFB .. DFBc K.. K.. KB< 0.545 KB< K, .. + K B( Ie that the urn of the dlstnbution factors at joint B IS equal to I that DF., DF. 0545 C/IeCIII 0.455 The d. lnbUllon factors are recorded In boxes beneath the corresponc:liDa ber ends on top of the moment-dlstnbutlon table as shown m Fig I FI End \I ", nI A wmng that Jomt B IS clamped against rota calculate the dn~e.uf m menh due to the external loads by USIDB the fiI<llklol moment presSion gJ\ n In de the back cover of the book FEM. 648 k·ft' or 648kft COM. 4 111 ClW'18I17 _ - _ - E 51117.2 Det rm e the member oJ momenl for the thn.'\:"-span I,;ontmuou F 17 .a b lhe moment-t1t tnhullon mcthod OF In _"D OF lllfl 1= Di I buonF 2B ---=8""1 C 4 B 80ndC --=IO 5 CaR} B 1-0' Cony Balance J lOts Band C 9 Can) r I Balance J Inl 8 and C -01 II Final moments +21.1 .... 0,1 +81 -16 ., -16 :! +8.1 -4 I · -4 1 +20 1 () • -I 0 +05 • ~O 2 : -02 _ +01 -005 -005 +l:!4 I F 18 fi 18 ft 1 It 05 -70.2 ·iud··EndM I 05 81 +16 :! 81 +41 20 +10 • -0' +02 05 I +486 +162 324 FEM -+20 6 +1.0 48 +05 +02 +0 I +0.05 +005 70.2 +70.2 kfi _ 01 +702 FEM +8. +41 FEM -217 (a) Contmuou!o-Beam and Momenl·Dlstnbullon Table 3 k1ft )orJI: ~.;r ml 3 klf1 3 klft 70 {OIIIIIIIIJ) 70.2(OJD:l::o::r:::=.'"\ A fB 8 1702 et702 Ic DIJI7 OM. OF UM. 05 324 16 OMB(' DF BC VMs 05 324 I. OM OF. UM o OM OF fbI Fmal Member End Moments (k-ftl fI&. 17.8 Solution Tbl anal zed P beam wa IOU I)' In Eumple 16 2 by using the deftecb n m mod ad D Uti the beam re f 05 OF IC 05 k fi a fi 100 m FEM m DIF.,(-UJ;t.1 DM OF tIMe • III ;817 ..... II tl ........... 30kN ID 10k m C B mcp 4m-l 9m 6m l20k (b) SlIIk:oU CanIiJnw ConIinuous Beam CD CB 1 615 +120 S2S oS + S -120 +120 d FiJII1 Member End M....... (kN m) ,.,1710 AI DF o FEM m FEM m - .M ,.17 III - A DII ............... n pm'I beam nal .. method usJy In Example 16 S by UIIDI At JOInt B os OF os te OF. os OF os MO#IWft A qualitatl\ic deftected shape of the con damped ....... rotabon aod ubjc<tod to the opeciljed .........., I depicted m FII 17 11(11 IISIIlI an exallF'lltod scale II ..... from \hi figure that tbe mabvc settlements for the _ ....... 4 4 0 m aod4 0 By IUIDI the moment prauOllS, we _ .. the 1IJe....... moments due to the uppon settlement to be Fi. wnll all _ _-end FEM. FEM", lOS tN m FEM FEM lOS tN m D FEM 0 Mommf D rribll/ron The moment diltnbution I carried out in the manner u shown on the momenl-di tribUhon table 1D FIS 17 11 FIMJ M""",n See the moment-di mllubon table aod flJ. I II d AM. aodm ""7.11 CHAPTER 17 Moment·Distribution Method IICTlON 17.4 AINItpIs of Frt.-I ......... lld. J}I II' I l l " /,JI1 FE\! Dt l' ," 1 FEM IS 7«1 H\! FE\! H\! \1 luml R i, 141 IfM 4 'I ~n sn H l(~ cO 11 . 0 tl5'"'1 ~o til momcnt-<li,,,nbuloon -\t JOlOt ( / :!11 --1/ XI' 1 :!O DI, .\1 Of At JOint 'I !'If) + 1 :!Ol ~O 0571 O.4:!9 17.4 ANALYSIS OF FRAMES WITHOUT SIDESWAY n The procedure for the anal f fr that for th anal I of continuo so.:t1on HOVoe\cr unhke the \: ntmu rna) be connectoo to a Jomt of a frame (0 record the computauon m uch a n Whereas some engmeers hke to r« rd th lations directly on a ketch of the fram the fonnat for such purposcs. \\e VoIII use a tabular illustrated b) the follo.... ing e:\amplt: DF'I)( FHtd-l.nd \lOIIIC1lt1 -\ quahl.lti\e deflected \hare of the conti UO ~ beam "lth all Jomt, dJ.mpcd J.gam,t rol.llion and \ubJCClcd to the \JlL"\:iflL'd nop u~ IoCUkmenh I depICted in l i~ 171:!(b) u,ing an e,aggeraled "Calc. It 'an be 'en from thi hfure thc rdati\c IoCttlements for the three member, are j.u In . ..\//( I~ ~ in and .'\(1) 1~ -- ~ in_ B) U\ing the fhed· end·momenl c'prc"ion\. \\c dctermine the li\cd·end ml)ments due 10 the ~U\ port ,<Hlement 10 he =-0 l 6(29IlOO)(7.800) G) (20)1( 12)' ~ 1.227.2 L·ft G) ) (08.7 1~ 92(6 J)il~ f2( - I Example 17.7 Delenntne the member end momcn f, r the ustng the momenl-dl Inbutl n me hod 1718.) k-f, SOlutian - This frame w anal cd 10 E'tampl H~D AI tnt The fiAcd-end mom<nt due to the 2- .. It extemalload are 2 20 12 2 66 7 k·ft rhus. the t tal fiAcd-end momenb dut to (he combmed elfC\:( of the I d and (he upron ttlemenh art 4_ OF 66 7 k·fi OF C' tcmaI OF A _ ,&"" IDII ............ B - 1--301I--J-3O11--1 E 29.oooksi • F1ame Carry..... - .. - . • ~ • • C4 CD 10.429 o.s71 100 +130 _ - 21.4 - 286, +100 1- 10.7 DB DE 0.4 -130 0.3 0.3 +130 r I I ~ . - 143 243 + 52 +~ 1- 07 -+ 03 + 04 02~ I + 92.1 ~ -115.9 I Ian I + 75 -182 - 182 I BD I 1 -130 _+130 ~ H ,- 14 + ED - 122' + 7 .... + Z.6 L_jowJ I DC +1159 I - 1.1 I- I1 -0.6 -+ 02 - 0.1 -186.4 - 01 - 01 -194 +2056 0 7. CHAPTER 17 Moment-Dlstnbution Method SEC110M 17.5 ...,... 01 ffIIIIII .... "'~I_ ' 17.5 ANALYSIS OF FRAMES WITH SIDESWAY Thu tlr \\1.' \,.'\)n u.lcred the ,1ll.11),i" of "trw.:turc ,In \\hl\,.h the tran latit)n, t1f Ihl' It\lI1h \\en: either 7ew or kno\\11 .1'0 In the (use of In thl' 'oCl.:Ul)1l \\e appl) the morncnt-dl"tnbuhon sUpJ'l)f( 'o(ttkmcnl mcth\)d h) .l1la!\ \' Ir.lIlll..' \\ h\)'I: 10111" mil) undergo both rotations and IIdn I.ltll,.)n lh,lt h.l\C: nnt l'x'1,,'n pre-.cnlxd. ·\s dl, "U'.~d in Stxtion 164 ,ul.:h frame arc l'()mnwnl) referred to.1 frames" IIh 'Ide'" a\ COIlMdcr lor e ample the rectangular frame ~ho\ n III hg. 17,14 a ~ quahLJII\e detlC\'h:d ,h,lpe of thl.' frame for an arbitrary loading I also ..ho\\n III the figure u mg an c\.ilggerated ",ale. While the fi cd Join" .f and B \)1' the frame Me complete!) restralllcd again..t rota lion as \\cll a tran,I.1I1011. thc joint' C and D are free (0 rotate and trdn..late. H\)\\c\er. ,ml.:c tht' mcmhcr of the frame are assumed to be inc\tenslble and the defonnation, .tre " ....umed to be small. the joints C and D displace b) the same .lmount. j, in the honLOntal direction on I) . as ..ho\\n in the figure. \I r- \-1 cl I I I I I I I liD ~-I. I - .. - I aJ Actual Frarllt' " Moment.. \--,\-1 I , I 8 C \ I I " A ------1) I I p_ I • 1IIIIIIIIIrolkr c -8 I I I Imaginary I I I I + I I p- I I I 8 A 8 IbJ Frame ",ilh Sidc\\\3)' Pre\cnted , D I I A I-~ \ ~ MRMomenh I I I I An Important que tlon that an m Ih IS. ho\\ 10 delenntne the member end m,.m,,,," s.tde \\a under Ih a the frame undt:rg~ Sml.'C the moment-dl tributlon method cann I be pUle Ihe momenls due to the kno\\n fat rail ad R reel approach in \\hlCh Ihe frame I ubJ t d t joml trans.latlon!to !.:aused b) an unkno\\n load Q a and in the direction of R as s.ho" n m fig 17 14 d joint tran lalion !to \\e detcrmme the rclatl c t an cnds of each member and \\c calculat the member in the same manner as done prc\'IOU I. ID lh ments The fixed-end momen thu obi med momenl4slribuuon process to delerm n Ih \/Q caused b) the )\\n I d Q 0 I m MQ ha\e been dctemuned die magmlude Q c apphcatlon of equd bnum equal With the I d Q and the d Ired momen \I R dUC' 10 lhe Ia eo" b) mol pi 109 1/ h the I I I I I I I I 8 A (d I Frame Subjected 10 an Arbitrary Tram.lation.:1 ""Momenb .... 17.14 II ~: ; Ie) Frame Sl.lbJeCied loR- MuMomenh R II hod of ,.aa!,'1is .n_ s~ .• I IIII•• """ B A lUod-Il!lId Moo_ Due '" Knowa Tru.I...... ~ BD fa 17.15 \""'....., + 02 -45.4 IJl Mc= • - t 4.4 tD - 44 Q .1' ,& 17 .1 I p' DIILINItDn MIIbod C 3Ok-·r~ ~ )8S T D I k ft 172k- 8S9k (f) Support -.1717 f _00 '-'lit tJOlnt D DF 049 DF. 051 Mem/Nr End Momm' D.. ,o ... Arbllrory SitkSWQ A SiDoo loads at< applied to the: member.; of the: frame the member end 1IlC..... the: fnun< restrained apln t S1desway will be mo To detcrmino end moments M due to the 3O-k lateral load we subjOCt the liame tI8Iy known borizontal translabon A at jomt C. F'8'= 17 17(b tab.. deflected shape of the frame WIth all jOlOts clamped apIDat subj<cted to the honzontal dl placement 4 at j0101 C. Tbe JIIOllOl\tJN strucIIIl& such deftected hapes was discussed In Section 165 0IIl the frame mcmben are assumed to be mexteDSible and defmma umed to be _II an end or a member can tnmslate only 10 the pendicular to the member From thIS figure we can see that the Iabon 4. between the end of member AC 10 the diroctlon pe,rpeadilllllii member can be expressed 10 tenns of the Jomt 4.c translaUOD '44~ CC Au I 254 Similarly the relab.. translabons for member.; CD and BD ... 4 D,D A.. Tbe 24 3 13 4 3 II due to the: reIati.. FEM FEM FEM FE 34 4 14174 I 202A _1IllDa.... 782 CHAPTER 17 Momenl-OIs1ribution Method Analysis of Multistory Frames The fl1r.. . g..'lI1g rnll.:l..'UUll..' L,ln Ix C'\tcnul.'u to the analYSI"i of t \\ Ilh l1luhirlc dc:gn:c-.. III fn:I.'J"'1ll of 'IUCS\\,I} redi~no'( the ~t n'(ungul.H fT.II111: ,11(1\'11 in hg 171S(al. The momenl-dl tnbu an.II),! l'l Ihl IT.lIllC'" ,Jcnr~: I,lul 10 three paris. In the fint PUt, sl"k,\\.ty 01 both 111lM of Ihe IT.IIllL·.