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Professional Education LET Exam Questions

6. Teleconferencing and/or consultation can be done
through what platforms?
I. Skype
II. Google Meet
III. Microsoft Teams
1. Under the Code of Ethics, how should the teacher
react to complaints of parents on school policies,
practices and concerns relating to their children?
A. With blame shortcomings of parents
B. With criticism for student behavior
C. With structures to school policies and practices
D. With sympathy and understanding
2. On learning skills in the 21st century, which is the
set of skills that enable learners to collectively set
goals, allocate resources, fulfill group roles, plan,
manage time and make group decisions?
A. Collaboration
B. Critical thinking and problem solving
C. Communication
D. Creativity and innovation
3. Your intended learning outcome in your Physical
Education subject is for your students to dance
"Tinikling" gracefully. Which instructional matter of
activity is most direct?
A. Graphic illustration of the steps of "Tinikling"
B. PE Teacher demonstrating the steps of "Tinikling"
C. Video on "Tinikling"
D. Students tutoring one another
4. On student teacher internship, which forms the first
phase of the internship program which is pivotal to
bringing teacher trainee to the real world of teaching?
IV. Zoom
A. III only
B. I, II and III
C. I only
D. I, II, III and IV
7. What is placed on top of Edgar Dale's Cone of
A. Verbal Symbols
B. Pictures
C. Demonstration
D. Direct Purposeful Experience
8. Given the availability of modern digital technology,
what is recognized as a kind of alternative learning
effective during the COVID-19 years which prevented
the face-to-face learning mode in schools?
A. Field study
B. Virtual learning
C. Distance education
D. Correspondence school
9. Which literacy is the ability to use information and
communication technologies to find, evaluate, create,
and communicate information, requiring both
cognitive and technical skills?
A. Media Literacy
A. Observation
B. Multicultural Literacy
B. Test preparation
C. Digital Literacy
C. Action research
D. Ecological literacy
D. Subject teaching
10. You are teaching English class, which one is not
appealing to linguistic learners?
5. On learning/thinking styles, to what kind of learners
do you use lectures, discussions and talking things to
class learners?
A. Giving persuasive speech
A. Visual
B. Kinesthetic
C. Auditory
D. Tactile
B. Exploring an aviary
C. Writing stories
D. Reading a book
11. In the Enhanced Basic Education Act 2013, what
are addressed by mention of the Madrasa curriculum
who are given attention for inclusive education?
A. Aetas children in Zambales
B. Muslim children
C. Badjao children in Zamboanga
D. Mindanao children
12. In Afghanistan, girls get limited and restricted to
access to education. What kind of discrimination
exists in this situation?
17. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence
theory, which type of intelligence helps a learner find
patterns in making calculations, using the scientific
method, deductive and inductive reasoning?
A. Bodily-Kinesthetic
B. Logical-Mathematical
C. Verbal-Linguistic
D. Interpersonal
18. According to Maslow, what satisfaction is reached
as the result of psychological harmony with reality?
A. Class discrimination
A. Self-actualization
B. Racial discrimination
B. Self-esteem
C. Gender discrimination
C. Sovereignty
D. Political discrimination
D. Belongingness
13. Among major school of learning theories, which
consider how the individual perceives the learning
environment or situation?
A. Field & Gestalt theories
19. On learning skills in the 21st century, which
involves mastering skills that enable learners to define
problems, evaluate evidence, analyze arguments,
understand complexity, and approach unfamiliar
B. Social theories
A. Critical thinking and problem solving
C. Behavioral theories
B. Communication
D. Cognitive theories
C. Creativity and innovation
14. Which of the following is significant or related to
cognitive development in the child?
D. Collaboration
A. One involving memorizing increase in weight
B. One involving memorizing feelings for mother
C. One involving memorizing physical enlargement of
the brain
D. One involving memorizing a poem
15. Of the four ways of presenting the content in a
curriculum, which approach where much content is
based on knowledge, and experiences are included?
A. Modular
B. Concept
C. Topical
D. Thematic
16. What is the numerical index of an individual
student's actual performance in a test?
A. Decile
B. Percentile
C. Score
D. Range
20. As innovative teachers, we can also adopt TV
game shows into our teaching that would fit in to
learners' interest and the common trends. What do
you call a technique, wherein two groups of students
are challenged in giving related concepts or ideas
according to categories and thereafter, determine the
points obtained by the group with higher score who
obviously beats the opponent?
A. Minute to Win It
B. Wheel of Fortune
C. Deal or No Deal
D. Family Feud
21. You are teaching Science class, which one is not
appealing to naturalist learners?
A. Preparing graphs️
B. Community project
C. Going to the zoo
D. Visiting an orchidarium
22. In a longitudinal experimental study, when twins
were born, they were separated and brought to
different and opposite environments. When they
turned 18, they met again. It became apparent that
they behaved differently, one was refined, while the
other was rough. Which theory supports this finding?
26. Which learning material can be best utilized in
discussing a lesson on “Philippine Tourist
Destinations” in a Social Studies class?
A. Heredity makes up a person.
B. Colorful photos posted through Facebook and
Instagram accounts
B. Environment shapes up the kind of character of a
C. Pictures taken using cellphone
C. The society carries its function of reshaping a
person's habit through enculturation.
