01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Question 5. KEY P1 Mass media refers to the means/organizations/institutions of communication—whether written, broadcast, or spoken—that reach large audience/the majority of people. a 2 Specific Objective: CI: 1, 2, 6 Definition 1 mark for each of any two elements in the definition Forms of global mass media 1. 2. 3. 4. Internet Social network/media Magazine/books Newspaper 2 5. Television network 6. Radio 1 mark for each of any two forms of mass media Ways Mass media influence the young 1. Promote violence as form of entertainment which Caribbean youth sometimes imitate 2. Influence them to dress and speak in ways that are not desirable nor acceptable in the local community e.g. music, movies, etc. 3. Force youth to adopt certain eating habits that are contrary to the efforts being made in the country to promote healthy lifestyles 4. Depict events or situations that conflict with the moral values that parents and the society would like to promote, causing young people to display immoral behaviour 4 5. Provide options for education and career increase their awareness of opportunities they can make the best possible selection choices that available so 6. Holds up both positive and negative behaviours and help the young people to make wise choices 7. Provides news and information on current events to encourage young people to become more responsible citizens 2 marks for each of any two issues clearly explained 1 mark for partial response P2 2 01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Social Studies Paper 02 – General Proficiency Key and Mark Scheme Question KEY P1 P2 5. cont’d Strategies to reduce negative influence 1. Use all forms of media, including broadcast (radio/tv) and social media (Facebook, etc.) to educate youth on aspects of their cultural heritage (may be locally produced programmes) 2. Organize annual cultural festivals and encourage youth to participate/Have frequent cultural activities e.g. competitions, etc. that embraces change but that allow young persons to remain in touch with what is desirable in society. 3. Seek assistance/partner with various entities or groups to produce a booklet or Local programmes on cultural values that highlights acceptable values in the country and emphasizes pride in one’s self. 6 4. Have discussion forums which may include all forms of media which highlight the negative effects of some foreign TV programmes on youth 5. Partner with the Ministry of Education to include local historical and cultural awareness on the curriculum. (School related activities such as field trips, etc.) 6. Lobby the relevant authority to set up a censorship board/body to monitor the contents of books, music and foreign programs and make suggestions to local tv/radio stations. 2 marks for each of any three actions that are feasible and well explained 1 mark if feasible but not well explained Justification 1. Many foreign programmes are very frequent and very attractive; therefore, are very powerful influences. If local cultural groups hold frequent activities that are presented in an attractive way to the youth then the youth may be more inclined to adopt some of the ideas presented. 5. Able to target young people and develop a sense of history, 6 belonging and appreciation of their culture. 6. This would make sure that more local content that is morally uplifting and culturally relevant is made available to everyone. 2 marks for each of any three explanations that are plausible and well explained 1 mark if plausible but not well explained TOTAL 20 MARKS 8 12 3 01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Social Studies Paper 02 – General Proficiency Key and Mark Scheme Question 6. KEY P1 Specific Objectives: C2: 1, 10 Definition Devaluation: reduction in the value of a country’s currency in relation to other currencies. 2 1 mark for each of the two elements of the definition Ways devaluation affect consumers 1. Reduction in the amount of goods that the consumer’s money will buy/reduced purchasing power 2. Lower standard of living 3. Lower value of savings 2 4. Reduced ability to save 5. Likely loss of job 6. Reduced choice of goods/Force consumers to buy inferior products or from the black market 7. Reduced importation due to high cost of foreign exchange 1 mark for each of any two responses Reasons government may devalue its currency 1. To reduce the demand for foreign goods/reduce the outflow of foreign exchange. 2. To force consumers to buy more locally produced goods. 3. To make locally produced goods market. /Businesses that depend better because devaluation make may lead to an increased demand more attractive on the foreign on overseas customers may fare local exports cheaper and this for them. 4. The government might want to reduce the gap between what the country earns and spends (trade deficit). 