My Ramadan Daily Tracker @piousdeenn ْ ْ ْ ٰ ﺑِﺴ ِﻢ اﻟﻠ ِﻪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤ ِﻦ اﻟﺮ ِﺣﻴ ِﻢ How is your feeling today ? @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 01 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َﻓ ِﺈ ﱠ ٥ ﺴﺮًا ْ ُﺴﺮ ِ ﻳ ْ ن َﻣ َﻊ ْٱﻟ ُﻌ So, surely with hardship comes ease (94:5) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 02 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ ﻫ َﻮ َ ﺧ ْﻴﺮ ٌۭ ﻟﱠﻜُ ْﻢ ِإن ُﻛﻨﺘ ُْﻢ ﺗَ ْﻌﻠَ ُﻤ ٩٥ ﻮن ُ ِِإﻧ ﱠ َﻤﺎ ﻋِ ﻨ َﺪ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪ Indeed, What Allah has for you is best for you, if only you knew (16:95) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 03 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS ۟ َاﻣﻨ ﱠ ﻦ ﱡ ْ ُُﻮا ﻳ َ ﺨﺮِﺟُ ُﻬﻢ ﱢﻣ َ ﱃ ٱﻟﱠﺬ ﺖ ِإ َﱃ ِ ٱﻟﻈﻠ ُ َﻤ ٰـ َ ِﻳﻦ ء ٱﻟﻠ ُﻪ َو ِ ﱡ ِٱﻟﻨﱡﻮر Allah is the Guardian of the believers— He brings them out of darkness and into light (2:257) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 04 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Narrated Abu Hurayrah ; that Prophet Muhammad said: Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS When Ramadan enters, the gates of“ Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the devils are .”chained Al-Bukhari and Muslim – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 05 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Abu Hurairah said that Prophet Muhammad told: Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS There has come to you Ramadan, a“ blessed month, which Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has enjoined you to fast. In it the gates of heavens are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and every devil is chained up. In it Allah has a night which is better than a thousand months; whoever is deprived of its .”goodness is indeed deprived Sunan an-Nasa’i 2106 – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 06 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Abu Hurayrah told that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Every action a son of Adam does shall be multiplied—“ a good action by ten times its value, up to 700 times. Allah says: With the exception of fasting, which belongs to Me, and I reward it accordingly. For, one abandons his desire and food for My sake. There are two occasions of joy for a fasting person: one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord, and the (bad) breath (of a fasting person) is better in .”the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk Al Bukhari – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 07 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Surah(S) Magrib Isha Taraweeh Chapter(S) Tahajjud Abu Hurayrah narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Fasting is a shield, so when one of you is“ fasting, he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice in anger. If someone attacks him or insults him, let him .”say: I am fasting Muslim – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 08 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Abu Huraira tells a hadith on reward of fasting that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking“ his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. And he who passes Lailat Al-Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have .”his past sins forgiven Bukhari, Muslim – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 09 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS “Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan”. Sahih Bukhari: 2017 – @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 10 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ ۟ َاﻣﻨ ُﻮا َوﺗَ ْﻄ َﻤﺌ ﱡ َ ٱﻟﱠﺬ َ ِﻳﻦ ء ِ ِﻦ ُﻗﻠُﻮﺑ ُ ُﻬﻢ ﺑ ِ ِﺬ ْﻛﺮ ِ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ۗ أ َﻻ ﺑ ِ ِﺬ ْﻛﺮ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ﺗَ ْﻄ َﻤﺌ ﱡ ٢٨ ﻮب ُ ُِﻦ ْٱﻟ ُﻘﻠ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. (13:28) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 11 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS ً ۭ َوﺗَ َﻮ ﱠﻛﻞْ ﻋَ َﲆ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ۚ َو َﻛ َﻔﻰ ﺑِﭑﻟﻠﱠﻪِ َوﻛ ٣ ِﻴﻼ ٰ And put your trust in Allah, for Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs. (33:3) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 12 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ ت ۗ َو ِإﻧ ﱠ َﻤﺎ ﺗُ َﻮ ﱠﻓ ْﻮ ۖ ِن أُﺟُﻮ َر ُﻛ ْﻢ ﻳَ ْﻮ َم ْٱﻟﻘِ َﻴ ٰـ َﻤﺔ ٍۢ ُﻛﻞﱡ ﻧ َ ْﻔ ِ ﺲ َذآﺋ ِ َﻘ ُﺔ ْٱﻟ َﻤ ْﻮ ﻦ ٱﻟﻨﱠﺎرِ َوأُدْﺧِ ﻞَ ْٱﻟﺠَﻨ َﱠﺔ َﻓ َﻘ ْﺪ َﻓﺎ َز ۗ َو َﻣﺎ ْٱﻟﺤَ َﻴ ٰﻮ ُة ْ َﻓ َﻤﻦ ُز ِ َﺣﺰ ِ َح ﻋ ١٨٥ ِٱﻟ ﱡﺪ ْﻧ َﻴﺂ ِإ ﱠﻻ َﻣﺘ َٰـ ُﻊ ْٱﻟ ُﻐﺮُور Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Every soul will taste death. And you will only receive your full reward on the Day of Judgment. Whoever is spared from the Fire and is admitted into Paradise will ˹indeed˺ triumph, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment. (3:185) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 13 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ ِن ْٱﻟ َﻌ ٰـﻘِ َﺒ َﺔ ﻟ ِْﻠ ُﻤ ﱠﺘﻘ ﭑﺻ ِﺒ ْﺮ ۖ ِإ ﱠ ﻴﻦ ْ َﻓ So be patient! Surely the ultimate outcome belongs ˹only˺ to the righteous. (11:49) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 14 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud ﺐ َوﻟ َ ْﻬ ۭ ٌﻮ ۖ َوﻟَﻠﺪﱠا ُر ْٱﻟـ ﺎﺧِ ﺮَ ُة ٌ ۭ َِو َﻣﺎ ْٱﻟﺤَ َﻴ ٰﻮ ُة ٱﻟ ﱡﺪ ْﻧ َﻴﺂ ِإ ﱠﻻ ﻟَﻌ َ َ ُﻮن ۗ أ َ َﻓ َﻼ ﺗَ ْﻌﻘِ ﻠ َ ِﻳﻦ ﻳَ ﱠﺘ ُﻘ َ ﺧ ْﻴﺮ ٌۭ ﻟﱢﻠﱠﺬ ٣٢ ﻮن Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS This worldly life is no more than play and amusement, but far better is the ˹eternal˺ Home of the Hereafter for those mindful ˹of Allah˺. Will you not then understand? (6:32) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 15 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS ْ ُن ٱﻟﻠﱠ َﻪ َﻻ ﻳ ِإ ﱠ ﻴﻌﺎ َد َ ِﺨﻠ ُِﻒ ْٱﻟﻤ "Surely Allah does not break His promise.” (3:9) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 16 