D. Photo clips downloaded from the Google and
flashed on screen using an LCD projector
D. Parents should have the responsibility of molding
their children on the right values and actions.
27. What is a tool for assessment of spatially
intelligent learners?
23. Problem Solving: If an egg can be boiled within 6
minutes, how many minutes can a dozen of eggs be
boiled? What is the expected response from a
metacognitive pupil?
A. assessing personal abilities
A. O because I do not eat boiled egg but fried one
B. Answer is 72. First, we consider that there are 12
eggs in a dozen multiplied by 6 minutes each.
C. It depends if hard boiled or soft boiled.
D. Still 6, because in real life, no one will cook a
dozen of eggs one after the other neither one at a
time in 72 minutes.
24. What is computed to get the quarterly grade for
MAPEH's 4 areas combined Music, Arts, PE and
Health Education?
A. PE grade is dominant
B. Add all 4 grades
C. Get the average
D. Music grade will prevail
25. Who has main responsibility for classroom
management plan?
A. Students
A. Department of Tourism documentary video footage
played from YouTube
B. visual presentation
C. music listening
D. writing essays
28. Vygotsky says that learning occurs in a social
context. Which learning activity is most appropriate?
A. Peer discussion
B. Journal entry
C. Research
D. Individual ppt presentation
29. Under the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers(PPST), what career stage where teachers
have high education-focused situation cognition, more
adept in problem solving and optimize opportunities
gained from experience?
A. Highly Proficient Teachers
B. Beginning Teachers
C. Proficient Teachers
D. Distinguished Teachers
C. Teacher
30. Which refers to the range of tasks that are too
diffcult for the child to master alone but that can be
learned with guidance of adults or more skilled
D. Supervisor
A. Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory
B. Principal
B. Erikson's life span development theory
C. Piaget's cognitive development theory
D. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
31. During deliberation of graduating honor students,
the faculty members decided to declare Student A to
be the class salutatorian over Student B based on the
computation of grades. However, it was found out that
there was an error in the computation days after the
deliberation and finalization. How would this be
A. Just remain silent with the flaws and error in the
computation as it may cause bigger chaos and issue
against the school.
B. Go on with the decision, anyway it underwent
deliberation and had a quorum.
C. As per protocol, any decision during the
deliberation cannot be changed anymore.
D. Correct the error and redeliberate the case and
declare whoever turns out to deserve the merit.
32. What kind of learners do the use of flipcharts,
diagrams, pictures, illustrated books and videos work
A. Auditory learners
B. Tactile learners
C. Visual learners
D. Kinesthetic learners
33. You are teaching music class, which one is NOT
appealing to musically intelligent learners?
A. Singing
B. Constructing models
C. Analyzing sounds
D. Playing instrument
34. On learning skills in the 21st century, which is the
focus of making up new ideas, discovering
alternatives, and generating solutions?
A. Collaboration
B. Critical thinking and problem solving
C. Creativity and innovation
D. Communication
35. To cater to the bodily-kinesthetic competence of
students, which of these activities must be utilized?
A. Doing calisthenics
B. Book reporting
C. Music listening
D. Concept maps
36. Heroism mainly depicts living a life of selflessness
and sacrifice to attain higher good and the good of the
country. Who among the following concretize the
modern definition of heroism?
I. Frontliners in time of pandemic
II. Teachers who keep on planting the seeds of
III. International achievers for bringing pride and
honor to the country
IV. OFWs who raise and sustain the country’s
A. I and II only
B. I, II and III
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
37. The following are ways to develop “eco literacy”,
A. Understand how nature sustains life.
B. Man's absolute power over the rest of creation.
C. Build empathy for all forms of life.
D. Anticipate unintended consequences.
38. Which type of assessment is used to measure
student learning at the end of a unit or course?
A. Preassessment
B. Formative
C. Summative
D. Diagnostic
39. Digital tools can help you create engaging content
for your students, such as videos, podcasts,
infographics, animations, games, quizzes, and
interactive presentations. You can use these tools to:
I. motivate your students
II. stimulate curiosity
III. explain concepts
IV. provide examples
A. I and II
B. II, III and IV
C. I, II, III and IV
D. III only
40. How can a student manifest signs of emotional
attributes, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal
tendency in the Arts and Literature class?
I. Life's narratives and untold stories
II. Visual output and symbolic figures
III. Reflection journal
IV. Art expression and literary of various kinds
A. I and II only
B. III and IV only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, II, III and IV
45. Here is a statement in a True or False type of test.
"A mother is great person in the world who is willing to
sacrifice herself for and serve her beloved child whom
she considers her greatest treasure. As such, a
student vehemently reacted for being marked wrong
in her answer which was "False". She then,
challenged everyone and expressed her argument
based on her context that she was adopted by a
family who found her in a box at the doorstep of the
house when she was just a baby. Which assessment
principle was violated in the given item?
A. Universality of the concept
B. Trivial item
C. Tricky statement
D. Experiential context
41. Which assessment measures how well students
apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities to authentic
46. To cater to the spatial skills of students, which of
these activities must be utilized?
A. Multiple choice
A. Writing essays
B. Performance
B. Preparing graphs
C. Diagnostic
C. Doing calisthenics
D. Completion
D. Creating dance steps
42. Which is used to compare the variation or
depression in two or more sets of data, even though
they are measured in different units?