4 5. Increases the ability to pay local wages/salaries and reduce/pay foreign debts 6. Required/suggested to do so by foreign financial institutions (I.M.F.) in order to turn around the economy/encourage foreign investment 2 marks for each of any two reasons clearly outlined 1 mark for partial response P2 4 01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Social Studies Paper 02 – General Proficiency Key and Mark Scheme Question KEY P1 P2 6. cont’d Strategies consumers can use to cope with the effects of devaluation on their spending power: 1. Supplementing income by additional employment/ Engage in selfemployment efforts 2. Upgrade skills to earn at higher income levels 3. Prioritize needs and wants, since they might not be able to afford the same quantity and quality of goods and services they previously enjoyed/budgeting 4. Start kitchen gardens to produce more of their own food 6 5. Eat more home cooked meals 6. Recycle/repair or use items longer before buying new ones 7. Practice thrift/comparative shopping 8. Purchase substitutes that may be more affordable 2 marks for each of any three strategies that are feasible and well explained 1 mark if feasible but not well explained Justification 1. Additional income will help the consumer meet necessities and provide more for additional spending 3. Consumers who prioritize takes cares of the needs and then decide what other expenses to undertake. 4. A kitchen garden provides the opportunity to spend less on food purchases and to earn by selling surplus products. 6 5. If family eats, more home cooked meals instead of eating out they will be able to have extra money to provide the basic needs for the family without feeling that extra pressure and stress. 2 marks for each of any three explanations that are plausible and well explained 1 mark if plausible but not well explained TOTAL 20 MARKS 8 12 5 01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Social Studies Paper 02 – General Proficiency Key and Mark Scheme Question 7. KEY P1 Specific Objective: C3: 1, 2, 3, 12 Definition A tourism product is anything that the host country offers to the visitors to create a rewarding experience. 2 1 mark for each of any two elements in the definition Examples of non-traditional Tourism products 1. 2. 3. 4. Heritage sites Religious festivals National festivals Cultural/music festivals 2 5. Eco tourism: (natural features of the land, ecology) 6. Sporting tourism 7. Health/medical 8. Events marketing/weddings/special occasions/Conferences 1 mark each for any two products Factors which contribute to the development of tourism 1. The tropical climate of the Caribbean attracts foreigners from all over the world as they choose to avoid winter conditions in their country. 2. The tropical climate supports a wide variety of flora and fauna that draws nature lovers from all around the world. 3. The Caribbean is easily accessible to North America (a large tourist market) since its strategic location allows visitors to make their way to it quite easily. 4. Visitors from our major tourist markets benefit from the higher purchasing power afforded by their currency. 5. The governments of Caribbean countries have invested significantly in infrastructure, advertising; tourism boards and laws that facilitates tourism development. 4 6. The Caribbean is known for having warm and friendly people who treat the visitors well, a safe environment and political stability. This encourages tourists to visit and to return. 7. Caribbean people in the diaspora talk positively of the countries of the region thus helping to promote tourism. 8. The variety of physical features (mountains, rivers, volcanoes, marine landscape, beaches, etc.) of the different islands are very attractive to tourists. 9. Unusual variety of cuisine resulting from the ethnic diversity and cultural practices that attracts tourists. 2 marks for each of any two factors accurately described 1 mark for partial response P2 6 01243020/KMS/MAY/JUNE 2019 Social Studies Paper 02 – General Proficiency Key and Mark Scheme 7. cont’d Ways tourism entities may use internet to increase tourist arrivals 1. Provide opportunities for tourists to book, pay and make other arrangements online in various languages. 2. Market/advertise tourism products online using pictures, video clips, public magazines online, create web page etc. 3. Use mailing lists to provide updates on possible packages and opportunities to explore. 6 4. Conduct online market surveys to get information on the quality of the product and visitor concerns/Provide the opportunity for visitors to give views and feedback to others on their stay. 2 marks for each of any three actions that are feasible and well explained 1 mark if feasible but not well explained Justification 1. This make it easier and more convenient for the visitor and thus encourage them to travel. Visitors avoid the additional cost associated with using a travel agent. 2. This make the product more readily available to a worldwide audience. 3. This gives a constant flow of information advertising the products being offered. This might motivate persons to travel and others to return. 6 4. Information gathered from surveys can provide information for entities to improve the product. The improved product is likely to attract more visitors. 2 marks for each of any three explanations that are plausible and well explained 1 mark if plausible but not well explained TOTAL 20 MARKS 8 12