Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health NCM 117 Lecture (Psychiatric Nursing) Group 4 (BSN 3A – Orlando) -Manuscript- Topic : Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Background Information III. Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development IV. Criticism and Application of Piaget's Theory V. Contemporary Research Introduction: Understanding how children develop cognitively has been a central concern in psychology and education for decades. Among the prominent figures in this field, Jean Piaget stands as a pioneer whose work has profoundly shaped our understanding of cognitive development. His theory provides a framework for comprehending how children’s thinking evolves as they grow and interact with their environment. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist born in 1896, devoted his life to studying the cognitive processes of children. Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was one of the 20th century's most influential researchers in the area of developmental psychology. He was originally trained in the areas of biology and philosophy and considered himself a "Genetic Epistemologist.” Through observation, experimentation, and meticulous analysis, Piaget formulated a groundbreaking theory that revolutionized the field of developmental psychology. His theory of cognitive development proposes that children progress through distinct stages of mental growth, each characterized by unique ways of understanding the world. MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health In this report, we explore the fundamental principles of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, examining the stages of cognitive growth, key concepts, and underlying mechanisms. We delve into the practical application of Piaget’s work as well as the criticisms and challenges his theory has faced over the years. By understanding Piaget’s theory and its contemporary relevance, we gain insights into the intricate processes of childhood cognition and the factors that shape intellectual development. Through this exploration, we aim to appreciate the end derstanding of human cognition. Join us on a journey through Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, as we unravel the mysteries of children’s minds and explore the profound implications for education, psychology, and beyond. Background Information: Jean Piaget was born on August 9, 1896, in Neuchatel. He began showing an interest in natural science at the age of 11 and had already started his career as a researcher by writing a short paper on an albino sparrow at that time. Piaget continued to study the natural sciences and received his doctorate in zoology from the University of Neuchâtel in 1918. After his graduation, Piaget moved from Switzerland to Paris to pursue work as a psychologist. He spent a year working at a boys' institution created by Alfred Binet, the developer of the Binet-Simon test (later revised by Lewis Terman to become the Stanford– Binet Intelligence Scales). Piaget assisted in the marking of Binet's intelligence tests. It was during his time helping to mark these tests in 1920 that Piaget noticed young children consistently gave wrong answers to certain questions. Rather than focusing solely on the fact that the children's answers were incorrect, Piaget observed that young children consistently made types of mistakes that older children and adults managed to avoid. This observation led him to develop the theory that young children's cognitive processes are inherently different from those of adults. Subsequently, in 1921, he proposed a global theory MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health of cognitive developmental stages in which individuals exhibit certain common patterns of cognition in each period of development. Piaget married Valentine Châtenay in 1923 and the couple went on to have three children. Piaget's observations of his own children served as the basis for many of his later theories. Piaget returned to the University of Neuchâtel as a professor of psychology, sociology, and philosophy. He also served as the Director of the International Bureau of Education in Geneva and taught at the University of Geneva. In 1955, Piaget founded the International Center for Genetic Epistemology. Piaget is renowned for introducing the stages of Cognitive Development. He passed away in 1980 and was buried in Geneva. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Overview: Piaget suggested that children sort the knowledge they acquire through their experiences and interactions into groupings known as “schemas”. When children encounter new information, Piaget suggested that they engage into two process; assimilation and accomodation. When new information is acquired, it can either be “assimilated” into existing schemas or “accommodated” through revising an existing schema or creating an entirely new category of information. For example, a child might encounter a new breed of dog and assimilate it into their existing schema of "dog" based on similarities with other dogs they have seen. (Assimilation). For instance, if a child' s schema for "bird" only includes animals that can fly, they may need to accommodate the new information of flightless birds like penguins by adjusting their understanding of what constitutes a bird (Accommodation). In conclusion, Piagets concepts of schemas, assimilation and accommodation, highlights that active role that children play in constructing their understanding of reality. These processes are central to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and provide valuable insights into how children learn and grow intellectually. Stages of Piaget’s Theory Cognitive Development MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health 1. Sensorimotor stage.The first stage of development lasts from birth to approximately age 2. At this point in development, children know the world primarily through their senses and movements. The sensorimotor stage can be divided into six separate sub-stages that are characterized by the development of a new skill: a) Reflexes (0-1 month) During this sub-stage, the child understands the environment purely through inborn reflexes such as sucking and looking. b) Primary Circulatory Reactions(1-4 months) This sub-stage involves coordinating sensation and new schemas. These actions are repeated because the infant finds them pleasurable. c) Secondary Circulatory Reactions(4-8 