47. In Bloom and Anderson's Taxonomy in the
hierarchy of cognitive learning, which is first and
lowest as a cognitive ability?
A. Coefficient of variation
A. Creating
B. Range
B. Applying
C. Standard deviation
C. Remembering
D. Median
D. Analyzing
43. On learning styles, how does a teacher consider
her students in the upper grades by teaching through
through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things
through listening to what others say?
48. On learning styles, how does a teacher consider
her learners by engaging them in interactive tasks
through hands-on activities such as building models
and participating in experiments?
A. Auditory learners
A. Global
B. Tactile/Kinesthetic learners
B. Auditory
C. Visual learners
C. Tactile/Kinesthetic
D. Global learners
D. Visual
44. Which type of assessment allows students to
practice skills or test knowledge without the pressures
associated with grades?
49. When is the best time to explain and discuss
classroom rules?
A. Formative
B. Diagnostic
C. Pre-assessment
D. Summative
A. once an offense is committed
B. at the beginning of the school year
C. when asked by students what to do
D. when the administration requires
50. At which stage do children have an animistic view
of the larger world and believe that the trees and
plants as well as moving clouds and rolling stones
can have motives and intentions?
55. An event or stimulus that precedes any behavior
observed from a learner.
A. Concrete operational stage
B. Relation
B. Pre-operational stage
C. Actuation
C. Sensori-motor stage
D. Consequence
D. Formal operational stage
56. All are teachers in the eyes of the Code of Ethics,
51. What can teacher Rosalie do to encourage class
participation in her class?
A. Schools Division Superintendent
A. Employ student-centered and fun learning️
B. The Principal
B. Ask help of teacher peers
C. Librarian
C. Allow students to go out during class hours
D. Master Teacher
D. Improve on hour long lecture
57. Surveys reveal that some teachers face their
retirement without savings at hand which usually bring
them to worse poverty scenario. What are the
reasons behind this?
52. Which in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience is at
the bottom?
A. Text
B. Pictures
A. Antecedent
I. Strong passion and value for the teaching
C. Direct Experience
II. Lack of value on their career effort and
D. Demonstration
III. Culture of extended family dependency
53. Of the 4 ways of presenting the content in a
curriculum, which approach that leads to complete
units of instruction?
IV. Lack of priority on retirement during earning career
A. Thematic
B. Topical
C. Concept
D. Modular
54. The following concepts refer to the implications of
21st century education for teachers, EXCEPT ___.
A. Teachers must instill curiosity in students because
it is fundamental to lifelong learning.
B. Teachers must be consistent in how they teach.
C. Teachers must maintain students' interest by
helping them see the connection of what they learn
for life with the real world.
D. Teachers must excite learners to become even
more resourceful so that they will continue to learn
outside the formal school.
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV
58. To avoid risks and consequences brought about
by technology in the use of social media, which
ethical principle is the most important and which
encompasses other principles?
A. Choose the social media account that you will
B. Be careful in responding to the messages while
threading to an issue.
C. Think before you click.
D. Select the best type of social media to be utilized.
59. On the stages of pre-operational thought, what
occurs if the child has difficulty in taking the view of
others, sees only his point of view, assuming
everyone has the same as he has?
A. Egocentrism
B. Centration
C. Irreversibility
D. Animism
60. What are the phases of the curriculum
development process?
I. Evaluation
II. Planning
III. Implementation
IV. Content and Methods
A. I and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
61. Which of the following is the most appropriate
message by teachers on the first day of class?
A. That the year will require much work and industry
to pass the grade.
B. That the year will require much discipline and work
for all.
C. That the year will prove the best and so each must
compete for grades.
D. That the year will be a fulfilling experience for new
62. The following are ways of presenting the content
in a curriculum, EXCEPT ___.
A. Distance Approach
B. Concept Approach
C. Thematic Approach
D. Topical Approach
63. These are issues discussed in a global classroom,
A. National heroes
B. Sustainable development goals
C. Cultural diversity
D. Climate change
64. Here is a test item: “Jose Rizal was born in
Calamba, Laguna on June ___, 1861.” What is wrong
with the item?
A. The blank is very short.
B. The blank is near the end.
C. It is concerned in trivia.
D. It is open to more than one correct answer.
65. On learning skills in the 21st century, which is the
set of skills that allows students to read, interpret,
speak, persuade, negotiate and master a large variety
of media?
A. Creativity and innovation
B. Collaboration
C. Critical thinking and problem solving
D. Communication
66. In delivering the essential lesson, the facilitator
may use either teacher's video lecture or available
videos that can be downloaded from an online source.
What is the difference between teacher's video lecture
and downloaded video lecture?
A. The teacher's video lecture is lesser attractive than
the downloadable video lecture.
B. The teacher's video is synchronous, while
downloaded video is asynchronous.
C. The teacher's video lecture is usually longer than
the downloaded video lecture.
D. The teacher's video lecture is more contextualized
but downloaded video lecture is more structured and
67. Of the types of assessment, which monitors
progress during the learning process?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Summative assessment
C. Formative assessment
D. Pre-assessment
68. Which one can enhance the comparability of
A. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to
B. Using common conversion table for translating test
scores into ratings
C. Individual teachers giving weights to factors
considered for rating
D. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors
for rating
69. Upon interpreting the test scores of students, it
appears that they got very low and some are almost
failing. Based on these results, which is a wise
A. Let it be whatever is the result of the computation.
B. Make necessary adjustments on the data to make
the grades high.