• \ prc\cnted hy addmg Ima Tl,lIl..... at the: tlllN Ic:H:h.•1,h"ml1 10 hg. 17.J8{b) Member end mcnh \In that dc\cll)P 10 th1" fr,lmc due to the c\tcrnalloads are ~.hup ~b Ihe- monu.'nl-lh,tn!:luuoll pnxe,... and the restralnmg fo <lod R at the II1Mgmar) supporb arc C\alualed b) appl)ing the Ulln' of cqUlhl:mum In the dno'("~ part of the anal}sis the lower of the frame I' al"'.1\\l.'o It) displace h) a kno,," amount AI while sldc,\\a) of the upper floor ., prc\cntcd. .a~ shO\\n In Fig. 1718 t1\t."d-end momenl' l.:" ~b Ihi!'> di'placement are com pUled and tribulcd to l)btam the member cnd momenb .\fQI_ Wilh Ihe member pE mtni~'1 p- -j I I I -R " - - - Ff' I .1 1 , I I --- I _ E I " pC " mnn p_I'IIIIII'-R J) C-- - " D I I I !I.e.. B A (b) Frame with (a) Actual Frame M Momenh SUMMARY Sidesway Prevented M o Moments Ffi E + (I 1\\ )( I C f" " I D 011 E I I +C2 C ","17.11 (C) Frame SubjeCted 10 Known Tran lallon.1 1_ "'01 Moments ,~ D I' I I !I. '-- I I -Q I I ~e. I I X I I A, Q~F 1,-- !I. I.- (d) Frame Subjected 10 Known TransIliO~ "'02 MomeRU 184 CHAPTER 17 -- Moment·OlstribuUon Method ThL' 'ls~a1I. (ll If.llne, \\uh a ,'lOgle degree of freedom of!l I L.tfriL't.I (lut in t\\ll r.lf". In the' hr,t p.ut the ~Ide!\"ay IS pre\'en the add ilion of an Inla!!lOar) rllller to, the ,tructuce. Member en~ mcn" (hat de:\d(lp in thl' n:.. tr.t1ncd Ir.lme:. due: to the external an: ~.hupml(:L b\ the mOnle:nt·dl"tnbutlon pnll'es,; and the re"llllilliJII forcc R .It the Imagmal') roller I' C'\.lluah:d b) the apphcatlon l-quatton, of e:qutlihnunl. In the 'Ccond part of the anal} IS 10 calCU1lIo the memhc:r mllmcnh due 10 the I""lrce R applied in the 0PPOute lion the- ..tru,,:tun: i....lllo\\C"d to displace b} an arbitrarily ...,. ..... J..:non" amount' and the member moments and the corre''P<1Ildi1ll force Q at the IOL:ati(ln of Rare e\aluated as bc:fore. The actual mea. end moment an: detennined b} algebraicalJ) summing the m computed in the tiNt part and R Q times the moments computed m second part On...'(' mcmber cnd momenh arc known, member end shea ber aXial fl)rL"C,.•tnd 'mppon reactions can be evaluated throUgh librium con..ide:ration,. 17.llIInItIIIl17.14 Dete"m "hear .lOd bendmg mom ot d. 100kN 17.1 ....... 11.1 Detemune the reactillO\ and dra\\, the h rand bendmg moment diagram.. fl)T the beam.. lOho\\, n n FI PI I P175 b) the moment-di..tnbution method. ~9m-+61 I 2;"i It :c: 8 EJ = con E o 2U 11---1- IUII-l--Il 11--\---11 II FIG. P17.8 ~ Ok FIG. I Hilt ( III. P17.2, P17.8 ~ IlLPl7.13 \ E [J- con tan, E=70GPa 1= 800 (I ()6j mm' 8m E= 70GPa E _ 000 kn pnmwrn:l D~A 25 kN/m \ant 20ft 60kN FIG. P17.9, P17.15 21 8m 15 ft 20 kN/m 1--8m---+-8m-+4m+4m + FIG. P17.3 IlC. P17.1 II 20ft EI= E = constant I c IlL Pl7.12, Pl7.1' I I kill A ~ 1--- I -----1- 10k IRk I-- ~ l AI 100kN n the 14 h method PROBLEMS . . . . 17.3 P178 PI \n fig A~ 1= 1.300 (10'1 ~ Il k 8 IllL Pl7.14 C 1--1111----+--1011-1--1011 £1 =constant rom' IlC. P17.10 P17.4, P17.7 3lk 1 kill o 8 I 10m I I 20m 21 ~ -10ft EI E = 200 GPa 1= 500(1()6) IIIlII' 1= 165010 4 1II.P17.5 10ft-+-- FIG. P17.11 _ '.17 -,-DilL. Ian ........ 30kNim Deocnninc the mombcr end mom : ' .:~ ~ PI I PI c D • .." ... " II ....... 9k- lIk- E 1 21 e 21 1 16ft A 30ft • ft ft E=C"lall.... ... Pl7.J1 , , CfW'TER 18 IIC1lllIlll2 ....... Introduction to Mltrix Structur.1 Anllysls '- __ 111 IT] Fr (t'll Anal}tical Model and lal Aduul Tru Degree.. of Freedom RG.18.3 18.2 MEMBER STIFFNESS RELATIONS IN LOCAL COORDINATES In the matrl' stiffness method of anal}"is, the joint displacements of the structure are determined by solving a system of simultaneous equations \\ hich i.. e,pressed in the form P - Sd L EJA=con b Fnme Member - l..ocal C,ooli....' (18.\ in \\hich d denotes the joint displacement vector, as discussed previously: P represents the effects of external loads at the joints of the structure: and S is called the structure .'itiffnes.\' matrix. As will be diS-cussed in Section 18.5, the stiffness matrix for the entire structure. S, is obtained by assembling the stiffness matrices for the individual members of the structure. Thl .\1i!f;/l'S\ mlllrix !t)r a "U'mher is u.