months) During this sub-stage, the child becomes more focused on the world and begins to intentionally repeat an action in order to trigger a response in the environment. d) Coordination of Reactions (8-12 months). The understanding of objects also begins during this time and children begin to recognize certain objects as having specific qualities. e) Tertiary Circulatory Reactions(12-18 months) Children begin a period of trial- and-error experimentation during the fifth sub-stage. f) Early Representational Thought (18-24 months) During this time, children begin to move towards understanding the world through mental operations rather than purely through actions. (Object permanence is a child's understanding that objects continue to exist even though they cannot be seen or heard) 2. Perioperational stage. The second stage of development lasts from the ages of 2 to 7 and MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health is characterized by the development of language and the emergence of symbolic play. Two sub-stages occur during the preioperational period of development: a. Symbolic Function (ages 2 to 4). During this sub-stage, children developmental representations of objects and events in their environment. They begin to use symbols to represent objects that are not physically present, demonstrating the emergence of symbolic thinking. b. Intuitive Thought (ages 4 to 7). Children begin to rely more on logic than just perception alone in this sub-stage. Their ability to solve problems is more logical, but they may not be capable of explaining how they think or why they think that way. (The concepts of egocentrism and conservation are centered on abilities that children have not yet developed; they lack the understanding that things look different to other people and that objects can change in appearance while maintaining the same properties.) 3. Concrete operational stage: The third stage of cognitive development lasts from the age of 7 to approximately age 11. At this point, logical thought emerges, but children still struggle with abstract and theoretical thinking. Important things that happen in the concrete operational stage include a great understanding of logic, reversibility, and conservation. a. Logical Thinking. Piaget determined that children in the concrete operational stage were fairly good at the use of inductive logic(inductive reasoning). Inductive logic involves going from a specific experience to a general principle. On the other hand, children at this age have difficulty using deductive logic, which involves using a general principle to determine the outcome of a specific event (deductive reasoning). b. Reversibility. One important development in this stage is an understanding of reversibility or awareness that actions can be reversed. c. Conservation. Another key development at this stage is the understanding that MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health when something changes in shape or appearance it is still the same, a concept known as conservation. d. Egocentrism. The concrete operational stage is also marked by decreases in egocentrism. In other words, kids are not only able to start thinking about how other people view and experience the world, they even start to use this type of information when making decisions or solving problems. 4. Formal operational stage. In the fourth and final stage of cognitive development, lasting from age 12 and into adulthood, children become much more adept at abstract thought and deductive reasoning. a. Conceptualizing Balance. Piaget tested formal operational thought in a few different ways. Two of the better-known tests explored physical conceptualization and the abstraction of thought. b. Abstract Thinking. Another key development at this stage is the understanding that when something changes in shape or appearance it is still the same, a concept known as conservation. Application and Criticism in Piaget’s Theory 1. Criticism a. Cultural and Individual Differences. One major criticism of Piaget's theory is its limited consideration of cultural and individual differences in cognitive development. The children in Piaget's small research sample (other than his own children) were all from families who were well-educated and of high socioeconomic status. Piaget's stages are described in a universal manner, assuming that all children progress through them in the same sequence and at the same pace. b. Underestimation of children's abilities. Critics argue that Piaget may have underestimated children's cognitive abilities, particularly in the preoperational stage. MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health Piaget suggested that children in this stage lack the ability for logical reasoning and are egocentric in their thinking. However, more recent research has indicated that children may possess more sophisticated cognitive skills earlier than Piaget proposed. c. Lack of attention to social and emotional factors. Piaget's theory focuses primarily on cognitive development and may not sufficiently address the role of social and emotional factors in shaping children's development. Critics argue that social interactions, cultural influences, and emotional experiences play significant roles in cognitive development and should be more prominently featured in developmental theories. d. Research methods. Piaget's research methodology is also problematic due to the fact that he rarely detailed how his participants were selected. Most of his work includes very little statistical detail about how he arrived at his conclusions. His book The Origins of Intelligence in Children was based on the study of just his own three children.[60] This means that it is difficult to generalize his findings to the broader population. He interacted closely with his research subjects and did not follow a set script, meaning that experimental conditions may not have been exactly the same from participant to participant, introducing issues of consistency. e. Developmental Variation exists. Piaget's theory suggests a universal sequence of cognitive development stages that all children pass through in the same order. However, research has shown that there is variability in the timing and sequence of developmental milestones among children. Some children may progress through the stages more quickly or slowly than others, and some may skip stages altogether.For instance,the theory seems to suggest that all people should at least reach the formal operational stage if not further, yet it is not clear if all people actually fully achieve the developmental tasks that are the hallmark of formal operations. Even as adults, people may struggle to think abstractly about situations, falling back on MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health more concrete operational ways of thinking. 