C. Give plus points and merit to the students based
on certain criteria.
D. Consider other aspects of student development,
such as skills, attitude toward studies and willingness
to learn then, assist them.
70. What is the most appropriate assessment
technique that can be designed by a teacher to fit in
the given learning outcome. Solve problems in both
conventional and innovative as a 21st century skill?
A. Students will make research capstone on
developing a system that would reduce traffic along
Sucat Road.
B. Students will critique a documentary film on
solutions to conflict in Mindanao.
C. Students will answer an essay on the topic "A
Solution to Graft and Corruption".
D. Students will answer the survey questionnaire on
problem-solving skill assessment.
71. Which is classified as non-objective test?
A. Matching type
B. True- False
C. Essay
D. Multiple-choice
72. Which measures student performance compared
to the performance of some known group?
A. Subject-based
B. Criterion-reference
C. Norm-reference
D. Outcome-based
73. Teacher Miguel finds that student Maria is
emotionally insecure. Which of the following is the
best way to assist Maria?
A. Exempt her in some subjects
B. Align activities to her needs
C. Give her extra assignments
D. Give her more physical and less mental work
74. Which of the following initiatives describes a Dark
Green School program?
I. The school provides a backyard where pupils plant
different fruit and vegetable seedlings and harvest
them every end of the month.
II. The school imposes a "No Smoking" campus.
lll. The school keeps a clean and green campus, thus,
janitors collect all garbage and burn them in an
intended place every afternoon.
IV. The school invests on a Seawage Treatment Plant
(STP) that filters water from septic tanks, sinks, and
lavatories for recycling and reusing purposes.
A. l and ll only
B. l, ll and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
75. Among cognitive deficiencies, what is known as
the difficulty in focusing or keeping attention in
A. Attention deficit disorder
B. Memory breadth disorder
C. Language communication disorder
D. Perception grasp disorder
76. In formulating the table of specifications (TOS) on
learning competencies, at what instance is TOS
required in test standardization?
A. When test results are under pretest
B. When a tryout test is done
C. When test subjects are determined
D. When test items are planned
77. Under the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST), in what career stage do teachers
embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in
global best practices and recognized as leaders in
education, contributors to the profession, and
initiators of collaborations and partnerships?
A. Beginning Teachers
B. Highly Proficient Teachers
C. Distinguished Teachers
D. Proficient Teachers
78. Miss Cris is a member of school community. She
does not personally agree with some of its policies.
What is her professional responsibility?
A. Lead a campaign against its abolition.
83. To cater to the spatial skills of students, the
following activities must be utilized, EXCEPT ___.
A. Interpreting graphs
B. Visual presentations
B. Remain connected with the school but defy the
C. Constructing models
C. Be indifferent about it.
D. Creating dance steps
D. Make an honest effort to understand, support and
carry the school policy even if she does not personally
84. Which is most likely the behavior if students
whose minds are solely guided by the ID?
79. Which term refers to education in which an
emphasis is placed on a clearly articulated idea of
what students are expected to know and be able to
do, that is, what skills and knowledge they need to
have, when they leave the school system?
A. Outcome-based Education
B. Teaching by Objectives
C. Understanding by Design
D. Curriculum Development
A. Students would find it difficult to wait patiently for
their turn at the canteen when hungry.
B. Students would be very considerate and
understanding with one another.
C. Students would do more independent work.
D. Students would discuss and ask questions a lot.
85. Using appropriate skills and strategies to solve a
problem, monitoring one's own comprehension of text
and self-assessing and self-correcting in response to
the self-assessment are examples of ___ activities.
80. During the pandemic, why is there a need to shift
from residential (face to face) to flexible learning
including Teaching Internship?
A. induction
A. To protect all the stakeholders from harm
C. metacognitive
B. To ensure health, safety and security of all the
D. perception
C. To cut on unnecessary expenses among the
D. To enforce the health protocols of the government
81. Which kind of knowledge processing is involved
when the teacher asks his students to reflect on
themselves as self-learners?
A. induction
B. meta-cognition
C. deduction
D. observation
82. The professional role of teachers has changed
from “the sage on stage” to “guide from the side.” This
implies that ___.
B. correlation
86. Which philosophy of education is John Dewey
known for?
A. Existentialism
B. Behaviorism
C. Reconstructionism
D. Pragmatism
87. Empiricism is to John Locke, as progressivism is
to ___.
A. William Bagley
B. John Dewey
C. Wilhelm Wundt
D. John Watson
A. teachers stress on their role as lecturer
88. As technology connotes any human invention,
which of the following is mechanical technologically?
B. teachers must project an "Almighty-Omniscient"
A. Television
C. teachers must act more as facilitators of learning
D. teachers must cling to their power to improve roles
B. Automobile
C. Computer
D. Spring-driven clock
89. What is a systematic procedure for collecting
information that can be used to make inferences
about the characteristics of people or objects?
94. Based on the K to 12 provision, what decision
would the teacher make if the student was not able to
meet needed expectations in two subject areas?