\ecl to eJ:.prefiS the forte\ al the l'ncl.. Ihl' memha as jimctions oflhe t!i'iplacemt'nts of Ihe memher\ {'lid,. Note that the terms forces and di\plac('menh are used here in the general sense to Include moments and rotations respectively In this section. we deri\e stiffness matrices for the members of plane frdmes. continuous beams. and plane trusses in the local coordinate systems of the members. 1.,= or -IE ~ ",::;: 1 J: 1r:.;~- Lb I =0 I =0 I- _ _--< L- + Frame Members To establish the !!otiffncss relationships for the members of plane frames. let us focus our attention on an arbitrary prismatic member m of the frame shm... n in fig 18.4 a . When the frdme is subjected to ext mal loads member In detorms and internal forces are induced at at ends. The undefonned and defomu."d positions of the member are sh In fig 184 b. As Indu;ated In this figure three dlsplacemen translations In the '( and ) directions and rotation about the _ axl needed to l;ompletel) speclf) the deformed position of each end • 11Il.1U .. • . _..... _ .........II1II,... • k k k, k ko4 ko k k k.,. -=== 1be .um- ...... eD1J, k ClIII be evaluated by 'nher IlIPIJIIteIy to umt val_ of each of \be IIX eDd d 1be _ber eDd fonleo required to ClUIIC \be individual UDlt _ .... tIeD del mined by liliiii \be prmctplcs of mc:dwmcw taiaII 8IId de slope ..........00 equaUODl Chapter 16 8IId by de eqationl of equilibrium 1be member eud fOlOllll t1lIII a:ptwwt the .,m. . eodk:ienta Cor the member Let us evaluate \be IIilfDeu coeIIicienll COliespond"'l to nIue of de d.tpJ·ceml!ll\ '" at eud b of the member u I1toWIl II ~ ota that all otber ditplacemcnll of the IIIlIIIlber &Ill callilll from metIumIt: of "",,,riah that the axial dcfOl'lllllIioll '.IIber CIIUIed by an axial force (2, .. 1IW11 by '" Q Luul..• IInliDe the force k, that mUll be applied at eud b of the -lfiij; II to caDle a dltplacament" I to be I k TIe Ell. L at lhe far ead of lhe.memb.eqailillrium: 710 CHAPTER 18 Inlnlduction 10 Mltri. Slruc1Urll Anllysls Pr("l4":,,cdmg In the "'iln~ m.lI111a. the ,~tiflnc!'" coefficients correa 109 10 the lImt JI'r1a":\.·l11l'nl IIf' I .In: lound to be (fig, IRA h o " jLl klL- AL' () () 12 oL 0 EI 0 6L 4L' () i .n' 0 0 12 6L -I 0 0 l I 0 0 6L ~L2 2F! k "L 0 I L - oF! L' '" 0 I () -12 -6L 2L 0 () .1L' oL Truss Members -6L -6L 4L' 12 ote that the ,th column of the member stiffness matrix conSIsts of end roce~ required to cau..-.e a unit \alue of the displacement u while r~hto displaccmenh are zero. For example. the second column of. st~l noc of the ... ix end forces required to cause the displacement u a"ho"n in Fog. 18A(dl. and so on. From Eq. (18.5), we can see that the stiffness matrix k IS symmetric: that is. k,f = kii. It can be shown by ing Betti's law (Section 7.8) that stiffness matrices for linearly ew structures are always symmetric. Q ote that Eq 18.7 I obtaI ed fi is because the members of tru and. therefore the member fixed Continuous Beam Members Since the axial deformations of the members of continuous beams subjecled to lateral loads are zero, we do not need to consider the degroes of freedom in the direction of the member's centroidal axis in the anal Thus. onl} four degrees of freedom need to be considered for lhe manbe", of plane continuous beams. The degrees of freedom and the conesponding end forces for a continuous beam member are shown 10 F 18.5 £,1 L 0?-' Q4' "4 L £1 = ,:onstanl '" 18.5 Continu U'i Q Q,. "} I beam member -local coordmate FlG.18.6 k. • 1 .... • _ 10 ate onented In dlne-t tranlform tbc 111m relatioDa the am_ I«a1 coordinate ystem 10. Cl'llIii1_IIDIN : =~ 1be: amber ...ftbeos relaUODI m aIobIl then CXlIIIbiDed 10 establilh tile ~: . " In tbiJ IllCIIOIl, we diacusa tile 1 aDd end dilplacemenll from IccaJ to the _ben of pIanc ftamea, ~: = ' ' : : : : : Coordiaal8 tranlformauon oftbc It Q Lid m the r. DowiDIIICbOD 711 CIW'ltII18._ .. Mml _ " , Anl'ysl. The matrix T I l.:.tI1 _,boo ddlne the t.ransfomi~' displal:ements from !l')(:,tl hl glooal coordmates; that &C1llII1U Cow. Ii TIn. of member end IS, TT u 18 18 Continuous Beam Members TN When anl~zig continuous beams. the member local coordinates oriented 0 that the positi\ e directions of the local x and .I axes are ~ same as the poslli\c directions of the global X and Y axes, respective) Fig. 18. . This orientation enables us to avoid coordinate transfor_ mations esua~xt the member end forces and end