Tower Type & Site ID CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Foundation Type Raft: V1.0, 11.12.23 Input Data Tower Reaction (From MS Tower Output) Support Reaction (Unfactored Maximum) (Centroid of the tower) Moment at X- Direction = 1834.381 KN-m Moment at Y- Direction = 1099.772 KN-m Shear at X- Direction = 56.457 KN Shear at Y- Direction = 95.788 KN Compression = 108.982 KN Support Reaction (Unfactored Maximum) (Tower Leg) Compression = 747.261 KN Uplift = 587.185 KN Shear at X- Direction = 64.633 KN Shear at Y- Direction = 56.124 KN Support Reaction (Factored Maximum) (Tower Leg) Maximum Reaction on tower leg = 1181.213 KN Max. Compression on one leg= 536.931 KN Max. Compression on other leg= 513.504 KN SPT value from Soil Test Report Ground Water Level (from E.G.L)= Depth (m) SPT value 1.00 4 2.00 6 3.00 7 4.00 6 5.00 5 6.00 10 7.50 12 9.00 15 10.50 17 Average N value, Nav =ΣN. Zi/ ΣZi Design N value, N Material Properties 9.00 2.00 9.00 m Tower Type & Site ID CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Foundation Type Raft: V1.0, 11.12.23 Dry Unit weight of soil, γsoil = 16.00 kN/m Dry Unit weight of concrete, γconc. = 23.60 kN/m3 Cohesion Parameter, C = 0.00 kN/m2 Angle of Internal Friction, φ = 30.00 degree Concrete ultimate strength, f'c = 24.00 Mpa 3480.31 psi Steel Yield strength, fy= 500.00 Mpa 72506.51 psi 3 Tower Dimension Data No of Tower Leg = 3 nos Base width of tower, W base= 3.50 m Distance from c.g. of tower to c.g of foundation = 0.000 m Foundation Dimension Data Length of the Raft, L = 6.00 m 4.40 OK Thickness of the Raft, d1 = 0.375 m 14.76 Inch Depth of Foundation, Df = 2.00 m Width of the pedestal, dp = 0.60 m 23.62 Inch 557.72 inch² 100.00 KN 2 Area of the Pedestal = 0.36 m Height above ground = 1.50 m Height of the Pedestal = 3.13 m Weight of BTS Room, Grade Beam (except floor slab) = Output Data Weight of Concrete Volume of Raft (Above GWT) = 13.50 m3 Volume of Raft (Below GWT) = 0.00 m3 Volume of Each Pedestal (Above GWT) = 1.13 m3 Volume of Each Pedestal (Below GWT) = 0.00 m3 498.25 kN Volume of Soil Layer (Above GWT)= 56.75 m3 Volume of Soil Layer (Below GWT)= 0.00 m3 907.92 kN Total Weight of Concrete (Including BTS room) = Weight of Soil Total Weight of Soil = Bearing Capacity Check Corrected SPT value, N= 9.00 Permissible Settlement, S= 25.00 mm Tower Type & Site ID CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Foundation Type Raft: V1.0, 11.12.23 Depth Factor, Fd=(1+0.33(Df/L)= 1.11 Allowable Net Bearing Pressure, Qall = 137.67 KN/m² Allowable Net Bearing Pressure (BNBC Code) = 183.11 KN/m² Compressive force at Centroid of Foundation = 108.98 kN Acting Total Moment at raft base, Mx= 2169.64 KN-m Acting Total Moment at raft base, My= 1297.37 KN-m Total Weight of Concrete (Including BTS room)= 498.25 kN Compressive Stress at Critical point (ext.Point) = 138.39 KN/m² OK Overturning Check Acting Total Moment at raft base, Mx= 2169.64 KN-m Acting Total Moment at raft base, My= 