A. Measurement
A. Remediate
B. Feedback
B. Pass
C. Assessment
C. Retain
D. Evaluation
D. Fail
90. If you want to develop eco literacy among your
students”, which should you teach them?
95. If you want to develop students civic engagement
skills, which strategies should you teach them?
I. Anticipate unintended consequences.
I. Direct attention beyond the classroom
II. Build empathy for all forms of life.
II. Connect students to the broader world
III. Understand how nature sustains life.
III. Propose solutions to negative policies
IV. Embrace sustainability as a community practice.
IV. Working with communities
A. I only
A. I and IV only
B. III only
B. I and II only
C. I, II, III and IV
C. I, II, III and IV
D. I, III and IV
D. III and IV only
91. The following are rights of the child in indigenous
minorities, EXCEPT ___.
96. Of the four ways of presenting content in a
curriculum, which approach involves a combination of
concepts that develop conceptual structures?
A. to enjoy his/her culture
B. to be exempted from formal education
C. to use his/her own language
D. to profess his/her religion
92. Which of the following exemplifies the application
of Gestalt theory on insight learning?
A. Teacher relates past history to present events
B. Teacher focuses on people who make history
A. Concept approach
B. Thematic approach
C. Topical approach
D. Modular approach
97. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is
metacognition, what does metacognition mean?
A. Ability to recall and explain
C. Teacher uses powerpoint to teach history
B. Ability to identify one's own thinking process and
D. Teacher gives quizzes after each history lesson
C. Ability to problem solving
93. In the context of outcomes-based Teaching and
Learning, which are the bases of evaluation?
D. Ability to analyze and synthesize
A. Instructional strategies
98. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use
technology for teaching and learning so that your
learners will benefit most?
B. Learning content
C. Learning resources
D. Learning outcomes
A. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you
are teaching.
B. Maximize the use of the technology tools as your
support in teaching.
C. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can
D. Make your lessons an open source all the time.
99. The following are Digital Education Tools for
teachers and students, EXCEPT ___.
A. Animoto
103. By using averaging method of computing the
final grade for the four quarters in a school year, what
is Shiela's final rating if the following are her obtained
B. Storybird
Subject - Filipino
C. Kahoot
First Quarter - 94
D. Class Marker
Second Quarter - 91
100. Which is TRUE of a good Practice Teaching
Third Quarter - 95
A. The thicker the portfolio, the better the portfolio.
B. The Student Teacher compiles all photos of his/her
teaching experience.
Fourth Quarter - 89
Final Grade A. 92.52
C. The Student Teacher compiles evidence of
relevant Practice Teaching experiences together with
his/her reflections on these experiences.
B. 92.25
D. The more artistic and the more expensive the
portfolio is, the better the portfolio.
D. 92.75
101. Many of your students are non-performing in
Math. You decided to conduct an action research to
find out if peer tutorial in Math can help improve the
academic performance of non-performing students.
Which would be your specific questions?
C. 92.57
104. Student teachers are expected to acquire life
skills and soft skills. Are life skills and soft skills
I. No, but they are related.
I. What is the performance of the Math students in the
II. No, life skills are sets of skills for adaptive behavior
that enable individuals to deal eflectively with the
challenges of everyday life and the work place.
II. What is the performance of the Math students in
the post test?
III. No, life skills are broader in scope and include soft
III. Is there a significant difference in the pretest and
post test scores of Math students?
A. I only
A. I, II and III
B. I and III
C. II and III
B. III only
C. II only
D. I, II and III
102. Teaching internship is-synonymous with ___.
105. A friend would like to ask for your email
password, because your email address was used for
urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, what action will
you take?
I. Field Practice
I. Voluntarily give my password to my friend.
II. Apprenticeship of RA 7796
II. Deny the request of my friend even if it is urgent.
III. On-the-job Training
III. Open my email by myself and print the email that
is addressed to my friend.
D. I only
IV. Practicum
A. I only
B. I, III and IV
C. II and IV only
D. I, II and III
A. I only
B. Il only
C. I, II and III
D. III only
106. To avoid common financial scams, you should
do the following, EXCEPT ___.
110. The following are parts of revised Bloom's
Taxonomy, EXCEPT ___.
A. Create passwords that are simple number
A. Evaluate
B. Don't download software from pop-up windows.
C. Never click on hyperlinks in emails.
D. Don't give out financial information.
107. In order to reduce issue on assessment biases,
teachers need to prepare rubrics for authentic
assessment. However, the following standards have
to be set in mind.
I. Rubrics must be prescriptive of the extent of highest
and lowest ratings to be given to the learners.
II. Rubrics must include qualitative index to balance
the measurement.
III. Rubrics must be utilized by at least three
evaluators or raters to refrain from biases in scoring.
IV. Rubrics must be well-crafted with good choice of
words and clear descriptions and competencies to be
B. Synthesis
C. Remember
D. Create
111. On types of standardized tests, which measure
performance, such as basic skills in dance or the
A. Personality test
B. Aptitude test
C. Intelligence test
D. Achievement test
112. By using averaging method of computing the
final grade for the four quarters in a school year, what
is Mark's final rating if the following are his obtained
Subject - Filipino
A. I, III and IV
First Quarter - 93
B. I and II only
Second Quarter - 87
C. I, II, III and IV
Third Quarter - 90
D. II, III and IV
Fourth Quarter - 95
108. Which statement is TRUE of society's demand
from professional teacher?