displacements m th global and local coordmates are 1he same; that IS. · • ,. = u F-Q (18 19 x- _" :'> "~· Truss Members Consider an arbitrary member III of the truss shown in Fig. 18.9(a . The end forces and end displacements for the member, in local and global coordinates, are sho"n in I'ig. 18.9(b) and (cJ, respectively. Note that at each member end, two degrees of freedom and two end forces are needed in global coordinates to represent the components of the member axial displacement and axial force, respectively. Thus, in global coordmates. the truss member has a total of four degrees of freedom VI through .., and four end forces, F, through F" as shown in Fig. 18 9(c ) y IQ"., Lx;') L. .J:ra:----:.... ,. _ :=~ri b o ®t ..... ,......---.... n x o Q""I (a) Conunuous Beam Lx F Y-' F4 • l4 II bf 0 F,.l, 0 F v) ) Member End Force llRd End Displacements In Global Coordinate fl&.1U ( Q)." (b I Member End Force. and End Di p l in Local Cooniinales ) Y 0 1),-x Q"., Y \ (b) Member End _ aIld End Dispbcanents m Local Coonlinata fll,1U The tramfonnatlOD main by elpresslDg the local end ~ F as FIg. 189 band or to maW ~ on _ 718 CltAPTEA 18 In1nHIuca.. 10 Motrla Structurel Molysls IICl1OIIl" " -. . . . _ _ 18.4 MEMBER STIFFNESS RELATIONS iN GLOBAL COORDINATES f B\ "'lOg the: Ilh:I1ltx-1 t1tlnc: ... rd.l1iom. in h,xal coordinates (Section lX.2 and lhl.: tran h,ml.I!lllO ~n)ltadr (Section Ut-,). \\e can now de Hillp thl' '1JITnt: ... rd.Hh'" fllT memb\:r.. In glohal coordinates Frame Members To c:~tahl s tht- mcmocr tiITnC' , rdation In global coordinates, \\c first ,ub,tjtu!" thl:' ,uITne...' relation in local coordinates Q ku + Q Eq I .4 inti) the fon.:e transfom13tion n:latJons F ~ T 1 Q (Eq. (18.17 ) to obtain F T'Q. TT ku+Q,) ~ TTku+T'Qr (1823 Then. h\ uh,tituting the displacement transformation relations u If E4 IS.14 Into E4 IIS2.1) "e detennine the desired relations be- t"ccn the member end force.... f, and end displacements. "', to be (18.24) Equation (IR.24) can be comcniently written as F - Kv + Ff (18.25) K .. T"kT (18.26) F, .. TIQ, (18.27) "here The matrix K is called the memhn .~·lifJne S matrix in global coordinates and F is the memht" fIxed-end foret· rector in glohul coore/mates. Continuous Beam Members As slaled pre\ iously. the local coordinates of Ihe members of cooare oriented so that the positive directions of the local x tinuous sma~ and J axe are the same as the positive directions of the global X and } axes respecti\oely. Thus no trcmsformations of coordinates are needed. and the member stiffness relations in the local and global coordinatt'S are the same. Truss Members The uffness relations for truss members in global coordinates are ex. pressed a 18.5 STRUCTURE STIFFNESS RELATIONS --" . . . . . ..n_ Ill""'" IlIIItiOlII the:~OI=Dt ~ eJIP-the themember ml loads end ~ P m termStoof.nd d,opl. ber trnou roIauons m s10bal coon!iDltel oodinI toll B wnlJtll Eq t 8 25 ID oxp81lded fCll1ll obtIiD from whicb we dotonD1DO tbo oxprosllODS for f _ at manbertobo F. . . . . . . . . . . . . I II AI.'" pm d m D be convemClldy p p p COII._ CIW'TER 18 In",",uctiDn 10 Mllrix Strocturel Anllpls 2. [\,tIUctlC:- ~ht ,trw.'tun: ,l1lrn..:" matn\ h'T PlOT ~.Kh <,per.illOn'· a. b. mc ~r 1IECftOII1U "II S ano fhed-joint force v th..: ,lruct\lrc, pcrfonn the roll owlQ (~f ") dOh . . (ru ...~ go OITce11) to ,h:p -( l. ~ cmlsc. compute the mc:mba titlnc . . main 111 10c<11 .selt<m~ro c k. Expre I of k 10f the "~m':t1l llf fr,lme' .-and continuous beams are given 10 Eq' 1:.5' and (I~.61 re'p<",'i,elj If the mc ~r j ... ,ubJected (0 cXh: n.lal load '" then evaluate Its fixed-end hlft,.. c \l'ctor in lt.:,~k COllTd mates. Q f b) using the fllT Computer PnIgram pre"ll)n... l'tlf thed<nd ,moments gJ\.cn Inside ~t kc~ cover of .Iflrl) mg tlte equatIOns of equthbnum see Ex ampb 1~.2 ,md . I:~ .. . For horizontal members \\Itlt the local -'" aXis positIVe to the right i.e.. 10 tlte "um: din.x:l1on a'S tlte global X axis) ,the memthe book and b~ c. ber ,tilIne" relatJon~ 10 the local and global coordmates are the ",me i.e. Ii - k and F compute the me b r"~ tran~fo mati n Q,): go to step 2(e). OtheFWI matrix T by using Eq 21.