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Assisting Faith Doubters: A Personal Essay

- One of the ways to assist those that has doubts or whoever needs it is to make them
remember how and why I started to believe in God and have faith in him. I will tell them
how I rose and became stronger to the point that I know there afterwards that only God
can hear my loudest silence.
- Another way is to invite my friends into attending the masses that I attend to. I know
that as a Christian and a believer of God, I know that they too will learn a lot from
attending these masses and can implement in this in their own lives.
- As a servant of God, I will instill them with the experiences that I have experienced and
the things that I went through that I only went through with and through God. The things
that I learn from falling and rising back up again.
- Another way is to let them know that some of us believes in faith only and not by sight.
We believe in something that we cannot see yet we have faith in. They simply have to
had the change to open their minds into believing and being someone that can accept
God in his/her life, that is what believing by faith not by sight means for me.