Final Grade -
A. The professional teacher is concerned only with
classroom teaching.
B. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her
A. 91.57
B. 91.75
C. 91.25
D. 91.52
109. What kind of assessment is a post-test?
113. In discussing a lesson on procedural knowledge
in his English class, Mr. Cruz invited Ms. Jenette who
is a Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
teacher. The former tackled on the skills that students
need to develop on the topic while the latter helped in
laying down the process of baking a cake as
springboard in the given topic. What teaching strategy
is manifested in the given integration?
A. Outcome assessment
A. Theme teaching
B. Diagnostic assessment
B. Team teaching
C. Process assessment
C. Peer teaching
D. Self-assessment
D. Pair teaching
C. Because the professional teacher is expected to be
highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for the
good candidate during election time.
D. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the
professional teacher.
D. College Supervisors
114. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development is the
___ between what the child can learn on his/her own
and what is accomplished with the help of others.
A. difference
B. divisor
C. equivalent
D. multiplier
115. When do you establish classroom routines?
120. Which of the following list of statements below
must be avoided during online learning facilitation?
A. Reading of long passages in class
B. Live lectures and lesson presentations
C. Making class agreements
D. Orientation and briefing on rules, prospects and/or
B. anytime of the year
121. Which educational philosophy focuses on
celebrating cultural differences while also recognizing
the importance of challenging all forms of
discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion,
ability, or sexual orientation?
C. at the end of the year
A. Exclusivity
D. at the middle of the year
B. Multicultural Education
116. Which of the following best demonstrates the
multicultural perspective of modern education?
C. Exceptionalism
A. at the beginning of the year
A. Field studies
B. Student internship
C. Cultural exchange program
D. School partnership
117. As a student intern, I need to fully understand
the expectations of my cooperating teacher to ensure
D. Multiculturalism
122. Who are the faculty members assigned by the
teacher education institutions to monitor, supervise
and evaluate the field study students and practice
teachers in their experiential learning courses?
A. College Supervisors
B. Practicum Teachers
C. Teaching Superintendents
A. the establishment of classroom routines
D. Cooperating Teachers
B. the development of learning materials
123. Truth remains true no matter how much pain it
may bring to a person who became part of it, without
consideration for relationship, compromises and
conditions. As human beings we are bound to live
with the truth shall set us free. This is a reflection of
what ancient philosophical view?
C. greater familiarity on his/her needs and interests
D. better rapport harmoniously relationship
118. If a student gets a transmuted numerical grade
of 79 in the DepEd's present grading system, means
that his/her level of performance is ___.
A. Realism
A. Very satisfactory
B. Existentialism
B. Fairly satisfactory
C. Idealism
C. Did not meet expectations
D. Perrenialism
D. Satisfactory
124. Why do I need to consult my cooperating teacher
at all times?
119. Who are the selected educators who act as
coaches and mentors of practice teachers in their
teaching internship program at the partner or
laboratory school of a teacher education institution?
A. Resource Persons
B. Teaching Superintendents
C. Cooperating Teachers
A. For better delivery of the lesson
B. To select the best materials, activities and
C. For better unity and cooperation
D. To quarrels and misunderstanding
D. I, II and III
125. As a student intern, I must do the following:
I. Observe my cooperating teacher especially in
establishing classroom routines
II. Remember that the early period of observation is
highly significant in making my practice teaching more
meaningful and rewarding
III. Follow my cooperating teacher's rules and
expectations to build a solid and meaningful
A. I only
129. Based on the CHED Memorandum Order No.
104, series of 2017, which one of those required of
student teachers before they are fielded to the
cooperating schools?
A. Medical Certificate indicating that he/she is in good
B. Video recording of his/her demonstration teaching
C. Prepared detailed lesson plans
D. At least 2 ready-to-use instructional materials
B. I and II only
130. How can I establish and maintain cordial
relationships with my cooperating teacher?
C. I, II and III
A. Obey all his/her instructions.
D. III only
B. Maintain professional relations all the time.
126. Tyler’s approach to curriculum development is
deductive. What does deductive curriculum
development mean?
C. Do some errands for him/her.
A. Curriculum planner decide on the curricular
objectives, design instructional strategies, and
evaluation activities.
131. Which refers to the outlined goals and
objectives, knowledge, skills and competencies that
the student intern should acquire in each training
area, assignments, and schedule of activities, among
others which formulated or developed by the HEl and
partner institution/establishment and duly signed by
the concerned coordinators or respective heads?
B. Curriculum planners decide on the curricular
objectives but students design the instructional
C. Curriculum planners decide on the curricular
objectives and design the instructional strategies.
D. Teacher determine both the curriculum objectives
and instructional strategies.
127. When the teacher groups her students
accordingly and asks them to perform and present the
concept that they had learned in Social Studies, what
aspect does she address?
A. student diversity
B. peer teaching
C. variety of teaching strategies
D. gender sensitivity
128. The student interns are expected to acquire soft
skills. What are examples of soft skills?
I. Financial literacy
II. Interpersonal skills
III. Communication skills
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. Follow him/her wherever he/she goes.
