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MOS Circuit Design Exam - Electronics Engineering

Roll Number:
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
BE (Semester VI) Mid Semester Test
UEC750: MOS Circuit Design
March, 2023
Name of Faculty: Dr. Arun Kumar Chatterjee,
Time: 02 Hours; MM: 25
Dr. Sujit Kumar Patel, Dr. Anil Singh,
Dr.Rajneesh Kumar
Note: Attempt all questions. Assume any missing data appropriately, if required.
Q.1(a) A p-channel MOS transistor was fabricated on a n-type silicon substrate with a doping
concentration ND = 2 x 1016 cm-3, n-type polysilicon-gate with fermi-potential 0.58V,
oxide charge density (N0x) is equal to 5x 1010 cm-2 and gate oxide thickness is
0.1 pm. Determine the surface potential and threshold voltage at room temperature for
Vsg = 0 V. Use Est= 11.7 XE0 , Eox= 3.97 xEo, permittivity of free space is 8.854 x
10-14 F Ian, thermal voltage, —
kr = 0.026 V at room temperature and intrinsic carrier
concentration is 1.45 x 101° CM-3.
Q.1(b) An n-channel MOS transistor has process parameters len = 110 µA/V 2, fermi-potential
of the substrate is — 0.3 V, body bias-coefficient is 0.1 V1/2 and Vrom = 0.8 V.
Determine the device current for the following biasing conditions
i. VD = 5 V, Vs = 1 V, VG = 2.5 V, VB = 1 V and aspect ratio is 5.
ii. VD = 5 V, Vs = 2 V, VG = 3 V, VB = 2.5 V and aspect ratio is 2.
Q. 2(a) Show mathematically how threshold voltage, gate oxide capacitance per unit area,
power density and drain current are effected in terms of scaling factor, S ( where S>1)
for constant electric-filed scaling.
Q 2(b)
Consider an n-channel MOSFET with a substrate doping concentration of Na = 2 x1016
cm-3, a threshold voltage VT = 0.4 V, and a channel length L = 1 gm. The device is
biased with VGs =1 V and Vps = 2.5 V. Determine the ratio of drain current (with
channel length modulation) to the ideal current (without channel length modulation).
Change in channel length, AL, is given by
2€., r„ , i
AL = V-- L V Tip + VDs(sat) + AVDs — VOfp + Vas(sat)]
eA T
Where e is an electron charge, es is absolute permittivity of silicon, .2)p is substrate
fermi potential and AVDs is additional drain to source voltage beyond saturation drain to
source voltage VDs(sat)
Q 3(a)
Derive an expression for the switching threshold voltage (Vth) of a CMOS inverter.
Q 3(b)
Consider a CMOS inverter with the following parameters:
VT0,n = 0.48 V, 1.inCox= 102 RA/V2, VT0,p = - 0.46 V, RpCoa = 51.6 µA/V- and VDD = 1.2 V.
Determine the (Wn/Wp) ratio so that the switching threshold voltage of the inverter is
Vth = 0.5 V. The channel length of both transistors is 4 = 4 = 60 nm.
Q 4(a)
Implement a 3 input XNOR function in CMOS logic circuit style.
Q 4(b)
Implement following Boolean expression using CMOS transmission gate:
F(A, B, C) =A+B+C