~ d. e. Dctcrmmc the member slIffncss matrix in global coordinates Ii = TTkT IEq. 18.26)), and the corresponding fixed-end fon:e 'ector F, -- T'Q. (Eq. (18.27)). The matrix K must be sym· mctric. For trw~se . it is usually more convenient to use the expheit form of Ii g\\en in Eq. (18.29). Also. for trusses. F 0 Example 18.1 the 1 Fig 18 \I a by.he rna DctenDlDe Identif, the member'> ,tructure degree of freedom numbers and store the pertinent elements of K and FJ in their proper pos'. tions in the structure stiffness matrix S and the fixed-joint force 3. 4. vector P,. rc,peeti,e1y. by using the procedure described 10 Section 18.5. The complete structure stifTness matrix S obtamed bj assembhng 'he ,tifTness coefficients of all the members of the structure must be s>mmctric. Form the joint load ,eclor. P. Determine the unkno\\ n Jomt displacements. Substitute P P and S into the structure 'tiffn«s relation,. P - P, = Sd (Eq. 18.41 and sohe the resuhing s>stcm of simultaneous equations for th unkno\\ n joint displacements d. S. Compute member end displacements and end fonoes. For each member do the follo\\ ing: a. Obtain member end displacements in global coordmates, from the Joint di,placement'. d. by using the member s s\nlO" ture degree of freedom numbers. b. Detennine member end displacements in local coordlOates usmg the relallon hip u T, (Eq. 18.14)). For honzoD members \\ith the local \" axis positi\e to the right u v Compute member end fore.., in local coordmates by USIng tIte relallonshipQ ku Q, Eq. (18.4 . Fortrusscs Q 0 d. Calculate member end forces in global coordmates by the trdnsfonnation relationship F TTQ (Eq. 1817 F e. Slru lUI Stiffn WUI Member I A shown In Fig begiDlung JOlDt and J lOt 3 the 18 IJ we dete_;nnm<::::=--:-__--::--: L r I fIr _ _ - _,U . . ._ ........... ClW'TER 18 IntnJduc1lon 10 Ml1rix S1rVCluril Anllpl. Thus the Jomt load \«IM l~ Q .. 50 ] p [ 8b b 1, nt D/\ m m ,,1\ The "it1lfn(".. ~ rel,lIlons for the entire truss can be pressetlas Eq 41 \\lIhP 0 P B} subsillulmg P from Eq expanded fonn as Sd 1 and S from Fig. 18.11 I.7H! [ 417b 50 ] 8b b C \IoC wnte Eq , 417.6][<11] T Q d, 1.b44.3 • B\ sohmg these equation.. simuitaneousl} .... e delcrmine the joint dlsplatemems to be dJ 00434 In. or d 0.0434]. [ 0.0637 m. £"', \lemher Dl\p!acem('nh alld End Forct'~ Member I The member end displacements in global coordinates, " can be obtained b} simply comparing the member's global degree of freedom numben ",ilh the structure degree of freedom numbers for the member. as follows. [:i] '1 14 ~ ]~([ 2 o o 0.0434 -0.0637 d2 in. 4 Note that the structure degree of freedom numbers for the member 0 0 I are written on the nght side ofv as shown in Eq. (4). Since the structure de of freedom numbers corresponding to 1'1 and (.'2 are zero this mdlcates tha t 1 = l - O. Similarly. the numbers I and 2 corresponding to v and.. peeuvel) mdicate that t d l and 14 d. II should be realized that these patJbdny equations could have been estabhshed alternatively SImply by a In pection of tbe hne dlagrdm of the structure Fig. 18.11 b . However the of the structure degree of freedom numbers enables us convemenlly to Ph.1ID thl procedure on a computer The member end dl placements m local coordinates can now be determi by usmg the relallonsh.p u T. Eq. 18 14 with T as defined ID Eq I u 06 08 0 0 06 o ~043 ] 00637 B usmg Eq 18 1 we compute member end forces ID local coordin By 1liiO' !be ....1i""oIIip • 1ocI1 coordina be ID ..~ !be member end lOla pQ U: ....-.q" T Q, "'''_no'''-'' _lU ClW'T£R 18 1_ _ 10 Mltril51rUC turol Anllysll BOlIN 24kN1m \ldI'Ibtr 3 Q 6m 4m 10m (~) m I EI ........ T. u y l n (~ u 0 11 Q 1 0 lJ.I~4 0 Pd IT] - n 0637 (1) %\-X 4 (b AnoIytiaI Model ~' 14<0, _: :][~043 - [-:~ k 04+04 2 02 02 04+08 \ Thus thealtlalf f'L'e1O membcr 'IS f-ig 18.11 d 5=£1 629Jk T F Q. Pol, Q ITJ kg Q I Q (a Contmuous Beam T/Q 629~] F 62.93 l -6~ Il 93] 6293 k o Ana. EqUilthrlllm ChUA Appl)mg. the equations of equilibnum to th of th enllre sirudurc hg 18 life \I.e obtain LF, Lf, 0 11 6293 100 (OS 60 0 17 H 6927 100 0 It 11 6927 15 6293 20 In 60 Ch8dll Chldll 100 eo 60 20 \ 39", 0 C/lIdlI h .,1111.2 lXt omn the reactl nand tbe m mber end forces for the thnlMlplll llOUOU be m ho\lo n In Fig 18 12 a hy usmg the matnx. tiff IlaIulIon D r f Fr dt nr Fr m th analyttc.lll model of the beam I I b '"" that th lnu;ture ha two degrees of freedom \\ hi h are the unkn n r tall n of Jomt ., and 3 rnpecb I membcT I 1 rdmale tem are chosen that the poslU eli L I = -200 r 848 jJ 1:200 2 (d) Sb'UCQIIe Sbffncss Matrtl and fixed-JOint Force Vi tor Support RUI(/IOIU As shO\·\n In hg 18 Il{c) the reactions at the joints 1,2 and 4 arc equal to the forces in global coordmates al the ends members wnnected to the jOints. 