A. Internship Reflection
B. Internship Plan
C. Internship Manual
D. Internship Experience
132. From the models of equitable learning, which
strategy is MOST fundamental in the sense this
brings all other strategies together?
A. Active engagement by all learners
B. Various entry points for multiple intelligences
C. Questions focused on learning outcomes
D. Articulation by all on what and why they do in class
133. Which of the following statements is TRUE about
consensus theories?
A. It focuses on social change.
B. Social change occurs in a rapidly and disorderly
C. It sees equilibrium as the presence of conflict in
D. It emphasized social order, stability, and social
134. The following are gender ideologies identified by
Hochschild, EXCEPT___.
139. Which type of test can show the student's
synthesizing skills?
A. egalitarian
A. Completion test
B. traditional
B. Performance test
C. transmittal
C. Diagnostic test
D. transitional
D. Multiple choice test
135. What is the learning paradigm involved in the
school allowing early child learners to join a field trip
to the Cebu Safari?
140. Teachers act as coaches and mentors to
practice teachers when immersed in their teaching
internship, what processes do they employ?
A. Observation
A. Coaching and Mentoring
B. Punishment
B. Teaching and Scaffolding
C. Reward
C. Critiquing and Evaluating
D. Conditioning
D. Diagnosing and Cliniquing
136. Which refers to the practical application of
classroom learning to the actual regular work
environment such as school?
141. Studies reveal that no matter how teachers
reshape students according to value standards, still
when they go back home, they will live with the values
set at home. What is the implication of this finding and
what recommendation can be drawn?
A. Work immersion
B. Apprenticeship
C. Industry
D. Internship
137. In the scenario of mercy killing where the
grandmother may suffer if her life support is removed
and her grandchild is contemplating the decision,
which moral principle suggests that it is acceptable to
take an action that may cause harm as long as the
intended outcome is morally good?
A. Always do what is right.
B. The end does not justify the means.
C. Principle of double effect.
D. Between two evils do the lesser evil.
138. The relationship between education and culture
tends to be cyclical. This means ___.
A. A culture is transmitted by the school system, and
the classroom the place where transmission takes
B. The school is shaped by culture and culture in turn
is influenced by the school.
C. The school becomes the avenue by which
individuals learn their culture.
D. The school functions primarily as a transmitter of
culture and is a change agent.
A. Due to the non-prioritization of Values Education in
the curriculum, students are misled by their own set of
beliefs that they witness and imbibe at home. Thus,
DepEd should review the curriculum and add more
hours and units for VE subject.
B. Uprooted from their homes, the generation of
students today is difficult to redirect as they live with
their own beliefs. As such, they have to be oriented
and trained on proper values all the time.
C. The home remains to be the foundation of child's
values. Therefore, schools should strengthen its
Values Education Program involving parents and
empower teachers to be models of positive values.️
D. Schools fail in making students have what they
need to fully imbibe. Therefore, schools should
strengthen its curriculum in Values Education.
142. You were having a face to face demonstration
lesson using a power point presentation. All of a
sudden there was a power interruption. What is the
best thing to do?
A. Stay in the room until the current is restored.
B. Just give the remaining hours for take-aways.
C. Stop your discussion, until the current is restored.
D. Get out of the classroom and look for a space
where you can continue the discussion.
C. Update of trends and issues
D. Background support of the subject matter
143. Several stakeholders influence the curriculum,
but which next to learners are primarily important to
the school curriculum to implementation?
149. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
obliges teachers to transmit to learners the nation's
natural and educational heritage. Why?
A. Industry
I. To elevate national morality
B. Policy makers
II. To promote obedience to the laws of the state
C. Parents
III. To cultivate love of country
D. Community
IV. To promote national pride
144. What is the sign for emergent reading literacy of
the child at age 7?
A. I, II, III and IV
A. Printing many words
B. Word-by-word matching
C. Fascinated with books
D. Filing blanks in sentences
145. The following are characteristics of “a growth
mind-set” among students, but NOT to include ___.
A. Learning from failures
B. Continuous growth
C. Embracing challenges
D. Focusing on test scores
B. III only
C. II and IV
D. l, III and IV
150. You believe in authentic experiential learning. As
a student teacher, which will you be doing more?
A. Telling everything that the students need to learn.
B. Giving more quizzes and graded recitation.
C. Making students do most of the teaching by class
D. Making students do the learning activity with your
146. The following are contexts and perspectives of
21st century education as a paradigm shift from that
of the 20th century, EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
A. Time-based
B. Relevant and real-world
C. Global classroom oriented
D. Integrated and interdisciplinary
147. Based on the CMO No. 4, series of 2020, which
program promotes the use of different delivery
modalities for teaching and learning in the new
A. Field study
B. Online mentoring
C. Flexible learning
D. Telescoping
148. With research integrated in the K-to-12
curriculum, which of the following is the LEAST
among outcomes of research-based instruction?