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َﺐ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﻣِ ﻦ ْ َرﺑﱠﻨَﺎ َﻻ ﺗُﺰ ِ ْغ ُﻗﻠُﻮﺑَﻨَﺎ ﺑ َ ْﻌ َﺪ ِإ ْذ َﻫ َﺪ ْﻳ َﺘﻨَﺎ َوﻫ َ ﺣ َﻤ ًﺔ ۚ ِإﻧ ﱠ َ ﻟﱠﺪ َ َﻚ أ ٨ ﱠﺎب ْ ُﻧﻚ َر ُ ﻧﺖ ْٱﻟ َﻮﻫ ˹They say,˺ “Our Lord! Do not let our hearts deviate after you have guided us. Grant us Your mercy. You are indeed the Giver ˹of all bounties˺. (3:8) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 17 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ ُﺤﺰ ﻧﻚ َﻗ ْﻮﻟ ُ ُﻬ ْﻢ ۘ ِإ ﱠ ﻫ َﻮ ُ ۚ ﻴﻌﺎ ً ِﺟﻤ َ ِن ْٱﻟﻌِ ﺰﱠ َة ﻟِﻠﱠﻪ ْ ََو َﻻ ﻳ ِﻴﻢ ُ ِٱﻟﺴﻤ ُ ﻴﻊ ْٱﻟ َﻌﻠ ﱠ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Do not let their words grieve (sadden) you ˹O Prophet˺. Surely all honour and power belongs to Allah. He is the AllHearing, All-Knowing. @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 18 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud ُ ﺣ ْﻴ ْ َِوﻳَ ْﺮ ُز ْﻗ ُﻪ ﻣ ﺐ ۚ َو َﻣﻦ ﻳَ َﺘ َﻮ ﱠﻛﻞْ ﻋَ َﲆ ِ ﺤﺘ ْ َﺚ َﻻ ﻳ َ ﻦ ُ َﺴ َ ﺴ ُﺒ ُﻪۥٓ ۚ ِإ ﱠ ﺟ َﻌﻞَ ٱﻟﻠﱠ ُﻪ َ ن ٱﻟﻠﱠ َﻪ ﺑ َ ٰـﻠ ُِﻎ أ ْﻣﺮ ِ ِۦه ۚ َﻗ ْﺪ َ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ َﻓ ُﻬ َﻮ ْ ﺣ َ ﻟِﻜُﻞﱢ ﻰ ۢ ٍء َﻗ ْﺪ ًۭرا ْ ﺷ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them. Certainly Allah achieves His Will. Allah has already set a destiny for everything. (65:3) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 19 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud ت َو َﻣﺎ ﻓِﻰ ِ ﺻ ٰ َﺮ ِ ِ ٱﻟﺴ َﻤ ٰـ ٰ َﻮ ط ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ٱﻟﱠﺬِى ﻟ َ ُﻪۥ َﻣﺎ ﻓِﻰ ﱠ ْ ُﺼﻴﺮ ْ ٱﻷ ُ ُﻣﻮ ُر ِ ٱﻷ َ ْر ِ َض ۗ أ َ َﻵ ِإ َﱃ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ﺗ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS the Path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Surely to Allah all matters will return ˹for judgment˺. (42:53) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 20 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS ََ َ ﻚ َرﺑ ﱡ َ ََﻣﺎ َودﱠﻋ ﲆ ٰ ﻚ َو َﻣﺎ ﻗ Your Lord ˹O Prophet˺ has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ˹of you˺. (93:3) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 21 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ أَﻟ َ ْﻢ ﺗَ ْﻌﻠَ ْﻢ أ َ ﱠ ﱠ َ ﲆ ُﻛﻞﱢ ٌ ﻰ ۢ ٍء َﻗﺪِﻳﺮ ْ ﺷ ٰ َن ٱﻟﻠ َﻪ ﻋ Do you not know that Allah is Most Capable of everything? (2:106) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 22 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud ۚ ﻫ َﻮ َﻣ ْﻮﻟ َ ٰﯩﻨَﺎ ُ َﺐ ٱﻟﻠﱠ ُﻪ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ِ ُُﻗﻞ ﻟﱠﻦ ﻳ َ ﺼﻴ َﺒﻨَﺂ ِإ ﱠﻻ َﻣﺎ َﻛﺘ َ ﻞ ْٱﻟ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣِ ﻨ ُﻮن ِ َوﻋَ َﲆ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪِ َﻓ ْﻠ َﻴ َﺘ َﻮ ﱠﻛ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Say, “Nothing will ever befall us except what Allah has destined for us. He is our Protector.” So in Allah let the believers put their trust. (9:51) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 23 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Prophet Muhammad (said) : "Verily, among