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Grade 5 Science Paper

Item Bank
School Name : ____________________________________________________________________
Student Name: ________________________________ Section: ___________________________
Roll Number: ________________________________ Date: ______________________________
General Instructions for Students:
1) Read carefully and attempt all questions.
2) Encircle the correct option of each of the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) as shown
in the example given below.
Example: Hepatitis is caused by:
(a) bacteria
(b) fungi
(c) virus
(d) algae
3) Use black/blue ink for writing. Use of lead pencil is not allowed.
4) If more than one options are encircled in a question, no mark will be given.
Total Marks: 50
Part-A (Multiple Choice Questions) Total Time: 1 Hour
Instructions: Twenty five (25) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part. Each
question carries two marks.
‫) ریثکاالاختنیبوساالتدےیےئگںیہ۔رہوسالےکدوربمنںیہ۔‬25(‫اسہصحںیمسیچپ‬:‫دہاایت‬
Q. No.1. The basic structural difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is:
‫ورٹرسٹیاوران ب‬
(a) skin
(b) legs
(c) backbone ‫رڑیھیکڈہی‬
(d) eyes ‫آںیھکن‬
Q. No.1. Animals which live both in water and on land are called:
(a) amphibians
‫ا مفییبازنی‬
(b) fish
(c) birds
(d) mammals ‫ملزر‬
Q. No.1. Classification of animals helps us to know about their:
(a) weight
(b) similarities
(c) number
(d) colour
Q. No.1. The basis of classification of organisms is:
(a) colour ‫رگن‬
(b) height
(c) similarities ‫( اشمںیتہب‬d) weight
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Q. No.2. Classification makes the study of organisms:
(a) difficult
(b) easy
(c) random
Q. No.2. The invertebrate which can fly is:
(d) complex
(a) crow
(b) eagle
(c) honeybee ‫دہشیکیھکم‬
(d) sparrow
Q. No.2. Animals which have hair on their body are called:
(a) fish
(b) amphibians
(c) mammals
Q. No.2. Humans breathe through:
‫ا مفییبازنی‬
(d) reptiles
(a) fins
(b) lungs
(c) gills
(d) scales
Q. No.3. The vertebrates with feathers on their body are:
(a) fish
‫( ایلھچمں‬b) reptiles ‫ریزلئ‬
Q. No.3. Mango plant belongs to:
(c) mammals ‫ملزر‬
‫وہ ب‬
(d) birds ‫رپدنے‬
(a) fungi
(c) monocots
Q. No.3. Fish breathe through:
(b) conifers
(d) dicots
(a) lungs
(b) gills
(c) skin
(d) scales
Q. No.3. The example of animal with backbone is:
(a) jellyfish
(b) octopus
(c) snail
(d) lizard
Q. No.4. Butterfly has jointed legs. Number of its legs is:
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
Q. No.4. Insects are structurally different from worms because they have:
(a) jointed legs
(b) round body
(c) cylinder like body
(d) segments
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Q. No.4. Bean plant belongs to:
(a) conifers
(b) monocots
(c) dicots
(d) mosses
Q. No.4. All of the following are vertebrates EXCEPT:
‫ومزس ےس‬
‫درجذلیںیمبس ب‬
(a) fish
(b) reptiles
(c) birds
(d) worms
Q. No.5. In dicot seeds, food is stored in:
(a) endosperm
(b) cotyledon
(c) plumule
(d) radicle
Q. No.5. Function of cotyledon in maize seed is to:
(a) store food
(c) digest food
Q. No.5. In seed, root originates from the:
(b) get food
(d) prepare food
(a) cotyledon
(b) endosperm
(c) plumule
(d) radicle
Q. No.5. The part of rice seed which stores food is:
(a) endosperm
(b) radicle
(c) cotyledon
(d) embryo
Q. No.6. Seed is covered with fruit in:
(a) algae
(b) fungi
(c) flowering plants ‫وھپدلاروپدوںںیم‬
(d) non flowering plants‫ریغوھپدلاروپدوںںیم‬
Q. No.6. During germination of seed water helps to burst:
(a) cotyledon
(c) micropyle
Q. No.6. In monocot seed, food is stored in:
(b) seed coat
(d) plumule
(a) seed coat
(b) endosperm
(c) cotyledons
(d) plumule
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Q. No.6. Most seeds germinate at temperature range:
(a) 0-10 C
(c) 35-60 oC
(b) 10-35 C
(d) 60-70 oC
Q. No.7. The size of bacteria is about:
(a) 0.01mm
(b) 1mm
Q. No.7. The cause of infection in our body is:
:‫ریٹکیبایاکاس زوہاتےہرقتابی‬
(d) 10mm
(c) 2.5mm
(a) vaccine
(b) antibiotics
(c) germs
(d) antibodies
‫ڈنیاخبرسکےکاکےنٹیکوہجےس اتلیھےہ ؟‬
Q. No.7. Dengue fever spreads by the biting of:
(a) mosquito
(b) house fly
(c) wasp
(d) honey bee
Q. No.7. Which one of the following organisms decomposes dead organic materials?
(a) algae
(b) virus
(c) fungi
(d) protozoan
Q. No.8. Major cause of environmental pollution is:
(a) plants
(b) rivers
(c) factories
Q. No.8. Drinking water should be used after:
(d) rain
(a) filtration
(c) freezing
Q. No.8. Poisonous gases are produced when:
(b) sterilization
‫رٹسال زنشی‬
(d) pasteurization
‫اپرچسا زنشی‬
(a) buildings are constructed
(b) soil erosion takes place
(c) garbage and plastics are burnt
(d) trees are cut
Q. No.8. Dysentery is a stomach disorder, it is mainly caused by:
(a) land pollution ‫زینیمآولدیگ‬
(b) noise pollution
(d) water pollution
(c) air pollution
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Q. No.9. Materials that are decomposed by microorganisms into simpler substances are known
(a) non biodegradable
(b) biodegradable
(c) pesticides
(d) fertilizers
Q. No.9. The main effect of air pollution is:
(a) diarrhea
(c) death of fish ‫ویلھچمںاکرمان‬
Q. No.9. The cause of air pollution is:
(b) AIDS
(d) global warming
(a) humidity
(c) snow
Q. No.9. The thing which is biodegradable:
(b) smoke
(d) rain
(a) bread
(b) plastic
(c) rubber
(d) cement
Q. No.10. The right way of disposing off plastic bags is:
:‫الپکٹسےکولیھتںوکاضعئرکےناکحیحصیر ہقےہ‬
(a) burning in open space ‫یلھکاضفءںیمالجان‬
(c) proper recycling
Q. No.10. Burning of fuel causes:
(b) throwing in water ‫اپینںیمانکنیھپ‬
(d) burying in soil
(a) water pollution
‫آیبآولدیگ یک‬
(b) air pollution
(c) land pollution
(d) noise pollution
Q. No.10. The instrument shown in the figure is a cause of:
‫اضفیئآولدیگ یک‬
(a) air pollution
(b) water pollution
(c) land pollution
(d) noise pollution
Q. No.10. Sewage water produces smell due to hydrogen sulphide and:
(a) carbon dioxide
(c) ammonia
(b) carbon monoxide ‫اکرنبومونآاسکڈیئ‬
(d) methane
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Q. No.11. Regular arrangement of particles is NOT present in:
(a) sugar
(b) salt
(c) flour
(d) honey
Q. No.11. Particles of steam are:
(a) fixed and regular
(b) not fixed and regular
(c) fixed and irregular
(d) not fixed and irregular
Q. No.11. Particles are closely packed in:
(a) iron ‫ولےہںیم‬
(b) steam
‫( اھبپںیم‬c) oil ‫لیتںیم‬
(d) honey
Q. No.11. The state in which particles have the strongest force of attraction among them:
(a) Gas
(b) Liquid
(c) Solid
(d) Plasma
Q. No.12. When we heat water, its particles gain energy and they:
(a) become slow ‫آہتسہوہاجےتںیہ‬
(b) do not move
(c) move fast
(d) stick together
Q. No.12. Change of water into vapours is called:
(a) evaporation
(c) melting
Q. No.12. By heating water its particles will:
(b) freezing
(d) condensation
(a) gain energy
(b) lose energy
(c) first lose and then gain energy
(d) neither gain nor lose energy
Q. No.12. When we heat up a liquid, it changes into gas. This process is called:
(a) freezing
(b) boiling
(c) condensation
(d) melting
Q. No.13. The use of oil and grease reduces:
:‫وہےہ‬،‫لیتاوررگزیےکاامعتسلےسسجںیم یموہیتےہ‬
(a) friction ‫رڑگ‬
(b) mass
(c) weight
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(d) speed
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Q. No.13. A ball comes back when it is thrown up freely because of a force, that force is:
(a) electromagnetic force ‫ربیقانقمیسیطوقت‬
(b) magnetic force
(c) electric force
(d) gravitational force
Q. No.13. A ball in air falls back towards the earth mainly due to:
(a) gravitational force
(c) magnetic force
Q. No.13. The mass of a body is:
(b) frictional force
(d) electric force
(a) quality of matter
(b) quantity of matter ‫امدےیکدقمار‬
(c) shape of matter
(d) size of matter
‫امدےاکاس ز‬
Q. No.14. The simple machine which is used to move the objects up is:
(a) scissors
(b) wedge
(c) inclined plane
(d) table
Q. No.14. A 500 gram ball has maximum weight at a height of:
(b) 10 kilometer
(c) 15 kilometer
(d) 20 kilometer
Q. No.14. Choose the option which helps in reducing friction.
(a) 5 kilometer
(a) Light
(b) Current
(c) Grease
(d) Magnet
Q. No.14. The main cause of earth rotation around the sun is:
(a) magnetism
(b) weight
(c) friction
(d) gravity
Q. No.15. Friction is due to:
(a) smoothness
(c) warmness
Q. No.15. An example of first kind of lever is:
(b) roughness
(d) hardness
(a) wheel barrow
(c) hammer
Q. No.15. The largest value of inertia is of:
(a) 1 kg
(b) 2 kg
(b) nut cracker
(d) tweezers
(c) 3 kg
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(d) 4 kg
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Q. No.15. If friction is NOT involved in walking process, one:
(a) would move fast
(c) would move slowly ‫آہتسہاتلچےہ‬
(b) would stand still
(d) would slip and fall
Q. No.16. The wheel barrow is a machine which has:
(a) lever and wedge
(b) lever and inclined plane
(c) wedge and inclined plane
(d) lever, inclined plane and wedge
Q. No.16. Lubricant is a substance which:
(a) increases friction
(b) reduces friction
(c) stops vehicle
Q. No.16. Friction helps us to:
(d) cleans vehicle
(a) read
(c) think
Q. No.16. An example of a wedge is:
(b) see
(d) write
(a) cup
(c) plate
(b) knife
(d) spoon
Q. No.17. An opaque object among the following is:
(a) wood ‫ڑکلی‬
(c) clear water ‫اصفاپین‬
Q. No.17. An example of a luminous object is:
(b) plain glass ‫اصفہشیش‬
(d) tissue paper ‫ٹرپیپ‬
(a) book ‫اتکب‬
(b) sun
(c) hand ‫اہھت‬
Q. No.17. Example of translucent object is:
(d) moon ‫اچدن‬
(a) card board
(b) brick
(c) tracing paper ‫رٹگنسیرپیپ‬
Q. No.17. The non-luminous object is:
(d) clear water ‫اصفاپین‬
(a) sun
(c) lighted candle ‫یتلجوہیئوممیتب‬
(b) star
(d) book ‫اتکب‬
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Q. No.18. Light travels in the form of:
(a) molecules
(b) waves
(c) circles
(d) atoms
Q. No.18. When the origin of light is nearer to object, it makes a shadow:
(a) smaller
(b) transparent
(c) opaque
(d) large
Q. No.18. Shadows and eclipses are formed because light travels in:
(a) straight line ‫دیسیھالنئںیم‬
(c) zigzag line
(b) curved line
(d) circular line
Q. No.18. An example of transparent object is:
(a) wood
(b) water
(c) brick
(d) cardboard ‫اکرڈوبرڈ‬
Q. No.19. When two surfaces rub against each other, the electrons move from one object to
other and objects are charged. This charge is called:
(a) magnetism
(b) electricity
(d) lightning
(c) static charge
Q. No.19. A fuse is used as:
(b) security alarm
(c) a circuit breaker
Q. No.19. Electric current is due to flow of:
(d) galvanometer
(a) door bell
(a) neutrons
‫( وینرٹوزن‬b) protons
(c) electrons ‫( ارٹکیلوزن‬d) atoms
Q. No.19. The device which protects us from fire in case of short circuit is:
(a) battery
(b) bulb
(c) wire
(d) fuse
Q. No.20. During rain, lightning is caused by:
(a) flow of charges
(b) static electric charges
(c) moving positive charges ‫رحتکرکےتوہےئتبثماچرزج‬
(d) similar charges
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Q. No.20. Thunder of clouds is an example of:
(a) magnetism
(b) electricity
(c) electro magnetism ‫ربیقانقمتیسیطیک‬
(d) lightning
Q. No.20. Electric current is measured by an instrument called:
(a) volt meter ‫ووٹلرٹیم‬
(b) barometer
(c) ammeter
(d) thermometer
Q. No.20. When clouds strike each other which type of charge is produced?
(a) positive
(b) negative
(c) neutral
(d) static
Q. No.21. Clouds send negative charge to the earth due to which property of earth?
large mass
large size
negative charge
positive charge
Q. No.21. The given diagram is called:
(a) circuit
(b) electromagnet ‫ربیقانقمسیط‬
(c) fuse
(d) magnet
Q. No.21. Area around the magnet where magnetic force works is called:
(a) poles of magnet ‫انقمسیطےکنیبطق‬
(b) electromagnet
(c) magnetic field ‫انقمیسیطدیمان‬
(d) magnetism
Q. No.21. When a plastic comb is rubbed, it attracts pieces of paper due to:
:‫وہےہ‬،‫بجالپکٹسیکیھگنکوک رڑگااجاتےہوتوہسجوہجےساکذغےکڑکٹوںوکاینپیرفششکرکیتےہ‬
(a) static charge ‫اسنکاچرج‬
(c) magnetism
(b) electricity
(d) lightning
Q. No.22. Loam is a mixture of sand and clay. The size of its particles is:
:‫اسےکذراتاکاس زوہاتےہ‬.‫رتیاورینکچیٹماکآزیمہےہ‬،‫ولم‬
(a) different ‫( فلتخم‬b) same
‫( اکیاسیج‬c) large
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(d) small
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Q. No.22. The best decomposers in the soil are:
(a) bacteria & fungi
(b) ant & earthworm ‫ویچیٹناوروچیکا‬
(c) scorpion & termite ‫وھچباوردکمی‬
(d) mole & ant
Q. No.22. Basic types of soil on the basis of size of particles are:
:‫ذراتےکاس زیکاینبدرپیٹمیکاینبدیااسقمںیہ‬
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Q. No.22. Characteristic of soil identified through size of its particles is:
:‫وہےہ‬،‫یٹمیکوہوصختیصوجاسےکذراتےکاس زےکاحلظےساچہپیناجیتےہ‬
(a) structure
(b) texture ‫یحطسانبوٹ‬
(c) colour
(d) components ‫ازجاء‬
Q. No.23. The basic structure of clay is:
(a) large particles and large air spaces.
(b) medium particles and medium air spaces
(c) largest particles and largest air spaces
(d) small particles and small air spaces
Q. No.23. The soil which consists of medium size particles is:
:‫الہکیتےہ‬،‫وہیٹموجدرایمےناس زےکذراترپلمتشموہ‬
(a) sand
(b) silt
(c) clay
(d) loam
‫اگرے یسیجیٹم‬
Q. No.23. The soil which contains both small and medium sized particles is:
:‫وہیٹموجوھچےٹاورڈیممیاس زےکدوونںازجاءرپلمتشموہیتےہ‬
(a) sand
(b) clay
(c) silt
(d) loam
Q. No.23. The organisms which decompose dead bodies are:
(a) bacteria
(b) algae
(c) virus
(d) insects
Q. No.24. Identify the star from the given options:
(a) Earth
(b) Mercury ‫اطعرد‬
(c) Mars
(d) Sun
Q. No.24. The gases found in sun are hydrogen and:
(a) oxygen
(b) nitrogen
(c) carbon
(d) helium
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Q. No.24. The planet at third position from the Sun is:
(a) Saturn
(b) Earth
(c) Mars
(d) Mercury
Q. No.24. Number of times earth is bigger than moon:
(a) 6
(b) 50
(c) 100
(d) 400
Q. No.25. Earth is fifty times bigger than:
(a) Saturn
(b) Moon
(c) Venus
(d) Mercury
Q. No.25. The farthest planet to sun in our solar system is:
(a) Earth
(b) Neptune
(c) Mercury
(d) Venus
Q. No.25. The planet which has the largest number of moons is:
(a) Jupiter
(c) Uranus
Q. No.25. The sun is a star because it:
(b) Saturn
(d) Neptune
:‫وسرج اکیاتسرہےہویکہکنہی‬
(a) has its own light
(b) has not its own light
(c) revolves around others
(d) rotates around itself
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