007 ",0 ~0 2+ 5I1-(J 2 ~@beD< 4593 \891 30 lIN 176114 6\ 09 176.33 24 IINlm 15388 15338 7694 CW&HP ?m~ \223 Member End 1\77 4616 - _ CHAPTER 18 IntrodUCtiOn 10 Matrix Structurll Anllylll 1IC1IIIII1U" 8~ U 109 the m~lOhe:r end r~me Il n~ ~ ro Q Q OOb 0011 00'; (UII.::! 04 (106 00<> O~ 1I~ 0 f, rdatl~n ku Q. Eq. 184 we ~a EI [ Ol),; 01 1 006] [ -006 EI 0012 -006 0 (I ] 0 [ 15409 0-1 lK91 K m -1598 k [ 6109. l"to ~-I m ~ \Inn... 2 n .. r 2: 14 k. Q d 192:\5 I Q [ 0012 0,06 Q- F. [~] ~ b[-I'~09] I 2IO ~ 0.06 [ 0,06 -0012 006 04 -0.06 0,2 -OOb 0,2 0012 -006 -0.06 04 I221kN 176.83 kN m 117 HN 1[ 154.09 00 19235 1 1 (~1 The support react 1891 AnI 4,98 153.8K kN m Mnnbtr :\ (:'1~ • I.. Q k. Q (f1 I~ (t'1 Example'••3 Q, ( F II (J b~( 024 0096 024 024 08 024 04 0096 024 00'lb 024 1 04 19235 024H 0 024 0 08 0 an: 80 18339 •• tor . . . . • ..-. ..-.-.- I 4 I I 9 101 -60 but die 6nt ....- . tam: ClDOIIIdo8l II lIM API'£tlDIX B Review 0' Motri. Algebra , [ tUlpJ~ rl)\\ ~ (1) I (I .1 rol\ .' h) ~. (1) Tl'" I (I ~(lW (I ~ 1 0 0 ~lrit ] ~.;] ~ IB '1e .15~ ~(lW ~ [ (1) \tul1p~ X~ 15 .1Ild ,uhtr.ll.:t It from n.m 1 then multiply rlm ... b\ 'I' " ,Ind ,uhIT.ICI II lrom flm 1 lhi,) lc1d~ in t (II [ (I 0" ldL~ "II 60 \I X \<>47 I - 7705] Th ~X \I 18.2 111 6 1 II X and ,ubtract it from ro\\ I; then mul. b) An 1.0-1'" Jnd \ubtral:( it from TO\\ 2. This yield... ~ b) -I., Tl'\\ .' [ o(~ ~ ~ 0 2. and .\3 -- , I . -~] 6 lg ~.BI 6. PROBLEMS Matrix Inversion The Gau!)~·Jordan ~cmi elimination method can also be used to detcnninc the ... of ...quare matrices. The procedure is similar to that described (B 24 [~ Bj muillplj 109 ro" I bj A" obtam -2 -4 3 and subtracting B250 It from row 2 we : 15] 10 5 B ( 1.2 Determine the matrix C 2A B If A - [ 12 -8 15 1.3 Detennine the products C A The augmented malrix. is gl\en b) -8 7 10 JI If A 1.1 Determine the matnx (' pre\ iOlisly for ...oh ing !'>imuhaneous equations, except that in the augmented matrix, the cocftlcicnt matrix is now replaced by the matrix A that is to be imerted and the vector of constants P is replaced by a unat matrix I of the same order as the matrix. A. Elementary TOY, operdtions are then performed on the augmented matrix to reduce the matrix. A to a unit matrix.. The matrix I y,hich y,as initially the unit matrix. no\\ represents the imeNC of the original matrix A. To illustrate the foregoing procedure. let us compute the imerse of the 2 2 matrix U Bll'cn .... SecIIon 1.3 IA Determine the prod_ C 2 5 <aandD BA - , 6 4 5 I 4 6 B AI 1 D BA 4 4 8 - ..... - • JpM"Np x-euu& ... D 8'_1 ReItrDjldl 140 iii v-cw:&... · " AG. CA JOlOt x..._ .......... ........ E...... l I-- iii v..... iii CHR .. ' ..... E...-... I III.c.eM Coordmat s and Supports Screen _III -~ ... CoI - _ _ I X C Camp_ _1e ~ lift BIBLIOGRAPHY 20fl _,- __ fl -J'-_ ~tf)(3 E I A are lOon tant E :!90k.IA=Oan~ 1• .fSeE SlUndarJ \f"wmml Dc I 1'1 Load ~ r 8lI ami 0Iht'1: 2(KH Sfl AS( F ..Q2 Amer:an St'ICict) .'tru n ~ 01 CI\ II Z. Arbabi F ~h:Gra, ·HiIL Engmeen. \ ll991 11. H,b mlll IfgtDla StruilUTIJ! Anah, cuu/ &ha Nc\\ York 3. Bathe. KJ. and Wil\On. E,L 1~76 '"m" al \llhJds In Finilt' Elmlem Anal.nif. Prentice Hall Englewood Chff J~ •• Beer. .P~ .\fcltt'riuls. and Johnston E.R. Jr. (1981) \Iedwniu IIJ McGraw-Hili. New York 5. Betti. E. (1872) II \'uom Cimt'l'lw. Series:! \ ols. 7 and 8. I. Boggs. R.G. (1(84) Elt'menlllfl Strudurl1l AnahJH Holt. Rinehart & Winston, New York. 7. Chaje!>, A. (1990) StrUt lural Anall Hall. Englewood Clilfs. N.J. I 1L Laible J P 198 Y, mston New York 2nd ed Prentice L Col/oqUIn! on /lillon' oj Structure 1982 Proccedm International AS!>OClatton for Rndge and Structural Engmeenng. C ambndge England •• gnitub r ~ D .s~orC H. (1930) 'AnalySt of Contmuous Framn by fixc:d-End Moments ,. Pr dill I Am('rlcun Soden of ell ,I En III r 56 919 928 11. Elias Z M. Anal, If. Wiley e\\ York 11. Gere J.M and Weaver W Jr 196 AI A fi r Ullin ers Van ostrand Remhold t:W York 11. Glockner PG 19 I chamcs.