the best of you are those with the best character." Sahih Muslim 2321 @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 24 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud ۟ ﻰ أَن ﺗَ ْﻜ َﺮﻫ َ ُﻮا َ ﻫ َﻮ ٰٓ ﺴ ٰٓ ﺴ ﻰ ُ ﺷ ْﻴـ ۭﺎ َو َ ََوﻋ َ َﺧ ْﻴﺮ ٌۭ ﻟﱠﻜُ ْﻢ ۖ َوﻋ ۟ أَن ﺗُﺤِ ﱡﺒ َ ﻫ َﻮ َ ﻮا ﺷﺮ ۭﱞ ﻟﱠﻜُ ْﻢ ۗ َوٱﻟﻠﱠ ُﻪ ﻳَ ْﻌﻠَ ُﻢ َوأَﻧﺘ ُْﻢ َﻻ ُ ﺷ ْﻴـ ۭﺎ َو َ ﺗَ ْﻌﻠَ ُﻤ ﻮن Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (2:216) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 25 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ ۟ ُ ﻮا ﻋَ َﲆ ٱﻟﻨﱠﺎرِ َﻓ َﻘﺎﻟ ۟ ى إ ْذ ُو ِﻗ ُﻔ ﻮا ﻳَ ٰـﻠَ ْﻴ َﺘﻨَﺎ ﻧ ُ َﺮ ﱡد َو َﻻ ِ ٓ ٰ َوﻟ ْﻮ ﺗَ َﺮ ﻜ ﱢ َ ُﻧ َ ﻦ ْٱﻟ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣِ ﻨ َ ِﻮن ﻣ َ ُﺖ َرﺑﱢﻨَﺎ َوﻧَﻜ ِﻴﻦ ِ ب ﺑِـ ﺎﻳَ ٰـ َ ﺬ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS If only you could see when they will be detained before the Fire! They will cry, “Oh! If only we could be sent back, we would never deny the signs of our Lord and we would ˹surely˺ be of the believers.” (6:27) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 26 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ ﻒ َ ِﻟ َ ْﻴﻠَ ُﺔ ْٱﻟ َﻘﺪْر ْ ﺧ ْﻴﺮ ٌۭ ﱢﻣ ِ ﻦ أ َ ْﻟ ٍ ﺷ ْﻬ ۢﺮ The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. (97:3) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 27 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ َ َ ٱﻟﱠﺬِى َ ﺧﻠَ َﻖ ْٱﻟ َﻤ ْﻮ ُ ﺴ ﻦ ْ ت َو ْٱﻟﺤَ َﻴ ٰﻮ َة ﻟِ َﻴ ْﺒﻠُ َﻮ ُﻛ ْﻢ أﻳﱡﻜُ ْﻢ أ َ ﺣ ﻫ َﻮ ْٱﻟ َﻌﺰِﻳﺰُ ْٱﻟ َﻐ ُﻔﻮ ُر ُ ﻋَ َﻤ ۭ ًﻼ ۚ َو Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS ˹He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, AllForgiving. @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 28 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ ۟ ُﺟ َﻬﺮ ۟ ﺳﺮﱡ ات ِ َ َوأ ِ ِﻴﻢ ﺑ ِ َﺬ ٌ ۢ وا ﺑِﻪِۦ ٓ ۖ ِإﻧ ﱠ ُﻪۥ ﻋَ ﻠ ْ وا َﻗ ْﻮﻟَﻜُ ْﻢ أ ِو ٱ ﱡ ِٱﻟﺼﺪُور Whether you speak secretly or openly— He surely knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart. (67:13) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 29 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS َ َﻓ ِﺒﺄَى ء ﻜ ﱢ َ َُاﻵ ِء َرﺑﱢﻜُ َﻤﺎ ﺗ ﺎن ِ َ ﺬﺑ ﱢ Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny? (55:16) @piousdeenn Ramadan Day 30 Date: Prayer Tracker Fajr Qur’an Tracker Deed of the Day Verse(s) Dhuhr Asr Magrib Isha Taraweeh Surah(S) Chapter(S) Tahajjud َ َو َﻣﻦ ﺗَ َﺰ ﱠﻛ ِﺴﻪِۦ ۚ َو ِإ َﱃ ٱﻟﻠﱠﻪ ِ ﻰ ﻟِﻨ َْﻔ ٰ ﻰ ﻓ ِﺈﻧ ﱠ َﻤﺎ ﻳَ َﺘ َﺰ ﱠﻛ ٰ ْ ِ ٱﻟ َﻤ ُﺼﻴﺮ Share a beneficial Islamic document, video, quote or image to inspire your friends and family. GOALS Whoever purifies themselves, they only do so for their own good. And to Allah is the final return. (35:18) @piousdeenn My Duas ْ ْ ْ ٰ ﺑِﺴ ِﻢ اﻟﻠ ِﻪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤ ِﻦ اﻟﺮ ِﺣﻴ ِﻢ @piousdeenn My Duas ْ ْ ْ ٰ ﺑِﺴ ِﻢ اﻟﻠ ِﻪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤ ِﻦ اﻟﺮ ِﺣﻴ ِﻢ @piousdeenn My Duas ْ ْ ْ ٰ ﺑِﺴ ِﻢ اﻟﻠ ِﻪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤ ِﻦ اﻟﺮ ِﺣﻴ ِﻢ @piousdeenn