1297.37 KN-m Total Weight of Soil = 907.92 kN Total Weight of Concrete (Including BTS room)= 498.25 kN Maximum moment = 2527.95 KN-m Resisting Moment = 4218.51 KN-m Factor of safety = 1.67 OK Shear at X- Direction = 56.46 kN Shear at Y- Direction = 95.79 kN Resultant Shear Force at C.G of Foundation = 111.19 kN Cohesion Parameter,C = Angle of Internal Friction,φ = 0.00 30.00 kN/m2 degree Sliding Resistance of Foundation = 446.52 kN 4.02 OK Sliding Check Factor of safety= Punching Shear Check Punching Load= 1181.21 kN Allowable Punching Shear Force= 1317.31 kN OK Total Weight of Soil above Raft= 341.78 kN Considering submerged condition Total Weight of Pedestal Concrete= 79.65 kN Total Weight on Foundation= 421.43 kN Uniformly Distributed Load on soil= 175.07 kN/m Mat / Raft Reinforcement Tower Type & Site ID CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Foundation Type Raft: Govering Bending Moment= V1.0, 11.12.23 141.55 kN-m 536.93 0.00 513.50 1.25 4.75 175.07 218.84 294.66 318.09 218.84 136.78 116.28 -141.55 Maximum Factored Moment in one direction, M = Effective Depth,d= 141.55 5.30 kip-ft/ft 11.81 Inch Φ= 0.90 2 a= 1.00 As = 0.070 in /ft a= 0.14 As = 0.067 in2/ft a= 0.14 As = 0.067 in2/ft a= 0.14 As = 0.067 in2/ft a= 0.14 As = 0.067 in2/ft 0.354 in²/ft 0.391 As min = kN-m in²/ft As (Provided) = 252.226 mm²/ft Dia of rebar = 16 mm Required Spacing= 243.02 Spacing Provided= 200.00 mm mm Pedestal Reinforcement Dia of Pedestal Rebar = 16 mm Nos. of Pedestal Rebar= 24 Nos As required = 7.48 in2 OK OK 6.00 Tower Type & Site ID Foundation Type Column Capacity= CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Raft: V1.0, 11.12.23 5019.51 KN OK Slab Design Punching Shear Check Thickness of the Slab = 125.00 mm Self weight of Slab = 61.50 psf Floor finish on Slab = 25.00 psf Live Load on Slab = 40.00 psf Equipment Load on Slab = 1.98 Kip C/C distance = 3.50 m 11.48 ft Slab Area = 5.30 sqm 57.07 sft 4.92 Inch Considering 2 nos of equipement having 450kg wt of each Total factored load on Slab = 9.58 Kip Allowable Punching Shear = 82.03 Kip 0.168 ksf OK Slab Reinforcement Total factored load on Slab = Maximum Factored Moment in one direction, M = 2.77 kip-ft/ft Effective Depth,d= 4.17 Inch Φ= 0.90 a= 1.00 As = 0.112 in2/ft a= 0.23 As = 0.102 in2/ft a= 0.21 As = 0.101 in2/ft a= 0.21 As = 0.101 in2/ft a= 0.21 As = 0.101 in2/ft Tower Type & Site ID CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong , (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) Foundation Type Raft: As min = 0.118 in²/ft As(Provided)= Dia of rebar = 10 V1.0, 11.12.23 0.138 89.051 in²/ft mm²/ft mm Required Spacing= 268.69 Spacing Provided= 175.00 mm mm OK Result Summary Bearing Capacity Check Allowable Bearing Pressure (BNBC Code) = 183.11 KN/m² Compressive Stress at Critical point (ext.Point) = 138.39 KN/m² Overturning Check Maximum moment = 2527.95 KN-m Resisting Moment = 4218.51 KN-m Factor of safety= 1.67 OK Resultant Shear Force at C.G of Foundation = 111.19 