· J urnal of 1M 5:"'..·...,1 89 .. nq , ,7, M. Smith Ie 1988 S", r. ew York Americ:oll A I .. Ho".,OOd, • "."""'U_A • WaDI CK McGraw-Hill .t. Well HH I911J [n'mHldia ewYork loS 1989 AIIlII "0 SlI'II<lIIn CIiuIIaJ/ aNi Modmo York 1.1 StntcIllnJ II, II &11 III An lJrotb 2Dd cd. Wi U 1.7 &11 &11 III U 1.11 ua CIIAPTEIl3 1.1 U U U U Ion ioU ... .. &11 UI t ~ , b Indeh:mllnalC I I. d [)eh.'lTlunalc l n taNe I,. lktcmunalc I. It .... 110 1 u, ,) T 100 F 1 16 U3 ~ ~'ot l , ~ T f' .... <. 2 L I Itl~ l r. ~ ~ fRO ("I, fB( ~ :!(~r.f, t ' H '\h to "'4 l ( Rhl" 1 T f( () 1'\ 81 II. ~8 3' k IT f :tol I kN. m. ON 4() -S~ _\214 s~ O. Ss w· C. F J 5.9 U3 5.11 511 k tT 6 Ul U3 ~ Ft.G k 14 k U7 m 50 k Ie). 5.13 C; FR<, - 5 k (TI; 5.15 S 5.l7 S It L \hiL for 0 \ (L 2J. Bending Moment (-or (L 2) x J: Bending Moment \fIt' L)L S II(L .1.\2) 16L); \( \Ix(L~ .-.:') 6L (-or 0 \ J m: S 20; \{ 20.\ 36 k-ft h C) 68.94 k (': Fj(,- 45 '4 kN T U7 r. H 5.11 " 5.2l 4167 k C: "ur J m 10 &A, - 6 17 k C' FDJ 204kTF (L 21:S- P12; M - P.\'/2 \: ... L: S - P12; .\1 - P(L - rl 2 2\')/2: .\1 - II".\'(L - .\')/2 \" 6 m: S - 0; \.I 60 (-or h m \ 9 m: S - -20: \I -20,' + 180 "orO \" 7 m' S -60; \I 60\ For 7 m \ 14 m: S ~ IO( 1 - "( • \I 1625 k C' FHI T F. - 0 14 k C 5.25 U' .If U5 U7 5.4lI 245 For 0 \: nOI For 20 fl If For 0 3 J3 If For 0 20 f1: S - x 40 - , 75. If ,,' 2 , \: 525 l S "' If III k S '\ "k S \0 L k·lt, R. \'0 R k k \I( 12k. B~ \11 L 0; ') -.. . -..."., k Il I 66 \f \f B '\8 L S, If Ss So 0; ~/.\ I \III -1.350 .\1 D II US k 2 7lMi k. kN m.. Ss 01 \I 4 k m 36k S L ....: -27 k; 58 '" 27k;\1 8 \I( If 94 kfl at 21 ft from A S'R 1095 kN. S'L 375 k S. ·112.5 kN: SCI -1845k S 120 k If So L =- 60 kN; \I s 441 kN 01 -450 kN m St R - SSt =- -8 k; 5 sIl 2383 k' S - 21 17 k; Sf" '" - So 0; \18 -80 k·ft \I( .\1 0 :,,:;; -40 k·ft; +.\Im;l~ 109 3 k·ft at 2589 ft from A .\'" R - 30 k; Ss - S( L - -30 k; S( If So t ·-50 k; .If, 30Q k-ft: If" 800 k·fi h\.llll<l\ = 225 k-fL at 15 ft from A s.~ If ..= SSL - 33.33 kN; S8 If. Sf) L -66.67 kN; So If. Sc L 266 67 k S It 316.67 kN; SF L 1667 kN;.If. 3J3 3 k m .1(" _ 333.3 kN m. ifF -1666 7 k m S~ R = 7.5 k; S( L 22 S k. S( It 22 5 k S, L - -75 k; S.. 4 17 k 10 83 k SF R - 10 k; If, 225 k·fi If 50 + \I~ 28.13 k-ft at 22 S ft 10 the left and t Ss -=0 II(L II) 1"0 k·ft \1 211 k \it \: 1:!5 k·fL \Is \I( 75 kAt :!()ll .. m R6bk •. \f 5U". \I f .\8 \1 B () <!B <!t Os 44": kS. Sf -o-17.h k \f, x"'5 '\ ... , m; S8 . R944 kN, It, ~b!U 10., m O( Qs-O; St - -50 k~; \1 4 '\0 kN 01; '\8 h~5 kN; \I" -- -150 kN m Q4 Qs S8 tl; S4 ~ 120 kN; \1 4 .'btl kN 01; .\IB =- I:!O kN m Oc - 7 ~ kN; S, 12.99 kN; .\1, 77,94 kN 01; Q, S, 0: .\f. - 8768 kN m forO J or (I 2) 711 k I \B I " I S I .lOk m .\ ~ It. - .... .. 9n kN \f II 8C1 13113 k-ft ~ <!, ( . F .... \n It \ ... R <!~ ..,7 \, \o~ ,. ( \" I 1'iO k ,. k \ t R I:! k. OIAPTER ,\:!-S9 C. ~ f .\0 L T f, U5 f o ,. 1 ,~ 1~ f If -S ~I k T f 4.55 U, I II'" 'i-S ~ ~ ..N 'i ~ lS' the right of ( S~ R - 125 k 1875 k ; SOL SF< 125 k If 3125k U7 5.n m .ISmfromA .... F a a 3 m b S .. S S, L -100 k S S 450 k m.lf 450k 1.1 be I - '" ,Member kft lLlI ." II -•• T. HI Q II k C Member AE Q Uk T) S 50 k ft Member CG Q 96 k C S 100 k-ft Member EF Q 125 k C S BOk ft S k !of 6 k AI k !of 5l k AI MemberJK Q ILlI ILI7 OIAPn:IIIJ 11.1 m 11.1 IU IU k M. M 5 6k M 225kN m M 576k m 648k m>' S m 125 k; M 250 k ft 15k; M IU ILlI 15 k; M k;M t k;M t k;M lUI Member AD: Q 125k-ft MemberBE Q OS 25 k. AI 250 k ft Member EF Q 125 k C S 125k AI I25k-ft Member AD Q 1667 k C S 15 k AI l20k ft Member CF Q 1667 k (T)' S 15 k AI 120 k·ft Member DE Q-lOk(C.S Ill3 k !of 160 k-ft Member HI Q 15 k (C' S 333 k; M 4Ok-ll Member AD Q 1266 k (C. S 1206 k M 72 4k-ft Member CF Q 115Ik(T S 824 k M 49 43 k·ft Member DE: Q 7.55 k (C). S 995 k M 99 Sk-ft Member HI' Q 12 I k (C' S 246 k !of 1845kft Member AE Q 918 t (T) S 397k;M 31 75 t·ft Member CG Q 229 t C S 1478 k; M 118 25k ft Member EF Q 16HC)S 56Sk;M 84 S1t-ll Member JX Q 49tc)S 141 t 141k ft 0IAPn:II13 Mo_ 71~ ~, . lUI lUi 11.25 lUI lUll lUi .. lU7 lUll 'UI lUi IU IU lUI llA7 11.41 all lUI lUI '" lUr CIIAPTIa 14 14.1 14.1 936k 14 k 6HII 936k 1 29 k 19k II 1&7 1U Q 26k 4 k lOB k-fl 26k Q, Q k 21 k-fl 364k ISH Q, 222 k II 36 74 k IS k 249 k-ft ml....'nD