A. New knowledge discoveries
B. Compliance with the curriculum
1. D. With sympathy and understanding
2. A. Collaboration
3. B. PE Teacher demonstrating the steps of
4. A. Observation
5. C. Auditory
6. D. I, II, III and IV
7. A. Verbal Symbols
8. B. Virtual learning
9. C. Digital Literacy
10. B. Exploring an aviary
11. B. Muslim children
12. C. Gender discrimination
13. A. Field & Gestalt theories
45. D. Experiential context
14. D. One involving memorizing a poem
46. B. Preparing graphs
15. C. Topical
47. C. Remembering
16. C. Score
48. C. Tactile/Kinesthetic
17. B. Logical-Mathematical
49. B. at the beginning of the school year
18. A. Self-actualization
50. B. Pre-operational stage
19. A. Critical thinking and problem solving
51. A. Employ student-centered and fun learning
20. D. Family Feud
52. C. Direct Experience
21. A. Preparing graphs
53. D. Modular
22. B. Environment shapes up the kind of
character of a person.
54. B. Teachers must be consistent in how they
23. D. Still 6, because in real life, no one will cook
a dozen of eggs one after the other neither one at
a time in 72 minutes.
55. A. Antecedent
24. C. Get the average
57. C. III and IV only
25. C. Teacher
58. C. Think before you click.
26. A. Department of Tourism documentary video
footage played from YouTube
59. A. Egocentrism
27. B. visual presentation
56. C. Librarian
60. B. I, II, III and IV
28. A. Peer discussion
61. D. That the year will be a fulfilling experience
for new learning.
29. A. Highly Proficient Teachers
62. A. Distance Approach
30. D. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
63. A. National heroes
31. D. Correct the error and redeliberate the case
and declare whoever turns out to deserve the
64. C. It is concerned in trivia.
32. C. Visual learners
66. B. The teacher's video is synchronous, while
downloaded video is asynchronous.
33. B. Constructing models
34. C. Creativity and innovation
35. A. Doing calisthenics
36. D. I, II, III and IV
37. B. Man's absolute power over the rest of
38. C. Summative
39. C. I, II, III and IV
40. D. I, II, III and IV
41. B. Performance
42. A. Coefficient of variation
43. A. Auditory learners
44. A. Formative
65. D. Communication
67. C. Formative assessment
68. B. Using common conversion table for
translating test scores into ratings
69. D. Consider other aspects of student
development, such as skills, attitude toward
studies and willingness to learn then, assist them.
70. A. Students will make research capstone on
developing a system that would reduce traffic
along Sucat Road.
71. C. Essay
72. C. Norm-reference
73. B. Align activities to her needs
74. B. l, ll and IV
75. A. Attention deficit disorder
76. D. When test items are planned
77. C. Distinguished Teachers
107. C. I, II, III and IV
78. D. Make an honest effort to understand,
support and carry the school policy even if she
does not personally agree.
108. D. Effective teaching is the primary duty of
the professional teacher.
79. A. Outcome-based Education
109. A. Outcome assessment
110. B. Synthesis
80. B. To ensure health, safety and security of all
the stakeholders
111. D. Achievement test
81. B. meta-cognition
112. C. 91.25
82. C. teachers must act more as facilitators of
113. B. Team teaching
83. D. Creating dance steps
84. A. Students would find it difficult to wait
patiently for their turn at the canteen when
85. C. metacognitive
86. D. Pragmatism
87. B. John Dewey
88. D. Spring-driven clock
89. C. Assessment
90. C. I, II, III and IV
91. B. to be exempted from formal education
92. A. Teacher relates past history to present
114. A. difference
115. A. at the beginning of the year
116. C. Cultural exchange program
117. D. Better rapport harmoniously relationship.
118. B. Fairly satisfactory
119. C. Cooperating Teachers
120. A. Reading of long passages in class
121. B. Multicultural Education
122. A. College Supervisors
123. D. Perrenialism
124. A. For better delivery of the lesson
125. C. I, II and III
94. A. Remediate
126. C. Curriculum planners decide on the
curricular objectives and design the instructional
95. C. I, II, III and IV
127. B. peer teaching
96. B. Thematic approach
128. D. I, II and III
97. B. Ability to identify one's own thinking
process and strategies
129. A. Medical Certificate indicating that he/she
is in good health
98. A. Assign them to search in the web all the
topics you are teaching.
130. B. Maintain professional relations all the
99. D. Class Marker
131. B. Internship Plan
100. C. The Student Teacher compiles evidence of
relevant Practice Teaching experiences together
with his/her reflections on these experiences.
132. B. Various entry points for multiple
93. D. Learning outcomes
101. A. I, II and III
133. D. It emphasized social order, stability, and
social regulation.
102. B. I, III and IV
134. C. transmittal
103. B. 92.25
135. A. Observation
104. C. II only
136. D. Internship
105. D. III only
137. C. Principle of double effect.
106. A. Create passwords that are simple number
138. B. The school is shaped by culture and
culture in turn is influenced by the school.
139. B. Performance test
140. A. Coaching and Mentoring
141. C. The home remains to be the foundation of
child's values. Therefore, schools should
strengthen its Values Education Program
involving parents and empower teachers to be
models of positive values.
142. D. Get out of the classroom and look for a
space where you can continue the discussion.
143. C. Parents
144. B. Word-by-word matching
145. D. Focusing on test scores
146. A. Time-based
147. C. Flexible learning
148. B. Compliance with the curriculum
149. A. I, II, III and IV
150. D. Making students do the learning activity
with your guidance.
WARNING: Do not resell. For LET review
purposes only.