kN Sliding Resistance of Foundation = 446.52 kN 4.02 OK Sliding Check Factor of safety= Punching Shear Check Punching Load= 1181.21 kN Allowable Punching Shear Force= 1317.31 kN OK Pedestal Size & Reinforcement Pedestal Size 600 X 600 X 3125 mm Pedestal Reinforcement 24 nos - Ø16mm Mat/ Raft Size & Reinforcement Mat/ Raft Size 6000 X 6000 X 375 mm Mat/ Raft Reinforcement Ø16mm @ 200mm c/c both direction Slab Thickness & Reinforcement Slab Thickness 5 inch Slab Reinforcement Ø10mm @ 175mm c/c both direction OK PROJECT : CMMHG04 / CMGON1, Manoharganj, Comilla, Chittagong, (35m- 210kph- 3L- SKIPPER (KTBL DESIGN)) CLIENT : KTBL DESIGN BY : MMR V1.0, 11.12.23 DATE. : Raft: REVIEW BY : SIA Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-05 INPUT DATA & DESIGN SUMMARY CONCRETE STRENGTH fc' = 3.5 REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = 72.5 ksi COLUMN DIMENSIONS cx = cy FACTORED AXIAL LOAD Pu FACTORED MAGNIFIED MOMENT FACTORED SHEAR LOAD 24 in = 24 in = 266 k e q Mu,x = 207 ft-k Mu,y = 205 ft-k = 20 k = # # @ @ 20 5 5 8 8 k at x dir. (Total 24 # 5) at y dir. in o.c., x dir. in o.c., y dir. Vu,x Vu,y COLUMN VERT. REINF. SHEAR REINF. ksi 7 7 3 3 4 legs,# 4 legs,# e THE COLUMN DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. ANALYSIS eo 1400 1200 f C 1000 f Pn (k) f 800 S 2 0.85 f ' C , E c 57 Ec 0.85 f 0.85 f ' C 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 f Mn (ft-k) for 0 e c e o ' C , for e c e o , for e s e y e E s s , for f es e y y f Pn (kips) 1155 1155 1060 846 655 f Mn (ft-kips) 0 152 207 295 340 AT e t = 0.002 470 357 AT BALANCED CONDITION 456 358 AT e t = 0.005 69 399 AT FLEXURE ONLY 0 370 AT AXIAL LOAD ONLY AT MAXIMUM LOAD AT 0 % TENSION AT 25 % TENSION AT 50 % TENSION 0 , E s 29000ksi e e 2 2 c c , e o e o 600 400 ' C f CHECK FLEXURAL & AXIAL CAPACITY Mu = ( Mu,x2 + Mu,y2 )0.5 = f Pmax =0.80 f [ 0.85 fc' (Ag - Ast) + fy Ast] = where a = Cb b 1 = f = 0.65 Ag = 576 15 f = 0.48 + 83 et = where f Mn = o , (the direction of combined load.) > Ast = Pu 7.44 in2. 0.85 ( ACI 318-05, Sec. ) [Satisfactory] in (at balanced strain condition, ACI 10.3.2) (ACI 318-05, Fig. R9.3.2) Cb = d ec / (ec + es) = f Mn = 0.9 Mn = 25.74 1155 kips., (at max axial load, ACI 318-05, Sec. (ACI 318-05, Sec. in2. 0.652 d = q = 230.294 ft-k, (combined bending load.) 17 370 378 et = in b1 = 29.12 in, (ACI 7.7.1) 0.002069 ec = 0.003 ft-kips @ Pn = 0, (ACI 318-05, Sec. 9.3.2) ,& et,min = 0.004, (ACI 318-05, Sec. 10.3.5) ft-kips @ Pu = 266 rmax = 0.08 (ACI 318-05, Section 10.9) rmin = 0.01 (ACI 318-05, Section 10.9) > kips rprovd = Mu [Satisfactory] 0.013 [Satisfactory] CHECK SHEAR CAPACITY (ACI 318-05 Sec. 11.1.1, 11.3.1, & f Vn = f (Vs + Vc) (ACI 318-05 Sec. 11.1.1) > Vu [Satisfactory] f = 0.75 x y d 21.81 21.81 smax = 10 (ACI 318-05, Section smin = 1 (ACI 318-05, Section where (ACI 318-05 Sec. A0 524 524 Av 0.44 0.44 fy = Vc = 2 (fc')0.5A0 61.8 61.8 40 ksi Vs = MIN (d fy Av / s , 4Vc) 48.0 48.0 sprovd = 8 in [Satisfactory] f Vn 82 82