2. Application a. Education. Piaget's emphasis on problem-solving as a key component of cognitive development has influenced the design of educational programs that promote problem-based learning. This approach encourages students to tackle complex problems, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.It emphasizes the importance of allowing children to actively explore and construct their understanding of the world through hands-on experiences. Educators often design curriculum and teaching methods that align with the stages of cognitive development outlined by Piaget. b. Parenting. Understanding Piaget's stages of cognitive development helps parents support their children's learning and development. They can provide appropriate activities and challenges that stimulate cognitive growth while respecting the child's current level of understanding. c. Psychology. Piaget's research on children's cognitive development, such as object permanence and conservation tasks, laid the groundwork for subsequent research in developmental psychology. His theories continue to inform studies on various aspects of child development, including language acquisition, social cognition, and moral reasoning. Researchers continue to draw on his ideas to explore how children learn, problem-solve, and develop conceptual understanding. d. Clinical Practice. Piaget's theory informs clinical practice, particularly in assessing cognitive development and identifying potential delays or disorders. Psychologists and therapists use Piagetian tasks and observations to assess children's cognitive abilities and tailor interventions accordingly. e. Technology. Piaget's ideas about the active construction of knowledge have informed the design of educational technology that promotes interactive and MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health exploratory learning experiences. Digital learning platforms often incorporate features that allow students to manipulate virtual objects and engage in hands-on learning. Contemporary Research 1. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory. Lev Vygotsky's theory focuses on the role of social interaction and cultural context in cognitive development. He proposed that children's cognitive development is mediated by social interactions and that learning occurs within the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), where children can accomplish tasks with the help of more knowledgeable others. 2. Information Processing Theory. This approach views the mind as a complex system that processes information much like a computer. Researchers in this field study how individuals encode, store, retrieve, and manipulate information. They explore cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving, often using computational models to simulate these processes. 3. Neo-Piagetian Theories. Building upon Piaget's work, neo-Piagetian theories propose more detailed accounts of cognitive development, incorporating factors such as information processing, domain-specific knowledge, and individual differences. These theories aim to reconcile Piagetian stages with findings suggesting that cognitive development is more continuous and variable than Piaget initially proposed. 4. Theory of Mind. This area of research focuses on children's understanding of mental states such as beliefs, desires, and intentions, and how they develop the ability to attribute mental states to themselves and others. Theory of mind is crucial for social interactions, empathy, and understanding others' behavior. MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health Did you know? Isla McNabb, from Crestwood, Kentucky, USA, became the youngest female member of Mensa International at just 2 years old. Mensa is an organization for individuals with exceptionally high IQs. Isla demonstrated remarkable intelligence from a young age, learning colors, numbers, and the alphabet by 1 year old. By 18 months, she learned the alphabet independently and began reading at 2 years old. Isla amazed her family by reading words like "red" at her 2nd birthday, leading to her testing in the top 1% of the population at almost 2.5 years old, solidifying her place among the world's smartest individuals. "The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done. " Jean Piaget -The EndLeader: Par, Mark Jay R. MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come... Republic of the Philippines MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES MIDWIFERY PROGRAM (Member, APSOM) NURSING PROGRAM (Re-Accredited Level 3-AACCUP, Inc.) college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health sciences college of allied health Members: Ancheta, Sean Johann M. Balacano, Rednael G. Bastida, Maricar L. Constantino, Kian F. Marciano, Rhaven M. Mariposque, Mary Lhyndsey Q. Ortega, Jonathan A. Piñon, Darlene A. MSC VISION: An advanced and adaptive University pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025 MSC MISSION: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production, that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M in leadership through total quality management system, responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education CAHS GOAL: The College of Allied Health Sciences aims to produce highly competent, dignified and service-oriented professionals and leaders in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and other related fields committed to restore and uplift health and wellness, preserve quality and dignity of life and to uphold human rights, social justice, collective responsibility and people empowerment status of the province and the global community with perfection and excellence. Address: P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque CAHS: Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 local 142/CP: 0928-409-5299 Email: Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 CAHS Email Address: Producing Excellent Global Nurses and Midwives with Pride, Honor and Dignity our Commitment for the Future Marinduque State University this 2023 and the next years to come...